Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Apr 1898, p. 7

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Fayâ€"I'm in a quandary. If, I go to the altar smiling, people will say I'm simply crazy Lo gal, Charlie; and if I look solemn. they’ll Say I already re- greet the step. What; shall Ida? Tu filltisate :1 calm. hayvftli spiri' lins in the [Ma of Putnxun'n J’Mnlms Corn jIC,-:fr'1:10‘r, It never fail». I‘ Hwkus no sore SpOlS‘ on Hm flesh uni is therefore puinivss‘. l.1. relieves promptly. Mayâ€"“mat! fruwning on your wed- ding days} William, Logan. qunrrymfln, residing am Burnlmusfi. had big 19m hunt! men off \x'fhtil'!‘ cleaning" 41121 "n unexploded (marge in 1.119, \‘.'.hnn~11‘ mu quvrrry. 3‘4“ Musing [,0 3’1435431‘8. King}. (11?, Uifl‘un. Boil-l1. Near (119 Caspian Sew, Unfit! are sov- aml "(dermal fires" Sn pulled by the " '5, where numm? 1-121» issuus from Mr» ground and has hwn nn {ire fur Aurirew McLaHhhui :1 rauidsed aft 2 Ma'rdhmms tally injulred at a huilxi of erectwn in Pulnmxdiu During the 12 ‘."'t‘-(’lli:‘. between Dean 8rd amzl Fol». 13th.. 170 fifil’wr‘mun of Whitening only made 2m (nu-rage inâ€" polmm (ref 13. 1d. per week. ers. \Vehste‘r, wife of \Vm. \Veb- hwlu master painter, lh'uuzgfhty Ferry, cominilrt‘ml. suicide, by (haunging hersolf. She had been in weal; nealih, Sheriff Campbell 811121211“ ui Puffin!» shim walls a {willralll club ":1 (zunoou‘rso of moms," mm “a seat A” nuu'lals of kumvn imprm'i‘d‘enw and helplessness.’ Aurlrew Muhamhlml :1 lulom‘er, who realised aft 2 erdhmms Lana, was fa,â€" tally injulred at a lmilxling in vourse of erectin in Pulnmxdiu rlwl, (liawgnw. The lady vi a man] fimurl flowing in the Water at the esplzuniulc. theenmk, hm; henm irlenlified as illml, of William Gmx l‘ laborer, :35 Km; abruel. Pm‘tâ€" Glns‘g‘vow. Take Lax n erltfinno Qu . ‘ ’Y‘JMP 3mm refund the mmmy if it falls m (J w» Sixteen Paisley people we mckias (mllec'lleud‘ 011 a holiday oxcu'rsiwn {,0 We coast, zmj we're afterwards \i‘orwhled witihy smteric favor. A srlxywzl my smunmn, nnmed. il‘. Mcâ€" Au‘iey. is irn vustofly wt rvmieldg, 011:2: r'gml With Inning cawsed Um death of an army prisoner. At. Kinrmil a :hamme mwvnuuwut 11/38 been nygcted‘ 'to the memory of Rev Roderiri: h’lgurriSUm who for 33 years was pasLor there. i V'h Thu auitt'noriLies an Fort \ mam are alarm/3d, User tlht» fmqu’taut (hum-s from exposura among nill\"y’l"3 in L, 1.04m,â€" ahe'r dis ricL. lhevv, \Villimn Granger, (If St. Lennâ€" ard‘éz quoad Sacra churcfln. Ayr. was taken suddenly ill and died wiuh‘in 31 hours. May. V 17919 manlgx’wiwi l)i.~;lfiyu-L Ei-mnx offer to" furnish {Line funds in build S‘kvrrws Hridgo to cc‘nnuc‘t’ "two of {1113 Shetland Isles. Tw‘o Svuu-fixmnam hu‘vw WL L ngéh din- cx>’.'"rvd Hml, gulf is mu sport. The)! un- Lm‘tls: Hmsulmry must Zntvland. 1 Bumd 0’ “my (hm; ahallvnged 23. um» .x‘pul 231‘ mapwlrnvl, to a pujhliu debate on Like Sinhjm-rt of knithnzss poeL‘r‘y, Dingxnull rrzesrcdmni/s will (alusu their play I of hushme every Thursday 3i. 4 5am” until Wm {hm}. ’i‘lmmridy in 301(3er were sixty-fin: inn-rims (r ~\nnw um 2:118 s-Lunmnit of ’Ue-n Nm'is, um Hm 7L1: 0f Mairch. A fishing 1mm 1m, shag-u found Csz- sizcd MI", 190115 'OHHH an“ M LS feared iiw L‘II‘G.WI of 5 mm lash. I‘nisiey thud a 1101A:ng n-ig‘h'L Irmwnfly whim 5.1 prisoners were gaiimrud iu‘uo tiha cells. 1“, SLmtthm,, iln C‘ilit‘hnflrifl, a shep- herd’a‘ widow, died lately, at We age ofi 99 ycun‘s. Al. (‘u'pzrr 1116 juatims hwve x'esoivcd 00 empmwr the gz'um'img of six duys‘ 2:04.91 hummus. uyshime. Kirkmldy reports the, linen Lnulzg. imâ€" prarxed “ital. pJ‘WSPchS brighter. \ up“ stoampr {on Hm UriLisa India. Company 'was lalinra’iwcl m. Glasgow Last month L: st year 1394 orir‘ninuLI offf’oncvs were “(1‘ t-o Uhe coumfy pollen of Morn .A gas Implosl In M. (fimighau‘k‘, (inur- ouk did atom, £2,000 damwgev. Balmkm angling in Sludbfl-I‘}2L1’ll’Shil‘H is repwr‘ted "very poor this 8%“ sun. is: ,rrrmv’ing; in popudar fw- 01‘ 2-11 Vii-Unlsfly. Cudmmld sdhaol is {:0 he, enlarged 81 a cost of 322,000. Alyih 5031001 has Men (wioscai, an acâ€" mum of the measles. Him not salnmn fishing nu the Way is still wry umprtnducflve. Mdinlxmrg win 3pm“ £146,800 2X- ix: Ming 311.27: electric- Eight There wwrs 177 Em’hnfil'fil'o‘nd in the C! at GluU mar Ian-:4, yuavr, In ine .lflwrsge ()unmnny'a winks in Ayrslhira are 10 be emlm'gml. 'Viscownt \Volsel-cy will be presenacd will): the, {medium of Dimnfried. filmy Scraps: of \K'Wv‘W E‘eri’mnwj KW the Ha'n‘ahi-râ€" Happening! 01 n Wot-11 l‘oltl In a Few “1m FREE THE LAND fl' BAKES. INTERESTING ITEMS “3.3M BONNIE SCOTTISH BRAKES. TH E BRIDE'S PURPLE KH’Y T9 CURE A CULD m 9M- "RNA L 1‘! {($416 flare Chas-ace 12 WW between Dean 13th.. 170 fifiiwmmn of y mafia 2m sun-rage inâ€" DAY A11 Drug. man so bul. whi dam to. llal Cluax-rh Uurn in taken internally. act- ing: (11' “my upon the hood and mucous sur- faces of {119 system. Price 75.3, per 1 ouLlof Sold by all Dx‘uggiany 'l‘eabimnnials free. .Hiill'fi Family Pills 41.1%)th bash. W9 Offer One Hundle Do‘larn Howard for any case of (‘amrrh mar. runnot be cured Ly Hall’s Camrx-h Cure. 1 F. J, CHENEY 66(10, Pro; 9 , Toledo. O. “'0 {he undersigned, haw; lmuwu F, J. Cheney fer £21910. t, 15 3011's, and believe him p~x‘fr-clly hon“ 'thu in all buaineas Lmnmclions andrfimm ' yghle Locm‘ryoubunyobligations mm ‘c by fin. fix In. Vx’kH'l‘ 8.: ’l'alux. Wholesale Dmggiuc:~ Toledo, 0. WALm ' KlNNAN 8:. MARVIN, \Vholesalu lr‘zjuggfiitg, T ado. Ohio. The Diug'mer, suit] tha- Miller sokenme, do you u.a=knowlmtge that it was wrong in zhw-eixw me by ki _ m2: lhut young m‘m (Hum prmn' ‘iug; me not 1:)? ;HLpéL. it u :15 :1 two-iau-ésd acâ€" Dim . hall :1 you: Go, fiartmrfi & Wm Ffims ! \‘x'htm two girl»; tell each other about. ithniu‘ Engage (-nm they :u'wuys kiss 41.34;!) 0er. v H each nther "Hour," and Ethan (Ty hemmsa they flue) so happy. 4 You vim always {or}! whvthor a man \ 1‘ a woman runs the home by waruh- 0, I Lhuughl [hut Nhu and you had urn ranged, (I) eiopu. Chumplq-y. Wm 11ml, but, I (mly figured railroad. mm; mm way. 0f onursc W1: mush hum rrmmi (rip tickets Thai 114-005â€" Sun’in :iofm‘md ihu happy event. Edie, cried the mojhcr from the hall lnluw. what‘s 3.11 that mix»; up stairs? It’s: uhmkinzr l 0, it’s these hvo (L0H; of mine, mumâ€" mm. I’m going to put, than right to had and ma if we can't have at. lil'tla "({uiokcure" destroys Um gar-ms, called cocci, that (muse imils and carâ€" buna'lm, rmlurzi-s Um inflammation and “moves; a” {fliIL Nerviline is :1 Jay also, N0 remedy in the world equals it. Neumlgia and rhvumutism are relieved nlmosL in- stantly and minm‘ :whvs and ,‘iflinH are cured by u singha tipplimtviun. Newt Hm), Is. sum :1 cure. Every \x'mmm has 1191‘ times when she Myi‘a‘hr‘s Sim dared mat the way she did wLen she \m' Jittln and 1180C: m make far-e4 my! .‘>< mm: wr bongua all the npighlun (:hiMrnn. {PW-«EM ynu know lhnL I ham never dared m kiris a girl in my fife? My bushfulnrcsa is pusitively painful. Shhâ€"l slwuld say it was. iL-g M what age the ymmgm‘n boy gels; us'mndarx‘ and what (1gb the oldwst 1 girl does her h'xu‘ up. a: V \Vhenever you 3001150 a girl of being jeui‘uus, She says it is he'ause you have no vouceptinn at .her real feelingm‘. H's h:er strain] on a. man to have {he mm afar come to supper HIP Hume. dfly he had he got. the L‘HIH'kOFS out of Um furnace. Love may be weakness. hu‘t it knows iis business. A woman has no (‘OerhiJ-Ufia‘fl as far as :4 man isn't vmmm‘nmi. Probably Joan of An: wzm burned 10 dmih because she wow chothes like a mwn. if a man can only ‘kmap a girx‘l hating him fang enough she is pretty sure to [all in love with him. is what housekeepers say about LUDELLA ‘cylon Tea, We suggest a trial. Lead packages. 25, 4o. 50 and 60c. \tht is \V l] I nndufs: Greatest Medicizc. Sold bv 2211 £315” $1: six forfifi. Get only Hond’a. L (a (11“. Canada’s Greatest Medicine is “20 305‘: Epring Medicine. In winter months the perspiration. so px‘afuae in Summer. 3711“th reams, Thir‘, Hirows back into H13 system the im; uz'itists Hat shoqu have been exâ€" pv'siod through the pores of the skin, This and other causes makes the biood impure in spring. Boils, pimples, hum on»: and eruptions then appear or NUIDL‘ nmrz: Ew’gi‘iuus Uiscasu may take itssl.z:,rt. inorl's Earsu‘yariiiu is We remedy for immirc biuodinall its formwis prome by itfl marvelous cums of blood discus» es. It is; therefom the iiiuiliuinu for you in take. In the. spring. Ii, expels a‘l humans, and puts the “hols Hysâ€" tmu in 90nd condition for warms: Wuilthtl‘. Hood’s Pills Spring is the Time Head Officefi When Impurities in the Blood Should Be Expelled. HT m m meg’s Sarsaparfiifia “ A Thing of Beauty is a Joy.” A BACHELOR ’S REFL BUT! ()NS it. is a. policy which makes (L mad that: he wants to fight, 11 scares him so that he doesn't MA’J'ERNAL TR] A LS an aggressive policy, Grandâ€" AGGRESSIVE POL} CY How‘s This ? AN OVER H SHE Al} RF. E D‘ ‘TU i' TINY I) Arlvlaide 51c. W4 Toronto are the only‘pms to (“L-Va with Huud’a whim. For illfistrated advertising matter apply to us or to your nearest Page in.“ ,A .!__1 __ Railway companies are especially good judges of firm («-ncesl Their ob~ ject, is to get a perfectly stock-prouf fence tLt Um lvusl cost, and they in~ vthiglite Lllm‘oughly before buying It. speaks well for the Page that it is now usual on all of the leading rail- ways in Lhu United States, England and Canada. AL this time we have 01‘- ders booked from railways in Canada £101" 270 miles of our fencing, all to be shipped. this season. And this fence is just as good for farmers as for rail- road companies. fennre dealer. IHE E’HGE WIRE PENGE GOMPHNY, GONBOY’S lMPROVED GHRRIRGE IOPS 33w. Month al .mx‘x Quohec to IAmrpzml in summer. Large uml ‘W'n screw stunmslnm ‘lmbmdor,’ ‘ Vanâ€" L'ouuu,’ ‘Dmninion,’ ‘Scohmum,’ ‘X’orkahire.’ Superior accmnnmdation :01‘ First Cabin, Sec- und Cmbin and Stuoragn passengers. Rates 01‘ gm *5llg0‘“ First Cabin. $52.50; Second Cabin, {531; Stouraze $32.50 and upwards accordin‘g to sbeumm' and berth. For all information apply to Local Agents, 01‘ DAVID TolmANcE 8L 00., Gcn’l Agents. 17 St. Sac ment SL. MnntrenL fiamininn Line Steamships. P. S.-â€"-%e our “ad.” in next issue‘ AgonN, wanted to introduce our 1 \ Catalogue and terms. We will mail prepaid “ Dar'll be aNigger It‘l‘sain'S' with musw. for 5 cents, Mumps. POPULAR MURIc DEPOT, 20 Alexis St. Montreal. FARM g“ [RH 53"! :3 exchanged. Teimi‘sw fififiefi Lee. 11. M. SIMPHUN, Rom Estate and Financial Agent. Montreal. Que. Bicyclists in India are becoming DTO' Inna. Their chin enemies are the mos- quitoes, which not. only bite their limbs and bodies, but actually bite through the tires. "Quickenre" cures cuts 9f 9.11 kindga, or Iammted wounds; apphed early, 1t prevents blood poisoning. Itnfian and P A‘vl Bea Supp EEgl: indisztes that your liver is out of ord- er. Hy gently regulating the. liver and bowels, Celery King clears the mmplmiun, and keeps the system in perfovt (-onditiun. Use it and avoid doctor bills. 25 cents for one month’s treatment, AL all druggists or \Vood~ ward Med. 00.. Toronto, Can. TELEGRAPH “IR ES. Telegraph VViI‘E‘S will last for 40 years nmr the seashore. Tn the manufac- turing:- distrints ih‘e same wires W111 last; only 10 years, and sometimes less. ‘ Viinigg for us, e'vplfiymumz, itéady. pleasant, profll‘u b142, Send lie. for samples, kc. Indepen- dent Low 11 00.. 609 McKinnon Bldg. Toronto. for; Gum. elvc. JVrjte :0: prices. we gmmms IESTE Good-bye, Professor, said the sweet girl graduate. I shall always remem- ‘ “ "Wu kindly, for to you I am in- debted for all I know. Say no more, réiplied the professor. Say no more. Such a. trifle is not worthy of 11, thought, I assure you. YOUNG LANES make 860 mommy working evn- imm for us. e'vnlnvmumz. iteadv. Dleaaant. '3 ) EYGOUGH SHORTHAND SCHOOL. PPM {2 3 $1081 Reporting Methodg; individual in- ucmon. Special facilibirs for advanced stuv ‘ ~, 'i‘erm- on application for Easter session. 315A» 0. BROCK,14 King StW.,Toronto. ‘VHAT IS NEED- GWD JUDGES. HE DIDN'T REALLY MEAN IT. Limited. VVALKERVI LLE, ONT. THAT SA 1 1 LO\V COMPLEXION Imfian and Hyarldsâ€"best ueens! A'II Bea Suppliesâ€"best qua ity f! 5‘6 m VVeeg sztpnt Process M i mLTnN LA HERSEY. B. Lst 16 Se. Szncrament Sh. Montreal. Que. INDIAN MOSQUITOES. . . vvu . “w.” . “mug-z Cub or Foundation. made Gould [I lay knulr Co. “magi gantibrd. mm. ANQ ESTA‘EES nought). 30151 8g El) in m e) y family “first class tools. ucaflypackcd in wooden box, for repairing" boots, rubbers. liarncssund oinware. All these touls are full 372 and practical, not mere to} Full direcciuns accmnpa yeach outfit. A’ greav money saver. Hun- airodn of thousands now in use Delivered free within a radius of 500 miles of Montreal. Price 32. 75. Send card for prices of our sew- ing nuwhines, wind mills, pumps, guns, hardware, wafches‘ kc. The Bailey Donaldson Go. 1 St. Powr Sm. Montreal. received the high. est awards at the World’n Fair 1893. \OONBOV‘S PATENT ROLLER TOPS have met; with such universal fa- vor. that other manufacturers are now making inferior imitati- one. Insist on having the Conboy make us imimtxons are never as good as the genuine. W P C 916 Wanted The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotels {n Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat. ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. WINTER REISOR'I‘- Florida of the Normâ€"Rest from snow and the Cold North. Maritime Provtn es and Newfoundland:â€"-i Manitoba and British Columbiazmb. Mo- F‘ W. GEE-1E). , Manager. EAXJFAX;I DONALD, Inspector. WINN}PEG; O. A. ALLISON. Secretary. HALIFAX. a E‘ Cashier, "\VINNIPEG. Ontario and Qlwbeup J. TOWER BOYD, Superintendent, TORONTO; H. J. JOHNSTON, ‘Managor, MONTREAL; on a Paid-up Polic) after two years, or a cash value after five years. Rates and lull information sent on application to the Head Office, Toronto, or to any (film Associa- tion’s Agents. SOtlD and SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS is indicated by the 26th Annual R port for 1897, which will be found in another column. w. C. MACDONALD Actuary J, K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. - HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. PROVERGIAL AGENEY 8751?? We can out. your 1898 Fence Fenofig"accmmb in ham “'0 claim we have the bmt and most pracmcai tn nee (an emth. F011: miléaof it; in use at Hm Echri- mental Farm, Guel 1h Ont. Send for prices. Add'asn Toronto lcket \Vire Fence 00.. 221 Rivor St. Toronto, Ont. Established 1854. FREE To TEA DRINKER8.~Your nama and ad- Ilrcss on a pflsmlcurd will bring you a sample of The best. in the world rnd goes furthast. 25. 30, 4o. 50 a; [300. per pound. Blk and xnrgd. Monmun Tea (10.. 7 Wellington St. W., 'J‘oron‘uo, Unconditional flccumulative Policy Steamers Hall from Montreal every Saturdn 3' morning on arrival of trains: from Toronto nnd the West; about 9 o’clock, RATES OF PASSAGE Royal Mail Steaminip £30,, Cabin $52.60 and upwards: Second Cabin $34 and and $3 .25; Smerage m Liverpool. London, Glasgow. Belfast, Londondm‘z‘y or Qupensfiowy ’land $23.50“ wA duction . per cent. is aUnwcd on round tx‘ip first, our? second cabin ticket»). For sailings of Hummers or other information apply to any authorized agent. H. Bourlier. 1 King St. W. Tcxonto. or H & A. Allan. Montreal. it is Very important 11. 12. 13. 14, We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at these prices when: the packets are NOT selected from the above list. 1. Best, Eclipse, round 2. Beelv, Egyptian. flat round go 3. Cabbage, ‘Wiuuingstadt 2' 4. Cabbage, Fontler's Brunswick 22 5 Carrot, lmlf long, scarlet 33 6‘ 7m‘rnt, (-‘uemnde scarlet 2‘ 7. Cucumber, China 0 Pickling 8. Cucumber, Jung men 9. (Jelery, Golden Self-Blanching 25 11'). Herbs, Sago, 26 11. Herbs, Savory 27‘ 12. Herbs, Marjoram 28 13. Lettucm Nonpareil (Cabbage) 21'. 14, Lettuce. Denver Market. Marla-d) 30. 15, Musk Melon. emra curly. Nutmeg 31‘ “‘fflfi3%i% lNDG-CEYI. icfl Home} Traymwm, Modern and Complete in Elven-ry Detail, Montreal t0 Liverpool. ALLAN LNEE (om. That your wife and family should be pruvided for in case of your death‘ It is also very important that in making such provision you should secure the most liberal contract that you can. The Addresa all orders to Is absolutely free from conditions and guarantee Providing this Coupon is OUT OUT and sent to us with order £01“le packets, we will hide 1 packet. va Giant (hil- mn Snip' ‘ usis, min: 200. Free of Chum TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THIS PAPER. WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. FREE 935$ 5% I will” [NDQ-CEYLON TEA, 83SLenmora aggregating 135,000 Tan 5. Atlantic City, omfeflemtmgm . WHITE. Jr., Owner 6: Proprietor" WITH EVERY ORDER Extended Insurance Astana, mixad Mignunette, sweet I Pansy, mixed Fraum‘m. mixed Nasturtiums. tall mixed Sweet Peas. Flue mixed Wild Flower, Garden mixad LIFE ASSOCEATION FLOWERS. OF THE or b) Land Mm‘tgngos and Municipal or School Debentures purchased. Information may be obtained from, and up- p1icafion:~muy be made to (A. F. 1’... HARRIS, General Agelm Winnipeg. CKSARE J. MAHANI, General Agent, Van~ couver. Head Ofilnaâ€"Toronto Sh, S‘nranto. Branch Officeer wmnipeg, Man. Vancouver, 8.0. DEI’OHI'l‘S received ah inieresb payable half yearly. Dmmmvum issued for money deposited for three or five years. MONEY ADVANCED on Real Eatam at low m} CH of [qtycresb and onimivomblo conditions. Sun parlor 300 feet long overlooking ocean and beach esplunade. Vacuum steam heating system. Elevator to street level. Hot and cold, fresh and salt water in all baths. Rooms en suite, baths attached. JAMES B. REILLY, Owner and Prop, ST. mama, Paid-up Capital Assets . . . . , ‘ . . . CANADA PERMANENT ATLANTIC GITV. N. J. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST. Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Director, Toronto. WINTER RESORT. ‘ 2,600‘000 , “$00,500

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