Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1898, p. 5

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RICHMOND H1 LL, A p] UP. 7“. Q}. “alliannugh. V. Richmond Hill p1‘0f9fi3i(1h"ii)‘ nnsdxzv of 11101121! (Fair 1) y) 1"; ,_ 1,012; {L 3111 and 1H) "."vtlnvsflnjs “0111320 *' Imitxvsyiyvd Inspz‘w'l'Ux-uf I)in y ( ‘10. (Furrxful inspections guarantovd. I'x'iz-in‘um The M(*(.-1'<)pnliizm (Rnnpuny am running :1 now our, Nu. 111, this \\'(‘(‘1{. She is u bunuty, and Han {maple hare are nun-h pimsvd with the new :Lcâ€" conmmfiaLiun. WEH mod :11 (hr , Hundwsnn mxt I}: My 8 u’rlm‘k. Thu \‘.’ home of 'i‘ucsday ('VO‘. me EflVn/ZUI‘ Vfllml, :11 Fort ‘vVHHJIH has week 50M: high “,5 §}'.1€~L A ago the hfiggiwsi price was §§‘.F=‘~" Fruiiii’l'unes ("9’ Peaches. Good Prunes 5 cents {my 11).; New Ra'sins, 5 cts. 1301' lb vm-y choice 0111121an. Vaughan} 15mm, Elgin Mills. “7hr” high a ( “Uhl in Toronto yv Groom Vui‘l't-u EU ('15. pm' 317. ; (2001! Figs 5 («‘ms in“? N). ; Hum} (“100% 11 cts. per pound. A Lkinsnn E; 'isz'. Antes 01" Ontario, (51.91; 'ictm‘in, “3 an: LU hand from the Quovnls Printer. The vnlumzsis smaller than the llSlL‘Ll 81:40, containing; only about 3.30 pagvs. Sill»if<le<‘1€<fl‘. is u, pl-zzt-iiw mi '(‘Ol‘y \viih 1::4. Atkinsun 5-; SW]: Quarter-b; Services will be held in the Methodist Church next Sunday at; 10.30. The Official Board will moot in the School Room the follmving; (la-y :11; 2.30. HOV. (loo. {At-(eel) of Toronto, will assist the pastors on Sunday. Turnip Sued, Mange] Sood, Seed, Top Onions, Dutch BvLs Kmson 6: Switzer’ A meeting of the lacrosse club will be. held in the, Lorne Hall this evening at 7.30 sharp. A full attendance is re- quested, as business of ilppurtance will be transacted. ' The subject; for discussion at the prayer humming in the Methodist ‘rhuu-h this evening will bu “ \Yhy do I attend iin'uyl‘r meeting?” to be. iu~ tx'oducvd by M 1-. “1111. 1131163021. Seedr;â€"~L0ng Red Mange] Seed 10 obs. per 11). ; Turnip Sovd a good crop per. A \w-i'y special article in Curmt Seed the boat in culti nation. Naugh- ton Bros, Elgin 'M‘ills. Service will be held in the English church next, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. IMin Stave a student of Trinity servico. The people are all anxious to get, early papers containing exciting war news. The Morning Globes and Morn- ing “7()l‘l(l arrive by first electric car at 8.15. Orders taken for all papers at THE LIBERAL office. Dr. WV. Cecil Trotter, B. A., dentist, who comes to Richmond Hill every \Vednesduy, has been appointed deâ€" monstrator in Chemistry £le the Royal lollogo of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. This will in no my interfere with his practice in Richmond Hill. A Fruitful opportunity is offered buyers in Raisins and Currants at At- kinson & Switzers’ ; good Raisins 5 cts. per lb. Mr. Jns. Eckardt, License Inspector for East York, will be at the Clyde Hotel on Tuesday, the 3rd of May, from 10 a. m to 3 p. m. to issue licenses to those hotel-keepers who have been granted the smne; Onlv :» insm; 6 Those who sent fruit &c. as Easter offerings to the sick children in the College St. Hospital are requested to call for thvir sealers which have been returned to THE LIBERAL ()flice. Those who send their children will please tell them the size of the sealer. The Prize Lists for the Spring Fair to behold on the 24th of May have been printed and are now being dis- tributed. Parties interested who have not received. :L copy can get one by calling on the secretary, Mr. H. A. ’Nicholis, 01' by dropping him a post card. ’ go in AHJinsun (“a HK'itzor’s x u;a--1n~hxi,u Hillinm'y. All our governmental system rests upon the primary (election as surely as good bargains rest, on Atkinson & Switzers’ counters. \Vith its extraordinary enterprise and push our contemporary the Family Herald and \Veokly Star of Montreal has made its plans for war news on an unprecedented plan and at, a cost that must be enormous, The subscribers to the Family Herald will probably feel that, the Family Herald and Weekly Star is the right paper in :the right place. n'd gmfiu grocer} , College, wviil conduct the mazwnmauw:aflr-Qm; - rsm’rmcâ€"o ' ‘JfimfiXNJflWmlfifiif ' H0 Vast ‘nwm, in 1m}: on J nuz'sdgn)‘, $82K ‘ ..M vulvaâ€"r. d». 59v \ draw “a; v , ~39 wng Cn Hot at Atâ€" "1' who has. been. {1})- LS: inpmnmtcrCom- ' men doing some 11;; in the Vi”:th ‘ux nmv sipz‘nyoxu' It firm‘ mid will throw ' the, topS of the “I'm; week with 'T '~:\\'i(§1pur a .‘mz- '41);'2:)";2 ‘ 110va gm‘ws. grepmme on Bi'idu Abbi 'Mr. F; VV. " Ym'k Uhm'zzl Amoc'ution the. legal ;!:S])(‘('ir(if th prntmt entered 210 just; flw 113m“) m" Mr. \V. J. Hill \M fully {*xplninwd. By the C(msvrvutivvs 3minng {he went for Mr. “$11. John, the Libmvxls will have an opportunity of buvinglhu cundud, of Mr. St. John und‘msugunts revimvvd without the formality 01' liking: a- cr()ss-potibi(m 01'- pmtingmonuy for security of costs. U" (110 protest goes to trial the Li‘um-ells willtzzke an interesting part in the proceedingQ (ni!“!'(h ‘mm ad. 1: A {NV \woks IM'm'c hm“ ' are pur- " (‘Vvvy 730:: ' for the Public '3' H‘w RUM: (Inimilittm‘ requust viaiwx )il) hand in the namvs of any . x i-u“ Hwy \imxid like 105:4! udde L0 111-" Jihx'nry. lj‘roquvmiy the names in} Hunt in too L‘L‘w. ‘Wu would say to ' ring; (*4:- 11 books, hand in walnut: U) the svnwtury a; any They will he ke/p‘u 011 We, and . 1w pm-c “mad if approved by Book mum: Eat, a 1mm 1'”th U. L. A. held at {1w Rosana ilmxsc IV t‘stk'i‘dély interâ€" nmiium mui .Fum’uu .i‘iistl'icts wvm {m~m«"(‘.. Thu VOA-k Junior series will 1w as; foHtm' ‘nrkhzkm 1L Aurora, ‘ mu ‘ml Hill, fitmxfi'vfl 9, Bradford- w‘clmix-kvL. Mr. \V. ‘3. \Viva ' appointed Ht‘tii,"_‘tvrll‘y of the dis- - -‘. 111:u*thl§.§‘ will 1w. hold 111 on Friday, May13th vdule of matches. Anmng the notable fvnim'es of the May Lzulics’ Home Journal are an illustrated. article on Joseph Jefferson ext/hunw, “After Dinner Stories,” at page of brightly told anecdotes of prominent; 1,)t.:rs()nuges, :Lnd Rudyard Kipiing's famous Jubilee hymn, "RAECUr:;'i01):Ll,” set to music by Reginald (19 Koven. “A Cabinet- Memlwr’s‘ \Vife gives further interest- ing gihnpscs of \‘Vzbshington sociaL ()flicidl life and another “Inside of 2L Hundred Hmnes” is afforded. The second instalment of J illia Mngruder’s ilovelvcite, “A Hmu‘en-Kissing Hill,” and “ His Children “give an interest- ing variety of fiction. E- P‘WO‘RTH LEAGUE. The Literary Department of the Epwomh League promise a good pro- ‘ "" ‘ 'ngaf-Am'fl mfaddress 011 thekpoet “’odS\V<;f-th,g and a good musical programme is' “9211;: prepared to swaliiven the evening’s nun-r4,” mmnt. This: being the lust: Grateful minus 01' U10 IitormryDepart,- meat I , in hoped them will be on Fri- day evening a goodly attendance of Visitors at the League. ‘ TR OTTING- STALLION. Mr. John Palmer huszpurchased the standard-bred stallion, Wheel of Fortune, which has attracted consid- erable attention amongst horsemen since his arrival here. This horse is a nice brown in color, stands 15 hands 1 inch high, is 7 years old, and has a trotting record of 2.269;. He was sired by Jasy Fortune, sire of Fortunate 2.30 and “"heel of Fortune 2.26;}, dam by Tin-(mm Chief. He is a gammy race-horse, and has reduced his record every season, and now stands at 2.262]; which is said to be no measure .of his speed. He will be put on ;the track this summer when, it is confidently expected. he will give it good account of himself. ADDRESS TO SABBATH SCHOOL. Last Sabbath Rev. A. R. Sanderson; gave an interesting address to the scholars of the Methodist School in. this village. ' The Rev. gentleman based his remarks on the Text, “ Ye are the light of the world,” illustra- ting them by placing before his youth- ful audience Candles of various colors and sizes. To many of the little ones born in this age of gas and electricity those candles, “The light of other Days,” Were quite a new idea and the 01d timed snufl’ers a real curiosity. Lighting and extinguishing the lights as he proceeded in his remarks, he showed the source, the work and the result of the influence of the Holy Spirit on the human heart, with many lively hits at youthful peculiarities and many useful hints toward developing these natural tendencies of younger: days into the mature and useful life of later years. Last evening (Wednesday) a meet- ing of gentlemen was held at) the home of Mr. Ernest Coombs for the purpose of organizing a tennis club. The result was that; all the business which is necessary to bring the club into existence was transacted. The follow- ing officers were elected :â€" Hon. Pres. Mr. I. Crosby; Pres., Dr. Langstaff; Vice.â€"P1‘es., Mrs. (D12) Hutchison ; Sec.-Treas., Mr. Ernest Coombs ; Comm, Dr. Hutchison, Mr. Garvin, Mr. F. Johnston. As the club has received from Mr. Crosby the kind permission of playing on his beautiful lawn, the name of “ Crosby Hall Tennis Club” has been chosen for the new organization. The club expect to have the grounds ready by the beginning of next week. A t. a CROSBY HALL TENNIS CLUB. out 1mm: ‘- pvi‘slmxs \s-xlm wm-o efâ€" Ela 5(ifih0 “aid (zom- x" lil of ‘th '3 ‘Vest \ On Saturday, 16th inst., an'winmabe of the Industrial Home, named Mc- ; Carthy, proceeded from that; place to , Newman'th where he became the‘Worse } for liquoi'. He was then placed‘in the lock-up which he set; fire to and blirned’ the authorities only t‘eachilig the burning buildingin time to save his life. The Newxmu-ket Town Go'uncil sue now asking the County C‘buncil for $250, which they claim is the extent 01' the loss, claiming, that the 1countyaubhnrities had not} a, roper ()V "usigut 0er the inmates of 1; e In-_ dustrial Home. / The \Vheeling Gazette contains the following relative to cheap wheels :e Fully realizing at last the necessity of supplying the public With-"machines that list at 2» reasonable figure, [nearly every maker in the country is at‘woi' on one or more low-priced- models. The best makers consider$55.00 the stopping point for a really good machine, as from experience git) has been found impossible to manufacture a wheel lower than that which; cOuld be depended on. There iS-‘a Ime ~of models H. A. Lozier & Co. are placing on the market this season, which re- tail at $55, $70 and $80.7 They. are a firm who have looked ahead, and while nmnufacturing a. cheap ‘bicycle, they have made it up-to-date in; every detail. A Wheel like this, backéd’by a firm with the name ancheputation that H. A. Lozier & Co. beaglwill un- doubtedly have a ready sales [Agency for the above firm at THE LIBERAL olfice. Call or write for catalogue. Looks like he owned. the town; that’s what they said of a. gentleman when he tried on one of the new hobby Derby Hats at fitkinson & Switzer’s. Shape is dressy and “ set’s off ” anV man. ' ' ' Mrs. Justice Falconbridge and her daughters Mrs. Anglin and Miss Evelyn Fnlconbridge paid a short Visit to Mr..a.nd Mrs. Teefy on Wednesday; they returned to Toronto' by the 7 o’clock Metropolitan car. I ' Mr. David Blough of King City was in the village on Monday. Mr. P. Patterson ex,M. P. P; was in the village on Monday, and called on a, number of friends. 7 ' » Mrs. W. H. Pugsley went to New- market on Saturday to see her brat-her, Mr. John DavisOn who is ill. I Mrs. F. A. P. Trent, of Willowdale farm, and Mrs. F. 0. I109 ‘ of New- market spent Sunday Wfifiie parents of the, latter here. ‘Mrs. H. A. Bernard,» her daughter, Mrs. Dick with Master David and M iss Muriel Dick of Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Teefy last Monday and returned by Metropolitan Railway. RUPERTâ€"SHAvnnâ€"On Wednesday. the 27th of , 1 1:11, ab’fih‘é’Yesimé'KoT "mé,"42‘£ _ ,annimg-zhvenuez'l‘m‘onto;by the Rev. Wm A; Rudwen, Clinton St; Me‘thodiat Church, assisted by the RevJos. Odery, of Broadâ€" way 'l‘ulmnmrcle, J. P. Rupersl.‘ Esq, 01" The Trust-a Cerpomtion ’uf \ Claimin, {0 Miss. «Rosanna Shaver, dunghmr'of'tne Like Geo. Suuver, late of bllngnon, Ont. BAKRBâ€"Netu‘ Carr'ulle. Vaughan, on . Thur’sdav mmning, April_ 28th, Eva Bakur, aged 28 years. , Funeral on Saturday next at 10 9.. m. AGENTS, “Glimpses- of the Un- seen.” Abook of facts stranger than fiction. An impregnable proof of Christianity. Beautiful and Wonder- flil answers topm-yer; visions of the spirit land; marvels of the -mind; the prophetic spirit; "mind ‘reading; clairvoyunce; hypnotism; human prodigies; report of “The «British Assmwiation of Physical Research.” Also experiences of clergymen on these and kindred subjects thithewto enshmuded in mystery. Scientific; popular; sells to everybodv. Capital unnecessary. Write quiékly, for territory is going. BRADLEY- GARRETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO. The Council met, Tuesday, 26th, the Reeve 'in the c ' ir. cillors present, Messrs. D.., ill, Hopper andAshford “blight. T‘He minutes of the reg} anglgdopted. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: '1‘. F. _Mc'- Malian, for printing and .advertising,’ $16.40; Village Band furise‘r-vices at the Rink, $24.00; Alex. :Moodie for Glass for street Lampst60 cts. __ A communicatiofi Lfmm “Thomas Bengough, President of “The Cana- dian Motor Sygglipqte ”fiwas.§'ead. x Councillor Wright 'intrpduced 'Byâ€"«i law No. 163130 exempt from taxation the machinery used in manufacturinig‘ establishments in Richmond Hi1 which was read a first, second and third time {lllfi gassed. Episcopa! Churchâ€"Services at 3 p. rm. every Sunday. ' Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 1n.,n.nd 7 p, In. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wfdnesduz eyexgilngk‘ “Roman (Iithollc 'Churchtâ€"Services on alter- nqtp Sundayp at1)_a. n}. alga 10.39 1%.; m ifiMbtixGJisri'VChm-uhâ€"Servicos at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer mggtipg Thpgsdtpy. eyeging. ‘ ‘ ‘ “Uo{1;tiiiéfihiéhd,A.0. F.â€"â€"Meets Second and fourth Friday. ‘ “£66153? 5:31“ L'o‘ki'éegAJF. a‘ixd A. M.-â€"Meets Mon- day on (311 before ful‘l r9003}. “ vay LodfiérvA. O. U. W.â€"~Meets fourth Tuesday of each month. "Fireflrkfigradeâ€"Meets second Monday of every month. #0731in 36mm, S. O. S.â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday. ' ET: Bf Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday of each montn. mi’fiuiic leru ry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evefiinga. ' " = Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. The Council zidj()lir13§d:‘ BURNED THE LOCKâ€"UR CLEVELAND BXCYCLES. Village Directory. Village 001111011. PERSONALS. m a; R] Aans‘r HEATHS. " M. TEEEY, clerk. March April Coun- 1898 New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings ‘ New C'ottonades New Tweeds and Suitings 800., 800., 860. THE FIRE PROOF ’ROBT. SIVERS flew EpringGOOdS ‘We are giving particular attention :to our Winter Grades of Felt and Mani- toba Rubbers and .Ladies’ Skating Boots. °'We also carry ,a full assort. ment of Men’s,‘Ladies’zand Children’s Leather Goods in- Biack and Colored, {made byzthe'bcst manufacturers, sell- inglinesvat close prices. Beasure and see goods,,for we have something that -will intereét you. ‘ EWHAT YOU BUY Eâ€"ZMUST BE ' Emma WHAT YOU PAY Atkinson .86 Switzer And Linings,pRibbons, Muslims, Embroider- ies, &c., for example, come and see the fine display of things you xjeally need. We expect 3011; trade'and are prepared to merit it. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done}: DEMONSTRATE THE POWER OF PRICES. . IN DRESS GOODS, ISAAC CROSBY. "We Aim to Please. Put in stock only such goods as theyâ€"can recommend when the selling price is considered, and for that reason, they 1898

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