Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1898, p. 8

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Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" Mosmlxq t~Gning North,smuh East and VVé‘flt, including: Thornhfll, Maple, Toronto Murkham,&c. 8.30 Emmwazâ€"Gninu suuth East and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.~Registarad Letters must be handed in M: least. Fxfteen Minutes qurlier than the above mentioned hours for 019 Connects with alltrnrins, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as follows : Mail 8; Express,J\orth 1’1 South... Express North und M nil South. .830 a m. 5.30 p. m. Newmnrket... Aurora. King ..... RICHMOND HILL Thornhill ........... TORONTO I‘hornhill... .. RICHMOND HILL King ....... Aurora. H Newmarket 31:: 4.1.... 'ZWE ’ $160 IN ADVANCE. ibis . V114: vflh4 "E :uz v3 53%;; >050. .. $.35 . 7.9.3“. 3». v3 .4». v.4, '1’; 5.494 ch. ,4». rm. 7.», $.23 2.» x _ ,fisszzflizs .7. «Psw‘awszyasquwkflag “rflUWmfikfiizfiAZkfisvfl EH v32”? ¢Wb§fifi§ 2%.“. 25¢ sswlz «Mn». S504 Vin u. . . 741’. Fl‘ :94» 74”: _ (17’4th . L54»: .747}- <»|I\ â€" Fair“ "59$ rmraflw Ema». 443 (may; 5 GB Cars leave C. RR. Crossing at 7.20 and 9.40 a.m.; 2.40 and 5,40 11. D1. Cars leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 and 11 u. m.; 4 and '7 p.m. Monilsly, .\ A, A rmmonnblu lawns on shortest notice PRUCTOR’b STAGE LINE. N. R. R, TIME TABLE. T013, NTO, METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE .2: iron 2: .5. 0600699009 The only food: that will build: 0 § 9 9 \J I “9’ C up a weak cons- 111‘. Baby 3 titution graduâ€" Ch aflce ally but sure1y is .FuA. rm: 2m: $11.: 544’): ,5. ,3 .547. :ba 30!. ,m I; EHLRHV wmson A 90., Plornln'olu. e MONTREAL. i re aemaoooonooooou Freight 11nd Parovls deliverx‘d and collected. '€»<<r9®®€0@9 G 990096009‘5‘ «‘3'? POST OFFICE NOTICE Unlou Martin’s Cardinal Food a. simple, scientific and highly mm itivc preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids. LEV? GABY. Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. awe ' TORONTO “av/W'ednesday (Rahy’s Express runs to From all imperfect- ions is; what all well (11' used men like. PARKER‘S This is what is guaranteed by a E. m. Pan-(m:ng Solicited. ~EVERYâ€"- 'fifiniior. numv GOING NORTH. Mail I’ “s IGOIiNGASOUTHZ and E‘I-iday. DYE WORKS. Agent for «thflflrfifi WEE“ E R F 10.30 8.15 hii’FEEFY. Postmaster. fist/I’VWFQWFV‘WQFS’LW'Z? aa‘AS’A: 0.3 & Vammfis v, e um? ww mink“. .4 Q A .1 ‘3 9:“ SS'I rm» A510. 47M AFN h was“. w; r;_ ‘1 w in n‘ .2 mm" x v m .§ , Var; 57w. 54.7.1». v3 , a». is at Fa a». Rs 512$» 71475 , VII .24»). SS , a; E: :d 5.2% E. 7125. my; Subvflla “d5 , 223‘; 92 5%». SS '11". FM: 7417/. Puc Ex ML Ex Mail. 3.13 645 3.20 6 54 2.28 716 724 7.55 516 555 6(‘3 615 632 645 To rent in theYillage of Richmond Hill, a. Brick House with every convenience and in good repair. . revising tthsm ‘ nvnt Rolls of the 'l‘ownship of Vaughan for the your 1898, will 1w hold ELL the Town Hall on Richmond Hill, M2LV 12111, 1898 Ail prisons requiring the use of the Markham Township )2; ‘ador this sou- son are requested to plow {1w road whore requilml as soon as possible, and to make application to Mr. \V. Frisby, (M51101 m. mum, to enable him to do Work in rotation. Thursday, May 26th, 1898. Ailpm'iims intorostod are horohy re- quested to take notice and govern thmsvlves accordingly. Three Heavy General Purpose horses belunging to THOS. LANE, About sixty acres of good pasture tn lot on the St. Gom'ge Farm, Oak Ridges. Plenty of good water and shndo. Yn‘u‘ling (‘nttln 75 cm. {L month. Two yozll'oldszmd over $1 a month. PUBLIQ “13051013 mummamv m: mam THURSDAY, MAY :28, 1898, The next meeting of the Council of the Munici- pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Vellure, on Vaughan Cauneil. UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the FlRST Sl',l,"l‘lNG OF THE COURT OF REVlS lON for the Village of Richâ€" mond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on MONDAY. MAY 3'0TH, 1898, At 2 o’clock p. 111., To hom- and determine on appvals against the Assvsslm-nt Roll for the- curx-ent; year, of which 1111 persons i11- torostod {mi required to take notice and govern (/110111sclvos accordingly. M. TEEFY, Clerk. Clerk’s Office, Richmond Hill, May 19th, 1898. RICHMOND HILL Thursday, Mav 26, 1898, The next meeting of the Council of the Township of Markham will be held an Unionvillu on flUURT 0f REVISIW THE COURT OF REVTSION for 46â€"3 021k Rid gm, P. iTO‘v‘JNSH’IVPWUF "Mi/{RKH KM NOTICE 'FOVITAZITHMASTERS 38â€"“. 40-2 .1 AS. M. LIX‘VRENUE, (114:1? of Vaughan. “gym gdmfixgmmtg. Clerk’s Notice. TO RENT Court of Revision meets at. 2 p. m. ONLY $50 FOR SALE BICYGLES PASTURE WM. A. SANDERSON, Dealer in Paints and Oils. MUNICIPALITY OF Pure Drugs 0111' Motto‘ At 10 o’clock a. m. Agent for Bicycles. At 10 o‘clock a. m. JOHN STEPHENSON Clerk Appiy to C. REASON DRUGGIST, at; 10 a. m J, M. LA‘VRENUE, Clerk. J OHN STEPHENS 1:, Clerk. J. ASH. 021k Ridges, P. O. Richmond Hill Thom hill. :1 7â€"2 C0 The undersigned has for sale on lot 18, rear 2nd 0011. Markham, a limited quantity of Silvel’hull Buckwheat, at 50 cents a bushel. It will cost you nothing to learn what we can do for you. Don‘t write unIPss vou mean business and want. profitable employment. Dominion. “70 pay both salary mid commission. We engage either whole 01‘ part time man. We guaranfen our Stock. \Ve furnish purchasers Wi 1h certifieate from (a‘roveI-muunt Inspector, stating 0111- Stock is free from San Jose Scale. Our nurseries comprise over 700 acres. and grow- ing stock in large qtmntity enables us to sell at the 01 at possible figure. Men Sucéeod with Us who have failed with others. \Vo furnish :11! supplies free. “if; hnyg the largest Nurseries in the Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We need more men. If you want stoadv, paying wurk, write us. Seed Buckwheat. a r _ man who iosir s to t E} '. .1. fill a sneme paying a a v positiun and can} good h ’ g wages! 11 ynu are at In‘osent empioy d. that need not, prevent you from Sending us n pasta] card to learn what: we can do fur you. Wu mve the largest, most com« plate and thoroughly upmo-dn‘te nurseries in the Dominion. There is a largely inct’eusing demand tor 2L H omefirown Nursery Shock. Nursery Stock Agents! Book Agents? Agricultural Implement Agents I If you cannot give {111] time tc our interests we can urmugo )ihcml terms with you for part. time \Ve grow a full line nf Fruit Trees. Berry Bushes, Flowerlug Shrubs, Ornamental Trees, Hedging, Bulbs, Buses and Seed Potatoes. All our stock warranted to livg. U Write and tell 115 you are open for an offer and we will make you apropositiun you will want to accept. Acknowledge no competitor and are the only 1898 Models that have adopted the wonder- fully Improved bearings, the only bearing which ensures perfect alignment, reducmg fr1ct1on CLEVELANE>E CLEVELAND EHCYCLES l EQCYCLES } . l $55£K> $?olx> When purchasing a Bicycle this is all some people look at, generally the poorer the Bicycle the more profusely they are ornamented with gaudy enamel and decorations. It yOu cannot afford to buy the best, buy a lowerâ€"priced Bicycle made by a manufacturer who is known to possess absolutuel} unequalled facilities for accurate and economical construc- tion, even though it is plainer in finish. Cleveland Bicycles are made in various grades to suit all purchasers. THE n WEEDS BICEQUP 5‘. «3.â€" \ufi April 1st, 3 months, This 1% Giewlémfi 35%;? EVERYTHING Arril lst 41110. All Supplies Sent From ; The Trial Costs You Nothing ; You Get Your Pay Every Saturday. . . . . . Absolutely guaranteed to be the verv highest grade, equal in every feature of merit to the highest priced competitor. E uPnfl FRANK H. H ELMK AY, Stone & Wellington Tommi“). Agents Everywhere. E. I'. Elm-km"! & Co. FOR LOOKS. l‘orumo. Ont. Headfm-d P. O. H. A. LOZIER 6%.: Ca, A TQRGNTG mwmmm ; Everywhere. “Write f0}? Qatalogue, 80LE REPREEENTATWE Poultry Netting, 2 cents per yard up. 4 Tined Manure Forks, 40 cents. IO lbs. 3 inch Wire Nails, 25 cents. Newmarket Horse Clippers, $1.65 per pair. Creamers, 60 cents each. Royal Canadian Wringers, $733.00. Grand Rapids Carpet Sweepers, $2 75. All kinds of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Eavetroughing at lowest prices. C. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL We keep constantly on hand M ixod ’aints in all colors; Kalsomine and Dry Color Brushes, all sizes; loilod, Raw and Machine Oil, Varnislics, J apans and Turpeninos; in fact all l’nintors‘ material. Tsual Stock of Groceries always on hand. Large stock of Ful‘nitu1'e,all new designs. A few of the prices speak for themselves: Bed‘room Suites, large sizes, $13.50; Extension Tables, 8 feet 101w, $6.50; Bedsteads, ; Sideboard, large size, 2 rows of drawers, with mirror 16>:30, $9; other flu‘nlture as cheap in proportion for cash only. We are again to hand with a most 001111310150 stock of \Vall, Ceiling and Borderng Papers in town, at. prices that cannot be beaten. Designs and colors new. HARDWARE - STORE For good “pinâ€"(late llnrnms all, low prices. Nickolqnmmtvd Single Harness from $10 up; Genuine Hubbmfi 01' Solid Nickol-mnuntod from $18 up ; all hand made ; no shoddy. ALSO IN STOCK A Dusters, Knee Rugs, \Vhips. Trunks, Valises and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PROMPTle A’J"I‘ENI>EI) T0. $80.00. Fine Hamegs A Speciaity. Repairing Prornptly Done ‘Wafl GO TO THE RICHMOND HILL Ifiiehnlond {Kill Beautiful and great, include mLmy new features. GEE {‘1 P. REG 1 )€}FQIKIJI) if“

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