Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1898, p. 8

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Nb Wm urket. Connects with all trains, leLwing House Richmond Hill. as follows: Mail & Express,1\orth & South ..... Express North and Mail South... AflvuL‘Anu. “V...” .N..._,_..-_v._fi . ,,,, above) ' 5.15 5k B.-â€"Registered Letters must he handed in nt’lemst Fxfteeu Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. TORONTO Union Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Blchmoud Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNING râ€"Going Nort11,sou|h East and West, including Thornhill, Maple,T0ronbo Marklmm,&c. 8.1T Evnrzmezâ€"qung sputh,East and West. (as 2‘: Unmn . l‘hornhi L .. momma). u thLL 9.25 King ......... 9.40 Aurm-a . . 10.55 Newmzuhet . “10.05 ' GOING SOUTH, TORONTO ears have 0; RR. Crossing at 7.20 and 9.40 a..m.; 2.40 and 5.40 p. m. Ears leave Richmond Hill at 8.30 and 11 a. m.; 4 and 7 p.m. N. 'R'. ‘ R. TIME TABLE. P‘ROCTOR’b STAGE LINE. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE BABY’S EXPRESS. M orniay, VVe duesday and Friday. At reasonable rates on shortest notice 'Z’flfl .IQIEEM&. ' $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Richmond Hill. LEVI GABY. TORONTO Gaby’s Express runs to Patronage Solicited. â€"â€"-EVERYâ€"â€"- GOING ..10.30 F0208 124A &393 9.55 Pac Ex 2.2g 6 32 2 31 645 At}. Ex Mail. 8.13 645 3.20 6 54 707 716 1,20 4.20 the Palmer 515 555 603 615 632 755 At 2 o’clock p. m., To hear and determine on appeals against the Assessment Roll for the current year, of which all persons in- terested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. MVTEEFY, Clerk. S: About sixty acres of good pasture to let on the St. George Farm,_ Oak Rid es. Plenty of good water and sha e. Yearling cattle 75 cts. a month. Two year olds and over $1 a month. J. ASH. 46-3 Oak Ridges, P. O. Clerk’s Office, Richmond Hill; May 19th, 1898. Assume on all the modern plans, and is gm of the must prosperous and progresslve companies in existence. New life upnlications in 1894. 53 1039020410 Assets. 3131; Dec., 1891 ............ . 4,616,419.63 Life Msumnce in force. 131: Jim 1., '30.. $1,628,569.74 Premiums low, policies unconditional and. nonforfoimblo‘ Take a. policy with the district agent, UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all Whom it may concern that the FIRST SITTING OF THE COURT OF REVISION for the Village of Rich- mond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on MONDAY. MAY 30TH, 1898, Three Heavy General Purposa horses belonging to THOS.. LANE, THE-SUN Life Assurance. co. The undersigned has for sale a span of young drau ht horses. One 1s 3 ears old, the ot er 4 years. They are ay in color, very Well matched and perfectly sound. They are broken to Work, and will make a very valuable RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL OFFICE, team. 5 , W. R. ARMSTRONG, East half lot; 79, lst con. VVhitchurch, 48-2 Aurora P. 0. Meet in the Temperance Hall on the first Wed- nesday of each month. Assassment system. Payable monthly. Lady or gentleman, BUUHT of HEVISlflN Class J. H. SANDERSON‘ J. T. SAIGEON, BIAPLE . Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com pauy for the farmers of York 00. Business Solicited. PRICES A’l‘ FARMERS’ Wheat, white, per hush... ...... Wheat, red, per bush Wheat, goose, per bush Oats. per bush Peas, per bush . Barlav, Der bush Turkeys, per lb Dressed Hogs, per cwt. . Geese, per lb ......... Chickens. per pair Ducks. per pmr . .. Butter, in pound rolls Eggs, fresh ........... Potatoes, pm- bag App‘ies, per bbl Hay.clovar Hay, timothy Straw, sheaf. ...- Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT, Servant Wanted Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz»: The Royal Templara of Temperance YORK MUTUAL, Select Councfllor. 3m: gavertmmm. FOR SALE FOR SALE 30 to 35 35 to 39 39 to 4? 42 to 15 45 to 48 48. tc 50 OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€" ALSOâ€"â€" 16 _to ~25 25 to 30 A First-class Cash Mutual. PASTURE MUNICIPALITY OF woman arketa‘. OF CANADA. uwmmmmwwwwmw u60000000 86 300 34c 130 50c 63c $1,000} 500 550 [300 670 75c 850 «‘3 1 ( ()0 RICH MOND H1111: 3 1,5001 '350 8.31: 90c as I 01 1 13 WAGGONE. E. SWITZER. Financial Sec’y $095 . 113 Thorxihill. 01% $2,006 47-2 25L $3,000 $150 165 014 075 Are the Only 1898 Models that have adopted the wonderfully improved bearings, the oufy bearing which ensures periect alignment, reducing friction to a minimum. ‘ . mam who desires to fill a, steady paying _ ’ position and earn good " wages! If you are at nrcsent emplqyod that need not prevent you from sending us». postal card to learn what We can do for you“ We have 0 largest. most com- glete and thor‘oughly up-co ate nurseries in the nmiuion. Thare is a largely incremaing demand (or u IIomevGrown Nursery Stock. ‘ After a year’s practical experience of hard, rough riding. over all manner of roads, in all kinds of weather, without meeting w1th a smgle accident, haVe again been selected as the official wheel for the ’cycle squad of the THE All Supplies Sent Free ; The Trial Costs You Nothing ; You Get Your Pay Every Satuxday. . . . . . If you cannot give full time tc our interests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time We grow a. full line of Fruit Trees, Berry Bushes, Flowenng Shrubs, Ornamental Trees. Hedging, Bulbs, Roses‘and Seed Potatoes. All our- stock guaranteed and we. ‘anted to live. 'Uv ~ , s A n .. . ku,‘ Aynwfi 5,“. nm nfinvonfl ‘gzzudxéfi {15 you gr; 3th {or an offer and we Wm muk a‘ryou aproposition you will want to accept. firbfitnbxo employment. I}: vgill cost you nothing to learn whah we can Nursv ‘37 Stock Agents! Booléagen’es! . Agricultural Implement Agents I man. We uaranbee our Stock. We gut-[fish purchasers with certificate from Government Inspector, stating our Stock is free from San Jose Scale. Our nurseries comprise over 700 acres,a.nd grow- ing stock in large quantity enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with Us who have failed with others. do for you. ' Don't write unless vou mean business and want 0r anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stock is on the increase. We‘need more men. If you want ateadv, paying work, Write us. ‘ Dominion. We pay both salary and commission. We engage either Whole or part time We furnish all supplies free. We have the largest Nurseries in the The undersigned has for sale on lot 18, rear 2nd con. Markham, a limited quantity of Silverhull Buckwheat, at 50 cents a bushel. FRANK H. HELMKAY, 44-5 Headford P. O. Seed Buckwheat. Arril let 4 m0. April 131:, 3 months, READ E CLEVELAEE WORLD? BECYGmS $80.00. Stone & “’ollington Toronto. Other Glevalagm Agents Everywhere. Writevfor Catalogue. E. l‘. Blackford .9; Co. This ' 1% Gleveland. Year . MGM anon, Ric-hmand Toronto, Ont. H. A. LOZIERgfi CO, “ . TORNTO JUN’GTEON SOLE REPRESENTATEVE A eommodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy for purchaser. and rem low to good tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented apart from the store. For terms, 650., apply to MRS. FALCONBRIDGE, 35-“ 725 Ontario St, Toronto For Sale or to Rent For good upgta-date Harness at low prices. Nickel-mounted Single Harness from $10 up; Genuine Rubber or Solid Nickel-mounted-from $18 up; all hand made; no shoddy. ALSO IN STOCK Dusters, Knee Rugs, Whips. Trunks, Valises and'other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. ARN’ ’ SE02}? Richmond Hill, Fine BICYCLES ONLY $50 WM! A. SANDERSON, Dealer in Paints and Oils. IN THE VILLAGE OF Pure Drugs Our Motto. Agent for Bicycles. DEUGGIST, GO TO THfi‘BIQHMOND HILL GEO. MCDONALD It is always uniform, of good strength and color. Bakes light; and White and does not dry out, and contains all the original flavor of the Wheat. Dealers sell it, because it is more satisfactory to their customers, not because they make more profit per barrel from it. Do not be persuaded to take anything for just as good, but, insist upon JQStHALL and A. MOODIE, sell it AURBRR BELLE. AURORA BELLE. RnllerFiuring Mills Elaple Savv Mill 6-H EDEN. - FAM!LY - FLOUR; in Bicprmgndr Hill,” and Messrs. It contains. all the elements of an It will be monéy in your pocket. AURORA FLOURING MILLS. After theisth of April and until further notice, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. At low prices. Satisfwtion guaranjggd. CHOPPING AURO'ERA NAUGHTON BROS, at Elgin Mills. GREATEST BICYCLE USE HEN BY MARSH

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