Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1898, p. 1

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Va L. ME LIBERAL PRINTiNG & PUBLISHENG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THURSDAY T . F. M c 53¢ 55 DR. L Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday mm 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Disaases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- er'l animals fire-3.1203. by the latest and most ap- proved methods. In Maple Ist and an} Wedue VETERINARY SURGEON Funeral Furnishings Alwayson "and DR. W. CECIL TROTTER, Will be in Richmond Hiil 2nd and 4th Wean days from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; 151; and 3rd Wednebdays from 8.30 to 11.30 9.. m. Remodelled,nnd newly furnished throughout. One offing mofit convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms fur commercial travellers. Anldeulstoppiug place for riding or driving paroles, bicyclists, or farmers gain: worreturuiug from market: Bus meets all trams. Electric curs passme door. DRESS Moved to 1 Room I A - CALL - SOLICITED. RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE; “9:735 81019:: 13:; and 6 to 8 p m “'AL'I‘ER HULSE, Proprietor. very accommodation to guests. Bosrd,$l. Derduy $1 per annum, in advance.] Undertakera 42; Embalmers, ‘t J. '3‘. Mcfilmy, fl. éEMQW, @§:§’$Afi fi®§$329 ALMER HOUSE, Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure billousness. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia- Ripans Tab-ales cure flatulence. 3.. LANGSTJ-XFF RICHIJOND HILL. 0F 21 BLOOR STREET. TORONTO, 8 to E02! nz: 6m 5 pm VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, BiCHMOND MISS c, HARRISON, RES? - MAKER, RICHMCOND HILL. 158 {Succescox‘ to Dr. W. J. Wilson) WRIGHT BROS, EDITOR d 11mm TERMS SINESS CARDS VJ . Ragws 'me Wrisrixtnrg Wrdiml STREET EAST. TORONTO “ANDâ€"â€" mum. 1.00 PER DAY. MAHON MOUEES W753?! I) Emmi ” ictoria 5t, ‘s from 12 a. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES TorcntoOfi‘iceâ€"N: !5 Toronto Street. Richxr‘ono Hill Office open cvety Saturday. Money to Loan. LSS‘JQI‘ 01' ROBENSON Law Oflices Barr: Mr.Fre:1. \V. Garvin willbe at Richmond Hill (mice every evening and will amend each sitting of hhe Court @3953“, GRAN 89 SKI-INS East Toronto Ofiice. Mr. Grant's residence. Wondhndue. Pverv evening. Thnrnhiil, each Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. LicensodAuctioueers 102' the County of Yorkxe- apectfuliy solicit} your pumouuge and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and A reasonabe rates. P.O.uduress King TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaide St” East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. SALEM ECKARDT, 63 Winchester St. Toronto COOK & MACDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York sales attended to on shortest notice and at tea.- s-mablcrutee. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Almge amountofprivate funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- ner-35h. Easyterma for repuvment. No comâ€" mission charged onlon Anply tu_ W Licensau Auctioneers for the County of Yoxk. Gongs sold on conaignment. Genera.) sales of ntock. et-c., m‘omptlf attended to at reasonable rams. G. R. Gouldmg, Newton Brook, agent for the above. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of impleme"ts, mrniture.etanding timber. etc.,a.ttended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. So!ioitor to the Treasury of Ontuio. Sohcitors for the Reliance Loan and Savings Company. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Charges moderate. Patronage sollcited‘ dress, White Rose P.O. MACDOUGALL & JONES, A LFRED MACDOUGALL. Licensed Auctionear for the Connties of York and Ontsu-lo. All sales of farm stock, &o‘, at. tended to on the shortest notice and reaannable rateq. Mortgage and builifi sales attended to. Residence. Stuufl‘villo. Out; MONEY I MONEY! HIGH COUR 25 K‘ING STREET ‘VEST. TORONTO Money to Loan C STOKES Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant ruzmv'e. at Richmond Hill on sunrdavs‘ GARVIN & GARVIN, MONEY TO L02 ‘2'“ aar E}. .FANEE Room 1, No. 18 Toronto 8%., Toronto ‘crs, Solicitor Conveyancers. Notaries. &c fishers, Solicitms. etc. Eckzu'dt Ki 1“: entice Barristers, Solicitors, &c half Public, Convoyanr Coxmnxssioner m B. TORONTO AND AURORA riet Stokes {x Blcugll. [0ND H ILL POST Barristers. Solicitors, (he .l. D. Rcudmzln, CUMMISS Mom 10. York Chambers, 9 Toron- to 35.. Toronto. and at ofliceerne Hall. Richmond Hill. all day Well‘ nosdav, and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. LAWRENCE & ‘o‘u'MISTON, 15 Torpnto Sc, Toronto J. ’l‘. Saigeou. S. ’l‘. Brookes "GR? 0? jUSTICE, &c. Marriage L'censes "RY HQRKEEZ’L! N's. Solh- sow, A'c. ,LENN ,ters “In Essentials, Um'iy; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” ICLMOND HELL, THURSDAY, JUNE 0. 1898. ,DDUCHOTS. G50. 1‘!“ )NER Smith. OX8: MACLEOD V S (mum-0N L L B )UBLIC. IN THE IAN AT FEEDER-ch O. JONES, R M ISTON. County “of, Yer}: J. H. I’HENTICE Curville. TeAephone 47 FFIUE. R., &( D BLOUGH 5%. the Bureau ( Brodie. Tot-0n perusal :â€" In tfm spI-in trees in and found to be m pseuduvgall in larde and (' previous year, of the twigs. that these g2 spread has bc him; F Bruce, Ductor in a s“ tau-lo, appeared in the annual report OI the Clerk of Forestry for the Province of Ontario for 1897. Since then it has spread with astonishing rapidity and has been detected at many points, {min Pcterborough to the county of Bruce, where it was lately detected by Doctor Hunter on native spruce trees in e. swamp in the. township of Culross. It has also been found on native. spruces in Muskoka, near Utterson station. So far it would appear that unless this insect checked by some, artificial means it will soon destroy our ornamental spruce trees and hedges and, extending northward, do im- mcnse injury to our spruce forests. The trees already attacked by this spruce gall-louse in Ontario are the European spruce, the double, spruce or black spruce, the white spruce, and the balsam fir, and it also may he found on the. hemlock. This insect is nativeto Northern Europe and was introduced into United States on im- orted spruce trees and thence into gntario, or it may have been intro- duced here direct from Europe, as for many years there has been an animal importation of young European spruce trees in Ontario. ‘ At Toronto thv full grown insectsâ€" tho prnducm-sâ€"emergo from the galls, tho scales of which open to give Lhom exit, about August, lst. 0n emerging they are slightly imperfect, but, in one day ample Wings are‘develnped which day ample Wings are‘developed which enable them to fly long distances. After distribution the female set tles on a spruce leaf and laysâ€"under herself~ about thirty-five eggs and then dies, resting on the eggs. In about a week the young six-footed larvae are hatch- ed. They cran about and find im- mature buds into which they burrow and of course remain quiescent during the winter. But, in the following spring their presence in the bud causes it to develop into a “ gull ” instead of a normal twig. The lice in the gulls give life to other living line so that, about thirty individuals are found under each scale of the all. The galls are usually irregularly SI) er- ical and often more than a half inch in diameter. VVhen growmg they are Of The farmers in this vicinity are busy this week doing road work. A nun)- her of teams were hauling gravel Mm]- day and Tuesday. We think our road from Yonge street to King City is one Of the finest in the county, and it is kept up by statute labor. Mr. T. H. Legge, councillor for King, is kept busy lookinu‘ after the interests of the township anfi road repairs. A strong Council of the Chosen Friends has been organized here, with G. L. Stewart as Councillor, Chas. It is respectively requested that Whoever finds these galls on their trees should communicate thelfelctzmd all particulars so far as ascertained t0 the Bureau of Forestry, Parliament Buildings, Tormito. In the spring of 1897 many spruce mes in and around Ontario were mud to be more or less injured by a sendugall insect. The galls were en- rng and deformed buds of the ff‘ViOllS year, usually toward the tips 5 the twigs. Investigation showed mt these galls were formed by a null insect popularly called the spruce lil-lnuse. A shm't account of this rstl-uctive pest, as then known in On- u-io, appeared in the annual report of 19 Clerk of Forestry for the Province The following circulal 6 Bureau of Fnresbx The Spruce Gallâ€"Lowe. Temperanceville ~ircular prepared Forestry by W is wm thy of care this the (‘ UI‘ and m. ful Norman. RPCOI'dE‘I Treasurer, and 0 officers. Th3 0011 Town Hall every s days in the month The trustees of the Methodist Church had a bee :1 short time ago sodding the front and ngPlling the drive around the now church, which adds to the beautiful appearance of the new chm-ch, of which they have every rea son to feel proud. Mr. Fred Diiwb’s boy, Tommy, Whose life was despaired of, is so far recover- ed as to be able to be out in the garden UDIiSS Oak R Look 0: ammunci warty to Harry S mont. Visitor evenings :1 waek is to he played a Friday. 10th in: of Bond’s Lake A gnod matchis ed at Bond‘s La' was a draw, as evenly matched Mr. Jas H. Lee ‘ Bright men and women, who are not too proud to work, and Would like to make some monoy during the next three months in teliing the Wonderful story of the life of Mr. Gladstone to their neighbors. $321. day easily made, some make three times that sum. No risk. no experience. no capital neces- it( Rev. Juhn Shun}; and family of North W'illiamsburg are visiting f1-i_e_uds in the viilage._ Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig: of Markdale, were spending part of their honey- moon here last week. This week it is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. Colin Camp- bell, of Sherwood, who died on Tues- day afternoon. He had been ailing all winter but it was hoped that when the warm weather came he would get stronger, but instead he continued to sink until the and came. He. was quite resigned and only a, few days he- fure his death he. requested that the “ Sacrament of the Lord‘s Supper ” be administered to him. His son-owing parents and sister have the sympathy of every one in this their sud bereave- went. The congregation 0% St. Stephen’s church intend holding a, tea, bazaar, and concert on the evening of Thurs- day, June 16th. The following Vocal and Instrumental Talent 1111s hecn so- cured: Mr. J. T. Shnnk, vocalist, late of the Wilson Comedy Company, New York; Mr. S. Douglas, cornetist, North Toronto ; Mr. Atkinson, pianist, North Toronto; Miss Annie McNeil: A. E. Keflt'er, violinist; boy soloist from St. Stephen‘s Church Choir, Toâ€" ronto; and others. Miss Edith Kefier, accompanist. Short addresses may be expected from neighboring cls-rgymen. Ten served from 5 to 7 o’clock; Concvrt to commence at 5‘. Tickets, 25 cts. ; Children, 15 cts. Proceeds in aid of building fund. The {)izmo to be used on the orcussion will we furnisth by Mr. Thos. Hulse, Kettlvby. WANTED. Agents for the greatest of Canadian bunks, “Life of Glad- stone," memorial edition, by Hopkins. Cauvusser’s prospectus now ready. Sells to everybody. Easy to make, $5 daily. Be first in the field. BRAD- QEY-GARRETSON 00., LIMITED, The following have beeh elected officers for Patterson Lodge A. F. & A. M. for the current year :â€"\V. M., J. C. Steele ; I. P. M. R. S. Thompson ; S. W., G. Fisher; J. “7., H. Hume: t’l‘epa holding ausplces of the L I..e_hcdist church. T urou to. Dominion Day r neighbors. $321. day easily made, e make three times that sum. N0 , no experience, no capital neces- 7. Write quickly for particulars. ADLEY-GARRETSON 00., Lim- {It ‘omntu ‘ annir at Mr. Brown’s; Rev. Lt Bmadview. nys spend about two or three 5 a wka at football. A match played at Temperanceville on 10th inst, between the boys ’3 Lake and Tenaperanqevillo. matchisexpected,as they play- md‘s Lake last Friday and it raw, as the teams are pretty V. Cm‘scndden, teacher at vs, is laid-up with pleurisy. It, for posters in a. few days ng particulars of a. garden he hvld on the grounds of nith; also football tourna- Rocm-der. J. T. Carscadden, , and other very efficient The Council meets in the 1 every second and last Fri- l Gal-den Patti under of the Ladies’ Aid of this wee wife at Thoruhill. Wanted Maple at Mr. John Glass’ 1t Mr. Brown’s ; Rev 1t Markham. Mr. Daniel Stephen's 1, bazaar, of Thurs- ng Vocal for the the Miss Nellie Tharp was visiting with her sister here last week. Mr. Arch Mitchell has had a found- ation erected under his house ; he has also gravelled his lane which has made a. great improvement to his The road maker has been at work here and has done the roads up in ex- ceUent ShfLHQ.’ made road. Hill and reported an excellent fair. Herbert, Dutcher Wheeled up from Elgin Mills on Sunday of last week and spent part of the day with his cousins here. Mr. R. \Viles is busy at the well work again. He has engaged Mr. J as. and Dllfe Curr have invested in bicycles; some more of our boys say they are going to have one. Our Burgh was unusually quietnon the 24th. Quite a. number of 6111‘ people attended the fair at Richmond Hill and reported an excellent fair. Vim. Cuiting as aSSistant One of our fair sex was of a handsome organ on ] One of our fair sex was the recipient of a handsome organ on Monday last pub in by H. D. Harman the hustling agent of Newmarket. mon ; fnrmers' sons, teachers,students, clerks and others who are admirers of Mr. Gladstone, and would like to spend the next three months in telling the matchless story of his life. We teach you how to do the work and guarantee success. From $2 to $5 a day abso- lutely sure. There is no fear of fail: ure and it will be enjoyable wax-kt Particulars furnished free. BRAD- League was consisted 0 Mr. Chas. F the Choir; 3 Reading,” 1 $010 by Rev. address by I the program were served LEY-GARRETSON CO. , LIMITED, A véry pleasant evening was spent here on \Vednesday, J une lst. A sycinl in conngct‘ipn w_i_13h the Epworth Rev. Mr. MoCu-Iloch of Richmond Hill, preached a. very profitable sermon here on Slmday last. His text was from Galatians ii.,_ 20 : *‘ Christ Liveth in me.” A very happy evth took place at the residence of Mr. Hiram White on \Vodnesday. June lst,_ when his eldest daughter, Rehecca, was united in marriage to Aux-9n, the youngest 55m Toronto of the lube Michael Oster. May the nr‘wly married couple have long years of health and prosperity. M 1-. Fred Castell is at; present work- ing as blacksmith with Mr. Thomas Keys. Good Figs, 56. per 1h. ; best B. Rice, 5c. per 1h. : Crystal Japan Rice. 60. per 11). ; Pearl Tapioca, 50. per lb. ; Latin: dry Starch, 6c. pet 1b., ;- good Raisins, 50.. per 11). Atkinson & Switzer. A meeting to organize for the work. of the coming plebiscite was held, in Newmarket 0n \Vednesday of last wevk, when the following oflicersfiwere elected 2â€"P1-esident, \V. ‘Brigart: lstv Vice-Pres., L. GT' ackson; 2nd Vice-Pres, M. Stiver; Secretary, 8. H. Lundy ; Treasurer, L. L. Hartman. Extra. quality Green (lo-[fem 100. per lb. ; No. 1 .Corn Starch, Sc. per ll). ; Perfection Corn Starch, per 111.; Crystal Gloss ‘tarcll, 70. per lb. ; Cel- luloid Starch, 120. a package; Webb} lulola brawn, 120. n ; Perfect. Stan-ch, lUc. Switzer. John BL‘n-yman, the Yuri: township farm laborer, who waaiujured, as w»: alleged. by the Pratt brothers of thr‘ smut! locality. on the 2nd of May, died at the home of his employer, John Buchanan, on Sunfiay nun‘ning. ’J'hv Pratt brothers will now be charged with Iximls‘gunghtert Just to. hand Coffee we sell a while you Wait Fiendish tricks have recently been played nme cattle and horses in tllt \icinity ‘ of Kleinburg. Stables 01 different persons have been entered, and their 1101-595 and colts badly hlis tel-ed with carhnlic acid. In one (3:19 a cow’s tail was cut off. A reward i~ offered for the conviction of the guilt} parties. '1 he Board of License Uolnmissionel for \\'est York have refused to elite] tain the etition of 300 residents 0 VVnodbri ge and Van rhan prayin for a’license for the In ennan Hotr in “’omlbridge. The commissinnex‘ hold that two hotels are sufficient, £0 a village the size of VVuosz-idgc. “ Knowledge is power." Every one in Richmond Hill and vicinity shouk know how much a dollar can buy at Atkinson & S\\'itzm"s. ‘VANTED. H he Board of Li( [Single copies, 3 cts. Willow Vale News Notes‘ as held. The gramme of instrumenta music by Passrnore; vocal music by an 9535;}? entitled “Home by Miss Maud Clarke; :1 v. R. S, Large; and an Mr. \V._J._ Walker. After amme light refreshments Concord. l, another lot of at 20c. per 11). t. Atkinsun é: I i0nest,energetic young sons, teachers,students, rs who are admxrers 0t p1 ftkinsou &: _ g"? un

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