Dimmaâ€"Quantz-Lhat the account of D. & G. Harrington be paid, for lumber supplied this municipality, $37.54. At reasonable rates on shortest notice Mr. Dinnna. introduced a. by-liLW to amend By-law No. 557 for appoint- mentnlf road overseers. The follow- ing changes were made, viz zâ€"Martin \Videman put on in lieu of P. R. Hooygr ; Jonathan Gould in lieu of A. G. Burkholder ; Adam Scott in lieu of A. Fjorster; Ed. Martin in lieu of An- drew Miller . T ilinzm \Videman in lieu of S. L, Nelson; F. A. Reesor in lieu of R.,D. Clan-k; Jonas Ralnei in lieu of Jos., Pipher. Ec‘ ardtâ€"Quzlntz-that the treas. pay t 1e following accounts :â€"Corson 8: Son, for post cards. bills and adver- tising, $12.76; L. E. Hodges, one half amount for 3 days work cleaning out ditch, lot 9, con. 6. $1.50; W. Avery, 5 newclevices for road machine, $2; E. Egghey, drawing plank and pipe. laying‘plank, digging out and putting in culvert, $7.; D. H. Doner, 24 yards of gravel at 70., $1.68; Ernest Frishy, repairing 3 culverts in road division No. 30, $10; J. Calvert, bolt and nuts, 150. LA. Peunock, ï¬lling approaches to bridge opposite lot 13, con. 6, put- ting hip. new planks and ï¬lling ap- 1‘oaclaes't-o bridge between lots 10 and ll, and ï¬lling washout lot 9, con. 6, $2; “I, Ness, tile crossing, road con. 3, lot ’11, 660.; W. Frisby, operating roadwachine, $18.50; R. Jarvis, re- pairing,b_ridge at Cedar Grove, 50c. ‘, lr"""o vi Quunliâ€"lEmmaâ€"that, the clerk be instructed to purchase two shares for the grader from F. 0. Austin 535 Co. Ql’fautzâ€"Eckaratrâ€"that $35.00 be granted for the improvement of road beat No. 5, providing the ratepayers interested give a like amount in grat- uitous labor, and that W. D. Hornet and D. Steele be commissioners to ex- pend the same; amount payable on their order when work is completed. Diinmaâ€"Quantzâ€"that a. grant of $90, to gravel side road between lots 10 and 11, 8th and 9th cons, in beat 53, be made, on condition that parties in- terested do the grading ; J. B. Gould and the mover be commissioners to ex- pend the same, payable on their order when work is completed. Quantiâ€"Din‘imaâ€"that $75.00 be granted for the improvement; of the side line between 10138 25 and 26, con. 4, road division 34, provided the parties interested supplement the amount by a like amount; in gratuitous labor, and that the mover and Mr. W. Scott; be commissioners to expend the same: payable on their order when Work is completed. Quantzâ€"Eckai'dtdthat the reeve be commissioner to purchase a. half car load of vitriï¬ed pipes, size to be 10 and 12 inches. The court; of revision was held dur- ing the day, when a number of appeals wag-e adjpdigflted upon. ï¬londay. Gflï¬Y’S EXPRESS. Quanbzâ€"Steeleâ€"that the treasurer pay $1 per week to J. F. Davison to be expended for the beneï¬t of the Spr'ï¬ g family, the same to be contin- uï¬dï¬â€˜uring the pleasure of the coun- 01 . Quantzâ€"Dimma that the mover be commissioner to have bridge on 2nd con., lot 13, replanked; also to have railing on b'ridge’ on sideline between lots 40 and 41 renewed ; also to have ditch opened on 2nd conL, lot 15 pro- videq parties interested bear a fair pro- port'idn of cost. Amount payable on order'of commissioner when work is completed. Quantzâ€"Steeleâ€"that the treasurer ay'$2 each to W. D. Reesox‘ and Valter Scott, assessors, for attendance at Court of Revision. ‘ From County Engineer J. McDou- gall, re bridge 10th 0011., accepting it. with certiï¬cate of completion, with account. Communications were read From Crown Land Department re act to prevent action for determining boundaries re old surveys in munici- palities. m . 1-. .- , 1' anunA» The Markham Township Council met. at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Thursday, the 26th ult. Members all present. the reeVe in the chair. Min- utes of last meeting read and conflr - ed. A Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure Headache. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Freight and Parcels delivered and collected. Couné'il adjourned to meet June 21. LEV! GABY. a:an Beiivared Markham Council. TORONTO VVednesday Gaby’s Express runs to Patronage Solicited. â€"â€"â€"â€"EV'ERYâ€"â€"â€" and Friday. month. Public Llhra‘ry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday ayd Ratunlnvv‘eygnings‘ fourth Fnday. Ivy Lodge. A. 0. U. W.-â€"-Meets fourth Tuesday of each mounh. Camp Elam, S. O. S.â€"-Meets second and {ouxth Wednesday . R. T. of ‘L‘emperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday 01 each mom-1. Fin; Brigadeâ€"Meets sound Monday of every Three Heavy General Purpose horses belongmg to Mv‘A-4 .- . ‘7“ A good general servant wanted Apply up to the 207th just. to - ---~ '1 mvvvrmnï¬h Episcopal Churchâ€"Services at 3 p. m. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services M, H a. 111.. and 7 p. m. Sundayï¬nhool at 2.30. ?myer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Servich on ulter- nate Sundays 3.9.9 8.. m. nnr'I 10.30 a. m. Methodist. Churcbâ€"Servicos M 10.30 a. 113., and 7 p. 11}. Sunday School “2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, AF. and A. M.â€"-Meeta Mon- dav on or before full moon. Con 11'. Bicb'vond, A. O. F.â€"â€"Meets second and F Until further u‘ocice Hams win he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" N.B.-â€"Rezistered Letters mnstne nannau In In least Fltteen Minutes earlier than the above meuLioued hours for clgsjng. «uh n.,-.,..‘..o..- MORNING 'â€"Gniug Nnru|.sou1b East and West. -inc1uding Thornhill, Maple,Toroubo Markhamï¬c. 8.15 EVnNING:â€"Going south East and West (as I: V ' 'IK THE LIBERAL EEbrésEN‘druh And Mail St Cars leave C. PR TORONTO Connects with all brains, leaving the House Richmond Hill. as follows: Mai 5L Expresijqryl} “South 2.40 and 5 Cars leave Richmond Hi' 4 and 7 Ne wmarket Aurora. King...“ RICHMONT! ,Emn 'I‘horuhin .. TORONTO Union “ [‘horuhill.. . .. RICHMOND HILL King ............ Aug-urn“ . Newmarket PROCTURï¬TAC-E LINE. METROPOLITANWIME TABLE Anyone sending 9. sketch and descflgtlon may quickly ascertain our oplnionfree w ether an lpvention is probably ntentable. Communica- tions strictly coufl dent EL Handbook on Patents sent. free. Digest agency‘fol'. curillgnpate Icuu “cc. u-uom mm, H, NV» Patents taken 1. ran 11 Munn mtgmlmtuze, without. 0 arge. in the A ï¬andsomely illustrated weekly. Lat-nest. cir- cumtton of any sclennflc journal. Terms. 83 a 99x" 111021.113. 81. Sold by all-:Iewudfflerg. Servant Wanted Mil-NH & Coémwadwavv New Yul Branch Oflice. 625 F St" WashIngton. D. C. Dwdnh League'â€" S’éiéiititic Hmerican. POST OFFICE NOTICE Union Between Tor «ï¬rm FOR SALE Village Directory. $1.00 ner Year. a!“ MRS. J. A. E. SVVITZE ‘reri'Letters Nmns} be hande‘ GOING NORTH Mail I 8.40 9‘18 ........10.55 ....]0.05 GOING SOUTH nto and Richmond Hill Crossing at 7.20 and 9.40 mm 9.40 MZI'VI‘CEEFY. Postmaster THOS. LANE. 40“ p. m. 1 an 8.30 and 11 3.. tr um New 1qu I’nc.Ex 1.20 At] Ex 3.13 2.37 4 .20 Thornhill. 3.20 Palmer Mm’l 5.15 l in 654 707 716 693 6 15 5i5 a A man who desires to . ï¬lt a steady paying E 7.1-osmuu and earn goon wages! It yuu are at nresunt CHHJiuyE‘d that need not preVA-ut you frmn sending us a posml and m lemn what We can do for you. We have the largest. most com- plete and t‘nomughly up-w-datu nurseries in the Dominion. There is u largely increasing demand for n. Home-Grown Nursery Stock. do for you. , Don‘t write unless vuu mean business and want profltubm employment. T h O 3.11 . :2 All Supplies Sent Free ; The Trial Costs You Nothing ; You Get Your Pay Every Saturday. . . . . . If you cannot give full time tc our interests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time We grow u full line of Fruit Trees. Berry Bushes. Flowering Shrubs, Ornamental Trees. Hedging. Bulbs, Roses and Seed Potatoes. All our stock gunrnnteed‘autl warranted to live. ,, A “A- 1--.â€. _~A_.\..\2 Our nurseries comprise over 700 actesmnd grow- ing smuk in large qu'mtity enables us to sell at the closest; possIblo ï¬gure. Men Succeed with Us who have failed with others. Dominion. We pay both salary and commlssmn. \Ve engage vithe!‘ whole or part, tune I_t will cost you nothing to learn whn we can bw _ V_ ,, ,, ,, , Wlito and tell us you are open for an oï¬er and we will make you a ymposinion you will want to accept. 0r anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stockis on thn morense. We need more men. 1! you want. stemlv, paying work, Write us. man. We guarantee our Stock. We furnish purchasers with certiï¬cate from Government Inspector, stating our Stock is free from San Jose Scale. Nursery Stock Agents! Book Agents! Agricultural Implement Agents ! We furnish all supplies free. We have the largest, Nurseries in the Havingr the experience, possessing the faciiities, inc volume of business. and inspired thIi an‘ambmon to con $55-W Medal 44, $139,;3 Toronto. April lst, 3 months. Arril 151; 4 mo‘ READ THES. Accounts for the extraordinary increase 0 5%; ubsori be tor Sim} m gum Stone dc erlinglon Agents Everywhere. Write for Catalogr SOLE REF’FfiEiï¬ENTATEVE THE WORLD’S GR E. I'. Blackford Gr Co. Toronto. Ont. ,al-g H. A. LO‘ZIER (‘33: CO7 Tm Manchester, of London.Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, Brick House on Centre Street West. Rich- mund Bill, in fll'sL-UIILSS repair. Rent made right. to good tenant. J. T. SAEGEON, 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York Co. Busmess Srrliciud. GORE, ()F GALT, 374.! Agent fur the fullowing stuck Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: House to Rent YORK MUTUAL, A First-class Cash Mutual OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"-â€"- ALSOâ€"â€" ONLY $50 WM. A. SANDERSON, .. Apply to w. R. PEOQTOR. Dealer in Paints and Oils RIAI’LE . Pure Drugs 0m Motto Agent for Bicycles. DRUGGIST‘ 5; ma QEQJ TGRQNTQ JUNQTEON Ieveland Rlchmon'd Hill nun-v.1).de T259; 9:33? struct LII'I'] 1.165 It is always uniform, of good strength and color. Bakes light and white and does not dry out, and contains all the original flavor of the wheat. Dealers sell it because it is more satisfactory to their customers, not because they make more proï¬t per barrel from it. Do not be peisuaded to take anything 'for just as good, but; insist upon JQS. and MOODIE, sell it AURORA Wheat, white, p Wheat. red, per Wheat, goose, p Oats. per bush Peas, per bush Barley, Der bus Turkeys, per lb Dressed Hogs, p Geese, par 10.. Potatoes, prr Apples, per b May, clover Hay. timoth: Straw, sheaf Raéiaiï¬auiéï¬g Ewiifls (Ihiukén‘sfpe’rrpdi’r Ducks.por pmr . gutteg, in‘ puund roll‘ Far Saig m i Rent A commodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy for purchaser. and rent low to gnod tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented anmt from the store. For terms, &c., aglllv £0 _ m. 8, WWW, MEAL - FAMILY - FLOUR. in Bichmond Hill, and Messré. Ripans Tabules cure constipatieh Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver‘ It contains all the elements of an 1?" iohnnond Hill, It will be money in your pocket. AURORA FLOURIN G MILLS 5. fresh 3547f NAUGHTON BROS, '36 Elgin Mills. AUROR£A PRICE 3 ‘ AT FARM E 115' WAG GONE. white. per bush ............. s 0 95 red, per bush. .. U 96 goose. per bush. 0 92 >er ibush 0 36 Euruntu "ï¬â€˜wrkem. bbl IN THE VILLAGE OF m; xer cwb C1V1H USE MR'S. FALCUNBRIDGE, 7‘25 Ontario Sm, Toronto 118 BELLE. mmw 76 ï¬ed by 000 mnmmwm 000009