Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1898, p. 4

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‘Dr. C'oulter, deuty Post 'Master (‘Gr-neral. spent, Saturday with his Walther here. Miss M. Harrison, of the Fessertml Public School. is home for her holi- day’s} Notwithstanding the reduction made in the preferential tariff by the Dominion Governmentand the placing of binder twine and other commodi- ties on the free list, the Customs De- partment will be able to Show that the increase of imports this year over the preceding year will amount to about $2,000,000. Canada is cer- tainly in a prosperous condition. Miss Taylor. of Toronm, has been making a. visit with Mrs. John Harris. Miss Louie Harrison spent the lwli‘ day in Toronto with her friend, Miss See. The Templar a weekly," newspaptr published at Hamilton in the inteust 'of temperance and prohibition has ceased to exist, the reason given for its suspension being a lack of sup» lpert. From a temperance standpoint its discontinuance at the present time just on the eve of the plehis *ite is to be regretted. In order that subscribers, whose term of Subscrip- tion was unexpired, may not have reason to complain, arrangements have been made to supply that Well- known temperance paper, The New York Voice. memorial uditimi of the “ Life and VVm-k of Mu'Glmlsmne,” because the public is ripe for it. and the Work will sell on sight. Big bonl‘; ; low prices ; liberal terms ; freight paid. Send 75 ceiips fpl‘ prospectus, Which we 1" $1133] rfighting was afterwards forced, and the destruction. of the Spanish fleet was complete. Cervcra’s entire squadron has been driven ashore 'and praetically annihilated by Ad- miral Sampson’s ships. Cervera with some 1,300 men, were taken prison- ers, whereas the Americans are said to have lost only one man. For the sake of humanity it is to he hoped that the Spaniards will speedily sue for peace. They are no ’fn‘ateh for their poWerfiil antagonists, and it is nothing short of madness on the part of the Spanish Government ito'prolong the war. and cause their thrave soldiers to be slaughtered by “the thousand. The Spaniards have never been accused of cowardice, and the one-sided contests of the past 'few weeks have proven that their old time bravery has not left them. Tlte Spaniards are poorly equipped both on the land and on the water, and no one‘ever thought that they could Compete with'the‘forees of an up-to- date nation like the United States. They have vindicated the honor of their proud nation with their life blood which is all they can expect to AGENTS. Never before has the death of any man caused such pro- found sensation throughout the world as that of Mr. Gladstone, it is, there- fore, a. real luxury to canvusa- for the memorial edition of the “Life and \Vm-k of Mr. Gladstone,” because the with firs-$5 of'dcr. BRADLEY-GAR RETSON 00., Limited, Toréuto. of lives have been lost in the engage- ments. Since last issue some terrific 'fightning has taken place. On Fri- day the United States forces coni- ‘inenced their attack 011 Santiago and there was heavy fighting during the day. By 1 o’clock on the following morning Gen. Shafter had carried the outer works of the city, but the number of dead and wounded was large, the casualitics being about 1,000 on the American side. The fighting was afterwards forced, and the destruction of the Spanish fleet The Spanish-Ainex for the past couple 01 ‘to drag slowly along come serious enough RICHMOND 3131:: E‘iifismfi Vs. an PERSONALS Advertisén .Gladstone, it i9, 1-here-‘ ,xury to canvasa- for the ition of the “Life and Gladstone," because thei F- fm- it. and the Work will 2 20 Big book ; low prices ; D'av ; freight paid. Send 75 - THE WAR Mineric‘au \R‘ mon t1 a 11( 7335.! lsands Ed; 3a'cksmi’s Dick French won the 2.20 mm: at, Brantfurd on Dominion Day. Fastaesc heat 2.22. Atkinson‘dk S'w-itzex-are just a step ahead of others in quality and price. In the Seminar Lacrosse League on Dominion Day the Toronto‘s defeated thefihanmocks by :1 score of 8 games Thomas Sanderson the Wen-known Inspector of the ("Ionfederatiou Life Association died at his home in Toron- to'nn the first, of July. English Malt, Vinegar. Ph‘OOf Vine- gar and Extra. Pickling Vinegar. Extra Pickling seiiing at the same figure-as is USUiliIY‘ChELl'gtfd fur ordin- My White Wine 'Niinegur. vakinsun réa ‘Swit‘zem Rev. E. G. Dymond, L. Th.. Incum- bent of King Gity and Maple will take the English Church services at Oak Ridges and Richmond Hill next Sun- day. Mr. Stem-y will take the services at King and Maple. Celebration of the Holy Communion at, Oak rRidges after Church. SundaY'nu-n-ning. some I with a Updl‘iit villam thié Week. Mr. Mull the Aurora High sclm similar position here. Mr. Arthur Cook. f “budstock, formerly spent a couple ()fi flay SOD summel weeks with fri ‘Varren Hewison them returned Mo Mr. O. McLean who was injured some time ago by coming in contact with a bicycle, and who underwent an upd‘ation in the hospital, was in the village on Tuesday. He has a111105t recovered and expected to start work again yesterday. panied home by Nora. McMahon who will spend a few weeks with her aunt Mrs. Richardson, and with hercousin, Mrs. D. Lepard, Newmarket. Mr. Furlong one of the teachers in the Markham High School spent a few days this week with his siscer Mrs. John limes, Mr. Furlong guns next, WGPk to Toronto as an oxmniner of the papers in connection with the De pzu‘tinental Examinations. Mr. M. Teefy started Tuesday oven- ingr for Orillia to spend a Week with his daughter, Mrs. 'J. Mulcahy, and family. Mr. Teefy stopped at Barrie on his way and attended the Silver Jubilee of Very Rev. Dean Egan, it. being the 25th year of the lama-’5 ser- vice in the priesthood. panied 1; will spur Mrs. Ric Mrs. D. 333‘ Mrs. N. Davis, ing a, couple 0: mother, Mrs. Mapes also spent same place and r4 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Richardson of VVhitclmr-ch spvnt Sunday with Mr. T. F. McMahon. They wm'e accom- panied home by Nora. McMahon who Snappy bargnius for shrewd buyers this week. Atkinson & Switzer. here, b'u Departn v ill 0. Mr. A. E. C-oombs is r. Depal‘tmgntqlfxaminal 2L1] Mrs. A. J. Humeandiitth )Iiss \Vinuifred, Went to T N. Y., on VSAatmjdVay _m Sp Alliance Tuesday “7. C. m M and 111d 1n 1 few days and frlends 11 Sm Mr. D. u‘Of the md'utor, 1e ‘ounci {Y evcl Mr. 0. ML Mr. 'and Mr rul‘lE 311 Mi M 711th 11(101 Mr. \Vm‘ren J ent Dominion ms by “(I niece respecuvpi‘y 01 are spending a few (L- -emed townsma-n who is not improving in b 11 1dhiH nt lattel nany daughters Hazelâ€"x Sund retur me ll) 11] )a be (2A 1-H} "E: the Out - pen-t 0f 1:159 old friends o spent a t'.-w days e and returned to flu News Notes. ith 1'0 1nd St I)( H {or R1 mven a. dek nt} M} purpose 5 _ to-mom‘ow hs in their ‘ - atte enti< )lh Swi â€"Mi: nt Dom md u hm Hewison ‘ieuds Mullo schooi mlay eve it Toron to pip 10 ill) 11 th Lung. with tin Myers. \' i 11 Ah ipzj LII) pa :1 D1 1(13. Ill M 011 ll sit llé w111 01] ll] "Theinext mse pantry t‘h TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1898, J; H. SAND} Sii H Vaughan Council. Class (In Came to the prpmises 0f the under- signed, Thornhill station, mun‘ about the ch of June, 1898, a. small pig. The owner may have the same by proving plopm-ty and paying exâ€" The O\Vll(‘l px-ovmg p1 penses. Assessment ay On lll T1 0 Min Road. [he finder will p16 {1K Lats-1111} The Royal 53-3 nng belecb CI. . Dm ffville. u the Te. Ruhhm best H STRAYEB THE LIBERAL OFFICE French lnw swan steaming at the 1 hour. crashed int Cromartshire, 01f HY!) : in ‘ itz ; quality Canadian Granulat- llow Sugars selling at very -s.v Atkinson A: Switzer. E. Bvelm of Stouffville, i5 reward of $10 for his bicycle ; stolen on Sunday, July 3rd. V Standard 1898 maker Nu. klmm In OI'I th THOMAS PEARSON SON nperance Hallon the first Wed‘ May of each month. Lem. Payable monthly. Lady or gentleman. LOST {of tho Ununnilnf the M‘unici ’xmglmn will be held in ‘wn Hail ‘Vellcfi'e, on 'emplars of Temperance no I 850 500 $ 1 ( uni J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk .‘S, McKinnnn Chain, stamped on each side- I. A. McUx-eudy, Toâ€" 111 cmmmmica’cions to County Constable, he collision 1L“ 6 mnish prism rk on the St 13139015130!s2,oooi$a.oco 1U kling Spices as, Tunwvic, . Mustard alln licluhonu Hi1 Ase m f death it; {he morning of July steamer LaBour- fight A. SWIT’JER. ‘ Financial Seu'y V 8 t02._ L succumbe Concord, f he I!“ team defeat e grounds ()1 $02. On thm of th( is six 600 [x lpr [II he Spun»- ix ships. ‘nd 1,800 nexY-s will I 10d this Afl- h‘itish Sable, mk. d( 101115 same 111 300 ll) Oust Outfit Rakes, Sc‘ $1268; Oil iron rivets and hard“ 16561168 King St. Eas‘a, n Toronto, HARDV/ARE 4' STORE m For good utho-date Harness at law prices; Nickelemcunted Single HarneSS from $10 up; Genuine Ruflfiel‘ I ickel-mounted from $18 up ; all hand made ; no shoddy ALSO IN STOCK Dusters, Knee Rugs, \thps. Trunks, ‘Valiscs and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. MCD()NASLD 11 33.11% Fine Harness A Specialty. 'Wfikim & Cu, grave: m n? 1X11 sell these retail at less than wholesale prices. 31/1211“: M ugh Hand Gaso] 8, bolts and ware cheap. lite-W m h Ying Emaiw Ewing 31% mm Grew Efiagohmg Gil 11 hin Z'CIK )TATO SPRAY Richanond iliil Has for sale all kinds and Harves’eing‘ fools, W" 0 TO THE RICHMOND HII KER ng Promptly Dona ks ; also L; hne Stoves i hinges; z an D( here u H ICHM ELK.) 011 it at E’fi 'anite Preserving Kettles, 211% from 50c. 9p; coppgr. a_nd‘ 11 kmds of tln, eavetroughmg 1n 13;?! E1} 53 E‘ Ififii (V a dam av H‘ m m U? u SPRA 113.1 )TER N 1 isomme 11'1‘. 3r Solid bloz 1T

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