ill it ill THE VERY fâ€"ATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER Interesting Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United Slates. and All Parts of the Globe. Condens'u and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. August 10th will be Berlin's ciVlt‘ holiday. Montreal‘s new directory city a populrmion of 339.000. I’OI‘ty cases of. measles and one death are reported at the \Vinntpt‘? (Illitmn' line. The steamship Livonian, aground for ten days in the St. Lawrence. has been floated. 'i‘hr‘ Welland and St. l.:i\\'rencc. Canals will b:- kept. open until H ill-moi every Sunday. C. P. R. land sales for ported at \\'innipeg. were 49,000 acres, realizing $160,000. Mr. A. H. Hart‘iss, traffic manager of the Canadian Government railway system has resigned. Premier \Varburton. (if I’rince Ed- ward Island, has accepted the Kings County Court judgt‘ship. There is a. (‘oal war on among the dealers of Hamilton. 0nt.. and prices have taken a. big drop James Allison, inmate. of the ()tta- wa Old Men‘s Home, tried to end his life with laudanum. He. took too much. The Militia Department. will estab- lish a prOvisiioual school at Carleton Place for the. instruction of infantry officers. The duties collected at the port of Toronto during the fiscal year ending June 30. 1898, show an increase of $526,480.96. Thoma§ Parsons, burglar, incendiary and jail breaker. Belleville to fourteen years in the penitentiary. Sir Sanford Fleming has donated to Ottawa his fine. oollection of hot house plants Mid the. conservatories in which they are kept. A prisoner escaped from the “'inni- ‘ peg jail. but was recaptured by a guard while attempting to swim the Assini» boine river. The report that glassituppcrs are prevalent in some parts of the. Northâ€" west, is, after careful inquiry, found to be incorrect. John Johnston, son of Mr. Brent Johnston. Hamilton, committed suicide by shooting himself. through the heart with a shotgun. Rolplie Jl.ussier. of the district of Montreal. has entered suit against Miss Page. of St. I’hillippe. Que... for. $3.30 damages for breach of promise. Peterhoro has the ward system, abolished men to one per thousand inhabitants and will select them by ageneral V019. An office of the Great North “'est- ern Telegraph Company, has been op- ened in Victoria, B. C. and direct com- munication established with that point. \V. Kring, blacksmith, Wobbwood. Algoina and A. Miller celebrated the holiday by going hunting. Kring misâ€" took Miller for game and shot him dead. It is said that the Standard Oil Curtiâ€" pany has effected the purchase ofthe Imperial Oil \Vorks. and has leased every other refining plant. in Canada! for five years. J. C. Sully. of Guelph, has been awarded the. Royal Canadian Humane Society's bronze medal for bravery in Saving Charles Clendennan from. drowning at. Guelph a few weeksl ago. A bishop in England has a son in Canada residing a short, distance west of Winnipeg. The other day he wrote to :1 Kingston lawyer and requested him to invite. cusionaiiy. Captain Philippe de. Perron (‘asgrairL R. h‘., has been nominated by I.ord‘ Lansdovvne, Secretary of War, as Quartermaster-Uencrai of the Canadian forces, in place of Col. bake. who re-a tires to rejoin his regiment. News has real-hurt Ilalilax of a diow n- ing accident in the Straits of Magellan, by which four Seaman of the Halifax steamer Alpha and a Straits- pilot. were drOw'ned. The men Were, lost by tho capsizing of a rowlioul. A mare belonging to (ii-orge. Howe, of Ottawa, ran away towards the build-i ings. jumped the cliff at. Lovers' Walk. a distance of sixty feet. and rolled down to within a («w feet of the wa- ter's edge. ts'he. was practically un- injured. A private letter from a member of the Yukon force states that the. lired- ericton and St., company mutinied and refused to carry packs weighing from 70 lo 80 pounds. The writer complains of the fare and charges the'officers with a lack of con- sideration. Mr. R. F. Stupart, director of the Dominion meteorological survey, is at, Vancouver. is to make. arrangements for the erection of a lime signal apâ€" paratus at. Ill'ookton point for the beneâ€" fit of shipping and the. harbor of Vanâ€" couver. The Royal Canadian Humane Assi- ciaiion have awarded a bronze medal to .f. C. Sully of Guelph for prompti- tulle and coolness and conspicuous bra- very in saving Charles (‘lendennan from til'OviIJlllg‘ in the River Speed at Guelph on my :6. it had always been understood in Quebec that the late Senator do Bluis intended to allow his interest in the, de. Blois estate. as well as other proâ€" perties, to revert to that estate, and Sir Adolrhe Caron would be. one of the principal beneficiaries. It appears, however. that a few days before his death he made a will leaving everyâ€" thing to his wife. gives the was sentenced at , limited the. number of Alder-‘ his son in to dinner ric- ‘ Peter Cline. a foreman of a construc- tion « rcw on liit: ('iow '\ _\'e-~;t Pass Rails way, who shot an i..tli.|l1 named Anqu Circlinni ncai Knskonook on April 17». has been tried at Nelson and found l l i The sentence of the court was that Cline be confined in the provincial [witâ€" itentiary for three. years at hard la- bar. (2 HEAT lill lTAlN. American ('(illiti’iiltt’u‘, which is aiming l0 cultivati- an t‘lllt‘ll‘t‘. Al [.ii'urpool, it is said the. l'nitcd islalt‘x lliltl [lilit‘ilhb'Hl tix of the AI- lnntic 'l‘ransport ('..iiip:itiy’s liuci'sztnd ttbe National liucr Michigan for £7400,â€" ileIi. l The English artiller team, . iis coming to (Elna/Ia to compete with ithv Canadian artillervmen, will proliâ€" lablv sail for St John, Nil. on Aug- ‘ ust 20. ‘ At. the (till Bailey in London on blon- .Iitty \V. Hansel Collins, an unregister- led doctor, was placed on trial charged iw'ith causing},r the death of Mrs. Emily ll‘ldith l'ziclli. by an illF‘D’lli operation. ers. l’ziclli was well known in soceity. .l ime... as re- ‘ l I‘Ni'l‘l‘II) S'i'A'l‘l‘iS. ‘ The “'estern Rubber lielting Com- pany. of Chicago, has collapsed. in annual l American bankers ‘ 22nd. . Rl‘ttorls received at Seattle, \\'ash., lSlr‘IU‘ that lti Klondikers were drowned ‘in Lake Lindcman. waves demolishing l their scow. l Three companies of the Eighteenth lRt‘L'iment Pennsylvania Volunteers. lhavo arrived at Fort Brady, Mich. it) E 811:1 rd the locks of the Foo Canal. ‘ It has been decided to restore meet the . ,pt‘oi'isions appropriating $50,000 for a lr‘mumiss'ion to adjust the V ibet ween the I'nited States and (,an- ‘ avid. l Anita lv‘orrester. aged 23. committed ,suicide at, Redford. a suburb of (‘leve- lland. rather than trinity. 5hr liuumti loil on her clothing and L0 l‘ herself. Many new victims of the. storm which titlew down a circus tent at Sioux (lily- lowa. were discovered b'unday. The dead numl er three and the injured 33. (if the latter ten are critically hurt and may die l The British Ship .lohn Bramble has arrived at Philadellhia from Soniaâ€" baye, Jma. Nearly the entire crew lis in a state of partial blindness fiom ‘a disease which mariners call “inton ‘ blink." l The Great Western distillery tit ‘I,t‘(il'l1l. ill.. the second largest in theI 1 world. was st ruck by lightningr on Sat.- ‘ut‘day and everything was burned exâ€" cept the bonded warehouse. The loss is estimated at $360000; fully insured. l Three men w'ere drowned in the Chippewa river at the halfâ€"way dam. near Mount Pleasant. Mich. on Satur- day. '1‘th party were fishing. and had , prepared to return home, w hen Thomas "l’rancisco. aged lti. and Sidney Caster went in bathing. The father, Harvey . Francisco. plunged in after them. and all three sank in thirty feet. of water. ‘ Captain Joshua Sim-um has arrived 1at Newport, R. I., in the sloop yacht Spray, after a. voyage around the tworid. He left Boston on April 24, 1851.â€), going to Gibraltar and South Am- erican ports, and from there to the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific to Australia. Tasmania and Juan Fernan- dez. He s-tiled into the Indian Ocean and visited Natal. South Africa; Cape Town. St. Helena, Aseension Island, Grenada and Antigua. and thence home. His cruise of more than three years was made in a sailing craft 33 'feet long and 14 feet wide, and 12.70 net tonnage. Captain Slocum made .the voyage entircly alone. GENERAL. Cabinet set fire ‘ The new French has been 'formed. Martial law has been proclaimed in parts of Austria. [be new French Cabinet is not favor- ably receivcd in Russia. ; Storms in Austria. hive. caused loss ‘of life and damage to property. The Arch-duchess Elizabeth. mother vof the Queen Regent of. Spain has ser- iously ill at Madrid. in consequence of .lhe‘ present excitement. The Newfoundland ’l‘ransinsular ‘Railway is completed and the first. through train acrossth country made the 548 miles in ".34 hours. t In resigning office. owing to his fail- ure to form a party government. the, ‘Marquis Ito expressed a. desrre, to reâ€" lnounce all his ranks and decorations. l An edict has been published in Ilav- ,ana providing,r for the burial of the dead. LCiiy carts will collect the bodies at ‘Icertain hours. A heavy fine is impos- ed upon citizen»: who conceal bodies or lkeep them in houses more, than 2i hours. t The first street railway work in St. :John's. Nfld., will begin in a few days. }Men are now employed quarrying the jstonc to pave the streets. The fishery ‘prospects in Newfoundland are fair. lLobsters are reported scarcer than last year. ; (‘hief Niahoinmlali Khulif and five other i'ingloaders of the attack recent- ly made by 1000 natives on a Russian post. garrison by 300 infantry. at. the ‘tow'n of Andijan. Province of Porgâ€" lhana. 'i'urkestan, in which twenty of l the soldiers were killed and eighteen l tithe. rs were Wounded have I eon public- ‘. Iy hanged. S'l‘ Ii A N G It) t‘ IIS'l'OAI. The li‘ayanzi, w ho live along the lip-V per Congo. have a custom which mikes life a burlen to the mar- lried women. Brass rods are welded inâ€" to grant rings round the necks of the wives. Many of these rings worn by the women whose husbands are well to do weigh as much as 30 pounds. and this burden must be carried by the. wretched creatures as long as they live. stra rige A HE BATTE A ANTIGU. gulin of shootini,r wit it intent to niairn." Lord \Voiselr‘y. comnntndcrâ€"in chief of: the Iirit ish army, b t\‘ joined the Angloâ€"l which - session at. Niagara Falls. N. Y†July. differences DESPERATE FIGHTING AT THE OUTER WORKS OF THE CITY. hols-sluil'tcr Iloporlï¬ the American 'ualllcs in Four Hundred. But (Duly n small Proportion ofThem .lre Fulal. \i'ith llh‘ :h‘antiaqo, via Army before Estaâ€"Major _ American Plays! lit‘i gran with great vigour. the attack on the outer defences of Santiago. li‘rom three directions the American forces advanced toward the (loomed city. \\’hile. General Lawton General Kent was (lonerâ€" west of Santiago. advancing toward Agnadores. a.l Garcia with his. Cuban troops at the same time approached Caney from the south-east. and the other division of tthc American tSanfiagrr) army the the I‘nitmi thus presenting a solid from east. Stairs forces front from the , ares' northern coast to General defences. l"ou r members of the 21st. Regiment. of regulars were killed in the fighting between Sevilla and Aguadores. while lti other Americans. all members of the ,let. were wounded. Both the American and Spanish fleets early joined in the battle. reducing the recently emplaced batâ€" ,teries at .\£Ill‘tll0TI‘.H- Admiral (Z‘t‘t‘vnl‘v’l'S fleet was hurling: ~ltu|ls in the direction of the American and (‘uban lines. ing under orders from .\I,;r_;t)i‘-Gent‘rrtl Shafter. \\ ho went to the front the head of the troops began thebaltle. of ‘di Santiago by attacking (‘aneyz From this village a direct road leads into ‘Sanliago, and the advance of tilt: ‘ l'nited “lien they gain possession oftlie road. General \Vliceler, with a detachment. Of his cavalry command. and Garcia, St a Ins. forces with the Cuban troops, quickly joined General Lawt’on‘s men in the advance upon Cam-y. CAPTURE Oi" CANEY. ’l'he Spaniards for a tirnt‘ fought des- perately to prevent Caney from falling into the hands of the I'nited States It was a vain effort. Before tthe. fighting had been long under way the American and Cuban forces gainâ€" ed advanced ground. Foot by foot the enemy was driven back into the viiâ€" lage. It was evident after the, first hour’s fighting that General Shafter had accurater gauged the strength of the enemy, and that he would be able to drive. the Spaniards into Santiago at his pleasure. [t was with difficultly the command- ing officer forces. restrained the artlour of his troops until the. hour forbeginnâ€" ing the attack came. The enthusiasm of the American forces was intense and their spirit quickly spread to the Cu- could be. taken by a sharp. persistent attack. and they have been impatient. to advance Brigadierâ€"General Kent, who com- manded the centre. of the, general line of attack, started the Lllsl Regiment of regulars toward Aguadores at the same hour General Lawton's men ad~ vanced toward Carley. llpon these, troops fell the brunt of battle to the southâ€"east ofS'anliago duringthe early hours of the day. There was DESPERATE FIGI’l'l‘ING about. Aguadori-s. Acting under orders from General Linares, the Spanish at that point returned the American fire with a fury that aroused in the Alllk'l'- icons the fiercest determination. 'l‘hey boldly faced the enemy’s fire, holding their ground tenaciously, and pressing forward. whenever an opportunity to gain an advance footing presented it- self. In their operations about Aguaâ€" dores the Americans were greatly en- couraged by the, work of the fleet, which poured it heavy fire into the lines of Spaniards. Admiral Sampson ordered theNew York. Gloucester, and Suwance to attaok the batteries recentâ€" ly placed to the. east of Morrox The. vessels engaged the batteries at short range. and left. only the scarrod hillâ€" side to show where. the batteries had been local ed. Thu I\‘l.'tssachusei t s and the New York troops then opened with big guns, plunging a heavy fire into the enemy‘s lines. Common shell tand reduced charges were used for this purpose, and they demoralized the enemy's ranks. The shells were fired \atiou so as to clear the toweringr coast line ridge. The Newark joined thc fleet. on Friday morning. and at noon the Iowa steamed within 10,000 yards of Norro Castle. Admiral Sampâ€" son had signalled from the flagship for lows. to engage. Morl'o. but a few moâ€" mean later. just as the, how was about to open fire. the annulling penâ€" nant. was hoisted. The Harvard arrived Friday morning. with LEO“ Michigan volunteers. They were hurried ashore. and hastened forward to join the Amerâ€" ican lines. As the enemy was pressed back toâ€" twards Santiago, both at Caney and at Aguadorcs, the progress of the Amerâ€" ican forces was in entire harmony with the plans of General Shafter. The lines thus became. more closely knit. and at a high ele- at Alt ares on mow the Americans and Cubans pre- sent A (.‘(iN'i‘lNUOUS FRONT from the southeast and north of the. city. On the right" at t'aney now is (icuel'il General Shafter on Friday motninpï¬ bc-, and General. Wheeler were :itt'icking Caney. noitli-‘ pressed toward \Vliile Admiral Sampson's men were“ Two batteries of light. artillery. actâ€"‘ will be irresistible ban troops. All have shared in the belief of Gen. Shafter that Santiago- ll \\'. Lawton, With thrm brtfrades. thr first inlet‘ Col. .I. .I. Vanhun comm‘ptlin: tlr‘ ‘itb I‘nite-i States army Itllti tlw '._"_’nd l'nitetl States Inâ€" fantt‘v. and ill" 2nd Alissachusetts. Col. it. if Clark commanding. The second brigade is ('i|II|I)H‘.I’tl of ill.» lst.‘ ltlr :lll'l ’_‘.'itli I'nit-ea'l ‘lt lli‘\ Infantry. 1The third brigade under ti-eiiel‘tl A. ll. (‘li'riffi-E‘, is coinplvsed of the 7th 11th ind thti 1 till-Ml St tics tnfrtnttv. tienersil \l'hmiler with four light .l m. iiitttt'l‘in‘s is strungout in the rear of ll.;iwton'> division. General 5' li. )I. [Young is .ltt-lchml to tien. \lewler's l command. This cavalry. eight troops. i3l‘rl night ilzmps til lib? tilll. yll‘tilllh‘ of til“ fltlr 'intl 0.1ng trump" of t 1h.) 10th. of thr- tin lll' left of Ianton inthe. cl-ntro restinuon the scoonl crossing of 1h0 river (iii‘tmi, just back of Sevill't. and moving: tnwzu‘tl Aquarium“. is a force Vt‘nuigmsmi of the lst brigade, under ,(ien. II. S. Il-twkina. witlrtho ltitli,:inti tho tith l nitcd States Infantry, the :7ist New York. under (Vii. \anlaco ‘iMwnes, Bud lirigule, (‘ol l’icison lconimandinu. 1nd I'. S. Infantry. ltlth ‘llnitml Status Infantry. 21st l'nitnd Slates Infantry. 1nd l‘uited Stiles lnâ€" lfantry, 10th I‘nited States infantry. ‘ 21st iIif‘lni ry, third brigade, (Ml. \‘.'orth commandng 9th iiiili. and lit ll i'niterl States infantry: livnnrul Hates has ‘the 33rd Michigdn. t‘ol, t'hxxs. l.. ibiin- ton commanding. SIIAF'I'I‘LR HAS 2,000 PRISONERS. At (330 Friday evening (it'll Shafts-r .S'lltl I†the Associatth i'ress cot‘rf‘t-t- [iondent at. his ilt"tll prurientâ€""WV ’have (‘aney in our I.ll.\‘\‘¢'.\‘.\‘ilifl. and Ill? ‘w‘hole crest of tho plate-ill :it (‘7lnPF'A ‘ “'9 have taken some 3000 jil’isriilt‘IH Mi this side of Santiago, t‘xcn. Lawton is moving to the left to join in lith “tilt Gen. \Vileolon ’I'he Spaniards tll'LVc been driven back into the city" ‘ CERVITRA'S FLEET DES'l‘lltlYl‘ilI A despatch from \\'ushington says:â€"â€" t'l‘ile. follow ing Sltth‘Inb'Hl was gi .‘eu out at the \\'hit:- loust-zm t General Shifter telegrtphxâ€"lï¬arly I’rid'Iy inmuinl.r isnnt a demand for the immediate stun-utter of Huntiago. threatening to i'ttllllJIl'ti the city. I b'licve the place will be Slll‘t’t‘rltlt‘l’f‘dr This contradicts the report that Gen- eral Shaftet his fallen back iii)" following; tiespitcli was rei't‘i'v'Pti ‘at the \\’nr Department:â€"Siboney of- ficc announces that. all th“ Spanish fleet r-Acv-pt, one warship has been de- stroyed and the vessels burning on the. beach. lr’mith. who told tlri lixii'rilnl'. There 1is no doubt of its correctness. Signed. Allen. Signal Officer. The following cable «leqpatch was given out at the White Hous: The destruction of Cervera‘s fleet is Confirmed, Signed. Allen. CONSIDERED .\ llld'NtlliR AT LONâ€" DON. A tlespatch from lain/ion say" The Daily (lr'tphic in its editorial " Tir- s‘in'nal gallant ry and devotion disâ€" played by both Spaniards and Amerâ€" icans must be recognized. The lelt’iviâ€" our of tho Americans sends 'I pride throughout the Ang‘oSaxon world. The story of tip; ~iplen'lid man- ner in which the. Rough Riders carried San Juan is instinct with the indom- litable spirit. of Ralakiua." Tho Daily Graphic says. however:â€""'l'he blunder llies deeper than any more temporary miscalculalion." adding that, “ tho Ann ericans cast their net too widely, as it twould have. been batter to have left .Santiago and Manila. alone. and to have :coricent,rated their efforts upon lla- lvana." DESPATCH FROM DEWEY. .â€"-5 Progress of Insurgent tender llns “can Wonderful. .lguhmldo A despatch from \Vashington. I). (‘.. says:â€"'l‘he Navy Department. on \Ved- nesday made, public the following cable- r grant from Admiral Dewey, brought by the McCulloch to filing: Kong. and, though undated. supposed to have been sent from Cavite June 23>â€" “.\lo change in the situation my telegram of June 17. since l’ive Germs n. three Iiritish. one. French. and one. Japanese menâ€"ofâ€"war in port. 'lhe insurgents constantly closing in on city. Aguinaldo. the insurgent leader. 'with i30f his staff. arrived May 19, by my permission. on the Nanshan. He established himself at Cavite. outside of the arsenal. under the protection of our guns, and organized his army. The progress of Aguinaldo has been wonderful. He has invariably Con. ducted the war humanely. My relaâ€" tion»; with him are, cordial. but my conferences have generally been of a personal nature." WHEN THE WAR IS OVER. ‘l-lcrumuy. Erance, null Elliihl Iluve an In- Ili‘l‘slllllflllllg Regarding the l'hlllpplnes. A despatch from Berlin the best authority the here of the Associated l’t’ess is informâ€" ed that Germany. France and have relaâ€" tive to the Philippine islands. it said that these three powers do not in- tend to actively interfere until hostili- ties cease. after which they will comâ€" bine to prevent the t nited States or Great Britain gaining; possession of the whole of the l’hilippinu Islands. \\'hen the war is over an inil'lll»tlllllllll con« gross will be proposed, similar to the Berlin Congress of 1878, to settle all questions connected with the war. All the great powers will be invited to join. including the. I'nited States and Spain. It appears certain that Ger- many will then demand a slice of the. Philippine Islands. or other compensaâ€" tion in lilP. Far East. The National Zeitung iterates the statement that Gennany has not. yet shown a desire to interfere. except to protect German subjects should the necessity arise, which is by no means unlikely. as neither Spain urn If)“ I nil- ed Suites seems able to cope with tho natives. says :~On correspondent reached an ll nde rstzi riding; is tag i i l l eight ' II was witnessed by (‘aptain‘ :Ilys 1â€" ‘ thrill of‘ Russia ‘ ALL CUBAN PUBTS' UNITED STATESE BLOCKADE AN- OTHER FIVE HUNDRED MILES. “Ill \Inl lie Mich n think-nil 'l‘askwllavalm AM In such a s'laie of Deslilullou as some Reports iiinvc “rule II. A despatt‘li from Washington. D. C.. .5‘1."93'â€"Ii)' I’l‘t)“ltim:1t ion issued on “'cd- ,nesday the President gave notice of the ,intention of the. Government to assume ithc task of blot‘kuding about 500 miles of Cuban coast line in addition to tho {section-s already blockaded. This in- lcreaxes the extent of the. bloikmde fully ifonrâ€"fold. it having been confined hereâ€" ‘tot‘ore 50a stretch of a little. more than ‘100 miles on the. north and the single ll")?! 01' ('innfuegos on the south coast [of the island. The demands upon the ,navy in the way of ships to patrol tho r‘oast, however. will not be nearly so heavy in proportion to the territory to be covered as in the case of the initial ,bltx‘kada for the reason that the new bltx‘kadetl coast line lies entirely with- in the great bight on the South Gubth coast. in which the water is Very Shallow and the ports are few in- to which a vessel of, any draught could ‘an‘et'. The most important of these LDOI'M are Manzanilla. Trinidad, and ,Tunas. \Vesl of Trinidad is (.‘ienfue- ‘gos, which is already blOckacled efâ€" lfectively. From that point westward lior nearly lit) miles there. is no l-OIII‘E I generally lro be tifO'kaded until Batabano 'Tpilt‘hfld. 'lhis port is distant only about 40 miles from Ilavana by rail. land is believed to have lean the prin- Qll‘lll‘source of foul supplies for the hbanish capital. For 150 mils-S west. or this. clear Over to Capt! Frances, the western edge, of the blokado'i lef- I‘IIOI‘y. there are no ports for deep V85- .Sels of any considerable draught. and {even if thore were, the country in the :intcrior. I’inar del Rio, is in the hands l‘of the insurgents and supplile could lnot be sent through to Havana. The ‘purpose of extending the blockade twestward to Cape Frances was to corn- ‘rnand the channel between the west raid»: of the Isle of Pines and Cape I‘ran-es. and thus render mUch easier lthe Yank of b‘okading Vessels. Sl'lfL'A'I'IUN A'l' HAVANA. ’I'h} reports which have reached the President as to the. exact state of afâ€" fairs in Ilavzuia are Conflicting; in some nuns; the town was declared to ‘be on the verge of starvation; in others food supplies were. said to be still abundant. As a matter of fact. the truth prob-iny lies betm-en these ,extremcs and while supplies of a rel“ lain character are very scarce in lla- vana. there is no lack of others. it; is known, for instance. that. while flour may be scarce. large quantities of beef have reached Havana. Only a day or two ago word reached here that 50") head of cattle were. rounded up at a point on the. Mexican (toast, near Yucatan. waiting transport to Butabano. There has been no run- ning of the. blockade by these. cattle,- ships. notwithstanding the Spanish stories to the contrary; all of the ships that have entered Cuban ports with supplies have done so at places not within the block-Ade, such 15 Iiatabano and Manzanilla. The vessels for the additional blockade service will be sup- plied almost entirely from tin: patrol fleet whi.~h. under Commodore Howell, has been guarding the North A‘tlgtitio cmst from Maine to South Cat lina. This service has been abandoned the- cause the only available Spanish wztuu ships are with Admiral (Tamara. thous- point on the Atlantic coast. SJlS are already on their way south- ward. having been reinforced by sev- eral of the new torpedo boats which are particularly adapted. becausu of their light draught, for blockade duty in the shallow waters lying behind the Isle of Pines and Cuba. PUNISHED THE NATIVES. .â€" A [British Expedition Tf‘lll'llt‘s HI-«lonary Vlul'llereru a lesson. A despatch from Liverpool sayszâ€"A mail steamer from Sierra Leone. which l arived here on Wednesday reports that, the Brithh expedition which was desu l patched to the Sherlmro district of Sierra Leone. west coast of Africa, ow- ing to the massacre of American mis- lsionaries by natives, who destroyed the l mission houses. as a result of an upris~ ing against. the imposition of the hut tax. fought its way to Rotifunk. The ilritisll force found the. cremated bod- ios of the murdered missionarics. which. however. bore no traces of mu- til.1liun. as had previously been report.â€" ed. The expedition severely punished the rebellious natives, but the search for Mrs. Cain, who fled. to the bush at. tho time of the massacre. proved fruitâ€" less. .q... . SHAFTER WANTS MEDICINES. heqmlch From (‘larn [Em-loIIâ€"-“onnilcll Are l‘mlslantiy ‘0'“an In. A despatch from New York says:â€"â€"â€" Chairman Stcyhen Ii. Barton has re~ ceived the following Clara Barton. ihc tlcspalch 'thrmigh the “'ar Department l’iaya dcl it'ste :â€"“ Lesser and his forces are attending wounded here. They are constantly coming in. Elite†and his forces are lnndinbr supplies from the States of l‘exas. in the. surf, day and night, without docks. uudcr great Ilif. ficiiltics and donut-rs. Gent-Kai Shallvor telegram from coiningr from sends us urgent appeals from tho front for medicines and food. Non.» l'u'l‘r‘ \Yill try it) send lH' four mull- vvaggons to him and go on rillI'So-h'vx." Miss Barton does not give her exact lorrtiiin. studs of miles away from the nearest: ’l'ho vesâ€"