Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1898, p. 7

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curred to him that the worth of the crown might be tested by such means. He thereupon made two masses of the same weight. as the crown. one of gold. the other of silver. and immersed them separately in a vessel filled to the brim. measuring exactly the quantity of water that overflowed. in each case Having found by this means what measure of the fluid answered to the quantity of each metal. loss in the case of the gold than of the silverâ€"the bulk of the former being less, weight for! weightâ€"he next immersed the crown itself. and found that it caused more water to overflow than the gold. but less than the silver. Having found the difference between the two masses of pure gold and silver. in certain - “- ~ ' ’ '“””"’_ iw‘w“ 7"“ ' - c ~- boy of Bond- ldea of spinning by rolleis from seeing .That, §lght 5'9“ 01d ‘ a red~hot bar elongated by being pass- clippers ‘5 ‘1 011‘" 0f the 01d blmk' In what way? K ed between two rollers, I . . I ' h L The ordinary pracliCe of taking abalh’ Hes treasurer or 11.15 Sundd?“ 9° solved [or Archimedes the question of 01353; and all the peunles U“? 90m?“ m: how to test the purity o[ the gold in t70 ill-‘3 hands he “mm to h” mow“ Hiero'scz‘own. He observed that when at fifteen per cent’ he stepped into a full bath the quan~ tity of water which overflowed was. THE USUAL \VAY. equal to the bulk of his body, and it oc~ _ _ curred to him that the worth of the Bessie-sze you flnlShEd that novel? Arkwright accidentally derived the: idea of spinning by rollers from seeing a redâ€"hot bar elongated by being passâ€" ed between two rollers, The ordinary pracIiCe. of taking nbaih‘ solved for Archimedes the question of how to test the purity 01'. the gold in Hiero'scrown. He observed that “hen Among the many ing William Lee at THE STOCKING-FRAME is one that he was expelled from the university £01? marrying, and (hat, the- ing very poor, his wife was obliged to contribute toward the houSEkeeping by, knitting. It was while watching the motion of her fingers that he conceived bow to imitate those movements by a. machine. no DUDE Lu ULu uvvu uumo. wuu. u,» vu‘um The following year; 1609, Galileo. - a the bills, whilein Venice. heard of the discovery; commune to p y and, being greatly struck with the im~ A LONG. WALK. portance of such an instrument. soon , discovered the principle of lenses in a Good Friend-I have ieaspn'to SPS‘ shifting tube, and made a telescope for pest that .VOUI hu§band IS flll‘tlng “1th his own use. To having been the firsbi other women. 1011 ought to {OUOW astronomer in whose hands so valuable1 him wherever he £935- a gift was placed, Galileo owed both” Great Heavens? My husband is a his reputation and persecution. letter carrier. _ Alpong the many traditions c0ncern~ , _ 1â€"3â€"1»- _-_.__._~ Anxious to learn the cause of the child’s amazement, he turned towards her, and saw that she was looking through two lenses, one held close to her eye, the other at arm’s length; and calling her to his side. he noticed that) the eye lens was plano-concave. while the other was planeâ€"convex. Taking! the two glasses, be repeated his daugh- ter's experiment, and soon discovered that she had chanced to hold the lenses apart at the proper focus, thus pr0< ducing the wonderful effect that she observed. His quick wit saw in this a; wonderful discovery, and he at once set: about making use of his new know- ledge of lenses. Ere long he had fasha ioned a tube of pastelmard. in which he set the glasses at their proper focus and so the telescope was invented. A Nuremberg glassâ€"cutter happened to let some aquarorns fall upon his spectacles and noticed that the glass was corroded and softened where the acid had touched it. Taking the hint, he made a liquid, then drew some figures upon apiece of glass covered them with varnish, applied his corrod~ lng fluid, and cut away the glass round his drawing. When he removed the varnish, the figures appeared raised up~ on a dark ground: and etching upon glass was added to_ the ornamental arts. One day nearly three hundred years ago a poor Optician was working in his shop in the town of Middleburg, in the Netherlands his children helping him 01‘ amusing themselves with the tool:: and objects lying about, when bud~ denly his little girl exclaimed: “Oh, papa, see how near the steeple comes l"i Leaden shot are attributed to a Bristol plumber, who. one night about the year 1783, "had a dream, which was not all a. dream." that he was out in! a shower of molten lead, which fell in the form of spherical drops. His curi~ osity being aroused, he went next day to the top of a church, and poured some: melted lead into a vessel of water lying below. To his great delight, he found that the lead had gathered into beautiâ€" fully-formed globular balls, and he at, once The manufacture of gunpowder, ac- cording to Saints Foix. was thus reâ€" vealed. An Augustinian monk. Barth- old Schwartz, having put. a. composi- tion of sulphur and saltpetre in a. mortar, it took fire, and the stone that covered it was blown off with great, violence, which accident led the chemâ€" ist to think it might beused to much advantage in attacking fortified places. He accordingly added to it a quantity} of charcoal to render it more apt to1 take fire, and increase combustion. Leaden shot are attributed to a. "for the supplying and increase of soâ€" cial commodities than those who built workhouses." him;" the upâ€"forcing of the lid of a cooking vessel discovered the marvel~ lous power of steam, and t1); falling of an apple from its parent stem de- monstrated the law of natural attrac- tion. The simple swinging to and fro of a suspended lamp gave birth to the application of the pendulum, to which the precision of modern astronomy owes so much; while the finding of the na- tural magnet loadstone, “did more.” said the grave philosopher John Locke, Many things of the greatest service to the world in general owe their ori- gin entirely to chance. The rubbing of a piece of amber "evoked" to use. Faraday's words, "an invisible agent. which has done for mankind far more wonderful things than the genie oi' Aladdin did or could have done for A GREAT MANY ~FAMOUS INVEN- TIONS DUE TO CHANGE. Gunpowder. Tvlegcopes and Slvnm Amour Thomâ€"flow Ellison Go! on the Track of lhc Phonograph. WERE FOUND BY ACCIDENT. TOOK OUT A PATENT and yet. Is is true that Pid-ger is financially embarrassed? He is awfully in debt, but it doesn't seem to embarrass him a bit. THE INCREASING Why don‘t you run from them? ask- ed her father. Because. replied the small edition of Eve, maybe they wouldn't chase me. Every morning on the way to school. said the little miss, the boys catch me and kiss me. The \V’ifevDon’t you think it is about time we were declaring our in- dependence of our parents? The Husbandâ€"I’d rather make some sort of autonomy arrangementâ€"we will be boss in our own home. and. let them continue to pay the bills. The two eyes really see two objects. If the two forefingers be held, one at the distance of one foot, the other two feet in front of the eyes, and the former be looked at, two phantoms of the latter will be observed. one on each side. If the latter finger be regarded. two phantom of the nearer finger will be observed mounting guard, one on either side. i Dollieâ€"My music teacher says I have the most remarkable voice he ever heard for one of my age. Nellieâ€"I've noticed it, dear; but you should not worry about itâ€"you're young yet. Dollieâ€"\Vhy, what do you mean? Nellieâ€"The chances are that, you will outgrow it in time. T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Tslre Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Drug- cists refund the money i! it mu: to Cure. 25¢. into the mouthpiece. ran the paper back over the steel point, and heard a faint "Halloal halloal" in return. I de- termined to make a machine that would work accurately, and gave. my as- sistants instructions. telling them what I had discovered. They laughed at: me. That’s the whole story. The phono- graph is the result of the pricking of a. finger" no reason why the thing should not. talk. I tried the experiment first: on a strip of telegraph paper. and found that the point made analphabet. I shouted the words “Halloa! halloal” into the mouthpiece. ran the paper back over the steel point, and heard a _fai_nt Professor Rontgen came upon his marvellous "X" raysâ€"which have open- ed out new fields of research in physi- cal science. besides being of farreachâ€" ing practical utility in surgery. and other departmentsâ€"quite by chance. He was experimenting in the dark with ‘ a Crooke’s varcuin tube. which was cov- ered with some sort of cloth. A strong electric current was passed through it, while close by was some prepared pho- tographic paper, but no camera. Next day he noticed several. lines on this paper. for which he could not account. By restoring everything to exactly lbe same condition as on the preceding (18}. he was able to ascertain the real origin of these, mysterious marks. "I was singing," says Mr. Edison, "to the mouthpiece of a telephone. when the vibration of the voice sent the fineI steel point into my finger. That setl me thinking. If I could record the 110-3 tions of the point. and send the point{ over the same surface afterwards. Isaw‘ Bessierâ€"JIave you finished that novel? Lenaâ€"Yes, but I haven‘t begun it LIKE SOME OF HER. ELDERS leaves no dbubt that it is well worth your most careful attention Try is. Lead packages :5, 4o, 50 and 60c. known proportions. he was able to com- pute the real quantity of each metal 13 the crown, and thus discovered ths fraud that had been practised on the King. to whom he hurried, exclaiming. "Eureka! Eureka!" “I have found it! I have found it I" an exclamation that has ever since been used to express exultation over a discovery. Coming down now to our own time, the account of the DISCOVERY OF SACCHARINE. AMICABLE ARRANGEMENT. SIG-HTS OF T\VO EYES JUVENILE FINANCIER HOPE and thus discovered the Ld been practised on the n he hurried, exclaiming. aka!" "I have found it! it I" an exclamation that 6 been used to express at a discovery. n now to our own time, Popularity of LUDELLA Geyion Tea buildings.â€"Uaed 22 years. With a good ipmyer you can paint a bum in half a day. Writems (or circulars and information about panning. The Finch Wood Pro-ann- Mve t Paint Company. 870 Queen West. Toronw. PMNT so CHEAP The Moon's Influence. Upon the weaiher is accepted by some las real, by others it is disputed. The moon never attracts corns from the tender, aching spot. Putnam‘s Painless [Corn Extractor removes the most pain- »ful Corns in three days. This great remedy makes no sore spots, doesn’t igo fooling around aman‘s foot. but {gets to business at once. and effects a cure. Don’t be imposed upon by subâ€" stitutes and imitations. Get "Put~ Liam’s," and no other. OR SALEâ€"â€"Highly Improved Farm near Winnipeg; 320 acres. No. 12,011; )nlDl‘OVOlean monu cost, $9.000; price $8.000. say two thousand vash, balance in ten yearly payment“ iuLeresL 6 per cent; will sell implements costing 31,35!) for 5800, my five hnn ired cash, balance 3 yearly payments ; inburesh 6 per cont. 2 «idrvss, Frank S. Nugeub, Barrister. Winnipeg. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL otters special A . ‘lnduoenmenps tonyogmg monr desirous ol l Ihduéém§£§s_ Id iyalifirgfi EBnV-HEQI'BEEHSII taking up Cumin ; Full particulars on appli cation. n; Y NOE ST., TORONTO. one AReceptive Pupilâ€"Mistress â€" Bridâ€" get, these are ewers. I hope you’ll not call them jugs any more. Bridget-â€" Thank yez, mum. Sure, an‘- is these cups mine, too. CauSe and Effectâ€"What’s the mat~ ter between Slims and his wier They only seem to speak when it is abso- .lutely necessary. 01]. she belongs to la. cooking-SChool, and every time she ‘prepzlres a. meal by way of experience he refuses to say grace. cept on prescriptions from roputnble physxio~ ians. m the damage they will do is can fold to the good you can posaihiy derive from them. Hull’s Cutsrrh Cure, manufactund by F. J. (‘heney 8c 00., Toledo.0.. contains no mercury and is taken internally.actingdirectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall‘s Qatari-h Cure be sure you get the uenuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio. by F. J. Cheney 8:. Co. Tenth menial : tree. Sold b Diungista, price 750. per bottle. Hall's ‘amily Pills ure the best. LAW Beware of Olntments for Catax-rb that contain Mercury. as mercury will surely dcatmy the sense at small and completely deralnge the whole sys- tem when entel'inz it; through the mucous aur- ta/‘es. buch arbicles Should never be used (up cept on prescriptions from ronutnble nhvnin. Sherâ€"What an imposing figure Major Borrows has. Askinsâ€"‘Vhat do you think of Puf- [ington’l Grimshawâ€"Oh, he is the kind of a man who thinks that when he steps on one end of the country the other end flops up in the air. guagel Yes; whoever origina1 Russian language must have “pied.” Jimmyâ€"Is your aunt on your er's or your father's side? To Sometimes on one and sometim other. It depends on who is g the best of it. Sheâ€"A captive bee striving to has been made to record as m: 15,540 wing strokes per minute test. Heâ€"â€"No wonder the bee is busy. Mrs. Jogginsâ€"Willy, has your moth- er been buying a new rug? Willyâ€" Yes. You wouldn't know there W215 a hole in the carpet now. would you None but the Braveâ€"Could you love a. man who was cowardly, Julia. fl" \Vell I should want him to have courage enough to propose. A Theoryâ€"What anumber of: conso- nants they use in the Russian lan- guage! Yes; whoever originated the Russian language must have got it Heâ€"Oh. yes; naturally so. She And why naturally? Heâ€"He’s always imposing on some Csnadn's Greataa’ Mer‘ir‘ine, find hc [foodie Pills act easily. erf’ounivoly. Is it pure. and is your skin clear. fresh and fair? Or do you have pimples, blackheads, boils, sores and eruptions? Hood’s Sarsaparilla will make your blood pure. It will cure all blood dis~ eases, give you a good appetite, strengâ€" then your nerves and make you feel strong and healthy. To-day buy and begin to take Hood’s sarsaoarilaa How About Your Blood HER. VIE\V AND HIS It H IS STAT US SUMMER SMILES your aunt on your moth Liners sxae 'f Tommyâ€" one and sometimes the nds on who is getting Mills, Bun-L to W" m 0nd You can use It on aid lingle _ronfs or sides of W P C 929 Mills & Hales, ‘01“; erc.,ru1nnve'| [31d II V " ' ' " " ROOFING SLATE. in Black. -â€" Brid- Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We supply ‘ Eubh‘c and High Schools. Tom-amt Roofing FF”, Etch, on 11 not an] gar, ecc. ‘ROQFING‘TILE @129 Ngwgicy Bujld- own to any ll] 8, called 111‘ d me as y R o 0 H N g and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE ;n R’anl’ THOMAS FLY‘NN. Montreal and Quehec to Liverpool In summer. Largo Ind (use (w n screw steam-3th ‘Labmdor.’ ' Vau- couver,’ 'Dominion.‘ ‘Scoct-sman.’ ‘Yorkahire.’ Superior accommodation tor First Cabin. 5904 and Cabin and Steerago paSsengera. Rates of passageâ€"First Cabin. $52.50; second Cabin. $34; Steam 6 $22.50 and u wards according to steamer an berth. For a anormacion apply to Local Agent/a: or DAVID TORRANCE 8c 00.. Gen'l Agents. 17 tab. Sacrament BL. Montreal. L. COFFEE ‘& co}; Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swung, six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter- shafl complete, good as new, VERY CHEAP. Apply, The WILSON PHBLISHING 00., meinion Line Steamshlps. ' Mahala ahlpgerl M anv part of ti)? clfuini;yv.qf"})r;n;li9§-d . DUTHIEJ‘ 0N8, Adelaldeawmmer sta.,‘l’oronto. lugs. foro'nzo; ddizé b} bizr’flfiii' M6273} Caliiégyfié‘; 1003mm Estlm'nes furnished {or work complete or for E: 1 hip or] M a For Sale NESS COLLEGE nor. of west Market and colborno Sim, TORdNTo. for the Fail Seggiun beginnng rvn Smut: .\ no“. Addreas W. H. SHAW, Principal. TAMMEREBS Only lnatitution in Canada fur the our. every phase of npeeah defect. Establish » lnToronLo,1890. Cure Manned. OEUBCIFS AUTO-V00“ Ns'n'rn'rm ENTRANCE'OEPJ‘STLEAVING RONTO‘ scholars} swfixqaapmwa Sh&â€"It requires money to get into society nowadays. He4Yes; and it requires brains to keep out of it. 7 The Ca'utious Oneâ€"Vltrwiuli wdépend up- on how much gold there is in the oppor- tunity. The Fair Oneâ€"I suppose you will marry, though, when the golden 0p- pol-tunity offers, won’t you? LIMITED. 13 to 81 Adelalue 8:. w., Toronto. Rooms 409-12 Board of Trade Bulldlng, TORONTO. ONT. Butter, Eggs, Apples. Fruit, 6:6,, lo THE DAWSON COMMISSION 00., Limited, GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, gamma Onlyluatilulion in Canada {or the can ‘ every plume of speech defect. Establish In Toronto, 1890. Cute Manned. OHUBCII'S AUTO-V008 NSTITUTE. I Pembroke 81., Toronto, Dana“: EM put up Ind “ken down. (Jan in o eaned. nested. and put away in a small space. Ask your dealer: for than}. Manufactured by THE TRIUMPHQ :68 Adelaide 51. w.. To’ronco. ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. u: t]: THE REQUIREMENTS For Bunions, Corns, all In- flammatxon or Pain. 9-. F: 9539”): Have y MEASURING TERMS- I! Joan L. Conn H' ‘n the CENTRAL bus’i' Eaiabuma m3. ARD 51s.. To about, the Era. WILLIAM C. WILSON & C0" GEORGE GOODERHAM. President. .I. E. ROBERTS, General Manager. The Baminion of Banada Guarantee and Accident Insurance company. Cabin $52.50 and upwards: Second GEN. 884 and 9nd $36.25' Sbeorage to Literpool London, Glasgow, Balkan Londondem on Queongtowp #2199 and $23.50.; A reduction of five per cent. is allowed on round trip first, and second cabin tickets. F0! sailings of steamer! or other information lp’], to any authorized agent). 3. Bourner, 1 King St. W. Torontm or E. a A Allan. Montreal. Steamers sun from Montreal av Thursdn: morning on arrival of trains from oroum m the West about 9 o'clock. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. sum 1 n: on WANT H ' 7 ' "F355 77-; will-en it. in) mone to ulre We take all risk. Goyodasretu able. qfing: ‘acme premluml In proportion to amount sold. Benclo Ageno . 84 12003111 813 1'0“)an wâ€"vâ€"vw N-‘. . v.7‘, ‘ ’ (scented Gum us a cloth, a new amqvery which tn- 3 othex' perflulnerwl for the lhsfingefiua '2’ sweet and fragrant odor. ta a far as {0n can) anong friend; an 1.00. per mafia hen ml rerun: us the mono , and we w and {on free for your troub etbe above do aerlhe rln . which is m pad and warrant ed Gold. 5e with genuine smote and Peer ‘-â€"-Send addx‘eu at once. mention this n r In sum 1 :1: gm WANT“ I ' an w willlen it. 0 money regfiln We take n“ rlgk. Good; am able. kn fifififlfifié Hélfifiifigj 5}? WIN Genufima magnets and Peal-la LIMIT ED . ITEAMBDAT, RAILROAD and MILL SUPPLIIQ) 24 Front St. East, - o - TORONTQ GONBOY'S IMPRQ‘JED GHRRIHGE TOPS I‘IIRESHEERS ENGINE I CASTOR MACHINE E CYLINDER ENGINE PACKING and THRESHERS’ BELTS, INDO-CEYLON TEA not only goes farther, but is pure, health- ful and delicious. All grocers sell it, in lead packets only. The tea that goes the farthest Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Government Deposit 81,000 HEAD OFFICE, 7- TORONTO MONSOON A CANADIAN COMPANYâ€"WITH CANADIAN Cavqu AND CANADIAN DIRECTORS. Get our prices. We want your trade. RATES OF PASSAGE 25. 30. 40. Bo and 601:. per pound. '1 2 You 5. nothing, In: plgdaegag our Nun? an . rcaa uh! w:- «an and we [11 Myrna youl $35553”, “ SBMD'. .__‘..-,L . have met with such universal fl! vor. that omen manufacturer- are now makln interior imitat ens. Insist on having the Canboy make an imitabmns never as good a! the gamma. received the high. est awards at th \Varl 11"» Fair 189 ,oounov's PATEN‘I noun TOPS

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