THE PAINTER OF PARFIA; _. 0R, ._ THE MAGIC OF A MASTERPIECE. WW CHAPTER VIII. A change had come over our good old duenna. She had been. previous’ 'to this last visit at the painter's studio. Inclined to feel hurt at the slight put upon her, as she felt it to be. Ibull a :hange had been wrought. She was now in sympathy with her deatr young mistress. and, moreover, her feelings toward the painter himself had become loftened and friendly. She had conveIrS- ad with him, and he had listened to her. not only with respect. but gratefully. And that. perhaps. might not be all. Never before had she sat in Signor Zan- Dni's presence; never before had ‘sho Innked squarely and searchineg into his eloquent. magnetic face. She had found something in it, that had attract- ed herâ€"something that had ledher to trust and like him, and she felt in her heart that she would be his champion. \Vith this feeling she earnestly deSirâ€" ed to keep herself out of the way of the Marquis Steffano. She knew that he would question her closely, and she ‘ knew tooâ€"though she did not to her- self acknowledge itâ€"that she was not fitted to cope with him. She was but an humble dependent, while he was a noble of Parmahnd own brother of‘ the powerful duke. She was resolved that on the next morning she. would take shelter. at as early an hour as possible, in the society of the princess and not leave her until they had made their visit to the studio. That he would ask her before the morrow, she did not even dream. She knew his habits; and the spending of the evening hours at home was not one of them. Had she called to mind the fact that the duke had planned to hold one of his light, friendly recepâ€" tions on that very evening she might have been more on her guard. I As it was, however. the marquis found her. .At about the time when she usually began to think of her night’s rest he stationed himself at a point in an upper corridor, which she must pass, and there, upon the stroke of the half-hour after nine. he met her. She saw him and sought to avord him; but he was too quick for her. “No, no, dear old friend! You must not think to give me the slip in that fashion I I have taken too-much trou- ble to find you to suffer you to run away from me now. My dear. good old Madelon, of what are you afraid? .If you will listen to me for just one lit- tle minute I- will convince you that. it is for your own interest that “fish to speak. I think you would Wish to retain the good opinion of the duke.†"You know I would." "’l‘hen prove it by being frank and truthful. Prove it by provmg your- self a true .friend to the Prinsess Isabel." “0h. Marquis! How can you say such a thing. As though I needed to prove my friendship for that dear child I†“Madelon!†Answer me this!" He spoke in an abrupt. threatening tone. looking her in the eye as though y he would look into her very soul. "Now, would you like to see the Princess Isa- bel di Varona elopeâ€"run awayâ€"With the low-born, poverty-stricken lazar- one of a painter!" “Steffano h‘arncse, he isn’t a Lazarâ€" one, and you know it!†“Never mind that. Now would you like to see it ?†"You hinted at such a thing once before. and I answered you." . "Well, you can answer me again. And I tell you. Madelon, I am serious. Think the matter over. Picture it to yourself. Thus it would be: One day â€"-and on a day‘ not for distant. if you do not take careâ€"the duke will ask you. ‘Where is the princess?’ and you can only answer, 'She is gone!‘â€"ayeâ€" gone off with Signor Zanoni! Have you thought? How does it appear to you? Would you like for such a thing to come to pass ?" “I shall not answer you. It is too ridiculous. You are only trying to frighten me." _ “Then answer me this.†This time the marquis Spoke in a low tone, but with a deeper and more diabolical tlhreat, with a grip on her wr'mt and that same searching look into h.-r shrinking, frightened eyes, “What were the painter and the princess do- ling this afternoon? You know very well he was not painting. Don t stop to frame a. lie! I want the truth! 1 want you to tell me just. what you knowâ€"no more, no less." The poor old creature was beyond her depth. She could tell a falsehood on a small scale, but she knew not how to carry off a calm. pliacid decep- tion. Moreover. she was fully per- suaded that the marquis knew much. much more than he really did. She was in an agony of terror and alarm, and the longer she hesitated the more utterly demoralized she became. "Are you going to answer me?" “Marquis! you have no right to ask me about the private affairs of my mistress. I will tell the duke how you treat me." “Do so, my dear old madam, and I will tell him that the painter was mak- ing love to your mistress under your very eyes. "Then you will ,tell him an awful lie: for he wasn‘t doing any such thing." “I swear he was I" “And I swear he wasn't; there now!" "How do you know that? Remem- ber! You say you can swealr. How can you do so if you do not know what they were doing ?" “I do know what they were doing, and nobody could have been more in- norent of all harm !" “Ohol Now I understand. The painter was telling to the lady the vtruly touching and pathetic story of his vagabond life I†"There’s where you are just wrong. Marquis Stefano!" retorted the damn triurnphziutly. "It was the Princess herself was telling the Story! H“ hâ€! You are not so wise as you thought you were." "Mercy on us! cess so long in telling the her own life ?†"No!" fairly shmieked the irritatEd old woman, feeling that her time of triumph had come. “It was Your story, the story of your life. that she was telling! Now what do you think? Aha! You don't like it, eh ?†The effect of these few simple words upon the marquis had. been \Vonderf‘ll- He seemed to collapseâ€"to suddenly wilt and dronp, and quake. His limbs shook: his whole frame shook. and the terror in his face was startling. lBut it was only for a little time. He soon became strong again, and. the terrified expression had "left his (lack visage, but in its place had come a. look of vengeanceâ€"0f dire. and deadly hatredâ€"â€" that boded ill to somebody. It had been upon his tongue to how] back upon the woman in hot anger and gross profanity, but he had restrained himself. for which he was thankful. He did more than that. ching determinâ€" ed. if possible to gain the whole truth. he held his peace until he was able to speak calmly. and even pleasantly. "Forgive me. Madelon,“ he said, with a smile, "if I startled you. But when outoid me that the princess had been elling my story to a strangerâ€"the story of my unhappy youthâ€"it made me really angry. But that is past and gone. Now tell me, how come she Io tell It? You owe me that. and. I kan you will not refuse me.†.And thus, by dint of close and pa- tientnuesticning. without again los- ing his temper, and a careful keeping out of sight of his ill feelings. 11“ 910‘ ceeded in drawing from her a true ac.â€" count of the whole affair. She was careful to take to herself her full share of responsibility. In fact. she suffered it to appear that she hadgivcn to the painter a vast deal of information that she never gave at all. She had held her wits wonderful.â€" ly at command for her. Up to this time'she had contrived. without falsiâ€" fication to make it appear that she had been] present at the whole inter- VleW; and she might have carried it out to the end with very little thought and circumspection. [But an unfortun- ate moment for her was at hand. :Dear old lMadelon." the marquis Said. With the deepest touch of feeling he could show, "I do not so much won- der that the princess should have for- gotten herself. She is young and in- experienced, an! apt. to be thoughtless. espeCially where her sympathies are Concerned; but you are older; and we have a right to look to you to uphold the honor and dignity of our name. I am surprised that you did not instant- ly, when Isabel first started to disclose line‘secrets of your noble master‘s family. make her a sign to stOp. Did you not realize that it was not the. proper thing to do? ’Alas! you can not have been thinking of the dutyâ€" the hearty loyaltyâ€"you owed the good duke.†[Butâ€"Marquis! I wasn’t there when she began. If I had of been it would not have happened. LButâ€"but." she cried, _when she caught the suddcn gleaming of Steffano’s black eyes and the closing of his vengeful lips. "you mustn’t blame the princcss. She meant no harm. If Signor Zanoni asked her to tell him about it. how was she to refuse?" "And how, if I may ask, happened you to join them at all ?" He asked the question as mildly and pleasantly as it was in his power to do. She had once lost her head, and the was now lost completely. She answer- ed blindly. wilhout thought, the simple trulh: “I went to tell her that it was time for us to go home." "And you found her telling our story to the painter'l’ “I told you onceâ€"yes." "How far had she got when you came upon the scene '4" "She had just told about the coming of ihe old priest, li'allier Paul, and the wonderful siory he had to tell of the princess and her little son. That‘s you.†“Oh. she was telling of my mother?" "Of your mother and. yourself, as it afterward turned out, bul.â€"†I "But, she had not spoken of my com- Lng home to Parma?" “Bless you, no. She, hadn't said a “word about you. Your name hadn’t been mentioned no more than aslhough there had never been such a person in exrstence. So you needn’t borrow any trouble. I heard every word that was spoken about youâ€"every word, and not a thing was said that you could have found fault with." The marquis laughedâ€"laughed as though something had greatly pleased 1m. "Come, liladelon, you can’t imagine how curious I am to know what the painter thought of me. Of course, he must have. said something. Now be good to me and tell me what it was.†‘He didn’t say anything that you would care to hear; not asingle thing." ‘I'Oh, but he must have said some~ thing. Did he say I was handsome?" "No, he did not." "Did he say Iwas ugly?†"Of course not." "Did he speak of in a e? Ah! i he speak of that, eh PI, g ‘ d d "It was only aword, marquis." "Aha! I know. He thought [looked too younzi to be the longâ€"lostl brother. "You are wrong there, Signor. 0n the contrary he asked the princess if she had never thought that you looked older than you were." 1 Was the deair prin- story of "Did he say older (than I am“ or older than Iclaim to be?" "'i‘hcy had reckoned your true age-â€" the age of Giovanni'e younger sonâ€"and he meant. older than that. Now I hope you are salisfieI ." "yes. good Madelon; and I am grateâ€" ful. too. I suppose you saw, the moâ€" ment your eyes fell on the canvas, that it had not been touched at that sitting? However, that wasn't the princess’s fault." "It wasn’t anybmly’s fault. And." Wilh a. vindictive snapping of her eyes and an angry pursing of her lips. "I don't know as it was anybody’s busi- ness." "You are right. It was none of mine. at all events. Thanks once more, my dear Madelon. Good-might!" "It‘s the most sensible word you have spoken, marquis, and I repeat it with all my heart. Good-night!" And with that. spiteful speech the duenna turned upon her heel and strode away with all possible speed. The marquis stood and watched her until she had disappeared, and still stood, gazing into the vacancy she had last filled. So for a time. and then he cast a quick glance around, to assure himself thal he. was alone. "By honvr‘ils‘l" he exclaimed, with a fierce smiling together of his heavy hands. "it has gone further than I thought! \Vhat were they doing all that time alone together, and not a. touch of a brush to his canvas? As! live, I believe she loves him! She has given her heartâ€"and will give herself if she can. And he will grab the prize! He would be a fool if he did not. I'd Wager my life that they have already talked of flight. Aye, Iiutâ€"†At this point he caught his breth and started as though a ghost had sud- denly arisen and confronted him. "San Marco! he has my life, as Isabel knows it, laid bare. He knows all she could tell him. He knows too much. I have no time to waste. Shall I put a stop to her visits at the studio? And there must. be no more conference beâ€" tween those two. Luckily, before they had come to my part in the story old Madelon was with Iham, and in her presence the man would be guarded. but when they next‘ meet, withoul the duenna to overhear, what notes and (Iain. may they not rake up and com- pare? By heavens! I must open the eyes of the. duke and set Guiseppe to thinking. If I can work upon him as I think I can lmay bring down my two birds at. asingle shot I" As the lax-I: words fell from his lips lhe great cathedral bell of the Assump- tion. in its deep and solemn tones, proâ€" claimed the hour of ten. That was the duke’s usual time for presenting him- self at his social receptions, and Stefâ€" fano wished if possible to see and speak with him before he should have left his private closet. "Aye. I have it," he muttered, as he Iurned in the new direction. “Let me have his consent to the experiment. and if I do not open his eyes, then call me dunce." He found the duke in the same small anteâ€"room where we have seen the twain once before. in the act of putting away a lot of papers which he had been probably overlooking. "Ah! how is this, Steffano? I have been making myself very easy and con- tent in the. assurance that you were en- tertaining my guests." "My dear Antonio." returned the marquis. \\ ith an earnestness and soberâ€" ness unusual to him, “I could not give myself to pleasure until I had Seen you and put off a load from my mind that is worrying me." "Steffanol what in the world can it be? Am I interested'?’ "I am only interested for you, my brother. But I will not keep you in suspense. You have not forgotten what Count Denaro has said. to you touching his troublesâ€"his fears that our fair cousin. Princess Isabel, might become infatuated with the handsome painter ?†The duke regarded the speaker with a look of pained surprise. "Brother. you do not mean that any scandal has arisen?" "It is worse than scandal. sire; scan- dal can be frowned down and made harmless; but this of wnichl speak must be handled delicately. ai least so far as the princess is concerned. God bless and save her!" "Marquis. do you not see how Isufâ€" fer? Out with ii! What have you to tell me?" The younger man bent his head for a few momcnls. as though in deepest thought. At length he looked up and said, with a show of hcarlfslt feeling; "Anionic. I can swear Io you, if you wish my oath, that lhc princess has given her loveâ€"the deep and passionate love of hi-i' heartâ€"lo the. plebeian pain- ier. Juan Z n -n’l" The dukc did not start; he gave no token of astonishment. His look “as one of entire. unlielicf. "0h, Sit-(farm! what freak is What manner of hallucination possessed you?" The marquis was calm and uni‘uffled. He faintly smiled at! he answered: “My dear Antonio. I fear it is yourâ€" self \\ ho is possessed; but I will awaken you if I can. Stop! Listen to me fora moment. and be candid; \‘I'ill you call to mind the girl's peculiarities of dis- pos‘iiiun and selfâ€"education. You know how romantic she is. how prone to heroâ€" worship. You have heard. her rhapsod- ies on the heroes of the old crusades. Aye, she worships a hero wherever she can find him. And now turn to this painter. Mark you, my brother, I do not like the man; yet I am forced to admit that he. is the handsomest of fea- ture and of form, and one of the most intellectual of all the men I ever knew. And inlo tliis'man's Society the tender- hearted. impressionable girl is thrown, to sit with him for hours alone, under lhe influence of his Witching look and his captivating speech." "But." said the duke, struggling to throw off the fear that was coming up- on him. “you know that Madelon is al- ways with her." "Bah! You are not serious, brother. You know perfectly well that the good old duenna is never allowed to sit with themâ€"is not allowed in the same room." Antonio was troubled. His love for his beautiful ward was like the love of this? hth a father for his own offspring. It was deep. Lender and trueâ€"the chief source, in fact. of his domestic joy. He was not willing to belirve that his darlingâ€"â€" the fondly cherished and dearly loved child of the noble Farneseâ€"could have given her heart to a plebeian; for he had told himself, in the outset that if she could do this thing it would mean a clinging. forever after. to the low- born lover in preference to her own devoted kindred. "Steffeno," he said, after a long and painful time. of reflection, “I cannot be- lieve it. I know you are sincere. I can see it in your face; “but I can not be- lieve." “Dear brother, may I convince you?" "How ?" “Never mind the how. If you will give me permission. [will this very evening convince you that I am right â€"that the painter is to her all in all." "I will not have her imposed upon. nor harshly treated. Remember that." "Dear brother. do you not know me well enough to know that I could not do that ?" "But, Sicffano, what is it you mean? \Vhat course will you pursue '1" The marquis gave a few moments to thoughl, and then replied: "Antonio, listen. I will speak the paintcr’s name in her hearing. I will speak of him kindly and in a friendly spirit, and you shall mark the effect of the words upon her. If I do not con- vince you that her heart is given whol- ly and entirely to Zanoni I give you. my word that I will never allude to the subject againâ€"never. Surely you can have no objection to that." "Is Count Denaro enlisted with you in this affair?" "Heavens and earth! for what do you take me? I have never breathed it to him. He is as ignorant of the whole matter as you were half an hour ago." The duke arose from his seat and took a turn across the room. In a far corner was a small cupboard. the door of which he opened. and took thence a, bottle and two glasses. and set them on lhe table. In utter silence the wine was poured out; in silence drank. A little later he said. wearily: it so, brother. But remember your promise. Be kind and gentle." To be Continued. _.__.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" LIABILITY FOR SEA HORROR. ('nptaln of the “'llllnm Brown, Lost In 184], Convicted of Forcing Passengels overboard. Since the terrible fate that befell the passengers on board the French steam- LEMONS ARE USEFUL Innuâ€"nu Some of Their Use» for Health and Toilet" Purposes. We know in a. dull sort of way that lemons are useful, and if we didn’t we might easily find this out by looking over the papers. But just how valu- able they really are, few of us realize. They are of very great medicinal value and are better than patent medicines- and nostrums put up in bottles and boxes for the benefit of the human fam- ily- , .A teaspoonl‘ul of lemon juice In a small cup of black coffee will drive- away an attack of bilious headache. but it is better to use them freely and so avoid the attack of headache. A slice of lemon rubbed on the temples and back of the neck is also good for head- ache. These facts help in beautifying one, for who can be beautiful and ail- ing at the same time? The days are past when the delicate women with‘ "nerves" was the heroine of all the novels and the "clinging vine" suppos- ed to be admired by all the men. Lemons taken externally, or rather used. will aid in beautifying any one. There is nothing more valuable for the toilet table than a solution of lemon juice, a little rubbed on the hands. face and neck at night will not only whiten but, soften the skin. A paste made of magnesia and lemon juice applied to the face and hands upon lying down for a fifteen minutes’ rest. will bleach the skin beautifully. For discolored or stained finger nails, a teaspoonful of lemon juice in a cup of warm soft water is invaluable; this is one of the very best manicure acids. It will loosen the cuticle from the finâ€" ger nails as well as remove discoloran tions. Lemon juice in water is an excellent tooth wash. This is about the only thing that will remove tartar. It will also sweeten the breath. __._..~â€".â€"â€" NEARLY DISCOURAGED. _â€"â€", The Experience of Mr. Ralph Culbertson Who Surfer-ed Greatly From General Delplllly. From the Advertiser, Hartland, NB. Ralph Giberson, postmaster at Mon- quart. Carleton 00., N. B., is also known as a. prosperous agriculturist and an enthusiast in his line. Now stalwart and rugged. weighing 250 9T L8 B‘Jurgogne mUC‘h Speculation 1185' pounds, he scarce would be recognized arisen as to the liability of the French crew under the charges brought against them in connection with the sinking of the ship. that the law in England and the Unit- ed States is adverse to the crew. (The leading American case is that bf the people against Holmes, which was tried in New York by lawyer David - ly Paul Brown as prosecuting attorney. , The story is an interesting one. The ‘ reading the ship William Brown sank off Nova ed of The passengâ€" several of his friends in this vicinity overloaded the boats. had rECEIVEd ii." the use of Dr. \Vilâ€" Scotia in March, 1841. ers and crew as the man who Six months ago was the picture of one suffering the terrible symptoms of general debility. He was run down in health, suffered much It is well settled from dizziness. almost blindness. gen- eral dullness and depression of spirits. He had a poor appetite and such food as he ate gave him great distress. He was incapacitated for the work that fell upon him and was well nigh utter- discouraged. The symptoms l bordered on to those by which rhypochondria is manifested. Through Advertiser he learn- the particular benefit that liams’ Pink Pills. and by the hope After drifting for several days astorm held out bV their testimonials he se_ 0111!? up. making“ It (Willem that tho,cured a supply and took them accord- overloaded inanded \iould 'be swamped and all boat which Holmes comâ€" ing to directions. ’Ihe‘result was al- 1111051: magical: immediately his symp- toms began r obecome less disagree- lost. Under these circumstances he able, and he steadily gained until now gave order to lighten the boat. Twelve he is Perfectly free from his old, tr0u_ passengers were thrown and two sisters voluntarily jumped in- The remainder Of the are troubled with general debility. crew were saved and brought to Philaâ€" I indicted and going to' the root of the disease. They to the sea. delphia. Holmes was tried. In his defence the above cir cumstances were shown and additionâ€" al evidence admitted that Holmes was one of the most active in saving the boat; that at the risk of his life he had personally saved several. Never- theless Holmes was convicted, and the United States court sustained the conâ€" viction. on the ground that the conâ€" tract of the sailor bound him to use every means in his power, even to the sacrifice of his own life, to deliver each passenger at the port for which he shipped. V The point of jurisdiction was raisâ€" ed, when it was held that the flag con- verted Ihe ship and her apparel,_jn- cluding the boats, into national ter- ritory. As to acts done in the waters of the high seas. it was further held sailors. The Court also held that (IS to the same acts done between passem gers on the high seas a different rule prevailed; in the absence of interna- tional law as to them they owed no duty to one another; they were, from the moment of leaving the ship, remitâ€" ch to their natural rights, and the law of Sclfâ€"preservalion prevailed. Much sympathy throughout the cinnâ€" try was manifested for Holmes in this casr from its purely doctrinal law, and its being a case of first impression. his sentence was commuted to imprison- ment. After eighteen months he was released, but the principle that the sailor owed a duty to passengers, even to the sacrifice of his own life, was established. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-.â€"â€"'â€"-‘ HOW THEY ARE LIGHTED. Paris has about 600,000 electric lights and London twice as manv. More\ than half of Berlin’s streets are now lighted with agas glow-light. perfect- ly white and five times as powerful as the old flame, and the lamps are being placed rapidly in the other streets and the city, with aconsumption of 10,000,- 000 cubic Dieters of gas, will have five- fold the light hereinbefore obtained from 17,000,001). The 10,000,000 oil lamps burned nightly in England cause 300 deaths annuallv, and 168 firesyearly in London. alone. passcngers and getting them into the, that thc contract controlled as to the‘ overboard, bles. He gladly and freely gives this testimonial, that all who may read it .may know the remedy it ever they Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills cure by renew and build up the blood. and strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. The. genuine can only be had in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark. "Dr. ‘i'illiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People.†SHE GOT OVER, IT. Several years ago I was serving a. prominent charge in South Florida. and on a particularly blue Monday I was called on to attend the funeral of a rural parishioner, writes a corres- pondent. I felt sad. The scene was a pathetic one. The widow stood imâ€" mediately by me. and near her two or three woe-begoneâ€"looking little chil- dren. \‘i'e were at the grave, a rude, wild, unkept country "burying- ground." The mother of the grief- stricken wife stood near, supporting her daughter. A wild torrent of grief burst from the poor afflicted woman as the benediction was pronounced. Just thz-n the mother spoke in an audi- ble whisper these comforting words: Hush, Sal! 0h, Sal, hush! Don't: :holler 30, ‘case you‘ll git over it. I‘ve buried four men, and I‘ve got over it every time. Hush. gal, hush! PLAYING ADAM AND EVE. Said an indignant mother to her litâ€" tle son; Why did you strike little lilâ€" sic you naughty boy? Dick, indignant in his turn: What did she want to cheat for. then? How did she cheat? asked mamma, more mildly. Why, explained Dick, we were playing at Adam and Eve, and she had the apple to tempt me with. and. she never tempted me, but went and ate it up herself. POISON IN FOOD. Decomposiiion in animal aften develops poisonous alkaloids. and. cases of illness from eating canned goods are usually traced to this source. There is also an element of danger in salts that may be formed by the action of the contents of the. can. Both these products sources of danger have been i‘edured to a minimum by improved methods of canning, but it is idle to deny that they exist. and they demand reason- able precaution in purchasing and US- ing canned goods.