Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1898, p. 3

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hill ill ill 8H “THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. H Interesting items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed Ind essorted for Easy Reading. â€"<._ CA NA DA. '- The Tussock moth is troubling Dr‘mt‘ real. Th? Di‘ospects for a large harvest in Manitoba are excellent. The first 45 miles ofihe Teslin trail road have been completed. ‘A rich discovery of oxide at Lake “’innipegosis has been made. The receipts of the Winnipeg exhibiâ€"' tion amounted to about $30-00”- Ottawa's population is estimated by the. Might's directory at 67.000. The calcium carbide idea is interesting Ottawa men. Mr. R... J. Graham of Belleville will start an evaportaing factory at Strat- ford. Seven of Toronto's have been deprived licenses. A new set of instruments has been ordered for the band. of the Uniform Rifles. The Montreal customs receipts will total 31,000,000 this month, breaking all records. of their liquor A number of Yukon miners have ar- rived at Victoria, bringing over $500,000 1 with them. A new system of fire protection is being installed in the Dominion Par- liament buildings. While bathing at Macleod. Constable ‘ .Sandamore. of the North-west Mounted Police. was drowned. The monument to the late Sir George Cartier. at St. Antoine de Richelieu. will be unveiled on Labor Day. The Robertson Yukon party. from Edmonton, thought to have been lest on the trail, has reached Dawson City. Mr. Angus C. Stewart. Principal of Talbot Street School. London, died on Saturday from hemorrhage of the stomâ€" aoh mental Farms reports the crops in the Maritime ing. A number of Indian relics have been I added to the collection of Indian curios at the Geological Survey at Ottawa. Lieut. Sutton of \‘l'innipeg. for some years connected with the Royal Cunaâ€" dian Dragoons, has been transferred to Toronto. London City Council has granted a Iii-years franchise to the People’s Tele- phone Company, which will grant re- duced rates. Montreal police have believe to be Frank Holmes, wanted in New York for the theft of $1,300 worth of diamonds. Two brothers. John and Henry Chambers, were upset in their sailboat on Shoal Lake. near \Vinnipeg, on Sun- day and both perished. London Aldermen are visiting the hospitals in Buffalo, New York and_ other American cities to gain informa- tion regarding equipment. An Indian search party will be or- ganized to search for the remains of Sir Arthur Curtis, recently lost in the British Columbia mountains. Private advices from the Klondike say that the gold vield from the spring cleanâ€"up in the ukon will exceed twenty millions of dollars. The reports received recently by the Director of Experimental Farms from the Northwest and British Col- umbia are most encouraging, Judge McGuire, writing from Dawâ€" son City, says there may be a greater scarcity of provisions this Coming win- ter than there was last year. Mr. Cesaire Letourneau, of Grand More, whose daughter was drowned on the Bourgognehas entered suit against the owners of that vessel for $40,000. R. A. and G. C. Church. brothers. and wellâ€"known ranchers were drowned north of Edmonton afew days ago in attempting to ford the river. Officials of the Otiawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway Company deny a. rumor that the. road his been sold to the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. About twenty school teachers are reâ€" ceiving drill instructions at Stanley barracks. Toronto. to qualify as inâ€" structors of cadet corps in high schools. The shipment of lumber to the ‘Unit- ed States from the Ottawa district is not so heavy as last year, but the busiâ€" ness across the Atlantic is someohai. better. At a meeting of the Ottawa City Council on Monday night: a resolution was passed to take a plebiscite in Janu- ary next as to the running of street cars on Sundays. 'Claire Hitchon, of Bellevill‘e, Oni.. a girl twelvep’ear sold, has won the Govâ€" ernorâ€"Genei'zil’s prize for children und- er thirteeu years of age in the pubâ€" lio schools in Ontario; The Department of Agriculture has adVised steamship owners that they. should prepare space for the shipment‘ of apples and other fruit undcr pro~‘ poi‘ conditions before the present sca-‘ Son opens. ’l'b> Kingston hackincn have declar- ed war against the elect rii'. st reel railâ€" way. and have decided to meet the: Richlicu and Ontario steamers and take passengers off the boats around the city a: 10 cents per head. General Man-l agcr (lildcrslceve will advertise. ihis ar- rangement on the boats. On Sunday afternoon at. St. John, N. 8., an electric car ran away, and, from sawd usb lumbe r- leading hotels ‘ Mr. \l'm. Saunders of the Experi-. Provinces as very promis- jumping the track at. the. corner 0 Main and Mill streets. dashed across the. sidewalk into Harding‘s liquor saâ€" loon, embedding itself two-thirds of its length in the building, the front of which it badly wrecked. One passenâ€" ger. who jumped. was the only one injured. His leg was broken and had to be amputated. The Dominion Cotton Company. in :11)- plying to ihu Kingston Council for a bonus of «25,000, promise to employ 250 h'inds, :11. an annual wage of. $90,000; to spend $150,000. on new plant; and run every working day in the ,VPHI‘ except fifteen days. The terms were accepted by the Council, who made a stipulation for indemnity in case of a breach of the agreement to \\'liiCh “19 company objects. GREAT BRITAIN. The British navy is to be increased by four battle-ships. four cruisvrs and twelve destroyers. Lusses from the fire at Sviinderlund are placedat $23,000,000. Half the. busi- ness houses in the town were destroyâ€" ed. The place had no fire brigade. The British Government has com< missioned Thomas Bran. R. A., the si‘ulptor. to design the statue. of. Mr. Gladstone. to be erected in \Vestminâ€" {ster Abbey, UNITED STATES. United States Vice-President Ho- bart. and Attorneyâ€"General Griggs are at the Thousand Islands. The. lllriptist. Young People’s Union. in convention at. lpdlffitio. decided to meet. at Richmond. Vii., in 1890. and at Cincinnati in 1900. The steamer Roanoke and the St‘hOOI’l- er Samoa have rurrived at Seattle from St. Michael‘s with returning: miners. who bring nearly $2,000.00“ in Snid- A list. of fifty commercial organiza- tions in the States, all declaring by resolution in favor of reciprocal commercial relations “ith Can-ida.hns been forwarded to the Ottawa Govern- ment. The Vermont Fish Commissioners .have been informed that. a small unâ€" iht‘ hundreds in st reams about Mont- l micron“ horror. "as I’rovlallncil n [Dictatorship ulid )larllul law (Iver All the Philippinesâ€" Ills .h-lloiis Arc Roscnlcd by the lIiiIIi-d 5'8"" and Trouble “any Result. llc. A despnti-h from Washington says:â€" Reassured of the friendly attitude of the lBerlin Government by the will upâ€" on the President. to-dziy of the German Ambassador to the United States, the Administration's only :ipprchcnrion of complications in the Philippines from the inexplicable conduct of Agui- nzildo. the insurgent. leader. Although complying with the wishes of Rearâ€"Ad- miral Dewey in not, making an attack upon the city of Manila until the ar- rival of a large number of Amerimn troops. the insurgent leader is app!”- ently making desperate efforts to create conditions in the islands which Will necessitate the declaration 0f their indop. n li-nve by this Government. and. following its example by, the re- mainder of the. nations of the world. This despatch made public by Secre- . tary Alger on Friday, gives an idea of the situation as wired by «Brigadier- General Anricrson, the senior officer at Cavitebefore the. arrival of the sooâ€" Dnd expcdition:_ Kong-Kong. July ‘32. To Adjutant-General, Washington. D.C: a rises known parasite is killing the fish by. Aguinaldo declares dictatorship land martial law over all the islands. ; The peeple expect independence. 1 Recommend China ponies. ANDERSON. Commanding. General Anderson‘s reference to China. ponies relates to previous corâ€" ; respondcnz-c with the \Var Department ‘pelier. The matter will be inveslignied about mounts for officers. 3 at once. } “'illiam B. Henderson. president of] ribs Florida Board of Health. denies the ‘ P lrf‘lml'li that there is yellow fever at ‘Tilmllfl. He says ihcre is not even a 1ramps there. Texists over the striking of a vein Of (‘0:il four and a half feet. thick at a depth 0f 206 feet. The find was made “5' Inén who are drilling.r a well at the . T. ‘S. & Ill. water tank. Fifty-five volunteers at Camp Alger : on Tuesday partook of hash which had been Cooked in a tin vessel “hicli had ‘bccome corroded. 15 of the men are seriously ill, although all suffered from the effects of the poison. Levi Z. Leiter, father of the wheat plunger, has now practically closed the ,contract which he has lreen negotia- interest is four per cent. .VVestern New York is finished, and ‘the farmers find their barns filled to *the roof with wheat, and stacks of it are in the fields. Such a “heat crop as the one that has just been gath- ered has not been grown in New York State in- many years. GENERAL. A naval reserve corps is to be estab- lished at Newfoundland. An accident ‘genrot, Prussian dea’hs. Ladies of the Russian couri. must not hereafter smoke in ihe Czarina's presence. 1 A funeral service in memory of the victims of La Bourgogne \y as ' the Church of the Madelaine. Paris. 1 Eben Brewer, who had charge of all ‘posiial arrangements of the l Si l csia, caused 24 Saturday of malarial fever. The Premier of James \\'inler. will be the rcpiesenla- live. from the Island at the conference on AmericanCunzidian affairs, An inquiry into the charge that Austrian sailors seized one. of the lmzilS of La Bourgogne and drove off tho others is to be held at Havre. l Arrangements have been made with ithe Corean Government that American ’expcris shall survey the country. look- .ing to the building of roads and bridges. I The German Minister of Seoul ministered a severe. beating.r to the ‘COI‘PIln Minister of Foreign Affairs jfor the lzitier's refusal in grant cerâ€" tain mining.r privileges to German subâ€" jects in the dislrici of Kiujgu. l The movements of the Cai'lisi’s are ,causing incruased an\iety in Spain. The lProtendcr is complete. and they have 1rcpresentaiire< in every town. The .clergy. espr-cially in the Basque, proâ€" vincos and in Navarro. Catalonia, and Valencia. are powerful auxiliaries of {lion Carlos, \lhuse. order will be sufâ€" ‘ficicni‘. to cause the simultaneous apâ€" pearance of bands in various districts. _â€".__â€".â€"_ SCIENCE AND PRICES. School Boyâ€"The teacher said that if there was only one. potato left in the world. and that was planted. the total product ill ten years Would be over 10,« [‘00 000.000. Father (angirly)â€"'l'lien how is it I'm payini.r tummyâ€"five cunts. a prep for 'em . this very day? li‘l‘IMlN [N 14) I NT UTION, Mr. De Blank (10 p.111.)â€"-If you don't want Clara to see that thing you are making for her, you'd better pul it out of sight. for she'll be up pretty: soon. i hear her in tho front hail. â€"I\Ii‘s. Do Blankâ€"Sh“. won‘t. be up for an hour at least. She's bidding good- night to Mr. Nicef‘ello. suspicious Case either in the city 01'. , At Ashley, Mich. great. excitement- ting with the Northâ€"\Vesiern Life Iii-- surance Company for the loan of 33¢} ‘OOOJIUO on his real estate. The rate of; a man they‘ . l The harvesting of the “heat crop in 1 inacolliei‘y near Mor- . held in lâ€"JI‘EMI’ORARY us. Dial adâ€" ‘ 'oi‘ganizatiuns of the. adherents of the1 G HRM ANS STRICTLY NEUTRAL. lSo far as Germany is Concerned. the resident is satisfied that the of that. Government toward Anwricun operations in the i'hilippinvs “1” be Strictly neutral. This feeling is strong- er than it has been for some time past. and is due entirely to the unsolicited and fricndly call upon the President. of llfiarou Von Ilolleben. the German Aiiibassadnr. lie was at the “hits house on Friday morning before the ‘Cabinct. meeting, finding Secretary [Jay closeted wih the President, and the three uffii'idls discussed the political situation generally. From the highest authority [am able. to state that. the subject of the disposition of the Philippines was not discussed or even mentioned by eilhen nor was Ambassador ITOlit’ileil charged iwith making any peace representations 1 to this Government or with ascertain- ing the. terms upon which it would be willing to cud in war. ‘ . Naturally, the President, who i521an 1 ions for peace. would have been willing to have listened to Baron Von Holle- ben had he made: any such representa- tions. but. much to his disappointment,- ‘ the German diplomat did not have any- thing to say on this point. One thing is certain, Germany will not recognize Aguinaldo's Government. although it. is undoubtedly the de facto Government outside of Manila and .Cavite. Neither will the United States. lln any event, I am told any ltzikcn by Germany will follow that ltaki-n by this Government. The insurâ€" gent forces. to be sure, are in control of the greater part of the island of Luzon. and Aguinzilds, by right of miliâ€" .t:iry ni'cupiition. has declared martial ‘ law within the terriiory over which his forces have control. 1 l l l l l .’ END E NCII‘IS. of lllajonâ€"Genoral 1 Upon the arrival days at. Manila, Merritt \\ ithin lcn . I .Unll'red ithzit officer \\ill issue a proclamation States in Cuba. died near Sunlmgo 0n ‘declaiing the Philippine islands tt‘lIlâ€" porurily dependencies of the United Newfoundland. Sir ‘Slalos. and will enforce martial law to such extent as may seem desirable. leaving the Spanish iiiuiiii'ipzil uuili'HL licsin l)03b.t‘>SiUll of such points as they have goxeinwl and are capable of govâ€" erning. Such action may result in an imnmdiatn clash with Aguinzildo. whose 1f‘utuie course is a matter of speculaâ€" from. Government. officials point out that if it. had not been for illt' destruction .of the Spurtile flout by Hear-Admiral Dewey's command. and of his landing.r of Aguinaldo at. (‘uiiic \\iil1 a liligt‘ supply of arms and ainiiiuiiilion. illt‘ insurgents Would never have succeedâ€" .ed in their military operations to bo .exivni they have tilile. 1 So far as the policy of the. United States innards the insurgents is con- cerned. lllt‘ Administration fuels that liliisxisamaiter for fuluie iii-vell'piiicnl. .il had been determined that this (invâ€" crnmcnl should confine itself to hold- ing :iszioouling slalioii. upon the ex~ pil‘uliirll of tire war Guajana. pralii-ul- arly. The fate of the remainder of the islands will be determined when peace negotiations are under way. ____v...___ AUGUST 181' THE DATE. Anglo-American l'lllllllllhsiull Will [ill-ct In lumber. About ’l‘liiil Time. A dcspuich from Washington. I). C., says:â€"-Mr. Kasson :ind exâ€"Sccretul‘y John W. Foster have returned to \\'ashinglou to attend a meeting of the committee appointed by the President to meet a lliitish L‘OlullliSSlUll find treat for the settlement of questions now . at issue between the l'nited States and the Dominion of Canada. This meet.- ing will be held in the course of a ;dziy or two. for although no formal rplans have yet been announced, it is the purpose of the majority of the members to hasten the work of preâ€" . partition. so that illP‘l-Il‘si. session with Ithe British commissioners may take ‘pl:u:e at. Quebec about the 151. of August. policy 1 action . MARKETS OF THE WORLD. “I. Prim-n of Grain. (‘Iu-esc. Burn-r. Rim. 1 Ilie lrcmllng )lnrkcls. liNiTl‘TD STATES BIARKETS. Now York. July Ellâ€"Floinâ€"Receipt3- 12,,i77 bbls; exports. 5,773 bis; (wile but steady. Rye flourâ€"dull. Corn- mealâ€"Slronger; yellow \Vcstern. 750? City 76": Rye. Dull. l’sii'lcy~\\'e:ilrer; melting. 40 to 160, c.i.f., Buffalo. Rar- 185’ maltâ€"Dull. \\'herit.»-lteccipts. 111.000 bush; exports, 29.252 bush; sales, 410.000 bush. futures and 35,000 bush. Spot; spot market firm; No. ‘2. red, 85- 1â€"250., 'f.o.b., afloat, export grades to ar- rive; No. 1 Northern. Duluth, 90 to 91c. f.o.b.. afloat; options opened firm and were steadily held. although some- what irregular; the strength was deâ€" rived mostly from the jump in com; the close was 33-16c. lower than July under realizing, but 3~8 to 5-80 net higher on other months; March closed 723-4 c; July. 821-4 to 82 3â€"40, closed 8'2. lâ€"lc; September, 72 3-4 to 731430 clos- ed 730; December. 7134 to 72 1-80, closâ€" ed 73c. TORONTO STREET MARK ET. Butterfll‘lasy. Receipts free and de- mand only moderate. Quotations are as follmvs:â€"l,‘niry, tub, poor to medium, 10o; choice, 11 1~:.’. to 1'.’c.; small dairy. lb. prints. lac; Creamery, tubs and bores, 1611o 16 1â€"20.; pounds 17 to 180. (,‘liwcsoâ€"ilnallered. Dealers here .quote new stock at. about 7 1-2 to 80., and old at about 8c. Ruled hayâ€"No demand. Stricin $7.75 to $8; and No. 2 at around $6.50. Strawâ€"Very slow. quoted at. 84.54) to $5, on track. Hopsâ€"Prices are as follows on the choice. 14 to 1-1 lâ€"Jc; No. 1, 1896's nominal. CHEESE MARKETS. London, Ont., Jiin 26,â€"To-day 14 fac< tories boarded 1,730 boxes Julys. One 1011; of 175 boxes sold at 7 1â€"210: mar- kct quiet. .lunes about all sold in this section. Canton. N.Y., July ‘26.â€"To-day 500 small were offered at 7 3-8c., 1,8001argc cheese sold at 7 1â€"8 0., and 307 at 7-3 160. Eleven hundred tubs of butter sold at 17 1-80. South Finch, Ont, July LEGâ€"At the. regular meeting of South Finch Cheese} Board 1hr following buyers were pre-l sent: “'eir. Birdsell, Small and Ibvyer,‘ Number of cheese lmrirdcd 1.028; all white; 71â€"20.. was offered; salesmen asking 7 3â€"4c. Watcrtown. N.Y., July 26.-â€"Sales:â€"â€"~' Large white, 6,000 at 7 1-8c. and 73-804‘ bulksclling at71-‘lc.; 380 small “bite. at 7 1-20... 80 small i'olururcd at 75â€"81: l Cornwall, Ont, July iiiâ€"The dry pas-)- turi- and extreme heat begin to Show! choice. car lots. are quoted at aroundl Car lots are, Toxonto markci :â€"â€"R,ound lots. deliver-l ed, hcre, strictly fancy, 1897's, 15 to 16c;] 130; and‘ ilEll. MILES STARTS rum. .â€" Prcpiirullous For Si-uillug “’utmn’r Squadron to Spain Proceeding Blanco'i ('alblc Held by me Enemy. A despatch from \VashinglOfl 5a}'33-‘ Gen. Miles. leading the military eXPC‘d‘ iiion against Porto Rico, started at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon from Si- boney, Cuba, for the point on the 13‘ land of Porto Rico where it is the in- tenlion that the troops shall land. It is expected that Gen. Miles will wait at some al’lminied spot on the route for the expeditions from Tampa, Newport News and New York to fall into his column. These expeditions are all un- der way. some of them with two or three days‘ start of Gen. Miles, so that the delay should not be very great" The conveying vessels are the battle- ship. Massachusetts, protected cruiser Cincinnati. gunboat Annapolis and for vessels of the auxiliary navy. the Glouâ€" cester. the Wasp, the Dixie and the LeYden. Secretary Alger believes that w . a - ., -2 . xiiiieifihhifigiiéddi) T107201 Gen. Miles, on the Yale, will arrive "it Wheat, grime. per bush 070 0 70 his destination on Sunday morning “7"” 8::f:"Y-,(‘ljeil:;‘fh--- 1-0 3,000 men under his immediate Com- I’cas: bush.”- . 000 0 a mand' A day later Will come £000 men R39. per bush”; ....... 000 046 0n the transports. and the day follow- llllrkvv’heat. per bush... 000 0’15 ing 3,500 more. Whether the landing ill)fif_l;:y51wrile;iuirlhm ------ will be deferred until ‘hc arrival of this Chicken; 'pei plir... 03.5 075 “MW form 0‘ “new” “9" Md“ mu Geese, nor lb . 007 008 lake the initiative and i} Lt. ’ ‘ .' . v ~ ‘ thirst?â€" lflidff’lf -3311? El: HMS“ “HE “AG- l’olaiocs. per bag, old 035 0.40 himself on Porto Rioan soil is left to {felonies pelr bigg, new {hr}, discretion of that officer. It is the mu 3, 2 . ...... ' ‘ Onionils,li:i‘ii\::fiper bag. om 07.3 departments de‘e’mmam” lint he ()Id li'iv... .................. 700 900 Shall not lack for troops or equipment- NPW [fay . .. .. 500 650 and this first expedition may be fol- Elli‘:?\\‘...l. 500 . 602 lowed by several others, as fast as the slit " ' M iii»; 1-2 “0“!” Ca“ "9 30”“ read” um” word Lumim‘ :000 011 comes from the General that he need5 Veal, per lb ......... 0001â€"2008 1-2 no more. Gen. Schwan‘s brigade. a Dressed hogs... ......... 675 700 splendid body of trained soldiers, sail- ed from Tampa on Thursday to join Gen. Miles. and if the Porto Rico ex- pedition is not an immediate success it will not be for lack of disposition in the \Var Department to supply every requisite. Secretary Long said that the despatch of the preparations for the \Vatson squadron to European waters were going on uninterruptedly. but that its departure necessarily would await the movement. of the warships at Porto Rico, the Massachusetts and other ships being required for convoy- ing the troops to Porto Rico. This dis- posed of a report that the expedition had been abandoned. It was felt that. the report was the more mischievous at this time. as it indicated a purpose to yield to the implied threats from Eu- ropean sources that a European (-0211â€" ition would result if the American war- ships attacked the coast of Spain. Nei- ther the State nor Navy Departments look for any embarrassment from Lu- ropean quarters, outside of Spnin. as the result of the naval movement against the Peninsula. During the day orders were sent to Norfolk to HURRY FOR\\'A RD \VOltK on the Colliers which are to accompany the \Va‘tson expedition, Had the army troopships been able to go to Porto Rico without a naval convoy, the \l'atson squadron could have got away within the next few days. as the _\\'ar Board had wished to close all prelimin- aries by next Saturday. Buths the battleship; Massachusetts cruisersCol- uliibia. Cincinnati. Dixie and Vale. to- gether with several lesser craft. were Considered necessary asa patrol for the Miles expedition. this changed plans results on quantity of cheese made. Twenty factories boarded 1,150 “bite. cheese, of which ~12 was American: all sold except. two factories. The price paid was 71â€"26. lirGregoi‘ 492. \Vond‘ 445, McNeil. 173. A brand marked. Cornwall district will be applied for‘ this section, as the buyers all acknowâ€"l lmbre the superior quality boarded here. and only factories making the best will be allowed to register. ANOTH ER ANTI-FOREIGN RIOT. I'I'cmlws ol‘llN' ('liluu lnlnnil llllsslon :fl l‘llang-Sliu licsti'oycd. A special despath to London from Shanghai announces that. antiâ€" foreign riot has broken out at Chang- N‘hu. in the Province of Kizingsi. sixty miles south of Nunâ€"Chang. the capital of that province. The mob attacked and destroyed the promises of the ('hina inland Mission. All the Chung-Shir. where is situated a sta-L lion of the China. inland Mission. lies in , a south-westerly diieclion from Shangâ€" hai. which is the. centre of the orangeâ€". I an foreign Iuissioiiurios escaped. lizing force in this portion of (‘hinlL Nine societies maintain their missonsl there. There is u Presbyterian pub~. lishingyhouso that has issued 21 list of: more than seven hundred \iorks ill the1 native language. The Methodists have 1 Similar publication houses at Foochow‘ and Kilkiuug. The Rev. J. Hudson Taylor, who in 1853 began his missionary work in China, was the founder, ten years later, of the China inland Society. As its name implies. its object is to extend its work toward the central and western portions of the empire. Thi- work of the. society is undenominationul and has assumed great pioportioiis. its inâ€" come reaches nearly $175,000, and the number of workers was 592 at the Close of 1893. Of those 3li1 came from ling- land. 42 from Ami'riori. 34 from Aus- tralia. and iii.» rest from Scandinavian countries. English. Canadian. Iris-h, and Scottish I’rcsbyteriuns are united in the work of the society. ‘cials and members of slightly. The Dixie is almost cretain to be in the \Vatson squadron. and the Massachusetts is likely to be. The re- port from Barcelona that the people were so fearful of the approach of the Watson squadron that. they were urg- ing France to establish a protectorate over all the Catalonia district. includ- ing Barcelona was dismissed by offi- the diplomatic corps as fantastic speculation. quite uri- warranl‘ed by any actual movement now on foot. it is said to be thoroughly well established that Fiance is not lendingu helping: hand to Spain il‘ any of her afflictions. WAR or EXTERMINATION. l'l‘t'tlh'lhlll Thai. .llllt‘rlt‘fllls “'lll lie Flglit» lug (‘uliiiiis .i'liorlly. The London Saturday Review dicta»: a "war of extermination between Americans and Cubans six months after the conquest of the. island." It addszâ€"‘Cuba “ill corrupt. its Ameri. the to the more fifty pre- can governors and the rcgin of American boss is not likely be exemplary. The cost of whole. proceedings will be. than too hundred and Tmillions. and the game is not worth the l candle. “The new policy will necessitate 3. great change in the. American govâ€" ernmental 5y‘tt‘m. ilu' Presidunl and [louse of licprcsenlalives acquiring powvrs. and the Senate losing them. The L'iiiled States \\'ill speak with a Sniori‘ potent. voice in all international 'affaii‘s than any Continental country. ' "None of the latter could inflict seriâ€" . _ . . , , ions injury upon the lililtâ€"‘vi States in “be event of wzii‘; while the American inuvy before long Would be able. in lswuep from tho seas any (‘iiiilinonlztl lnuvy. The. tin):I is not far (llx'lflllt lwhen the Ifnilcd Hiiili's \\ilI 5pm}; with unuquhov-ul and determined v. i -e "in the far i‘llisl. \Yllllt‘ luiilli at first ‘io meddle in purely lCiirupran affairs, .Sui-h events as ih' Armenian iii:i~.~;'i- verbs will certainly lend the alum-(elm. ‘of the I'iiiled Flutes to raise the cry lthai such ati‘oi‘ilius must be ended."

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