PROPER DIET FOR SUMMER TIMELY SUGGESTIONS ABOUT FOOD FOR THE HOT SEASON. Meats to Be Avoided and nght Meals Adâ€" nxable-Lnnrheons and Dessertsâ€"Tile Question of Liquids. It is not so much aquestion of the altitude of the thermometer as the manner in which we regulate our daily living that decides wheiher the sum- mer shall bring comfort and pleRSure mer shall bring comfort and pleasure instead of a succession of trials and discomforts, often ending in serious illness. Human nature is prone to blame the weather for ahost of evils which upon close examination we find are due in large measure, if not entirely, to man’s own follv. We cannot go on living, eat- ing and working every day in the year in the same manner without paying the penalty for such a lack of com- mon sense and prudence. The food which we needed to make heat when we bed to face wintry winds with the thermometer hovering in the region of 10 degrees is no more needed in July than a. furnace fire; yet the man? most intolerant of even amnge fire in his house goes on playing the unreasoning atoker to his own internal fires and furnishes them with all the heat-proâ€" ducing foods they can consume. Doubt- less, also, to allay the discomfort; that ensues, h‘e partakes of copious draughts of iced water, which is the crowning Insult to his digestion and a menace to his health. \Ve require neither so much food. in summer as in winter nor the same kind but of course, in determining what is best. consideration must be had for INDI VIDUAL NEEDS. which vary greatly according to ba- bits of life, occupations and employ- ments. As a. rule. persons engaged in manual labor and those who habitu- ally take a good deal of outdoor exer- cise run. slight risk of harm in eating the kinds of food that appetite cra- ves. They generally know better than any others what it is to he healthâ€" fully hungry. Even they, hoxxevemvhen the mercury rises in the tube, should eat less meat; no pork Whatever, and no greasy foods, and indulge but me- derately in the starchy cereals, for all these are heating. '. Oatmeal is not a hot-weather dish any more than boiled cabbage, baked beans and plum pudding or mince: pie. Eggs and fish should largely replace meatHand abundant use should he made of the delicious vegetables and fruit which nature supplies wilh such a lavish" hand. These succulent leaves, commonly given the generic name of "greens," are rich in the salts “‘hix-h render beneficent aid in regulating the internal economy, and like salads, they should form a part of the daily diet. These we have in such abundance that they are within the. reach of all and in so great variety that none need tire of any kind. Spinach, kohl the green tops of young beets. cowslips, sorrel and dandelions, all these are Inaâ€" ture’s tonics for the human system. Those who are engaged in sedentary occupationsâ€"and this includes most brain-workersâ€"and all others who lead inactive lives, are very apt to clog the organs of digestion with too much and too hearty food; for them anx excess of starchy foodsâ€"potatoes. bread and rolls of fine flour, and. oatmealâ€"is at all seasons a menace to health, because muscular exercise of some sort is re- quired to accelerate their digestion. IN HOT WEATHER they should eat sparingly of all meats, and pork and veal are not to be thought of; chickens and game birds can be indulged in, and eggs may be cooked in such amultitude of ways that a. tempting dish can at all times be made of them. Fresh fish, too, broil- ed and served with lemon or an up- ropriate sauce, are excellent for the ot weather diet. But the “fresh†needs to be accented; the flesh must be firm, not slippery; and if it has a. very un- pleasant mlor when cooking it is unfit for use. The question of liquids and ices is a debatable one, but there lurks far a debatable one, but there lurks far more danger in a glass of iced water than in a. dish of that much maligned dainty ice cream. The greatest evil in the ice water habit is that people drink too rapidly; it reaches the stom- ach in~ achilling flood before the temâ€" perature is appreciably raised, without cooling throat or mouth; and its ef- fect of course. is to arrest digestionl temporarily. If a. glass of water be drunk by taking a swallow at a time and holding it in the mouth for a moâ€" ment, oue’s thirst will be much more effectively slaked with half the water and without evil eifects. Good pure water in abundance is needed by every human being. as it, is 1 absolutely necessary to elminate the waters of the body. People, as a rule, do not drink suiticient water to saâ€" tisfy the normal needs, particularly in hot weather, when a larger quantity of liquid is required. A great part; of the Lenefit derived' from taking the "cure" at a famous springs is the re- sult of the generous and persistent flooding which the neglected organs of those receive who drink eighteen to thirty glasfuls of water aday. A sensible daily regimen, which in- cludes the careful flushing of the vhody, would prevent a great deal of suffer- ing. And here a plea must be made for the poor babies who are given food ererv time they cry. when nine times out oil ten it is The question of liquids and ices is‘ l \VATER THEY NEED. Both the nursing infant and thd "be tle baby†need water, and should have it as regularly as they sleep or eat. When there is the least doubt about the purity of drinking water it should be boiled, then bottled and put on ice to cool. When ‘an infant seems in a. critical condition from inability to re- tain any food, copious drinks of hot water may afford immediate relief, and they are often efficacious in cases of summer complaint. Desserts should always be tempting, and in summer to fulfill this condi- tion they must be cool and dainty, gratifying to the eye, as well as to the palate. Delicate chilled puddings and fruit jellies. sherbets and punch made of fresh fruits and ice cream are all suitable and. healthful, while pies, rich puddings and hot dumplings only repel. A lot of nonsense has been written about the’ danger of eating ice cream. vivid and harrowing pictures being drawn of its disastrous effects. but these alarmists have evidently not stopped to consider the matter careful- ly. As a matter of fact, the tempera- ture of ice cream, except when eaten in haste, is almost lukewarm before it reaches that much abused organ, the stomach. Hot weather luncheons should he of the simplest description. An ideal one is composed of cream or cottage-cheese sandwiches, which can he made with Graham or whole wheat bread, or with crisp saltines or Graham wafers and fresh fruit. For drinks. chilled sweet- milk. buttermilk and iced dbooolale are the best. The chocolate should _Stand till cold, and just before serv- Ln‘g have finely crushed ice stirred in- to it. (‘old wine soups, in the German fashion. are also very good, being nour- IS-lllng. but; not heating, and fresh, Crisp salads are always refreshing. In ordering the daily life cast-iron rules should not be held to in summer. and every effort should be made to Change the routine and lower the strain under which we live. A deli- cate musical instrument would be ruin- ed if keyed to a. high pitch all the tape; and yet how recklessly does man trifle with this marvelous compouan of nerves which strings the human| in- strument! He strains the sensitive chords to their ulm03t tension and if they waver, steadies them with SEDATIVE 0R TONIC to do his will. What, wonder that they rebel. and there is a janglinfl’. 11†9‘“ of tune followed by days of reckoning when all this selï¬abuse is atonem for? As we are all creatures of imagin’l’ tion to a greater of less degree, it fol- lows that our environment has an imv mense influenme upon our feelings at all times, and esgrecially in the summer. when we are more prone to analyZe these foeiings. For this reason, if by force of circumstances we are compell' ed to join the large siay-at-homp colony, the irksomeness of daily rou- tine must be relieved by changing the customary surroundings, by banishâ€" ing as far as possible, heavy winter furnishings. and adding those l‘ighi, summer things “hich suggest coolness at the first glance. It was never eas- ier to do this at trifling eXpeus-q than new. for cheap rattan and wicker furâ€" niture. cheap hangings and cheap rugs together with a host of. other attrac- tive things especially designed for sumâ€" mer comfort, can be acquired everyâ€" where, and best of all, beauty need not be sacrificed to economy. Thus. in manifold ways it is possible to alleviale trying conditions. and the very effort required to plan these changes will divert the mind and give it new interestsâ€"«a sure aid in bearing of mutual discumforts. It is hoped that aday of common sense and conâ€" sideration for health is approaching when it will'he the rule instead of the exception for town houses to have roof gardens. These can be arranged at so trifling an expense, compared with the benefits ohiained, that they should be looked upon as a. necessary part of the family economy, and one which will return very high interest for the in- family ecu return ve vestmeut. The price of India. rubber is so high, owing to its extended use in bicyâ€" cles and electrical devices, that a. sub- stitute, oxyline, is being introduced to serve its purpose. According to the stitute, oxyline, is being introduced to serve its purpose. According to the French Consul at Dusseldorf, oxyline is made by oxidizing linseed oil and mixing with it pounded jute waste or some simliar fiber. It is already made in England and Germany, and is em- ployed in making coverings for cables, insulating plates, floor coverings, wa- ter-tight receptacles, knobs, etc. It is useful for many purposes for which In- useful for many purposes [0 din. rubber is now employed A physician wh the effect of liqu( that. none of the ever been teebotal moderation, he L. the voice. but makes it guttual Dinny had enlisted, and his mother went to see him drill. He wasn't very far up in the tactics, and was conspicu- ous {or his awkwardness. But as his fond mother gazed, she exclaimed: Aw, Wisha, look at thim ivery mother's son of thim‘ out of shtep but me boy Dinny. Sheâ€"You remind me of Iago, Mr Slimmer. I prefer fleshy men. Heâ€"You remind me of the Cannibals They have the same preference. Quality Pun, pleasant and popularâ€"quality never T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Tnke laxative Bromo Quininc Tablets. All Drug ;ts refund the money if it hi1: to Cure‘ 25o. SUBSTITUTE FOR RUBBER LIQUOR AND VOICES GENTLE REDUNEERS Gian who has been studying of liquor or) the voice states of the great singers have teebotalers. \Vine. taken in n. he believes, is useful for . but beer thickens it and OUT OF STEP and dainty, well as to the puddings and WELLA ï¬ayim‘a Tea It is hoped use and conâ€" approaching nstead of the to have; roof 'mnged at so the ï¬rst thing to consider in buying You Can Friendâ€"I heard you had bought the place. but I understood that the title was defective. Suburbanite (bitterly)â€"-No. The title is the only thing that isn't. I By working hard, and then you can get tested agnin. But if you are tired 1:11 the time it means that. your blood is your. You need to take Hood's Sar- saparilla. the great cure for that tired feeling because it is the! great enrich< er and vitalizer of the blood. You will ï¬nd appetite, nerve, mental and diâ€" gestive strength in Bulgaria. is going to take effectiva means to increase its population, For every son born beyond a. minimum number 20 francs will be paid not only to the father, but to the mother also. A’soldier showing a. dozen sons, will re- ceive a. pension large enough to sup- port him, and besides a decoration. The same reward will go to his wife. i!| Temp.r Is more rapidly improved by relief from physical suffering than in any other way. Step on your friend‘s corn and the impulse to strike is strongâ€" est. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. by quickly and painlessly removing them, insures good nature. Fifty iml- nations prove its value. Beware of sub- ?titutes. "Putnam's." sure. safe, pain- ess. ; ea mercury will sure] destroy the sauna of smell and completely erange the whole rays- tern when enterinz in throu n the mucous surâ€" fares. buch articles shoul never be used ex- cept on prescriptiom from reputable phreio- lane, in the damage they will do is ten to d to the good you can possihiy derive from them. HJU'S Cetnrrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney 8c 00.. Toledo.0.. contains no mercury and is taken internally nctinxz directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Huxll's Coterrh Cure be sure you get the ueuulne. It is taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monial: free. Sold b Druilglete. 9: ice 75¢. per bottle. Hull‘s amily Pills ere the best. Ffiémd’s ï¬arsgpariaa Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. Summer Hotel Proprietorâ€"We have an orchestra to play during mealsâ€" Prospective Guestâ€"The favorite air should be Hail To the Chef. _You an ass It. on old lhnugle roofs or sides 0] buildinga.â€"Uaed 22 years. With a good sprayer you cnn aim a barn in half a. dsyA Write! us {or circuian; and Informntlnn about. paintlng. The Finch Wood Preterm- tive & Paint Company, 810 Queen West. Toronto. Butter, Eggs. Apples. Fruit, ac†to YHE DAWSON GDMMISS‘ON 00.. lelted, nor. of West Market and Colborno Sta., TORONTO. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special inducement-a to young men deuh'oua of taking up Cutting. Full particulnrs on app}! cation. "3 YONGE ST.. TORONTO. 3m? Yam mama, LAW HARRIS Hood's PINS on re): Ergxiigution this year? If so send nu'me. mlrlresa. teach- L‘l' 3nd school, to the Principa‘ of the CENTRAL Busl. MESS cOLLEGE’ YONUE a GEKRABD STS.. TO- RONTO. and receive full particulars about, the Era scholarships thls sclwol \villzive r0 successful oanddatel (or the Fall Session brginning on Re C. 1st next. Address W. H. 8 Aw, Prlnolpal. ENTRANéEaFï¬fs‘TLEAVING WholesaIe onlye William st., Toronto. Long Distance Telephoneï¬l729. Have you written on the Raormcfg u u r ' I‘ u ROOFING HLATE. in mm. Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOQRDB (We supply Pub) lo and High Schonlï¬.’l‘or0ntn) ooï¬ug Felt. Pnuh, Coal TAr. em. ROOFING TILE (See New City Build. ings. Turunm. done by our ï¬rmL Mom Ceilings, 0mL Mon, o. Estimate: furnished for work oomplvze or (or: [nag ‘llpped to lay part of th country. Phonelbw - -A... bun-..“ 1w um.» l¢-,,annntn. 511331131}: (£6149) varies-lead packagesâ€"25, 4o, 50 and 600. l Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swmg, six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter- shaft complete, good as new, VERY CHEAP. Apply, The WILSON PUBLISHING 69., For Sade AN APPROPRIATE MELODY 13 to 81 Adelaide 3% BUYS Ce uadn'a Greatest Medâ€"icinc. PRIZES FOR BABIES H! DISAPPOINTED. SflflAP Fret Tired u, "NV. .. --__ .,r ,N . Adolalde 8xwrdmer sta.,Toronto. and Sheet {deggl wofkg. Mills, Mills & Hales Barristers. etc..removod m W'esley Bldza., Rich- mond St. W.. Toronto. Tea. en, Ind‘ceitinn. 25o. LEAD W P C 929 LIMITED. l. W., Toronto. COPPER BRASS Old Gentlemanâ€"\V‘hau Give daughter in marriage to one of clerks? Never! L. & ca" Esttbllnha GRAEN AND OOMMISSION MERGHANTS, "Visitorâ€"And what do you expect to be when you get your freedom again? Prisonerâ€"An ex-convict, sir. ï¬eminien Line Steamshipa. TBOHAI FLYNN‘. Montrell and Quebec to Liverpool In summer. Large 1nd (ABE twin screw steam-mum ‘Labrador,’ 'Vsn couver,‘ 'Domiulon.’ 'icommun,’ ‘ Yorkshiro.‘ Sumrior accommodation tor First Cabin, Sat» and Cabin and Swemge Dassen crs. Rules 0! mango-Fires Cnhtn. 52.50; roond Cabfln. 3t; Sxecra 9 822.50 3.1: upwards according to steamer an berth. For allinformasionu U to Local Agents or DAVID Tomu CIR 0.. Gen'l Agents. 17 5b. Sacrament, St... A outrun]. WILLIAM C. WILSON & C0., ~litâ€"(ilént Lovérâ€"I don't see why. You :an easily get another-clerk. I‘IIRESIIERS ENGINE -: CAS’I‘GR MACHINE CYLINDER ENGINE PACKING and TIIIIESIIERS’ BELTS. LIMITED. ITEAMBOAT, RAILROAD Ind MILL IUPPLIE', 24 Front St. East. - - - TORONTO ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Steamers sail from Montreal on Thursda. morning on arrival of trains from oronw III the West about 9 o'clock. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin 852.60 and upwards: Second Cabin :34 and and 836.25: Sbcerage to Liverpool London, Glasgow. Belfast. Londonderry or Queenqbowp $22.50 and 823.50. .-#, ___ 4--.. I- -II.._-.I ._ fiZEKAéibrI‘a'fï¬x‘JSBé‘r'eEm is allowad on round cm) ï¬rst and second cabin tickets. 1' nailing! of steamers or other Information up) 1 to any authorized agent. 3. Bonnier. 1 King St. W. 1‘0er or E. a A Allan. Montreal. A Ehhdsoma Gold Ring Set m Genuine Gal-nets and Pearl. ' ~ ‘ ‘_ mama; " ' n H - « a a ma encla cloth, a new discovery w 10h far In A u! Any other perfumerles {or the lasting out as of m ‘aweet npd frugfrn‘nlt o§9r, m u !or u: (I! ,L w†_-_ --- nah pm,“ m... “-3â€.-. u-.. . _ . . . . H ,, an un) among friends at 100. per pack: hi hen soi remit us the mono , and we 11 lend on free {or your tronb a the above de- Ioribe ring. which 1! stamped and warrant- ed Gold, set with genuine Garnet; md Pearls. â€"Send address M once. mention thin yap" 1nd ITATE run You WA!!! “8 I ’ sad we wiillendit. No money 0 re uired. We take ail risk. Goods returnable. 1E‘snd- some premiums in proportion m unoun't I 'Benolo Agggcy. '84~Me09u1 819., Torongg. Get our prices. We want your trade. Montreal to Liverpool. HIS FUTURE OCCUPATION. Rooms 409-12 Board of Trad. Banding, TORONTO. ONT. COULD BE REPLACED. mmwmm You £387 nezhla . Bk}!- p15 as, our No. e and A mu new wrimn. and we M 1 I’m! yqu a FREE ! Joan L. Con-m Estnbllnhad 1M ma D "I Villâ€" CREELRIAN 13:103., Georgetown, Ont. KNITTING Chm you ï¬nally from bed to foot with an â€â€˜ MONEY MAKER Prices only as, $20 830. You are Throwlng Money Away “ Quicken“: †For Whitlows or Swellings, Cold Sores,U1cers, Gum Boi‘s,’1‘oothacho. m "pmmiu IIITI U8 Patent Roller and Ball-Bean ing Steal of all kindsâ€"tho fln- est in the market. Best material. Lighceat umnlng. Domiflion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance 60mpany Windmllls INDO-CEYLO TEA It in the 13m“ agod goes I run-c. 5, 80, 4 , mum 600. per pound. are accepted by the Dominion and Provincial Governments, Municipali- ties, Banks, Railways, Express and Telegraph Companies, Beneï¬t Socio- tics, and the professional and Cour mercial classes. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO B. ROBERTS. General I'lnnager. MACHINES. We make TAMMEBEE: m1, lunllluuon in On In the cu. Ivery phnu of sync): int Emma: In Toronto. 1390. u. urn CHURCH? AUTO-V ï¬â€˜ifl'f T O lehroko 8 Toronto. In be 13‘ pooh I. Ask .or and :00 us you get OLD AND RELIABLI The Fidelity Bonds of tho With“ 181! No. 1 ha. 10-1noh to versibic burrs. No. 2 has l-ino’h III- 215 burrs. Both have bull-heu- iu burr Incl roï¬ef spring»: uni lhnke teed. Grind ï¬ne and tut 7 Mn: Yeas: power. Alwnys gnarl-mod. A trial given. TWO SIZES. FOR AN 1' POWER. HUï¬ï¬‚fBflS In [188. lo! the can t Emma: