Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1898, p. 1

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anti/1.73, Unify; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; VOL. XXI. r - er . if n “ {Ellie (garland ‘ IF. PCBLIS‘HED EV'EI Y ’"HURSDAY MORNING ' AT ME LIBERAL PRINTlNG 8r PUBLISHSMG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. ’1‘.McMAHON. EDITOR & Pnomrmog. _...~.. - . 7.. BU SINE S'S CARD S. r. lithium. ll LANGSTA'FF, RIOEMOND HILL. G‘FPI‘CE EIOEI§€S §l010=1mz 6to§pm Dill. ll. ll. HUTGHISQN (Successor to Dr. w. J. Wilson). RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFECE “GEES Moved to 1724 Victoria St}, Room 12, Toronto. DR. W. CECIL TRGTTER, ' Dentist, 0F 21 BLOOR STREET. TORONTO, Till-l be in Richmond Hill every V‘Ved- nesday. Officeâ€"Nam door south of I’ublieélchocls. mi" Steffi my #3. r. McElroy, .‘JEIERINARY SURGEON -â€"-ANDâ€"â€" VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, ‘ urn-aunts of the Ontario Veterinary Col'lene, “with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Bental School, will visit Maple on Monday nod Friday 01' each week. and Concord on Friday ' ram 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- ed animals treated. by the latest and most up.- provedinet'nods. . ( l , RICHMOND HILL, Re’modellod. and newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient; and comfortable hotels on Yonge (Street. Every modern eon- -venienoe. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anideal stopping place for ri-liug srdriviug parties,bicyclists, or formers gt-ln‘e ' to or returning from market. Bus meets all trains. Eiectric cars pass the door. TERMS-31.00 PER DAY. 3WALTER HULSE, Proprietor. ' E9 éEMQNB ear-enn- 158 KING STREET EAST. ‘TJRONTO very accommodation to guests. verday Board-y $1. [linden-takers & Emhalmers, Funeral Furnishings Al wa ys on Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia- Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. MISS cfHARRIsoN, DRESS - MAKER, RICEMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. vmm l Email. 1 Illrfâ€"“M’Wfi 'AW‘ MW" 1 LLJOK & 1, larristors, Solicitors. ((0. l TORONTO OFFICE: No. l, Adrluidz‘ l 1 Si... Exist. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each wcck. MONEY TO LOAN AT -., om. ‘lliouey to Loan Text-phone ‘17 MACDDUGALL & JUFLS, Barristers, Syrulicilnrm ("v-c. Room l,.\'o.1»‘a Turnnm St, Toronto. ALl‘lHlD M:\CI>(‘“GAI.L, YRV‘DEHKX C. JPNE'S. Solicitor to the. Treasury of Ontario. Solicito.‘s for the liruihuce Luau will Swings (ln Luv. A G F Liming-mum W S 01:21“va L L l; LAWRENCE & Gill‘s-l ISTON. , I barriste.~,Sci':1lcr&. Eco. TorontoOfficeâ€"NJ.:5 Toronto Street. Richmonc Hill Office open every Saturday. WONEVTOLOM»! YE is'icuueriaiias 3r. 71‘ FY. NOTA RY PUBLI Cl. COHMISSEHNER IN THE HEGIâ€"I COURT OF jUSTICE, tic. Issuer 0: Marine Licenseâ€"s. l RICHM ’ ND HILL POST Gl‘Flf'E. 1). JFANI 123 . l Notary Public. Conveymiccr. Valu- ator, Commissioner in B. R... &c. Money to Loan. 'H‘EBORNH HAL. ROBINSON,L N lib-X81 MACLEOD 'Barristers. §ozicitm'§, (so. TORONTO AND AURORA. GARVIN a. Elem. : B arristers, Solicitors. Ccnvcx'n-ncere, Notaries, &c ! Room 1‘2. York Cham‘l‘ers fl Toron- ' l to St. ’1' acuflichlorne ‘LawOlfices Hall, Richmond Hill, 11:) day Wed- nesday. and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons. Mr. Fred. W. Garvin willbe at Richmond Hill . office every evening and will aL-cud ‘ each sitting of the Court ‘lllllifillll, Elli-Alli" & creams Barristers, Solicitors, &c., 25 KING STRE-CT WEST, ’I'ORON'I‘O. East. Tor-unto Office, Mr. Grant’s residence, Wuodbndgn, every ewnirg. Thornbill, each Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. . . 1 4 Y M 0 N EY MOHE l I l A large amount of pri vate funds to improved {arm proper . Five pm- Leiâ€"est. Easy terms for repayment. mission charged on loans. App! to LAWRENCE & 0 hli!l.~‘.T()N, 15 Toronto St , Toronto 01‘ at Richmond Hill on Siltull‘ddvfi, Wm [V W 3.3. Pumz'ricE Currvllle. Edvard! 81 PI emice lonn on cent. m-- No com- SALEM ECKARDT, (55 Winchester St. Turojnto. i Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods cold on consignment. General sales of mocketh promptly attend“? to al- reasonable to hes. (}.1t.Goulmng, newton Brook, agent for the ohm e. . . _ C storms Stokes 4% Enough. Licensed Auctioneers for the Count)- of Yorkto- spnotfully solicit your pamvuuu'c and l‘rlandly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and .1 reasouabe rates. P. O. fl<l<lrnbfl King D BLUUGE 5. T. Suigeon, LicensedAuctioneerfor the'Couuly of York Sales attended to on shortestuotu a up!) at reu- : snuable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple A .5: D. Rezulmuiu, at reasonable rates. Putronngosolicited. P. 0. address Maple. N: EaTSmirlI: Licensed Auctionen‘ for the Counties of York on] Ontario. All sales of farm stock. NC” at- tonded to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Murtzage and bailiff sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘ville. Ont. S. T. Brookcs, Licensed Auctioneer for the County'of York. Cbnrrxcs moderate. Patronage solicited. Adâ€" dress, White Rose P. 0. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans ’I‘abules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. l Micoorlibl l l l .mm BY “WI. 1 l .\RlLIS( l.\’. in “l(‘\\' the coming when it. will bc cxprcie-d thai every man who is uualiiivd tn voiv will cast a. ballot for m- agaiusl ‘rhc h-gnl comin- uahcc. (if tlw Liquor Traffic in this "Unundu of Ours.” ’l‘hosn who are opposml in lhv adoption by the Coun- try of a i’il'ohiblior'y law an! about, to br-iu all lheir form-s [n the from. in support. of thr-ii' opinions. which they bavr- a pl'rl'w-l right. to (In. The priv- ilcgc (if free discussion is accorded to nil. The tmupcram-v party have no nbjectum to tho contest. NI) good unusv cvm- lost by controversy. The prohibitionists a; l‘ like (ho proverbial lrishmau, they arc only at peace wh-‘n they are lighting. lu this day of IT; important questions are not Sotlled by pugilisiic encounters, but by urguuwut, reason and sound some. and the trmpemum' clement. know by experience that M'H'y public agitation 011 the pnlicy oi" the continuing,r of (lu- lcgalexistcuce of the liquor traflir‘ adds but anothm- nail in its cofiiu. Taking: our viliagr as an illustration of a. thousand nlhvr villages where for yours the liquor traffic has held its suprmuacy it. may not be out of place just at this juucu .1- to look ‘lmck and see what that I iiik' has done for Richmond Hill within the memory of one individual. Thu writer was born at a very early period of his existeucc. The incident occurred many years ago. Since that. to him if not to ollwrs an important or {auras-it.» ‘ event having run tlu- gauntlet 'of the niouslcs, 111w crimp and the whooping,r cough he has cuuliuuml to live, and to ‘ keep an eye of observation ("I mafia-rs Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘mmtv or York: General {sales of impleme‘ ts. furniture.stnndinz ; timber. e‘xunttenrled on the shortest notice and I l l l i l l i IUI‘inlUH. h ‘lihat go to make up history in our link,- (-mumuuity :ipd the liquor traffic has cmiw in l'm'itssharei. The im-idcuts of the past are cusily V H.(‘("‘llt (iv-cuts give place ‘(0 their successors so rapidly that the mind fails to enuuwrate them are tiny flyâ€"the ten thousand vicissitudes of life seem to bury thr-m in the grave of the long forgotten. There are times, however. when some incident of the prest-nt causes memory to sweep away the accumulated rubbish ‘ of years and resrruect from the long- lllll'll‘tl past ‘ evunjs and characters which present their features and forms so vividly to the mental] eye that the. events of by-gmic days secrn but the occurrences of yesterday and individ- uals long for-gotu-n soon} to troop up and slui‘e‘us in lhe face. In this simple sketch of the sad re- sults and it may be some. of the bum- our-s of the liquor trul‘lic in this Village therc is no intention of “rounding the feelings or anyone. This evil has been so wide spread that there are but few among us who have not been touched by it somewhere. There is plenty of room for mutual sympathy. The in- cidents of long mm only.will be noticed leaving,' to the mmuory of others those 91' lzitver years. For obvious reasons, names will not bc given, uouc need shoulder responsibility. Dates for smular reasons will not appear. The “'1 iter's pen will be allowed to roam memory and to follow recollections; as they loom-up from the dim vista of the past. There will be no array of figures or attempt at statistical in- formation ; that. will be left to better mathematicians than myself but there will be a strict regard to facts as far" as the knowledge of the writer ex- tends. \thu the writer first knew the vil- lage of Riclmioud llill there was in it six hotels and six stores. All of these places sold whiskey. No place of on- tortainmcnt was furnished, no stock complete without it.For a base of sup-' ply a distillvry kept its fires going day and night in the hollow behind what is now known as Iunes’ that time. before the advent of the Northern Railway. Ynuge Street was a greatly Loadcd teams came from both sides of the street all the way from Lake Simeoc SUllll‘lllllt’S twenty iu [rl‘mtr'ss- . iuu. Their-stopping placv ow-r night previous to their reachng the Toronto Market, was our ~.village, ’l‘rave-llvrs from tlw Upper Lakes and from the North \Vcst, Hudson Buy (lompuuy ,ufl'icials and tourists hailed here on Richmond their way to the Capital. 11 ill was the Eldorado or the Klondyke of that day. The proprietors of these places made money by the handful. Among these Merchants and Land- lords were men of the. lwst business i‘gllows. They have all passed away. l‘wb one of them died rich, most of them in bankruptcy and many by pre- mature deaths. ~ (To BE CONTINUED.) 0,â€"â€" Our Ottawa Letter. This is a. curious principle enuncia- ted by Sir Charles Tuppcr in reft‘rvllct‘ M. and knowledgu. ‘ at the dictates of. Mills. Atl ‘ ability. some of them noble hearth 1 l l l ' l g to the fast Atlantic steamship lint-.7 Having taken solid comfort out of what he claims to be a comple‘e verilicationofhis predictions of fall- in all things, Charity.” Richmond Hill and Vicinity l ure, be is reported to have expressed a hupt- that Lbe Government Would now endeavor to Close a contract with the Allan's of Monti-ml, adding, “ the "number-5p!" that firm can do much to embrass or “full? the success 01' anyâ€" body who wouldattemptto fake it. up.” The unavoidable inference is that Sir Charles believes that this llulml firm of Canadian steam-ship or. rim-s is responsible for the failurv of tho PMcrsm‘râ€"Taln (lmupaily and con- scqucurly for all t'hn injury which it. is claimed such failure has done to the (Iauadiau (‘1Ilillll(‘I'CO, and in the same bpoath ho advocates that they bl- 1-0\\_‘ardcd by receiving the contract themselves. This point probably csâ€" cupod the notice of the “Mail and Empire " when lhcy headed the item with the lbw " Patriotism of Sir llllll‘lvs Tuppor." STILL BOOMING. The extraordinary increase in the trade in (lanada. which was shown by the returns for the fiscal ycar which close-d with June and of which extend- s-d 'uotice has already been given in these letters will apparently be eclips- ml by {be next annual announcement, that is if the first rri'outh can be taken as an indication of What is to follow. The custom returns for July as far as received show the i'ecvipts to l)(' $‘,-' 445,491 asaguiust $1,366,107 for July 1.597 and this does not include returns from distant outports; it is expected that when the full returns are in. they will fully realize $2,000,000. or am in- crease of nearly one. and one quarter millions on the corresponding month of last year. One of the most gratify- ing features of this magnificent shovw ing is the large increase in import- atiousof free goods to be used in nmuufactur‘es,- these have increased over257g. the figures being. for 12397 $40,397,013 as against. $f>].Uil8.-1Z3. for“ This of course is proof that this ycsr. theproducts of Canada an- increasing- ly in demand withoutside costumers. The total of home produce sent abroad in 18:)? was $119,135,410, in the year just closed it, was $159,402,279- 5ZU,OUU,OUU of an increase. THE KETTLE RIVER RAILWAY. Judging from the notice in week’s “ Uanadian Gazette,” the pro- moters of the Kettle River Railway, who were beaten in their endeavors to secure a charter during the last Ses- sion, after one of the most persistent and elaborately organized lobbies of , I-ecent'years have not by any means throw up the sponge, for they adver- tise their intention to make fresh application fu ' a charter when parlia- ment re-assmnbles. This would ap- pear to negative the statement which received much crcdc-uce after the de- feai/of the bill that Mr. Uorbiu had sold out his interest to the (l. P. R. The impression prevailing at. the Unpl- tal just now is thth the Great. Northâ€" eru Railway Company are interested, though it is quite probable that Mr. lorbiu has rutaiucd full interest him- self. in the new bill will be to build a hue from the boundary at. Cascade City B. 0. along the valley of the Kettle River to Carson and from the boundary at Midavay for twenty miles along the valley of the Boundary Creek; with power to operate with the Spokane i‘alls and Northern Railway Com. puny. so SORRY THE-Y SPOKE. 'VVhat would not some of the Con- servativcs give to recall all the. pleas- ant things that they have said about Administrator Ogilvie. “'lm could have believed that the one man in whom the country could have (:(mli- deuce, who was absolutely above sus- picion, who was in fact so near the angels in character and disposition that one would fear for the possibility of his long continued sojourn upon earth, could }N)SSllll_\"l),€ a relative of the Minister of Interior? 6 But such is the irony of fate, and now the Opposi- tion press are in a dilemma, of either “unfilled thmwmwhhre :having to go back on all they have . r, . .. ‘ said in Illr. Ogilvie’s favor or admit- ting that. some good can come. out of Nazareth. lf only this little luci- dom would watch tihcm to be a. little more (lvvcul iul’uture when attacking their opponents. tho lesson would be worth all_‘.hat it may be costing them. A L‘omjuumNcE. I There is smuething singularly approâ€" pliattu in the coincidence of the arrival of Sir \Vlll'rid Luuricr’s Cobden modal almost on the day that the preferen- tinl taril‘r’ comes into full operation. Had Richard Uobdcu and John Bright lived to see this first substantial triumph in Canada of the undying .princlples which they devoted their- ,lives to promulgate, they would in« deed have realized that their efi'orts had not been in vain. ' SLIGHTLY HYSTERICAL. Our friends in the other camp are getting slightly hysterical as they see the chances of capturing the Proviru cial government by a. legal technicality growing beautifully worsa. They are now objecting because the proclama- tivm calling the Legislature together is iii-:tfl’ed in the formal phruseolnqy that has always been in use in Canada. ‘timc im'nu-imu-ial. last' The powers that will be sought- No, 6 v â€" and was in fact (‘upiod from British (-usfml. haviu; been in use. there from The pi-Lwlama‘rioh declares that lbu Legislature will be, called upon to do those things “ which may by the favor of God be ordained " -- ind the Mail and Empire editorial \Vl‘llll'l‘ wl‘m has apparently never board of this familiar formula handed down from the quaint old days. occu- piesuudumn and a. half to demon- strate what a. Sut of designing blas- phmnous hypocrites tho Hardy Gov- “'0 would advise him to write to the Home Office about it and gel: the formula amendedâ€"that would havoabout as much effect as his editorial and take less space.” - AS OTHERS SEE US. The London (Eng) Daily Chronicle rcccutlyhad a lcngthly article upon Canada in which some very Self- e-vident truths were dwelt upon. Having referred to Lord Herschell and Sir Wilfrid Laurier as representing. “asingularly powerful equipment of statesmauship,“ the grcad daily speaks of "the: astonishing activity and brilliancy of Canada‘s new develop- ment,” and continues1â€"“(la-nadn, after years of stagation has in the hands of a. progresuive and most on- lightcncd stzrtesmenship, sprung for- ward in the path of progress. She has opened up new industries. new waysaud methods of bringing their fruits to the gates of Europe. Her trade is going up by leaps and bounds, and her state-suiarrship has kept pace with her commercial genius. The firstliues of Imperial federation have been laid down for us by Sir VVilfrid Laurierz and his. (La-Lie. rues. The tone of ’Uanadiau public‘li e has greatly risen with the beating down of at least the worst fallacies of protectionâ€"that parent of corruption in States” &c, 9*...â€" J efierson A lawn social under the auspices of St. John‘a church, Oak Ridges, wbs hold in “ Fair Lawn “ at the home of Mr. Harry Logge, on July 30th. The grounds were artistically illuminated with Chinese Lanterns. which in the darkness of the evening presented a. very picturesque scene. In the centre of the Lawn was constructed a. booth where all the Cool beverages and fruits of the season could be obtained. Here and there could be seen groups of two and four sitting around the tables en- joying the ice cream and cake which had been so abundantlyprepared by the ladies of the church, and great Credit is due, those young ladies who so eflicieutly served up these delicacies. One would think while watching those in charge of the booth that the season of hard time-R had passcd away. The Richmond Hill Brass Band Was in atâ€" tendance and discourse!) 'sweet music: at intervals during the evening. There was a large crowd assembled to enjoy the, evening notwithstanding I the busy season and We feel safe in say- ] lug that all went home satisfied .with theeveuiug’s outing". Mr. and Mrs. Legge hospitany threw open there house and all were welcome. to pass in and out as they chose. and we think the thanks of the people are due them for the 1130 of their beautiful home on such an occassiou. _,The gross coeds for the evening were $40.63. I (To late for last week.) l pro- iémiiiiliaeir Sale FARM. PROPERT 2' There will be sold by public auction on Tuesday, the 16th day of August A. D., 1898. at Ellston‘s Hotel, Rich- mond Hill, at 2 o‘clock in the after- noon by J. T. Snigrou, Auctioneer, the farm of the late Francis Helmkay. being (1) the \Vesl half of lot number 18 in the 2nd C(.)l“.('(‘ssioll of the Town- ship of Markham. 100 acres more or , less. (2) The Houlh \Vest quarter of lot number 19 in the second concession ‘ of Markham, 50 acres more or less. Upon the first pl)1'('(’l there is a large brick dwelling. two bank barns, 35x60 and 30x65. Cnmumdiuus stabliug for horses and cattle ; shed ; root cellar ; pig pen ; driving and implement sheds. There is a good well and a spring of living water. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. TERMS :â€"’1‘he purchaser to pay 10 1 per cent. of the purchase at the time inf the saleaud 10 per cent in thirty . days thereafter ; the balance when full possession is given on the first of Fk‘lll'llill'y, 1899. For further particulars. terms and - conditions apply to Frank H.Helmkay, | Ileadford r. 0.. or to Cook & Macdon- l ald. number 1 Adelach St. East, Ven- dor’s Solicitors. 3-4 i Money to Loan : $5,000 to loarTâ€"OIT first-class farm property. 4-3 Apply a“ this Office» ll a.

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