‘Yvâ€"qglp'," THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. 5â€".â€" lnterestlug Items About Our Own Comm-y Great Britain, the United States. and All Parts of the Globe, Condensed an.’ Assert-d for Easy Reading. qr!- I ~' CANADA. Gait will spend, $10.00!) in street im- provements. London has already received 5243: 621 in taxes for this year. Sir Henri Joly‘. do Lotbiniere has re- turned to Ottawa. from his trip to the Old. Country. The Hamilton Bricklayers’ Labourâ€" ers Union has been organized. Wlth Joh‘n Asbury. president. Col. Hutton bias been appointed com- mandant of the Canadian forces to succeed Major-General Guscoigne. Jas. Day, a logger, stepped off a boom of logs at Gimbler Island. B. 0.. on Sunday and was drowned. A British Columbia. pioneer died on Sunday in the person of James Reid. e poundkeeper of Vancouver. The Ontario Government has select- ed the Mackenzie property. South Lon- don, as the site for aNormal school. It is reported that the Ottawa Street Railway Company has bought the Ottawa and Gatineau Valley rail- way. George Meyers and A. A. Coo ere charged at Hamilton with burning three G.T.R. freight cars (here July 10th. Arrangements are being made for the trip of a. team from the Canadian Lacrosse League to’ Port Arthur, Fort .Willinm, Rat Portage and \Vinnipeg. The check of the United States for $473,000, the amount of damages ad- judged by 'the Bering Sea claims com- mission, has been received by the De- partment of Marine and Fisheries. The Canadian Gold Fields Company, is erecting anew plant at their works near Belleville, to take the place of the plant destroyed by fire some months ago. Vancouver people suggest that the imperial authorities inslead of increas- ing the dry dock accommodation at Es uimalt that they build a dry dock athhncouver. - The new People‘s Telephone Com- pany in London threaten to cease oper- ations unless the city guarantees an extension of the company’s franchise at the end of fifteen years. , James Fitzgerald was struck by a train and killed on the Canadian Paciâ€" fic Railway while crossing a bridge be- ween Keewetin and Rat Portage on Monday. He was a prominent lawyer. Owing to the action of the London. Ont. City Council in granting the Peoâ€" le’s Telephone Company a franchise. he Bell Company have met the prices of the new comers. and reduced their rates nearly one-third. Rev. Dr. Hackett. former principal of St. Paul’s Divinity College, Allaha- bad. India, at present secretary of the Hibernian Church Missionarf Society, has been appointed principa of the Montreal Diocesan Theological Col- lege. Chas. Schmidt. who robbed his room mate. A. Wright. in the Avenue Hoâ€" tel, Vancouver, B.C.. of $75 and evad- ed the police. attempted to steal aride on the Atlantic express leaving there Monday. He fell and was mangled under the wheels. There is a. movement on foot in ,Torâ€" onto to appoint especial inspector of dry'goods imported under the new pre- ferential law. in order that there may be no evasion of the law through Bri- tish exporters passing foreign goods through their hands and affixing a different label. ‘ GREAT BRITAIN. It is announced that penny postage will go into force on the Prince of Wales' birthday, November 9. It is reported in London that Mr. George N. Curzon has accepted the office of Viceroy of India. in succession to Earl Elgin. ' . ‘ Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales left for Copenhagen on Tuesâ€" day. owing to the serious illness of her mother. the Queen of Denmark. In the Parliamentary bye-election held at Grimsby. England. Mr. George Doughty, Unionist, who had resigned owing to achange of political faith. was reâ€"elected with a. plurality of 1,751. Chamberlain slated in the House of Commons that her Majesty's Governâ€" ment wihed to establish direct com- munication between Canada, Jamaica and London. in order to foster the fruit trade. UNITED STATES. A number of stores at Escabana, Mich. were destroyed by fire on Sun- day night. The losses will amount to $100,000. Employee of the American Wire (‘0. and the H. P. Nail 00.. Chicago, are on strike against arcduction in wages. Mr. Bartlett, an old man aged 82,!0f Albion, Mich, was killed by his grand- ne-phew. aged ten. on Sunday. The boy was fooling with agun. and aimed at a. doornear the old man's head. The gun nits-Sell fire. and blew the old man's head off. Asaresult of a. conference between exâ€"Sennior Eurnci' Miller, president of the Nicaraguan Canal Commission. and President McKinley. it is stated the latter intends to makeasirong recom- manlaLion to Congress for legislation making immediate provision for comp- gleling the canulanrl for marking it‘llhe irect. property of the Government. GENERAL. Signor Turnti. one of the leaders of the riots at Milan. was Sentenced at Rome on Tuesday to twelve years' im- pisonmcnlt. Newfoundland fishermen are to be organized as novel reserves. and to be drilled by special instructors sent from England. It is reported at Yokohama that Ha- wall has agrcolil to pay Japan £40,000 sterling in settlement of the dispute vhich arose. out of the exclusion of Japanese emigrants from the Hawaiian islands. MEN FOR GARRISON DUTY. The Force In (‘ubn Will be Partially Made Up of Volunteers, According to Wash- inglon Advices. A despatch from Washington, says:â€" In the event of peace not less than 30.000 troops will be stationed in Culon. for garrison duty. This is lhe minimum given to me by an officer of the Government high in authority. This official thinks it quite probable that as many as 50,000 troops will be needed to garrison the main seaports of Cuba. They will, he thinks, not be needed in large numbers at other points. The plan, moreover, .is that all Spanish troops now in Cuba shall be sent back to Spain. When I spoke to Adjutant-General Corbin to; day on this subject he intimated strongly that the United States would probably have to shareinthe expense of transporting these troops back to the mother country. The situation in Cuba is being studied now somewhat from the stan lpoint of peers. Offix lal figures lo which I have had access. show that there are 180.000 effective troops in Cuba. There will be nothing left for them to do but to lay down their arms and become pensioners upon the Unitâ€" ed States Government, or be sent back to their country, partially at least. at the expense of the United States. The latter, it is believed, will be the Wiser course. With these probabilities in mind there is no serious intent on the part of the Administration that the volun- teer a-rmy shall be dispersed. This army Will be kept intact for at least one yeaeras told to-day by an official who more than any other person had to do with the drafting of the Act to provide for temporarily increasing the military establishment in time of War. Some erroneous conclusions have been reached from the reading of this Act. For example, the opening Fen‘ tones of section four of the Act Pl‘O' Vides that "the volunteer army shall be maintained only during the exist- ence of the war.“ But the closing sen- tence says that the ".en composing said army shall be discharged from the services of the United States when the purposes for which the were call- ed into service shall have been accom- plished. or on the conclusion of hostil- ities.†Thus, it is insisted by this high authority, the President may at any time during the two years for which the volunteers are enlisted call them into service for garrison duty or otherâ€" Wise. Congress will not be called upon or authorized to disband the volunteer army, as efficient work is expected to be found for it pending the adjustâ€" ments following peace. It is safe to say that not less than 75,000 men will be left in Manila, Cuba, and Porto Rico to uphold American interests in these islands. QUEER CHANNEL ISLANDS. Odd Mixtures of Nationalitiesâ€"Adherence to old Customs. During the last five years many tourists, aroused by the vivid descripâ€" tions of Victor Hugo, have visited the famous Channel Islands, of which Jerâ€" sey, Guernsey and Alderney, are the largest. These are between England and France, and their inhabitants are an odd mixture of the two nationâ€" alities. They are very conservative and keep up many of the customs of ancient times. Some of them are quite pretty, and have been reproduced in England and America. by returned traâ€" vellers. One is to have the bedrooms look into the garden and not the street. \Vhen this cannot be done u. glass par- tition with adoor is built across the room, and the half by the window is made into a. conservatory. Another useful idea is allittle clayâ€"lined iron brazier used for broiling meat over a. charcoal fire. it makes no smoke and can be extinguished quickly. For rapid and comfortable cooking in sum- mer it is invaluable. The islands are warm and fertile, and are famous for lettuce, chicory, salsify, endives, sorrell cress and other delicate vegetables. These are made into mixed salads and also into omelels like the so-called Spanish omelets. The latter are tasty and very wholesome. The islanders 3x- cel in pastry. Fruits are the favourite food. They are served raw, sliced. with the. famous Jersey cream, baked with custard, stewed with a little wine and sugar. The Guernsey mines pie has no moat or suet in its composiâ€" tion. It is [111de of apple. pear, peach, plum, berries, raisins, grapes, citrou: sugar, butter. spices, wine and brandy, and is reported to be exceedingly fasâ€" cinating. A "Jersey luncheon," as now given by experts. consists of bouillon a. mixed salad, a sardine pastry, a Guernsey mince pie. then wine and coffee, which is not bad for Jersey, . __..- .. Vâ€"oâ€"n TUBING. The lightest tubing ever made is of nickel aluminium. 'l'hree thousand feel of this tubing weighs only one pound avoirdupois. THE LATE PRINCE BISMARCK. m___._._._.,.,n-, ,. . ,,11 MORE rnoorsflroa ileum. The Hostile Attitude of the Philippine Insurgents Neceasllmcs a Strong Ameri- can Force. A despntch from \‘l’ashingl‘on, D. 0., sayszâ€"Although the “far Department officials will not admit that they have any intention of reinforcing furlher General Merritl‘s forces at Caviie. there is reason to believe that some of the troops now in Eastern camps, who desire to see active service. will soon find the opportunity unless the Gov- ernment 'shall change its present plans with respect to the Philippines. It is believed to be necessary even if Amerâ€" ica’s claim is limited to the Claims statâ€" ed in the conditions submitted to Spain, namely, to the military occupa- tion and government of the territory on the shores of the buy of Manila, to furnish to General Merritt & larger force than he has now at his command. It is realized that 20,000 soldiers can scarcely be expected to maintain Unit- ed States possession and protect the in- habitants over a territory of this ex- tent, for it must‘be remembered that the bay OLE Manila is 25 miles from the entrance at Corregidor island to the city of Manila at its head. It will also be necessary to possess and pro- tect a. zone extending some distance back of the city, in order to make sure of the preservation of the water works. FEAR AN OUTBilEAK. The officials here make no conceal- ment of their apprehension of serious trouble to follow the execution of the war programme in regard to the Phil- ippines. The reports of the military and naval commanders havu contained warnings of expected conflicts with the insurgents, and no surprise will be felt at the receipt of news of an outbreak at almost any moment. States Government. feels that it has as- sumed a moral obligation towards not only the foreign residents at Manila, but toward the unprotected classes of the Spanish community. women, chil- dren, nuns, and priests. Therefore. when intimation came that the insur- gents were threatening some helpless monks. orders were sent to the American military commander to look into the matter, and to act in the interest of civilization and human- ity. As. according to report, the in- surgents have shown particular hos- tility toward the monks. it is a reasonâ€" able expectation that a collision will have occurred between themselves and the American troops if the latter un- J dertake to interfere in .the execution of the vengeance of the insurgents. CURZON HASWACCEPTED. “[11 Become Viceroy of India, Sum-coiling the Earl of I‘llglu. A despatch from London, says: -â€" It is reported that Air. George N. Cur. zon, the Parliamentary Secretary for the Foreign Office, has accepted the». office of Viceroy of India, in succession to the Earl of Elgin. He was formerly Parliamentary Underâ€"Secretary for India, and is the author of a number of prize essays. including "RuSsiu in Central Asia." “Persia and the i’cr- sian Question," and "Problems of the Far East." He is the eldest son (of Lord Scarsdale, was educated at Oxâ€" ford, and is ugold medallist of the Royal Geographical Society. Mr. Curzun married Miss Mary Leit- er, the (laughter of Mr. L. Z. [.eiLer, of Chicago. _______.____._. THE CITY or HONG KORE?“â€" Hongkong is both‘ city and island. It is about 29 square miles in crease- purated from the mainland of China by unarrow stream. and was ceded to Great Britain in 1861 as indemnity. for wth is known as “the opium war.†â€"â€"-â€"+â€"â€"~ “Weiss AND FACTS. Mrs. SBaldwin (reading) -â€" An emi- nent scientist says that the common housefly can makes 600 strokes with its wing sasecond. Mr. Baldwinâ€"Well, perhaps it can; nit the pesky thing never does it when it has achance to loaf around aman’s bald spot and tickle him. The United . the lives of‘ HOW LONG DO THEY LIVE. ~ What Statistics Show About the Average Life of n liailroadman. If there is one subject that interâ€" ests a railroad man mere than anoth- er it is how long he will live. When- ever you meet a railroad man or a group of them, the subject you will I find them discussing, or the first Clue-‘3' tion they will put to you in converse, tion is: "What is the average life of n. trainman?" Railway records dispel the popular idea. that the average life of a traininan actively engaged in the railway service is about seven years. One of the principal roads entering Louisville has compiled statistics on the subject only recently. On that road during the last three years there were only two men killed and 158 inâ€" jured. Of these men all but two were brakemen. and these two, who were freight conductors, were at the time of the accidents acting as brakemen. It might be supposed that inexperi- enced men would be most apt to get injured, but the records show differ- ently. A correspondent of the Rail- road Gazette contributes this follow- ing table of percentages of injured men according to their term of 581‘.- vice: Number of trainmen injured durâ€" ing their first year of service, 12.16, per cent.; in service two years, 11.11 lper cent.; in service three years, 16.35 per cent; in service four years, 20 per cent; in service five years, 21.77 per cent.; in service six years, 9.63 per cent; in service seven years, 3.90 per cent; in service eight years, 2.47 per cent; in service nine years. 4.16 per cent; in service fen years, 4.16 per ‘cent. The remaining 8.80 per cent. has lbcen in the service over ten years, and in some instances, 15, 18 and 22 years. AFTER SIX YEARS' SERVICE. It will be seen that the largest aver- age of injuries occurred after the em- ployee had been in service six years, and the figures given would indicate that the employes as a general rule are careful up to the time when they *httve been in the service three or four years, and then become more careless until about their eighth year of ser- lVlCQ, when the figures show that they again become more careful, as those who had worked over ’ten years have a. ‘smallcr comparative percentage of in- ;juries than those who worked six years. With the completion of the equip- ment of box cars with automatic coup- lers and air brakes the liability of trainmcn being injured will be reduced to a minimum. the records showing that. at least twoâ€"thirds of the occi- deuts were caused by men attempting to couple automatic drawbacks with it link and pin to the old-fashioned solid lot skeleton drawbar. Other accidents 5 Were caused by uneven drawbars. some of which vary as much as three inches .in height. Many men were injured by stepping on stones or alink in jump- ingar off to throw switches. and several ,were jerked off the iceâ€"covered tops of cars. A few men were injured while engaged in coupling cars louded with long lumber or bridge iron extending over the ends of the cars. This dan- ger will soon be ll. thing of the past, since most of the companies require two cars to be used whenever there is long timber to be loaded. SEE THE \VORDS. According to an eminent professor some persons see mentally in print every word they hear uttered. LETTERS BY DICKENS. A collection of 136 letters written by Ch‘arles Dickens to various correspond- ents was sold in London lately for $745. SPANISH BULL FIGHTS. The average number of horses killed in Spanish bull fights every year ex- ceeds 5,000, while from 1,000 to 1,200 bulls are sacrificed. SPANISH TROOPS WREAK I Muir GT8 F BRTLIY VENGEI ANCE ON THE PORTO RICANS. Flames and lluln .Vlark Thelr Retreatâ€" Soldlers I’Irlng the I'lllnges and Mal- lronllng Ihc “'omen and Children In the Army Falls Back. LA despatch from Ponce. Porto Rico, says:-â€"The Spanish troops formerly stationed in this part of Porto Rico are rapidly retreating to the interior, leav- ing behind them a. broad path of burn- ing plantations and desolated villages. Porto Rican refugees. who are com- ing into Ponce in great numbers, re- port that unparalleled outrages have been perpetrated by the Spanish sol- diers in the villages of Juan Diaz. Co- mo. and Adjuntss. Wild with rage over the American invasion, the Spaniards are reported to be wreaking vengeance upon inofâ€" fensive non-combatants. firing their houses, and maltreating the women and children. Some of the acts of bru- tality reported here are shocking be- yond description. SOLDIERS MALTREAT WOMEN. The steady stream of terror-stricken refugees that began to pour into Ponce on Saturday night has continued. They are appealing to the United States mili- tary authorities for protection. All tell the same stories of brutality and v10- lence by the retreating Spaniards. It seems probable that the situation is worse at Adjuntas than at any other point. This is asmali but important town, twenty miles in the interior. A messenger who arrived, said that many women had been maltreated and kill- ed. and their bodies cremated in the burning houses. He also reported that the Spanish garrison at Adjuntas. comâ€" Prlsing two hundred men, had aban- doned the place after twentyâ€"four hours of unbridled license. It is impossible to verify these re- Ports. but reputable merchants here profess to know the messengers who bring the news. and declare that they are worthy of credit. ‘ General Wilson. the American mill.- tary Governor. has questioned the re- fugees closely, but he cannot send any aid to the suffering Porto Ricans at present. He believes that it would be unwise to scatter the troops at his com- mand until reinforcements arrive here. Alarming reports that the Spaniards intended to attack this city on Friday night were calculated, and two lines of pickets were sent out. but the night passed without incident, and the City still is quiet and orderly. A great majority of the citizens are unfeignedly deilghted with the American occupa- tion of the city. Spanish sympathis- ers apparently are confined to native Spaniards and a few Geran and French residents. These are keeping very quiet. SPANIARDS ARRESTED. Considerable excitement was caused on Saturday by the arrest of several Spanish volunteers. The bitterness en~ gendered by the rebellon of 1887 still exists, and Friday, when political pri- soners were set at liberty, they im- mediately sought revenge upon them former perseculors. They reported that their old enemies Were actively engaged in spying, and in otherwise promoting the Spanish interests. HalfadOzen Spani h residents of this cily. arrested upon the representations of Porto Ricans, were taken to the City hall. followed byahooting native rabble. \Vhen General \Vilson learned what was being done he ordered that the Spaniards be released, and he as- sured them that protection would be granted to all. Guards have been sta- tioned about the homes of several resi- dents, and strict orders have been is sued for the provost guard to prevent any annoyance by the rabble. ' TllEâ€"CAMLRON MEN. Origin of the Famous Regiment, and The" Bravery hi “attic. The Cameron men. the praises of whose action at the battle of Atbara are still ringing in the public ear can lay claim to a heroic ancestry. The Camerons had their origin from~ a. tribe of Caledonians inhabiting the district of Loobaber, and anciently known as the MucOcerey. Their chief, John MacOchtrey, was afrieud of The Bruce. and, joining the Scottish chiefs, led the clan in the Highland Division of the patriotic army at the battle of Bannockburn. In that division, led by the Lord; of the Isles, the, gallantry of the Camerons was conspicuous. and materially contribuled; to win the vic- tory which secured the national lib- erty, The Cameron regiment was raised in 1689, amongst the Cameroni- ans in the VVesL’of Scotland to support \Villiam III.; while the regiment of the Cameron Highlanders was formed in 1793 by Allan Cameron, of Erroch. When the latter regiment was at Gibâ€" raltar in 1882, it was ordered to join the British army in Egypt. and there, with the 42nd and 74th Campbell High- landers, constiluted the Highland Briâ€" gade. In the night attack upon the Egyptian rebels at Telâ€"el-Kebir. Priâ€" vute Donald Cameron. who was the first to scale the ramparts, was shot dead, but his fall was avenged by his comrades. in a ‘battle. the issue of which Sir Archibald Allison character- ized as the “greatest. of modern vic- tories.†In the. subsequent defence of Koosheh and the battle of Giniss. the gallant conduct of the regiment, and the conspicuous ability of Col. Everett who directed it, were of public notor- iety, deserving lhK‘) highest compli- ment. The Cameron Highlanders were once described by a. Lord Provost. of Edinburgh. as “lions in the field and lambs at home."