W‘Eufl’: («a ' 'm'.~,wa:yr_â€"=;;_~ amvvwwswcaimuswmmJanmmmtwwgngamwymf ‘ - lg ? it "‘ @g g rte. l. \\ J ilicmvmn HILL, August 11. 1“â€3 I; 43L H1 >11 . (loud Second 'll'anzl lliI-ycle for sale ' heap at 'l‘iii-z LIBERAL oi'lire. The August path in bargains. Atkinson (v :‘Li'ew u Switmxr. with lural Public Schools will v‘e-Iipe'r! on .ifl‘KIl'JHV, the 13th of August. Schools in cities. towns and lll('tii';uzl"1i(‘tl \‘ii- l'ig‘es re-opi-ii on the lll’sl of Septemâ€" llt‘l'. \Ve‘re enlisied in the service of quality. (i-ZL‘. Atkinson 0; Hr. itzer. " \Vhar is Jesus to me " '3 Tobe in‘ ti-oduced at the prayer meeting: in HM ilethodist church this ('l‘hursdiyl evening, by Mrs. Atkinson. ,. Harvest time o. Atkinâ€" son A. Switzr-r. bargains. The Metropolitan cars brought a large number of people from the cit y on (‘ivic l-ioiidsiv. The (-nly complaint we heard was that cars did not run to the northern terminus of the Mark. This store is e‘wryhody's store. At- kinson & Switzer. At an otï¬cial meeting of the Quartâ€" ei'lv Board of the Methodist church mi} on Monday Mr. G. A. Tia-e. Victoria Square was appointed a dele- gate to represent the circuit at a Financial District meeting to he held in September. Acool placeâ€"our store. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Allen llyiiiond of Toronto will take the sermons at Oak Ridges and Richmond Hill English churches on Sunday next. August 14th. Mr. St eacy will take the services at King and Maple. Meti‘s mot sh neck dressing hand at Atkinson & Switzer. “'e are glad to learn that Miss Me- linda Stone. the young lady who was So seriously injured in a railway acci- dent near “'eston four weeks ago. when her father and sister were iii- xstantly killed. is recovering. She was a few days ago removed from the General Hospital to her sister's, Mrs. R. Thomas, at Maple. just to The following,r resolution was carried at a meeting of the Quarterly Board on Monday :â€"Moved by J. A. E. Swit- zer and seconded by G. McCagu'e that this Quarterly Board heartily eiidorws the taking of a Plehiscite on the ques- tion of prohibition of the Liquor trafï¬c and pledges its enthusiastic support in every legitimate way in securing an overwhelming vote in favor of prohibi- tion. Pure Spices. Best Vinegars, lowest price on Fruit Jars. tkinson & Swit- zei. The Globe of Saturday contains a short letterfrom Master Bert Slinev. r>fthe 2nd Department of our Public School. the contribution appearing in “ The Children’s Circle.†Bert gives a very good description of our village and as he says he is a weekly reader of the Globe, it may be inferred that in _»politics he is somewhat gritty. ‘Dollars assume a. new dignity when "they are spent here. Atkinson & 'Switzer. CHANGED TO \VE DNESDAYSV. After this week the Thursday after- noon excursion from Richmond Hill will be. cancelled on the Metropolitan as well as the ten o’clock cai- Thursday night. In future the excursion to the city will he on “'ednesday on the 2.1le car from Richmond Hill. Return car won: 0. P. R. Crossing at 7.45 p. in. Round trip 25 cents. ‘Seven Bars Trilhy Soap for 25 cts. ; 6 Bars Comfort Soap for 25 cents; 5 Bars Sunlight Soap for 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. lASH SALE. Messrs. Eckardt & Prentice will sell by public auction at her residenc'e. Thornhill, on Tuesday the 16th of August, the household furniture and other articles belonging to Mrs. 'j'nos. Parker. The furniture is all in Histâ€" class order. Terms cash. Sale at one o’clock. For particulars see hills. Just to hand at Atkinson «K: Swit- zer’s two cases French and (lei-man goods on which the duty was paid and Customs passedoii 30th of July last saving 25 per cent dul y, DIED lN HIS (53121) Y CAR. One. of our most highly esteemed citizens in the person of Jeremiah Mortson passed away on. Monday morning after a lengthened illness. Deceased had been troubled for nearly two years with caiii-er, and although several operations were performed the malignant growth could not be checked. Mr. Morison was a favorite with all classes, and his kindly dis: iosition will not soon be forgotten. lie was a member of the village coun- cil for several years, and always worked for the best iiitcrestsot’ the village. After the funeral yesterday afternoon. Rev. (1'.Me('nlloch preached an iiiipressivv sermon in the Methoâ€" dist church. in which touching l’l‘ft‘l'-f euCcs Were made to the worthy qualiâ€" ties of the departed. The sorrowincr wife. chiidrin alrl immediate rela- tions have "he sympathy of the Com- .inunity in their bereavement, igneof- lv'iY‘r.‘ ‘. I.\.lil'l ll \iliillill. About a dozen of aiie .‘i'it-iids and rm i. litivesof Mr. and 35‘s. 'rlerl Hopper spent a Very pimsani time at their home on 'l‘H-s my "VI ding. The invasion “as the inlvlu‘aiioii oi" llit‘ iillitll :ili'ii‘.'ei‘s-ii-y of Browning, llutcliiSon-r H. Fleury, captain. Richmond HiilASavaee, .tiu‘ evening the Tlit'ildiill band played illeii' \\'r'(l'lill;_'. 'I‘hecyeninu‘ was spent in music and conversation. About h) p. m. refreshâ€" ments were >t'i'\'l'(l consisting of ice cream. fruit The ‘ut hoarr- 'r--;'\:>-l. and wishing iiiH' s†\xi'tllllil r;.}\o_ guests l ,. .ll \l' . L H]. their friend sot n have a s; wilar anniversary. :ulli‘. ‘ iil'l‘“ iiesi. \alue imiil. liil‘l‘. ' uialcd 5134a C'l‘.\‘i‘i,.< r. :2 Sugars. Tz-a, Colic“. plural. 2.? ll». No.1:tirnn- for .315“. Atkinson N l‘a GARDEN PARTY. The f;’£ll‘-l“ll p: \‘ halal i‘r" the “l'ï¬v-reh 'illllll'IS. i‘lioinn. l. on Monday evenâ€" ’£ ,4‘ in aid of llr‘ ll. (7. Presbytery was . .ltl-ndi-d. and an (nioyahle liioe wesrpe' Many were present from the rillao~ and immediate neighhoiu :iiv'l llw A‘ll‘l‘ii‘li“ ("ii’s' liroutghl a‘ 'oiuinyjeiil from Toronto. The . . .- people spent their [linu- in l sax-i111 int: n-ourse. whilst the younger and more :u-live element danced the hours away to the music of a good, string; h Hill. lluring the early part of a. number of lively selections. A num- ber of young ladies served refreshâ€" ments froina booth, and the pastor. llev. l). I‘ll-Malion. was nothing in his 1 cliorts to make the people enjoy them- selves. .\ number of politicians graced the occasion with their presence. among them being,r Mr. \V. F‘.Maclean. M.l’.: Mr. \V. J. Hill, M. l".l’.; and Mr. J. \V. Moyes. \Vhite (w‘ranitmvare. first. wheat pattein. handled Teas 75 ets. (lo/u: Dinner plates. Slll cls. doz: (5 inch. l Seollops. ll) ets. : .‘x’ inch Scollops 20c. Atkinson e; Hwitxer. l Ud'l‘AL NOTES. The post-ii note system will he iu-‘ augurated in a few days. The notes will consist of lli denominations. ' r.-in::in;,r from 20c. to $5. and the govâ€" ernment‘s commission will range fioin It“. to ‘l'lk'u heini: at the late of ï¬le. on notes up to$2.:3ll. and 3". on the notes. Unly three denominations will he isau-d just now because the equipment of the American Bank Note (‘o. does not appear to he equal to furnishingr the whole issue as soon i as required by the government. These postal notes will he issued by post- inastcrs throughout the country and will hear the date stamp of the oliiee of issue. They must he cashed within three months of the date of theirX issue. i BY 6 TO 1. The York District championship is i ours. The. last match was contested last Saturday on the Aurora sporting grounds. The game was advertised to i commence at 3.30 but the referee did not blow hi:1 whistle till 4.15). The Aurora team were much strengthened l since their appeai'ancv here in June. heinf;r reinforced by three men from' Bradford and one from Newmarket. The following,r players represented the 5 teams: Auroraâ€"Bond, McKinslry‘, = {)u; ‘ Spiller. McMahon. #~ , A. TiiVett, \V. Trivett. Banks, Hutsry, Glass, Skeele, ESiins, Lyons, Hooper. (‘r. Sims, Grainger, McKenzie. lliifoi-(h' \Vill Trench, \Vyc. Trench; H. San- derson, captain. The ï¬rst game was all Aurora. The crowd yelled and the ball never went past centre. After 2 minutes play the hall went behind the Hills flags and as it was passed to tlwr front one of the Hill hoysaccidcnt- ally scored for Aurora. The Hill boys now settled down to hard work and from this time to the ï¬nish the result was at no time in doubt. The defence put up a sure, steady game, and aided by the good combination of the field- ers and home players, worked the sphere in and around the Aurora the defence and kept the goal in constant danger. The Aurora boys at times played well, but could do nothing with the Hills strong defence which they had to compete with. Six games soon [allied Lip for Richmond Hill and the. match was won. 'thefollowing is the order of the games. 1st, Aurora, scored , time 2 niins.: 2nd, R. ll. scored by McKenzie, 16 miii.: 3rd, R. 1L, Trench, 5 mins.; 4th, R.H., Ulif- ord, 13 mins.: 5th R.H.. Trench, l3 inins.; (3th, R.H., Clifford, 10 mins.; 7th, R.H., G.Sims. 5 mins. Mr. A. E. Sliierk refereed the game impartially. Uur boys showed better form on Sat- urday than at any game duringr the, season and although it was a rouin game they were all in the best of spirits on their return home. If the present team keep together they will no doubt he one of the st rongest teams in 180'.) that has represented ‘ our village since “The Young; Canaâ€" dians †Won their many victories. NOTES. lice. wonders what is the hes-t prep. aratioii to produce hair on bald spots of the head. It is currently reported by Aurora l lacrosse team that someon burnt a " rabbit‘s foot " and put. the “ iloedoo'~ .‘ on their hail. Everyone was conï¬dent of a walk- . over in Aurora but the only thing the, Hill hoys said was "nit. nit. nit." ‘ Outside the Hill's pretty combina- tion play, “scrapping; " was the innit important feature of the game. The s iry of the game may he told briefly as follows 1â€"â€Tlllik’ called, hall faced. a little scrap, a disfigured face." Ditto. PERSONALS". 1 Miss Nerta Bennett of llxhridge is the guest. of Miss (lei-tie Cooper. Mrs J. \V. Ilopper of Toronto is Visiting friend: in the Village. Miss Lulu Deadnnen of Bradford is Visiting her cousin. Mrs. Bert lloppi-r. Mr. V‘filfrid Race of \Vali'or'l High School spent Sunday will: Mr. J. l‘l. Ski-ehâ€. .'\ii.~..~< l_li-:iiii;_;‘ei‘ and Miss O‘Connell, Toionlo. spent Sunday \\'ilii Mrs. H. 1“. {{I‘illll‘l'. Miss lC. Spragg‘ 4-? Owen Sound is making a Visit with her sister, Mrs. J. N. iloyli‘. ‘lessis. " Buiin " Hunter and Thos. \‘Ciiiis. of Toronto spent. several days in town last Week. Sir. and Mrs. A. R. lniies and child- ren of l'oi-i l‘llgii.’are spending pirt ot' ‘ the holidays wuli rrlaiiw-sliere. Mr. Grant. Principal (illlil‘tl‘lv‘ili' l'ostitute, spent with iiev. (i. Mct‘ullorli. Mr. and Mrs. Bert \Viley of Toronto ‘ spout Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Frank \Yiley. l’ms. .‘rll's‘sls. Grant and Mi-(‘ulloeh will have an exrhange of pulpiis next Sunday. .‘dr. and Mrs. Armand 'l‘eefy of Chicago are making a visit at the old home of the former. Mr. and Mrs. A. McClellan ol'Toron» tospent Monday with Mr. and .lli's.' Geo, fvlrl)onald. ,‘iirs. .\.(‘ampbell and daughter Essie spent Tuesday with Mrs. ’1‘. Hopper : i he former’s sister. Masters Frank and (llal'kson Mc- Donald spent a Week or two with their uncle Mr. John McDonald in \Vexford. Miss Clara Bond of Toronto .lune- tion who has heen Visiting friends and reialn'es in town has returned home. Mr. J. \V. Moyes' wife, sister and child are suniniering for a few Weeks at the home of Mr. John llunean. Mrs. (Ilia) (Muller and little daugh- tei- oi Ottawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John (‘voulter this Week. Miss Lillie Keightly and Miss Lillie Lambert, of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. I). Benson, Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Imir-s, Mr. and Mrs. .l. limes, and Mr. and Mrs. l’owell went on an excursion to Niagara Falls yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coles and baby of Toronto came up on Saturday. spent a few days at the Dominion House. and returned Tuesday evening. Mr. (‘. Hall who is employed by the ï¬rm of H. P. Eckardt 6: Co. came up Sal urday and remained over Toronto‘s t‘ivic Holiday. Among the latest arrivals at the Tremont House, Markham, according to the Sun, are J. M. Sanderson and \V. Savage, Richmond Hill, Onâ€" 121mm. Mr. “'alker Stewart of Toronto who had been visiting his uncle, Rev. Mr. Stewart at Maple, wheeled out to the Hill on Friday and called one. number: of friends here. Mr. aiid‘Mrs. Fenny, Master Ernest Penny and Mr. Varco of Toronto Spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopper accompanied by Mrs. \V. lnider of Guelph who will remain a. my days. .l, )- Mr.»Arthur Dickenson, commercial Mast-er in the London Collegiate In- stitute. called on a number of friends here Saturday evening. Mr. Dickenâ€" son was a. former Richmond Hili High School hoyr Mrs. J. A. E. Switzcr witl‘i' Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer who have been suinmering at Grimshy I’ai-k spr-nttlic. week at their home here. They purpose returning to (lriinshv Park on Saturday. . Mr. H. A. Nicholls. and his mother, I Mrs. R. Nicholls, have started for their two months trip to England, taking with them the good wishes of their many friends for a safe and pleasant voyage. They will embark from Mon- treal Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hutchison, accom- panied by Mr. H. \V. Hutchison of \\'iiiiiipeg and Miss Lulu Hutchiston of Listowel went on an excursion to Bowmanville on Monday, and joined in the reunion of The Old Boys of Durham. Repair. Shop. \V. Mager wishes to patrons that his shop at Boyle’s - mm inform \Vill be open every evening durin‘br the busy season until 9.30 p. in. lie is selling ' 3.)}01‘?’ 1303311’8 At greatly L'\‘(lli(‘(‘tl prices. medium sizes at 15 cents each, and large ones at 18 cents each. All kinds of _‘ . v p @9019 .l’lzstess l From 25 to cents each. Repairing done on short notice. w. MEGER, of Sarnia ‘ Thursday . his All . $1 ,. .i 7’ L no um I i i 2' ii ‘i l . Iliclun 011d Ilill. 1:4? No Searchligh 1r Sarita? ‘ r . 5 y) .r' r WE. i“, .v 93; ,. H 1‘)“ i l You’ll ï¬nd here i Just what you need. ,Prioes Attractive. 3‘21". @ifl‘x’m -"J ï¬rsg‘fl’ï¬'g‘fl" it Fri ‘ good sterling value. j meet. the demands in Boots and Shoes. 1 your pleasure. ’ â€" mam-umbérnmxmrmuc. . 4"“- .-g, I 3i a“! ‘r | l i i m l , l * eoessary To discover the evidence ofjudic- i ious purchases to ï¬ll our store i with just what the people of this" vicinity want. We pay cash for our Goods and thereby save the discounts and give our customers the beneï¬t. Cheap Clothes iare Never so [Dear A. As when a boy wears them. It isn't fair to buy him poor stuff and then blame him for wearing it out too soon. ATKINSGN & SWITZER. .‘n .t 189s W Spring Goods __AT__ Milli PROOF New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings New Cottonades New Tweeds and Suitings 850,, 800., &c. ISAAC CROSBY. it is not what we say alimxt our Roots and Shoes infli' make: this store 2: ate and satisfactory plar-e to buy. its what, you find hem and always l'vaVe ound : 'J‘horonghly reliable goods, plenty of then). with Very low prices and At no previous lime hare We been so well prepared to \Ve have just placed in stock some reâ€" nai-kahle value of the latest styles. pleasing toi he eye, liiiini.r to the foot land nade from special (quality of leather, ti om the best of nianufarturers. (louidn t legiu to mention all of them. VVe lll‘. ite you to come and ex imine them at No trouble to show goods. Repairing neatly and promptly done. ROBERT SlVERS.