water, a. great wave was raised in the narrow creek, and the backwash caus- ed some eighty feet of this bridge and staging to give way, thereby immers- ing some three hundred people. The staging gave one swerve, and then fell outwards. A scene of terrible con- fusion ensued, the shrieks of the drowning. mingled with the cheers of the thousands who were quite unaware of the accident. The police boats inâ€" stantly made for the spot, and, with the aid of several dockyard hands, a number of the people were pulled out, whilst many more scrambled ashore themselves. ril‘he unfortunate people who were thrown into the water ere for the most part inhabitants of the neighborhood. Several persons were taken out in an apparently lifeless con- dition, and immediately conveyed away to the sheds in the yards, and attended to. Then several dead bodâ€" ies were hauled out, one of the first being that of a baby. During the next. half hour eight bodies were recovered and taken to a shed, which was turned into a temporary mortuary. The half drowned girls and women were removed to the fitters’ shed, and there attended to by the firemen and sev- eral nurses. who were soon on the scene. Msanwhile heart-reading scenes were taking place at the approaches to the yard. The wildest rumors soon got afloat. and ever one who had) friends in the yard rus ed to obtain! news of them. Mothers sought their sons and FORGOT T0 CURTSEY. It seemed, too, that the Albion. which went gracefully down the ways. forgot to curteey. She took the watâ€" u‘ quietly, though the strain on the aables was very great, as three of them parted. But everybody was of Dpinion that it was a very successful launch, for its difficult character, I‘Wing to the narrownese of the creek. was fully recognized by experts, and indeed. the point had been noticed by the Duke of York, immediately he saw the ship. No one on the head stage was aware that the wave caused by ludden displacement, consequent up- In the launching 01 some thousands If tons of dead weight into a. confined urea was overwhelming a stand occu- pied 'by two or three hundred sight- leers. Certainly nothing was perin- id by the Duke or Duchess or by Mr. Feschen, with whom they remained chatting for some minutes. There were no shrieks, no price, no panic; but then the syrens filled the air with discordant sounds enough to drown any human voice. Very slowly the ele- vated reserved enclosure, surrounding the Royal stand, where the ceremony had been performed, was vacated, and the guests retired to their steamboats laughing and congratulating each othâ€" er upon having witnessed a spectacle which, in the beautiful weather, seemâ€" ed to be without a blot of *any kind. SCENE OF THE DISASTER. But at that very moment, hidden from view by the newly-launched batâ€" tleship, the terrible disaster took place A oridge across the end of an old disused slip, and part of the staging beneath the counter of the Shikis- hima, on an adjoining slip, had been crowded with sightseers. anxious to view the launch. This was in defiance of all the rules of the yard, and it is stated that on former occasions these wooden erections had been kept clear by the p01ice,in accordance with the notices on the danger board in the yard. As the Albion entered. the .., DETAILS OF THE TERRIBLE ACCI- DENT AT A LAUNCHING. THE THAMES DISASTER. A Huge Wave Swamped a Stageâ€"Hundreds of Women and Children flurlcd Into the Turbulent Wailersâ€"Ilenrlremuug Scenes and Brave needs of Rescue. In describing the disaster that at- tended the launching of HMS. Albion. at Blackwell, on the Themes, on‘ June 21. The London Daily Telegraph Says: All the preliminaries of the launch were conducted in the usual way. Their Royal Highnesses were taken into an inner elevated draped stand, and a Royal salute was fired. On a. table there was stretched a silken cord of red. white and blue, which held the Weights suspended above the tw0 dag Shores. During the customary short religious service, performed by the Von. Archdeacon Stevens, vicar of St. John’s Stratford, and the Rev. Canon Pally. vicar of West Ham, the blows of the hmmor could be heard 8.5 the men under the vessel’s keel knocked away (the last blocks, until, whilst Psalm cvii., “They that go down to the sea. in ships," was being sung by the choirs of the two churches, all that held the ship was the silken cord. Aft- ar the Old Hundredth had been given Ind prayer offered, a silver-gilt knife, with enamelled heft, and design of York roses and May blossoms entwinâ€" ed. and the monogram V.M.Y., W35 handed to the Duchess of York by MT- Hills. The blade was inscribed with the date, and set forth the occasion. With this knife Her Royal Highness, at ten minutes to three. severed the cord at a. third attempt. Immediately the heavy weights fell, knacking away the remaining supports, and the Al- bion was in such haste to get away that she dld not give the Duchess time to christen her, by breaking the bottle of wine, which had 13. richly worked cover, that was afterwards presented to Her Highness, against the bows. It was Mr. G. C. Maekrow. naval architect to the company. who Smashed the bottle on the rail of the platform. But the incident paSSed unnoticed in the cheering and general jubilation as already described. HEART-RENDING SCENES Sheâ€"As arule a, man other women by his wife. Heâ€"Yes; and husband "by the v about other men WEREâ€"80’ he did; but it has supp’n- e‘d him with a nevgr-«fuiling topic, of conversation ever smce. It is the mother, rather than the father, who is called upon to secure the blessing of a. second imagination to her children. She ought to begin away back in the beginningâ€"math the very first surroundings of the new-born in- tent. Let it find its early life peace- ful, quiet and unhurried. And when infancy merges into that older period when young faculties are springing forâ€" ward in rapid development, and each day the little one takes on more of the hue of its larger fellowâ€"creatures. let her be doubly careful that no unâ€" timely scare stunts its intelligence, It is said that to be afraid of shadows is an inevitable passing experience of. childhood. Yet I know one small tod~ dler who never has shown any such disposition. but whose great delight is to play with h~r own shadow and other shadows when the lights are brought in each night. She is apecu1~ iarly sensitive, sympathetic, little thing, and could easily be made timid, by unwise treatment. But, under the sheltering care of fond and judicious: parents, she is remarkable for not knowing what it is to be afraid; and although she is given to unpleasant dreams, as many young children are. and often awakened with a start. a low word or touch soothm her into serenity. Happy above others is the little child who thinks of his mother as a veritable refuge from trouble. a bulwark against danger and a sympa- thizing presence. Dixonâ€"Biffkins seems to be enjoy- ing the fortune his aunt left him. Hixonâ€"Why, I understand he lost it all in a. wheat. degL six_m<‘)nths ago. STANDARD OF PURITY' TIMIDITY OF CHILDREN. The first natural duty of a mother is to protect her young; to create around it a shelter. in the midst of which the tender thing can grow, se- cure from shocks and seeing and hear- ing only what is good for it to hear and see. . . . By learning the signs of fear in a young child, and knowing how to distinguish true fear from wil- fulness, they will be able to exert a soothing and protecting influence at the right moment. and avert danger whose consequences are serious almost beyond belief in the case of our high~ ly organized excitable, modern chi1~ dren. » Tull; Lainiivreiï¬romo Quiuine Tamers guts refund the money if it mil. to Curev LEAD PACKAO ES Don't sweat and fret, but keep cool and take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This is good advice, as you will find if you folâ€" low it. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a. first- class summer medicine, because it is so good for the stomach. so cooling to the blood. so helpful to the whole body. Make no mistake but get only. In an interview with Mr. Hussey. secretary of the Thames Ironworks Company, that gentleman said to a Central News reporter: “There is always a return wave at such launch- es, and we invariably label adjacent stages which this water is likely to reach with the word ‘Dzmgerous.’ Toâ€" day we followed the usual custom. but although police were posted about to warn people.and although (he warnâ€" ing word was printh in enormous let- ters, about 200 people got on to this particular staging. and were washed into the Water. Most of them were women and the majority escaped. It. was a most lamentable accident, es- pecially after such a successful launch. The Ducheg, I think. knew noihing of the disaster. unless she just caught a glimpse of the wane as she sped away in her steam launch; but that is not likely." In 1886. when {Her Majesty‘s shin Benbow was launched, the back-wash swept nine people into the water, but all were rescued. Haw’s‘mg‘: daughters. husbands their wives, brothers their sisters, but as no) as the itide was at its height. the depth of water rendered ‘their operations very difficult. One extraordinary circumstance at- tending the disaster was that the chief guests on the stands at the head of the slim were totally unaware that any accident. had taken place, and the mu- jority left Blackwall on the return journey without having heard the news. This was also the case of the Duke and Duchess of York, who left on the Beatrice. and arrived safely at Westminster about half-past four. THE STAGE “DANGEROUS.†knew who was on the staging ihat had given way the greatest anxiety was manifested. People ran about wildly asking everybody they met for news of their friends. and many touching scenes occurred when some last one was found to be safe. The police and their assistants worked splendidly,but H cad’s Sam-m SOMETHING FOR NOTHING T0 CURE A cum IN pNE DAY Canada’s Greatest Medicine LUDELLA CEYLON TEA When Hot OFTEN THE CASE anci awoman judges her the worst things she hears Has No Equal, ï¬e“ m2; 111:; fly to aka, easy to operate. judges all ‘ a mother to create midst of grow, se- and hear- it to hear the signs Healthful and Economical. - - 250., 40c., 50c., and 600, All Drug- and not, and ant are, Is a. pmcess conducted by the agency of tight boots, all the year round. Corn reaping is best conducted through the agency of Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor, the (mly safe and sure-pop corn cure. Putnam‘s Extractor is now The Sisters of Charity, “Grey Nuns," Guy street, Montreal, write:-â€"" Having made use. of your " Quickcure†in our establishment, we are happy to add our testimony, also in its favor.†Naw, said the fat man, as he adjust- ed himself to the hammock. The end seat in the summon car is good enough for me. ' Have you any faith in'the sea ser- pent gtory'flrasrked the tourist. France and the United States. whilst almost, every section of the Dominion will be represented. Listen, Harry day to run 2i ha Gwilliumsâ€"Slickinger has disappoint- ed me. He was a young man of great promise. Everybody thought he would be- a lng 'gun some day. Stuntâ€"Well. he did become what you might; call a, pretty smooth bore. He’s a llfe insurance agent. ‘ Well, repli‘ed thb landlord, I used to have, but it doesn’t sesm to attract people my more. I guess we’ll have to think up something else. “Quiékcure†removes all pain, and reduces all inflammation. Its effect is wonderful. Would you not, as): woman, like to occupy the councils of your It is surprising what 'a number of useful articles can be made out of obâ€" jects that we generally discard and reâ€" gard as altogether useless. Many are the things that are thus thrown aside. and 'it denotes the careful housekeeper or the handy person who can turn to good account articles which are usu- any the prey of the junkman. sounds Many new and interesting features will be offered at the Toronto Exhibi- tion this year, which is to be held from the 29th August to the 10th Septem- ber. The harvest throughout the Dominion is good. and “ith the return of better times and the unusually low fares now being given by the railways. many will be induced to visit this great exhibition who perhaps would not oth- erwise do so. The entries in all de- partments will be great. and the atâ€" tractions offered will be of a character to draw. Among the many will be realistic representations of the pre- sent Cuban-American War, the block- ade, bombardment and battles of Santi- ago, or Havana, firing and explosion of shells. explosion of sub-marine mines and blowing up of vessels on the lake in front of the exhibition grounds. ex- hibitions by Maxim and Gatling machine guns, etc., all of a Specially interesting nature at the present time. The programme of attractions promises to far excel that of last year. which is saying a. good deal. The exhibits will include many from Great Britain, France and the United States. whilst making such a case will be astonished and delighted at the result. Take the shoe and remove with a. sharp knife all the upper except that portion at the end known as the toe- cap. Then trim very carefully with the knife or with a. sharp pair of scis- sors the rough free edge of the toe« cap until you have the projecting edge quite smooth. bon bow tied in the middle of the shoe. Put scissors and cotton in the pock- ets, needles in the flannel and pins in the top) just under the hanging loop. and you have a workcase that will not disgrace any room. sovera old shc and cupboards clever hands, ( to something Next stand the shoe 'on a piece oi cardboard and mark the outline in pencil. This is to be cu’t out. as is also another piece of exactly the same size. Each piece thus obtained is plac‘ ed one inside and one outside the shoe. and the whole covered very neatly with some pretty material. velvet or satin preferred, the stitched side being turned under. Cut out. some piece of A pretty cord is then to right around the edge of th loop left to hung it up by, z bon bow tied in the middle of CAN ADA’S GREAT EXPOSITION Jisten, Harry, it costs $1,500 a v to run 2i battleship. (es; and our courtship would have It: that much if I hadn’t held you OLD SHOE TRANSFORMIED DIDN’T WANT LL‘ILLING HIS 1- use a a mad rather I the dir RECRIMINATION house there are bound to be shoes lying about in corners rds, and these, by a. pair of ,s, can be metamorphosed in- ng that serves at the same 36 and ornament. A. lady's made out of an old shoe her funny, but any one fol- directions here given for :h a. case will he astonished BORN 30W FAITH tt, asked the )ccupy a seat your country the Toronto Exhibi- :h is to be held from ,o the 10th Septem- st throughout the 1nd with the return IND ll] ‘xtra are t DESTIN MITCH rear round. ted through inless Corn 3d sure-pop mtnr is now 6f all poisâ€" substituLes. STINY. .\LSTED the 1nd earnest high in PMNT so CHEAP buildings.â€"-Uaed '22 yeam With a good Iprsyl-r you can plint. a. harm in hall a (my. Write us {or clrculau Ind Information about painting. The Finch Wood Frau".- I: (1 Paint. Company. 810 Queen We“. Toronto. chm-oh and' good buildir Apply In & can 12518312113119 mm AN comsussmu macmms, balance in Len foamy pnymenbn - interenv 6 p1 cent: ; willsel in moments coding 81,360 ft 3:0). 53." ï¬ve hundred cash, 119.111.0063 year payments; intereu 6 per cent. Address. Frank S Nugenr. Barrister. Winnipeg. boa! 7hr. 9th"? ROOF}??? lugs. Tomnd lugs. Tomato done by our flm ionmtn. Eiinmtoa furnished Entering nhlpgethto any I):er v. . MJTH'E It 0 3, Adahma Red or Green. SLATE ï¬t Eubligsmd High Schogh‘T CHEAP. 'AppIyT , TI» WILSON PUBLISHING 00.. REBOFINQ Dominion Line Steamshim. Mantra-.1 and Quebec to Liverpool In summer. Lam" and hub twin screw ate-mam†'Labmdor.‘ 'me couver.‘ 'Dmnin‘ion ' ‘Scotsmun.’ ‘ Yorkahlro.‘ Suherlor accommo anon ‘or Fier Cabin. Soc- ond Cabin AHd éteougo Assengorn. Rates 01 Damageâ€"First “shims aw: second Cabin, 33‘; b‘leura e 82 .58 an u wards according: to abenmer an: berth. F‘ir a l lnformaclon apply to Local AgeuLfl,‘ or I Av‘n) 'l‘omurlom a: (10., Gen'l Agent», 17 bit. Sacrament 83.. Montreal. A Special How [He m (or Cl TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL otfen spaniel induCementa to young men desirous of taking up Cumin . Full parrioulara on app“ cation. IIJ Y NOE SL. TORONTO. Tuom FLYNN. Advertising Agentâ€"Your pardon for intruding, madam, but I understand that you have been sick and are now perfectly well, and that during your illness six bottles of Dr, Curem's Elixir was bought at the corner drug store. Madamâ€"Yes. The nurse who came to take care of me got sick. and ordered the bottles for herself, I did not take F. J. CHENEY a: CO, Pro 3.. Toledo. 0. We, -the undersigned. have nown F. J. Chruey fortne last 15 ymrg. and believe him porlectly honorable in all huainvas t-ranmc‘ tionq. and ï¬nancially able to carry out any obligation made ha? their twig). WEsTaz Tmux. hole-sale mwgiafs Toledo, 0 VVALDINO. KINNAN A: MARVIN, Who 638.13 Dnmghta. Toledo, 0. Hall": Calarrh Care is taken internally. acb ing direolly upon the blood and mucous sub face. of h system. Prioe 750. pol bottle . Sold by all )iruxgista l‘estimoninls Ire» Hall's family i‘llla are the beat. wme DRJ. J. GEE. ’13 the any ' H'al'i'. Ca! ing diremly face- of h! any cme Ha'u’s ( God Save the Queen! some sang so free, And some. My Country, "Iis of Thee! Then. like unfettered birds, They raised. again with might and menu The old unstudiad, sweet refrain N01 thought about: the words For Sale NE HUNGRED AGREE 0000 GLAV LOAM â€" well ‘ localed; convunionn to cheese factory. mroh uan when}; never-framing. wgllof_wa.Ler: 1y of it Humph She’s de We offer 0 Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swung, six ('00! bed, rod and gear full, counter- ghafl chmplAete! good as new, VERY 'R SALEâ€"mgth Improved Farm near Winnipeg; 3'2" norm ; No. x :ml: Improvements alone zt $9.001»: price $8,000. my two thousand cash, lance in Len foamy paymenbn- interest 6 per m ; will as! in pmmeuts coeéing $1,360 for n, sav live hundmd cash, balmgqe's yearly Luann. 13 to 81 Adelalda at. w., Toronto. looms 409-12 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO, ONT. THE ANGLO-SAXON CHORUS oa‘lfBbHu'xvru VOOE msmm. I Pembroko St. Toronto. 0AM THE TRIUMPHQ Ens put. up sud taken down. Dan M c canned, nested. mud put Mm, In I small grace. Ask your deal": for them. nuufnmurod by a. a. sunny. I68 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto tan-h ("lure‘ Aoms'rnu: 310?]: ngs. a Only Institution In Cnnadu for tho our. every phase at speed: detect. Eatnblinh Vlnr Toroxdo.j§j’0. 7014115 (ugrarnrtggdi. NO TESTIMONIAL Can I see her! ad. mp“- DISEASEB cf WflMEN \e Hundred DJllm-s Reward for atqrrh that cannot be cured by How’s This ? V;_ Yin-Bimini Eta-{n C iNGUS Men:ij WERERS. and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE. in Black. BLACKBOARDS (We sup p!) ‘1.Tumum) Rooï¬ng Felt. Pztch, {N0 TYLE (SM Nan City Build- ourflrm). Metal Ceilings. Cor- ‘ukhed (or work oomph-u or for 7 part t 5g}? pnuutgy. Phone 1988 Mme, Mule & Hales Barri-«ten, er0.,remnved no Waeley Bldzs., Rich mond St. W.. Toronto.‘ P You can use h on old lhingu roof: or sides of WM) 3 good Iprayl-r ymu can Writa us {oLclrglgau and Mam}?- S‘. Thom: s, Ont. ‘fll’ C 932 n EET’I‘BE uto, 6n: J can 1.. Corn: @flished 1m flauféfon! ‘ountyl GONBUY’S IMPROVED GRRRIHGE IOPS Sign? masaamaaune, Butter. Eggs. Applel. Fruit. ((2., (0 THE Mme OOMMZGOION 00., leltod, nor. of West Market and Unlborne 8m, Tomato. Examination this year? If so and name nddmp, mob Pr and school. to the Principal of the 0!“Tfl‘% Bus: “533 (mums, YONGE a GENEARD s 8., “ONTO. and Halve full panioulm nboui the FM. aoholamhl m this mMol wll l [in to successful osnd‘dfl- for th- F 1 8mm Puma! 0.9 922°; 33‘1")“: . Hove v0 written on th- ENTRANG or P. S. LEAVING Gaï¬vanized Steel Windm and Towers maï¬a. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to leerpool. Steamers as“ from Montreal ever Thus-Id. morning on mum! on Ina from orange 3.} the West about 9 o‘oloc . Cabin 052.60 and upwarla: Second Cab!- and and $36.25: Swvrago to Liverpool ndnn, 0m aw, Baruch Londondom u Qupeugtowp 9 1‘52 and mwx L A“, ",1 _, LIMI YED. ITIAMBOAT, RAILROAD and HILL BUPPLIIB. :4 Front St. East, . - - TORONTG ‘XI-éah'onibd'éihég ’péFo’ofnL I. allowed round tn ï¬rst an] second cabin tickets. sailings o steamer: or other informnuon up to my suthorlzed agent. a. Bout-liar. 1 King 8:. w. warm. or H. a A Allan. Montreal. WILLIAM C. WILSON & C0 The only Guarantee Company doing business in Canada whose directorate is composed solely of responsible and inflqential representatives ofthe ï¬nan- cial and commercial interests in Can- ada. Makers of the lightest running and best constructed CASTOR MACHINE CYLINDER ENGINE PACKING and THRESHERS’ BELTS. FHRESHERS ENGINEQE I Surety Bonds, Casualty Insurance, Fideli- ty Insnrance, Personal Accident In- suran Ce. IHE DOMINION 0f GRNHDB GURRHNIEE E HCCIDHH INSURHNGE GOMPHNY. Get our prices. We want your trade. Head Ofï¬ce - - TORONTO. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED IRCULARS recolvodéhnbi ‘- ozt. AW}: :1 an. . RATES OF PASSAGE Hug Loy written ya 31:! Kdï¬Ã©'ii if. Ii. "ï¬nâ€"VI Fiiiihlnfl- Galvanized Steel -l " " Windmills. For Poms & PUMPENG With 91mm ROLLER And mm BEARINGS. J. E. Roberts. rantford u N Wh‘im‘lnï¬lai ' aounov-s Mun l noun TOP! WV‘ BRANTFORU CAN General Manager. have met vi? such unherul do var. that. and manufactuggrq nrs'now rm H Interior haiku“ 1mm nhnfln' tho Con 0] mail a: lmimtxona 5." never at good u the genuine.