Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1898, p. 8

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. The Arnolds’ ‘his idea of Aorder and discipline. Langstafi (CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK.) The desks and seats of this ZUXSHXzZ school house were quite, a contrast. to the desks of the present building. The first “set ” consisted of one row 0f desks around the room close to the wall. At these the senior pupils sat, facing the wall. Extending across the centre of the room w:-rc long benches, Without backs or places for the pupils" books. Here tlfif little felloWS sat dangling their feet, in mid air and facing the master, who sat at table in front of the pulpit which was at the north cod of the room. This pulpit was occupied on the Sabbath by the “travelling; preachers" oi the various Protestant denominations who happened to pass that way.‘ The first teacher in the Cover school was Mr. Benjamin Barnard, a. gentle- man from Sui-ry, England. He after wards taught for a number of years at Richmond Hill. Mr. IIaixVey followed in 1817. Klinck, Sh, father of Mrs. Law of Richmond, taught for a short time. Mr. Klinck afterwards about 181:3 kept toll gate No. "Next came Mr. .Collins an old military oiliccr and ensioner. Ho showed his interest in be girls by buildinu‘ a play house for In 1822 MiazJaines Button was them. _ teacher and the follownig are the names of a few of his pupils. Of the Miller family, which lived on the farm now owned by Mr. D. James, licnry, fat-her of Mr. A. Miller, Thornhill: Nat-ban, Isaac, Michael, John and Abraham. Of the, \Valker family which lived on the farm now owned by Mr. D. Boyle, Peter, Annie. Betsy. Lydia, and Margaret. Of the Mun- shaw family. who lived on the farm now owned by Mr. V3111. M. Munshaw, Betsy, Ba-lsar, “'illiaiii, father of Mr. Wm. M. Munshaw, James, and Louise. The Smiths’, who lived on the f:ii'in_ now owned by Mr. Geo. Chapman, Robert, James, Nathan. Joseph. Hannah, Sally. the unfortunate. wife of John McKcndi-y, Betsy. and Nancy. John, Lewis, Robert. Caroline. Nathan. ‘ In 1825 came Mr. E. Pease. grand- father of the present Prorincial Secreâ€" tary. Mr. Pease was considered one of the best of the early teachers. lie bada rent liking for the late John Arnblgand while he was inspecting the writing of the pupils he would carry John around the school on his back. Mr. \Vade followed Mr. Pease. , Mr. Wade had some peculiar ideas. The following will show something of He made it a rule that whoever was the last" out of the schoolâ€"room at four . o’clock was to lock up the school and open it again in the morning. He brought the day’s work to a close with prayers and while he stood in front of the little pulpit repea ting° the prayer the pupils were preparing as quietly as they might for the .f' rush." ' As the last word left his lips pupils and teach- er rushed pell inell for the door. NPVPI‘ mind if forms were overturned or the small children trampled on, the object was to “get out” and that as quickly as possible. Sometimes he. - would cut the prayer/short and taking them by surprise would be out of the door before pupils wci-e aware prayers were over. This. he said, was done to sharpen the pupils’ wits. Mr. Manners;an ex-Eiiglish Church Clergyman, was appointed in 1829. Mr. Lewis Langstaff brother of Mr. John Langstaff, sr.', was teacher for a short‘ tiinein 1833. Mr. Cunningham was appointed. Some of the early teachers were. very severe. '11: those early days and for a long time afterwards many thought that the only way to reach a pupil’s . heart or brain was through the epiderâ€" mis. Mr. Cunningham’s faVorite mode of punishment was “ liorsing.” The boy to be punished was placed on the back of another boy and as the “ horse ” ran around the school-room the master followed and for cveryt step the “ horse. ” took he did his best to bringr down one Cut, with his cat/mf- nine-tails, on the " rider" or often the “ cat” was handed to a. boy who had a. spite against the boy to be punished. We have not been able to find out do- finitely what salary any of the teach- ers before Mr. Cunningham’s time re- ceived but We are told that he received two dollars'per quarter per pupil. (TO BE CONTINUED.) M signaling. Gaby’s Express runs to TOBONT O â€"EVERYâ€"~ . Dionday. VVedn esday and Friday. Freight and Pareels delivered and collected. Then Mr. Leonardi Ellen gavtttlscmms. - MUNICIPALITY OF THE realism of i V COUNTY 0‘1" ’iORK. OTIUE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of “The Voter's List Act,“ the. Copies required by said sections to he so transniittwl or deliv- ered of the List made pursuant to said Act and amendments thereto. of all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment, Roll of the said municipal- ity to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative ASsnmbly and at Municipal Elections : and that said that liii i393. I List was FIRST POSTED UP at. my office at the, Village of Richmond Hill. on the NINTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1898, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omissions or any other ‘errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have {he saidcrrors corrected according to aw. Dated this 9th day of August A. D. 1898. JA MES M. LA‘YR ENCE. Clerk of the said Municipality. LGEST Lost on Tuesday, July 191b, oi) Yoiige St.. between Aurora and Egliiiton. a light Tweed Coat, unlined. Reward at LIBERAL OFFICE or $5 BAY ST.. TORONTO. 6-1 STBAYED A Ewe and a. Lamb came to the premises of the undersigned. lot 17.. rear of the 2nd concession of Mai kham on or about the 151; of June last. Tlr- owner may have the same by proving property and paying expenses. JAS. BARKER. l’lcadford, P. 0. 6-2 Farm for Sale East halves of lots 34 and 35, 2rd concession of Vaughan, containing 200 acres more or less. This is one of the best farms in this section of country, Terms easy. . For particulars apply to J. E. CLI’Bâ€" INE. Eglinton P. 0., \V. F. A. CLYD- INE, C. 1’. R. Crossing, Yong? street, Toronto, MRS. JAS. STE\VART, Oalg Ridges. 6~tf liiifiilllillti Sill â€"OF VALU.\BI.Eâ€"â€" Village Property. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill. ON SATURDAY, 3rd DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. 1)., 1898. at two o’clock in the afternoon, by J. T. Saigeon, auctioneer. all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying,r and being in the Village of Rich- mond Hill. in the County of York, containing by admcasurcment 104â€"18 Square feet, more or less, and being composed of part of original township lot number 46, in the first Concession of the. Township of Markham, now in the Village of Richmond Hill, de- scride as follows : lounncncing at a point in the westerly limit of said lot number ~16, distant 2 chains, 12}, links from the north-west angle of said lot on a. course south, 9 degrees east, thence north 74- degrees, cast 330 feet, ' more or. less, to the westerly limit of Church street, thence southerly along said westerly limit 3) feet,thence south 74 degrees, west 193 feet, thence south 9 degrees; east 4 feet, thence south 74 | dcgi-eess, west 137 feet. more or less, to the westerly limit of said lot mini- ber 4-6, thence north 9 degrees, west 31 TEFL-1110113 or less, to the place of be- ginning. 'Upon the said property is said to be Situate a brick store and dwelling at present occutpied by Mrs. Soulcs, and a15(ialarge raine stable. This propâ€" erty is well situate 0n the east side of Yonge street, in the Village of Rich- mond Hill. and is a desirable stand for a grocery business. Termsâ€"Ten per cent. of the purâ€" chase money to be. paid to the Vend- or’s Solicitors on the day of sale, the balance within 30 days thereafter. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Further particulars will be made t known on the day of sale or on appli- ' a Rielimond Hill, or “a I.“ LAWRENCE 65 ORMISTON, 6- A: reasonable rates on shortest notice Patronage Solicite'd. LEVI GABY. ' l cation to ‘ J. H. SANDERSON, ESQ, ‘ 15 Toronto St., Toronto, 4 Vendor’s Solicitors. AGENTS. Memorial edition of “ Life of Gladstone ” now ieady, send for complete outfit. Everybody willl subscribe. Secure territory. Liberal C01 ission. Books on time. LE -GA RRETSON COMPANY, LIM- ITED, TORONTO. BRAD- , 5555 Cleveland Models. leading features of every bicycle built on popular 1898 lines are all copies of1897 30-IN CH WHEELS $00 Agents Ever ywhere. SOLE REPRESENTATIVE H. A. rogues <8: co, TORONTO JUNCTEOM A man who desires to » a- fill a. steady paying ' 'tion and earn good “a ,s! 1! you are at present employed that n .1 not prevent you from sending us a postal 1::l'l to learn what we can do for you. \Veliuvo the largest, most com- plete and thoroughly unto-date uni-series in the Dominion. There is B. largely increasxug demand ior u. Home-Grown Nursery Stock. All Supplies Sent Free : The Trial Costs You Nothiii 1* ; 7011 Get Your Pay Every Saturt ay. . . . . . If you cannot give full time to our interests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time We grow a full line of Fruit Trees, Berry Bushes, Flowering Shrubs, Ornamental Trees. Hedging. Bulbs, Roses and Seed Potatoes. All our stock guainnteod and warranted to live. Write and tell us you are open for an offer and we will mate you a proposition you will want to acuept. l‘. E. Blackford «a C0. Toronto, Ont. Ari-i] lst 4 mo. Nursery Stock Agents! Book Agents l agricultural Implement Agents l 0r anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us. The demand for home grown Nursery Stockisou tho increase. We need incre men. if you want. steady, paying work, write us. “'9 furnish all supplies free. We hare. the largest Nurseries in the Dominion. We pay both salary and commission. \Vc engage either whole or part time man. “'e guarantee our Stock. “’e furnish purchasers with certificate from Government Inspector, stating our Stock is free from San Jose Scale. ' Oui' uni-series comprise over 700 acres, and grow~ iiig Stock in large quantity enablesus to sell at the closest posmble figure. Men Succeed with Us who have failed with others. It Will cost you nothing to learn What we can do for you. Don't write unless vou mean business and want profitable employment. Stone at: \Vellington Toronto. April lst-, 3 months, Wood and Slabs - . The undersigned is pi‘epaicd to de ' Mixed Wood at $3, and Slabs at 1-“ W. R. PROCTOR i fillâ€"wâ€" DRUGGâ€"IST, ill. l”. urinal. RICHMOND HILL. altruism albums. PRICES AT FABMEBS' WAGGONS. Wlieut,wbite, per bush ............... a U 75 5 Wheat, red, per bush . U 73 Wheat, goose. per bush 0 '73 Oats, per bush ..... 0 ‘29 Pens, per bush .. 0 55 Barlsv, Der bush 0 30 Turkeys. per lb .. 0 06 Dressed Hogs. pei ti 50 Geese, per lb 0 00 (thickens. per pair. 0 All) Ducksper ptlll‘ . . . . . 0 00 Butter, in pound roll . O 15 Eggs, fresh ............. . 0 11 Potatoes. prr bush. . 0 50 Apples, per Dbl .. 0 00 Hay,clover ') 00 Hay, timothy . B 00 Straw, shouf....... 6 00 Ripans Tabrles cure constipation. Ripans TillllllC'S cure torn-id liver. Ripans ’l‘abules cure l tsl breath. Ripans Tabulss cure heldachc. m n AT 7 in»: D XTT 5.46mi: ‘ ion PRINTlNG DONE AT finiA‘szius «Md spuuis A'tiipinb Iii q‘iiiq si '31 "ii Bugsn u; quiiiiop o "it “as non saop .Irifllr)p { "snag uoqiwirrN ’SJSFOJQ it [my smpmq rs m 0,1 oma slim ’ll ‘ i mom 4 . . l l ll.H 1 put: ‘Iwaqm out} yo .IOA'UH paniqu 3)in 1p: suiiziuoo (1 ° D> (1 3 ' l : Fl 0 ht 3 -â€"4 7-“ L 2 <1 3 . 3:. N 3 :3 :0 L "3 2-3 :9 :1: w 31 AU) 7 at” :25: 4 1""; .953.“ A “=15 #:fiu vi '38" “ES - 4A: 522% fig... 2:3 1 do... ....V"$ 'F‘C’ “3 H.“ la: 2: 57:1.“ Iâ€"’3'1 -5: L. . 31% mm? ‘9 a," 2'3 5 $7: at: "A “4” ' ' E EF‘t-r “‘* E 2" M :1“ m m E "‘ ‘ m9": .. =3 asst? * 3 0‘2: “fl E C O C~~< m "" 7‘ cm s ct 9.2:": hâ€"‘l m ‘ *3 ‘4 “3W His: 9:; “"9 g mp?! O .... ~4: 0- 2-" ‘ 5°65 ’ W E: :19; Eula 5D H ‘<.:5v-n 3:; H» w a... usuâ€" Eg 55:: can a 2 gm Bi F‘ c (T234 a -*-5m lit Sale ii to Rent IN THE VILLAGE OF Richtnond Hill. A commodious Dwelling and Store with Lawn and Garden. Terms easy for purchaser, and rent low to good tenant. The dwelling and land can be rented twin-t (rum the store. i For terms, 6:0,, arpr to MRS. FALCUXBRIDGE. 725 Ontario 55., Toronto THE LIBERAL not} per Year. 35-”

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