! WWW THE PAINTEROF PARI’IA; -â€"-O R,â€" IHE MAGIC OF A MASTERPIECE. WWW CHAPTER XI. (Cont in 110d.) "Oh! my love! my love! Though the whole world should combine ItS mighl and power against us it shall not put us asunder. lain thine and thou art. mine. In a foreign Clinic we Will find a. new home anrl will make new friends; and there our love shall be our lifeâ€"our life our love and joy and gladnessl" The princess had paused in her walk. and these words had found utterance in a. waking ecstasy, as though 8. long train of patient thought had thus culminated, She had spoken. and a divine fervor shone in her golden eyes and lighted up her beautiful face. liel‘ gaze had rested upon a pure Whit“ rose. and she had put forth her hand to pluck it when a, quick. nervuu; fontfall arrested her attention and She turned to see who had intruded upon her. "Count Denarol" Of all men living that she knew she would rather have. seen any other at that moment than the man who now Stood before her. She was startled. but not frightened; nor did she for one moment lose her strong self-con- trol. She was deeply indignant at the unwarranted intrusion. and.the 100K of scorn and contempt she cast upon the intruder would have caused any other man who knew her to shrink and sewer. But this man could not see- could not understand. His mingled passions of love and jealousy had made him blind; and the finding of himself now in the presence of the object of his passions made him wellâ€"nigh insane. "Dear Princess! Oh, if you knew how I love you! If you could know the depth and strength and power of my affection! If you could know what I have suffered, how my heart is rack- ed, andâ€"" "Hush! me mad!" "By heavens, Princess. you have al- ready driven me mad I" "Aye. you must have been. or you would not have intruded here. Count, will you leave me? This intrusion is as unseemly and unkind as it is unpleasant to me.†"NO. no. Princess!" the count cried, mi ing his cla pad hand toward her and taking a. step forward. banish me from your presence until you have answered me a question. After all that hashappened. after all that has been told incâ€"after the months â€"â€"aye, the yearsâ€"of warm. devoted love I have given youâ€"and. after the smiles you have in return bestowed Oh, hush! You will drive upon me. you can not refuse me the simple boon I crave. I have the right to demand itâ€"that you answer me the question I have to ask." "Count Denaro. I am but a weak woman. and I can not put you by force from my presence. If you will not. leave me at my- bidding,Iwill leave you." "No! No! Not yet. Princess!†And he threw himself in her way so .that she could not pass him without hrush~ ing her robe against the thorns of the thi.-kly growing roseâ€"bushes. “You must answer me! You shall!†"\Vell. signor," she said, as he stood before her. fairly quaking with the depth and strength of his emotions. "Princess! ’ wizh a gasp for breath." i'the que.~.tion I have to ask may be in two parts. The first I know you will answer; but for the love of mercy and justice! for the love of heaven! I beg- of you answer it calmly and rationally. and not in anger. Dear, dear P.in e sf May I h p:â€"â€"everhope â€"ma..; 1 tak: to my h art a :ingle ray of hope that. you will, at some time, give me your love. and with it your hand? Oh. if you could know; if you__._.. "Stop! stop!" She raised herself to her extremest height; she looked at him proudly and di dainfully, and her voice had the ring of power and purpose and of truth. "Guiseppe Denaro! I never spoke to you a word;l never gave you a Sign; nor did I ever give token of a. thought that should lead you tothink I loved you. or that I cared for your love. And now hear this: I am young; I love life; the world is good and beautiful in my eyes; while death and the grave are cold. chilling, terâ€" rible to think. of, yet sooner than marry youâ€"sooner than stand before God’s holy altar and give my solemn promise that I would love. honor and obey you while life should en- dureâ€"sooner than do that, I would lay me down and choose the eternal re- po-e of the gravel Does that answer you?†The count shook as with palsy; audit. was several seconds before he could speak. At length he said. struggl- ing with all his might to h ild'in check the hot. wrath that possessed him: "I have the other part of the question to ask. Will you tell me: Is it love for another that prevents your loving me?†"No! No! Ten thousand timesâ€"no! Were there not. another I'Jl'tu than your- self living I could not love. you!†"Ah. you prevaricate. You do not answer my question. Do you love mother '1" . At this her hot indignation burst :orth in a flame. The flame envelopâ€" ~5d her cheeks and shot forth from llel‘ eyes. . i . i ' ' "Fool! Idiot! Let me pass!†And she strode by him pushing him from her path as she. went. and was soon gone from his sight. He stood and gazed after herâ€"held her in view until she had gone‘from his sightâ€"and then gazed upon the vac- unt space she had last occupied. He stood like one upon whom a. thunder- l_olt had fallen. bereft for the time of sense and power. Giadually, how- "Do not ‘ lever. he awoke to a realization of the situation. and then he began to re- flect. It could hardly be called reason. “Poor girl! By San Marco! She's ias mad as mad can be. That man ’has utterly bewi'tched her. If she'd not been mad shc never could have talked like thatâ€"and to me! Oh. the villain! \Vhat spell has he wrought. Certainly he has cast a baleful spell upon her. To thinkâ€"oh. to th'nk how good and kind she has always been to ~me. No sister could have been more fond of a brother than she has been of me. and it would have Igrown lto love if it had not been for the in- ‘t‘erfei‘ence of this demon! Aye, he is a demon !-â€"a very imp of darkness and mi‘cwhiefl Think of the look of her eyes when she spoke. to me! My soul! i If ever woman was insane... she wasï¬nâ€" sane then! And e~heâ€"hzts made her so! "Now! Now! ' be ground out. between 'his clenched teeth, "I know what to tdo. It would be a. sin to leave such a 'man alive. I will stand in his way; and he shall fight me. Ha! and he shall find that it is not Steffano Furn- ese who holds the sword of vengeance! 0!). let me but meet him! 1 must find the marquis. I must have his countenance. He will stand by me. I :know. Hehnd read the man might from the first. I feared his influenca: but I did not. know he was what he ' is." ’ He bent his gaze once more in the direction which the princess hadtaken When she left him. then, with the .name of the painter on his lip3 m connec.ion with a muttered currehe ‘turned toward the way by which he. 118-! gained the garden and rapidly re- fi'acetl his steps, [-19 had entered the Wing 0f the palace through which he was obliged to pass in order to reach the street. when, in a small hall of the quarters occupied by the ducal guard. he came face to face with. the man of whom he was at the moment thinkingâ€"Meai'quis Steffano. "Guiseppe! In the name of all y‘tha.t is wonderful. what brings 3'0“ mere? \‘I'ere you in search of me?" The. count cast a quick. searching glance around, then caught the mar- quis by the arm and answered with an intensity of emotion that shook him from top to toe. ‘ "I did not come to seek you, but {I am I glad I have found youn i couldn't sleep so I started out into I was passing the little saw the prin- in and ï¬the open air. Tgarden yon'lei‘. when l cess walking there. I went spoke with her." "Spoke with her? \Vliat she alone?" "Yes, alone." ' "IVoll. what did she say?" “Steffano. 5113 is mad! she's crazy! That double-dyed villain has unsealed her reason." Joy beamed in the dark countenance of the Marquis, and his eyes glowed triumphantly. The game was his own. He had only to fan the flame already kindled to‘bring his purpose toa finish. . "Have I not always known it would ,be so I" he said, laying his hand upon the other's shoulder. with a tou:h of sympathy in tone and manner. “Count, I feel for you. Aye! it is you who are most deeply wronged. As for the princess. the duke can save her, and she will very soon forget this wildqinâ€" sane infatuation. No! I told old Made- lon the painter was ,bewitching her young mistress. But tell me, how did she meet’you? \Vhat did she say for herself or for the painter?" "Good heavenl Steffano. 1 can not tell you. She was raving. She talked about death and the grave; about her love of life and her dread of flying; and she said she'd sooner die than marry me! But, mark you, it was not what she said, poor thing! She was gnot responsible. It was the manner tin which she saiditâ€"the look she gave me. I tell you. it was terrible! It was perfectly awful! She glared like a tigress. Her eyes fairly blazed hot flames of fire." “Good heavens! Guiseppe, the (dear girl must have been subjected to some demon spell. Did you ever mark Zan~ oni's eyes. and the strange look of his face? You wouldn’t say that. my brother was a man easily swayed by the arts of a magician; but it is evi~ dent enough to me that such a thing has come to pass. If everaman was under the influence of an evil eyeâ€"of a very demon incarnateâ€" Antonio is in that condition at-the present time. Or he was so last night. Do you supposeâ€"can you imagineâ€"that he would have answered as as he did if he had been in his right. mind? Did you ever before know him to deliberately insult one of his best friends; and pi patrician at that! And yet that is what he did to you and he con~ fessed it. and humbly asked your pan don."' "Aye," cried the count ,with new energyâ€"in fiesth incitementâ€"“and now i. think of it, his mannerâ€"the. dukc's â€"was much like, that of the princess. The spell has had the same effect upon them both." "Exactly!" echoed the marquis, in haste to fasten upon the mind: of his companion the impression that had in amcasure, of not entirely, possessed it. "And the effect has been this. And let me say to you, in this connection, that one of the most marked, as well as one of the worst phases of insanity, LS that in which the unfortunate sub- ject is bent upon regarding his best friends as his worst enemies. And this appears to be the case in the present instance." "You are right, Steffano. And I say the sooner our friends are set free from the dcmoniac influence the bet- ter it will be for them." “Count. you never spoke a truer wordâ€"never!" I feel it in must think it and get some "I know it is true. every part of me. I over. I must go home breakfast; and thena†"Hold on, old fellow! Zounds! will eat breakfast with me.†"But, dear Marquis. 1 must go home and change my garb, and I must select me a rapier that may be depended on. Not every blade is equal to the need ] may have occasion to put upon mine before this day is buried in the past." But. it did not suit. the marquis that his friend should leave him. He did not mean to lose sight of him again un- til the work in hand was finished if he could help it. and he thought he could. Without much urging he succeeded in persuading Dcnaro to remain and breakfast at the palace. promising that afterward he would accompany him to his home. and there give him good counsel to help in the task he had takâ€" en it upon himself to perform. While Marquis Steffario and his guestâ€"the one calm and calculating in his diabolical plotting; the other wellâ€" nigli frantic under a burning sense of his imaginery wrongsâ€"were sittng at their breakfast. our painter. Zanoni, had entered his studio. and was bus~ ily engaged in arranging matters for the work of the day. His boy had been and swept: the floors. an'l performed the menial duties of his office and had been dismissed to the lower floor. where were. his quarters. At: length tht' artist went to his case! threw the screen from the canvas thereon, and stood before it. "It is strange. very strange." he said to himself, after he had gazed upon his work for a few minutes, "how the two faces run together. With thi slightest difference in the worldâ€"with only a. few shadows where now are strong lights; with a shade of the divâ€" ine maternity where. now is virginal youth. with this I have the other face. th soul! what a hold it. has taken on me! I must paint it while it is disâ€" tinct in my mind. If I do not put. it how I will make another subject. Ah! I could give it to the blessed mother of our Saviour. Oh. if Murillo could have had that. face. I" He had Spoken thus. and was still gazing on the picture. when a. slight. brilliant tinkle of a small I)?†in a fair corner told him that, tho outer door opened. an] a. little later came. a slow. nervous rapping on the door 'of the studio. He. went to answer the de- mand, and was not. a littlei's-urprised upon beholding the, aged face of Ma- delon. and she alone. "Good Madelon." he said, when he had led the way into the painting-room and had Closed the door. "you come from you mistress?" She sank into the great easy chzrir he had put out for ll’l‘, and regained her breath.- At length she answered: "Yes. signor; I have come to tell you that she can not visit you 10-day. She could not write; but she will. if there should he need. She hopes that she may see. you soon. She bade me to assure you that you need not be un- der zipprthension of evil; nnlY- “W duke thinks she had better not come at present. At least. so I understood her. I know that his grace had some- thing to do with it." Zanoni was stricken with a great) feargbnt he knew if he would gain inâ€" formation from the duenna he, must. "9 tramlull, and not startle her. So hf! asked her. mildly and kindly. to tell him What she knew about itâ€"what she had heardâ€"what seen. She wasn't sure, but she believed that Marquis Steffano had had much to do with it. and she told of her inâ€" terview with him on the previous chn- Ingâ€"how he had lain in wait for her. and caught. her at the very moment she was thanking her stars that she had escape-d him. She meant to be truth- flll. though one or two things she would have kept back had she been Permitted. She. had told of the telling of the story of the old ducal family by the Princess, being very particular to tell of her acknowledgment of her own part therein; and she had also told You how angry the marquis had been beâ€" cause the story of his life had been told to a stranger. T1191] Zanoni asked her: "DO I understand that thc marquis went away under the. impression that you were present with us during the whole. of the time occupied by the story I" "No. signer. Bat. indeed, I couldn't help it. He drove me into a Corner. and. I had to tell him." “Never mind. I can understand how you were situated. He learned, I supâ€" pose. how long the princess had been engaged in the narrative before you joined us f" "Yes, Signor, he did." “And I have no doubt." fIl.‘ artist went on. calling a light smile to his face. though it cost him a bitter efâ€" fort: to do it. “that he possessed him- self of the. knowledge. or belief, that no work was done on the picture yes- terday f†"Ah. Signor. he pretended that he. knew it. but he didn’t. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of telling him." "Madden," after a pause of several seconds. "I have one, more question. and I want you to put on your think- ing cap and try to call to mind just what was said, and how it was said. Was the marquis particular to know What I said with regard to the story, after I hid heard it?" She could only remember that he had been very angry. She could think of nothing particular that he had in- quired about. “Had he no curiosity to know if I had offered any remark concerning himself '1" Ah! the duenna did remember one thing. She bt-nt her head and thought hard. and at length she looked up with a new light in her face. "Yes, Signor. there was one thing. He wanted to know what. you had ask- ed the princess concerning her own opinion of his appearance on his first arrival. Had she thought him hand~ some. and so on; and by-andâ€"by he asked me: 'Did he ask the princess if she had thought me younger than the true brother of the duke ought. to be?’ or something like. that. At any rate, he finally learned that the princess had told you that she thought: he look- ed older than Steffano Farnese ought to look." “And how did he receive that, formation ’l†"I thought. it kind of startled him. At least. it appears 50." "Did he. ask. or did you tell him. what I had thought of his looks?" "Ah!" cried the old lady. complete- ly lost in her muddle of. recollection. "I think, after all, it was your opinâ€" inâ€" ion lie was eager to know about. He asked 109. in n. bantering way. if the painter didn’t think he looked 100 young to be the true brother, and unâ€" on that. I told him no. You thought he looked too old.†“And thatâ€"how did he take it 'f" .“IIe looked dreadful dark and ugly. Signor." ",Do you know if the duke has been told all this?" "I do not, signor." “Have you any idea. of what. has transpired beyond what you have told me ?" She. told him of the duke’s party of the. previous evening; how she had re- tired bcforc her mistress came up to her chamber. ‘Bm this morning. Signor. I could see that something had happened. She had certainly been crying during the night." l‘imilly, upon being questioned more closely, the duenna confessed that be- fore leaving the palace she had seen and questioner! the. page. Filippo, from whom she had learned that a cruel trick had been played upon the princes»; by the Marquis Steffano; an l. she thought. Count Dr'D'II‘O hid lint: his all! to it. She did not know what it was; but its result had been that the duke lizid been greatly shocked. and the princess herself had fainted. "I. believe. Signor.†she added,"that the princess was made. to believe that. you were dead. or that something dreadful had happened to you, and her fainting gave the duke to know that if it" knows till about it. n6w. ’l‘hc. duke himself must have told her that. you were not hurt at all. That is all. signer." "Madcbm!" Zanoni said. after she had ariSenâ€"his voice quivered, and he was as pale as death. “Do you say the (ltikc knows that Princess Isabel loves me ’I" "Yes. Signor. I am sure of it." "Do you knowâ€"have you any ideaâ€" \Vh‘lt he has said to heron the subject?" Madelon could only shake her head. She knew nothing more. But the princess had promised that she. would come again, and she had hidden him not to fear. "Surely. Signor, that ought to conâ€" tent you. At. all events I pray to heaâ€" ven. and the blessed virgin. that the sweet princess mav not have to suffer." “Amen!†devontly responded the painter. Then he added, prayerful'ly, "You will bear a blessing to the prin- cess from me: anth you will tell her th‘tt I [-11:11] be very anxious fill [can hear from her again 2†“Yes. Signor, I will tell her." "And now will you repeat to her three words from my lips and tell her ih'it I sent them? You will let no other hear them." "What are the words, Signor!" “They are theseâ€"Faithful unto death! \Vill you say to her that I send them from my heart ’5" The, rlucnn-i reflected for a moment; and then, earnestly and sincerely, gave her promise. To Be Continued.) ___._â€".â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- PERSONAL POINTERS. - Notes of Intel-Ml About. some or the Great Folks of the. world. Prince M'axirnili’rn of Saxony. became. a priest a few years ago. has been appointed Bishop of Kulm. in West Prussia. The Prince is ‘28 years of age. It is reported in B-rlin that Emperor “'illiam has contributed the sum of 20.0'!" marks as prizes for English and German sailing yachts at next years Kiel week. Sarah Bernhardt's special train of palace cars was completely destro)led by collision with a freight train at Manchester recently. Mme'. Bern' hardt and her company had. fortunateâ€" ly. left the cars. While Councillor B Freedman 0f Swansea was riding his cycle along the Mumbles road the celluloid gear case of. the. machine caught fire. and before he could jump burned his trousâ€" ers off him. Admiral ’1‘. L. Massie. the father of the British Navy, is dead at. the age of 97 years. He joined the navy as mid- shipiuan at the age of 16, fought at Naâ€" varino. and was present. at the bom- bardment. of St. Jean d’Acre. Sarah Bernhardt visited Deptford, England. the. day after the prince of \Vales had been there. and quietly as- suined that the decorations were in her honor. She expressed herself as gratified by the attention. Oliver Cromwell has found a place in the British House of Commons. Mr. Btlfour has informed the. House, that Bernini's bust: of the Lord Protector, recently presented to it by Mr. \Vert- hcimcr. would be placed in the. Lower \Vaiting Hall. The Emperor Francis Joseph of Ausâ€" tria, in order to provide a residence nearer Vienna for his daughter. the Archduchess Valerie. and her children, has bought the It‘rohsdorf Chateau. in Lower Austria, in which the Comte de who Chambord. lived from 1846 till his Ede-ath in 1883. Mr. Kcnsit. the London bookseller who started the new militant antiâ€"rit- ualistic campaign. was a choir boy in a ritualist church at the age of 15. He then “became firme convinced that ritualistic services were. no better than mere, imitations of Romish servmes." and took to street preaching. Kaiser \Vilheim treated forty B. itish and fortyâ€"eight German naval cadets- to beer on his yacht. Hohenzollern while at Troldhjem. Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy the third. Bart... has just died at Bombay. His own name was Manekjee Cursetjee. but on succeeding.r to the title he as sumed the. name of the first baronet. his grandfather, in accordance with! the Special not. of the Legislative Coun~ cil of India, passed to perpetrate the name of the great Parsee philanthro- pist. Like Cato. who in his eightieth year began to learn Greek. Lord Dufferin. who has passed the limits of threescore years and ten, thinks it is really time he knew something about. Persian. He has accordingly set himself the task of adding that poetic and figurative language to his already large store of linguistic accomplishment. The Hon. Robert Charles Sinclair de Courcy. brother of Baron Kingsale, the premier biron of Ireland. whose baronyj dates from 1181-and who has n. right to twear his hat in the presence of the B'ilish sovereign, has just given up his place. as first cabin steward and trumpeter on the Peninsular and! Oriental steamer Britannia. as a rela- tive, has left him an annuity. Mr. Lecky’s speech in the House of Commons the other night. in seconding the Irish financial resolution, was marked by a wonderful grasp of statis- tical problems, and was an astonishing- feat of memory. \Vithout a glance at the notes he. held in his hand, and apâ€" parently without effort. he gave a com- prehensive resume of Ireland’s finan- cial relations with Great Britain since the union. It is reported at Canton that Dr. Sun Yat Sen. whose. detention at the Chin- ese Legalion in London attracted much attention some time ago. is one of the prominent leaders of the rebellion in China. His kidnapping by emissaries- of the Chinese government and his il- legal detention in the Chinese Legation in Portland Place. occurred in Octoâ€" ber. 1896. The Doctor is an energetic member of the "Young China Society." and took part in a revolutionary at- tempt on the city of Canton in October 1895. The publication has been sanctioned by Queen Victoria of a large collection of private letters which were written by her aunt, Princess Elizabeth, the Landgravine of Hesseâ€"Hamburg, who died in 1840. There are some interest~ ing allusions to the Landgravine and her residence at Homburg in Thacker- ay’s famous sketch of George III. Princess Elizabeth passed most of her life in Englanl. as she was not married until 1818, on! she was the favorite daughter and the constant companion of her mother. Queen Charlotte. There have been great rejoicings at Leslie. in Scotland. over the coming of age of the Earl of Rothes. From 1859 until the. present Earl succeeded, at the age of sixteen. his grandmother in 1893. there was no Earl of Rothes. the peerage having been held in the inter- val by two ladies. The Leslie family is one of the oldest in Scotland. and was historical even before the days of \Val- lace and Bruce. Once it possessed a dukedom. the seventh Earl. who car- ried the sword at the coronation of Charles II.. having been made a duke, but. as he died without male issue, the superior honor became extinct. The earldom. however. and the inferior ti- tle. were perpetuatedin the female line and since that time several ladies have successively held the peerage in their own right. A SISTER'S HELP. BROUGHT RENEWED HEALTH TO A DESPONDENT BROTHER. Ills Ileullh [lad Failed and Medlclnel Seemed In Do Illm no (mod-“mere others llml Failed, Dr. “’1111::::::;’ I'an Pllls .Vlel Willi Great Success. Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co;â€" Gentlemenâ€"A few years ago my system became thoroughly run down. My blood was in a frightful condition; medical treatment did no good. Isur- feited myself with advertised inedi- cines. but with equally poor results. I was finally incapacitated from work. became thoroughly despondent, and gave up hope of living much longer, While. in this condition I visited my father‘s home near Tara. A sister. then and now living at Toronto, was also visiting at the parental home. Her husband had been made health through the use of Dr. Williams' Pin Pills. and she urged me to try them. Tired of trying medicines, I laughed at the proposition. However, later on she provided me with some of the pills and begged me to take them. I did so, and before Iliad used two boxes I’ was on the road to restored health. I am commending their good qualities almost every day I live because Ifeel so grateful for my restoration, and I have. concluded to write you this let- ter wlholly in the. interest of suffering humanity. I am carrying on business in Owen Sound as a carriage maker. This town has been my home for 28 years and anyone enclosing a reply three cent stamp can receive personal indorsalion of the foregoing. This mtich to satisfy those who cannot be blamed for doubting after taking so many other preparations without be- ing benefitted. You may do just as you like with this letter. I am satisâ€" fied that but for Dr. Williams' I’ink Pills I would not be able to attend to my business toâ€"day. Perhaps [Would not have been alive. Yours very sincerely, Frederick Glover.