RV o FASHION. .. _ O O z : Even in summer white satin seems . 'I' to be the correct thing for elaborate 3....â€.............â€.... \I I wedding gowns. There is something l _ about this fabric. and the way in which ‘ HOD/IE. ‘ the lights fall upon it, that is exceed,- Oh'l what is home? that sweet compan- I 5 L ingly attractive. If the satin chosen ionship, of life the better part; The happy smile of Welcome on the lip is not of too stiff a quality. it can be made to fit the figure much better than heavy silk, which may be one rea- Upspringing from the heart. It is the eager clasp of friendly hands, The long-remembered tone. The ready sympathy which under- stands All feeling by its own. The rosy cheek of little. children press- ed To ours in loving glee; ‘The presence of our dearest. and our best, No matter where we be. And. failing this a prince may home- less live, Though palace walls are nigh; And. having it, a. desert shore may give The joy wealth cannot buy. Far-reaching as the earth‘s remotest span, \Vide spread as ocean foam. One thought is sacred in the breast of manâ€" It is the thought of home. That little word his human fate shall bind “'ith‘ destinies above. For there the home of his immortal mind I Is in God's wider love. AMONG THE FLOWERS. In arranging the flower garden do not neglect the corners and out-ofâ€"the- way places and have an eye to color in the planting of seeds and slips. For instance. foxgloves are best planted away from scarlet flowers as their purplish~pink spikes do not har- monize with that color. The pure white foxgloves are very effective against a background of dark foliage and when planted in large clumps have a very stately effect. 'Hollyhooks are good flowers to plant in the corners and waste places. All shades of bloom are now seen, from white through pale flesh tints, to deep maroon, varied by buff and lemon tinted flowers. There is nothing pret- tier than the oldâ€"fashioned flowers of Out grandmother’s day. The double zonal geraniums are al- most entirely superseded nowadays by the semiâ€"double forms, which have also replaced the single forms. which fade rapidly in the sun. The single forms. however. are good for winter house plants. giving great masses of bright bloom. To produce fine plants for winter. cuttings should be rooted in July, in a compost of equal parts of sand, leafâ€" mold and loam. As the pots fill with roots. the plants should be shifted on till they are in six-inch pots. The soil for the later shifts need not contain so much sand or leaf-mold but should be rich. All flower buds should be reâ€" moved as they appear and the points of the shoots be occasionally pinched off to form a bushy habit. They may be allowed to begin. to blossom in Octo- ber and an occasional watering with weak liquid manure water will then be appreciated. If properly handled there should be an abundance of bloom durâ€" ing the winter and every one admires the bright gay geranium. Do not prune your lilac bushes in the autumn or winter if you wish them to blossom the next season. very little pruning. beyond the cutting out of dead wood or unnecessary branches. but if any is needed it should be done immediately after the plants have finished blooming. lt pruned in the autumn or winter, the bloom will be lessened. The scarlet artagon or Turk's cap lily is a lovely flower that should be added to every collection. It is a fiery scar- let. and universally voted "9. regular beauty." It is finer than the Siberian lily, 'being more thickly clustered and on a taller stem. It is said that hydrangea, when grown out of doors permanently. has a decided tendency to give blue flowers instead of the pinkish-purple-whito usually found on it. Ferns should be keptin partial shade and never allowed to dry out. It is not wise. h0wever. to soak the plants daily, whether needed or not. When new fronds are unfurling avoid placing the plant in a position where it will be exâ€" posed to the full power of the sunlight as it will sometimas burn or blast the tender. young fronds. The Rex begonia objects to having water on its leaves. and will do better in the hall in which the atmosphere is not so dry and hot as in the general living room. It does not require a high temperature and but very little sun- shine. In transplanting wild flowers. es- pecially those having bulbous roots, be careful to dig deep enough to get all the roots. Leave as much soil clinging to the roots as possible and after plant- ing them in their new quarters, water liberally, and shade from the sun for a week or more. In preparing the bed for the reception ' of wild flowers it is a good plan to min a considerable quan- tity of leafâ€"mold with the soil. taking from under the trees where no grass grows. In the cultivation of roses much de~ pends upon the start. If you are set- ting out new bushes. endeavor to secure , They need ‘ those that are stocky. well rooted and that appear healthy, rather than the; : {Li-v- . 5.,†w I \v~ Aï¬kn.“¢)~ ' l ST. CRISTUBAI. CASTLE, SAN JUAN DE PUERTO RICO, SHOWING THE CITY W'ALLS ADJOINING. largest. oldest or highest priced. 'Do not plant them until the ground has become warm and all danger of frost is over. Nothing will be gained by planting them early. Field-grown roses must be planted earlier than pot< grown. szide up the soil thoroughly. to 9- depth of at least eighteen inches as it is very essential that the roots may have plenty of room to work in. Mix a good quantity of manure with the soil â€"-well-rotted cow manure is excellent ~and spade and work it thoroughly to- gether. Mash all clods and lumps and when setting out the roses do not neg- lect the firming of the soil about the base of the plants. A good plan in regard to Chrysan- themums. is to obtain some good speciâ€" mens from a specialist, either in rooted cuttings or pot specimens. As the small pots become filled with roots, the plants must be repotted. using a com- post of one part leafâ€"mold and three parts loam. with one part wellâ€"rotted manure mixed with a small quantity of charcoal and enough silver sand to keep the whole sweet and open. When this pot has become filled with roots they will require the final shift- ing into nineâ€"inch pots. using a com- post of four parts of fibrous loam. one lpart of leafâ€"mold. half a part of man- ure that has passed through the fer- mentation stage. a good sprinkling of charcoal. and a five~inch potful of dis- solved bones and fine bone meal. to a bushel of soil. Pot firmly, and place so they will drain well. If bushy plants are re- Quired the shoots must be stopped by pinching the extreme growing end. About the end of June pinching should cease, and the plants should be allowed to get their buds. When placed out- of-doors. they should be protected from strong winds. and should be so separat- ed as to allow of a circulation of sun and air. They must not be permitted to dry, and if stood on ashes will encourage good drainage. About the end of July they may require feeding. and soot waâ€" ter twice, and eventually thrice, a week. will be found beneficial. Little and often is better than giving too much at once. About the end of Sep- tember, they will require housrng again. Give plenty of ventilation. If this treatment is faithfully followed you will be rewarded by a. liberal supâ€" ply of beautiful flowers. Begonia seeds should not be covered. Merely sprinkle them over the surface of the ground. with a tea-spoonful of silver sand mixed with them. from a Perforated tin. These are directions for starting seeds in doors, inabox. which should be covered with a piece of glass. and then with brown paper. as seeds germinate best in the dark. The glass must be turned over daily or wiped, and the seedlings must have more light when up the brown paper being chang- ed for white. so as to give this gradually. \Vhen large enough to handle, the baby begonias may be picked out with a match cut into a tiny fork and plant- ed in a row in: a box of leafâ€"mold. turfy mold. soot and sand. each little plant by itself. To stand the box of plants in a tray of lime will keep away wood lice. HOUSEKEE PER HELPS. Those who have large houses to keep clean, and a family to care for. should learn the best and easiest ways of performing these duties. From celâ€" lar to attic, they must go in one un- ending round, and they must put it great deal of contentment and will into it if the spirit is not; chafed by it. Fruit stains and other discolora- tions may be removed from dishes by rubbing them with common baking soda moistened with water. An old tooth brush will be found useful in cleaning the crevices of cut glass. If you have a dash churn, you have doubtless been troubled with cream spattering over the top. Melt the top and bottom off a‘tomato canâ€"or any other can of that size. This will leave a. tin cylinder, which may be slipped over the dusher handle to the lid, and prevent any further splash- ing. If you use flbur starch for the col- ored clothes, wet the flour with cold water and stir or beat it until not a lump remains, then pour boiling water on it. When it is read from the stove, stir into it a little of boiled starch is about the right proportion. This prevents the starch from sticking when the clothes are ironed. Many housekeepers have been annoyâ€" ed by having the colors of thein beau- tiful embroidered centerpiece and doil- ies grow faded and dingy after being laundered a few times, This is not no- cessary if they are washed properly Prepare a. suds of luke warm water and good white soap. and then add a little borax to it. Rub them gently between the hands until clean, using two soapy waters if necessary. Rinse through two waters with u. very lit- tle bluing in the second, and hang in the shade to dry. After they have been dampened and rolled up an hour or two, iron them on the wrong side. Very little starch is needed for such articles, and many good housekeepers never use any. A little boiled starch added to the second rinse water is all that is ever necessary. Borax is betâ€" ter than sal soda or potash for soften- ing liard‘water. for it does not rot the clothes or fade the colors. A dish drainer is one of the hand- somest of kitchen utensils. Wash the dishes in hot suds. pile them in the drainer which sets in a. large shallow pan, and pour clear hot water over them. When they are. cool, you will find them dry and shining, without the trouble of wiping them. â€"._+â€"â€"â€" RUMBLINGS IN INDIA. ï¬lgns afï¬rming lllslnrhancc and Measures Against II. The last mail from India brings news of great activity in the arsenals and at the military centres in evident pre- parations for an expected campaign. The feeling in the Upper Punjab is said to be that a. storm is brewing on the frontier. the bazaars are full of rumors and the Government is taking measures to face any emergency, Whether in Bajaur and the Swat Val- ley toward Chitral in the north. or in the Tochi Valley on the west. toward Central Afghanistan. The theft of arms from the frontier posts has be- gun again as before the Tiah cam- paign. and at one station a sentry has been murdered for his rifle and am- munition without any clue to the pre- petrators being discovered. The poli- tical unrest among the natives con- sequent on these rumors and happenâ€" ings was increasing and causing much anxiety to the Government officials and Administration. Frqu (.‘abul it was reported that the arsenal there was busy turning out field guns, rifles. and cartridges for the Afghan Army. which is being brought to a fair state of efficiency. The greatest confidence is said to be entertained at Simla in the loyalty of the An’ieer Abdurrahman Khan to the British Government. and his coâ€"opera- tion with the British Army in case of a war beyond the Indian frontier is re~ garded as assured. Acting under pressure from the. British Government. the Shah of. Persia has prohibited all traffic in arms along the coast. of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. the object being to prevent the modern rifles, that. have been exported of late in considerable quantities from Birm- ingham in England to that; part of Asia, finding their way across Persia and through Afghan territory into the hands of the Indian frontier tribes. The most important event connectâ€" ed with the internal affairs of India. is the announcement of the sentence on the British soldiers concerned in the murder of Dr. Suresh (‘hunder at Barrackpore. Calcutta. They were found guilty of inflicting grevious bodiâ€" ly injury and sentenced to seven years' imprisonment. The British military authorities have also taken steps to prevent the indis- criminate issue of shooting passes to private soldiers. the privilege having been considerably abused. and in some instances conflicts having arisen be- tween the military and villagers. in which some of the latter lost their lives. In future. officers issuing shooting passes will be held responsi- ble for their abuse. While. these meas- ures have given a certain degree of satisfaction, the question of increased taxation required to meet the ever growing debt and expenditure of India Y to take is causing much agitation in native cir- cles. as it has become apparent that the - t l . borax that has been dissolved in watâ€" ‘ borrowmg of money to meet current er. A teï¬a‘ipoonlul Of bow-x ‘0 3 gallon expenditure cannot go on indefinitely. HOW RUSSIA DOES GROW. Aslnnndlng Increase In the Population 0 Ihc Vast limper Notwithslnmllng Fa Inlne. Cholera. and Epldcmlcs. The astounding increase in the popâ€" ulation of the Russian Empire, not- withstanding the chronic scourges and drawbacks in the shape of fa- mine, cholera and variou sepidemics, is worthy of serious consideration. on the part. of thoughtful men. The Rus- sian lower Classes fully bear out the views entertained by Adam Smith as regards the relative growth of popula- tion under varying conditions of life; the Russian moujiks are remarkably fertile, and it is mainly owing to this fact that the Russian people contin- ue to increase in numbers, although the infant mortality in the Russian Em- pire is the greatest in Europe. The wife of an eminent Russian writer informed me lately that it is a very usual thing for a peasant woman in many Govern- ments of Russia to bear twelve chil- dren, of whom for the most part only from three to six live to grow up. In the case of the Russian moujik we may indeed apply the theory of the " SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST." As a result of this natural process of selecting the weakly children for exâ€" tinction, the Russian peasantry are re- markably hardy and strong, and cap- able of undergoing privations which would mean certain death to the aver- age European. This extreme hardiness of the Russian masses and the astound- ing rate at which. they increase in the face of poverty and disease incline one sometimes to believe with Napoleon. that the Cossack will in time render himself master of Europe, unless Eur- ope shall be able to present a strong and solid front of Republicanism ag- ainst the Despotism of the Czar. Hence at this moment the Russian peasant woman may be compared with the R0- man matrons, for it is not to be for- gotten that woman plays a highly imâ€" portant part in the struggles between nations. France is a conspicuous example of the disastrous results that follow the refusal on the part of a nation‘s wo- mankind to become mothers of house- holds. France was the most populous country in Europe at the beginning of this century, and at the present mo- ment it is far behind England. Russia and Germany. The Russian writer, Goo- leVitch, has been drawing attention in a work entitled “Russia's War Reâ€" sources," to the above fact, and also to the enormous preponderance enjoy- ed by Russia over other States as reâ€" gards population. Mr. Goolevitch. states that “during the Nineteenth Cen- tury the population of Russia has in- creased 269 per cent., while England in the same period showed an increase of 143 per cent., Germany 123 per cent... Italy 82 per cent., Austria-Hungary 80 per cent., and France only an increase (If 41pm cent." At the commencement of this century the poiiulation of Busâ€" sia equalled only one-third of the pop- ulation of the above-named five counâ€" tries, but at this moment it is EQUAL T0 TWO-THIRDS. According to the census taken in the Year 172:. towards the close of Peter the Great's reign, Russia then con- tained only 14 million inhabitants, and by 1879 this number had increased al- most ten times, for it now amounts to about 130 millions. According to the calculations of Statistician Sclireider the population of Russia ought in the year 2000 to amount; to 300 millions. and that of Germany to 80 millions, 'lhe fact. that the resources of Russia are being developed almost; as quick- ly'as tlie'popiilzition increases should bring the prophecy of Napoleon with tenâ€"fold force before the attention of VVeslern Europe. Who can say but that he clearly foresaw Russia‘s won- derful future in the fullness of time. and felt compelled to oppose strength against Russian expansion to- wards the west. and to diminish her“ growing influence over the destinies. hisi son for its popularity. The princesse style is coming more and more into favor. It. gives an op- portunity for long lines, which can be carried out to good advantage by the train.which is now required to be long- er' than ever. Tth there is the new fashion of the train starting from! be- tWeen the shoulders. and so arranged that it does not hide the lines of the figure at the side, and an odd little fashion is to have the train faced with some contrasting color. like pale pink or pale blue. A very smart gown of white atin made in princesse style is elaborately trimmed with a, very fine pattern of point-lace, of which there is a. yoke and a fichuwlhe fichu tied in front and falling down on the skirt. The front breadth of the skirt is a. mass of pearl embroidery; the sleeves have falls of lace at the top. but are small and fit the arm closely. Many of the new gowns have this front breadth embroidered in pearls; others. again. have the front of some rich brocade; and one very elaborate gown has a pane of silver brocade outlined with. pearls. The frontï¬of the-(waist is cut pointed both back and front, and the back seems at first quite old-fash- ioned, but it is a revival which will soon be universally adopted. There is something very simple and yet dainty about. a white silk wedding gown, and there have been several. made up lately which were quite n0- ticeable. There are two kinds of silk usedâ€"one the old-fashioned gros grain, and the other between a glace and a beau. de soie. These gowns _are made up very simply, with trained skirt trimmed with ruchings of white satin ribbon. The front of the waist was draped in soft folds of the silk, cover- ed with bands of lace, with the Vâ€"shap‘ ed piece at the throat also of lace, and a high flaring collar faced with lace, Around the neck was a collet of pearls with diamond clasps. The lace was a. Valenciennes. and the. tulle veil'was edged with the same about three inch- es in width. Another gown of the same silk was made with side panels banded with lace insertion. This time point-lace was used. The body of the waist was made' entirely of lace, fitting tight in the back, and in front loose with a. slight blouse. 0n the front were bands of pearl embroidery put on in V-shape, The sleeves were small, slashed from the elbow to the wrist to show under-sleeves of lace. The skirt: was very long in the back with a. round train. '4 It is quite unusual to see a wedding gown made of muslin. or chiffon. or mousseline de sole, but there have been several made up this June, and exceed- ingly dainty and pretty they are.‘The muslin was of the finest quality ct or- gandie. trimmed with ruffles, edged with Valenciennes laceâ€"the ruffles put on to form an apron front and deep flounces in the back. The waist was made with entreâ€"deux of Valenciennes lace, and instead of being round at the back has a basque effect. In front the entre-deux of lace were arranged in a Vâ€"shape. while at the middle was a full lace jabot. The. sleeves were en- tirely of lace. with an odd little span- lette of Shirred moussoline de sole. With this gown the veil was of tulle edged with lace, and it was the dain- tiest, softest thing imaginable. Orange flowers are always connect- ed with weddings. and real orange blossoms are supposed to be particu- larly lucky, but very few brides use them without putting something else with themâ€"just one little spray of orange blossoms in the bridal bouquet is considered sufficient. All bridal gowns look better if they are trimmed with a few flowers. and artificial flowers are particularly fashionable at present. The prettiest way to arrange them is to put aspray across the front of the waist extend- ing down on the skirt. and to catch up the flounco with knots of them. If only a few are to be worn, a pretty way to fix them is to have a bunch just on the left shoulder. These should be of lilies-ofâ€"theâ€"valley or artificial orange flowers, but it is well to twist in with them one little spray of the natural flowers as well. Flowers are hard to arrange in the hair, but the milliners now have. some very attractive little bunches of arti- ficial flowers which are easily fastened on the veil. Bridal bouquets can be of roses, lilies-ofâ€"thewalley, or any- thing that is white and pretty. and should be tied with long white satin ribbon. The bridesmaids carry any flow- ers that look well with their gowns. KIND SINCERITY. We miss giving ourselves and those with whom our lot is cast lasting pleas- ure by not saying the kind things we feel and think. Flattery is detestable, but a. pleasant truth' is always welcome. Do not all fail to utter these pleasant truths when to say them would be easy? To say to our friend. “A talk with you always helps me," or “How brave and cheerful you are!" might give more comfort than we can apâ€" preciate. Every one is prone to feel of Europe. campaign been crowned with success Had Napoleon‘s Russianlut times that she is a failure. and a ‘lovingly admiring Sentence will do this map of Europe would to-day be i much toward dispelling this «Item il noâ€" vastly different from the aspect it now: wears. tion and making earth' look bright land life sweet.