Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Aug 1898, p. 4

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n 'each other’s throats. 'done; and that there seems to be no 'teae‘her in the smaller ‘did not hint that the teacher was not .: »v..«_ as - A” .,, ., 7.. , .. a.) .... New Advertisements. like: Epitaxial. RICHMOND HILL, August 18, 1898 The Hardy Government had a majority of six in the first division of the House. Now that the war between the United States and Spain seems to be ended, England and Russia seem to think seriously of flying at It is to be hoped that war between these power- ful nations will be avoided. â€"_._..__â€"._T-_ “ We believe in the sacredness of the law. It is, we thank God, more sacred to British governed men than to any other nation.” The ab0ve taken from the Toronto World Smacks very much of sacri- lege, and is intended to help Mr. :Whitney sneak into power by dis- allowing the election constables’ vote. Reply to Mr. Stewart. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL: We are very glad that another side of this matter has been presented. It is time that all understand the true relations of candidates for P. S. Leav- ing examinations both to High and to Public schools. Mr. Stewart starts off with the as- sumption that we attributed the cause of so many failures to the incapacity of P. 8. Teachers. He says “ Surely in the County of York, a. county in which we have some of the most cap- able teachers, therc ought to be some exceptions to this ' inefficient work exception is significant." Now the argument we advanced was that no schools had time to properly do this work. “'c capable. It is therefore evident that the fact of universal failure in York Gounty and in every other county is not at all “significant,” for teachers in this county have only the same amount of time as other teachers and in such a case cannot overcome the dc- fect. Vi'ewish this point to be per- fectly clear. The pupils that came from the best of teachers failed this year; and this we consider a strong proof that the schools had undertaken too mucl‘. And these teachers invari- ably report that they have worked many hours outside of school time in order to get over the work. This in itself is another strong proof that Public school teachers themselves or even two teachers to ucmmplish in ~the ordinary way. But apart from either of these proofs a far more con- eluswe one appears when we try to ar- range a. timetable for such schools. It .-u nd ertak en. is fairly estimated that P. S. L. work requires one half of one teacher‘s time. The other half would of necessity have to sulfice for the Entrance class, the Junior Fourth and the senior and Junior Third. From this it is seen that something must be slightcd. VVc therefore, repeat that in schools of one or two teachers both Entrance and P. S. L. Work cannot, with wisdom be The next part of Mr. Stewart’s letter contains a serious error. This error has led him to make a bold and unfounded char re on us when he says that we “Wle evident designs” ( “have arrived at and ossibly broken the camel’s back." _ he substance of his argument is that High school teachers control the P. S. L. examinations and have “design- ed " to defeat the purposes of the P. S. L. This view appears to be common, as a certain correspondent. in a Toron- to Daily expressed it a few days ago ina letter on this same subject. ’W’e trust that liis‘argument will be satis- factorily answered in due course. And now instead of looking on this statement of Mr. Stewart’s as a crim- nal libel we have decided, for old acquaintanee’ sake, to put your corros- dondent right and let the matter pass. ‘ This is the true state of affairs. High School teachers and ofiicials have nothing to do with the P. S. L. examinations. The. Educational Council of the Educational Depart- ment appoint the examiners to set the papers and invariably appoint Public school men. This year the examiners were P. S. Inspectors Campbell of South Grey, Carson of London and Alexander of Perth, the latter now think the, work is far too much for one I deceased. Those who constitute the .» Board for reading the local papers are. the local P. S. Inspect-or, the Public 'School Board representativo, the Separate School representative (if there is a separate school atrthe exam- ination centre) and the Principal of the High School. The Principal of the High School ism) ex omcio memâ€" ber and is only on the Board because the P. S. L. examination is used as an entrance exam. to High Schools ; and even Mr. Stewart will hardly object to this am-angemcnt as long as the P. S. L. hasvthe same qualifying value for Entrance as at present. From this it must ’be clear that Hi b School officials cannot control the . S. L. ex- amination. Now as to the Aritmetic paper. We said in our fiist letter that all the papers were ditficult but we have not yet scwunything unfair. Mr. Stew-_ and is a little higher than formerly art calls it “unreasonable," amlim-_ plies that it. was set, with a. View of “[illickiiig.‘Y In this to is wrong- i again. The syllabus of work in Ari! ll- ‘ Inctic for P. S. L. requires a know- ledge of the followingzâ€"“Pronfs of: elementary rules in Aritlin’iotic; / fractions (theory and proofs); com- mercial arithmetic: Mental arith- metic; mensuratiou ol' recliliiu-ar figures." Now as far as we can judge thch is not a. single quosiion on tlic . P. S. L. paper but. what may be classi- fied under one of there bonds. 'i‘lu-roâ€" I £010 the paper is fair. Besidch flicl syllabus for Form l in the High Schools is exactly the same as this and although our Fol-m I pupils have no Ihipurtmcnlal examination in Arithâ€" nn-l'ic yet they pass a llu'ul one on ibis work which we calculatc to be only a 1 year beyond the Entrance. Now as to the advantages of the l’. S. L. which Mr. Stewart intentions we have nothing' to say. As long: asit exists it will very materially help par- ents to solve the financial difficulties of (‘1 liligll School course. ll will also enable them to keep their children at home for at, least one year longer than they could iflbey had to solid them away to Board in attending High Schools. Thoseandollu-r things are most potent. argunu-ui‘s in its favor. But they only bcnclit a. few. The ground, then, on which we stand, is, that all those that are in the third and fourth classes at public schools should not be made to suli’cr because the teacher has to give his ailcution to a P. S. L. class. “70, further contend that no teacher, even in n two-luachcr school, can properly lunch the Work for both examinations without neglecting the lower clu. es; and if Exceptions appear to this, they are only exceptions. and these it. is said serve to prove the rule. “'0. maintain also that if a pupil is likely ever to come to High School, it is poor policy to send him back to a public school after he has paSsed the entrance. If any one would like further (lolnunsii'u- tion of this we will. on application. privately point to cases whcic pupils from Form I of High Schools have again and again outstripped 1’. S. L. pupils who were. superior to the form- er at the entrance exmniualion. Tho. reasons for this were pointed out in a. former letter. “'e have not touched-on Mr. Stew- art’s argument that if only cntrancr work is to he taught. in Public. Schools Third class certificate tom-how will do. It is but reasonable to suppose that a teacher with a second or first class certificate and will) a. normal training will ordinarily do better. \Vr- want the best we can get ; and this is our plea. for urging that the qualifications for teachers be raised above Third class. AThird class teacher may be depended onto do good work but a much higher class of \\'hi‘l{ may fairly be expected from teachers. with supe- rior training and scholarship. . There is one other point which should be mentioned. The Regula~ tions of 1896 have come into force for the first. time at the 1'I‘ccut exam- inations. For that reason the stands and is likely to so continue. This, in itself, will indicate thai old methods of preparing for the P. S. L. will not I satisfy the present rt: rain-1m .n' s. Thanking you for your s;: cc, Mina Editor, I am respectfully _\ ours. ' ERNLST Uranus. â€"â€"â€"<ooc-â€"'â€"_ AGENTS. Never before has the death of any man caused such pro- found sensation throughout the woral as that of Mr. Gladstone, it is there» fore. a real luxury to canvass for the memorial edition of tho “Life and “fork of Mr. Gladstone,” because the public is ripe for it, and the work will sell on sight. Big book ; low prices ; liberal terms; freight. paid. Send 75 ,ccnts for prospectus, which we return with first order. dllADleY-GAR- RETSON Ca, Limitml, Toronto. â€"â€"â€"¢ooâ€" Langston ('00:va UED FROM LAST “'EEK.) In the fall of 1831, Mr. Henry Rich- ards, a native of Soulcisctshirc, Eng, through thcinflucnce oi' Squire, Par. sons, was appointed teacher. \Vith the exception of one winter be filled the position until. 1852. During the winter of 1847-48 Mr. Richards with Mr. Isaac Chapman of Thoi-nln’ll at- tended the first session of the Toronto. Normal School. For over fifty years Mr. Richards was an esteemed resi- dent of our section and the various positions which be filled during that. time brought him in contact with a. large number of people from this and other adjournng counties. Through sickness when quite young Mr. Rich- ards lost thensc of his right arm but withhis left hand he was rather ex- port. In all the country side there was notaperson Who could letter a. signflooardxor engrave a coffin plate as neatly and artistically as he. Any person who is curious enough .can see samplcsof hiswork on two oak slabs still standing in the Anglican church cemetery. This workwas often done in the school, house and sometimes during school hours. ‘With a Vv'alkor Spelling book propped up before him l he would “hear” the third form spellings while be blocked out a line on a cofiiu plate; or a Junior .class might be reading while he put a few finishing touches on an oak “slab” which was to mark the last resting place of one of our village ,fdthGlS‘.’ On the 9th of November, 1889, in his eightieth year Mr. Richards was laid to rest near the Anglican Church, the church 1n which for more than a quar- ter of a century he had actedas clerk. Some of those, in the section, who did not favor Mr. Richard's appointment withdrew their support from this school and built another a mile and a. half north at Lymburner’s corners. This log school; 'twhich was built on v ‘ his finger on ry *1 - .- . ‘-ll§a‘?¥§‘.§lu‘lARR T30“ W" “‘1‘”: The: LIBERAL. :bhe south-east corner of Lot 4).. lat ~ ' 1-_ Snitifim‘fiih’ M‘Am 3 23;; LP-Yoi't‘fiflr" ,, ilw‘a 42’” I finger“... ll tin-v» ‘3. "is its bladsiliillldlldl ital? E. r ‘- ‘ .x s x l ~t )lil'Ch snow-«J i1; 7 andth late Rolei 1 a ISSUED BY ,1“ :icrosslwiibtlic aid of four 3‘0er '11 oxon) the road allowance l)l‘l \V‘cvu lois 40 and ~11, 15‘. con.;i. lnmw an Englishman by the nami- oi Pinter laugh: for some-limo, .waorwnuls a. Miss Ml‘l’lu-er. Ullll‘l‘SlII‘ the snulboru end of ilio suction soul their ('llllili'l‘lbti) a priva‘iv school kopt by imi- Uc‘Clll'l‘ II] {no lmusv now occupied by Mr. .laim-s‘ Pearson. 'l,‘lior)ibill. Mr. l)¢"\'llu'.lllié‘l'- wards rot-rived an :ippoinliuoui in 1b" Crown Lamb; lk-pai-Lmvu‘t. ‘l ‘ ‘llo.‘ Mr. K. 'l'oilipsmi look Mr. 1tll;llill ’ p 91”“ “'1‘” 1‘“ ““““‘l"‘l 3“}“5” ‘ WESTERN rum ms. 00.. vomc ML‘Tim‘. FIRE ms. co, LONDON lll‘hlml‘ unl‘lll‘lll l GUARANTEE AND A('f(;le'.“‘ " (30.. AND APPIIAISIIIt FOR. 1( inmiu l L {.l_ r, , CANABA PPRâ€"MA, \VT LOAN & Ml Mr. l-ficlmrils in '33. A Man by ibc; 1mm“ of Alla}: Mllfm'ml M r. Hym- 1bvn I fiAlVINGflj (71(7):‘L.L3A\\§‘.~"‘ l‘lt'ki'oill afterwards praltiswl CONFEBERAWilei‘d LlFE Assess} C assassins Guarantees Extruded lusuranco or a i‘aitl-u 7 i‘oiirv niLor LWO WNW-“y 01‘ 34 01511 ' V n l ‘_ .. . burn-nilor Valiux ain‘i- live years. _ Rates and full inforivuliou soul on application. .‘XlSU agent for win: llli‘(li('il](‘. in \Vosli-rn ()nlmio. . ‘ ._..L-.....-r M. About this time a cbangn m .11» (ll-asks was made. This limo. lli~)rc :1 fl wore two long ones, one on mm Hm‘. o . ‘ _ "A W g running: 1he \vliolclcngtliUl'.lif‘i'on1)i. A1 thus}! desks lhr boys and girls sat facing mob other. \Vhat a time ll. must have bl‘l'll. m«2mmmzmx o . . Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Allan McLean Eitglnmdo’ll {i and Mr. McPherson taught din-mg parts of '54 and ‘55, In Jan. lb‘nb Mr. Samuel Mom-by was appoinloal. For a time he lived :li‘ 'l‘hornbill but after- wards mover-l lo the old Methodist Par- sonage. The white house. which in the summer of 1:496 was nmvt-d south and rebuilt by \Vrighl, HARD\VARE - STORE. Has for sale all kinds of . aning and Harvesting Tools, Rakes, Scythes, Forks; also Granite Preserving Kettles, all sizes; Oil and Gasoline Stoves from 50C. up ; copper and iron rivers, bolts and hinges; all kinds of tin, eavetroughing and hardware cheap. ' Repairing: Promptly Done 0. MASON, - RICHMOND HILL forty rods Bl‘lifi'. As hasboon hinted boforo if there Was one qualification which was 11-- quircd of the early teacher It was that. he should be a good pcuman and Mr. Moorbkus no oxm-ption. In those. days ith uscil what was called head- lini» copyâ€"books. \Vben the sonior pupils ‘Vi'lll out. to play they place-d tlwirbookson tho master's dusk for him to write the headline: a. line or too of poetry, a proverb as “ Cleave ;: lop,~ according to the grain." Those liucs so cart-fully written by the muster-and so laboriously copicd by the pupil still live in lhc‘ mmnory of many a school boy. ’Tis true Mr. Moorbyoas strict, and all Linn-s per- haps severe but you must remember that. ho was not dealing with little boys and girls for many of his pupils . Were young men and Wmucu. To? keep proper discipline in a roonr With sixty or more pupils of which a dozen or so were more than twenty-one was a w no small task. “ Yt‘t- if Sl‘V‘l‘l‘e . “1 a1 _ , h alight. [he love he bore for learning V 15 a a a a was in fault.” Thi- boys of those (lays ' ‘ » were just as much opposed to a whip- ping as those, of ours and although wins usage-o. w they (lul'D not “ stand light " yiit the); . tried many ruscs to escape ie 3118 g g a a rewards of their Inlsdcmls. ()ue boy ‘ g L. Jw I} â€" by name had a capital m «a can ‘ u- , plan. \thn the master was goingfiilr I lick him he would twitch. stagger, ai J p g to the floor and pretend he had fainted ' g B and since ho had a, very pale face he ("it 3 i a i managed this with grout success. At m‘ Eh fl in“ . lg. last Mr. Moorby was informed of the trick and the next time Jack tried it he quietly stopped over to the water pail and poured the contents into Jack's face. This one application worked inni'vrls with this Srailip’s trick. And now for one more change in of «it ‘ T us time they put; in (loan; sit; or m '1! [out long, a. IUW 011 0 side of the Sclumi room. ‘ "wmmn-m There was no limit to the numbcr which might set at those desks in fact the more the merrier. In 127261 Mr. J. Story \Val‘erfield followed Mr. Mom-by ; he was for thir~ teen years the loruu- and the idol of " T o 1' a r. f, ‘1 . / / v ‘1 6% 3 : k l i one so, the LilllngEIiT1SlfillUOl boys. Leaving . the section in 1569 he rctuiigédz. agfiiln St. _ We sell these retail at less than. wholesale prices. llll‘ :.‘-" in 1877 remaining until ’ Reuben Millyard taught during ’69 Ho is now one of the most the London - ' V V 7 Mn G0 TOVTILE RIGHMOED HILL SEQ? For good up-toâ€"date Harncx; at low prices: Nickel-incunted Single Harness from $10 up; Genuine Rubber or Solid" ‘ >~ I iekelâ€"mounted from $18 up ; all hand made ; no shoddy.. Fine Harness A Specialty. __.+_.. ALSO IN STOCK Dusters, Knee Rugs, \Vhips. Trunks, Valises and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING I’ROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. GEO. DICDONALD and ’70. successful nlinistcrs in Conference. Then followed Francis Stivoc, Miss Francis Agcr and Mr. ‘N. J. Reynold each remaining * one year. In 1871. Mr. “’ellington- H. VVisn'ier was engaged and remained three years. The modes of punishment which , were in vogue about this time would ' almost remind (mo of the religious persecution of the old world. If a pUpil was caught talking he would ‘ have to stand on one leg stoop over and point to a. knot hole in the floor and should the master see him resting l the floor to case his tired back he would receive several, applications of a rawhide which can find every nook and crannie In the back. If two boys were found in mis~ chief they \vorc promptly tied to the ceiling by their thumbs; the string being tighthch until they were stand- ing on liptoc. Those who have read these letters . 4 are no doubt weary of names and I “I J. T. SAlGEQN, FOR SALE dates ; so an) i. In 1882 the writer ° The undersigned has for sale a. large commenced at the A B‘C’s in the old number of Steers and heifers, from whitoschool and since he has vivid recollections of maple switches, rubber straps, &c., he thinks he had better close as any remarks made might 'be‘ Agent for the following stock Fire . .. , . , , 'to personal; Insurance Companies, Vim: gfofi‘zoigéee ye'ns Old- A150 flefih To you. Mr. Editor, many of the- . ' ' . people of our section are indebted for“ manCheSter, 0f L0nd011.Ei‘1g‘., 24; H your liberality in .openin the columns of your paper to us. W e believe We have been stating facts but if at any time we have mistatcd. any suggesâ€" tions orvcorrcctions relating to matter contained in those lettera‘will be most BRIT-13H. AMERICA, 0F TORONTO, CANADA. *A‘Lsow THE SUN ’ Knife Assurance Co. thankfully received. , ( F OF CANADA. «a. ) I a Assures onellthemodem plans.and is one of- ' the most mosperous and progressive A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of York 00. Business Solicited. companies in existence. New life applications in 1894 ............ $ 10290304.] I Assets. Slat Dec, 1894......... . 4,616,419.63 Lila assurance in force. lst Jam, 95.. 31.628.569.75 Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonforfeitablo. . Take a policy with the district agent, T. F. McMAHON. LIBERAL OFFISIE. â€" RICHMOND HI 1914' ° Tit E LIEEMé. ’ $1.00 1H MIAMI?“ VVanted Bright men and women, who are not too proud towork. and would like to make some money during the next three months in telling the wonderful story of the life of Mr. Gladstone to their nei hbors. $3 a day easily made, some ma e three times that sum. No risk, no experience, no capital neces- sa. . Write quickl for particulars. . Subscribe for

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