succession to 10¢. per pair. Atkinson & SW kinsnn posters t ronto’s g lied by ‘ he lead is Mr. ‘.‘principa It is him the village with I‘eful‘l to childrc selves in d fore a J. P La!" Sugal Weék. alty att statute. It is easy en buy your hats Switzer’s. Th and Should any of have cordwood to owe their 2 LIBERAL they 11. and ease their m ‘l\1( ibor’s yard next two weeks The appeal against the a ty in Vaughz Judge Marga was once mo valuabors to station hous( Richmond H Fruit; J as lowest price pickling vinl cati< things around th ing Room. If anything is balance and f0 wont: be Atkix series. Markham Economist Council have a staff of galoyed laying the new walk from Dr. Macdm! the station and also in i Beg-11’s shop. Part, 01 {ï¬lm Beierl’s shop. Part, of it is a laid and it, reflects great credit 0 Jas. Brownlee 0f Richmond Hill is superintending the work. Recent; dailies contain successful candidates Fm III, who wrote at the r mental examinations at High Schools. The sum dates for Richmond Hill are as follows :â€" FORM I. A. H. Boyle, W. Ball, 0. I. Crawford, The best pure per 1b., good rod per can, Cheese lee Bar Soap 230 lll Wit son, H. W. mm; Storey, J. Troyes. FORM II. F. V“ (honors) E. Byam, VV. Risebrough. C lation (4) A. S. Buj L. A. Malloy, L. M A Harvest Home will be held under the auspices-of the young people of the Methodist Church) Thornhill, in the spacious grounds at the. residence of Mrs. L. Lindsay, on Saturday, Aug. 27th. Tennis, Croquet, Foetbull, etc: Aspeciztl featnro will be :1. Baseball Match between the Bachelors and the Benedicts. In the evening wchoice programme will be rendered by the following talent: Mrs. W. Douglass and Miss Louise Craig, soloists, To- ronto; Misses \Vinnifred and Irene Lane. and Mr. John Wilson, elocuâ€" tionists. Thornhill Band in attend- ance. Refreshments on the grounds. Tea served from 5 to 8 . in. Ad- ,mission, Adults25 cts.; Clildren. 15 :0t8. Special cars on the Metropolitan Railway will leave 0. P. R. Crossing gevery hour. Return fare 25 cents. iQome and enjoy a. good time. A. H. E Gent Mr. John F :m has been ‘ichzu'd 5m FORM SUCCESSFUL fox 1011 MOND HILL, >11. sati “ Us ul for He that E great n hand. A ktkinson am ched nte :5 f1'( The 30D. 111: G Keï¬ex GARDEN PARTY. “i 1) CV ent bv (1“ found w Atkinson é f. Kirby Troyes. .ts if ym‘ They are In ' of 0111' )d b0 di )m the all sizes, be Pure _sp1( Sub: xhib 'h. C. Shunk. Matricu- . Boyle, R. Knight, C. L. Morris, N. Naughtonl G. Grunt, D. A. Hewitt. er, 0. P. Keifer, E. A Matriculation, L. Morris be made to‘ the brt at Macdona-ld‘é 0 also in franc of Part of it is 1( )scription my time ubli< th< 911C nu hition than] Lin ( Satu 11 ,es Forms 1, II and the recent depart, ms at the various 9 successful candi- iHill High school CANDIDATES. mtain lists of the gqll lil riptu M rear Atkinsoh a! lways stylish. Indus 3 mus tell )1}! )1} 50 ‘VQS ‘EI‘Y ‘3»! Ill] Wt 20 lb. lots 9‘ ighéd in the ting, it surely ‘aWit-zer’s gro- M. Batham, E. M. Jefferâ€" Salmon 101 ., 5-11). Jub of happen 15 to THE themselves y' piling up inA the“ ed iuring th x-kme phalt ‘3 off Klinck 1m 1 be sup- rs’ Band. musicians a former 1 here. 2.1 them ht be- Mr. C alread; on Ml He illag pen- the ï¬ned this You SK“ th Ball, in {W 1!} 10 Inn-(i H( mg MI In T1 Pupil Mrs. Tifï¬n pulposes starting for Ziska near Bracebridge on Saturday to spend a con >19 of weeks with her son Arthur an with her daughter and sonâ€"in-law MI'. and Mrs. John Mc- Kinnon. the excursion started from Mr. Wright pu Dakota. KIRKâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, Aug. ust 17th, the wife of Joseph Kirk of a daughâ€" ter. Our citizens now begin-to realize the probability of a ride on the Metropoli- tan cars in the near future. Parties are busy drawing trolley poles and ties to connect; Bond’s Lake with Richmond Hill. Mr. Thos. Legge has sold the Bond’s Lake farm, and it is expecbed that a large hotel and x number of cottages will be erected next summer. The company’s power house will also be built at the Lake, . Jr. J. G. Legge, who was taken sud; denly ill on Monday isi-convalescent. Master George Lease is also able to be denly ill on Monday is\-c0nvalescent. Master George Logge is also able to be around again. We are able to report the following: visitors from Toronto :â€"Mrs. McLean and Miss Bruce at, the home of Mr. T hos. Legge ; Mr. and Mrs. Robertson at; Lurchmere VVesL; Miss Ida Saigeon‘ at her blother’s Mr. H. J. Saigeon; and Mrs. Chapman mud children at the J efl’vrson Post Master’s. Rev. E. H. Mussen, M.A., of Aurora, will conduct the services at Oak Ridges and Richmond Hill next Sun- day. There will be a. celebration of the Holy Communion after morning service at Oak Ridges. Mr. Steacy will take the services at; Aurora. morn- ing and evening. . {it The best, green Coffee 100. per lb. Good Coffee, ground while you wait, 20c. per lb. Blue package Malwa. pure Ceylon Tun, 15c. Atkinson & Switzey n( indI mt )R PERSO} .tï¬'es and friem h London and ( il't mt Cooper returned to his :u'Sb. Catharines on Satur- was accompanied back by ï¬e Cooper who will spend a weeks with her brother. W f1 011155 to match, Lppers $1.20 and nte'd ronu lï¬bits bl 001k 1t to I relativ ml » 1n Oak Ridges 30K 2'11 I'ottvi’u g s ; autw M r H Y0!“ D} Page, B. A., a former High School' was on Mon- ed to a position on the nto Junction High School. Tight took advantage of )n to Manitoba. which 1 Toronto on Tuesday. purposes stopping off in spend a couple 11-in-law :md IO Hifl'l HS, Elliott, and Mrs. A. E. n Sandhill where the her and the latter’s s seriously in. Wat of Toronto visited rnest Coombs from Sat- tiil Monday morning. and Miss Rogers start- '1‘ a two months’ visit- md friends in Windsor. ion and other places in ll) miniature Ingmar-war magniï¬cent ï¬reworks, grand entertainment, and evening in front nd by a company of bed specialty artists, ing Elks, Mlle.Pianka’s gymnkana races, high nadl Inf p291 mineral 01: ‘ions of mm .mvbures of what erbis Barker zuest VX ‘ Toronto, is spend- own as the guest of mete intern-(Iii rum the e and Ex [‘oronto, i lby. Paul m blo nt 0. runnm ['5 or 1 11’] of Toronto of the Misses ch, 14 ct m1 $1.504 i litt mduy latest style; f thé Lional dog w Ontario xporimenbâ€" sulzws and M 1y int spcci ‘IOSii arminster of weeks da ughter 1m ve, an mson 1 .YK ‘smn visiting Flora. on F11- Napith of the 55; the ustrial ,s from es and Ltl daughâ€" naming 11p of 'mm I'OSS 9“," 1H A Iiglv munity ( The dx' rattle have 1 Lake. Mr. T. H; his Harvest v one Armstrm and one mow quit} mg purposr he stepped horses ; it 1 cutting it accounts he Consider: with some ‘ If ybu may reg in one of will be h lob. last of the lodge. The among the lodges repr Sun. Aurora; Patlm Richmond, Richmond Simcos St 1V1 marched iii room to the, and very preached by pecking, a marched in regalia from the lodge room to the, church where. an excellent and very appropriate sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. Chas. T. Cocking, a member of Robertson Lodge. The. preacher took for his text, “ One. is your Master,evcn Christ, and all ye are brethren." After deal- ing with Masonry from an historical standpoint the reverend gentleman referred to the, order as a benevolent. intellectual, moral and religious insti- tution, and gave many useful truths, which should leave a lasting impres- sion on the minds of members and non-members alike. The collection, which was in aid of the Sick Children’s Hos ital, Toronto, amounted to $20. . The, brethren again marched to the lodge. room, and after fraternal congratulations repaired to a, building close by where light refreshments were served. , “’9, have no doubt that man}; returned home feeling that the) linshaeeu much proï¬ted by the pro- ceedings of the afternoon. Bro. T. F. McMahon, District Chief Ranger, A.0.F., for York District, paid an oiï¬cial visit to Court Laurel on Tuesday evening. Owing to the busy time of the year, the attendance was not as large as might have been busy time of the year, the attendance was not as large as might have been desired. After routine business, cer- tain parts of the work were. exempliâ€" ï¬ed by the ofï¬cers to the satisfaction of the visiting ofï¬cial. Bro. McMahon in addressing the members referred to the past excellent record of Court Laurel, and expressed a hope that Forestry in King City would long canâ€" tinne to flourish. After Court had been closed refreshments were served andz). pleasant so'ciul hour spent by the members. The D.C.R. was ac- companied by Bro. TL Newton, of Court Richmond. The Best Canadian Yam either 2 or 3 ply, 45 cents per 11). Factory Cotton 2% cents gar yd. Heavy 33 inch Flan- nelette, cents per yard. Atkinson & Swi’tzen. . WL Mager wishes to inform his patrons that his shop at, Will be open every evening during the busy seasununbil 9.30 p. m. At greatly reduced prices. medium sizes at 15 cents each, and large ones at, 18 I‘OSS Iiichlnond llill. .Vl It doesn’t cust; any more to dress neatly than it does to go with an ill~ ï¬tting coat. or baggy trousers. All you have to do is to deal with a. ï¬rst: class ï¬rm like Atkinsuudz switzer. :homhex-g; . :anley Tm‘o aple; Tusc: At 3.30 D. Bayle’s - M3211 of Repairing done on short notice. w. MAGER, I’loxv l’oints Repair Shop. Sole l’lates From' 25 to 35 cents each. St. J0 Bl m jlackwood, ‘ m) Junction m, Nowmark m. about I He is» selling cevnts each A111 kinds» (If hn’s lI‘Ol’l ht refreshments ‘vn no doubt, that fceiing timz‘; the} itod‘ by the pro- 1mm. 1). District Chief Slim '0110‘ sent Hill w wing ()mlhI-idge V aughan -(1 : Rising I‘hnl'nhill ; Norfolk L ; Forest 1 ; Union mam he he Ind All QR TEE New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes- New Shirtings New Cottouades New Tweeds and Suitings 860., 800., 800, Itisnot what we say about our Boots and Shoes that makes this store. a. safe and satisfactory place to buy, its what you ï¬nd here and always 1;. (IV? found : Thoroughly reliable goods, plenty of them, with very low prices and good sterling value. At no previous- time have we been so well preparwl to meet the demands in Boots and Shoes, We have just placed in stock sorne re- markable value of the latest styles, pleasing to the eye,‘ï¬tting to the foot and made from special quality of leather, from the best of manufacturers. Couldn’t begin to mention all of them. We invite you to come and examine them at your pleasure.‘ No trouble to show goods. ' gr } 598 1898 Sprmg? Gama ROBERT SIVERS. ISAAC CROSBY. Repairing neatly and p1 0111pth done.