Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Aug 1898, p. 6

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[Hi NEWS IN E NUISHHL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interemng Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain, the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed nm‘ Assorted for Easy Reading. Ottawa building permits to date this year aggregate $400,000. Fifty-three thousand pilgrims visit- ed Ste. Anne de Beaupre during July. English capitalists will develop the peat bogs at Eastman‘s 12 miles from Ottawa. The will of the late Mr. James Owrey of London disposes of an estate valued at $84,500. It is expected that the Montreal and Ottawa Railway will be opened about September Ist. AV Winnipeg firm will shortly .shlip 10.000 head of cattle to Great Butam via. Montreal. “Iz‘arrmer Louxs Lambert, of St. Cath- arines, is mourning the loss of $82 stolen by a farm hand. It is réported at Winnipeg that Chiaf Justice Taylor, who is now in England. may reside there in future. Hon. Richard Dohell has been ap- pointed Honorary '[.ieutenant-Colonel of the 8th Royal Rifles, Quebec. \Vorlu has been begun on the foun- dations of the new bridge across the Niagara River at Lewiston. Captain Francis Joseph Amateur De- mers, orf Portneuf, Que.. has been gaz- etted an inspector of the MounLed Po- Three Ottawa firemen have been fined $35 each for throwing rotten eggs at members of the Maple Leaf baseball team. - lice A large mail from Dawson City reached Winnipeg Monday morning, letters bearing dates late in July be- ing among the number, received. \V. R. Rockefeller has secured in- terests near Vancouver, having pur- chased immense iron deposits on Tex- ada Island, 8.0. He will start shipping at once. The deposits in the Government sav- ings banks during June last were $671,- 000, and withdrawals $826,000, leaving a‘ balance on the 30th of June at credit of depositors 'of $35,307,000. A company has been incorporated under the Ontario Act with a capital stock of $50,000 to engage in the. cold storage and the general produce and provision business in Port Arthur. Rev. Father Paradis, of Domremy. a new parish in the district of Nipissing. has entered suit for $6,000 against Rev. Father Langlois, parish priest of Ver- ner. 0nt., for defamation of character. A valuable seam of anthracite coal has been located at Macadam‘s Lake, 15 miles from Cape Breton. Dr. Gilpin. Provincial Inspector of Mines, express- es the opinion that there is a large bed of hard coal, While a gang of McBurney’s CrOW'S Nest workmen were repairing a bridge at the bottom of the loop the upper timbers gave way, resulting in the in- stant death of two men and serious inâ€" juries to several othlers. The three-mashed American schooner James M. Seaman, which was towedin- to Halifax upsidedoun several weeks ago, has been righted after much diffi- culty. It was expected that the bodies of some of the crew would be found on board, but none were discovered. Lieut. \V. L. Ross. one of the four which represented Hamilton, Ont., on the Canadian Bisley team. arrived home on Monday, Lieut. Ross is disappointed at the poor showing made by the Cana- dians this year. He, himself, however won two valuable cups, and was abig money winner. Deserontu having been condemned as an artillery range, the officers of the Militia. Department are now looking for a new site. A portion of the farm of Mr. John Luck, on the Eardley road. above Aylmer, has been inspected, as also have sites at Chelsea and Iron- sides. A by-law will be submitted to the ratepayers of Cornwall, 0nt., at the next municipal elections, asking for their approval of the borrowing of $35.â€" 000, of which $10,000 will be used to pay off the floating debt, and the remaind- er to purchase modern road machinery and build good streets. The Jacques Cartier Water Power Company has been organi7ed with a capital of half a million dollars to de- velop the falls of the Jacques Cartier River, for electric light and power pur- poses. The promoters of the company. who are principally Americans, proâ€" pose Ito furnish light. heat, and motive power to the city of Quebec, and are preparing already to enter into pro- visional contracts for such service. GREAT BRITAIN. The rumour that efforts are being made to induce the Prince of Wales to-visit the United States and Canada is untrue. J. \V. Jago, chief officer of the \Vhite Star steamer Britannic, has been ar- rested at Queenslown on charges of robbing the mails and smuggling. Sir Henry Irving has decided not to proceed with his libel action against the London Year Book, which recently published an article alleging that the larger part of the audiences in the Lyceum theatre could not hear him. A firm of solicitors in London, act- ing on behalf of Senor Du Bose, has addressed a. letter to Mr. Chamberlain at the Colonial Office,saying that their client does not claim any compensa- tion but desires an apology for the illegality of his expulsion from Can- ada. The Lord Mayor at‘Lu David Davis. MISS Davina, will CANADA of London. Mr. Hot- and his daughter. sail for New York from Liverpool on board the White Star Line steamship Teutonic on Aug- use 18, for a, short; visnt to America. Mr. Davies will be the first Lord Mayor to visit America. during his incum- bency. In the suit for damages brought by‘ the owners of the British ship Cromâ€" artyshire against the La Bourgogne’S‘ owners as a result of the collision in‘ July. the Compagnie General Trans~ atlantique has asked the Admiralty Court to quash the writ served on their London agent, on the ground that they are a. foreign corporation. Sir Francis Henry Jeune. president of the Admiralty division of the High Court Of Justice, rules that the service of the writ. is good. and that the Engâ€" liSh court has jurisdiction in the case. .' UNITED STATES. .r The railway employes’ strike at Syra' cuse continues. Adf’ll’h Eutro, an ex-Mayor oi San Francisco, is dead. Governor Briggs, of North Dakota,15 dead from consumption. EX-President Dole will he the first Governor of Hawaii, and not the United States Minister, Mr. Semelh as recently reported. Five men and two women, colored, were lynched at Cla‘rpndon.Arkansas. 3y a mob, being suspected of mur- er. Charles F. Adam, first st the British Embassy at Vhas been transferred to M will he succeeded by Godfrey secretary of the British Leg The Hague. It ismid that Ambassador in Mr. Day as SE \Vashington. Hon. E. J, Phelps. ex-United States Minister to England, is quite ill at the residence of General G. McCullough, at North Bennington. Vt. though physicians do not anticipate any un- favourable result. Mr. Frank P. Collins, war corres- pondent of the Boston Journal. (“Ed at Tampa, Fla‘, of typhoid fever. He was on his way home from the front and was stricken with. his fatal illness while on board the transDOl't Ar” kansas. Policeman Henry C. Hawley, of New York while in a fit of drunken rage on Thursday shot; his wife, his mother, his son. four years old. and his daugh- tar, six years old. He fblen shot him- self in the head. Hawley and most of his victims are dead. George Sharp. aged 28. crazed by drink. attempted to commit suicide in Ames' Vestibule saloon, Ogdensburg. on Tuesday, by cutl ing hislhroat “ilh :1 huge pocketâ€"knife, inflicting a ghastly wound. He was removed to his home. where he lies in a critical condition. A mob attempted to rescue three negro teamsters incarcerated in the gaol at Tampa. Fla.. Monday, and were fired upon from an upper story of the building, several shots taking effect. The wounded were carried away by their comrades, and the raid was un- successful. Serious trouble in the interior of Alâ€" aska is apprehended by the United States Government. Food u‘iots are feared at Fort Yukon and other up- river points, growing out of the failure of the transportationmompanios to get supplies in thereon the prevailing low water. A military Government will be established at Fort Yukon as soon as possible. Mrs. Margaret Fallon, who has just died at King’s Ferry. Cayuga county. N. Y.. at the age of 117, is believed. to have been the oldest person in America. It has been found from the records that she was born in Lusfuth parish, Kings county, Ireland, in 1781. She has been a widow fifty years, and is survived by four sons and five dangli- ters. The oldest daughter is 80 and the oldest son ’75. She had two sons in the civil war. one being in the Union and one in the Confederate army. The Confederate survived the war; the oth- er died in Libby prison, Cholera. is epidemic at Madras Corea intends to adopt the standard. H.M.S. Mohawk has hristed British flag on Santa. Cruiz and 1513. nds. Memorial services for Prime Bis- marck were held on Sunday in the Royal Opera House, Berlin. Private Luke of the. Second \Viscon- sins, who shot and killed Private. Stufâ€" ford of the Ameriam regulars in Porto Rico, has been court-marliulled and shot. The Pope‘s health is said to be worse than at first -reported. \Veukness and fainting spells are the most prevalent symptoms. v- . n,‘ The mine and towers of the great naptha works at. Wisrh'tu. Russian Transâ€"Caucasia, have been destroyed by fire. Fourteen people were badly burned. American warships close to Havana on F pered with shot from The San Francisco w received some damage _._,_..r,, It is announced that Lieut.â€"Col. Mumllum, Governor of Lagrus, West Africa. will succeed Sir Herbert Mur- ray as Governor of Newfoundland. Madame Charles Frederick Worth, widow of the famous Parisian costum- ier. who died in March. 1895, and his successor in the superintendence of the \Vorth establishment, is dead. Vigorous measures have been taken to place the sea forts of Copenhagen in a, state of military efficiency. It is supposed that thvse measures are due to {ears of a conflict between Great Britain and Russia. During the departure from Lisbon of Dr. Campos Salles, president of Brazil, for America, by the Trans-Atlanticlin- er Thames, on Monday, two steamers carrying friends to bid him farewell came into collision, swamping two small boats and drowning twenty per- that Mr. Hay. American r in London. will succeed as Secretary of State at warships which ran in vanu on Friday were pep- shot‘ from the batteries: GENERAL Lm, first secretary of "may at \Vashington. :rred to Madrid. He by Godfrey D. Bland, British Legation with was struck and ited the and Blufi gold [THE AUGUST 0301? REPORT FALL WHEAT CROP ONE OF THE BEST ON RECORD. Sprlug Wheat Excellentâ€"Barley and Outs About llp [o The Averageâ€"Frau nsn “11010, No! GImtlâ€"(mnllitlon of I.IV(‘ Stock Falrâ€"l’lenty of Labor. The following is from the August crop bulletin just issued by the On- tario Department of Agriculture. The figures of acreage and yield will be published in a few days:â€"â€" Fall Wheat. The crop of {all wheat is one of the best ever harvested in the Province. Both east and west the yields have been la rge. an occasional smaller yield being more than balanced by a heavy return close by. The crop was cut earâ€" ly. and was harvested in a good con- dition generally, although a few corâ€" respondents complain ot “ lodging." owing to the heavy straw. and of "shell- ing." The grain is described as being Plump, and in many cases goes considâ€" erably over standard weight. Occa- sional reports of rust were received. but little complaint was received regarding insects, except in the case of the midge, which was injurious in Welland, Hal- dimand and Lincoln. particularly in the last~named county. Spring Wheat. Many correspondents in the eastern portion of the Province report a consid- erable increase in the acreage devot- ed to spring wheat. Thiscrop. like oth- er cereals, ripened early, owing to the hot weather, which in some neighbor- hoods prevented the heads from filling Well. The yield, as a whole, however, will be considerably above the averâ€" age. especially in eastern Ontario. where a number of correspondents speak of the crop as the best for many years. The main drawbacks experi- enced have been frost and drouth, and some slight injury from rust and midge is also reported. Barley. The crop is generally good. and, with a few exceptions, the grain is bright and in fine condition, though in some places light in weight, owing to the heat and. lack of moisture. The frost in July also inflicted some damage on the crop. Slight losses from smut and rust have been observed, but there ap- pears to have been a marked exemption from the ravages of destructive in- sects. There will be about an average yield of oats as regards quantity, the crop, which promised splendidly during the earlier part of the season. having suf- fered considerably from the late frosts, and to a still greater degree from the hot, dry weather, which caused prema- ture ripening. The straw is consequent- ly short. and the grain apt to be light. The yield is better in the extreme eastern counties. both in quantity and quality, than elsewhere. In a number of localities injuries from rust and the attacks of grasshoppers are mentioned, but smut seems to have entirely dis- appeared, being mentioned by only one ’l‘he greater part of this crop is fed green. to supplement pasture, and the results this season have been sat- isfactory. \Vhere grown for the grain the yield per acre will be slightly above the average. except in the Lake On- céfrespondent. tario counties, in some of which there was a small yield. Beans. Judging by the remarks of corresâ€" pondents, beans do not appear to be increasing in popularity as a field crop. The crop was more or less affected by drouth and frost, but despite these drawbacks it will be almost up to the average for yield. The yield of peas varies greatly, even in the same county or township. The crop got a good start, but the con- tinued droulh checked the growth and caused the vines to ripen too early. The [mat of July 10 also did consider- able injury to this crop. The straw, though short, is bright. and will make good fodder. The “ bug ” was frequent- ly complained of in the Lake Erie dis- trict, but further east it did not ap- pear to give much trouble. The yield per acre [or the Province will [all a little short of the average and runs all the way from 10 to 30 bushels to the acre. Hay and Clover. Correspondents are almost unanim- ous in favorable comments regarding this crop‘ \Vhile old meadows did not do so well. newly sown fields gave large yields. Three tons to the acre are freâ€" quently reported. and four and five tons per acre are also mentioned. The average will be about two tons, or say 50 per cent above the average. Many farmers cannot find room in their barns for the surplus crop. In addition to the generous yield the crop generally has been saved in first-class condition. several correspondents claiming that in this respect it is the best for many years. Cutting was earlier than usual. Alsike did not do so well as red clover or timothy, and there will be a remark- able scarcity of seed in the case of this variety This promises to be a fair crop in the Lake Erie counties, but in the oth- er districts much injury has been done by the frost of the second week of July. The drouth has also told against the crap in every section of the Pro- vince. Several Middlesex correspondâ€" ents refer to large numbers of crows and blackbirds having attacked the young corn. Potatoes. The potato crop will be considerably below the average in most localities owing to the late frosts in June and July, which were very destructive in Oats Corn ’eaa ants in the eastern nce report a consid- lhe acreage devot- Thisorop. like oth- early, owing to the L in some neighbor- a heads from filling | a whole. however, the northern counties and some lowâ€" lying lands elsewhere. and the more recent dro‘uth, the effects of which have been generally felt throughout the Province. A good yield is anticiâ€" pated in the St. Lawrence counties. where the conditions have been more favorable, and timely rains may bring some; improvement in the case of lateâ€" planted crops. The ravages of the poâ€" tato beetle are noted by some corres- pondents as an additional cause of the favorable, and timely rains may brmg â€".'1't some; improvement in the case of lateâ€" umz planted crops. The ravages of the poâ€" diw tato beetle are noted by some corresâ€" . pondents as an additional cause of the but shortage. and blight has appeared in Dye a few sections. the The large maJority of reports as to the root crops are encouraging. the only drawback being the excessive and long-continued drouth which has re- tarded development in many localities. With a. due amount of moisture dur- ing the remainder of the season there will be a good yield, but otherwise the crop will be a light one. Little injury has been done by insects, except that two or three correspondents refer to the ravages of the grasshoppers in Muskoka and Manitoulin. Flax. Owing to a number of western flax mills having closed down during the last two years the acreage of flax has fallen off greatly. The crop will be only middling in quality, frost and drouth having told upon both seed and istalk. Hops. This crop is confined to a few sections and, while having suffered from the drouth. appears to be {rear t_h_au usual Algonm, and other sections are becom- ing Interested in the crop. Fruit. The apple harvest will be a light one this season, the yield in most localities being considerably below the average. ThlS is attributable, among other causes to heavy rain storms occurring while the trees were in blossom. which in- terlered with fertilization, and to the prevalence in many neighborhoods of the tent caterpillar and other destruc- tive insects, which have wrought much damage where spraying has been ne- glected. Much of the fruit is small and hard. owmg to the drouth. Winter ap- ples will be particularly scarce. Plums, while yielding fairly in some parts. have sustained a good deal of injury 1-., in many places from the attacks of the curculio, and the yield as a whole will be below the average. Peaches as a rule have done but poorly, and the crop will be small. Pears have been the most successful of the larger fruits. and are likely to be abundant. There was a successful of the larger fruits. and are likely to be abundant. There was a good yield of cherries. though some loss- es from black-knot are noted. Grapes will also be plentiful. The drouth provâ€" ed injurious to small fruits, which pro- mised an immense yield. Strawberries yielded fairly. but raspberries were small and dry. Pasturage was excellent during the spring and early summer and the yield of hay was large, and the recent dry, parching weather has been severely felt. many farmers being compelled to feed hay to their stock. The condition of live stock generally is good. though they are inclined to be thin in locali- ties where the pasture is exhausted. There is very little serious disease, am- ong cattle. The attacks of the hornâ€"l fly are mentioned by only two or three correspondents, and some herds in the County of Grey are affected with in- flammation of the eyes, sometimes re- sulting in blindness, The prospects for full and winter are highly encourag- ing, as there are ample supplies to win- ter the stock. The general lack of fresh pasture has resulted in a marked tem- porary falling off in the flow of milk and a consequent slackening in dairy operations. Recent rains have already in some neighborhoods restored the fer- tility of the pastures. The Apiary. The season has been a good one for honey bees swarming early and in some neighborhoods excessively. The supply ‘of nectar was profuse, especially from clover, but basswood yielded little,and latterly there has been a scarcity by reason of the dry weather. The aver- age yield will be nearly fifty pounds per hive, and there has been a good in- crease in colonies. The bees are said to: be in fine condition and very little disease is reported. rom t'he‘z‘lttacks of the aphis The supply of farm labor as al‘ule has been fully adequate tolhe demand, (he complaints of scarcity in a few 10- calities heing inevitable in any coudi~ tion of the labor market when the temporary nature of harvest work is considered. The tendency to dispense with labor outside of the farmer’s fam- ily by the increased use of machinery continues. and as less help is needed on the farm the supply adjusts itself to the diminishing requirements. There is a very wide range of difference no- ticeable in the wages paid for farm labor. Through the greater part of the Province the wages of harvest hands run from '75 cents to $1.25 or $1.50 per day with board. Monthly wages vary from $12 to $25 per month with board, the larger amounts being where engagements are limited to a month or two in the harvest season. In some east- ern localities men are obtainable by the day from 60 to 75 cents and board, or 31 without. Taking the Province throughout 81 or $1.25 with board would probably be a fair average for harvest hands engaged by the day and $15 per month. for engagements for the season. 1 Pasture and Live Stock Labor and \Vages Roots 00d yield is antici Lawrence countie: us have been mor 1y rains may brin in the case of late ravages of the pc ed by some corre: itional cause of th One of the [Elem-st niucovorles Made In Many Years. A despatch â€"The Cottag urday even'u â€"The Cottage City, arriving on Sat- urday evening, brought news of gold discoveries in Northern British Colum- bia, which have caused a. stampede from Dyea and Skegway. and all points along the trail to which news of the discov- ery has spread. The find is in Pike creek, in the Lake Tegish district. Mounted Policeman French had brought information to Tagish conâ€" firming the first news. He said that Dyea and Skagway. and a. the trail to which news ery has spread. The fi creek, in the Lake T Mounted Policeman brought information to firming the first news. the bedrock is only five surface, and the dirt i the bedrock is only five feet from the surface, and the dirt is running six. dollars to the pan. From the head of Lake Tagish the route to the finds is via. Tagu arm to the mouth of the. Atline river 65 miles, seven miles up the river to Atlin lake, and about twelve across the lake to Pike creek. It is about 40 miles from the Stickeem ’l‘eslin Lake, where it crosses the New poleon river. A Skagway letter from a correspondent sayszâ€"“The news ot the strike reached here Friday from the Tagish lake. but most people took it for a fake of some steamboat com« pany, until Saturday, when some men came in from the diggings with a litâ€" tle sack of nuggets to show for their work, which has been for only a week. They went in with small outfits. not enough to see them through. and are back for more provisions. Some of them have as high as $1.500. It is re- ported to be a second Eldorado, from one dollar to six dollars a. pan being the average, and some going as high as fifty dollars to the pan. They have fairly set the town crazy. men running. around since daylight getting thein stuff together. Everybody who can possibly leave is making for Bennett as fast as he can. There will be at least five hundred leaving. and about the same from Dyea. Bennett is deserted; everybody has left there for the diggings, only sixty milesaway. The railroad company have lost about six or seven hundred of their men, all. making for the goldfields. They can. be made in three days from Skagway, If the locations turn out at all exten- sively they will be very generally pop- ular, being in British Columbia. where i the mining laws are more liberal than those of the Dominion. and no royalty is collected, to say nothing of the com- purativerly mild climate as compared with the Klondike." The mine was accidentally disclosed by sheep browsing above it. Instructions ('ahled to the American Com- mnnders. A despatch from \Vashington says:â€" Ambassador Cam-hon and Sec. Thie- baut drove over to the White House Friday. in a. heavy. driving rain. Con- trary to all former visits, they drove all the way be the White House and alighted in the broad porte cochere. Both were immediately ushered inside and to the Cabinet room. where Presi- dent McKinley, Secretary Day and Asâ€" sistant Secretaries of State More. Aden and Cridler, had been awaiting them five minutes. There, in the historic Cabinet room, the ceremony of form- ally agreeing to and signing the pro- tocol of peace took place at 4.32 p.111. SUBSTANCE OF THE PROTOCOL. The protocol provides:â€" 1. That Spain will relinquish all claim of sovereignty over Cuba“ 2. That Porto Rico and other Span- ish islands in the West Indies and an island in the Ladrones to be selected by the United States shall be ceded to the latter. 3. That the United States will 00- cupy and hold the city, bay and hab- bor of Manilla. pending thecouclusion of a, treaty of peace. which shall detain mine the control, disposition and gov- ernment of the Philippines. 4. That Cuba, Porto Rico and other Spanish islands in the West Indies shall be immediately evacuated, and that commissioners, to be appointed within tendays,shall. within 30days from the signing of the protocol, meet at Ha- r o" 77” vana. and San men respectively to at- range and execute the details of the evacuation. 5. That the United States and Spain will each appoint not more than five commissioners to negotiate and con- clude a treaty of peace. The commis- sioners are to meet at Paris not later than the lst of October. 6. On the signing of the protocol hostilities will be suspended, and no- tice to that effect willbe given assoon as possible by each Government to the commanders of its military and naval forces. The above is the official statement of the protocol's contentsas prepared and given to the press by Secretary Day‘ The protocol was signed at 4.32 p.n1.. by Secretary of State Day, represent- ing the United Stated, and lVL Camhon. the French Ambassador, representing the Spanish Government. One of the rules for getting rich is be buy nothing unnecessary. Were you able to sell old Billions a. lot? asked the superintendent of the cemetery. » _ H _ ‘ , vvfliéfiéigrent shook his head. He was afraid he. might. not get the full value 0t it, he explained. 7 Bui a). marf has got: to die some time exclaimed the supgrthpndgnt_. _ That’s what. I answered. Supp It has been estimated that the heat of comets is about 2000 times fierce: than redâ€"hot iron. HE MIGHT NOT NEED IT HOSTILITIES STOPPED. THE HEAT 0F COME‘ 8rd Edition? AN ELDORADO. {old him, but 11 336 I should be 1 ictoria t he only )9 lost at says

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