Newmarket. . Aurorm King. Btcnmo 1‘11 ornhill TORONTO Union ‘ Anni-a.“ Newmm’kat Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as folans; 8 n ,3 a m. Mail & Express,1\orth dz South. Express North and Mgil South. “5.301). m. TORONTO. Union rhnmhfllw RICHMOND 11ml. The Council of the township of Vaughan met at the Township Hall on Tuesday, the 9th inst. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. B0yle~Deviueâ€"-that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claims, being § of their ‘value. »- John‘Sliney, 1 sheep killed by dogs . . . . . . . . . . he and is hereby authorize-(l to p: following road aceounts :â€"~ R. Rumble, putting in and re- pairing culverts, drawing gravel, &c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . 1 Edward Irwine, putting in cul- vert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . i H. Marsh for plank . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Rumble, 31 loads gravel . . . . . _ R. Topper. 57 “ . . . . . . W. Martin, 27 “ . . . . . . P. O’Brien, for excavating hill, building culvert, putting up guarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Savage, 33 loads grm’el.. Yonge St. Account. R. B. McOleai-y, breaking 2 toise stone . i . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Conley, breaking 2 toise stone . . . . . . M. Horn, breaking 1 toise stone “7m. Chatterley, 4 days work: ERXIBLEYLGARRETSON 00., L151 N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Olï¬ce as follows:-â€"- MORNING tâ€"Going Northsoulh East and West. including Tlmrnhill, Maple,Torontu Mnrkhanl,&c. 8.13 Evnmua:â€"Going south East and West (as :1: PROCTOR’YSTAGE LINE. Cars leave C. PB. C WANTED. Teachers. Students. Agents, to convass for “Life and work of Mr. Gladstone.†Memorial edition, now read . Biggest, best, cheapest and only anadian and British “ life †of the greatest man of the century. Pl-ofuscly illustrated and written in the noted author’s happiest style. Full outï¬t ’75 cents. There isa lot of money to be made. in selling this book. Better hurry to seem-Q tgrritory. ITED. TORONTO N. B.-â€"Regi§{e¥é5'Letters must be handed in as least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours far clgifin VVm METROPOLWAN TIME TABLE The Council Tuesday, Sept Cin‘s leave Rmhmcn M nut Met}: 7 p. m. meetiu Rich: int] out the w mfduy. _ Presbyterian ( p. m. Sunday Kirb W A NT} POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Richmond do Voter’s List; adv. in THE LIBERAL. stationery, &c. . ; IOI‘tSOD, for injuries sus- tained on town-line, King and Vaughan, near 4th con :ipaus Tabules opal ( {rm 1 Vaughan Council Village Directory. 'l’e Deans GOING NORTH Mail 1 ........ 1 0.55 "010.05 GOING SOUTH “I'll-7106 1 sheep 'ins-Lthat the tt-e. by authorized to p J] 'OD'AI Idjom‘ned to 14th at 1 p. m tak d iti atum: paid M:TEEFY. Postmaster ‘I‘Vi‘ F.â€"~Mee ts Se 75 cent 1 with y . Books BRADLIE va subS( ms at )1] killed by is ï¬rst Wedu rSorvic ‘ 10.30 as at 11 SOI'IDU Atl. E 13.13 20 and 9.40 My ï¬ athartic gestion. fourth Tu‘ General prayer J.â€"Meets Mon ‘0 and 11 a. m any of (very Thi Carried. meet on )ut( hundrw‘ through 0111' ï¬rst on time. $80 80 )n 106 asm‘er my the if‘ fe a-nd GAR- Mai]. sensing Open outth 5d ay 00 00 40 70 30 Comfortable rooms for Students. Enquire a"; concession Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced on the day of sale, there will he offered for sale by Bulglic auction at the Palmer Housv, ~ V‘... 11"? n A mTY'Iin A‘Y 4).,J on OI‘ ab( acres more best far-111$ Terms easy INE, I INE, ( ginning. Upon the said property is said to be situate a brick store and dwelling at present occu ied by’Mrs, Smiles, and also a large tame stable. This prop erty is well situate on the east side of Yonge street, in the Village of Rich- mond Hill, and is a desirable stand for a grocery business. TermsLTen er cent. of the pur- chase money tone aid to the Vend- or’s Solicitors on t e day of sale, the balance within 30 days thereafter. The pro erty will he sold subject, to a. reserve Eid. Further particulars will be made known on the day of sale or on appli- cation 130 J. H. SANDERSON, ESQ, Richmond Hill, or LAWRENCE & ORMISTON, 15 Toronto St., Toronto, 6â€"4 Vendor's Solicitors. I‘m-onto, Boarders Wanted Iiv At reasonable rates on shortest notice RI 0 n (1 a y .. East, halves Wood. and The. nude-sign '(.-1' Mixed Wot $13353 EXPRESS. Farm for Sale LEV! GABY. r parï¬cula ‘ Eglinton 312w ï¬dvctï¬semmw. seal Eeiivared )ans Tabule ight and Parcels delivered and collected. Village Property. TORONTO STRAYED VVeduessday Gaby’s Express runs to ’. R. Crossihg. Yonge stre‘ MRS. JAS. STEWART, O‘ Patronage Solicited THE MBERAL OFFICE 0f Vaughan, contai 01* less. This Is one In this section of ( mule abule 0F VALUABLE and Irridayo ~â€"EVERY 74 degrees, east 330 feet, to the westerly limit of , thence southerly along limit30 feet,thenca south Int cure cure cure 11’s to chains, 12$ links angle of said 101: 9 degrees east, CODS' R“ High 8‘ and :53, 3rd ntaining 200 ; one of the of country. Slabs; 1n 6â€"tf PROCTOR ipation 1 liver. reath. to the LI Turkeys, 161‘ 1b .. Dressed ogs. per wt Geese. per lb (Ibickens.perpnir . Ducks. per pan‘ . . 4 . . guneg‘, m_p0und rolls Ha'y, timothy Straw, sheaf†Class Meet in the Temperance Hall‘on the ï¬r uesday of each month. Assessment system. Pa. able monthly or gent 91mm. \L nter, m 1 gas, fresh The leadmgz feat The Royal Tempmrs of Temperance PIECES t, white. 1 SANDERSON, Select Councll Emma ailztrlwiï¬. bu Ã©ï¬ bush :r bush bbl er bush bush AT FARMEIIB' wAnc-r gents Everywhere. Write for Catalogue (BO-INCH VVHEE 13‘ ‘00 ISLOOO tures of every bicycle built on popular I Cleveland Models. H $55 OLE REPREgE 70 . A. LOZIER ‘ W RICHMOND HILL. N&Smï¬ DRUGGIST, JOB 11’s .7 $1 it} [ER 5; C0,, FORGNTQ JUNOWON NtAi Wash WE immia s )1: PM pace: an DON-E AN D ATTRACTIVE PRINTTN NH 13ichlnond I’lill. 9mm all THE VII 31112..