VOL. XXI. u I WE USERAL PRlNTKNG & ?UBLISHING HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Eliminate o! the Ontario Veterinary (Ir-115518, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple 013 Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday mm 1 to 3 p. 11:. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses. cattle and other domesticat- ed animus treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. MISS c. HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A" CALL - SOLICITED. BR. 3. H. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Undertaken-s dc Embalmea's, Funeral Funnel-ingsAlwayson “and '1‘. F. McMAHON. Remodelledpand newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidealstopping place for riding ardriving parties,bicyclists, or farmers going tuorteturning from market. Bus meets all trains. Electric curs pass the door. VETERINARY SURGEON PALMER HOUSE, D R. LANGSTAFF, DR. W TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. \VA L'I‘E It H ELSE, Proprietor. Moved to 124r Victoria St, Room 12, Toronto. YVill be in Richmond Hill evex - uesday. vary accommodation to guests. Board, 81. per day RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE EIGURS SiolOam;and 6 to S p m Ripans Ripags Ripans Ripans Ripans J. T. McElroy, (Sliceâ€"Next door soutk 6‘ E9 LE2er ®§=Â¥$E ï¬WQ‘Efla, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RICHDJO ND RICHMOND HILL OFFICE IIOKIRS ï¬lo 10:1mz6to 8 pm 0F 21 BLOOR 158 me s'mnm‘ EAST. TORONTO BUSINESS CARDS. WRIGHT BRO S, per annum, in advance.] Elm Successor to D Tabules: for sour stomach. Tabules cure nausea. Tabules cure biliousness. ’I‘abules cure dyspepsia Tabules cure flatulence. E91203 & Pnomm‘ron 1)entist, . CECIL \V . E? wetcriunrg mutiirnl. â€"_A};D__ 53mm. ST REET Swims W. J . Wilson of Public Schools l/ r TROTTER; TORONTO \Ved LicensedAuctionemâ€"s for the County of York,re- sped-fully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortesb notice and a reusonabe rates. P. 0.n.duress King EastTorouto Ofï¬ce, Mr. G Woodbndye. every Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Charges moderate. Patronage syllciced. Adâ€" dress, White Rose P.0. TORONTO OFFICE : St, Ea. LicensedAuctioneer lor the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reg. sonablemtes. Patronage solicited. Hashim“ Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, 1uruiture.stnnding timber. etc.,a.ttended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario. Allsales of farm stock, ac†at- tended to on tho shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgage and builifl sales attended to. Residence. Stouï¬â€™ville. Ont. mam, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer ofMarriage Licenses. Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers,Notaries, &c COOK & MACDONALD Baxristers, Solicitors. 36:. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hi1] Ofï¬ce Open every Saturday. MONEY Law Ofli ces SALEM Ecximn'r, 63 Winchester St. Toronto Alaxge amount ofprivate funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- terest. Easy terms for repavment. No comâ€" mission charted on lost @131) t Or at Richmond Hill on éiturdavé Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. Genera.) sales a! atock.etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. unldmg, Newton Brook, agent 10: the above. A G F LAWRENCE LAWRENCE & URMISTUN NOTARY PUBLIC, Not Money to LOE’LI]. . THORN as am“ ROBI NSON, LEN NOX & MACLEOD Mr.Fred. W. Garvin will be at Richmond Hill ofï¬ce every evening and will attend each sittmg at the Court MACDUUGALL & JONES. Mr. Cook will he at afternoon of MONEY ! MONEY! Thornhill, each 25 KING STRELT Mo; C STOKES So] i citor t rllciturs fu FRED MAC Ripahs Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. rtztry Public, Conveymlcer, Valu- ator, Commissmner in B. R, &c. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE GARVIN & GARVIN, MONI Barrisaea-s, solicimrs, am. TORONTO AND AURORA. Room D. .FAIVEEE S. Barrister T0 LOAN AT LOW Eckzu'dl dc Pwutice Stokes (k Blouglr. J. D. Roadmaan, Bar COMMISSUJNEB IN THE LAWRENCE dz ‘o‘u’MISTON, _15 Togonto Sh. Toronto S. 'l‘. Brookes. to sm. 119.11,} aftern'oyons‘ Room J. 'l‘. Saigeon, tha Tr: the R N. E. Smith. m DI- stars 1‘0 3.53m 10, York Chambers, 9 Toron- . Toronto. undatnfï¬cejmrne Richmond Hill, all day Wed- v, and Tuesday and Saturday EHMGND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25(1898. Mia: om! Solicitors I n Essentials, Unity til y of Out EST CURRENT RATES '. Grant‘s residence ery evening. min: from 10 to 12. \VS( FRED}? ST. TORONTO ple ch J. H. PRENTICE Carrville. n rronto‘ CK 0. JONES‘ D BLO'UGE delaide lIl‘S( NLLI Savir 1 Richmond Hill and Vicinity a patent double action pump handle. He was taught mm o " better manners †in the space of two minutes than he had leamcd in a life time. A day or Once upon a time, 5 books say, there lived in lady the Wife of a Well-Ln and a former postmaster owneis of one of the be establishments and resk village. with pleasant The husband, a. jovial, pl man, was a popular I His wife was a cheery. good-hearted lady. alwa; an act of kindness or re the distressed. Unknc Perhaps we never had among us a. more genial and agreeable fellow than a young journeyman shoemaker with l a wooden leg, He was a. married man. When sober he was it gentleman when drunk he was Salim personiï¬ed. , While on a spree when he entered the front door of the house his wife. had to 1 fly out at the back. He amused him- . self by smashing the dishes and des-l troying the furniture until wearied' with his mad exploits he Would lie down and sleep when his wife would go in and try to ï¬x things up. i In one of his maniacal rewings he was ‘ with difï¬culty restrained from self-1‘ destruction. No amount of drinking‘ blunted his keen sensibilities. He 1 was generous to a fault, but quick to notice an insinuation or to resent an insult. It was astonishing what 30-5 tivity there was in that wooden leg. It seemed to have on one of the i“ seven league boots. All he had to do ‘ was to look at a. place and he “got there.“ One day a big bully met him on the street and thought that he could insult him with impunity. He twitted him about his peg. As quick i as a flash some one was lying on his back squirming in the dust. When that “peg†got down to business and all its motive powers in full swing that fellow thought that he was under 2 circulate. The lady married the» clerk and in dissipation they went down to« gether. The property passed into the hands of others, The Hell; died a Sot. The lady became one of the must dissolnte and depraved of characters, a perfect Virago. On the last visit to the scene of her former opulencr- and respectability on account of her vio- lent and abusive temper she was not fit to he received in any home. Unâ€" known to those who would have he- friended her even in her wrecked con- dition she spent the night in the corner of a. driving shed alone and un- cared for. Drink is a great leveller. This unfortunate victim of a degrad~ ing habit .may by this time have fol- lowed her husbands. Ladies in those times were not (it-barred from acquir- ing honors in the socialitios of society and she was a sad sm-cess. Among the prominent victims of the intoxicating glass in those days was awell-known old man. He was one of the jolliest fellows the writer ever knew. He drank much, was al- ways civil and never irritable, always laughing and ever ready for a joke. On one occassion while reeling home from the hotel he was overtaken by a traveller ina light rig. Asking for a. ride it was readily granted. As soon as seated he proposed to drive to which them was a. decided objection. He at once bundled the owner out of the rig. and drove to his home. VVhen the man almost breathless with running and rage cau ht up he hand- ed him the lines, than ed him for the loan of the rig and went in convulsed with laughter at his exploit. His spirit of merriment would develop it- self on all occasions. He would laugh overabroken bone, one occasion ex- cepted. 0f broken bones he had much experience. In his numerous sprees he had broken his legs and his arms, he had broken three of his ribs and dislocated one of his shoulders. While acting as hostler at one of the hotels he fell from the hayloft to the floor and was found next, morning dead with a broken neck. But for drink this man might have lived a better life and died a more hopeful death. Previous to his death the busim great, extent. depended on the 0] well educated, rather ï¬ne specir the genus homo, a, Cockney 1'6 imported. To him the variety 0 ulatiug l'wvcragos that Lhe licer those days covered were oqun tracbive and soon developed svlves on his face. There was : on hand a large supply, readir access led to frequency of exces rumors of over indulgence be; The M cram n I ’s W‘ i to. in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†)on developed them- :e. There was always a supply, readiness of quency of excess, and indulgenco began to on the Clerk, a ne specimen of cknoy recently variety of stim- the licenses of two after when he could get his 6 open he looked on that wooden with the most profound respect. owner moved away from our town (TO BE CONTINUED.) Industrious men of travel and appoint a and exp‘epsgsAqug. _ We can understand the natural chagrin of extreme Conservative partisans at the unqualiï¬ed success of the efforts of the. Liberal administra- tion to give practical effect to the long existing desire for closer union with the Empire, more particularly as shown in the adoption of Preferential trle and Imperial penny postage, but we cannot understand whv thev Der- travel and appoint agents. and expenses paid. BRADLEY RETSON COMPANY, LIMITE RONTO. If Mr. Hugh John Macdonald ever ho es to occupy his distinguished fat er’s place in the estimation of the Canadian people he Will have to exâ€" hibit, yum-é of the tact that was so characteristic of the old Chieftain. we cannot understand Why they per- sist in making themselves the Ian h- ing stock of the community. he “ I, William Muluck," incident of a year ago was considered by those who could not look very far ahead 3. most eXL-ellent joke, but as a, matter of fact the amount of attention which the peisistent attempts at ridicule drew to the Postmaster General and his pro- ject, had the exact object which he desired of making the country and the Imperial authorities so familiar with the idea that; when he Went to London this summer to clinch the matter it was comparatively plain sailing: _ A Then again the manner in {Ghich a large number of the opponents of the Government persist in their attempts to “ guy †Preferential trade is funny. Only this week the Mail & Empire treated its readers to a column leading article to demonstrate that “the policy of the Liberal Government is only one of drift from Great Britian to the United States. It is designed to keep British and Canadian interests asunder and to bring Canadian and United States interests in closer touch.†Almost the same (lay that this oracular utterance appeared, there. was published a copy of a cable sent by Sir Howard Vincent, M. P., on behalf of the United Empire Trade League to Sir Wilfrid Laurier express- ing “the undying gratitude of the British race of to-day‘, and forever to their brothers throughout the vast Dominion for the atriotic and ï¬lial inauguration of referential trade between British kith and kin ; †add- ing “ may this preferential trade grow and grow into the complete commer- cial federation of the British people and possessions the world over." Evidently the point of view makes the difference. A SAMPLE 0F ACCURACY. The. sensational yarns originated by discontented American miners at Dawson and industriously copied from American newspapers by Conservative journals throughout the Dominion continue to appear with monotonous regularity. In View of the fact that thorough investigation will be institu- ted by the Government it is not Worth while to occupy space to discuss it here. That the alleged facts are ab- solutely unreliable in the, absence of testimony from responsible parties, may be judged from one. sample state- ment copied in the Mail 65 Empire re- cently from the Seattle Post Intelli- ence where it is stated that Major alsh has had the power to remit royalties on gold tulgen out of Klondike claims and that he has been exercising that power. Major W'nlsh has abâ€" solutely no such power. the re ulatio'n requiring the collections of 10°0 royallâ€" ty is as definite as all the other re« gulations, and is being administered without qualification by the ofï¬cials to the best of their ability. Another allegation equally without any shadow of foundation is that Major Walsh has resigned because he is sick and tired of the Wide-spread conuptionand general difï¬culties of his position. While this statement may have originated in honest ignor- ance of those who started it, it is now well understood that the. Major only accepted his commission for a year. Administrator Ogilvie had been prac- tically selected as his successor long before he went to England. and the present reorganization of the. govern- mental machinery is simply a. carry- ing out of the general scheme which has been gradually formulated by the Minister of the Interior as he has be- come informed of the requirment of the case. So far however the Conser- vative press, that has so far industri- ously Circulated the misleading stories before referred to, have failed to rise to the requirements of honest journal- ism by correcting the error into which they haVe fallen. ANOTHER ONE OF THE SAME Our Ottawa. Letter. FOOLISH 0F HUGH JOHN Wanted. at his eyes Wooden leg tracter r to Ilagy It's Provincial affairs in British Colum‘ biu are also occupying a very large. amount of public attention and the. kaleidoscnpic changes from day to day are at this distance quite bewildering. The one point that certainly appears settled is that the late administratiara‘k has deï¬nitly dropped out of existence, and that the affairs of the Province will, for the next parliamentry term, he in the hands of new thou h not un- tried men Whose past recor for pro-- gress and knowledge of affairs is an excellent, certificate for the future of the Paciï¬c Province. th'e year Book business is better than for years past; also have better and faster selling books. Agents clearing from $10 to $540 Weekly, A few lead» ars are :â€"“ Queen Viptqria." “ Life of M1~.G1adstone,†“My Mother’s Bibke Stories," “Progressive S cake-,1 “Klondike Gold Fields,†“ Vgoman,“ “Glimpses of the Unseen,†“Breakr fast, Dinner and Supper.†Books on time. BRAD LEY-GARRETSON CO, LIMITED‘ TORONTO. Mr. T\Villis Lahmer met) with an accident by falling off a load of peas. The large bone of his left arm was broken m; the wrist. ibed, Toronto Who need to make money can do 50 without risk or capital, by soliciting orders for our memorial edition of “The Life of Gladstone;z by Casts]! Hopkins, with intruduction by thn honorable the Minister of Education, DI‘. Ross. This book is a. Canadian classic. The story of his life is told with thrilling interest. His death and imposing national funeral will both be described and illustrated. 512 large quarto pages. It measures 8x10§xl§ inches. 'Remil $2.50, worth $4. Mag- niï¬cent binding. profusely illustratml. Pros ectus 75 cents. Liberal terms. BRA LEY-GARRETSON 00., Lini- Mrs. \Vati of Toronto who visited Mr. T. Rankin has returned home. Messrs. R. W. and R. Edgar oi Nelson, New Zealand, arrived here Monday. While crossing, the Ocean they visited the Hawaiian Islands and while there attended a. reception given by the. ex Queen at her palace in. Honolulu. Messrs. Edgar are the guests of their cousin Mr. Thos. Rgperb; Mrs. J Canpbell visited friends in ngk Friday. Miss L. Rankin of York spent Sun day at her home here. Miss E. Campbell is spending a week with relatives at Tottenhnm. Men and Women [Single copies, 3 ct-s. Sherwood Agents. No.