Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1898, p. 3

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HAL l . I. "If you were half a man!" .,..‘1‘hat, was a phrase to which Harry Marlowe's ears had grown accustomed of late. . Just now his wife. Bose Marlowe. was exclaimmg sharply, " if you were half a man you wouldn‘t allow your wife to spade up the garden while you sat idling on the pier." " Well, Rose," said her husband. in a. propitiatory tone, “I’ve something to Show for it, anyhow,” and he, held up a. long string of fish. Theirs had been such a suitable marriage six years ago; both young. healthy and handsome, they appeared then to have a fair prospect. before them. Harry was the soul of good-naâ€" ture. and Rose, though quickâ€"temper» ed. had the tenderest heart in the world and a courage and uprightncss that; made no comprciises. How ferventâ€" ly she had believed in Harry, in those early days! How eagerly and earnest- ly she had entered into all his unprac' tica] plans and visionary sohemeSl How she. had encouraged and cheered and Spurred on his flagging enthusi- a/sm! First it had been one thing. then another; but somehow every chance slipped through his slack grasp. As soon as the novelty of the scheme had worn off he ceased to be interested in it, and turned away, like a child, to seek something new. II. One day when Rose was chopping wood for the stove the ax slipped and her foot was badly cut. She hobbled into the house and bound up the wound; but it was several hours before Harry returned from his idle saunterings, and by that time she was faint from pain and loss of blood. Dr. Sansum came and dressed the wound. “ How did you manage to give yourself such a gash 2" he asked " It was-just an accident.” stammer- ed proud Rose. "Humph," responded the doctor, with an intonation that made Harry ,redden. Then, with a few additional words of caution to Rose, he left the cottage, contemptuously ignoring her husband. It seemed as if for once Harry was startled out of his sloth. He tended Rose with the utmost care. set: the house in orderâ€"clumsily. it is true. but assiduouslyâ€"cooked the meals af- ter a slap-dash masculine fashion; and, in short, did all in his power to repair his neglect The old tendernessâ€"not dead, but on- -ly buried beneath a Weight of hope- lessnessâ€"walled up in her heart again. The frozen face thawed and the brown eyes grew soft; and liquid once more. When she grew better and he could leave her he picked up an odd job here and there and worked with a will In his new found zeal Harry made a trip to a. neighboring city, in Search of permanent employment. On his re- turn his first words were. “ Good luckl I've got: a steady job at last." as though All the years of his married life had .boen spent in that quest. "\Vhat sort of a job is it i" asked Rose. “Fireman on an engine." " Butâ€"isn’t that rather hard work i” asked Rose, who had learned to doubt his staying quality. "Hard 1" cried Harry, and he squar- ed his broad shoulders and looked as ' bright and manly as in the old davs. " Ain’t I as strong as an ox f" Rose‘s face was a rainbow of tears and smiles. “ Forgive me. Harry, for doubting you." she said. half sobbing, half laughing. He was little at home after he began his new work; but that home seemed a different place now. There were no cut- ting words, no looks that stabbed with scorn. Rose sang over her work and smiles came readily to the lips that h'ad grown so stern and cold. What did it matter that they were poorâ€"â€" that their lot was now that of mere laboring folk? She could respect her husband once more. III. One evening as Rose was getting Barry’s supper ready she heard a step on the porch and ran out to meet him. Two men were standing there. “\Vhat is it t” she cried, feeling an instant apprehension of misfortune. They looked at each other and shuf- fled their feet. awkwardly. "Is my husband dead f" them in a dull voice. "No, ma’am," replied one of the men, finding his voice; "but. badly hurt. There was a collison near Benton and we came to tell you about it." When Rose reached Harry he was lying insensible. Both of his legs. hope- lessly crushed, had been amputated, and his bruised and bandaged face was hardly recognizable. Presently he. was able to press her hand feebly, thus indicating conscious- ness of her presence. " I’m 'half a man,‘ now, Rose, in good earnest.” he whispered one day with a melancholy smile. “ 0, Harryâ€"don‘t l” sobbed Rose. " only forgive me for all those hard words." “They were deserved, Roseâ€"that‘s the worst." Little by little, with many pauses, and in a weak voice that often sank into a whisper he told her of the colli- sion, the result of strain dlspatcher's mistake. The engineer saw the danger at a glance. became panic-stricken and jumped-only to be killed by the fall. "I was going to jump, too." said Barry, “ but then I said to myself, she asked Hon. 0 crge N. Curzon, M.P., and Mrs. Curzon i ll ' l 15! The New Viceroy of Hill}. 'I‘/‘ H‘ .’ ill \1 India and His Wife 'No. I‘ll play the man for once.” I did what the engineer should have done â€"â€"-pulled the reverse lever and put on the air brakesâ€"to lessen the shock, If possible. But it. was of no useâ€"and you know the rest.” "\Vell, dear." he said a few minutes later. "when it‘s all over you can go back to your own people and forget. about the dreary life I‘ve led you. I’ve been a poor excuse for a man all along. I realize that now.” “You shall not wrong yourself so,“ said Rose, " you had the heart. of a hero in you. and when the opportunity came you showed your courage." He smiledâ€"a strange, wistful, pity- ing smile. \Vith that. clearness of self- knowledge that sometimes comes to us. he saw himself and his limitations, and he knew that he would have fallen back again into the old idle way of life. But he did not enlighten Rose. "Let her have that illusion. at least. after I’m gone,“ he thought. ' 'You shall not. die,“ cried Rose, raisâ€" ing one little toil-marked hand. as if to register an oath. "You shall live. Harryâ€"you must live. I will work for you. You must not leave me.” And he did not die. That. little woman just wouldn‘t let him go." said the doctor. Influence was exerted to secure for Rose the appointment of postmistress in the little town. This insured them a support; and there were many ways in which Rose eked out their slender income. Harry was licensed now to be idle, and no one reproached him for it. He was a "helpless hulk." as he expressed it, but the bestâ€"natured. most patient hulk in the world. And Roseâ€"Rose was happier than she had ever been, except in the old days of radiant belief in her young husband. Her faith in him was restored; destiny had arranged it so that he could not disappoint her again by future failure. A poor sort of happiness. you say? Ah, yes! perhapsâ€"but it does not. do to examine too closely the sort of hap- piness that life vouchsafes us. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" STUDY SANITATION. Because a knowledge of it does not "come by nature," any more than a knowledge of arithmetic or sewing. and because its intelligent practice lies at the very foundation of that wholeâ€" ness or health on which the happiness of a household and the capacity of its members (or usefulness depend. It is woman's divinely appointed mission to watch over all the processes that go to the building up of a healthy bodyâ€" processes far more under human conâ€" trol than the unrofleoting imagine; and though we are not accustomed to think of moral qualities as the out- come of physicial conditions. when one has seen an amiable and mild-man- nered man transformed into an irasâ€"' cible churl under the pain of an ache in the face or a. jumping toothache, one perceives the connection. What is sanitationt It is the prac- tical application of sanitary science and the laws of hygiene to the preservation of health. Another definition might be, defendâ€" ing the body from any influence that can injure it or obstruct its functions â€"â€"and this, under the comprehensive title of "Preventive Medicine," has be- come of the commonest of the current phrases of the day. Seventeen years ago the late Dr. B. \V. Richardson, then President of the British Medical Association, said: “I want strongly to enforce that it is the women on whom full sanitary light re- quires ‘to fall. Health in the home is health everywhere; elsewhere it has no abidingâ€"place. I have been brought by experience to the conclusion that the whole future of the sanitary movement rests for permanent and executive supâ€" port on the women of the country. The men of the houso come and go, know little of the ins and outs of anything domestic, are guided by what they are told. and are practically of no assist“ ance whatever. The women are con- .versant with every nook of the dwell- ing, from the basement to roof, and on their knowledge, wisdom, and skill the physician rests his hopes when callâ€" ed to a, case of contagious disease. How important, then, how vital. that they should learn as part of their earliest duties the choicest sanitary code.” GIVING VS. RECEIVING. Sunday-school Teachor~What is the meaning of the admonition, it is more blessed to give than to receive? Little Boyâ€"It. means it’s pleasanter, Yes. Have you not, yourself, found it more pleusant to give than to re- ceive. Yes‘m. Of course. Comm valentines. What was it you gave?- A REMARKABLE SHIP. anIII of Aluminum In Malone, and May be Onc Rom or Three an occasion Requires. A trial trip was undertaken last week from Messrs. b‘orrcstt & Sons' yard, at \l'yvenhoe, in Essex, England, to the measured mile in the neighâ€" borhood to demonstrate the advant- ages of the ship built for Mayor Gib- bons’ African expedition. A launch of sixty feet had been ordered by the well known African explorer for a new expedition on which he is about to lstart. The barge is built: in sections. to permit of easy transport over land. and. for the sake of lightness, alumâ€" inum was the material selected. She can be made to form three separate vessels, .two being Worked by steam. the other to be. taken in tow by one of the former. or they can be united so as to form a, launch of sixty feet, The Hodgetts type was selected by Major Gibbons on account of the exâ€" treme stability it offers and of the surâ€" lprising delicacy in steering which in an ordinary flat bottomed boat can- not be attained. The portions used in the experiments formed a boat 26 feet in length by 6 feet beam. She was furnished with a small engine of three horse power and had twelve adults on board. On the measured mile she showed a speed of six knots, clearly proving the claim of this type of ves- sel to an increase in speed over the usual form. There was no oscilla- tion, nor any approach to what is called "rolling." arid the stability of the new form was demonstrated when all on beard stood in a line on one side of the boat, the deviation from the hori- zontal position of the dock producing a. reduction of the freeboard on that Istde of about three inches only. 5 The construction of this vessel being ,such as to present to the water two iooncave surfaces. one on each side of ithe main keel, instead of the ordinary Iconvex bilges, there is absolutely neiâ€" , or how wave nor side wash, the water :thrown off at the bow and from the ‘stdes'ln the ordinary type of ship be~ mg, in the case of the form now in question, carried aft in two streams, converging shaft the run and formâ€" ling a constant supply of unbroken wa- iter to the propeller, or twin screws, and the rudder. Hence, also, the acâ€" curacy and delicacy of her answering Ithe helm and the utter avoidance of ‘propeller racing. All these phenâ€" l omena were noted and confirmed by the _ experts and other qualified judges who were present. I meg to the constant presence of {the two parallel streams of water unâ€" (fer the channels or arches on each sirle of the keel, the vessel is cushioned upon them and prevented from being submerged to anything like the ex- tent to which the ordinary type of bull Ls submerged; consequently the drought is less and the freeboard greater than in the ordinary type of vessel. The obvious result of this phenomenon is that the Hodgetts safe- ty ship will carry a greater weight. either in guns, ballast, cargo or stores than any other ship of the same dimâ€" ensums and calculated displacement. as well as being a great boon to pas- senger steamers and those engaged in the cattle trade. To sum up the result of the experi- ments it was satisfactorily proved that, as compared with ships of the ordinary type, the Hodgetts safety ship possess- es increased stability, increased speed, increase of carrying capacity, greater ease and delicacy in steering and hand- bag, avoidance of bow wave, avoidance of propeller racing. FOR PLAIN \I'OMEN. A woman who probably speaks from experience gives this advice to her sis- ters who lack brilliance or beauty: "As the chief complaint of the plain woman is her, lack of admirers I suggest an unfailing remedy. Treat men with in- differenceâ€"not the obnoxious kind, which makes you appear disagreeable, but the easy manner which says very plainlv that while you treat a man po- litely and ontertainingly you will treat his successor equally well. Not being used to such treatment, it piques him, and immediately he tries to interest you. And from that moment he is lost if you are one of the clever women I meet every day. AN EXPERT. Nellyâ€"I believe Grace has a ough knowledge of chemistry. Ireneâ€"Yes. indeed. \Vhy. she could innalyze her own complexion. thorâ€" 006000000000 00000000000000 About the House. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BIRTH OF THE ROSE, A perfect thought went hovering in the air Seeking expression visible, and found A chaste young shoot of green from virgin ground All budde ; and he there” gladly entered He filled her soul with beauty; and at morn Drew warmth of love from the bright sunâ€"God’s rays. The dew from night, the secrets from the clayâ€"- She sighedâ€"the petals burstâ€" a. Rose was borul CANNING FRUIT AND VEGE- In preserving or canning either fruit or vegetables it is very neces- sary that they be strictly fresh and in good condition, if not. it is time and labor thrown away to try to do anything with them as the result will be far from satisfactory. Cans that are. to be used a second time should be thoroughly washed and , scalded as soon as they are emptied. The rubbers and lids should he washâ€" ed and placed in a box by themselves, where they can easily be found when wanted. \Ve do not recommend the use of tin cans and think the glass ones prefer- able in all cases. Tomatoes and other vegetables are better put up in glass Cans and all danger from poisoning is thus avoided. However, they must be kept in a dark place when the glass cans are used. Before filling the cans they should be washed thoroughly in soap suds and well rinsed. The rubbers sh ruld also be washed. Self-sealing glass jars are the best to use. If the cans are set in a pan con- taining C(‘ltl water. while filling them, there will be. no danger of the cans breaking. They should be taken out as soon as filled and sealed at once. The cans must be filled to the very top edge and the juice should be added “(mg with the pieces of fruit so that it will fill in between eaCh piece and thus shut out the air. New rubbers should be used. or ii old ones are used, it is better to use two in place of one. They should fit the can perfectly and not. bulge out when the lid is screwed on. It has been said that when there are no rubbers to fit the cans a narrow strip of glaz- ed cotton batting may be put around the can before the lid is fitted. Tin or brass kettles should never be used to cook fruit in. A porcelain-lin- ed kettle or one of graniteâ€"ware is much better. If canned fruit becomes soft, fades or loses its flavor it is because not enough sugar was used in canning it: or if the fruit settles in the causit is generally because not enough juice was put in the can. v Vegetables must be cooked very thoroughly and put in the cans while boiling hot, sealing them up at once. Always remember fruit and vegetables both will keep better if placed in a cool, dark cellar. We give below a few recipes and suggestions, _ taken from an exchange, that we think es- pecially good: . _ Always use fruit that IS in good condition. When ready to do canning. give it your undivided attenton; do not hurry, as haste makes waste, take your time and do it well. Cherriesâ€"Seed fruit. boil moderate- ly for five minutes, fill can with fruit, fill up crevices with the juice; 01“ small circle of muslin, lay in neck. and seal. If you wish them sweetened. use one~half pound sugar to each quart. Raspberries, Blackberriesâ€":Select nice sound berries. If you Wish them Sweetened. use one-third pound _of su- gar to each quart, boil six minutes, proceed as with cherries. _ . Peachesâ€"In halves, boil eight min- utes. W’hole. boil fifteen minutes. Onoâ€" fourth pound sugar to each quart. Pearsâ€"~ln halves, boil twenty minâ€" utes. Whole boil one-half hour. One- half pound sugar to each quart of fruit. GooseberriesnBoil ten minutes. One pound sugar to each quart. ' Crab Applesâ€"Whole, boil thirtymim utes. Twoâ€"thirds pound sugar to each quart. _. Sour Applesâ€"Quartered, boilten min- utes. Oil-half pound sugar to each quart. Wild Grapesâ€"Boil ten minutes. Twoâ€" thirds pound sugar to each quart. Tame Grapesâ€"Boil for eight minâ€" utes. Oneâ€"half pound of sugar to each quart. ' CO‘MFORTS FOR SERVANTS. A girl has a right to expect acom- fortable bedroom, warm and light. Have two beds in it if both‘ domestics occupy one room. Very often the servants' room is storehouse for old furniture. As human beings are gov- erned greatly by externals, it is imâ€" possible to improve one’s finer feelings and principles if one treats them as animals. Many housekeepers allow the girls to sit in the dining-room in the evening, and see that they have pap- ers and magazines. This is not spoiling them, but makes a girl worth having respect herself and her position, and consequently her mistress. a. 0000000000000 000000000000. It is customary to allow girls com- pany one evening in the week, and it is wise not to interfere with the. girls sitting up occasionally as late as eleven o‘clock. When one realizes that the evening is the only time a girl has free from constant duty. It in hard to curtail that, and insist that servants should go up stairs at ninI o’clock. Teach a girl to open the front door with a pleasant. though not familial manner. Nothing makes a better im pression upon a visitor than u. pollb and cheerful servant, Do not allow tog loud talking or heavy walking around the house, slamming doors, etc. All these noises are merely bad habits. not net'chal‘y evils. A waitress should. be careful of her hands, keeping the nails in order, etc., all of which is much in evidence when handing dishes to one. In a servant’s former life suchl amenities were not. dreamed of, and they must be taught by a patient, kindly mistress. If not. kindly, all the patience in the world will not; make a well-trained girl, but with kindness much may be accomplished with a. rough diamond, but. as Mark Twain puts it, do not select "one so rough.I that: you cannot find the diamond” when looking for a girl to train. One week. will prove if the girl is willing. appreciative. quick to catch on, with a fair memory, for forgetfulness ix many a housekeepers trial, and cap able. of training; if not, do not attempt the. task until a subject worthy of your efforts appears. and then may wow-en's crown your attempts. DOING UP FINE SHIRTS. A young housekeeper writes that she is having trouble with fine shirts. She likes to see them look as they do when they come from a laundry, but cannot get them stiff enough; An appeal is made to any who have been successful in accomplishing this end. \Vill they report their process for her benefit? It. is essential that the pieces be starched twice. Starch when hung on the line, using cooked starch, not too thick, and rubbing it well into the cloth. Have the starch as hot as the bands can bear. \Vring out, shake and .pat frt‘e from wrinkles and hang up to dry. When ready to iron, dissolve some laundry starch in cold waterâ€"â€" about a tablespoonful to a pintâ€"add half a teaspoonful of powdered borax and wet bosoms, collars and cuffs thoroughly in it, \Vring cut and told at once, ironing in about half an hour. Linen slarched in this way is very Stiff. but the peculiar glossy surface of regularly laundered linen. will be lacking. That is due to some prepara- tion used with which the public is not acquainted. A very good polish 03D be obtained, however, by thorough lull- bing after the linen is dry. Use the heel bf the flat-iron, or what is better, 3 regular polishing iron. A small piece 0f gum arabic dissolved in the hot starch add to the stiffness, as'dces also the borax in the cold starch. Some of the new brands of laundry starch contain ingredients which impart a much better polish to the linen than the oldâ€"fashioned kinds. . ' 0n general principles it is advtsablo to send fine shirts to the laundry inâ€" stead of trying to do them at home. ll! it is thought they wear out faster by having them washed away from home, this part of the work may be done before they are sent. Certainly it is scarcely possible to do the pieces up at home in such an immaculate manner as most men, particularly Young men. desire, and it saves agreat. deal of time and annoyance to put them out as suggested. If any of our readers can offer any further sugges- tions by way of assistance to our cor- respondent we shall bo glad to hear from them. , '- THE ROSE. l Sappho vowed in rhythm that the rose was queen of all flowers, and Ana- creon, Bion, .Theocritus, Apollodorus, and every other since their time has joined in the chorus of praise. Often the tales of the rose gave it acertain magical value, as where Lucius, in a metamorphosis of Apuleius. is restor- ed to human form by eating awreeth‘ of roses. The poetical insistence of the rose as a. symbol of silence had its origin in a. quasiâ€"religious employment. After the original dedication of the rose to Aphâ€" rodite, Cupid delivered it over to Har- pocrates, the god of silence. in the hope that by this means the amours of the goddess of love might be kept sec- ret. Religion and poetry have 11111th to make the Persian stories the most ex- quisite of all that owe their origin to the rose. The Persians have a feast of roses, beginning when the buds first open and continuing throughout the season. The Bulbul Nameh lauds the rose as God’s own flower, and adds that he has set the nightingale to keep ward over it. \Vhensoever a rose 15 plucked, the bird gives forth a cry, the sweetest and. the saddest cry that mounts to heaven. In the springtime the nightingale hovers over the frag- rant petals until it swoons Ill a per- fumed ecstasy. Nor is the flower less faithful than the bird, for it does not bloom until the nightingale sings to the bud. Then at the marvelous strains the flower unfolds its glance to the waiting air. ._â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- FA MJLY DIVERSION. My wife dislikes to have me shop for her. Are you good at bargains? \Vell. she says I can beat the world at. making five dollars do the work of lone.

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