The Globe and The Mail have ibeen endeavorng to boom an- inter- snational exhibition to be held in T0- (ronto in 1901. The 'World has def velared itself in opysosition to the: .proposition, and in its leading edi- =torial on Monday says :-â€"â€"The Globe’s proposal for a pyrotechnic display in rthat year is the outcome o‘fa desire to makeeapital for Sir Wilfrid. Laurier when he and his party are called rupon to give an account of their :‘stewartshipf The World does not ~say why The Mail takes the same’ ground as The Globe on the subject. One million acres of winter wheat will likely be sown in Ontario'within sthe next three months. As the Variety sown has a marked influence upon both the quality and the quantity of the crop produced, it is very important that the. very-best kinds he used: An increase in yield of one bushel of Winter wheat er acre means a total increase 0 one million bushels for the province. The average annual yield of winter wheat per acre in Ont- ario for the past ï¬fteen yeais is about twenty‘seven per cent lower than that :of Great Britain and Ireland and , about thirty-one per cent higher than that of any of the winter wheat grow- -ing States of. the American Union. ‘The aim of Ontario should he to ap- proach the record of the former rather than that of the latter. The average yield of winter wheat in Ontario for the eight years ending with 1898 is 21.6 bushels per acre, and that for the eight years ending with 1890 was 18.5 bushels per acre. Hence the change in average yield of Winter wheat per more in Ontario is moving in the right , direction. The growing of this important crop has received a good deal of attention in the Experimental Department of therOntario Agricultural Gollege with~ The World of Monday hes a two ‘column article in which it is alleged (without any proof) that the whole -countryside is indignant over the action of the commissioners in euttin g of? a license in the' town of New- market. The above quotation is afair sample of the whole article. The ï¬fe-ct of the matter is, the commission- éers were forced by law to cut off one 'hotel, and it may easily be imagined that to do so and give satisfaction to 'everybody would be a difï¬eul-t task. "The‘publio will take little stock in Elle =insiimaitiou about “ boodle †when they know that the commis- :sioners are Messrs. Eugene Cane, 0. r0. Webb and John Yates. thi-oughout Ontiu'io. It; has been found that the varieties which have given the. best average results in the experiments conducted at the College. for a. few years in succession have nearly always given good satisfaction cm the. farms of the province. Seven varieties of \ViJltP!‘ .wheat .yscm sent out for coâ€"Qpemtive experiâ€" in the past ten years. V arrieEies ob- tained from the United States. Eng- land, Germany, Franc-c and Russia are being carefully tested along with tllosa secured frum the wlwut growing soc- tiuns of Canada. After the varieties have. been carefully tested in fhe ex- perimental plots at the College in each of ï¬ve years. the loading kinds are selecbefl for coâ€"opei‘ativo experiments Would The World be good enough to suggest which hotel shoutii be cut. 011'. ' Is this What My. W. F. Maclean M. P.,'calls honest journalism? “The North American Hotel at Newmarket has been cut off by the License Commissioners of the town 93nd the inspector.’ There were no eompiaints against the hotel and the action has raised a flurry in the town. The owners of the property, all well on in years, are left without income. For years the hotel has been the headquarters on market day. There is not at present aceonunoda- tion in the town for them when they arrive with their produce. The feel- ing of intense indignation is sweep- ing over the entire county, irrespect- ive of party, creed or principle. Temperance men speak as strongly as the farmers. Stories of boodle are freely circulatedâ€"~51 $500 dealâ€"~Who was ‘ the man from St. Catharines ’ ? :The question is assuming a political significance." I LEADING VARIETIES SUCCESSFULLS‘ TESTED IN 1898 ON 191 01w- ARIO FARMS. RICHMOND HILL. August; 25. New Advertisements. he fliheml. Winter Wheat. 1898 “‘Woinan " is the bible of our great new book. Discusses all phases of the subject. Contains “The Life and VVm-k of Miss \Villard," the most wonderful woman of the century. Over a hundred beautiful portraits of the greatest women known, with bio- graphical skgtclios. Snap for can- Council met at Unionvillr‘, August 10th.at11 a. in., all mmnhers being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved... Dimmachkai‘mrâ€"thm, the Reeve be commissioner to open ditch in side- road, between lots 20 and 21, con- cession 9 ; also to repair culvert oppo- site lot 10, concession 10, amount pay- able to order of commissioner when the work is completed.â€"â€"qu‘iied. Quantzâ€"«Dimmaâ€"that the treasurer be authorized to pay the. following ac- counts 2â€"D. G. Harrington, 5960‘ ft... of pine plank at per M, $80.52; D. G. Harrington, 870 feet cedar plank at $12 per M, 10.44 ; D. G. Harrington, 24 cedar posts at 12 cts. each, $288; Total $93.84.â€"~Carried. Dimxnaâ€"Eckardtâ€"that the treas. 'be authorized to pay the following gravel accounts :~Ah. Raymer, 40 yds. at 10 cts., A. Smith R. 0., $l.00; Alex Russell, 55 yards at 10 cts., Jno. Patterson R. 0., $5.50 ; .Jno Horsley, 25 yds. at 10 rots†Jno. Patterson R. 0., $22.50; P. & M. Nighswauder, 3 yds at 8 cts., Jas. Luwrie Com. $8.88, and right of way $1, Total $9.88: â€"â€"Ca,rried. . Quantzâ€"Eckardtâ€"thrst the ‘follow- ing members of the Council are hereby appointed a committed to :ittr-nd the Industrial Exhibition at Toronto for the purpose of examining into the merits of the several stone crushors, with a View torthe purchaawof on“ for the useof this Municipality, and re- port at next meeting, viz; Lawrie, Dimma and Quantz.â€"Carried. -Quantz~‘Dimmaâ€"That when this Council'adfourns it stands -.adjourned until Sept 0th.â€"Carried. Eckm‘dbâ€"TQuantvzâ€"that. the treasur- er is hereby authorized to pay the fol- lowing accounts :â€"J0hn Harper, 5 day’s work with team and: two men, Hector Patterson R. 0., $2.50 ; Wm. Frile patting in culvert 911:1'0ad div. 35, lots 5 and 6, Concessiuu 5, Roht. French R. 0. $8.50 ; Geo CmLkwell, for right of way across his farm, haul- ing gravel from W. R. Barton’s pit for road div. No 79 John French R. 0., $3; Oorson & Son 200 voter’s lists, 124 pa ges at»75 ctis per page) $92 ;_ gal-son pages at, 75 cts per page. $92 ; UUI'SOn (' ',on advertising posting of Voters’ List, $6.72; Tilman Raymer,_ drawing Fipf’ and putting in culvert opposite ob 13, con. 9, certiï¬ed by J. thwx-ie, $2.50; Wm. McNeily, drawing plank replacing culvert betzween lots 25 and 2“, concession 7, certiï¬ed to by J. Luwrie, $4.â€"â€"Czu‘rie'd. Quzmtzâ€"Dimmaâ€"that the Clerk is hereby authorized to ï¬ll School re- quisitions in By-law No. 562, caused by negligence of the trustees in not forwax ding necessary papersâ€"Curri- ed. Eckardtâ€"Dimma~that Mr. Quantz and the mover be commissioners to ex- amine and repair the following bridges opposite lot 9, con 5; lot; concession 4, ; lots 10 and -11, concession 6; the amount papable on order of com- missioners when the work is complet- ed.-â€"Carricd. Mr. Dininm asked leave to introduce a By-law to assess and levy rate for County, Townsh? and School ur- poses'for 1898. eave granted. y- law was then read the ï¬rst and second time. The Council then resolved itself into Committee of the whole. thereon. Mr. Eckardt in the. chair. The, Com- mittee pose and reported By law with blanks ï¬lled: Council resumed; The. Big-Law was their wad a third time and past, and the Reeve authorized to sign same, an?! have the seal of the corporation :ittzich- ed thereto. Mr. Quantz asked per- mission to introducea Byâ€"law to ap- point collectors for 1898. Leave ant- ed'. The Byâ€"Law was then rea .ï¬rst and second time, and Council resolved itself into a. Committee of the whole. Mr. Dimma. in the chair. Committee rose and reported Byâ€"Law with blanks ï¬lled. Council resumed. The By-law was read a third time and passed, and the Reeve authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation at- tached thereto. On motion the Coun~ cil adjourned: Vaséms. BRA DLEY-GABR ETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO. Council met; at Unionvillr 16th. at, 11 a. m., all memh present. The minutes of tin meeting were read and mum Pride of Genesee . . . . . . . . 1.5 25.5 Poole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 , 24.6 This table should be of great: value to the wheat growers of Ontario,as norm except the 191 gnnd reports are included in the summary. Much credit is due to the careful experi- menters who Sent us the reports of the tests made on their farm. ‘ G. A. ZAVITZ, Experimentalist. Agxicuitura] College, Gu-elph Aug. 20th. 1898. Dawson’s Golden Che Imperial Amber . . . . . Early Genesee Giant New Columbia . . . . . Early Red Clawson . ments in the autumn of-1897. These were divided into three sets, with three varieties in each set ; the Daw- son’s Golden Chaf‘f being used in all the sets as a, basis by which the results of all the varieties could be compared with one another. VVe have received 191 full and satisfactory re arts of carefully conducted Winter w eat ex- periments for 1898. The following table givos the com- parative yield of straw and grain per acre of the varieties 0f winter wheat tested in 1898 on 191 farms : Mal‘Kham Council. Agents. Straw Grain per per acre. acre. (Tons) (Bush) . . 1.8 30.6 . . .1.0 29.3 1.7 28.2 1.7 27.5 1.7 26.9 i Eaaxdexs Wantecl Misses Maggie and Florence Moodie. have gone to Seaforth and St. Mary’s to spend three Weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. Walter Mnclean, teacher in the Blind Institute at Brnntford, spent a. few days with his sister. Mrs. \Vm. Marsh, last week. MrSwitzer and Miss Switzet wont to Grimsby Park on Saturday, the for mer returning on Monday and the latter on Tuesdafevoning. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Shepherd attended the Massey-Harris excursion to Niagara Falls on Saturday and return- ed Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence went: to Toronto yesterday to spend a. couple of weeks with thvir son, Mr. A. G. F. Lawrence and family. ' Mr. W. R. Proctor and Mr. W. Meek started for Welland Tuesday evening to be in time for the second‘ day’s races on the following day. ‘ Mr. H. F. Hopper went in Port) Perry on Saturday, where Mrs. Hopperl is now visiting. They purpose visit- ing at Lindsay before their_ return home. Point and De Grassi Simcoe. Rev. \V. B. Bomb of Tslingtnn.a fox-mam pastor in the Methodist Church here, was in the village for ashort time last evening and gave THE LIB- ERAL :L friendly call. Qu’Appelle Progressâ€"E. E. Law. B. A., principal of the schools, arrived on Sunday morning. opened school Monday, the afternoon being taken as a further holiday to get a, “good ready on.†Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage may be expected home in a. few days. By a copy of the Imndondem-y Sentinel we notice that they attended the anniver- sax'ynf the Relief of Derry, on the 12th insL., and left. 011 the same even- Therm] Canadian “Life of Glad- stone “ is )y Caste“ Hopkins, Hon. G. W'. Ross and Sir \Vilfrid Laurier. A lasting monument to the late man and to Canadian Literature. Beware of Ameriumcatchpmmy books handled by Canadian houses. Our book has been in preparation for years. Handâ€" somer bound. Profuser illustrated. Big cmnmissiun. Prospectus free to canvassvrs. Freith paid. Books on time. ‘Viththis ‘book you can down them all. BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto. East halves of lots 34 and 3:3, 3rd concession of meghnn,.,containing 200 acres morn 01' less. This is (me of the best furms in this section of country. Terms easy. For particulars :L ply to J. E. CLUB» INE,. Eglinton P. ., \V. F; A. CLUB~ INE. G. P. R. Crossing, Yonge street, Tux-unto, MRS. J'AS.. STEWART, Oak Mr. J. C. Quen-ie, the ()pular c012. ductox-ofthc 12th Babbalmn Band of Aux-om, was in town on \Vednesday. Miss L. Sheppard returned the be: ginning of thwwpe'k after visiting friends in Homme Landiqgï¬ Juck§01_1’s Mr. Oscar Lloyd of 00111013., Georgia,; who has been making a visit, with his father, Mr. Thns. Lloyd, in Aurora, spent a, (ray with his aunt, Mrs. I.» Crosby. Mr. J. M. Letchie of Davisville. counLy manager of‘ The Leader and Recorder. was in the Village on Sutur- dny and gave THE LIBERAL a. frater- 118.1 calle i112. Miss May Lillie has after spending two holidays at ’l‘m'ontm Oukville. Mrs. B. F. Montgomery of Silver Creek, N. Y., is making a. visit; with her sister, Mrs. Isaac Crosby. Aurora, Bannerâ€"Miss W'ilkie Newâ€" ton of Richmond Hill spent a. few days with Mrs. James Reynolda last Week. Miss May Lillie has returned home after spending two Weeks of her holidnvs at Toronto, Hamilton and Ridges Stud< Miss Kyle and Miss Gertrude Ker of Toronto. aw s ending a. Week with Mr. and Mrs. G. 'iley. Rev. and Mrs. McCullm-h went to Barrie today to spend a few days with friends in that town. ’ Miss Hattie Linfnot has rctm'nod after a visit in W'ardsville for several months. _ Mr. G. Moodie, of Toronto, is spend- Ing his ten days holidays at; his old. home here. Miss Ethel VVile-y is week at Aurora, the gue H. Mears. Miss Jakeway of' few days this wet Wiley. Wood and Slabs Ripans Tabules. cure constipation Ripans Tn bules cure torpid liver. Ripans .Tavbules cure bad Dream. The Imam-signed is prepared to ï¬le Ver Mixed Wood at, $3, and Slabs at 5.50. Farm for Sale 1fortable rooms for High {Schoo} nts. Enquire ab; ' l-tf PHE LEBERAL OFF-ICE Agents \V. R. PROCTOR Paint, Lake G-tf iTh-e LIBERAL“ Rakes, Scythes, Forks ; also Granite Preserving Kettles, a†éizes; Oil and Gasoline Stoves from 50c. up; copper and iron rivets, bolts and hinges; all kinds of tin, eavetroughing and hardware cheap. C. MASON, - RICHMOND HII ARE OFFERING Solid Steel Axes, 500. each. Manure Forks, four prong, 480. each Padlocks, 100. and 150. each. Cow Chains, 10c. and 150. each. Nails, 8â€"in. and upwards, 20. 1b. Brace and 6 best Augur Bits, only Goggles, 100, per pair. ($1.50. Alarm Clocks, usually sold for $1.00, J. T. SAEGEQN, 166-168 King St. East, Guarantees Extended Insurance S urreuder Manchester, of London.En BRITISH AMERICA, WESTERN FIRE INS. 00., YORK MUTUAL FIRE INS. 00., LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00., AND APPRAISER FOR CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS COMPANY. only 650. Mouth Oman 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming Cum panyfor- the fat-mars of York Co. Business Sulicited. HARD'WARE - STORE GORE , 0F GALT. For good up-to-date Harness at low prices. Nickel-mcunted Single Harness from $10 up; Genuine Rubber or Solid 1‘ ickelâ€"mounLed from $18 up ;. all hand made ; no shoddy. ALSO IN STOCK Dusters, Knee Rugs, Whips. Trunks, Valises and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz,: YORK MUTUAL Subscribe i01- Haying and Harvesting Tools, 0;? TORONTO, CANADA. Fine Harness A Specialty. VA Firshclass Cash Mutual. BIAPIJE . Wï¬kms & (30., zepairing Promptl‘y Done antes ¢R§9§() CIA'l‘EON and full Richnnond 11111 Ha TO THE RICHMOND HILL a for sale all kinds of 8a 250. each.» .Eng., Also agent for fornmtion sent 0n application. irEO. BICDONALD or a Paid-up Policy after two years, or > Value after ï¬ve years. The undersigned has far: sale a number of‘ Steers and heifers, one. to three years ol’d. Also milch cows. New life appli‘ Assets. slst De Life Assurauc: Premiums I TEE Life Assurance Co. LIBERAL OFFICE. ‘wgfl magma.» 31.99 m anvnuca. T. F. MCMAHON. muses an amine modern plans, and Is 9119 at the most mosperops and progreasxve communes m existence. Lssurauce in force. lat J 8.11.. '95.. 31.6%. amiuma low, policies unconditional a nonforfeitabla. Take, a policy with the district agent, 2~tf F03. SALE OF CANADA. flame Policy ms in 1894 Toronto. H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILI ...... $10,290,204J 4,616,419.63 '95.. 315%.569376 ‘nditional and large from fresh