Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1898, p. 5

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Extra good Raisins 5 cts. per 11). ; Rolled Oats 10 lbs. for 25 cts. ; our own Baking Powder 15 as. per lb. tin. Atâ€" kinson and Switzer. RICHMOND HILL, A brown colt, three years old, which came to the pycmj§e§ 0t: Dir. Arthur All sizes beat. Rubbers, Spices, V value in the trade. zer. Coomhs about the 10th of June, was sold by Auctioneer Saigeon on Monâ€" tiay. Mr. Dennison was the highest bidder, and got the cult, for $47. Postmaster Teasdale at Laskay, has entered an action against his neighbor Smelsor for $5,000, the former claim- ing that the latter :as injured his reputation to that amount by circulatr ing reports relative to alleged irreguâ€" larities by him as postmaster. Mr. J. Palmer‘s Kitty R. won the 2.19 trot at Welland 0n Tuerda-y. The Globe speaks of several other horses that were favorites before the race, but, adds that “Kitty R. surprised them by taking three heats, although each heat was well fought out.” The September Delineatm' contains information of general interest, that, will attract, all tastes. A new dEpai‘t- went entitled The Dressinakvr is add- ed this month which is of special value to those interested in dress- making, as it embodies the latest ideas in the trimming and finishing of garments. There is also a variety of bright and interesting misoellaneous reading. A five rkallar bill w where in the village ing last. The finder rewarded by leaving LIBERAL office. Specialâ€"3 Cans good Red Salmon 25 cts. ; 2 lbs. Black and Green Tea. 25 abs. ; 6 lbs. Tapioca 25 cts. 5 lbs. Corn Starch 25 ($5. ; 2 spools Best Thread 5 cts. Naughtnn 131-03., Elgin Mills. Court. Richmond will meet to-mor- row evening. Mrs. Grant will int jecb, " The Ministry of the prayer meetinv :1 Church this (Thursfiay A number of our young citizens who had spent two weeks at \Vilcox‘ Lake. broke up camp on Monday and return- ed home. They report an excellent time. Richmond dege, A. F. & meet next Monday evening. There’s money in it, sure! Trading with Atkinson & Switzer. ' The High and Public schools of the village will re-open on Thursday next, the lst of September. Correct to the letterâ€"th note paper Atkinson &‘ Switzel' keep 011 band. All kinds 0f High and Public school books and school supplies at THE LIB- EHAL office. A liberal discount will be given 01? amounts (If fifty cents and OVBI‘. Green Coffee 10 cts. per lb. ; extra good Santos ground while you wait; 20 cts per lb. Atkinson & Switzer. The true story of those 278 days of suffering by Greeley’s heroic little band of explpyersfiin the‘érctig region has been told by General Greeley him- self, for the first time, for the Octobep Ladies Home Journal. For years Mr. Greeley has kept an unbroken silence about his fearful experience and that of his companions, as they dropped dead one by one at his side; and it was only after the greatest, persuasion that the great explorer was induced to write the story. like All parties interested in the success of the plebiscite vote are requested to attend a ublic meeting in the Tem- perance all on Friday evening of this Week, August 26th. Chair to be taken at 8 o’clock. The best Pure Lard, 9 Atkinson & Switzer. The annual meeting of King Plow- men’s Association will be held in Hogan’s Hull, King, on Monday next, the 29th inst, at 2.30 p. m. At this meeting the auditors" report will be presented and the election of ofiicers fm-thecmrent, yezur will take place. It is hoped that all W110 can will at- tend this public meeting. No matter how slim or Wide you are. Atkinson & Switzer can fit you perfectly with stylish clothing. :“ Head propriate Switzer’s There was a double funeral at the King City cemetery on Saturday. A few days before,t.he six year old son of Mr. J. Redmond near Lasday. died suddenly of appendicitis, and when it was learned by his grandmother that the boy could not recover it gave her such a shock that the old lady suddvn- ly expired. The latter wlm was in her 70th year had been in poor health for several monbhs'befox'e. 1:1 ()(3 ALIJSFB. ANNUAL MEETING PUBLIC MEETING. ” quartels is a name a-p- ‘ly applied to Atkinson 85 hat" store. ant will introduce the 5111» Ministry of Suffering," at meeting at the‘ Methodist TWO DEATHS. Fruib Jars. Jar inegars the best Atkinson & Swit- August and Public school as dx‘oppéd some- on Friday even- will be» suitably the same at THE vening. & A. M. will cts. per 1h Trad i ug \Vestnn, Sept. 2 Markham, Oct. 5 Schomberg, Ont, Sutton, Oct. 13% Woodbridge, 0: Bradford, Oct. 2 FATAL ACCIDENT. A sad accident which proved fatal acccurred at Ringwond on Friday evening. Mr. Sam Dorley, black- smith at Gormley, was returning home with a load of coal and other supplies. Driving through the‘ creek at Ringwood one of the wheels of his vehicle cut down, when his little daughter, six years of a e, was thrown nit” the load and receive: injuries from which she died in a few minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Dorley have the sympathy {of their friends in their severe affliction. A furious storm visited Markham village and surrounding country Sun- day afternoon. Rain fell heavily for about 5 hours and considerable damage was done. The lightning was severe and many places were struck, among them the observatory of Mrs. Burk’s residence ; the chimney of Mrs. Thomas’ house: and the iesidence of Dr. Ci-owle. Dr. Ci-owle wasprostratâ€" ed by the shock and a. physician had to be sent for. The eloctric li ht sys- tem was disturbed so that ll arkham was in darkness Sunday night. The bridge at the south end of the. village was also swept away. Heavy per yard yd. ; the per yard 7.30 p. 111., at Fishei-ville Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Prof. McLaren, I). D., of Knox College, Toronto. On Tuesday, Aug. 30th, a. tea-meeting and concert will he held in the church. when addresses will be given by the following: Rovs. Reid, Gilray, Pick- ett, Campholl, Hewitt and Stewart. The following will also contribute to the evening‘s entertainment: Mr. G. Grant, tenor; Miss McNichoI, so- prano; Miss Rutherford, conti'alto, all of Toronto. Miss McNeil, instru- mental, Vellore; Miss Batemzm, vio- linist, Malton; Misses Riley, Emory: Miss Irene Lane, elocntionist, Thornâ€" hill, and local talent. Teaserved from 5 to 8 p. m. Chair taken at 8 p. m. by Rev. J. A. Grant, Richmond Hill. Tickets, 25 and 15 cents. All are cor - iaIly invitch SHOT HER SISTER. A shocking tragedy was enacted at Ncwmm‘kot on Monday morning when Siiszm Saxton, was shot and killed by her sistvr, Minnie. The murdeross, who on a former occasion was taken to an asylum. was no doubt suffering from inclzmcholia which seemed to he more acute upon» hearing that the sister, Susan. had thoughts of getting married. Both sisters were unmarried and Were in comfortable circumstances. The unfortunate irl has since been committed to stand er trial for murder. HARVEST HOME. On Sabbath, Aug. 28th, divine serv- ice will be conducth R. m. a_ud The Weather is too warm to give a young man “ the mitten.” Tell him you will give him a pair of Atkinson (KC Switzer's gloves instead. GARDEN PARTY. A Harvest Home will be held under the auspices of the young people of the Methodist Chm-eh, Thornhill, in the spaeious. grounds at the residence- of Mrs. L. Lindsay, on Saturday, Aug. 27th. Tennis, Croquet, Football, etc. Aspeciul feature will be a. Baseball Match between the Bachelors and. the Benedicts. In the evening a choice programme Will be rendered by the following talent: Mrs. W. Douglass and Miss Louise Graig, soluists. To- ronto; Misses VVinnifred and Irene Lane. and Mr. John Wilson, eleeu- tionists. Thornhill Band in attend- ance; Refreshments on the grounds. Tea served from 5 to 8 p. m. Ad- mission, Adults 25 cts.; Children, 15 cm. Special cars on the Metropolitan Railway will leave 0. P. R. Crossing every honr. Return fare 25 cents. Come and enjoy a good time. Those who attend the Garden Party from. Richmond Hill, can return home by cm- which leaves Thornhill for the north at 10 o’clock. Toronto Ncwmm Bolton, The following expression of sym- pathy has been forwarded in accord- ance witha resoluticm passed at the last meeting of the W. M. S. MRS. MORTSON : DEAR SISTER.â€"In the hour of your sore bereavement; the VVoman’s Mis- sionary Society would convey to you their sincm‘elove and-sympathy. God has laid His afll‘icting' bond: heavily upon you, but, as He comforted" your dear husband through along and pain- ful illness so He will comfort you in your loneliness and sorrow. Cast your burden on Him and He will sustain youfor He is a. real burden bearer. He. does not willingly afflict us, What we know not now we shall know hereafterwhen the mists shall hove rolled away, and we-shall see Him as He is and all the ransomed ones whose robes are made clean through the blood of the Lamb. Sorrow and dark- ness shall have fled away. We pray that Christ the divine Healer may apply the balm to your wounded heai't and that you may recognize Him as your loving Saviour who is 8. husband to the widow and a Father to the fabherlesa MRS. G. McCULLOCH. Pres. MRS. W. D. ATKINSON, Cor. Sec-’y. Richmoml Hill, Aug. 17th, 1898.: RESOLUTION OF COND'OLENCE. eavy Flannel:th 34 inch wide 5 cts. yank; Heavy Shirtng 9 cts. per ; the best 5-4 Table Oil Cloth 20 . yard. Atkinson 6: Switzer. A FIEROE STORM. FALL FAIRS. lustx-ial, Aug. 2 29-Sept. 10. V'Vm‘d was recvived yesterday that Markham and Bradford-Newmarket lacrosse teams will cross sticks in the Richmond Hill park next Tuesday afternoon. As those teams are now a. tie an interesting game may be ex- ected. It is to he hoped that the est of order will be observed, and that both visiting teams will 0 away feeling satisfied that they lave re- ceivvd fair play. The ball will be faced at 3 . m. Admission, 15 cents: ladies an children, 10 cents. Don’t miss this match as it should be one of the fastest ever played here. Boobs & Shoestoy‘s and Girl‘s school Boots in large variety, odd sizes in Children‘s, Oxfords 30 cts per pair. “’9. sell for cash. Naughton Bros., Elgin Mills. HARVEST HOME. The Harvest Homeand Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church, Bnttnnville. will be held onSunday and Monday, Sept. 4th and 5th. On Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m‘, an- niversary services will he preached by Rev. G. Dewey of Aurora. Collections in aid of Church Funds. The choir will be assisted by Mr. John M. Whyte. On Monday a good dinner of roasts and other delicacies will be provided by the ladies of Buttonvillc, who are second to none in that department. Dinner will be served from 5 in ’7, after which a good entertainment will be given, consisting of addresses by Rev. Mr. Dewey of Aurora, and Rev. Mr. Duncan of Uninnvillc; recitations by Rev. Herbert Lee of Aurora, and vocal and instrumental music by the Whyte Brothers. Tickets for dinner and entertainment, 25 cents; children under 12 years, 15 cents. The Methodist Church Choir and a. number of their friends, about twenty- five in all, had their annual outing to Grimst Park on Tuesday. The ex- cursionists left here on the regular 7 o‘clock car. and arrived home by special car about 11 p.m-. The trip was made across the lake by the White Star steamer and was thorough- ly enjoyed, although a. few of the passen ers had occasion to look over the si e of the steamer, “ just to watch the fishes,” as a, cruel member of the company facetiously remarked. Among the entertainers at the Park in the afternoon were a numher of American gentlemen who ave short addresses. Rev. W. F. V ilson also gave an address, and Mr. Alex. Muir. composer of “The Maple Leaf," sang that old favorite when all joined in the chorus. The excursionists speak of meeting several old acquaintances among them being Mr. Carscadden, a. former Principal of our High School. Faunaâ€"At Thornhiu. on August x5tb, the w1.’e of J. H. Francis of a. son. VAN anraAND~At Vandorf. on Sunday. 215b August, the wae of J. A. M. Van Nesta-and, of a. son. WAITES~NeEr Victcria Square, on Wednesday August 21th,.lohu Waites. 71 years. The annual picnic in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School will he held in Resenvoir Park next Saturday. Conveyances will leave here at 8 a. m. to meet the Electric Cars at Richmond Hill. Tickets for adults, members of the school, 15 cents: non-members, 25 cents; infant class free. A pleasant time is ex- pected. We congratulate the High School students from our village who were successful at the rcccnt examinations. Miss Edna Conant. of Oshawa, who was visiting at; the parsonage, reâ€" turned home last, Friday. Miss Ethel Stewart, of Toronto, is visiting at Rev. J. W. Stewart’s. A number- of our young people held a private picnic in Rumble’s grove last, Thursday afternoon and had a plggsaut time. i V â€"Mi_s§nR:Lhrlri Aitkin, of the General Hospital, Toronto, spent her holidays with friends in the village. The Presbyterian Sabbath School hold their annual picnic at VVilcox’s Lake on Thursday afternoon. The flowing well still continues to attract large numbers of sight-seem but there does not seem to be as much attraction up there for some of the young men ofi the village this week as I Mr. H.-M.~u~sh is having a choppirfig mill built on his premises and . Lines also one at the Qre_a_me;~y.~ _ _ iast, Ponton, Holden and Mackie have been held for trial at Na anee, Magis- trate Duly announcing t- at he would accept bail in Ponton’s case, and plucâ€" the amount at, $10,000. Just to hand at Atkinson & Switr zer‘s a, big stock of Oomfmrfiand' Richâ€" ards Plu‘eSoap, 6 Bar's Comfort, for 25 01:3. ; 3 Big 12; ct. Bars for 25 cts. Mr. Mark Steele 11. former resident cf VVhitchurch, died suddenly of apo- plexy at the residence of his son in Toronto (m Wednesday morning of last Week, aged ’78 years. His remains were interred in the Aurora cemetery on Friday. Factm-y Cotton 21} 01:5. pen- yd. ; White Cotton 36inch. wide 5 cts. per yd. ; the best; 200 yd. spools 2 for 5 cts. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Six- Casimir Gzowski, an aged Poiisb nobleman, died at his home in Toronâ€" to yesterday nienniu . Deceased was in his 86th year. 1e had been for many years a. notable figure in Toron- to society, and was an engineer of World-wide lepumtiun. Among the many monuments of his ability as a. designer is the International Bridge over thefiiagam‘i-ivelz A TO GRIMâ€"SBY PARK FINAL MATCH. News Notes. BIR'I'IIS. DEATHS Maple 1898“ New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings V New Cottonades New Tweeds and Suitings 850., 800., 800“ THE FIRE, PROOF It is not what we say about our Boots and Shoes that makes this store a safe and satisfactory place to buy, its What you find hole and always have found : Thoroughly reliable goods, plenty of them, with very low prices and good sterling value. At no revious time have we been so well prepared to meet the demands in Boots an Shoes. ' We have just placed in stock some re- markable value of the latest styles, pleasing to the eye, fitting to the font and made from special quality of leather; from the best of manufacturers. Couldn’t begin to mention all of them. We invite you to come and examine them at your pleasure. No trouble to show goods. New Spring Goods L§QQQRRRQQWQ .Lcmfi‘ & c No Searchlight Necessary Cheap Clothes are Never so Dear You’ll find. here Just what you need. Prices Attractive. ROBERT SIVERS. ISAAC CROSBY. Repairing neatly and promptly done To discover the evidence of judic- ious purchases to fill our store with just What the people of this vicinity want. We pay cash for our Goods and thereby save the discounts and give our customers the benefit. As when a boy Wears them. It isn’t fair to buy him poor stuff and then blame him for wearing it out too soon. ATKINSON & g| SWITZER. 3% 1898

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