ing w Switu (Residents 01 particularly will be glad t( c-hanges'in t teachers st morning, :11 there may 1 You are safe in money with Atkins exchange for the nee The Torm' onterprize h: to be present Industrial 1'. who may 1( "ofï¬ce during da’s great fair. Many pretty are given among them the Pauli Buildings, the principal Cbl‘ hospitals, residential streets, bt centres, &c., &c. White 3 “113291 A colored Saturday eve electric light forth in the I an open au- c of vocal sele the banjo. ' been continul week. There men getting eclipse this at banjo player The crowd w stand are g( songs, and to around. k ncy dress ill'ect unpm Milton Globe, North Dakota 2â€"Miss Minnie Dilworth arrived Monday on her return from Toronto, Ontario, ~~where she spent the early summer months with her parents, who are residents of that city. She will re- sume her former situation as head bookkeeper for L. R. Kelly . . . . . . . . James Crooks, who accompanied Miss Minnie Dilworth from Toronto, is in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kelly. He is also a friend of Rev. .Tas. Campbell of Honple‘ Mr. Crooks is pleased .with Nerth Dakota llll and Yvili section. Ameetving in the interest of Pm- hibition was held at the Temperaï¬ce Hall last Friday evening. In View of the coming plebiscite m) the 29th of Sept. An etï¬cient organization com- posed 0f_MI'._J. A. Switzer, Presi- dent; Mr. John Sanderson tm'y; Mr. E. Uoombs. Treasu W. Harrison. Press Cor-res W. Harrison, Press Correspondent, and a strong working Committee was formed. Another meeting" will he held in the same place on Friday (to- morrow) evening. Any interested in the success of the Temperance Cause are welcome to any of the meetings. mire Splendid t ce 35 inch in 11 will st: ptemh-er. lain day: Nnvembe ll) ill mg 1mm her we and V mornng :1 10â€"1 blar hoo FOR PROHIBITION getting quite used to the hat which is of this sc those a 1t rey ed to th( xhibition. >ok throw lblish 1311f gentleman arrived here ning, and later when the zs'werc turned on, held Sand Stand were he gave entertainment consisting *ctions, accompanied by The entertainment has ed several nights of this a are, no doubt, gentle- $50 a night who can flored songster, but as a. ' he is quite an adept. hich gathers around the itting quite gsed to hi§ lll knov umlxt 90< Honple‘ MI" «with Nerth 1 a, business inson \V cipal cburche streets, busine with neat uderson, Secre Treasurer; Mr Correspondent Committee wa‘ OH at? du Lb xtkin out an who can )ut as a. 1 adept. und the ‘1 to his 5 passed Dakota in this Lment ) n the: 111' in MI Th( of the Arbh: Low standaI-I S W itzer M 01 Seattle, output 1 aPI suc Ole i t-ed qm Just to hand at Atkinson &Switâ€" zer’s, another shipment of best pure lard selling in 25 1b. lots at Sac. per lb. Tuesday’s papers report the death of Robert Tavlmu late postmaster 0f The Orillie ions of the the C. L. A feated Pete The match Tuesday’s papers report the Robert Taylor, late postm Scarvia, County Down, Ire] queen’s oldest subject). He Newmarket on Monday carried a by-Izlw by a majority of 95 to give $5,000 to the Oï¬ice Specialty Company toextend their buildings. This vote bindsethe company to remain in New- market and do all theirmanufacturing there for at least ten years, and to transfer the flats to the corporation, and to spend about $7,000 in enlarging and to spend about $7,000 in enlar ing their buildings and putting in t eiI- own equipment in consideration of $5.000. Industrious men of character travel and appoint, agents. Salary. and expenses paid. BRADLEY-GAR- E f‘ RETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, To- t RONTUh “I 1115071 1‘} The iczu W h First-rate Valen‘ r; the best B. rice arch 60. per 11). A I‘d M lint )m ;t Uannm ‘11 & Swit wade. v. He and i Hatch \va 1120 Island fun ’s' oldest 'subj< old at the time w, best Switze 000.000 iener 1- Walsh, W } estimates t for the yezu ; sil cotion & Switzer. neml of Dr madiun px'e Am t‘ton i1 ‘ert \V Re Wanted. 1)i( m lacrosse team are champ- Im-th-eastern district of having on Tuesday de- )010’ by 8 games to 1. 'st played on the oval, H this week on all sizes fruit jars. Atkinson & unent llencia )0 reï¬ned "s, and lllï¬ Quel who has a‘ ;the Klond km 1rd at 111 C. H. Gauthier, Brockville, has been shop of Kingston, in 5 late Archbishop heat Atk A111 at $11,000,0( 1ye H( iI ch raisins 50; per :. per 1b. ; good inson & Switzel'. S u p'u wide, 50. per ton spools two per ball. At- ,‘iEI', brother took_ plaqe at M 11 I M dc ni\' u‘x'ived at :1 vke gold vs at Atâ€" value in and, the was 134 hath. pickling Atkin- )nday d1 111 ions and the \ xvii} Mr. will \V O( Thin-s numb 01' th of Mr. “'m. Lawson of Victoria Square, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church last Sunday even- ing, and preached an unusually practiâ€" cal and forceful sermon. on t} box-m a vex-37 short, time the deep, was overflowing, stream has been runni Some of the citizens deep, was (:vernuwmg, m stream has been running Some of the citizens are utilizing the water for di pUS‘ 11' Mrs. J. Cmd( turned last wet and Toronto. Some of our young men might take pattern of the Older ones and take off their boots before going in when they stand out so long at the gate. Book business is better than for years past; also have better and faster selling books. Agents clearng from $10 Lu$40 weekly. A few lead- ers are :â€"“‘ quen Victoria,†“ Life, of MI'. Gladstone.†“My Mother‘s Bible Stories," “ Pro‘rressive Speaker] “Klondike Gold ivielas," "VVoman,†“Glimpses of the Unseen," “Break- fast. Dinner and Supper.†Books on time. BRADLEY- LIMITED, TOR-ONTO. Thmmts‘ Church. '1‘( ('1111‘6 in St. John‘s c] 'dg« s, on Friday (won 00k. Subject, “ Creods.†Mr. H. M. McCuaig, 1-10: w \Yelland High S('h0( wn in Toronto, came up hursday afternoon and Amber of his friends here Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Heis Th ht 11101) 1 Dinner and Supper.†Books 01' BRA I ) LEY-GAR RETSON CU 111 Ml ,l]( nd Lh( Victmia Squm to Chicago, wh en; 211M 1‘11) ll] Mrs. A.» spenrdinr nto Shnl'tf. M. A., I Church, Tom ‘»t. John‘s chut Friday evening ruvson of thor flowing well here of J. Royston. After water wnsrstruck and in ll( Agents. Maple 1n Wheat M i la ii M ns afe talking of for different pur- better than for have better and Agents clearing Lly. A few leadâ€" ictoria,†“Life of 180T] . 11 ()onf ll] Head master of 'hool, who had up ml the cur ill well, 26 fee md a strong a over 5mm called on mitolm and Master “7 lll ul New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings New Cottonades New Tweeds and Suitings 800“, 800.. 850. TEE It i's‘not what we safe and satisfactory found : Thoroughly 1 good sterling value. meet the demands in ' max-liable value of the madeirum special qua begin to mention all L your 1 Swim, not \Vh'lt we say about our Boots and Shoe satisfactory place to buy, its what _yo Thoroughly reliabk goods, plenty of them irliug value. At no previous time have (lenmnds in Boots and Shoes. VVe have 3‘" a value of the latest styles, pleasing to the an special quality of leather, from the best mention all of them. We invite you to u Lsure. No trouble to show goods. Pricas tar ROBERT SEVERE lif {SAAC CROSBY. um nts to SPRING1B()OTS & SHOES L Trousers, in nts to order . 1 W H H trimm W NEW hing made up wi lit Repairing neatly ude pmmpUy 111 NEE Suibin itli Suitin Iiti awn sult Suitin 1TH \d and lead rch( S1300] ATKIESQE & mam? ()I Q ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ UBUHIII nufautul 1nd exam :es this sto md always ] low prices 11 9â€"1-9} 1898 )me reâ€" ot anti Fouldn’t hem at ave tlld