Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Sep 1898, p. 7

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HE on Allan‘s 3UP. The Man Who Will «ratify the Amhiliou or Ills Life. “'hcn lle Brings Ills i‘lmllcngcr Across ilIe “'alcr and Tries to “in Away From Americau Yaclusmcu inc Famous Amcrlca’s ('uprrlle is Worth 350.000.000â€"ll0w nl’oor Boy's Drcam (‘amc True. Outside of yachtinrr circles on eagâ€" or public is awaiting the final arrange- ments for the coming international race, and the details about the Sham- rock. the newr yacht which is now building, and with which Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton, who is about everyâ€" thing in the world except ayachts- man, finds himself, at the age of fifty, at last in a. position to gratify the fondest desire of his wretched boy- hoodl. A curious man is Sir Thomas Lip- ton. This story of his life is u mast remarkable one. That he will pit a. yacht against the skill of our own de- votees of the sport in an intlernational Itruggle is smatter of vast import- Ince to yochtsmen. But thene are othâ€" er things about Sir Thomas which will ippeal to the great mass of readers who have souls above more yachts and who believe that the greatest study of mankind is man. That has been Sir I‘homas’ creed, and that is why he is IIIOIJ an interesting character. Thirtyâ€"five years ago a ragged lit- llo boy used. to sit on this docks that line the River Clyde at Glasgow, and watdh the. vessels on the. broad river. the yachts fascinated him most, alâ€" though a love of the see. and the men Who go down to the sea. in shipsselemed innate with him. But it was the yachts with their broad expanse of sail, skimâ€" ming like great VVhitB swallows over the water, that caught his boyish fancy. A BOY'S DAY DREAM. "When I grow up to be a rich man," said this ragged little boy, "I will have a. yacht of my own_. And it will be the finest and the fastest that was ever built." And the dream of this ragged little boy has come trueâ€"at least in part. He is now a. rich man, a very rich man, and he has a yacht of his own, but whether the finest and fastest that was ever built remains to be seen. It would be difficult to recognize in that ragged little boy of the Glasgow docks the Sir Thomas Johnstone Lip- ton of to-day, who is planning to win. He could have had his yacht long ago had he so wished, but he always said he was too busy. Besides the time hadn’t comet Now he thinks he is rich enough. ‘With a. fortune of $50,000,000, he is con- tent to relinquish a. portion of his many intermts into other bands, and is preparing to enjoy a. hobby which all these years has Iain dormant with- in him; ’ Sir Thomas, it is unnecessary to state, was not born to his title. It; has been less than a. year since he was knighted. He is abachelor, and has made several trips, to the great con- cern of match making mammals with marriageable daughters, who Laid their traps to no purpose, HERE’S WHAT HE DOES. For Sir Thomas has abusiness house in New York. in addition to more than four hundred others in various parts of the globe. He is a. contractor for the British army and navy; he raises tea in Ceylon; he kills hogs in Chicago; he makes ginger ale in Dublin; he has warehouses in Calcutta. and Colombo; he sells tea in New York, he makes candy in London, and now he is go- ing to sail a yacht in an international cup race. A wonderful man is Sir Thomas Johnstono Lipton. No less than three thousand persons are in his employ. He is a. firm believ- er in liberal advertising, and does his own printing. Of printers alone he has two hundred, and he keeps them Ill busy. . His visits to America have invariably attracted widespread attention. On second thought, however, that sen- tence should be modified. There was one that did not, and that was the first. No one paid the slightest attenâ€" tion to him then. He was not Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton then. He “as just “Tommy” and when he landed in New York from the stecrage of one of the Anchor Line boats, he had just three shillings in his pocket. But he jingled them bravely against each other, did this embryonic multimil- lionaire and cup challenger, and startâ€" ed out to look for work. The experiâ€" ence was evaluable one to him. He admits that now. HIS HUDLBLE BEGINNING. Sir Thom‘JS’ father, whose name was also Thomasâ€""Tummus” it was â€"â€"when spokenâ€"was a Glasgow work- : FEED You was pure, nourishing blood by Upon rich, takin Hood‘s will go frcc from iIlONE‘ spells of de- spair, those sleepless lllgills‘and anxious days, those gloomy. lleatlibke foolings, those sudden starts at more nothings, these dyspeptic symptoms and blinding: headaches. Hood's Sarsaparilla has done this for many othersâ€"it will cure you. Hood’s Sarsapariila Is Canada's Greate-t \‘ledic‘ne. $1: FIX for $5, , ‘Zoo. Hood's Pills cure Sick ll :adache. ___,_____.___ from New York, saying.r he had run away to make his fortune. He drift- ed to Soulh Carolina. and worked on a plantation. Here he discovered lhlt his chanccs of accumulating wealth were decidedly slim. He shook the dust of the plantation from his feet and drifted to Charleston. Here the breath of the sea gave him new life. It seems to have been born in him, but all his life until now he has not had time to give way to it. He. stowed himself away on acousting ves- sel, and worked his passage back to New York. Here he worked at odd jobs, doing anything he could find to do. By frugal living he managed to save enough to pay his passage horn-:- to Glasgow. . It was not. a. propitious hflmCi‘f‘TfllrLQ; for a. lad \\ ho had gone away to make his fortune, but the experience was a useful one. It had sharpened his wits and given him nbroader view of life. Sir Thomas himself declares that his first trip to the States was the one that made him. HE STARTS IN BUSINESS. The Glasgow workman had saved $400, his entire fortune, and so puerâ€" suasive had young Thomas grown that his father advanced it. to him to start in business with. The result was a little provision shop. Here the young man worked day and night. He was his own salesman, his own porter and his own delivery wagon. He slept when he found time to sleep in alittle room back of the shop, He took down the shutters in the morning, and put them up again at night. After business hours he delivered the goods ho had sold to his customers during the day, He was like the. gentleman of Mr. Gilbert‘s merry muse “ b0 Cleaned the windows and floor, And polished all the handles of the big front door. And from that. humble beginning Sir Thomas Johnsione Lipton controls 420 stores, 60 of them being in Lon- don. Little by little he spread out his business enterprises, for a. time conâ€" fining his attcntion almost entirely to fem. At present he is the largest in- dividual owner of land in Ceylon. where he not only has extensive lea. plantations. but where he has also succeeded in cultivating coffee and cocoa on a. large scale. He has ware- houses in Ceylon, Colombo and India, headquarters at Calcutta. In Chicago he has large packing houses, where three thousand hogs are killed every day. Since the proprietor of this establishment was knighted. the natives of Chicago point to it with pride. "This, sir," they will remark in an offhand way to the stranger within their gates who is being shown the sights of the town, “this sir, is the packing establishment of Sir Thom- as Johnstone Lipton, where three thou- sand hogs are killed every day, sir.” Then they will look at you slyly to note the effect. HE RESISTICD HOOLEY. Ernest Terah Hooley, London’s no- torious bankrupt. promoter, who is just now airing his knowledge of the financial transactions of the British no‘ri'iiy in tho Bankruptcy Court, made Sir Thomas an offer for all his indus- tries a short time before the collapse of tho speculalor promoter. But. Sir Thomas declined. Instead he organâ€" ized a company of his own, advertised the stock, and. so firmly had his busi- ness integrity and stability been es- tablished in London that men money to invest actually fell over each other in their eagerness to buy. All during his years of money mak- ing, Sir Thomas had not lost sight of the mgged boy on the Giasgmv docks and his day drcams. \thnevcr tip-re was a yacht race, and Sir Thomas could spare the time, his wch to see if. file seemed infatuated with the sport, and would go into ensizwles over it. “\Vliy don‘t you have. a yacht of your own?" his friends would often ask hirni. “I haven‘t lime.’ would be th- inâ€" variable reply. "I am a man of busi- ncss. My time. is fully occupied with other matters, at present; but Iwill some day." He was still thinking of the boy who had promised himself the finest and the fastest yacht ewr built when he grew up to be a rich' man. And he “as thinking, perhaps. that he had broken his promise, to that lagged lilâ€" tic boy. A MERRY M ILLIONAIRE. And yet, Sir Thomas is “illial a mer- ry millionaire. liis years of close at- tention to business have not allowed him time. to grow cynical. He has been described as “six feet of raw boned opâ€" timism." His laugh is hearty and in~ fectious His blue eyes are kindly and twinkle with good humor. He is a. generous, big hearted, shrewd headed bachelor, who does not allow his $50,- 000,000 to influence the promptings of swept the “1“” He “553 ‘00 Four to send his llO)’ his heart, but rather looks upon his _'Ihcrenwore no such lux- wealth as a means of gratifying a “mes 10“ Mule "1011111135" At the 0&8 natural inclination to communicate of ten, he was a messenger boy in a stallouer‘s shop, and it is on record that. more than one of his messages was forgotten as he loitered along the docks, looking at the ships and build- ing castles in the air as to what he would do when he became rich. His salary was sixty cents aweek. For two or three years this Went on, but one day "Tommy" disappeared. His parents heard nothing from him until one day they received a. letter Sarsapariila, and you' some of the sunshine. of his own bf. into the lives of those around him 1 Ills magnificent gift to l ondon's 1c. 7 i at the time of the Quccn's Jubi w i will be a monument to his memory Il'li' igives Inn insight into the character n the m'in. lic Il'lll‘lI that the I‘iili‘l cess of \Vales had suggested l‘lllFln‘l onc icoozl mc'il if they never got an] ‘ 1. er. i\\'hilc others were thinking of ill“ cnlcrlainmont of foreign Princcs and I'I‘lnt'f‘SSPS or of preparing g(ll‘;,"l’.l2military pageants llic. I‘l‘incoss Ale- andra h'UI this thought for the l'“l tiho :lpponlod for funds, but vb! ‘rlght and left there was llll lc resiol l and the poor fund had a feeble grop .(lnn day Sir Thomas was taking non, ‘of teaâ€"his favorile vacrnge â€"ui'.b |the Lord Mnyor and Lady Mayorcu. ~and the poor fund came up in ii.- .eoursc of conversationt' l "flow is it coming on ’3" asked the l morehanb. ‘ "Very slowly," replied thc ford \xitll- gMayor. "\Vc have only about five ithousand pounds subscribcd, and Illu- proth \\i.l require at, least. thirly thousand,“ Sir Thomas always carries a check» book in his pocket. ‘llo pulled ill-K out, and asking for pen and l'll(. promptly \Vlfiit‘ aclicck for £25,000. Handing this lo the Lord Mayor he reâ€" marked:â€" "If that isn‘t enough to see the thingr through. let me know," ‘ _ 0 But the min who donated $12.1..‘ll to the. poor in one lump has since :a. i that he got his money‘s \\'OX‘lIl. a; . more. He witnessed the fccding at 011“ limo. of 310,009 of London‘s poor, stamâ€" ing wrctches. There were 360,000 in all. but 8l0,000 Olm‘i at. one lime, To tho-t \\ ho were unable to allch that. mcm~ omble feast fifty mnts’ worth of provisions were sent. ‘ And this is only one incident m the lifc of the mu] who hopes to wiri' lilo America‘s (‘up fiom us. the man v b" has looked forward all his life to ill-- time when he might have ayacht in call his own. .llut it shows the son of man ho is. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"~â€"_ T0 CURE A CULI) IN ONE DAY. Toke Laxative [Ironic Quinine Tablets, _ All Drug glm refund the money if it fails to Cure. ‘lio. arrâ€"â€" LUCKIEST SOLDIERS IN THE WORLD- (‘orlmral hinrlc‘s Sctcn Siraugc liscupc, From llcalh in One Rnltlc. The most talked-of. man in the llritâ€" ish army at precept is a. survivor of the recent battle of Allara who was bit during the engagement by half a cut away his clothing and played U'Ilr serious wound. The case is so rcmarkable that it h been investigated by anumber of hi. ‘ officers of the army, who pronou‘ it the most remarkable of its kind M. record. The soldier \\ ho escaped fr. in death in this miraculous manner, (orâ€" Ipocal Laurie, of the Seaforth Highl nib ers is still at his post and says hcsufâ€" fers no inconvenience from his thin- ling adventure. The first bullet to comic in Laurie’s ldircction struck the shoe of his lent foot, cutting off the toe of this sir.“ neatly and detaching a piece of IP‘iiI‘r er, but without. touching the foot. Laurie looked at his foot, congratulatâ€" ed himself on wearing sensible shoe: with plenty of room, and dashed for ward toward the envmy. The other advcnlures camc a. litllc later, after he had entered the zarob:.~.. The bullets were flying thick and mu and mcn “enc failing.r all around, “Ir a. bullet struck the bayonet of Laurâ€" ie‘s rifle. 'I‘Ir'.‘ gun “"15 held so firmly all: the instant of impact and the i-ulâ€" let struck it so,‘ fairly that it lent it neatly over until inch“. steel stood at right angles to the. gun. il several (1‘ liut the gun was still fit for fighting: so undism'iycd, Laurie. hurried ow A later a shot pussz tth b his slecw: near the. wrist. It did no even graze the skin, but left two hole where it had passed in MIMI out ofllhv 0031I‘. These pranks were not confined to the bullets. A native in a trench nea: by let drive at Laurie wilh :tspe'n which was thrown at short range. will; GREAT FORCE ANI) SKILL. The spear missed his ribs and slit. up the. soldier's Ilfl\'rt’l'S:ll'I£. It had becn thrown from lhc front and passed di- rectly under this. left arm. ’l‘o vary III’LUGI‘S, abullet. niext gram-Ii the back of his left hand, merely rouuhiug no the skin and draping,r a few drops o‘.‘ blomi. The most. fr-nlicksomo of HI. reached Laurm Just before the firinx ceased for flu: day. The troops Illili reached a river, when a. body of n â€" lives, ambushed, sprang up and dc- livcrod a. volley at short ranan 'l'liv- shot that struck Laurie was fired {run} a 1.01m, uboui twenty fact bclow him which in some measure. accounts so. its odd pranks. The. course of the ball was so curious that Laurie was parâ€" adml before the General for inspection. The lrall first entered the lid of his ammunition pouch and bored its wax- through his pocket. It stayed longr enough to splinter two pencils and a penknife, and than tore fouu holes in IIIUII] t‘ Ill Averages»... TEA IS NOT IN IT WITH Lead... Packages - - 25. 4o. 50 and 6°C. LUDELLA GEYNN ONCE TRIEDâ€" ALWAYS USED, a fund to feed the very poor (Illl’lllg’i‘ the .lnbiloo. ’l'li». idea. was to give lil‘l‘l l Emillions of dollars were being scattcml ‘ 1 . 1 \\ ound his shirt” making a slight surfach two or llirce incurs long in Laurie's left breast, and came out near .llic left Hhoublg-r, paser: through the braces- Illd. lied his ammuniiiou louch Allt‘r llie baitie Laurie refused to Ill‘v'l,‘ his marries examined, though he linilly strolmll ovm‘ to thin field hos- piml and had a picco of courtâ€"plaster .vut on his band. Lamic has bcfin thi- dozcn bullets th'it shattered his 1311).] cr queer pranks without inflicting a. u m of ibc ll",’_'llll .11. since the engage- .u: at. llo s rm i‘.:l.'-. villi-ii lrvn‘ .m‘sc burl ’l. for: l;...l mulch, .llt- ir'I kw. .n llt‘ -', :.u.u: .b- lillllrll .iimj. as} l tlb- "bul'm -‘ “3.1? m Ii." l I 001101;) mm» s lv'li“ll‘(“i Soil: .! lll':- a. chuvim :. '1Li w”: ..~:i 8 fit I.) illi ilil‘lillll; w ‘II 'l-l'll(‘-Ilvi'v’-'i ‘ ‘lUl‘s‘ u: ‘iimltiii-- ‘1 lv'fi by who u 1- l mac-r uni-1..) . l '5:".lICIl tho; 9. \cs, 11.- iruthuln s!“ of i c- vz‘y delai. Ul his «upcllcnrc has, bow- uxer, boon (‘ILHHIIIIY verified by proâ€" m nenl. olfil‘cr‘s of the. Jlrltisb army. bluric is lar from leing a dime»thâ€" r-l hero, lip. 15 very modest, and is m i ‘9. than thankful for his almost I:|.l‘.’l,|'u 0.13 psodpe from death. He takes I: .111 very coolly, and is ready to try hm luck again. In describing his expcricnccs he said: "I suppose I blue lipon reported as \“l ,lillv wounded and pictured as an “Hunting invalidt -‘.\'ell, I was ruck. but the effect was so small lllll I have o.'tc.n been hurt mmc in Stumbling through rough under- l-i’imii," ._ _._______.... Putnam's Corn Extractor Its the best remedy for coins extant. It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and effects a radical cure. A hund- I- «l imilatinn. proie its value. 'Illk“ Wither subslilu es offered as good , 1.... often offered. AS HE THOUGlll‘ HE \VAS. : Why are some statues made life size laud some heroic size? r ‘a liloâ€"size Siatue represents a man big,r as he was. and a heroic-size sta- rcprescnts him as big as he thought was. i .I‘ermns suffering from Bunions or (‘mns should spread a little "Quickâ€" cu e" on tin> lbunion, or corn. before re- ti tug at night. cover thc “Quickcure” \\l h a piece of tissue paper. and tie a piece of linen over the. paper to keep it in phwe until the morning. then remove linen and the. "Quickcure covâ€" crel with lilel” paper makes a. perâ€" t‘.u.t plusfm", reducing all inflammar- lion causing pain. (.‘IiO\Vi)I<.'D OUT. V I asked l'r-i' if she thought she could loam to love me. Sh‘ slid sh. couldn’tâ€"because .' 1:; already studying Spanish learning to swim. sh" and SCIENCE S'I‘RIDES. is it? marvelous; I don't beâ€" discover a disease What thcy can’t find a name for. science making isn‘t. Jonesâ€"Medical wonderful strides. Brownâ€"Yes. '1' 8 they 11 over l Deafness Cannot be Cured 5‘ local applications, as they cannot “each tho Sis-m rd portion of the our. Therc is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- Imnul remedies. Ileafnol-ls is caused by an in- llamad o nllrion of the mucous lining of the i.u.â€"In(‘hinn Tube. thu 'b a tube gets inflam- c.‘ on have a. rumbling: o and or imperfect v Hung, and v. hell it let u only clo-ed d: afooss resultnud unlesstm inflammation can be . icon out and this (ube X‘t'hI/OI'V'lI ti it< normal ~ illdl ion. hearing “ill be destroyed forovor; ‘ no cases oul. of fun are canned by cutarrb. which isnothinq but an inflamed condition of no mucous surfm 94. We will give f no Hundred Dollars for any use of Ilenfncm- (caused by outsrrb) that. can-- not be cured by II.1ll'~' Ca m-rh Cure. Sand for circulars, fren. F. .l. CHENEY 8K. (70.. Toledo. 0. Sold b ' Drought-A. 75o. Hall's ‘amily Pills are the best. W P C 935 ' . . .wâ€"cg-ww ww; , . _,, , VETERINARY COLLEGE, KINGSTON, ONT. : ourfb yvar brguh Our lath ’I‘wu \Vlllbr‘r SUBLIOIIS H .b ;tiiree1or QIIL‘K u‘s lluivvrslty D> gree. of buildings. L'sul ‘12 Hit. KNIGHT, Registrar. :1 A m ‘2‘ =1 years. Ask your d: slot or It. THE FINC-H WOOD PRESERVATIVE & PAINT ' - MPANV, 370 on eon .lost, Toronto. l‘choul of Mining. Kingstun. llnt. \ - inn 150571593 begins Se-ptembcr ‘llitli. Matricula- l=... “\tllllllflllUll at Qumn's University, bv-guuiiug t- pm or I'Jth. Degree l'ourses in Analytical UIlt‘llll‘a‘ l \ uni Assuylng, lll Geology and Mining Engineering. lliu'dtl Students admittcd without nutriculatiuu. l', &C., from Dlt. \V. L. GUOIJWIN, Director. 80 CHEAP is .622 old shinqu roofs or ~1dcs i? you want to either buy or sell Apples in car lots, write us. The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, Toronto. n .r the win .3 I.lllIldiIUll$ of the genuine: }’ RGENTS WANTED. Ladies anentlomen, to introduce our gunrls. We pm $3.00 a day. If making less. wri “late when can Oi-lulDRDCP WHI'IK. Enclone six 2 can stamps and Wlli msvl yam les and salary contract. THE WILEY PI K POWDER 00.. Talon}: O. Barristers,etc..romovod LA to V‘Veslewllt’lflrfi" Rich- ., oro mond 8t. nto. T‘ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL ofloru special inducement»: to young men desirous of mixing up Culliluf. F‘ull particular: on nppli nation. H3 YUNOB ST.. TORONTO. Mills, MIIIO & Hal R? 39 CHEAP youan unit on old lhlllll. E '1 7J 5 a r nfs or this of buildings. Used 2’ 1 ‘ ' “ ,n ‘r: with 7. god :nyer on on 1‘. -- .i nn m not y. Write us flit cirou m on 12.5w m mun «imul pzl'n w. Tl‘nl'lnoh Wood Preserve. t w Ia. l’aiut Cons, in; . Slthueeu Welt, Toronto. I”) - is and Sheet Metal Works. i'i G a F i H -‘ noormo SLATE. in Block. lied or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS (We all ply Pub'm and II gh Schools. Tunnw) Roofing Felt. P tell Coal Tar, eta ROOFING TILE Bu New City Build- lnu. Toron‘o done by our firm). et-l Celllncs. 00]" plans etc. Etlmntea furnished for work enm lets o! lo nterlnls shipned to on» Mt of the country honol .0011“! 1: sons, Ado Aldo twmmer 8n..Toronto‘ OWW. I. l “DIEM. II.I|.. II. I HIM & THROAT 9 EYE. sPBcIAue'r o w” W in hereby extended to all young mm and women Interested l1 to write far the New Pr-mpeclus the fits-ran. Rlvslsvasfioumunor TORONTO, FALI TFRM Ore-ts S n1. 1st. Eight r Idar’teaolicrs, un- avccllrd facilities for Accounting. olnrsphy, Show h ind. ctfi Many students secure splendid pnNthnI ("tell term. (letpsnicularn. Adnlrers W. A. SHAW. I’rmmpil, Yong e ard Gerrard St: . Toronto. .. _ THE TRIUMPH- ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. 5 Easy put up Ind him down. On 5’ be c : prictb- II will canon aged. nested. and put “my In .- - - e mail mace. Ask your dealer: for . ,â€" them. Manufactured by ’ G. I. BARCLAY, I68 Adelaide 5!. W.. Toronto. i. cows: 3. ca, GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, loom. 408-12 loan! of Trude Building, TORONTO. ONT. room hum. 10m: L. Conn Hummus. Only institution In OIMdB for the our. «very phase of speech defect hub l Tomato, 1890. gave non .OB‘! AUTO-V 3 TNSTX I Pembroke 02.. Toronto. man. Dominion Line Steamships. Montreal and Quebec to Liver co and Inflows screw steamshti l'lfggiifr" 59:51.- couver, Dominion,‘ 'Scotsman.’ ‘ an'kshlro' Sn erior accommodation or First Cabin on Cabin and Steerage passengers. limbs of passageâ€"First Cabin. 852.50; second Cabin 34; Steers 0 822.50 and u wards accordan h; steamer an berth. For a l information apply to lpcnl Agents, or DAVID TORRANOE & Co Gen 1 Agents. I7 Sb. Sacrament Sta. Montreal." §WilliamWNMYWWWWWNWNIWVIW Agents in every ‘ WANTE . my. .0... m... village in Canada, to solicit orders for a well advertised and established article. tion insured. quired. ‘ replying. NIWIWWN Easy to sell, and satisfac- No deposit re- Give references when Address, E. A. SPRONG, Hamilton, Ont. %mmr.-W§W!memmwm§ For Sale. hâ€" ‘13 IN. STURTAVANT i new FAN 7 in. Outlet, 4x3 Pulley. Good as Now. Cheap. The Wilson Publishing to, LIMITED. 73 Adelaide Sf. Wcsl. ’ Announces [loyal llail Steamship (0., Montreal to Liverpool. M Steamers soil from Montreal every Tliursdni morning on arrival of trains from 'l‘orcuio in: the West about 9 o'clock. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin $52.60 and upwards; Second Cabl 4 and and $36.25: Stearuze l“ IAlV-‘rpnol ndon, Glasgow, Belfast, lion'londrrry or Queonalown 022.50 and $23.50. A reduction of five per cent. is allowed en round trip first and second cabin tlt lum I’m sailings of steamers or other information apply many authorized agent. 8. Bout-liar, 1 King St. W. forum. or K. a A Allen untrue

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