Until further In Richmond Hill 1) MORNING :â€"Groiu We‘c above) N. B.-â€"Registered I at least Flfteeu Minn mentioned hours for EVENING ti Wednesday R. T. of Temper of each montn. Fire Brigadeâ€"N \V. Mag patrons th: ‘Vill be open eve] busy seasori until I€ichnlond Iii Special Ex Crossing PRUETUR’; EABY’S WEES N, R. ZL‘lmrnhiH TORONTO METROPOLl Excursic day at Newmatke AC Blond Ears leave C. I At reasonable rates on uesday. Thurs Enworth Lea; Connects wi chie’s o m: POST OF Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic Rioans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Repairing done on short rnl 1m W. MAGE Between 'I greatly I‘edu medium sizes at and large ( ‘reight and Parcels deliv collected. LEV! GABY. Ploxv Points Repair Sh op“ Sole Pl; Baal Mm Rich Eggpr P’ 113 From 25 to 35 c TORONTO Village Directory. VVe North lerar y Thursday Gaby’s Express runs 1; from Maple ger \ViShPS it his shop 1t1‘0nag€ He is selling All kinds of an (1 cent adnesday FICE ND nth STAi ‘iu 30p 1'16 .rl all mu E‘riday. ‘1‘ than the [ME utys n‘te TICE hiring the red 3110 )t-i N m1 ll. ‘c the All )iS ,h p11); MEEETBM tract of iying am moud Hi penny lot Ifuml' 0f the Tr the Vill from the north-west 2mg on a. course south, 9 thence north '74 degrees, more 01' less, to the wes Church street, thence so said wpsterly limit 30 feet 74 degrees, west 193 feet, 9 degrees, east 4 feet, th degl'eess, west 137 feet. to the westerly limit, of her 46, thence north 9 de; feet, more or less, to th£ ville which w. sale, the public at Richmnu DAY OI fn on th< 1m at; el-t-y is w Youge s mond Hi 01% ’_ 1‘} Comfort-able rooms for High School Students. Enquire at i'llt IN} INI UiUï¬ A! I“ 3e13, nu inning: m Boarders Wanted tuate DOW 31m gdvettiï¬tmwts. T xPPLEs - WANTED. Huber 46 ‘11 11211‘5 Money to Lean. ihed asTollo int in the Wt w. H( I'IDS ea H. SANDERSON, ESQ Richmond Hill. ul- 1‘01’1 race. Term l]( '88 more :t farms st}, money to l)( Solicitors on mce within lll singul ,st hal CAPE LGST the 1101-1311 course 5 e north 74 1‘( ther particu n on the day Farm 55% Sale tin ' str Hill‘ pm‘ï¬iculzu Egliutnn I the said pro ‘L brick store occupied b :‘z'ge frame vell situate ( pé'l'L 1‘6 01‘ m 1} \VVREI‘K 11) within 30 ’. R. Cram-sing, Yonge street, MRS. JAE. STEWART, Oak 6-tf THE LIBERAL OFFICE It! )D ind and premises, situate, wing in tlw Village of Rich- in the County of York, by :Ldnwasut'e'ment, 104â€"18 , more or less, and being )f part of original township 46, in the first Concession nship of Markham, now in :e of Richmond Hill, de- follows : Commencing at a. e westerly limit of said 101; distant 2 chains, 12!; links orth-west angle. of said lot so south, 9 degrees east, th 74 degrees, east, 330 feet, 55, to the westerly limit of eeh, thence southerly along 'ly limit 30 fcet,thence south west 193 feet, thence south east 4 feet, thence south 74 vest 137 feet. more or less, H eet, m the and is a de )usiness. ms of lots 31 and 35, 3rd of Vaughan, containing 200 01‘ less. This is one of the in this section of country. I R SALE P6) BIEN’I‘. lll 1d prupe 011 tilt 1‘} nin ii 335%? apply limit of said lot rm 9 degrees, w , to the. place ‘13 & ORMISTON, rmto St, Toronto. Vendor's Solicitors I‘hm'nnill btonville. it in 1H 2th, Property Buy Apple mnmr-e I he future )19 house on A1 he promises fc 'al publk in the 1 étabk nts p( Hf ‘VINGER B x1e of the pm certain mm :ed on the (3 ()vared for s; ,9 Palmer 1 gstaff (m M( MC 1-3 will be made )i' sale or on appli‘ ABLE ent. of the pur- ,id to the Vend- : day of sale, the days thereaffm'. sold subject to n 1y to \V. ] fly is said to be and dwelling at Mrs. Soules, and the east Siile (31 Village of: Rich- sil-uble stand for 1 on M( mg app] 1t ; for ma mpple hutt l. and upw‘ 1D ‘u‘d ed 10h “ this Of'ï¬ place ( 1nd Button rndav, Aug duri 10th This prop ’QR LDE )VK EME! 9-; mun- ?st 34 )f be- tln we ards 1898. {rm ()1 W115 W115 W 119‘ 0am. per bush Peas, per bush . Barlev. Der bush Turkeys, per 1b ........ Dressed Hogs, per cwt Geese, per lb .......... (ihickens‘per pmr. . Ducks. p6): paw . . 4 . . Butter, in pound rolls Eggs. fresh Apples, per bl titty, clover . Hay, timothy Stmw, sheaf. Assessment syateui Meet in the Temperance Hall nesduy of each n Class J. H. SANDERSON The Royal Templars of 16 PRIOES AT white, per 1 red, pal-bug 3; pm‘ busï¬ per bbl Age | 55001511590st Agents BO-INCH WHE I’ARMEL Payable gentleman ; Everywhere SGLE REP WITZh .hly. Lady ï¬rst. Wed EEEE, aim $3.000 iâ€THE HEB“; . LOZIE Fly time has some Pickling time has come DRUGGIST, TRADE MARKS w DESIGNS > COPYRIGHTS dcc. Anyone sending n sketch and descrl Non may quickly ascertain our opinion free W ether an invention is probably puLentable. Communion- tious strictly cnnfldentiul. Handbook on Pat cuts sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents .tnkex} through Munn & Co. receive mega! mince. thhout. charge, in the A handsomely mustmted culntlon of any acientiflc year; four mogths. 31. s. year: {our moflt'lféfglrfï¬sd'ld 5y all nmvsdvalbm. MUNN & 00.361Bwadwavv Newlgyk Brmch Odicu. £35 L" St. Washington, Scientiï¬c Emericasao W . , namm â€"â€"F1y Paper, -â€"â€"Sticky Fly Paper, â€"â€"â€"Insect Powder. Spice of all kinds and FOB LIFO. fl. mmmom weekiy. jmhnul Full Line R&CO 'mmm DD 3, cut 3ND ATTRACTK mm AW!‘ H Sam 9 lliuhnlond Ilill, ‘swo ner Year. 1i IN THE VILL RIDE LEBERAL Ew’é FM OFFIGE. AI A( 1 Store iw WON OF 5.7., Toronto vith Law laser. 8-?! a and [and