ing the dry spell. Lust Sm ads of men were ï¬ghting Vaughan township and (N damage was done. The f ings of Mr. A. Cameron, ( concession, had a close call, saved after a, lot of hard w< Bush ing: the The ladies of Victoria Square Auxil- iary intend holding theirzumnal peach social in the church on Thursday evening. Sept. 15th. Rev. R. S. E. Large, Miss Crosby, Miss Brown, Miss Cross and others will take part in the progrzunme. Mr. McCullnch will oc- cupy the chair. Tea. sex ved from 6 to 8 p. m. Peaches and cream, ice cream and other delicacies will be served. The tendency of educated Canadians ,to study and write upon important subjects is clearly proven in the Sep- tember Canadian Magazine. It con- tains four iLlustrated stories and a. beautifully illustrated article on Jamaica; but the rest of the issue is taken up with learned, though bright- ly written, articles as follows: The St. Lawrence Route and the Manitoba. Grain Trade by Edward Fart-er : an- mla‘s International Status by_ Sir :Céhas. liibbert {Elgar/er; ‘Fnilure ,cf the Australian Federation Bill by XV. H. Fitchett; The Members of the First Dominion Parliament (with ortraits and autographs) by Sir John . Bouri- not ; A Review of R. G. Huliburton’s‘ Scientiï¬c Discoveries by Norman Patterson; The Chaplain Monument, with full page picture. by Arther G. Doughty; Great Britain and Russia. by Charles Frederick Hamilton ; and Current Events Abroad by John A. Ewan. 'The qunlity of each of these articles is beyond criticism and the matter is exceedingly in] )ortzmt. The Frontispiecc is a splen id reproduc- tion of :1 copyright photograph of the late Archbishop Walsh. The- Whole number is beautifully illustrated and printed. ERAT (“‘(‘l ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ~~A‘fnll attendance is requested at the WV. M. S. Thursday afternoon, Sept. 15th, when the annual report will he presented and ofï¬cers elected for the ensuing your. The meeting will he held in the Sunday School room at 3 o’clock. Strangers welcome. Harvest. Be attend. \Ve are cautious buym thriftypenple. Atkinso I'aisn FALL FAIRS. Toronto Industrial, Aug. 29-Sept. 10. Newmal-keb, Sept. 21-22. Bolton, Sept. 22-21 \Veston, Se. t. 29â€"30. . Markham, ct. 5-6-7. Schnmbel-g, Oct. 13-14. Sutton, Oct. 13-14 ‘Voodbridge. Oct. 18-19. Bradford, Oct. 20-21. Full cream (the by soap 7 bars Switzcr. “'6 are Selï¬sh host. by serving†th< Linan & Switzor. Big sale of fruit jars at Atkinson & Switzer’s because price and quality is right. The memheys 0f the ‘ are urged to be present mee-cing (If the year, t( day), at 4 o’clock. Mr. son will talk on “ W A Harvest Home Supper will be given by the ladies .of the Presbyter- iam Church,'Brown's Corners, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, Sept. 14th. Supper will be served from 4 to 7.30 o’clock. and at 8 wgrand concert will be- iven by the Choir of St. John’s Pres yterian Church, Tn- ronto, under the leadership of Mr. F. \V. Ross. interspersad with selections by Miss May Donaldson, elncutionist, and addresses by prominent ministers from Toronto, and also of the neigh- boring churches. Tickets, Adults. 25 cents; Children, 15 cents. This will ,he the treat of the seasqn. All W331- come. Fire Briguck meeting next ‘ and 11 u». The Harvest Home at I in Mnnday was a great 51K nflceeds amounted to $105. :u's next week. A big dollar’s worth of sug insnn 8: Switzel"s this week The b All kinds of High and Pu L Uï¬-lC'F‘. [X 1vc-n ot'f mm ’14 0Q) As. 34 8 best. lard in 20 lb. lots, 8%: Atkinson & Switzer. ï¬re d!" fll‘Pf A STRJKI'NG ISSUE. HARVEST HOME. PEAC If the fear, toâ€"t o’clock. Mr. J talk on “Wh n coffee 106. per 1-11). Atkinson 8 WWW H hool su sh, servng oursc the public most. «r; 6 2%£r§§J H S( libéf unts fol ends act-ice :md bu; day night. lU( Jnninx‘ Lonng 11: at their ï¬rst to-morrow (Fri- prov: Sum IAL‘ emh‘ ‘s at THE I‘m- discount will ï¬fty cents and f. H. Sander mt, shall th< re invited t: 00 \V E Buttnnvm ccvss. T11 the fix-e in (msidemblo ’nrm build- nn the 6th and were r lb. ; Tril- Alkinson & 19 Tox'ontn :trnpolitan follows}â€" :d cuter Sw itzer 1h 7.20 allâ€"(1 and 11.30 11 patron- n- at . ; goat v 3 Wi tzer nt durâ€" y hundâ€" ï¬re in 152119 30 when fon almost di equal chzu clothing at way to a. binder an implement. Unfm ting down its cloth part of the binder : Saturday afternoon. The were conducted by Rev Stewart of Maple, and M( Richmond Hill. Deceased ailing for some time, mu Streetsville to consult a. went out DOW to extend their h Newmarket, but it would like those u townships of King exempt them from child of little 'gh Dr. Aikin. Her end came suddenly, so suddenly that comparatively few people here, know of her illness until they were startled by the news of her death. It was ascertained that she had been suï¬â€™ering from an inward abscess. Mrs. Thomson had formerly lived at Patterson, defnrd, Maple and.‘ other places in the immediate vicinity. and was a great favorite with her acquaintances. \Venbserve by the Lowell Citizen that Mr. C. R. Stnrey, sun of Mrs. Storey of this village. is on his way to Pox-t0 Rico, with others to at: tend the sickemd wounded American soldiers who took part in the late. war, :md to take them home as soon as Lhov can be remuvod. WP. 0093' the fullmviug :»-C. R. Stow-0y and \i'iilinm F. Irish of the Lowell Ambulance Corps, will sail on the Bay Stzlto for Porto Rico Monday morning. Tlu-y went to Boston yesterday and were measured for their uniforms. These are to include a blue fatigue and a. white canvass suit for each man. The clothing is bought by the Massachus- etts Volunteer Aid Association. A third Lowell man, Edward W. Daly, has I volunteered his services, but whether he will have a, chance to go will depend entirely on the condition of a man who is now sick when the boat. leaves Monday morning. Irish and Storey and Daly are among the “best. men in the Ambulance Corps. The Harvest Home and Ahniversary Services of the Methodist Church, Carrville. will beheld on Sunday and VVodnesday, Sept. 18 & 21. On Sunday at 7 p. m. the Anniversary Sermon will be preached by Rev. A. Bedfoad of Smuffville. Collection in aid of Church Funds. On Wednesday a good Dinner of roast fowl and other meats will be provided by the ladies of Carrville, ,,Who are second to none in that department. Dinner will he served f1;om 4 to 7. after which a good entertainment willhe given cunsisti 0f addresses by Revs. G. Dewey arrlï¬ Horhert Leg of Aurora: and Rey, C. The hPSt malt and pickling vinegmvs and best. pure SpiOBSJIt Atkinson & Switzer’s. The funm Thomson, fl A. Cmmpllell of Maple. Recitatinus will be giizen by the Misses Winnifred and Irene Lane. and Miss Ada Brown of Toronto. ~Music will be furnished by Hope Choir; also‘siuging bv Rev. Mr. Dewey and. Rev. Mr. Lee. Tickets for dinner and entertaimueut. 80 cents; Children under 12 yeam, 15 cents ; entertainment alone, 15 centa. Mr. Thqmas '~ »Wi«lsnn of Town'to made a. call on 21., few friends yester- day. "Mr. F. W. Harrison made a trip to Buffalo on Monday. Mr. Alf. Wiley 0f Strathroyr visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiley on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. â€". Hill of Moonstone have been making a. visit with relatives here. Mr. John German of Woodstock is spendingafew days with his sister, Mrs. John Savage. Mr. F. A. Agar of W'oodbrdige was in the village yestmday and gave THE LIBERALka friendly call. Miss Regan of Toronto is spending a. couple of weeks with her cousin Miss Cosgmve of Bond's Lake. Olll‘ mm or 1 'avughau t1 tu 1-day 3r acqna-mt (mlâ€"NE \Ve (let‘l‘V MI han' men All msnn, for-mo of this villag nsion ( Vlllag non n chzm "Imng fon m ‘lnthes iri chi thoit said )nm will PERSONALS. )POLI wt. 118‘ l commence g The company their line to :, but it, is nude TA L A( 01159 which will be In rebweon the prment ru ngu street and the wat ed to put in a, 1,500 hm it, very heavy loads n‘ DD] CARRVILLE. their of the rate M mm-ly an este Iago, tank plac “’m. Thomas the cemetery 1‘0 PORTO RI :et-honk, our Atkinson & SW lit Th( tt‘le thy orn fr and ( your body, our prices hm AN EXTENSION. m management may fairly started on the r railway line fmm 30nd’s Lake. They :L freight car to haul 11 l fu- UPS shr, )WnS M w: i L11 bye Ivfummu," and The child was out wlwn it made its I climbed upon the tuhately when getâ€" -s (-aught in some nd the little thing :9 child was dead parents who are at their n & Swit The cm-emunies y Revs. Mpssrs. md MCGuHW'h nf eceused had been 119, and went to sult a. physician, D EATH fa be M: lt'l'é {,1} grief in the arling. have the neighbors and IDEN ight car to haul from the south, ‘vels, and other in the construc« > commenced at nt occurred on ? Markhmn on ’clock the only The B. 1d thl 1 ts mils ï¬t J amos d Citi- nn the Hl at built mad- nrsv- m ay 'orce '(m. 0H ‘l D Mrs. R. Peach of Canniugtnn and Mrs. Harwond of Mattawn. are visit- ing with Mrs. Geo. McDonald. Mr. A. Kilhurn of Shelburne also spent Mon- day With'Mr. McDonald. Mr. Fred Harrison of this village, and Mr. Percy Knï¬nr of Maple arr among-tho. lute High Schnol pupils l W'nn started to the Newmarkot Model 1 school yesterday. Miss Morrow few days last, Mrs. C. P. \Vil'e Mr. \V. Mosier of Newmarket spent Sunday of last weeks with friends in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. T. Escott of London came on Saturday to make a short visit with Dr. and Mrs. Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Conn from induy until Monday v and Mrs. Oliver at; Cooksville Messrs. A. J. Hum and W. E. \Vile‘y a Battalion band at the trial on Friday. cahy with Mrs. Ux-eemnre an Bond’s Lake. Mars Mars Mr. J. McCaï¬â€™rey formerly of Patteran village over Sunday aw number of old friends. D0! Miss Violet Storey spent Saturday night and Sunday with her friend Miss L. Mm-tson, “ Lake View," Bonds Messrs. F wheolvd up Day, and vi Mills whore Miss Get-tie Slagg and her friond Miss Brown. of Ghathum, who have been attending the Toronto Exhibition spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. ’1‘. F. McMahon and children. Dr. G. A. Langstuff of Brooklyn, N. Y., who is spending a weak with his fdtrhl‘l' at thv Mineral Springs, Thorn- hm, wns in the village Tnvsdny (‘\'(‘H~ ing and cullvd (>11 :1 number nf old ï¬ends. The thermometer recorded 98 de- grees on the Observatory in Toronto on Friday, a. higher beIan-rature than has been recorded since 1854. M1 u'I-iv Bm-tram’s Ship VVm-ks in Toronto were destroyed by ï¬re early Friday nmrnillg. Damage to pyop‘erty $170.,- We judge people by What, they do, and as a progressive store we are Will- ing to be weighed in the same balance. Atkinson & Switzvr. 000. THe proprfltors - ha amount of insurance. There’s a down-right-ï¬rst-clnssness about everything we sell. The white light of business wisdom shines through every department. Atkinson & Switzer. s Fourtemn men Were hurled to death and a score badly injured b the fall of two spans of the new bx'i ge of the New York and Ottawa Railway to Cornwall on Tuesday. The man who doesn’t turn up at At;- kinson & Switzer's furnishing. sales is very apt, to be turned down by judges of elegant styles. Hon. Mr. Mulock's North York con- stituents will give the Postmaster General a. banquet on the 20th of September. The many friends of Mrs. Jas. Thomson, of Hope were shocked to hear of her death at Sti‘eemville on Thursday evenin of last week. The remains were f0 lowed to their last resting-place in Richmond Hill ceme- tery on Saturday afternoon, by a large number of friends and acquaint,- ances, a. max-krof the esteem in which she was held. \thle many of the wells in the village are dry, the flowing wells still continue to flow. Mr. Arthur \Vilsnn is the third tn have one on his pi-euiis'es. .n.‘ y ‘ a Ja‘KE I Mr. Leeds Richardson has gone. for a. much needed rest to Syracuse. Dr. Noble of Harvey. 111., paid a short visit to friends hvre this week. '1‘. Uousius has advertised fur a. Wood-worker in place of . E. G. Andrews who has resigned on account, of pour heultl}: n n. u. . NI 1-. and Mrs. George Smith of Ehnvale spent a flaw days with friends in the village. Messm M1 Miss avianâ€"Near Vintnrin Square, on Tuesday: Sflpb. 6th,Vem Almeda. only child of Mr and ms. B. I‘varver.aged 2yea..s 11 days. retu [iss Nora. and Master Charles Mul- y of Grillia are, spending this week h their grand-parents, Mr. and ;. M. Teefy. {xx XVm. \Viley and three daugh- anontt) came up on the electric on Saturday and spent the after- ‘n with their relatives: here. :h ( ‘h : uns‘ D. G :1 M market Eprvs of Richmond, and wife were 1 ('01ka up from the city on Labor l visited the spot above Elgin (ire they resided in childhood. M News Notes. Wiley of mde ov‘ 0|; \THS my, Carlton and 01-1: of )ending a. few days at Maple Dentnn and M. Dontnn Hunu lssisted Brnoklyn. N. Y., ning zmd will Comqbs s ent lay with ev. :ted the"12th ‘oronto Indus- s“ here before ‘V: Shepnarfl } â€"Mrs. Alex 1nd Mr. W visitin g MI' Brantfm-d, {S in the alled on a Hutton Detroit Hat-ri- 'air 1898 New Dress Goods New Prints New Flannelettes New Shirtings New Cottonades New Tweeds and. Suitings 850., 860.. 800. THE FIRE PROOF It is not what we say about our Boats and Shoes {that makes this. stow n. sofe and satisfactory lace to buy, its what you ï¬nd here and always have found : Thoroughly re iable goods, plenty of them. with very low prices and good sterling value. At no revious time have We been so well repared to meet the demands in Boots an Shoes. We have just, placed in sboc some 1'?- markable value of the latest styles, pleasing to the eye, tit ting to the foot, and made from special quality of leather, from the best, of manufacturers. Couldn’t begin to mention all of them. “he invite you to come and examine them at your pleasure. No trouble to show goods. ~ flew Spring Gaods ROBERT SlVERS. ISAAC CROSBY. Repairing neatly and promptly done. â€"ATâ€"-.- 1898