xv _. $1 per unnum, in advancc.l VOL. XXI. IS PUBLISHEle EVERY . . . maï¬m‘urrhmxywnmgmmflr “In Essentials, Um'z‘y; in Non-Essentials, Liberty RICHMOND IUL m up maul. , C‘ARVIN 8: {3' N. ; 'V . . ' "r" . I B Did»qu j Burristeis, Suiimtoxs,Convoyanccn, Notariech AT I) [HE USE RICEDIOND HILL, our. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Emron l3: Pnorimzrnn. [HESS CAfR-DS. D R. L A N GSTAF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFECE nouns El to 50 =1 an: El. EEWEIZSON (Succssmr to Dr. \V. J. \‘r'ilson . RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE nouns Smiï¬aumand Grospm â€" 6 to § 3) III VT wv . Roger s . Ecwï¬s’v, Room 12, 121 Victoria St. Toronto. Bust ï¬tting tooth, also rcpluting, at lowest prices. Good work. BR. W. CECIL IROTTER, Dentist, OF 21BLO0R STREET, TORONTO, “fill be in Richmond Hill every ‘Ved- nosday. (miceâ€"Next door south of Public Schools. aluminum T. Moilroy, VETERINARY SURGEON “A165..â€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, (graduate of the Ontario Veterinary ‘ with diploma from the (lutrtrm \Ietel'lflï¬r) Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday [and Friday of eurh Week, and Concord on 1‘ riday rum 1 to 3 p. in. Gulls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- 6.1 animals trccted by the latest and mast ap- proved mpthods. PALMER. HOUSE, RIC BLED N D HILL, ilemodelledmnd newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and Comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. livery modern con-l venience. Sample rooms for commorcml travellers. Aniueal stopping plnoe for nvling or driving parties, bicyclists, or farmers going: somretuminc from market. Bus Lrioets 8.11 trains. Eleuil‘ic curs pass the door TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. IVA LT I; '58 Ill ELSE, Proprietor. £3â€. honour. @hï¬hiï¬ occur... 158 KING STREET EAST. Tonou'ro very accommodation to guests. Board, 81. verduy was . WRIGHT BROS, [inmcrtukcrs Ck Embalnicrs, Funeral Furnishings Always on “an: cl ' H» {*Jfl-EWV'K " Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulcs cure biliousness. Ripans Tubules cure dyspepsia. Ripans ’l‘ubulcs cure flatulence. l'goronto Ofï¬ceâ€"-N3.15 Toronto Street. College, to St. Tor into. and at l>lll\'(‘,].lil'll€ Hull, Richmond Hill. all day \‘v'cll- newluv. nn/l Tut-sting and Saturday afternoons. ‘ Iltoom 10, York ('hmrl on, 9 Toron- n mzrums a PUEL sure HGUSE I moms M:.Fvc-l_ \V. GIFJ‘VI’J will he at Richmond Hill ofï¬ce every GVl’Ililll' I wil n1 curl each sitting of $.29 Court cuisine, sort a. sugars 1 Barzisiczs, Soliciturs, .550†25 KING STRE '.T WEST, TORO.‘TO. Eust Toronto Ofï¬ce, Mt. Grant‘s: tonsidrum. ‘v‘midbridue, everv evening. Thornhill, cucb \Vednpwln; from 10l012. {3007K & liAChONALD Barristcrs, Solicitors, etc. TOROKTO OFFU‘E: N0. 1, Advluidr- St, East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each Work. MONEY T0 LOAN AT Telephone 47 MACDBUGALL & JONES. Barristers. Solicitors, Me. Money to L-mn Room 1, No. lsToi-onto St, Toronto. ALFRED MACDOUOALL, FREDERICK c. JOKES. Solicitor to tho Treasury of Ontario Solicitms for the Ru'isucu Loan and Savings Company. A G F LAWRENCE W s URMIHTIIN L L B LAWRENCE & DRMISTDN. Barristers, Solicitors. 26¢. ichmon d Hill Saturday. Ofï¬ce open cvery MONEY TO rm Aims/EST CURRENT RATES BI. TIRE IVY. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. D. JAEIES‘. Notary Public, Conveyancor, Valu- afor, Commissioner in B. 11., &c. Money to Loan. 1 THORNfliLlh ROBINSON, LENNOX E MACLEOD Barristers, Solicitors, &c. TORONTO AND AURORA. MONEY IwMONEYl A l8.qu amount of private funds to loan on improved {nun property. Five per cent. in- ternst. Easy terms for rapnvnmnt. No comâ€" mission. charged on loans. Apply to LAWRENCE & OLLMIS‘TUN. 15 Tomqu St , Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on Satunlnvs. SiijmirEiannnr, 63 Winchester St. Toronto. Currville. Eckm'dt a: PI entice Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignn¢nt Gonm'ol sales of sto<~k.etc., promptly uttendwl to at reasonable rates. G. R. Gouldiug, Newton Brook, agent. for the above. ' C STOKES Stokes 4k Blougln. LicenseuAuctionwrs for the County 03 Yong-o,- spoctfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and a rerisonabe mtca. P. 0. address King D DLOUGB J. 'l‘. Saigcou, Liggaï¬er‘lAuctioneei-fnr the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonablcmtcs. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple J. D. Honduran, Licensed Auctioneer for the County at York. General sales of impleme' ts, turniturestanding timber. etc..ntten:led on the shortest notice and at reasonable l'atf-S. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. N. 1:. Smiih, Liccnsml Auctione‘n‘fortbe Counties of York and Ollil‘ll‘lo. Allmlcsof farm stock, &c., M- tended to on the shortnst notice and reasonable rutcs. Mortflngo undbuilill snles attended to. Residence. Stouffvillc, Ont. MISS c. HAMISGN, DREG?‘ - MAKER, RICHIWOND HILL. A ' CALL - SOLICITED. S. T. itrookrs. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Charges moderate. Patronage solicited. Adâ€" dress, White IlosoP.O. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabulcs cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. L, THURSDAY, SI‘IP Our Ottawa Letter. Tho Ottawa (‘iiizvn is looking for infmmulimn. In its yt'Sil‘l‘(lil}'.S issue ll asks, “Is our Nurihwcsl. so unalâ€" lr'u‘iivc In Si‘llll‘l'S (but tho lion. Mr. Sil‘toucun inducv no moi-c dcsirublv immigrants thqu (ho (:‘aliciuns and Doukhoborisi and other ril‘I‘rul’f of Europe to colonize ii: cannot any Britishcolonisls be induccd to cmuc out» how?†'I‘hl' “words of thl- Im- migintlun lb‘puvtnwui will answcr that (jill‘Slinll l'uirly \voll. ('p to May 301b, {bow wow Zlvil English, Irish and Scotch Immigrants ll'g’lsli'l‘ml in \Vilmipr’g‘, for sr-lllcmvul. in thv \Vcsl lhis your, hourly lllUl) murc (icrmun, Frmwh, llvlgiuu and chmlinaviun and over 2000 from tho I‘nitvd Status. *lhuing tho sumo pcriod Ihvro \vcrc only 2307 Gulii‘iuns. so that, tho pro- pori ion is two Britishvs and Amci-icuns to our (lullr'iuu. IL is Worth “hih- noting.r also lbnl whcre-us 2364 lirii isbâ€" on: came in undcr thr- Silinn mlmini: - trillion duringr tho lirsl fivv months oi your, only 300 wore rcgistt-rml (luringr lhc suluc pcriod of 1‘97 and only K335 in 1806 whilc lhc Ilg'lll'vs from 1hr- l'uilvd Stairs (luring tho sunu‘ pcriod in crun- ‘yparc with 20210 of this your “'(‘l'l' Ell and 11 rcspcclivcly. In othor words llli‘l'l' “'i‘l‘0 nearly chen timcs as many British and American settlers brought into ('anada this spring than in tho last, tvnn under ( lonsr-rvntivc munagcâ€" incut. ls thc (‘il izcn answrrcd? “'bvu thc ('l'llics of the prom-ht. lm- migrution policy we so anxious lo cuâ€" lightrn tho public, us they appear to ho froiuthc amount of space wlitor- iully and otherwise that they have de- volml to tho subjm-l. it would uppcur to bc only fair that. lboy should occasionally (lllhll‘ lhc fuels and lcuvo Lhc public to do tlu-‘ii own thinking. PUBLIC RECUGNl’l‘iHN OI" l’l'llLllJ FER \'1( HS. Like an oasis in a polil irral down-t, is thc :irlionoi' thc Board of Trade and National (‘1ub, of the (‘ily of Toronto in rccogniziug the services of the Postmaster (Icnci'ul, and too much public uppi'cciutiou cannot bc shown for such national service romlcrcd. The Board of Trade on \Vcducsduy last was lurgcly attended by the loadâ€" ing business men of the Province, irrespective of politics, and the dinner the following night at the National Ulub was cquully non-partisan. Both these non-political bodies have provcd themselves worthy of their traditions by rising superior to party politics, Their past history records many inâ€" stances whci-c they have honored thmnselves in honoring public menâ€" Sierohu Macdonald, lion. Alrx. Mcâ€" Kenzie. Hon. George Brown, Sir John Thompson, Sir \Vilfrid Lauricr and many others have in the past enjoyed their hospitality and received marked approbation at their hands. zmd every recurring instance of u like nature must be of estimable service to Cun- ada by its recognition of the principle that the first duty of public men is to their country and not to their party. The extreme partisan need have no fear that occasions like these rcferl'ed to will injure his pin-Ly cause if that cauSealso be flint and foremost, the interests of the state. MR. DRYDEN‘S POSITION. According to the Mail & Empire the v Hon. John Dryden, Provincial Minister of Agriculture, is in an in: ï¬nitely worse plight now that he has dcnionstrutcd in the courts that he was done out of his scat by the most unblushingar bribery and corruption, than he was before the trial Look pluco. It is also dcclarcd llblll} the election of his oipouent Mr. (“older “a strong iris-n of popular libcl-ty and an csscutiully honorublo mun helped to misc Ontario politics to a plane above the nepotism of ofï¬ce grabbing to which it 11:15 descended.†If the elevation of Ontario politics are to be secured by such extensive debauchery of the clectorzrtc us; was so abundanin pnwml in South Ontario, it is more than likely that tho honest majority will conclude. that the remedy is ‘l infinitely worse †than the disease. And if the candidate dcfa-utâ€" cd by such means is in “ on infiiiitcly ' worse plight †after the i-asculity is ex- posed than before, it is likely that not it l'cw dol‘cutcd supporters of the pi-cscnt Provincial ("rovcrnmout will tiud thcmsclvcs in that “inï¬nitely \vm'scpliglli.†by the tilllt‘ that the bnluzuxc of tlu- l'll'ljliUl) ti iuls huvc boon (lisposcd of. CANADA‘S FINACEs. 'l‘hc complotcd slutcmcut for the ï¬nancial year curling: me 30th, has bccn unub- public, and, in umplc i'ul- fulnu-ut of 1 he pi'cliiniuui-y indications, Lhc uct rmuli of Canada’s busiucss for tho ycur is a surplus of ovcr mic and a = Imlllnillion dollars. Tho comparison of thc practical results of the past two years with lhu‘r of tho prcvious ud- miuislrution is instructch zuul inter- esting. Tho dclicit of the prcvious I'our yours hml uuiountcd lo consult-1'- ably (wt-1' $0,000,000, and the lust of this (Ii‘iit'it, in 1897., zunolmling to $300,000 wusduc to the expenditures ucccssitutml by tho extravagance of lthc pent. This is the ï¬rst year in l l. 'vi ; in all things, Charity.†TVMBE R 22, I898. which :1 fair opportunity has boon gin-u lo {cut lhc workingr of tho bilwrul policy. and tho icsult is such (but lhc Govcrumcnt und the- country may fool cutircly satisliml to continue :ilongihc sumo line-s. Not only has thr- h-«lgvr bcvu balanced, and the new your oponcd will) a substantial amount to its Crrrdit, but the condition of cvm'y (lupui-l'meut of industry is such that thc improvmncnt will con- tinuc ycl more rapidly for many yours : indcr-(l for us longr us the samc policy is pursuod. l Tho t-xpomliturc undr‘r the Liboml :ulmiuistrution has bccn hczivy. but vvuiy dollar of it is thcrc, and doing splcmlid St‘l'VlCP im' the ponplc. 'I‘lu- millions thut are bcing (l('\()l('(l to the- «h-opvning of i be St. Lawrence canal is but who inslum-v of the practical up< plicuiion of busiucss principles, 3 scorc of olhvrs might be munncratcd; and Sulllllg us the pcoplc sco that their rcsouvw'cs are bring husbandcd and dc- \‘Olnpvll. that tho bcst l'i-sults possiblc may lu- mndr- out of our magniï¬cent ll(‘l'il:l§£i’. so long as thvy :u'c sutisï¬cd that tho moucy is bring usvd for lcgiiimuu- purposus and not squanderâ€" ('(l in Langcviu blocks, Curran bridges. (‘uron manipulations and Iluggurt railway (h-als, so long will they bc conâ€" tent to have llw munngmncnt of the country in thc lumng of bor present :ulministrulors. ALL c.v.\'..\I)I.\Ns ARE BROTHERS. Tho spontaneous cxprcx'x'Sion of sympathy which has born calch forth by lhc Lv-rriblc (llSilhttfl' that has be- fallcn tho cin of New Wcstminstcr is a strong proof of lhc growth of that bond ol‘ common iutcrcst that. is year- ly mow closcly uniting the widely sopnmtrd Provinces of the Dominion. : and thc manner in which Substantial assistaucc is followingr that first (‘xplcssinn of sympathy indicates that [ht- l'ccling is u genuine one. It is within tho mcmory of all but the youngest of our citizens. when British Columbia was scarcely thought of as a part of the Dominion, and one could oulyrcach it by way of the Paciï¬c Ocean, whilc its citizcus spoke of thc rust of the country as though it was a foreign land. It. is not the» ï¬rst time that the cities of the coast have mct with diie disaster, and have risen from their ashes with marvellous vitality and tll<'l'l’ is no doubt that New \Vcstâ€" miustcr will ;{ivc )‘cl anothcr example of tho muguificcnt staying and grow- ing powers of our glorious \Vcst. “i . _.. _ _. ‘f‘fANTEDâ€"SEVICRAL TRUSTWURTHY n:TSUU> ’n Jis a. o Lll'dJllifle our i 151- ’ l t] t to t " It 11135:: in tbcir own and nearby counties, it is inninlv ovlice work conducted at home. ShchX'Y strajhht 4.6170 :1 year and EDLpellSES-vlvlllnlr, l’mnaï¬ â€˜e, no more. no loss salary. Monthly $75 Rcfwronrcs. Enclorc selfvudvlmssol sLu-upwl envolope, Herbert. E. Bess. 1’rc5t., Dch M. Cllicugfl. 11-26 ___.â€"9. Letter from NIL Nicholls. To the Erlilor of Tm: LlBERAL DEAR SiR,~OnMond:¢y we visith the Zoological Gardens and Mudumc Tussands which is cnougb for one day. .‘dudumc’s contains wax ï¬gui-cs of all thenotublcs for uch past up to the present. \Ve also went into the Uhumbcr of Horrors and among othcl' lllllltl(‘l‘L‘I'S saw Mrs. Muybrirk. On Tuesday we went to \Ve-lliugton Barracks and \vitncssml guard mount- ing and followvd tho bnml to the old palucc yard \vhcrc wc livtcnctl to tho linc music thou went off Oxford St. and Piccmlilly and to Swan uud lidgur‘s large store which was in existencc when mother was a youngslcl' hero. “'0 wch fortunate enough lo obtain a tickcl for the Royal Mews which wc next visited and NH‘Y all the horses. lnu-ucss and cquipugcs belonging to thc Iioyul Houschold. \l'c suw the cightorczuns used at the jubilee and had a seat in the carriage used by the Quccn ut’ tlux Coronation. This rig only \vclghs 4 tons but it sways cusin and it is liko bring in :1 rocking chair. In tho afu-ruoon We took in \Vcst- minstcr Abbey and in tho cvcuiug wont to Buttorsca Park which con- tains the subtropical pluntsuud liml our lunch by the river side, On “fed- nr-sday wc wr-nt by bout from \\'cst- minslcrliridgc down the Thames to London Bridgc and on the way lulssr'd [he historical Cleopatra‘s Nccdle. Uppn our arrival at London Bridge wc went through Billingsgatc Fish Market to the Tower of London, which is ['hc oldwst structure in London. built in the llih century. The walls (111‘ 13 ft. thick and was uscd in uuricut limos by royalty as u. pulucc. The urmorics contain aims and military outlittiugs «f vcry uncith (late. “'0 also saw the crown jcwcls. but lhcy wcrc uudcr lock and kcy behind bars, so we bud no chum'c 1o bringuliy away. From lbcm'c WP wan to 'I'owi-r llrldgc. lhc liucst structure of its kind in London, and» wo had the plcusuré- of sewing it. och to pcl'mil :1 ship to puss under. The ucxtplacc ol' iutcrcst. was thc East Imliz' (locks. \\'ll(‘l(‘ ships 10 New Zrulumhrkcu \vmw in wailing,r lo lu- uuloudcd and icloudcd. Thcy lll‘r' ull sailing \‘msi-ls and of imme..sc Sill‘. MllllL‘ 4.30 foot long. From thc dock _.jowclry, medals, &c. l . ing. gates wc (‘ntci'cd the finest, pic-cu of enginccring known to the world. “Tho Bluckwull Tuuucll," opeucd in 1507 by the Prinrc of \Vulos, It, is l‘, milcs long and built qulor the Thauu‘s on the bcd of the river and is “VI. vculilalcd and lit by r‘lcctricity, i< llswl I'or foot passcngcrs and vchicbm trafï¬c, and when going through tho only objection we had was we couldn‘t talk ml account of lllv noise made by thc bus. “'c th‘ll wont to Greenwich and visitcd the Hospital, Naval Museum), and Painted hall, which is (It-voted ulnme exclusively to Lord Nelson. Herc we saw the clothing worn by him when lvllli‘d. and all his “’0 then vi>ilâ€" ml thc Naval School whch sons sailors arc. tmincd I'm: servicc, U19 :mthorilics having built :1 ship on land for the purposc. ‘Vc thou \vcut through the Park and visited tho. Ollsr-l‘l'iLtHl‘y. where we sot our watch to tho corrch time. From here a line‘ vicw is obtained of the rivvr and sur- roundings. In thc evening we wont to thc Shukcspcare Tlibalrc and saw “The Bollc of Now York." This morning we went into thc city and l mille I :it Cook‘s and bought two tickcm for Paris, and culled on Mr. Green“ brot‘icr of Miss (ï¬rm-n of the Hill, and um found that P. (i. Savagc, mayor (ill Richmond Hill, had been there in July. but unfortunate-1y .\[r. Grccn was away :itlhat time. I was more fortunuti'. and spout u. plcusuut hour with thu‘. ge-ntlcnmu. From lberel hunted up 13111le11195, :1 forms-r schoolmatc oi 1nine.anda- nephew of David Jamms of Thoruhill. London life appears to. agrcc with him and he is doing well I then went to Musse'yâ€"Iiun'is agency and rcccived a copy of your valuable- nopvr which was eagerly devoured. In tho afternoon vvc went to ill?» (‘rystal Pulucc and stayed for the fireworks. This is a wondcrful build- built entirely of glass and contains most of the sculpturiug that was placed there at its former building in 1851. It is now located at a. place called Sydenburn, about 13 miles from- London, the fare including admission to Palace being 1s. \Ve went up thc. p;;1;1cc by lift and when at, top which 700 ft. from ground, had a beautiful view of Surrey and London in the distancc. Tho placc was lit up by thousands of colored lights and truly iL was the grandest spcctacle I have ever beheld; Talk about the Toronto fircworks, lhoy are nothing when com- pared with. these. Tbcrc were alto- gether 39 displays and included among others the Battle of Munilla. Bay, 9. bicyvlc race, the mouse ran up tho Vrlnuk, a frog he would a-WOOing go, 6.1-. Iwillhuvctoclosc now, Mac. Reâ€" mcmbr-r we to all enquiring friends and tell them we are both enjoying; Ulll‘Sl-lVL‘S. and in perfect health and tired. H. A. N1 ‘HOL;S-.. o- Oak Ridges The picnic hold at Bond‘s Lake on ‘.\'ulucsdziy afternoon of lush week by the congregation of St. John’s Church brought a large. number of friends and licigllbru's togcthor, and a pleassz social time was the result. A good fowl supper was partukcn of in tho grovczvt Bond‘s Lake, and earlier in the aftgruoou the young people male good usc of the bouts. ' There wz‘s a goodly attendance at tho Hurth Thanksgiving Service in the church on 'I'hursduy evening. Thu church \vus preliily decorated for the occasion, and the various kinds 0‘," grain and fruit and vcgctublcs arming» cd with deft fingers bore tcstimony . the good gifts of Providence. Rev, .ius. McUuIlum prczichcd an cxccllcnt sci-mom form James 1, l6 and I7. “ I‘m not err. my beloved brethren, every Lrood gift and cvcry pct-foot gift is rrom above, and conicth down froui thc Father of lights, with whom is no variablcness, ncilhcr shadow of turn- †The choir sung appropriate. Sclectious. On Friday evening, .‘lcptcmbcr Sloth. Rev. F. C. Ilcutlu'olc will prcach :i‘ 7.30 p. 1n. from tho Lord‘s Prayer. .‘5 subject so iutcrcstiug will no doubt. (lrzu‘v u lurgc (tougrcgution. Mi‘s Bossic (,‘ulvcr‘w'cll of Toronto is \ ting with Miss Ivlmily Loggc. Mcssrs. Church-5 and Ni'ldUIl [40:53- Who are attcliding luwim‘ss ('ollugc \vhcclcd up for the Thanksgiving sci;- vicc Thursday I“.'t‘llll.‘;.{‘. Mrs. Le'ggc. wife of 1th ,lcllf-rsou postmuslcr, has. bucu visiting friruds‘ in Ul'ztngpvillc, ' ~ 'k on the pnwrl' house is proâ€" lIl‘LJStx'l g, and u uumbcr (If the farm?! :4 and luborcis :u'c golï¬ng; rmploymclï¬ Mr. (ii-o. .lc‘i’l'vrsuu has Mllll his lulu: to Mr. )It-Ilougull. Iii-rile. tho young Mrs. 'l'hos. Brynn); w; John's church alibi-noon. #774-oâ€"V. A gent s. lum just slui'liug‘ l.lll‘ bozl thing: l'u‘ mom-y-muluncj you lmvn 511‘“ I'm- muny u (lay. Your name uml ll.’l(‘ will brng thc golden informer: l‘..lx. '1 H. LlNHCOT'l‘: “promo. n of Mr. and lllll‘ll't'il in NI. ('i‘lllt‘lt‘l)‘ )‘vslcnluy