. cers. .i} i « r v». i i ‘5 to; “v. o i l l s i.‘~l.ll i “3 lr">'l?~. l l ‘W I ,-_ 4, a, ,' f in “lift/I a}. liJi"). ‘ l Tilt-\V. i‘. T. 1‘. will iirwt-t :i‘i 1h" honieof .\li':. (x. \\li‘-\' on llil"\ilxt.\ ‘ evening at 5 o‘clock. ‘ 7 i i sin-s at lt;'.\'f:~? pricwi. ii xer. - "'l'llii. Jarx ,i' Atkinson a? . Friday~ I vcxiiiiiâ€"C Ul' t‘nF wool; will lit- Qnarter nij.» ll at (‘our‘i i{;cl.iiio:id. -\> (J. I“. A full attendance is rctpiistexl. . 7’ 7 .iii and lilllg" has I‘l'he Impi-r l ().-llltil"1 (Run:- the latest iniprmcnn-u’is. 500 it. ('. Mason. l l‘li .lt .1 Rev. George Mct‘ullocli '.\ ill lll Vt on the l’ioliibilioii l‘lcbiscitc Sunday chning. The best pure Lard in Lil ll). lots. .‘s'r' ‘::“cnl’.. per pound. Atkinson (\z “ï¬nitâ€" zer. (‘ounty (‘oiuicillor Pugslcy his elder last. blaturday. it is day when \V. H. gets hit. made ('(iltl i (I At the Junior lipwortb League to- morrow afternoon (Friday) in: Hutchison will give a talk on “ (iraii~ tilde." Members are urged to be pres: - ent. Everybody welcome. Great value in Brooms at. Atkinson K Switzcr‘s. Harvest 'l‘ltaiiksgiviiig~ scrvicc will be held in St. Marv s (linglhli) church v here next Tucsday evening commenc- ing at 7.30. licv I“. (i. llcatlicote of Toronto will preach the sermon. Everybody is Welcome. (train Bags v\‘.'c have grain bags at Toronto prices for cash. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. Returing Ofï¬cer A. .I. Anderson was in the village on Saturday putting up posters {or the l’rol†)lll’dil' l’lcbis-‘ cite. Polling in this village will take lace in Stoicjv‘s shop next door south of the Public School. Advantages given to a customer alwavs repay us. Atkinson IK' hwit- zcr. The Epworth League will meet Friâ€" day evening, Sept. 23 for re-organizaâ€" tion and election of otï¬Ccrs for the en- suing year. Reports of the year's work will also be read by the retiring ofï¬cers. Members are urged to be present at this important mectinpr which will open at 6 o'clock sharp. THE LIBERAL and \Veeldy Mail & Empire to new Slllirtfl‘illt‘l' one year for $1.40, or three months for 3.) cents. A gramophone entertainment con- sisting of speeches. songs. banjo solos. cor-net solos, band and othcr music, in aid of the Canadian Order of (,‘lioscn Friends will be held in the, Temper- ance Hall. Temperanceville. on Friday the 30th of Hepteiu‘ocl‘. Admission L5 cents; children 10 cents. All are in- vited. i The Imperial Oxford range is just out in ('anada and it the iincst rungs- out. Come and see. C. Mason. Next Sunday morning at 9 o'clock Rev. Herbert Gwyn. M. A., of All Saints’ Church. Toronto, will conduct the service in St. Mary's Church. when the. Holy Communion will be celebrated. A similar service will be held in St. John's church Oak Ridges, at 11 a. m. Sunlight Soap cts. a bar: Lifebuoy Soap 5 cts. a Bar; ti bars Comfort Soap for 25 cts.; 7 bars Trilby Soap for 25 cts. ; 6 bars Star Laundry for 25 i Cts. Atkinson & Hwitzer. There will be offered for sale on Tuesday, the lllh day of October, on the. premises, Lot, 12, at the hour of two p. m., the south half of lot 12 and the south half of lot 13 in the 3rd con- ccssioneast ol' Yonge Street, Townâ€" ship of York. Eckardt é: Prentice auctioneers. THE LIBERAL and The XVI-ekly , Globe will be given to new subscribers from the present date to the end of . 1899 for $1.51). As a trial trip both of these papers will be given to the end of the present year for 35 cts. The horses. vehicles and farming - implements of the late Jeremiah Mort- son will be sold at his late residence. Richmond Hill. on Saturday, the 4th of October. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 4 cash. Saigeou IK: McEwen, auctimiui Arrangements are being made to - licep Thursday. the day of polling the ' vote on prohibition, as a day of prayer. All Christian workers are urged to at- l tend and take part in these services. “which will be held in the 'I‘empcrance i Hall. beginningr _at, 2) o‘clock a, iii. Hood music will be provided The greatest height cycr reached by i a balloon was; L'T'i‘rlll) ft. That's like the ‘ quality of our dry goods. Way up. Atkinson & SwitZl-r. “ . ,, ___., ,vwdg i Rev. B. S. E. Large preached Sun- day evening on the Prohibition l’leb- ‘ iseite. taking his text from the words, l "\thn thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battleincnt for the roof. that thou brim,r not blood- upon thine house. if any man fall from ‘ thence."~l)cut. xxii., 8. Mr. Large made a strong plea on behalf of thc‘ present Iiiovcmcnt. and made it plain that it is th“ duty of men not only to keep themselves unspotted from the World. but to endeavor to p‘ltsafc- guards around thcir weaker brethren. WAC'J-r'il:£ui_54ߢ 14.71in ma:vzr;tz&-:;m£n:flidxh ‘(,‘lls\'.llll4. \Y. l“l'l/..’.t'll. will l’rcsbytvriaii address «I. 'l'oionto. oiii'iiii-iii plcliia'itc in thc Masonic lzill um! .‘.loi:d.:y c\ oiling at ho‘tlock. .lll .‘lli‘ w' ll‘tillll'. '-'.llll(' iii .l:l'i.‘ll Tm. tea; lilac Pail. .‘-lalv.'a iicil ‘1“! ct\. Atkinson .v .‘iwit'lmr. and 1:)1'. The Autumn Number of The lll'llll- e'itor contain; an abundancc of iniqu n.ation on thi- latrist fashions. choice lilcralinc and timely household dis~i where are pap ‘rs oii \Voniâ€" .is‘li Society, (Willi-go stories, :iii in if -_' llailocho l’roiics. The t'oinnion llls (if Lil's. 'Alllll' care of tho \voii'o, (‘llili \‘i'oiiioii and (‘iiib Life. The (are of ti::- on , The Cooking of Oysters, Social tibsciwziiiccs. i‘ec. 'l‘bcsubscripâ€" ll'di prur- of The liclincalor is :51 a ycar. Tbi- lnipciial Ukioid range is the t'lieopl'sl range for its size made. (‘all and so:- il. (I. Mason. AliT ('LAHS. Mrs. l~~abclleMchwn l}. l’. of To- ronto. puiposcs organizing: a class in Drawing. \K'atcr ('olors and (‘hina Painting: and will hold the first meet- ing in tlic 'l'cnipcrancc llall, Saluiday next. at 54 p. m. Tcrnison application. 'l.‘liose intcrcstcd are invitcd to attend. FALL FAlllS. Bolton, Sept. 'i" 2:}. \‘i'cston, Sept. 3 . Markham, Oct. S-tiâ€"T. iii-lioiiilu-l'g. UPI. 13-] 1. Sutton. Oct. 13â€"14 \Voodbridgc, Oct. 18-19. Bradford. Oct. 20â€"22]. .\ wiscold man remarked. “chcr believe bargain advertisements until you have thoroughly investigated." Atkinson &. fin'ithFS will stand in~ Vcsligation. FOOTBALL ULI‘B. The lligh School Football (‘lub re- organized on \Vcdncsday, Sept. 1-lth. The i" illowing oï¬icers \verc appointed : l’rw idcnt. Mr. A. E. (‘voombsz Sec y-Treasu E. Ewart Hall. Captain. John G. McDonald. Curator, Seymour Cooper. Committee. John Troyer, Malloy, Alex. Boyle. The club has begun practice and is ready for challenges. (‘harlic (am cousins 25 mi? sii cotton ,Gc. a ball : Art. Muslin, .3 cts. a yard. Atâ€" kinson & Switzer. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At the meeting of the \\'. M. S. last Thursday the annual reports Were read and the following ofï¬cers elected for ensuing; yeau :~~ President. Mrs. XV. R. Proctor. lst \‘icc-l’res†Mrs. illev.) McCulâ€" loch. 2nd Vice-Pres†Mrs. “'illianis. 3rd Viceâ€"Pres†Mrs. T. Hopper. lice-“mu, Mrs. (Dix) Hutchison. (it‘ll-SOC†Mrs. J. A. E. Switzer. Treas, Mrs. I. Crosby. Executive, Mr J. \V. Elliott, Mrs. ii. Sislcy and M Storey. No. 1 Canadian refined Sugar a big ilolli-as worth this week. ' Atkinson is Sinner. PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Riphou of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooliilis. ‘Mrs. Mason and Miss Bertha. Mason of Toronto spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawrence. Mrs. C. M. Vanderburgh and Miss Jessie Moodie spent a few days with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Lanny of New York, and Miss .‘s‘caton of Toronto, spent Tuvsday w. 11 Mrs. A. C. Sonics. Dr. and Mrs. Coulter and little daugliterspentlast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter. Mr. Howard Neville of Newbui-g‘h spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Uoombs. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Elliott of ’l‘ottcn- ham spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Elliott. Dr. \Vin. Elliott, veterinary surgeon of Palmer-stone, and father of Mrs. l‘lrncst (.‘oombs, has been visiting,r for a. week with relatives here and in To- ronto. Mr. Amos. of Hamilton, an old gen- tleman 86 years of age, spent a week with the families of Messrs. Newton and Brother and returned home Tuesâ€" day. Mr. James Lillie and his bride, of Milton, has been spending a few days with his brother, MI. P. Lillie, and li-ftito-day for their future home in Parry Sound. ‘Miss Mary Mulcahy of Orillia, is spending a few (lays with her grand» parents, Mr and Mrs. M. Tcefy. Messrs. 'l'ccfv Mulcahy and Charles Guy also xpenl \\'cducsdayevening at the Port. ‘ Uï¬i L3. Mi Genevieve. Harris who spent. thc past two you s with relatives in Springï¬eld, Nebraska, has returned horaâ€. She left Omaha on Saturday = and :-irived in Toronto on the follow- ? hit;~ \Vcdncsday. Agents. ‘~ ‘V‘Conian †is the title of our great new book. Discusses all phases of the subject. Contains “ The Life and \\'oi-k of Miss \Villard," the most wonderful woman of the Century. Hyul‘ a hundred beautiful portraits of the greatest women known. with bioâ€" . graphical sketches. Snap for can- \‘tlsst‘l‘s. BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, LIMITED. TORONTO. ‘ News Notes. -: Mr. Isaac Iartman of Aurora has. been appointcd postiii;i:.tci- iii l>a\\ son l(‘it\' at The Klondykc. Turmeric. (‘urry l’owilcr. t‘elcry .Ni-cd, Mlistaril Heed. \Vliole Mchd Npii‘c. l’ure (iround Spit-cs and best pickling Vinegar. Atkinson zei- Orillia lacrosse team Markham on 'l‘ucsilay by Markham on Markham grounds. score stood ii to 13. surpi iscd Ilcfeatiiu.r (loud lli'il Salmon. i’iat tins 1t) ct.s.: (iood (ii-con ('oil'ec, lll cts. a ll). : Launâ€" dry Starch, (5 cl 4. pel‘ lb. Swilzer. lion. \‘i'in. Miilock. by his North York Thcsdav cveiiiinr . .y b. Just. to hand at Atkinson & '/.cr's a big shipment. of Richard's pure Soap: good judges say this is the best, soap Inado. constit ucnts t‘ouncillor \Vin. lrodic of East Hwillimbury died at his homi- on Sun- day after a brief illness. He had developed into inflammation of the lungs. â€"â€"â€"sâ€"7ooo;â€"--â€"- Wanted. Induslrious men of character travel and appoint agents. Salary andcxpcnsespaid. BRADLEY-GAIL llld’l‘s‘tï¬l COMPANY. LIMITED, To- lcoN’I‘t). 6'32 “1 MS. lliwwlen Thornbill, on Sunday, September -lth, the wife of H. ill.lil'1)‘.\ll infailmiglitcr. VIA HEEIAGE.’ ‘l‘iioMAs 7 RIM“! On \\'0ilne:..luy. Sept. llth, at tliarrsnlrnrr or the mines moon-r. Now- inrtrkol,l‘-yl?i-v. rl. Matthews, Mr. Henry 'l‘homusof Tuston. to Miss Sarah Iieith oi IVuwnnukct. OIEATBES 3153'on; On the 2nd of Kim: on Tues-lay, Sept. Lilith, Albert 1']. son of’l‘iios. Ueynon. aged 4 years? months. Intermoutut Oak Ridges on Wednesday 2 p. T‘iJI'IJIiIUlbâ€"Ai 101 Argyle stroet, Toronto, on ’l'unsdai , Se pt, Qt tb. Amie, beloved daughter of Gilbert mulJennie (himour, in her 110th )‘Cfll'. Inturuicnt ut Woo-ibiivlgc. tan-day, tTllul’squ.) York Mills. Various camps of the Sons of Scot- land met at Birrcll‘s hotel last Friday evening and spent a pleasant time to- gether. As (,‘amp Lord lilgin of Rich- mond Hill had some time bcforc en- tertained the city brethren, the form- er were invited to partake of a supper with the latter at the above mentionâ€" ed place. About; 2|) of the Richmond Hill brethren were present and be- tween 50 and (it) from Toronto and vicinity. After a. fraternal greeting all round the members repaired to one ofthe large rooms of the hotel and there spent an hour in social inter- course, interspersed with song. Next a very tempting supper was served on the lawn to the rear of the hotel, which had been tastefully decorated with Chinese lanterns, plants and flowers. As the night. air was a. little cold, all again repaircd to an inner rooniwherc a programme of toasts. responses and songs Was well carried out. Bro. Maclean of \Vaverley (lampactcd as chairman, and many good speeches were made. After "The Queen †was duly honored “ The Visiting Brethren '1 was proposed, and ’ Bro. P. G. Savage was called upon to respond. which he did in an able manner, :uidin his remarks referred to various incidents which came under his notice in his recent trip to the. old country. Bro. \V. Inncs proposed the City Camps, Bro. Maclean replying on behalf of Camp \Vaverly. and Bro. l)r. \Vilson for Strathclyde. Bro. I). B. llirrell, a. prominent member of the order responded on behalf of “ The Host and Hostess," expressing his pleasurein having his brother mem- bers with him, and hoping that their attachment to each other would never grow less. It is needless to say a Highland Piper was present and lay- ed a number of airs. Mr. Powell, of Dundee, Scotland, and Mr. Thomas Newton \Verc among those, who gave vocal selections. The brethren closed an enjoyable enter- tainment by singing Auld Lang Syne. _.__.«- Maple A meeting in the interests of pro- hibition will be held in the Methodist church on Friday evening. Addresses will be given by Mr. S. Holland of Aurora and resident ministers. Oppo» sition sR-akers are invited. The Voman’s Auxiliary held a meeting last \Vednesday and elected ofï¬cers for the ensuing year. The, ladies" Aid of St. Stephen’s (‘hurch met at Mr. (l. Ketfcr’s last Thursday, and the Lutheran Society at MI. George Kelfer’s on \chnesday of this week. The Misses Elliott of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. ll. Elliott over Sunday. . Miss M. (‘oultcr of Tor-more is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. J. T. Saigeon. Rena}. \V. Stewart. has been ad- dressing '[II‘OlllblLlUll meetinijr at Aurora and other places during the past. week. M r. J. Royston has rented the farm of the late Jacob Stong. on the town spring. Rev. Mr. \Vaugh will preach in the i Methodist church on Sunday morning, a taking as his subject, “ The Christian‘s Attitude toward Prohibition." â€"<9 ow_._.___' XXV‘AN TEDâ€"SF. YER AL I nest: in their own and nearby counties. It is i mainly ollice work conducted at bcme. Salary istraight 39m 11 year and Expensesâ€"deï¬nite, bonufldu. no more. no less salary. Monthly $75. Rehrenues. Enclose selfâ€"addressed stamped i eme ope, Herbert E. Bess, Fresh. Dept. M. Chicago ‘ 11~..0 k S“ it The Atkinson 1k. I’ostiiiastcr-' (:cncral. was banqncttcd. in Aurora.‘ on Swit- ‘ i lakcn pli-urisy a Week before which , 'v i to iliue and will be moving there in the l , begin to mention all of them. 'rlufls'ranirltY No trouble to show goods. persc us in this state to manage our busi- ‘ L “:4 ; our Suits. kfi“ 1898†ill-ill FIRE PROO‘ 73.5" 13%;??? .g There is something be- isides stylish appearance in The woollens: are of the very best, the linings and trimmings the same, the workmanship is pretty near perfect, and the iï¬t is a. ï¬t. Price? Just, what they are ‘ worthuno more, no less. ATKINSON & ; xycmmwwomwww§®J actually ‘ SWITZER. Prepare for the long nights by pur- chasing Silver Light American Oil. Price 180. per gal. Special price in 5 gal. lots. ISAAC CROSBY. 1 *«Wr‘tï¬â€˜ w ».â€" - waH.â€"vâ€"aâ€".m.‘, It. is not wlrit we say about our lloots and Shoes that makes this store a. safe and satisfactory place to buy. good sterling value. At meet, the, demands in Boots :llit Shoes. Inarkable value of the latest styles. pleasing to the eye. fitting; to the made from special quality of leather. from the best of nianulactuiers. \Ve invite you to come and examine them at. your pleasure. its what you ï¬nd here and always have found : 'l'horoughly reliable goods. plenty of them, w no previous time have we been so well pre ith very low prices and pared to “"e have just placed in stock some 1'c« foot and (‘ould n‘t Repairing neatly and promptly done. ROBERT SIVERS.