Until further noticeiuuils will be closed at the Richmond Hill PostO ca as follows:â€" MoBNING :«Going North,soulh East and West, including Thoruhill, Maple,Toronto Markham,&c. 8.15 EVENING 2â€"Goiug south East and West (as above) 5.15 N. B.â€"-Registered Letters must be handed in at least Flfteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. TORONTO Union . flcuso Richmond E Mai: & Express,1\ol Express North and rhornhill.†RICHMOND HILL Aurém ........ Newmarket TORONTO N. RI PROCTORK'STAGE LINE. Cars leave C.P.R. Crossin 240, 5.40 and 7 Cars leave Richmond Hi“ 4, 7 and 10 Wm’luesc‘lav and Saturday Tuesday. Th Enworth I 7 p.111. Sunday Wednesday eve) Roman Cntho nate Sundays a Methodist Ch! 7 p. 01. Sunday meeting Thursd Richmond Lm (luv on or heron Court Richmo: RICHMOND Thomhil] Special Ex‘ Crossing Sulfday. ' Pxesbytcriqu CpqrchfSe' ' f0 urLb F of each Camp Wednes R. T. 1 of each Fire 12 month. 1V odnosd leave C METROPOLITANTME TABLE “'ill be open every evening during the busy season until 9.30 p. m. At greatly reduced prices. medium sizes \at 15 cents each, and large ones at 18 cents each. XV. Mnger wishes to inform his patrons that his shop at Iiiohnlon d Iii“. APPLES - WANTED. Excursion day at, 2. 745 p, I And run on Monday of c ing Sept, and 011 Mo C(mdi and boil Fur mm] for mak gal. ; f0 3e11, cidm cents unde ewmutket urora... prypgl'ty Connect 0 us 0 Rit Epjscop Thank lihor Sept POST OFFICE NOTICE Bayle's - mm 8-H ‘Ve will start to mm on Monday, Between Tor EDGELY iï¬ga‘ andjeily Mil We Money to Loan. Repairing done on short, notice. Plow Points-is Repair Shep. All kinds of Sole I’lates Village Directory. From 25 to 35 cents each. ‘al Churchâ€"-Services at 3 p. In. every ,et fr ions for making cider, jelly *d cider and apple butter:â€" ing riuv cider, 1 cent per gal. : 11g and boilng it, 2 cents p91 ‘ making cider and putting in tb'. :leâ€"Meets seccnd Monday of every ith all trains. leaving the Palmer nond Hill. as follows : assï¬xorth 65 South ...S.30 a m. th and Mail South. upemnce-Mee t5 ï¬rst Wednesday aï¬d 01; Monday, Tues 1nd \Veduesday during . and up to Nov. 16th. Will Buy Apples. iorewfï¬ll moon nond, A. O. F 1m o0,5.40 and 7.45 p.m.; return- Ie Richmond Hill at, 2.30.4. “and 10 p. 132. Return fare cents ; children 15 cents. rsion everv evening from C. P. R Richmond Hill and return as mm {are 25cenbs; children 150. 3111 Richmond Hill every Wednes‘ p. m., returning leave Toronto a: Return {Ere 250.; children 15c. 7AA 0. U. W.â€"~Meets fourth Tuesday rary and Rowing Roomâ€"Open rsduy and Saturday evenings. :ugueâ€"Meets every Friday. nbs per gal. ; _mtti1)g it in app :71]. fm'50 gals. a1 GOING NORTH Mail I ........ 10.55 ........ 10.05 GOING SOUTH he general public for their trmmgein the past, we m uu . lic Churchâ€"Services on ulterâ€" b9 5.. m‘ ané 10.90 a. m. archâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.. and School at 2.30. General prayer ay. evening? 7 )hurchâ€"Services at 11 3.. 111., and School at 2.30. Prayer meeting He is selling loan on ï¬r onto and Richmond Hill éontimmm-e e in the futur' “'ING 10.30 S.â€"â€"Meets second and fourth TIME 6‘15 9.48 Apply 3.18 0‘: vfzâ€"Meet-s second and 40 ing at 7.20 and 9.40 mm ing it, 2 cents per 19.1- and putting in gal. ; for making in apple butter, 3 gals. and upwards ; nts per gal. .15 p. m. at: 7.8.30 and 11 11,. x! Family Excursions rr Richmond Hill at ,45 p.m.; return- Hill at, 2.30.4. d A. M.â€"Meets Mon AH nth week dur this Ofï¬ce TAB ER BROS 20 lass farm th ( Mail All 6(‘3 615 654 724 E1 The undersigned has for sale 7 brood sows, 10 store pigs and a number of pigs about one month old; also one cow. 0. J. BROWN, Lot 48, lst con; Markhsz _____ Electric Railway Within a short distance of farm. Apply to Stokes & Blongh, King. or to T1 usts 701-pnrutiun of Ontario, Bank of Commerce Building, Toronto, Administrators of the Estate. 11-2 (half a Street “ ANTEDâ€"SEVERAL TRUSTWOR’I‘HY persons in this state to manage our busx- nessiu their own and nearhy counties. In is mainly oflice work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a year and expanses-deï¬nite. bonnï¬de. no more, no less samry. Monthly 575. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, Fresh. Dept. u. Lot 9. 4th con., Vaughan, contain ing 100 acres is to rent for-term 0 years. Apply to -- vvruwnwn A quantity of old for sale. The well known farm of the late Quetton St. George containing 400 acres, situated on 2nd 0011., Township of ‘Vhitchumh, near Oak Ridges P. O. The property will be divided to suit ux'chusers. Prices moderate. Electric Railway Within a short distance of farm. Three 00:11 stoves, self-feeders, om Duchess of Oxford. Apply to F. J. GALLANOUGH lLtf Thornhill. 1899. ï¬ï¬Ã©LY 4-3 @ENTS ! This offer is good until October lOLh and is for NE\V subscribers only. Send your subscription to East halves of lots 34 and 35, 3rd concession of Vaughan, containing 200 acres more or less. This is one of the beat farms in this section of country. Terms easy. For particulars apply to J. E. CLUB- INE. Eglinton P. 0., W. F. A. OLUB~ INE, C. P. R. Crossing, Yonge street, Toronto, MRS. JAS. STEWART, Oak Ridges. G-tf man for the school, sectiox and \Vhitchurch. Fgï¬particulzg‘s :Lpply‘to Tenders will be received by the una dew-signed up to and including Oct. Is: 1898, for the mason work of a founda- tion for the school, section No. 1, Kim: Lots Farm Tenders Wanted TO NEW SUBSORIBEHS. THE LIBE] 11-bf 12‘ “flew gavmmcmmw. ‘ Farm to Rent i’igs for Sale Farm to Rent Farm for Sale For the balance of 1898 for Apply on tho premises to 11-4 MRS. J. “’RIGHT. FOR SALE 33 and 34. lstv com, Vaughan mile north of Thornhill, Ynnge ), Containing 189 acres more 01- ?ossession given lst of Aprll, \VILLIAM ‘ OF MONTREAL, 198 of lots 34 and 35, 3rd of Vaughan, containing 200 or less. This is one Of the in this section of country. â€"AND- pigs about Apply to JOS. MOR' for Sale T. F. MCMAHON, Oak Ridg ,’ Markham Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill )RTSON Bond‘s 1 {AL month apie 1L ()11t Meet in the Temperance Hall on the ï¬t“ Wetl- nusduy of each month. Assessment system. Payable monbtly. Lady or gentleman. Class J H. SA The cast half of Markham. Apj Seven well-bred Cotswold Ewes and ghree lambs, nu lot 43, lst con. Mark- am. The leadmg features of every bicygle b_ui The Royal Tempzars of Temperance SANDERSON Select Couucx‘uor Farm to Rent 11-4 FOR SALE \VM. VANDERBURGH Agents Everywhere. Write for $55‘ W0 BO-INCH WHEELS ;;:100 of Lot No. 28, 2nd con Richmond Hill, I (D. BOYLE flgg E’EGWE. Richmond Hill. SOLE REPRESENT/AT Financial Sec'v $2.000{$3,ooo 50} 70‘ 50 fl ah l 80 . LOZIER 8: CO, W. A. SRNERW. DRUGGIST, RICHMOND HILL. Anyone sending a. sketch and desert tion may quickiy ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patenmble. Communion. Hons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nnency for securing patents. Patents ï¬rmer; throu h mum 5; Co. receive specjal notwe, mtlaom: c urge. In the A Handsomew iliustrated weekly. I .arze culution of any scientiï¬c journal. Term year; four months. :1. Sold by all_yewsd‘ MUN†;& Bogs: 57°16“? géféï¬ï¬fiéï¬iï¬Ã©ï¬mm; 'B'riaul Emafézs F St. Washingt’on. I â€"Pure. ycle built on popular I Cleveland Models. JOB PRENUW TORGMTO JUE‘éQTiON my. , , V “V7,, ,,.-V_H NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE Full Line. ZTl‘i’éWXIJIR i DONE AT m m a? m Rent FELIX? Rich-1210111 (1 Iâ€"Iill, Catalogue. WE THE V'LLLAG E OF OFFIGE, 11 fl. ‘, and 1 land