VoL. XXI. THURSDAY m. “$5 USE Until April. 11333 the fnllowin Oct. 26th, Nov. 3 umduate of the Ontario Vet with diploma from the nut Dental School, will visit Maple Friday of each week. and C01 mm 1 to 3 p. m. Calla prompt Diseasos of horses, cu‘uue aud‘ ed animals treated by the late; proved methods. 1310 [0:1 :23: RICHMOND HILL VETERINARY SURGEON PALMER, HOUSE, RICHNIOND HTLL. Bemodelled. M One of the mo hotels on an travellers. An i3 or driving parties, :0 or returniufl {1‘ brains. Electric c Undertaken .W Embnlmcrs, Funeral E-‘nnnshings Always on Hand “VA LT!†{Ohm MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A ' CALL - SOLICITED. st ï¬tting tellbh lowest: prices, Ofï¬ceâ€"Next (L vary accomm RICHMOND kw was; rm BUSINESS CARDS. 5 40-13 =3 m: VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans a; $3.?! {S PU 158 KING STREET EAST. Tonou'ro l BLOOR STRI W. CECIL ï¬fi’ic Eur-ton . 'Mc M A H. O N . Wm. 3.029%» HMt I)emtists mum, 1n advance. I Tabxfles: for sour stomach. Tabules cure nausea. Tabules cure biliousness. Tabules cure dyspepsia.- B en‘ix 3X ‘ AY NEORNING meterizmry . MGEIYOYa ‘RM ï¬newly furnished throughout t, convenient and comfortable :9 Street. Every madam can mm rooms for commerciu.‘ dution H '1} LS E, Proprietor. {I “(I )H m mar chm-i; $1.00 PER DAY @EJIQWQ g E! @Q‘Efla 9 HOURS ‘rio Veterinary Coilerzo, be 0:16in Veterinary t Maple on Monday and and Concord on Friday | promptiy attended to we and other domesticatâ€" ‘:he latest and most ap- 11m replsxting Good wm‘k. to guests. Board day ï¬les BUTTER. ,_Bus meezé all dcor. pl ace 5 or )r farmers I‘omnto‘ BONTO Ont. p In arciul ‘hug 1 Issuer WHEN, ï¬s‘iï¬fï¬ 5-3; ï¬KngéS COOK Mr. Cook will be :1 t, Maple on Thursday afternoon (if Ouch week. I‘OR ON hat Turontn ( Barristers, Soiicitcxs. 81c. Torontc Oiï¬ceâ€"â€" No 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hi1] Ofï¬ce open cvery LAWRENCE <9; ORMISTON. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES I). :FALRIEES. Thnmh Money to Loan. ROBINSON,LEN MONEY mission char Or at Richmond Hill on flatlmhvs. LicensedAuctioneers for mheCounty of York ,re- Spectfully solicit, your patronage 'und friendly influence. 58.1 as attended on the sLm‘test. notice and A reasonabe rates. P. 0. aduress King rates; 61R. Go‘uld for the abm e. A la) g0 amou mproveg farm Licenwed Auctioneer for the County of York Bales attended (Lo 91: shortest‘x‘xqï¬ce and a._t rea- gtxgsbleikiéé. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County at York. General scales of implements, furnitureï¬tandin'g timber. e:c..atteuded on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. mu: 3W Lidmmed Auctionan for xhe Connï¬es of York and Onmno. All sales of farm stock. &c., at- tended to on the shortest notice and reawuuble rute‘l. Mortgage and hailiï¬ sales attended to. Residence. Shouffville. Ont. Licensed A-actioneerfnr the County of Y Charges moderate. Patronage sollcited. dress, White Rose 1’. O. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabul es cure liver troubles Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Mary 1’ ator, C< C STOKE 1C Bari-isle , Solicitors, «1!. H COUR 1‘ A. R iï¬cbesner 85. Ton use“ Auctiono tor to the Treasu us for the Rem: Saturda D0 )NEY ï¬at 1], each of Mamie. licinu'dl & Pleulice m Auctioneers for the County of Yolk. :old on consigunmnc. General R3185 at :c., nmmptly attended to at. reasonable 6. R. Gouldmg, Newion Brook. agent B m‘ r ‘0 OFFH TORONTO AND AURORA Stokes é: Slough. THOR J. 0. Ron dman, 1blic, Uonveyancer, Valu- ‘mmissioner in B. R., &c. GALL & JONES, J. T. Saigeou, IBSIONER IN THE ste S. T. Brookes. ntr. \WI prr "HS N. E. Smith. 181 y an «115 T W? pert/y PUBLIC. MAï¬bDNALD £5.56 NGX & MACLEUD ‘or the County of York. Patronage sohcited. Adâ€" ’JHILL. ilr. ate funds FREDERICK C. JONES‘ MONEY! mt‘s residence \wuinn‘. from 1010 12. TXCE, ï¬e WIN ‘ztz'als, Unity ,- in I‘ORONTO Teiephone 47 lCE‘fl‘SB’S. Ids to loan 91: e per cent. 11:- .ent. No oom- Toronto L1 and Savings MIRTON, nto St , Toronto J. H. PRENTICE Carmine. HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1898 Adelaid( D BLOUGE ps1 trips we 4 dnwn the x-iv distance of 2: from \Vestm passed .undm bridges nutk line of lmi Thnmus’ Hn: ‘ lishmont nf ' tlw'l‘ate Ax- , under Viol-m bridge on th every t, nin and there \v wm-k making xnow enter Lh fulï¬ls the (‘m and on :1 lift] famous for it out doubt.- 1h: then on ï¬sh land‘s nus: pass. w 9 pass ï¬lw bridges until Lets hnuse is a lion the story gm-s whenever hv twelw. Kn?! Jane Grey Sm mates of this further and u mond where shm't time for in full View (v1 V11 died and as Keuw, Sir and Reynolds further 1m we mom] Hill. w" our." Yin??? and Reynolds have liwd. And a little further-ion "we had a ï¬ne View of Rich- mond Hill. with its beautiful terrach garden and park as at hunk-.011 a little furthe'r'we come to the Twickenhani Ferry so Well kilo“ n in song and then on to Kingston which was formerly the capital of England, and in a few minutes land at Hampton Court, and as we View the building it» is little wonder that. Henry VIII Viewed with jealousy this beautil’ul building and adjoining grounds erected by Cardinal \Volsey. After viewing the grounds and buildings we took the trams and bosses and (lrm‘o home. a distance of 17 miles through all the villages named on our way up. The next. day we lvisiled the Tate gallery given to the ‘ nation last year by Mr. Tate. and also the Parliament, Buildings. and then took the 9 p. in. train for Paris by way of Newhaven Diep )e and Rouen where we arrived on Sunday morning. At, last. we are in gay Paris and truly it has not been misnamed for the people seem only to care for dress, pleasure. eat and drink. Wine flows here like water; hock and absinthe are also dmnk in large quantities. \Ve. arrived on Sunday morning via Newhaven and Dieppe from London on one of Cook’s excursions which provides a passage and return from London live days in Paris with board and three trips in and around Paris With four-in-hand. The passage across the straits which only occupied about three, hours was very smooth which doesno‘u very often occur but we seem to be blessed with smooth water Wherever We go. On arrival in Paris ‘wo could see very little diifer~ ence to a week day. All over could be seen men with their horses and carts hauling stone, &c., the. noise of hammer and chisel on building stone 4810., and all the restaurants and many of the stores in full swing. After locating ourselves at The Hotel Londres and ‘New York and having a. substantial breakfast we took a, trump and finally found muselx‘es at, the foot of Eiffel Tower which is the highest structure in the. World, and is a wonderful piece of mechanism. From its top which is 985 feet. from the ground a distance of 50 miles around can be seen and the. city below appeals little more than a map; we ascended to the hop and viewing Paris from the different landing stages occupies about two horns. In the evening we visited some of the many restaurant gardens where amusements are povided and also paid a visit to the ‘Madeleine or Church of Mary Magda- lene the. foundation of which was laid by Louis XV in 1764 and was only ‘ cinmpleted in [84-2 at, a cost of £520,000. During the civil war some hundreds of insurgents who had sought refuge here were. killed on the spot by the Veisailles army; the church itself es- caped, although in great danger. On Monday we started out, with others in afour-in-hand on our ï¬l‘SD excursion 22235 a. AA-râ€"Hï¬Jt-ki'h" w râ€"‘mi-rf‘ .- .-_._._‘ m at 9.30 a. m. and came back at, 5.30 p. m. in time for dinner. and the ï¬rst place we visited was the Grand Opera. which is a goveriflnent building and covers nearly 3 acres of sterling. The gran staircase is one oi‘ the beauties of Paris. “’9 then drove through the, great Boulevards which were originally the ground and cost 1 million pounds The drive er tended about 17 miles through Paris. U \V ( frcm Mr. Nicholle -bssezztmés 1M {91‘ Brit Mnheth In On l“ U1 ring mdc We ( envy hnme a distance 01 all lhe villages named The next. day we gallery gin-n to the 1y Mr. Tate. and also Buildings, and then main fur Paris by way Dimme and Ruuen land, and in ; mu‘ptqn Cum-t building it- is lit the w; which tho ( How go and quickly md Vauxhall way the ï¬ne» ttery ‘l I] and 'ittle with and (1y IN guillotine XVI and ï¬rst victi terror 2w line of Lhe city es- On in ion p. ox- u-is the eut of nds one eat the the position, for the expenditures on capital account have heen in canal Works, railway and other permanent improvements which have been always properly chm-god to capital account. If these are to he consider- ed as current, expenditures the late Conservative administration must face an additional deï¬cit of $120,000,000 and more, in the eighteen years of their term of oflice. NO BOODLE IN THIS. The Expenditure under this account, do not include any such items as were ï¬n 19m will Bring Vtrhe golder H. LINSCOTT, Tom the co ()f assert moment have 21 because be, so f1- It The xdmix lt proceeds to pmve tms by a. nf assertions which are wort] moment‘s attention, not bemm have a. substantial fn-undath because they are, and will con be, su frequently reiterated th begin to believe them. THE PROOFS OF DISHONE The Star declares that “th zllS have collected much more in taxation than the (louse thought, of doinor.†This is 1 true ; the partial removal of t strictions has given _an elast business that has brought its result of increase uf x-eve ‘otlier words the people ha‘ freer to buy and able to secu for their money, cbnsequentl) Immp d ducement to trade has i the burdens upon the pa proportionately reduced accepted principle of free the greatest commercial agesâ€"Englandâ€"â€"has pm pet-adventure, but \vhic tionist can afford to udn' knock all his theories fl: Star asserts that the J spent more money on fund account than the did during either of t-b 1893 to 1896. but inasunu in all things, Chm NOT EXTRAV'AGANCE BUT EXPANSION. “ In addition they have sant more money on capital account than the Conservatives have since they ï¬nishvd with the trvms-ndous task of building the I. P. R.," in fact, “they ran 1 $4,000,000 behind on this year's trun~ l snotions uloxw.†If the Montreal Stztr ins the result of increasing business Ihztd found it necesmu-y to spend $10,000 in enlarging its premises and plant and, as a result, assumed a. Imoi-tgnge of three or four thousand ‘ dollars on the improved property would it consider that it had run that three or four thousand behind in the year’s transactions? That is exactly the position, for the egpenditnres on A,»M.‘I NOT EXTRAV'AGANCE 1 “ In addition they 11 money on capital am Conservatives have sir with the Lrvms-ndnus t L110 3. P. R.," in fa pat-mus 1 piece :hs 240 the C Droce Our 0 constructed aes on eithel fountains till) 000 able ( Libel mpar frequentiy :0, (1e la 00 1 an imm m St. PM L'tiï¬( LVlI] ul( (l6 In an: rs in all of the (hm L‘vpr'osent some h‘rencn Itly rear their heads. Concorde is the ï¬nest the centre stands the or, sister monolith to «119, The Obelisk is a stéme '76 ft. high and us. On this Spot the WCCted of which Louis 2 Antoinette were the d during the reign of 31?er exte and lay of indig .Ln'plus is a 1 (If the p: with, “ the m LIII m 11-9,: 3' This is pe: removal of tn: 'en_an elastic brought its :1 :e of x-t-vem people have m H‘ TINI th w a Letter. Jule is this 1 mnnun ï¬ne vie Exhlbitk ity. H resent ï¬nan- e (lPï¬cit.}'ea1's 5 dishonest.†by a number wxnthy of 3 because they ufluï¬nn, hut {1'8 ion ntlUl’l Ltion, but ‘ontrinue to that some ï¬cit. yeal fshonegt. m numbe tion that am,“ and mt ï¬nan- money x'vatives )erfectly rude re- icity to natural I] ll] min be )ï¬ this Th provided for i (Jul-ran Bridg< Galop’s Chanr and a. score of form a portiox of the scandal mentry inqui In 8f the 0 try have ‘4u;~u ivyâ€"IU- and upon which 11 action would prov majority of the paign has been ca amount of energy there has not be thusiasm that wa. earlier stages of case it does not se very heewy vote V BLJXIMIN(; ’ Some of the 1ppear to be count of the ccoun nhlic Adel; media deï¬ci‘ H] d1Â¥pped more ï¬n The formid: election trials already tweut have been pra many more abortive. Th1 to go through 11th By the time it. print the From have been taken vote will be 511 one way or the puse of this dish most unsatisfam small poll, or a g medium the '1' incidentally :- are as good at Liberals are at The Hon. N has returned several weeks West. In con diun, Mr. Sif‘ pressed with t of permanent which 211% mm all hands. E blue ruin am been so freely of politiciansl the splendid Minister has 1' the country. EV n X very h in n bestu about his ings to the nection t1 gu Lté the splendid opi Minister has 1'01 me the country. Seaway a. week adding to the num ing from the Klnm of the home-cmni ing fabric of indict ministration again is as sun upun a whole business is proving as unsi patriotism of “108' busy discwditing such stories for t}: political advantagq liti T‘VANTEDâ€"SEVERAL pgrsgne in thi§ grate nesu in their mainly ofï¬ce straight $9! 0 ads, nu more fereucas. F euveone, H 'e famous 13, but tk esmen ha eems re: It should Conserv way or the Luther to ï¬nally dis- of this disturbing question. The Luusatisfuctory result, will be a. ll pol], 01- 2) pretty even vote with :h neither party will be satisï¬ed upon which neither action nor in- m would prove acceptable to the :u‘ity of the people. The cam- '11 has hevn carried on With a fair >unt of energy on both sides but -e has not been that, intense en- Ripans Tab the Igh h nmeI iipans '1‘ Iltural [Single copies, 3 ct's. PF m truls‘ is rapidly diminishing : ly tweutyont of the sixty odd been practically dropped. and as more are likely to prove ive. The result of the ï¬rst one through the courts, namely that; .uh Ontario, was not encoui-ag~. ) the Opposition, and Mr. VVhit- snot talking so valorously now ;his intvntion to push proceed- o the bitter end. In this con- :;n the Toronto Globe observes énhllly :â€" “ Conservative journals. _: good at howling corruption as “is are at proving corruption." 3 Hon. Minister of the Interior- retnrned to the capital al’ten a1 weeks sojourning in the North :. In connnon with every Canal- Mi: Sifton is profoundly im- ‘ed with tho universal indications rnianent progress and prosperity ll are manifesting themselves on lands. Even the prophecies of ruin» and disaster which have so freely advanced by one school yliricizms have not detracted from Splendid opinion which the chm-ling fanned of ihe future of UH} prem 111 pp '9 time this letter appears in ie Prohibition Plehiscite will -ent«-1ken and it, is hoped the 11 be sufï¬ciently pronounced ' or the uther to ï¬nally dis~ this disturbing question. The isatisfuctm-y result, will be a. ,rles Tupper’s administration he had luyally stood by the ant in the famous revolt in John Carling too, another ive of the postal depart. ; shifted from that to the ml Department and then to make way for that yet ous agriculturist, Dr. Mon- t the apotheosis of these twu Ihas yet to materialize and reasonable that the move- uld at least originate Within : shifted ml Dep: to make 3118 agrh , the apo has yet reasonal 11d at lea 1‘1†vati ’other contracts, which n of the shameful history ls disclosed by the parliaâ€" iries of the last. parlia- r dollar in the public ve been spent in the land the frantic efforts tion to rave to the com}, 011an exiled, Herbs for tile {Bike of dvantï¬ge, Fabules cure dizziness Tabules cure headache TH Conservative papers getting restive on ac- attontion that Post.~ . Mnlock is receiving rt: only are they kindly bhe‘ feelings of M1: gues, who, they seem jealous at the recogni- upon him but they rly 0f the want of week passes now without, a number of those return- Klondike, and the effect â€"Cmuing upon the impos- indictment for mailâ€"ad- nguinst the Government on a winter’s snow, the 955 is melting away and unsubstantial as the f thmse who have been so diï¬ng Ihoir country by 1d disaster ; advanced b have not dei '1 opinion fanned of i he Langevin ectiun 8.. Tuy Sheik‘s Island NOTES 9941 that intense en- 15 anticipated in the 3 the ï¬ght. In any eem probable that a will be pulled. SVRONG PARTY that this quest rel-ed by the ob, ho can possibly endid Work of Mr. Mulock’s )r under Whom 700.000. was left salary mks.v Until great- shown by their is hardly graceful party to account SC ITE; Ieux'by counties. 11: is ucteu at home. Salary expensesâ€"~deï¬nite,bonm lary. Monthly 375. Re- elf-addz'ered stamped Hess. l'restu pops. M. Tnvsrwonfmy No Block- Dam, which listm'y pal-liaâ€" parlia- ‘rovincm a passing :9 our Sir ixxl- the out usi