Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1898, p. 4

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hie-W Advertisements. .-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-'â€",::__. _ _ _;. RICHMOND HILL, September 29, . THE GOVERNMENT JUSTIFIED. During the recent session of the Ontario Legislature Mr. Whitney and his Opposition followers claimed to have two strong points of attack from which they fired their shots against the Hardy Government. In the first place they show that an outrage had been com- mitted by allowing Hon. John Dry- den and Hon. J. M. Gibson to hold their portfolios until such time as the courts could decide the protests en- tered against the declared elected opponents of the abovéd named min« Esters. The court has already un- seated Mr. Calder, Mr. Dryden’s opâ€" ponent in South Ontario, for bribery 'on the part of his agents, and there “is little doubt that Mr. Dryden will carry the election which will take place in a few weeks. It would be difficult to find as able a man as the slim; John Dryden to fill the position of Minister of Agriculture, and an outrage would have been committed had the important office been given to another man before the court had time to decide the casein point. The other charge was that a num‘ ‘bcr of Government supporters got their majorities only by the vote of constables who had served outside T‘Ehc polling booths on election day. 'Mr. \Vhitney claimed that the votes of such constables should not be "CJllllted, and that several members were not legally elected. A few days ago the Court of Appeal decided unanimously that the constables rc~ fcrred to were not disfranchised, and that the Ontario Election Act never meant to disfranchise them. The ground appears to be speedily slipping away from under the fect of the Ontario Opposition. Men and Women Who need to make money can do so ,‘without risk or capital, by soliciting orders for our memorial edition “The Life of Gladstone,” by Gastell Hopkins, with introduction by the honorable the Minister of Education, Dr. Ross. This book is a Canadian classic. The story with thrilling interest. His death and imposin national funeral will both be describe and illustrated. 512 large quarto pages. It measures 8x1035x1; inches. Retail $2.50, worth $4. Mag- nificent binding. profusely illustrated. Prospectus 75 cents. Liberal tor-Ins. BRADLEY~GARRETSON 00., Lim- ited, Toronto. vehâ€" Markham Council. The Markham Township Council met at, Victoria Hall, Unionvillo, on I Tuesday the 20th inst. Members all resent. The reeve in the chair. inutes read and confirmed. Communication was received from Holmes & Gregory re Mustard. Quantz-Dimmaâ€"that the treasurer pay the following gravel accounts :â€" Jos. Eckardt, 16 yds,. F. Sliver r. 0., $1.60; Jos. Grove, 32 yds., F. Stiver r. 0., $3.20: Samuel Vv'ilson, 77 yds,, \V. Fierhcller r. 0., $7.70; Peter Burkholdcr, 100 y(1s., J. Bycr r. 0., $10; Thos. McQuay, 27 yds., Jno. Smith r. 0., $2.70; Jos. Lundy 20 yds.. Geo. Robinson r. 0., $2; Jos. Lundy, 70 yds., \V. Cox. 120., $7; 17V. Armstrong, 76 yds., B. Hagen-man r. o., $7.60: gravel for east townline $135.95, Markham's share $17.97, Lawric and Dimmzt commissioners; Jos. Lapp, 48 yds., Geo. \N'halev r. 0., $4.50; ’l‘ilinan Nighswander, 20 yds., Sotsa yard, J. F. Burkholder r. 0., $.11“): hll'S. \Vlll. SCEI]‘CO,, Lovvnline l1 -t\vcen Markham and York 46 yds., Markham‘s half $2. 30, H. B. Sclunidt 1‘. o. ‘ Quantzâ€"Ecluu'dtâ€"thut the trees. pay Robb. Elliott $15, being ‘5: value of-l- lambs killed and Wm injured by . dogs, the owners unknown as testified on oath. Qunntzâ€"Simlewtlmt (he troasmrr pay one-half of the following accounts \eiug for labor for Yonge Street to Sept. 13th, 13:12; :â€"R. 13. McLean breaking 3 toise stone. $10; Michael (lonlcy, ditto. $11): Michael Horeu, (lit-to, $5; “"111. ‘lnttterly, 4 days" work. $4. Michael (lonlcy, breaking 2 toise stone, $10: Michael Horcn, ditto $5: Total $14; half $22. QIIant-zreEckurdtâ€"that the rcevc :Ind1i"e:Isurcrbo authorich and em- powered to borrow $300 or such other .mnn as may l.e required to meet the requirements of the municipality um i1 111(‘-L}1XI‘S own he collected and that the soul of the corporation be attached to Lhi< resolution. l'fckauitvrQuantzâ€"that the treas. l of But surely, pay the following accounts 2â€"1“. & G. Harrington, lumber supplied the township $114.71; Jas. \Vellnnm, re- pairing culvert in road division 24. $4. . :l‘. Donor r. o. ; Jas. “'ollmzm repair- Ing bridge opposite lot 35, con. 4. Mr. Steele cmmnissioncr, $7; ('. Reynolds rebuilding bridge, furnishing spikes and bolts and filling in washout 18,35 opposite lot con. 8, $30.48: S. A. Lapp'. drawing pipe and putting in culvert on Pickering lownlim- opposite lot 8, Markham’s sharo, $2.50. loss $2.25 half cost of pipe, 25c. ; It. Jarvis haul- ing plank from Unionville and repair- ing3culverts $3, also hauling plank and placinor same on Locust Hill bridge, $2, placing stone at abutment and filling approach to lots 5 and 6 con. 10. $2.50 total $7.50. less old nm~ tel-in], $2.50, duo $5. G. \V. Sullivan, replacing culvert opposite lot. 1 in con. 8, $4 ; . as. Thomas, fillingr in washout between lots 5 and 6, con. 8, $4: .1. endeavored to ,JaI-vis. 8 cedar posts 2.0 cents each, $1.60. Mr. Dimma asked leave to introduce 'aby-law to define the duties of the treasurer. Leave given. By-lziwread a first time. On motion by-lnw rend asecond time and council went into committee of the Whole there»qu Mr. Quantz in the chair. (.lommittcc rose and reported the by law as read. On motion the report was received; and adopted. Bylaw r’ad 2t third time and passed. Quantz*Ecka.I-dt~thut the mover be commissioner to open ditch oppo- site lot 14, con. 3, also to repair bI-ic go opposite lot 11, amount payable on order of commissioner when work is completed. On motion the council adjourned to meet on Tuesday the 18th October prox. ooâ€"â€"â€"- Agents. The only Cnnadian “ Life of Glad- stone " is by lustell Hopkins, Hon. G. ‘V. Ross and Sir “"11f1'1d Laurier. A. lasting monument to the late man and to Canadian Literature. l’fc'vrzu‘c of American catchpeuny books bandch by Canadian houses. >ur book has been in preparation for yours. Hund- somer bound. Profuscly illustrated. Big commission. Prospvclus two to canvassers. Freight paid. Books on time. “'ith this book you can down thcm all. BRADLEY~GARRETSON COMPANY, LIMITED, Toronto. ..___â€" Headford ‘ accidI-ntallv shot on Saturday by Prohibition is the pwvailing. topic for discussion in our sober little village as I presume it is at the present timc all over the Dominion. Although we have had no public meetings, on Sun- day morning the Rev. G. McGulioch gave us a very spirited address in beâ€" lIalf of Prohibition, basinglris remarks found in II Samuel x., 12. “ B9 of good Courage and let us play the men for our people and for the cities of our God. and the Lord docth that which secmeth him good.” The dealt not only with the moral sidc of the question but cleared up a number of doubtful points on. the financial side. But, Mr. Editor your readers will have cast their ballots you! or nay! on this great question bcforo this issui- of your paper reaches them. I‘Inthcr the overwhelming v.1 nicnts advanced during the pros-en! cztmpnign against. this extravagon and demoralizing traffic and thc l‘lCl-Z of anything really good. said in its goâ€" of his life is told favor, should leave no one, with the moral. intellectual and financial inter- ests of our beloved country at heart, long in doubt as to which way to mall: \ their ballot on the 29th. The young swains of the Epworth League are contvI‘IIpIntiT-rg u hoe-cake social or something. Look out for posters. Miss M. Teasdale of Toronto has bcclI spondingn few days here with her bIothcr \Vill. Miss E. Clarke of Toronto is staying with her brothers here. for a time. Mr. and Mrs. “’ess Ilolmkay of CrecmoI-e and their little twin daugln til-rs, Dora and Beatrice, have been visiting relatives and friends at Head. ford and vicinity. Agents. " “'omnn "’ is the title of our great new book. Discusses all phases of the subject. Contains “The Life and “VII-k of Miss \Villzlrd,” the most WI’II'Ider‘l'ul woman of the. century. Over a hundred beautiful portraits of the greatest women known, with bioâ€" graphical skctchcs. Snap for can- vassors. BRADLEY-GAR RETSON ,OUMIV’ANY, LIMITED, ToRoN'ro. -â€"~â€"¢o Langstaff As no items have appeared from this - vicinity for some time, we thought we would renew our correspoiIdcncc to lot you know that Lnngstafi has not dropped out of existence altogether. Sunday evening :1 number of our people went to Thorn‘hill Methodist church to hear a. sermon on the Plohiscilo I-lclivcrcd by Roy. F. Keam. He took his text from. .1 udg. i., 1‘.) and v.. 23. Judgingi‘roin the manner in led the s:ij<=ct,, ho is ‘no doubt a wry enthusiastic worker. The fauocrs of this plane \vcrc pleased to son the rain of last week. as the ploughing will be some easier. “’0 huvo not br-cn favored wit-111mb ibisso.~n~ou:1s some of our neighbors have boon, but fortiunrtcly, we hIIvc also Inissod the storms which have done so nun-b d:InI:rgI-| in many places. “'1‘ Hi“- giml to see Mr. \VIII. Link of Toronto in our midst once more after a severe attack of typhoid fever. He and Mrs. Link are spending a few Weeks at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Munshnw. Miss Si‘l‘nll Pearson is home again after :I v' ' in Toronto. The Mi:~ws- Boll of Toronto and Miss i F. Rovnlon of Ilcmlford spent Sunday I at Zih‘i B. “foltlricks. ’ I Mr. ll. I)!"111‘_V has re after visiting his son, Dr. Michigan. . ' I MICE. A. James who Is teaching In East York was hopu» lust. Sunday. ' I Lost. Saturdav evening, Miss M. Boll ('elcbI-.-Ilcd ln-r birthday by cnlprtamâ€" ing a. number of her fricntls. Mm R.- Kascly has returned aflrr visitingr friends at St. CallIaI-Incs. ' Mr. ill‘lil Mrs. Ganictt and MISS Bolton and Mr Burrbridgo of Toronto Spout Sunday at the home of Mr. Graham. _ . _ ' Miss A. Stuart of Maple Is Vlsltlng at. ObsoI-Votory Farm. We are sorry We have not enough churches in Thornhill to accommodate our young men as one took an early walk to :1 near village last Sunday morning. Dzunc Rumors says (hero are to be two weddings in our town in the near Future.» turned home I .1. Drury ot'l , , 4M»â€"-7â€"â€"-â€" Wanted. Indusirious men of character to travel and appoint agents. Salary and expenses paid. BRADLEY-GAR- V RE'TSON COMPANY, LIMITED, To- RA )N T0. 3’, News Notes.- , Hon. M. C. Cmneron, Lieutenant- Governor of the North \Vcst. Territo- rics died at, the residencv of his son-In- speaker ‘ connneI‘Itb} me will be of no avail. r, which the Ito'verortt gonllcanon hand~ , law, London, Ont, Monday morning. Fall Millinery opening, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Oct. 6th, 7th and 8th. “'0 purpose a grand displag of all the latest styles. Atkinson SWIIZH‘. Tbmnus Kclly, 22 years of age. was i the cxplosiou of :1 gun in the. hands of a boy who was out shooting blrds. Kelly was an employc ( f the Cleve- land bicycle works, Toronto Junction. .7). tornado swth the Niagara Peninsula Monday afternion. Five persons were killed and dozens of others more or less injured. Many buildings were levcllcd to the ground at St. (latharincs, Merritton and other places. lf‘ne gray Blankets, 114-, $1.00 per pair: the best grey yarn either 2 or 3 ply 4.5 cts. per lb. ; Baldwm s .3 ply Black Fingering yarn 7 (ft-3:. 4 ply 9c. Atkinson & Switzer. â€"â€"-~â€"â€"*’- Agents. Book business is better than for 'ycars post; also have better and . fast-ersolling books. Agents clearing from $1010 $10 Weekly. A few lendâ€" cI-s are :~“ Queen Victoria." “ Life of Mr. Gladstone," “My Mother’s Bible .fitorics," “ Progressive Speakor,’ “ Klondike Gold Fields,” “ Woman," fast, Dinner and Supper.” Books on time. LIM ITED, ‘Tonox'ro. Farm to Rent in}: it)“ notes: is to rcnt for [mm of y; urs. Apply to U. H. KEFFFR. the arm ' The undersigned has for sale 7 brood sows, 10 store pigs and a number of « t one month old; also one 0. J. BROWN, Lot 48, 1st con., Markham pigs nbou ‘ cow. 12.2 Pigs for Sale A quantity of pigs about 1 month old for sole. Apply to. ' J.)S. MORTSON. -2 Bond’s Lake. "martian. a The undcrsigned is prepai ed to de liver Mixod \Vood at $3, and Slabs at. $2.50. 1-tf XV. It. PROCTOR. ran sans {)1}: TO £€B3NT‘. A good comfortable house on Arnold Stroll. Apply on the promises to il-tf. A. ALBIN iiifian'rnnâ€"snvI-I u. 'rnusrwom‘nv persons in this state to manage our-busi- ness in their own and nearby counties. It Is Inuian oilicework conducted at home. Snlm‘V straight 3900 a your and expensesâ€"demote, I bonulidc, no more, no less salary: Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stumped envelope. Hess. Frost, ilept. (lulcngn. 11451 ticâ€"it SALE HIJI‘LGIL 15. Uouhit’ss of Oxford. Apply to I“. J. GALLANOUGH . 1 1-tf TlIorIIlIill. ’ Farm for Sale concession of Vaughan, containing 200 acros more or loss. This is one of the host farms in this section of country. Terms easy. For particulars :1 iply to J. E. CLUB- INE, Eglinton P. 1., \Y. F. A. CLUB- INE, (‘. P. ll. Crossing, Yongc street, I Toronlo, MRS. JAS. STE‘VAITT, Oak ' 1‘1.”“$. G-tf J ‘ memm\ Max for image "Glimpses of the Unseen,” “BI-enk- V BRAD LEYLGARRETSON CO. ' - Lotfl. ill) con” Vaughan, coninin- ' Richmond Hill. “:3 Manchester, of LondonE Thu-c coal stoves, sclfâ€"fecdms, one _ Rik“ 1131"“ “f “its 34 and 35: 3‘11 Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the Coming comv " “113M Politl Easel its“ ISSUED BY THE its Strand: attain cents ERATlON LIFE. .4 . a I r ~ ‘ I T 1' 435,4933Q) (Jim-‘3‘ XL Guarantees Extended bran-now or n 1912mm Policy :Iilc-I two years, or a C; sn huI-Icndrr Vuluo nl‘tn-r iivc ycnis. Rilbk‘S and full infornnition sent on application. Also agent. for \VIQ’I‘ERS’ FIRE INS. 00.. YORK MUTUAL lillt‘l INS. (":)., 'l.O}IIF‘O‘_\i GUARANTEE AND .\(7(,1ll)1-‘.-”l‘ (10., AND APPRAISICI‘. Fo-n CANADA PERMANENT I}; AN & SAVINGS COMPANY . y... a... .. Elicinn‘ond {ilk HARDV‘I/ARE ~ STORE. Is on hand with the latest and best makes ct COAL hid GEE, Also other makes of ranges.- Stove Pipes, Elbows and everything in the stove audheatiog line. All kinds of Tin and Hardware at bottom priCes. Repairing Promptly Done noun HILL 30. Month - organs “mousse 5, ‘10, 15 and 25c. each Lanterns, 35c. upwarps Guns. from $4 oo~to 510.00. Ground Oyster {fished Makes the hens lay. It has a truly wonderlul effect on lowl ~24 hours after being fed. Twenty pOunds for 25c. WELKENS &. 00.. 3 doors west of George m For good up-to-daie Harness at low prices. Nickclanruntcd Single Harness from $10 up; Genuine Rubber or Solid 1‘ leI'lâ€"lllflullbt’d from $15 up; all hand made; no shoddy. ne Harness A Specialty. â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" ALSO IN STOCK Dusters, Knee Rugs, \Vhips. Trunks, Valises and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PItOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. (3-3130. BICDONALD I T. sale may rein sane NIAI’LRE‘. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz; The undersigned bus for sale a large number of Steers and heifers, from one to three yours old, Also fresh. milch cows. Fl. F. HOPPER. 7‘ Richmond Hill. BRITISH AMERICA, ' OF TORONTO, CAIIADA. ~â€"-ALSOâ€"â€"â€"- GORE, on GALT. A First class Cash Mumnl. YORK MUTU AL, (1 a. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA. I Assures on {-11 the modern plans, and is one of the most ‘flrnspfflous and progressive companies in existence. New lilo applications In lbw .. ........910,290,204.1 Assets, Iilst])m‘.,18§ll . . , .. 4,016,419.13 Life semi-urn). in form,- Isl. Jan., '95.. 31,628,569.“ Premiums low, po‘ ics unconditional and nonforfcitnble Take a policy win. the district agent, T. F. McMAIâ€"ION. LIBERAL OFFICE, RICHMOND HIIJ' "43‘ g ' ’Véi‘iiiE. tf pany for the farmers of York 00. Business SolICIted. l Qubscribe torr- lThe LIBEF .A T. .9 e, 1;”.

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