POINTED PARAGRAPHS. F.â€" rWhat. can’t be cured should be well Insured. Learn to say "No." "Nit." It’s harder to it is to earn it. V A man’s unreliability very often exceed»- his assets. As the twig is bout: the limb is in- clined to go broke later. A dude often turn; feminine heads -â€"lmt in the wrong direction. iAn ignorant wi-c man is less alan- gerous than an educated fool. Time is caught by the tail more fre~ tuently than try the forclock. ‘ Some women speak little to a man’s heart and but little to his mind. .But few wives who drive their hus~ bands to drink have to use whips. Posts are bornâ€"therefore their an~ cestors should be held responsible. A good dinner often il‘iLllrfUl‘Ll'lS a bitter memory into a pleasant forge- t‘ory. Every man knows how a wife. should be managed, but few are able to do it. :All the world's a prize ring, and all the men and women merely wrappers. A wise man baits his hook with .in» quiry. but a fool baits his with im- pertinence. Bume men are too stubborn to ac- knowledge the corn until you step on their toes. It's better than save a penny than Beer is said to be fattening, but too: much of it will make a min lean- against; something. Actors always like to tread the boards. but it’s a deadly insult to ask them how the walking is. Some men‘s idea of making a night of it is their inability to remember anything the next morning. It sometimes happens that it takes a : speaker longer to clear his throat than it does to clear the hall. lthnever some husbands and wives agree it is to the effect that they made l a. serious mistake in marrying. There are but few female lawyers. A woman would rather lay down. the law to one man than practice it in court. It is said that men who never drink, smoke or stay 'out late at night live to I ripe old age. Perhaps that's their punishment. W HARNESS RElNS. Slade From the, Stoutes! of Lealhcrnl “‘ord About Handliolds. The reins of a set. of single harness are each about 13 feet in length; those of a double harness about fif-- teen feet. For business, harness reins are made of leather, tanned black; the reins of carriage harness are made of russet-colored leather. {Reins require to be very stout, and they are almost always of steer hide, the leather of which traces are made, these, however, being of more than one thickness. Occasionally lines for light or for cheap harness are made of cowhide, but: not often; as a rule the'best of leather is used for the reins, even in cheap harness. There can be obtained from hides of leather suitâ€" able for rein strips from seven to nine feet in length, so that reins are always of necessity made in two pieces. The loops, or handhelds, often seen on the reins of track or road horses are commonly made of lighter leather stitched together and then sometimes stitched to the reins, but more often secured to them in such amanner that they can be shifted on the reins to suit the convenience of the driver. The three-loop hold, is commonly used for track driving; the single loop is the one used by most drivers on the road. There are patent handholds made of metal. The wooden buttons sometimes seen on reins, used as handhelds, are made in pairs, one button on each pair having a. stem with a thread cut on it which goes through the rein and is screwed into the other button of the pair on the opposite side,. HOOK SVVINGING IN BENGAL. . The people of Gangut'ug in Bengal, have a barbarous practice called hook swinging. They deck themselves out with garlands, and then assemble to- gether to undergo the most horrible torture. A .wire about a. quarter of an inch in diameter and seven feet long is pierced through the tongue,and then the wretchid being will dance for over half an hour with the( wire still hanging through the tongue. Some of them form themselves into a row. and are then sewn together by a wire needle threaded with cord. They are sewn by the [arms and look like herrings on a wire when ready for the hook. It is thought that the victims are drugged considerably beforehand, Wing to the sullen, dazed expression they wear throughout, but sometimes one or two faint, 3%d are with-great difficulty brought ‘1 mid again. TESTING A TRANSPORT. A good story is told of the First Bat- talion Grenadier Guards. while on route to .Egypt in the transport Je- lunga. "Man overboard." was the cry. Immediately, says our Gibraltar cor- respondent, lifeybuoys were cast over, the ship was stopped, and boats lower- ed, but nothing could be seen of the man. The captain said. "I don't be- ‘jeve there is any one overboard." whereupon the stolid little colonel re- lied, "Oh, no; I only wanted to See f you had your appliances all ready." The captain 01 the transport's reply is not; given. We gnaw What Hood’s Sarseparilla 9068 When the Blood is lmpure. \Ve know it makes it rich, pure, and nourishing and cures all blood discas es. \Ve know it overcomes all sorofula troubles, salt rheum. boils, pimples and all eruptions. \Ye know it conquer: the worst cases of hip disease, givingr back perfect. health, cvcn after all Otllcr medicines have failed. \Vc- know it invigorates the Whole system, tonm the stomach, creates an appetite, overâ€" cnmcs that tired feeling and gives strength to the nerves. \Ve know it lpl‘evcnts sickness and suffering by fortifyingr the sys cm against the at- tacks of disease. . Sarsa- Em paritla six for $3. ls t‘nn~tin‘< Greater Mo. twine. $1: t :HOOd’ yiotulm.ra~ym In, 3’ to Olle‘rulc. Zilt'. in BRITISH ARMY BillBS ] -â€" l-lOViI MUSICIANS ARE TRAINED FOR THE MlLITARY SERVICE. _â€" Banclnms’h‘rs Must Ito. Thoroughly Schooledâ€"Ei:uul<mcu Art- l'mlrr the ('ommnml of 12r- llluglmcuéul lblliccrs. t 5 ¢ ens J cm All l Music has always played an impor- ‘ taut: part in lhn arts of war as in: thu arts of peace. It is liltlf‘t'tl. ,th-xt while lutcs, and strinred instrw ments were originilly usmt in tlic- ser- vice of religion, instruments of brass were used only in martial music. 'lh- trumpets of the Roman infantry, ant th‘ bent (‘ltll‘itins of their cavalry are frequently inentirnnl, but no record , his bccn discovered leading to the le- lllr‘f that these instrumwnts were ll.$t‘(l for any nth-tr purposes. In Enclanl, although militarymus'lc is almost as old as th» army itself, the regimental bani as now understood is an organization of comparatively reâ€" cent growth. Thc first bands were regarded as ornamental appcnll-igcs to the fashionable regiments. Th'li expenses were rit‘fi‘nyed'lylht‘. officers. and the uniforms of the musicians were entirely different from those of pt'rillalllc the regiments. Of course. the more wealthy the officers and th‘ more fashionable the regiment. the more gorgnous were the uniforms of the band. and Pepys describes th,u musi- cians of the Life Guards as “rich with embroidery, velvet, cloth of gold and silver." The names of the instruments used in the old days make quaint reading ticâ€"day. There were. besides the files. bugles and drums used at the present, time, zinks, pommers, horns, brass horns, cremornes, jingling johnnies, bassoons, cymbals and tambourincs. In THE FANTASTIC COSTUMES. which the bandsmen wore in the time of Pepys, and the queer instruments which they played, a. soldier of to-day could hardly find anything but the ridiculous. And yet it must be reâ€" membered that these bands more than once did much to bring victory to British arms, and that the music which would seem uncouth and ridi- culous at the present day, was just as inspiring to the armies of Marl- borough and Wolfe as the cultured performances under trained bandmas- ters of the present time. The year 1857 marks the line between the new and the old British military bands. abill was passed providing that hands- men should be recruited as soldiers. should he enlisted on the same terms, should be regularly drilled, and serve in the ranks on emergency. In 1857 also the Royal Military School of Muâ€" sic was founded by the Duke of Camâ€" bridge, the mmmander-in-chief of the British army. This establishment. is unique and deserves to be described in some detail. \Vhen it. was decided to organizethe regimental bands of the British army, and to train the musicians who were to serve in them, one of the first ob- jects desired was to do away with the foreign bandmasters (and bandsmen 1who were in the majority in nearly every regiment. Kneller Hall, near the famous town of Hounslow, Midâ€" dlesex, was chosen as suitable for the school. The latter was not designatâ€" ed as a first training-school for musi- cians. but to give thorough instruc- tion to such members of regimental bands as showed special capacity. At the present time no man is eligible for the important place Of bandmasâ€" ter unless he has studied at the SCHOOL OF MUSIC. and has gained the necessary diploma. At the present time the band of a British infantry regiment consists of a bandmaster. one sergeant. one cor- poral or lance sergeant. twenty priv- ates and eight boys. In the cavalry regiments the number of privates is fifteen. The boys and privates are re- cruited in various ways. Men Who have some knowledge of music are on- listed as bandsmen. and are immedi- ately taken by the band. Most of the members of the band, however, consist of privates who have exhibited some musical talent. and who, in their dividing in spare time, have learned to play on some instrument. Many of the boys are taken from the Duke of York‘s School for sons of soldiers, the Exâ€" mouth training ship, and similar in- stitutions. The majority of tlicmhvrve not: brcn trained to play on any inâ€" struini-nt whtn thcy join the banzl. They are, thcrofore, taught. by the llanrlmast'cr, who also instructs illl‘ nley-joinml privates. bcsirles conduct.â€" lilir, continual practice by the whx-vle band. it will be SPI‘X] that. the duties of a bandmastor are no slur-cure. Now. as to ill†part. which the Royal Military Schmvl of Music plays in th0 formation of the complete band. Such privates and nonâ€"cmnu’rissimnwt officâ€" cnrs as. have joined th’- band are onâ€" couragml to join voluntary Classes. in arlrlitimn to rlt('l‘l\lnl.': the in»tructiwn sil'cn by thu lutnlmastnr. At‘tcr thly ll'th‘ attv-nrlcrl th'sc Clinier for some time ihcy can m) up for the prelinviuâ€" fll‘y examination for the School of liuâ€" fsic. Fliuilrl a man pass this cxmuin'i- tion hi- must in .‘lt’ltllii'ln lit" rct‘mltâ€" lllI'ntlt‘tl by the (-nlonul (if 1117' r0vl~ mvnt'. :lnl prove himself lt(»f<-<x-~'Si‘tl of 7) f:ir ucncral urlucition. li- must. also nor-c to scrvc in the armv fur twelve years. it will be‘ won lli"l ll to Knollcr Il‘lll, but ill†rmv-irrl, lll‘ aspirant i: silt-v'c‘zstul, is proporâ€" llt>'l.’tll‘. Music as a student he is rm thn dill-ct road to appointment as a bandit-taster, with all th‘ trlory anti int-rcas’m'l cm- nlllmcufs \Vlllt'h the plum s'chs. anl possibly a commission in after to C‘l‘JHVN lllfl CAREER. 'l‘lin lllllslc’ll training: at aneller llill i: on» of the most tlmrmwhkinrl. 'l‘h» staff {‘Oll‘l3l\‘ of a commandant. n tgtiirtermaslcr and rm mlljut'nt. a Ilii‘u-lor of mul'ic. chlplnius of ill" Church of Fnrrlanl anvl th» Rom-in ("lthvlir chuzrh. two sv-livo'maztc's and tun nrnfmzw's. lrf“-'ll"< numerous minor (frimrs. The stullwnls are in~ slur-tel in all inctvnnwnts uwr‘vl in military llll'lth, h'w‘m'tnv. pounlwrpnini ‘ort hast rail in. cf n 'ur‘tin'r. anti. ill <hirt'. everything u '(‘"‘vSl."y for a fulâ€" ly cqui‘ipml banllmastcr to ltnww. brunt two to throt- years is tlr- nrtlim ar‘y m'liirsc. amlat tlin end of hi 'trrm thi studcni is thoroughly and if found l'rflll nt turns. a tliirlwtna and usually rcrnairw cit linllllnr llall as n tcachur until thnrc is a vacrsnr-y for a bzintlmaster. \l'h'n he re'ulrs this pnâ€"‘iti'n lli~ work is, as has been sail bynr» moans light, but h' is generally able tomakc <1 L’rvat. deal more mom-y than lb0 :thl‘lLrt‘ commissioan Oft'icr-r. 'l'hv‘ mv-mbcrs of the band rise. at t; r)'t'l(>"k, flntl ncrally are obligml to nt'ttntl morning drill at 7 o‘clm-k, Breakfast, is at 8 o’clock; frmn 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock ill‘l'ï¬ is individual practice. and from 10 o'clock until noun. full. formerted practice. After dinniii‘ 1119!"? L" bl'acticc again. and once or twice in th_- week the band is expected toplay at, the officers' mess. Of course, on {my special Occasion elaborate musi' 13 DTOVitlctl, and in great reviwvs and parades the bandmasters of the. varâ€" ious regiments join in friendly rivalry in Sllllply the most difficult selecâ€" lions, - It is on the evening's wh-n thebfmd is not expected to play for the officâ€" ers that the opportunities of the band- master and his men are found. Some of ti)3 crack regiments, such as lb“ Grenadier Guards. possess bandswhich are famous all over the United King- dom. and EARN LARGE SUMS In that your for performing at public and p'ivzite entertainments. Th» British bands are Parts of the regular regiments. and the bandmastcr and his men are al)« solutely at the orders of the com- manding officer. There was a case about two years ago in which 0118 0f the celebrated regimental bands was guilty of some slight infraction of d1sc1pline. It. was only by the most abject apologies that the bandinaster and musicians were not all Courtâ€"marâ€" tialed. ‘The bandmaster rccs-ives five shil- lings a day as n warrant officer.with seventy pounds a year adle from the blind funds. Besides this he takes his proportion of the earnings from priv- ate cugagenumts. which are divided among the members of th» band acâ€" cording to their rank. The governor pi‘ovules for the instruments. but the other expenses, which are heavy. come out of tha pockets of the officers. Very few of the bandmasters have ever been made commissioned officers. Licut. Dan Godfrey, of the (‘oldstream Guards, recently received this honor, and there is a movement on foot to [live all the bandmasters commissions. “'hather the officors of the British army. which is about the most conser- vative organization in the world. would consont to receive these addi- tional companions at: their mess with- out, protest cannot. be said. Everyom> must. remember Kiplinq's story, "’l‘hn Rout of the \Vhite Hus- sars.“ In it. he speaks of the great veneratlon felt by every man in the regiment. for the old drum horse which th» colonel wanted shot. The drum horse plays an important part in théa bands of many regiments. It is usually some veteran of many wars and occupies somewhat the same place in the affections of the men as the mascot of the American regiment. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. . Take Laxative Bromo Quinlan Tablets. All Dru. 3-50.: refund the mom: if it. fails to (lure. 35-. ___ o. i ,_ FRENCH ARMY MORTALITY. A return relating to mortality in the French army. in time of peace, of course. has just been published by the Journal Officiel. It covers the period between 1872 and 1897 inclusive. It appears that the annual percentage of deaths for the first three years was 8.88 per thousand. in the next two 10.80 per thousand. Between 1877 and 1897 the average has varied be< tween 4.46 in 1880, and 7.84 in 1881 and 1882, while last year it was 4.56. The mortality from typhoid since 1888 has greatly decreased. while smallpox has ltieen virtually stamped out by vaccina- Ion. ï¬V'tllllnl'll,v . , . . t is no may Hunt: to secure avlmlsslwn il‘l t V v Always a Winner tadeda Has the reputation of being the most regular in quality. Scylen "lea Try it. Lead Packages, 25c, 40c, 50c, and 60c. NO REST IN THE GRAVE. The Body ol‘l‘olumlnh (‘onlluually on [he gm »\'ol Much of It Left. The Spaniards have bean wringing th irh'inils at the idea of the ashes of; ll‘lntlst)f l he I lam theorists: ‘ centNmira : u("'ir.'. l’rxce25n. ii Columbus falling inloths- rlctcstetl Yunlf‘es‘. The remains of the great discovererli'i burictliu the. choir of thx C‘lllll‘llrilltlf Havana. The dead body of (‘olumlvus his been as restch as flirt of St. Berle. it h'ls never ban alllt-to find (ltttll-‘l resting place. 'l'l’i‘ great, (licll at Valladolitl. ' Spain. on .isl-l-n-don Day, 1506. He exâ€" pressed a, wish to be buried in the isâ€" l:in<l of JO:'nil‘,S, his “lie, t'imk incessant body of h~l' llll(4ltliiltl. sailor San Domingo. She carried it \\'h~n h" tnlt‘l'i the Sl‘ll‘Vll of, about wi' it it ’r v. hurl she l lave-llml. For llll‘v-c )‘c'irs thx body “as (lt‘l)tl<liel.l in tli~ cliutclint Sarilt‘rancisco in Vallar (lttlbl. \\'b r: it; [Mind its first restinvr lilac“. lil i313 it was rciun'.‘ctl it) 5“- l’lilâ€. ’l'li’ir it iviii‘iiuwi for 223 _\'(’7H'S. 'l'lir holy \vis arr-tin tll.~'llll"lԤ'el .‘tntl ("It'll 'tl 'tt‘ thvI Atlantic. it iv 117‘ -< its nrxt l‘t““ll12! [ll'tr‘t‘ln San ilbmix-s‘r as (‘uluinbus hul xvi-Jud. When the island was (to-tied to l’ranve, tlr- llhl’lï¬â€™i WLTU tflkt‘n In liawni, and solemnly buried in the (‘atlietlral in January lTDti. \‘i'lryt ri-mai'rwl of ill“ lJtItly was I'll/Hamlin an uinin :I [llt'llt'lll tlr- Wt wall of t.h= :liuiccl. anl covered with :L millilu stall, Itcr'ently tho inlliilllt- f‘ntsot >321) lJVHIilnLY'llltVC‘. ciaiim-«llilit ih- lmnwuf tli- tli<rr\v\-rc.r0f tthew \\'nrld still ltsl in [llt'll‘ soil. pears llltl wth lhu bones were movwl in Cuba the priest of San I'lo« mingro lit-Ill; trick half :ml hirl tlinm in lll‘ south of, tha sacristy of their (‘atlt~rlral. ilere thwy were discm‘VWl in l877. ,lf thr- o‘panish (jth-rnmcnt :iirain claims the th restless spirit of the explorer will ll'V†to return to S‘p'iind'w’ evpv'yiu h of ti.†territory which he presented to his Jttluptt-(l country will have passed from hnr rule. FNC‘OI 'RAG lilillN'i‘. lieâ€"No. [can’t afford to marry. She â€" Why? l‘ni sure the taller would trust you for a dress suit if you mentioned papa's name. Warts Painlesst Removed. “'arts are an eyesore, besides being" an inconvenience. th-y are all too common. Many a woman would give her hszul. to get rid of an unsightly wart. \\'e have pleasure in informing her that a certain, permanent, and painless cure is to be found in Put- nam’s Corn Extractor.â€"\Ve have test- ed this and know whereof we speak. THE HORRID MAN'S VIE\V. Do you think your wife’s vacation benefitted her very much? Yes; she recovered from the fatigue that was due to her preparation of goâ€" ing away, and is now in comparatively good condition to start on her fall dressmaking. IN APPLE TIBIE. \Vhen the red is on the apple. And the apple's on the tree. W'hen Myrtilla. with her basket Flings a. saucy glance at me, All the joys of all the seasons Bipen in a. rosy glee. When the red is on the apple And the apple’s on the tree. __â€" Thore is more Cour-h in this motion of the country than all other til-30ml put together. and until. the last few years was supposed to he incurable. For a "at; many years doctors pronounced its loan? dines". and proscribed locairemedlu. and by nonuuntly “Him: to euro with 10m] treatment. pronounced it in- ,curahlo. Science has woven catcrth to be a constitution] disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. IiAll’u Catarrh Cure. mum: cturod by F. J. Cheney k (‘0.. Toledo, ONO. is the only constitutionnl cure on the market. It is taken tutu-unity in doses from :10 dropl ton teaspoonful. It use directly on the blood and mucouu nuihns n! the system. The! offer one hundred dollar for any case it has to cure. Bend for oivculnrs and teati- monlals. Address. F. J. CHENEY a 00., Toledo. 0. Drug lsta, 750. amin Hither-‘9th _bElL ‘V P C 939 Sold ‘J Hall}? " wwwmmwmmmmwwwwig WANTED. A Thoroughly reliable woman (mar- ried or widow preferred) in every city. town and village in Canada, to net. as soliciting Igent for a well advertised and eotlbllahed article. Easy to sell and satisfaction ensured. No deposit required. Gin reference: when reply lng. Addreu, E. A. sPRONo. , Hamilton, Ont. *flWWWWMWAWMflW. mun! BAIINGLâ€"Now lmportatium fluent English 3 Sheep and American HoiOseiniz-v ~rulinble goods at mm prices. PARK. BLAC W a 00., Toronto. frORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL 08"! special r inducements bonyouns men desirous of up Cuttin ; ull particuan on cpplt u; v nan 31.. TORONTO. HOD. TAMMERERS. Onlymuttmtlon In M for the : '1' m unmet due-t M1 (. care of the (lead l i "N! or Green. It ap-i I‘m l, ashes of Columbus†1!! '-' , you can i. so CHEAP m ,m old shingle roofs or 4ch l of buildings. Used 22 years. Ask your dealer for it. THE FlNCH WOOD PRESERVATIVE & PM!“ MMPANV, ‘ r70 Queen St. \V., Toronto. Mine. Mine 5, Halo; 3 .. ,,. ' .. Earristercctmmemoved 3y" ‘ 23.: to Wesley Bldga. Rich- " mood St. W.. Toronto. 5%, Heartache, Face-ache, & all r: yer.- muwular pmnl, ii wily rrl'val by Cru- hc‘nao 3 G c. aiming! for Tim L tunings Medicine Co, Toronto. lrml package. ml IF you want to either buy or sell Apples in car lots, writeus. lTiio Gawain Conim's..imi 30., Limited, Toronto. This transom one of my crlglnai denlgns. All (lolcripllcnl of I‘Vcoj Grille . Transom». {.nt t'eo and ood Work. Deer .aitv E. lleitl. ms Yonga 5... All original designs. “’rits for prices. Tenant, l l a n . R a "’ is 8‘ nnorma SLATE, In Black. sLATn BLAF‘KBOARDH (w:- supply ' Public rm] High ï¬cbmils.Torr-r.w). Rooï¬ng Felt. Pitch. I'oal Tar, Arc Rï¬OFII‘V’? Til Elites Ncw Civy Build.- Eazn, Tornnto, done by :zurfirm). Mam] Ceilings, 00r- nlws. die, I“ ~ttvn1rm tarnished for work oomplnre or to: nmurlal: ". pm? to an' pu'mf the country. Phonon“ i ii. EUTMH all SONS, Adolaldeï¬wmmer stauToronto. l common/m ‘ I. II. INBCESOH. 11.9.. .55 W 3 TORONTO. 091' & 115an t ..n., SPECIALIST mm Viium~ THE TRIUMPH!» ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. -' Easy put up and taken down. Can be cleaned, mated, and put. “my in a small space. Ask ynur dnlus for ' them. Manufactured by G. B. BARCLAY, :63 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. r NICKTED O'Lttrl'D l y l l L. cerrss & ca, cams Alia comuisswa MERCHANTS, nooma409~12 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO. ONT. Joan L. Cont! J Tuouu FLvNN. Shorthand, Typewriting, lTELEGRAPl-IV. c... :lmercial Subjects are properly bought in t . CENTRAL BUSINESS GOLLE »L, crouto, Yonge and Grrranl Sta Fall T Ito now open. embers admitted at any limo. Eight regular teacher; Splendid cut lpment. Write for catalogi. l. - W. H. SHAW, Principal. y l ,W.G. HARRISJoronto I Pays the Best Price for SCRAP, LEAD. {Dominion Line Steamshlps. Montreal and Quebec to Raver 001 In miner. Luv . T 3 and int twin urow danish pl do" Von couver.’ ‘Domlnion.’ “Scott! _.' ‘ or ism. Superior accommodation toi- nt Cabin, .0} and Cabin and Steer-gr omen n. has o ‘00:: Debit “sageâ€"lint 0.313.350.00: £36; -teerage 922.50 and n words according steamer an berth. For 3 information I l to Local Axon". or 01m» Techno-t Gen'l Agents. 17 St. Sacrament, 5L. Maugl.†Manufacturers of DILLXARD TABLES ï¬nd BO‘V'LING ALLEYB. PM)" 1303. Send» lot Cstntom. 257 King M. Wen. TORONTO. The Bold Eros. ms. 00., Farms for Sale Three Farms for Sale, on easy terms. Property situated convenient to C. P. Railway. Specially adapted for stock raising. For further particulars apply to III.McNAMAlAJarristorï¬orth Bay,0nt. Heating OUR SPIGIALTY. 7 INT “Annâ€"Our new I!» am with that “dint-on. I WAIIII All-Gui or wood turn-cu. We have ma nylon and [in- to sel from. OGHIINATIOflâ€"Ho' natal 3nd warm air tufted for any requinnontï¬. Write m if you hue my. _â€" thin. to hm nd we mu b: able to maul something a mg.- :33 ' .dvnntogo. WI SEND Flll OATALOOUI AID IITINATIU 0N APPLICATION. 1 cum BROS. & cwmrou. our. Brutal: n Winnipeg chr Sale. hâ€"d I8 IN. STURTAVANT BLGW FAN 7 in. Outlet, 4x3 Pulley. Good as New. Cheap. The Wilson hililishiiig 00., LIMITED, 73 Adelaide St. West. TORONTO.