Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1898, p. 1

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mm ".-;\.'.17.:i.P_'SH:‘S’:S’:5'7\': x-ntcxtscmm 4.... a... a...»- flii per aiming, in .ul‘vmiCc." fi'mnfintrnu :rnvnv: 'xaml‘w' hr. «awwa‘armx‘f3‘11'rxutk 33.1751", flaw-r;- i':,“_ J - *’ "0L. XXI. AT i’iiE LIBERALPRNTING .9; RICHMOND HILL, (we. '1‘. F. Me. Iii i1 0 N .1 lzizroit A: PXII‘PltlfiTnR i" (Suzccsaor in Dr. W. J. \Vilmn . RICHMOND LEILL, Ont. OFFHIE “(DEBS 8 lo :0 a In: am! 43- m 8 p m \‘T \\\. Rogcvo Buva 3’1, Room 12, 121 Victoria SL. Toroi‘ito. Dost fitting ti-cili, :ilm' i'cpl'itiim, zil. lowest prices. Good work. Dii. W. um "um ' ER, ‘Dentigt. OF '21 BL'lOR STREET W.. T()R’”:XTO, ion) ,lv vm: 23:17, Eel/y ‘Cntil April. 1899.1viilbf‘ in R}; the following inst. \\ @llU"3ihl\' Oct. 26th, Nowai 1 Doc. n. .1111 y $2111.31.“ 1415.. Ofliwâ€"cht door south of Public Schools. Silz'ttrinm'g #3. AT Mofi lroy, VETERINARY SURGEON w-AN Dâ€"" VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, uimluute of the Ontario Veterinary Collezze, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday tom 1 to 3 p. in. Gulls promptly attended to Diseases of horses. wintlo and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and. moat ap- proved methods. PALMER‘HOUSB RICHDJO N D HILL. Remodellerl,nnd newly furnished thi'ouphout. One of the most convenient 31nd ciiintornmile hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern coli- veuience. Sample rooms for common-«nu travellers. Aniilenl stopping plane for l‘l‘llLlfl or driving parties, bicyclists, or farmers going; to (ii-returning from market. Bus meets all tnins. Electric cars russtbe rloor. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. WA L'l‘ER HULSE, Proprietor. g. QM. unvon illifi'fi‘llllla, 168 KING srnnnr mam. TORONTO Very accommodation to guesm. Board, 51. per day WE GET BROS, Undertakch l". Embnlmcrs. Funeral Furnishings Always on Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure biliousuess. Ripans Tabiiies cure dyspepsia. ”ifi'sf'c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. IMACDOUGALL & JONES. ’ LAWRENCE & OHM . Richmond Hill l l 1 Mr. Fred. \V. I limes Attended (.0 on shortest notice 3.11“ at ten. ' Residence. Stoufivillc. Out. yum» cniiniisuoygr: in Tim HIGH COURT OF {US-71' PC ’.‘,. " ..- -é~vJ suar oi. Mam-1‘33 RICHMOND Hill]. 1"“3'1 ""“l‘il 1'. P 1“ , i r‘ ‘LT‘I \v GAnVlil & (1-1 Jill. ‘ But-vibloi'n.S¢.lic‘.ioi‘s.Czufiw‘iv‘m.i'« \z.i:i.'2;\.4$r - {I Town. 6031, Tour '..'.w0[1‘ic05 ; Hill. “1! hymn ill-"Wl'lV, mnl 'iu ' 5119121002“. ‘vni'vin will lm m Ollie? vvci'v ovcuiiu' out! ‘ 63.1.01) hifLillgi Ll L.I\. ( iiiiiiéliiifegoii some 15 iriislcrs. Salinlirrr, ‘2'" 25 KING ST E 11:P\.ilil('lll llill {\ilcllil l '1, 1-; J u 'i*\l\/. ’1' \‘ClCS'T, (INTO. East Ivl‘illltfl Gillie, Mi. Urn: = ft‘fl'lt‘lh’fl'. \‘Illndbrlllt P, (WNW 'iv 1-i' C. 'I‘bvruhill, mob “YBiliBFi'lfi‘1131111111012- COOK & lucmiiiii} Bal‘l‘lSll‘l‘R, Solicitors. \. TORONTO UFFUl: : Ali. 81., 1"}:181. (-10. v..â€" 1. Brill-lamb 111'. Cook will b0 :it anlc on Thursday ziftcrilooii (:1 cucli \vw-k. MONEY TO TI‘AN . Money to Loan v -b. 1' :i/C. Telephcue 47 Barristers. S/ilii‘ilvi's, (Sm. Room 1.110.218 Toi~oiito$t.. Toronto. ALFRED MACIIOUGALL, TE 1- l vr‘liICE i7. JON KS. Solicitor to the Treasury of Onfm'io. Solicitors for the liclii we 1mm; mid Savings (‘uinpiiiflz 3 G F LAWRENCE \Y S UBMXbTON L L B 1810 N. Bax risters, Solici c: 5. Sn. Toronto Olficeâ€"â€"Na.1< Toronto Street. Oifice open cvery Saturday. fiofi. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES DIJAMES. Nolan-y Public, (loiivl-yuiicm', Valu- zitor, Commissioner in B. 1%., (Cc. Money to Loan. ’l‘llORN II I LL. ROBINSON, LENNDX & MACLEDD Barrislcrs. Solicitors, (hi. ’1‘11211 u l? . TORONTO AND AURORA. MONEY1__MONEYI A Inigo amount of private funds to loan improved {aim proiierty. Fivo per cent. in- ter-use. Enxy twins for repliviiient. 1"0 coniâ€" LUlaSlU'} charged on loans. Applv m LAWRENCE 31 OR RHSTON. 15 Toronto St , Toronto 01‘ at Richmond Hill on Srmirihvs. 0!] SALnu EOKARD'I‘, 6.) Winchester St. Toronto. J. H. PRESTIGE Cal-rville. Bckardt & PI entice Licensee! Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of utock.etc., prnnipsly attended to in reasonable mien. ‘G. R. Uoulding. Newton Brook, agent ior the above. C STOKES D BLUUGH Stokes G: Blolig‘lh LicenuedAuctioneers for theCount)‘ of York,re- upset-fully solicit your I‘nblollnue and friendly influence. sales nttendtil on the slurtest notice am A reasonube rates. P. 0. lulu)”ch King J. ’l‘. Saigon“, LicensedAuctioneer for the County of York snxishlemtes. Potionugo solicited. Maple lleaidence J. I). Remainâ€"Ian, Licensed Auctioneer for We (‘ounty of York. i General sales of impleme‘ts, llll‘nltlll'e.istfifl\llllg timber. etc.,uttenrled on the: shortest notice and at reasonable totes. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. N. Bf Emmi. Licensed Auctionen‘ for the Counties of York v nail Outnno. Aliaules of farm stock. 510., nt- (#13le to on the shortest notice and reasonable mom. Mornings nud bailiff rules attended to. l S. T. Brookes, LiconsadAuctionear for the County of York. Charges moderate. Patronage solicited. Adâ€" dress, White Rose P. 0. Ripans‘Tabules. Ripans Tabulcs: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver tronblns. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. V‘T‘: m1 .,:1nmm3mmm, _ , Our Otto The Prohibition Pb bigwil» lm< hen-ii lulu-ii. ninl although .‘ll 119- Univ of vriiingllu- l" 'lll‘- ~ vu}; lili‘ulll~ {ill-1c, ciiii'igli known to imlimilv of tho ‘ll iiiiiiibci' iil' voms ,"uiuiriblc in :i giroâ€" Sui-‘2‘. v? ihi- l'v-llll’ih its (-ii mist. ll lll:tj(ll'll_ hibilm'y law. {111'x'llllil‘lf'Ti':lpln‘fll‘ in lllillvnl“ lhui tho volc ms: 111 llll‘ l‘oiir l’ivviiicm of (liiiui'iu. Muniinhu. Nova Nr'otii illlil Prim-<- lCilwaid Llnml r u'lii-i-w :1 Proâ€" lilbitioii i’li-liiwiii- hzw lil'i'll [iii-\‘ioiisly :riki-ii- is ill 41mm! 111" wiiu- propor- 1M1“lflllll‘llllillilll lholisNue it was bofni'c. If this is so. iii'oliil ilion scul- iiii-iil. lilis cm'lziiiily lullvu all" I'l)ll\lll"l‘â€" :ibl)‘. in tlw ill\l llll'l‘t‘ of llii-M‘ l’rirviil- cos. for the iimjnrity iii (llll‘il‘iii i< ’(>\"'1‘3U": lf‘SSlliiill it was in lS'Jl. 11! Nova Hcoliu ii. is lms than two-1 llll'll'i (illll iii Manitoba L ,, llu- lslmnl l’i'oviiu'c lllUlll‘ liuviiig lllr‘l'l‘JlSPil llllijlll'lly. A (Kiili‘AiiiHoX FIHl'llF.‘<. “'hcii tho lust vnlc “71> lukvn only _ vulml, of which Ill . l‘l\'(il"ll pro- hibition. Taking lhc lolnl l-ls-r~.m-:itv :iiul iliclotul Viill' !'}i‘~l-. ml 11w sumo figiiiis. the Pl'iilllll‘illlll fuvuublc in prohibition in lllh‘x‘i‘ l'uiu- l’i'ovmvm us low, 11.) (ll: ‘shmiii by 'l‘liiii'xil:ij."s \nlc has drop- pcll Ii'iilii 31,1. Iii "v’v’ 'l‘lii‘ Iiii::l mu- jiii'ity l)(‘f(\l‘\‘, iii f.'.\'ivi' of pi‘rihillllnu \vli5121L0001imvil isbul 15.0"“. iliiiilgli llic i'iiliipli-il-(l i'ilui-iis nil iio iloiibi llK‘l‘i'HSL‘ ibis, but ibci-e is no liki-li- hood :lllll St-iii-ccly :i [nwsibiliiy ol' com- iiig within 50:: ul' lil(' l’nriiii-i- majority. Against this 13.4!l‘nl. tlir- illl‘.'Pl‘\‘£' liniâ€" jtil‘iiylif 40,0“.(1 in Qlll'hl'“ :llllll“ has got lo lie i-ccknm-il with. \\'lli‘ll «mudd- cling Dimiiiiiim lcgi>l:i!mii. Tilt- Provinces of Nl-w Brunswick and British ('oliiiiibizi. :lli‘l ill“ 'IU-i-i'iio‘i'lv-s will Slum" H, innisiw innJoi‘iij.’ iii Ehc ufiiiiiiiitivc. but 1h“ iiitwl ill'lll‘il'i , hibiti-niiist is not Mlllgllllll‘ of murv than ‘2 .000 or 110.0310 lllil‘l'll'lly on :i tiitzil vu‘wi's’ list. of rin-r 1.300.000 v-‘ill scarcely be considvrcd ll yllfll'illlll‘i‘ that ii pi-uliibiiioii luv; if plum-a1 ()ll Llli' Statute books would l‘l‘t‘l’lV“ lllili pruciiml support from tlic community without which no leiw (:zlu [)05hlllly be operated succcssl‘ully. THE QI'E ,iicc (.‘UVFERENi it. The proccmlingsvf the High Joint (.‘oiii'mission iii igiicbcc continue to ho wcil guarded and practically nothing of an :ibsoluicly authentic i‘llzll‘IlL‘lt‘l' has zis yet bccn made public. Still “'llll so Inuiiy llé‘W'Spnpl‘l‘ C’Ul'l'(Ԥpilll- (101118011 the spot. and so many (10111!- tiititifis and l‘L‘plé‘M'llLHthL‘ men in :i’t- tciiduiicc, a curtain amount of fairly rcliubli- iiifmiiiulimi must. lmik out, and the net i'csnlt of this wcr-k‘s rumors may be consult-red ciitii'e- l‘y satisfactory. The correspon- dent of one New Yul-k paper has gone so in :is to :iiiiioiiiiCc thc coiizsc dc- Cllll‘d upon in cvci-y one of the dozen or more important questions (iii. the agenda, concluding with the gratify- ing but somewhat startling :iiiiioiiiu-c- lll('lllilllilt{l gmicrzil treaty 11st been drude and in fact cvvyything is prac- "l‘u- tically over cxccpt the shouting. This, of cours is an impossibility: it til)“ L‘oiiimis. oiici-s arrive within Illl‘uslll'illde (listmicu of this lllllYPr- sally desired goal by Uhl'ls‘llllils time they will have done admirably Wcll. But making allowances for 11“ cxug- gcmtions there seems cxcvlleiit reason to accept the gciici-wl correctness oi~ tlic assertion that the negotiations are progressing with rcnsomiblc cclei-ity and without serious bitch. in spite of persistent endeavors of a. section of the public prcss to discredit the Con- ferciice, endeavors which under the circumstances can only b9 stigiiizitizcd as utterly disreputable. The hope and belief is daily growing stronger that 2i greater IlleilSlll'e of success will crown the. efforts of the pleuipoteiitizu-ics than was :it. one time looked for, by even the most sanguine. THE POLICY 01“ THE OPEN DOOR. “711m. are the protectionist organs trying to get at. anyway, in their con- stzint dt'pl’GCil/(OI'y reference to the fact. that Canada’s trade with the Unitcd States is steadil r iiici'casii‘g? That’s just as it should i9. ’l‘lic pur- pose of the reforms of the Liberal tzii'ilf 'as notto close any avomie of trade; a. cardinal principlc, iii (‘VOI‘Y Liberal trade policy is that tho fcwcr artificial restrictions the better, that trade should be left as absolutely llll- ti-liiiiuicllcd as possible, and allowed to fiiidils own natural outlet. That is the principle upon which Grout Britain hasriscn to such universally recognized supremacy in thc coniiiicr- ciail world and hid hcld hci- own against all kinds of artificial burrich up to the present, day. enjoying now an 6121. of uncxamplcd pi-ospci-ily. Such is the policy inward which the Liberal party is siiiviiig iiiid if one of the earliest outcomes of the partial modifications 21110de enforced has been to dcvclop onc section of the iiizirketit has only doiic that which was expected. If by further rcniov- big the barriers the condition of Can- adei's trade can be yet. more im roved the Govcl-miieiit will doubtless 0 pre- Uazify; in Pylon-Essentials, Libsytgv; in all fixings, pared to go on with the work. zuid the 1 country will blistillu thciii. 1f bow- f‘ V Izarity. over our neighbors to tho South should sliowby llli’ll' ulci'nvuiior that tlicy still lubni' mull-1' thi- (lcliisirliiI lbnr \vi' I‘llllliiil do without thr-ir ll‘zlilt‘l ‘llU iimlli-i- whul tho [Il'l"l‘, :ill 111m. i'vmuiiix for us is {u go om- own wziy :IS in the post. until 11in woi'k of cilii- ml ion is :i lii i lr- l'wrt il“l' :ltl\';lll(‘l‘ll. :iiid Ilic llcpiiblic v‘l\' :i \l'iiolc thoroughly 1lll(ll'l‘ lands that which it is l'f':lll%lllg morc (’K'i‘l‘V day. that (‘nmidn is its. l'lrlllllll'l‘i'lull'llllzll, and RS mic of its liewtciisloiiiivita is to ho snug-lit after and pi'opilinli-tl. :iiiil lhut lhci'o is no Si-i'iiriii of lhv community [)l'i‘plll‘l‘ll to Slll‘l‘l‘llllL‘l' its bii'ilii-ig‘hl for n. mom of. pilllilgi‘ lll' :Iiiytliiiig I‘lSi'. (‘.\lll.\'1‘:'l‘ MAKERS Tho s'iill ' lil'S‘Y. \'(‘513<(Dll'illl’l"ll“l. lipiimii' to lixivc li‘l'll Evil pit. for i'oâ€"vlny the Ulilsliil‘y is l“\'l\‘\'tl that Hon. Mili- i~1v-i'«nl'llir- lllll'l‘llil' is in l‘k'lll'i‘ from tho Dominion ('uiiim-L for (lit: pur-i pow of quur-vwliiig Mr. (.li'i-r-ii'-'.'liy :is l’i‘r-iuivi' ml. .\l:iliil(ib;iziii41 lczidcr of tho (lovi-iiimi-ii‘i fora-cs in lbw ncxt Pro- vim-‘uil «campaign. Mr. (il‘i‘l'l‘.\‘.'«l.:-' rc- livingr (ill :iwcoiiiit, ml" ill«hi-:illh. ml and in fact it lurks iiruhiiig but oiit- ('.\~‘l‘llilill oi ll'lilll, of which not H porti- clc f'XlslS llll'l'Plll. ()f i'oiii-se- it ix’ cosy to lllltll‘lN‘iiillll that thc \vniih’. ho only too glad to scp the but of Mr. {infirm iii tlic ('mvi-riuiioiit for ax has bwin i-viiiui-ki-il bvl'm'o- in tlic "illllli‘ (‘Ullllf'i‘llUll :~Ilic biggvnt pilv (if‘ sticks~ :l‘lll shows is :ilivu_V~: l'ouiiil iiiiilci- 1114- lll'n't :ippli‘ ll‘k'“. and thc limsl, :ibiMul mun. i-‘ps-rinlly iii politi- (‘ul lif’v. is mun-rally tho lllilll that is doâ€" iiigthc most, for his. country, for iicccs- sui'ily he must. lli' ihc lmwt ()lljl'i'tlilll- :iblc :iiid (lniigci'iuis opponent to 1111' lll"l'(' pi!l‘ll.~‘£l.ll. Put-1w of {)l'illxi' iiiid thanks-giving Would (lilllllllé's‘l le'iS(' iii iiiiivl-i-szil chorus. from tlii- cuiiip of his o-iii-iiiics if tho Minister could only bc 9hr”.le :is iiidiczitml. but it is in be l'cnrml that the cubiuct i'c-clinstructors will lid-VI: to try again. ()REEN‘VAY IS SOLlD. A< to tho i'ctiruiiiciit Pi-e-iiiicr. which is pill't of this uri'uiigpâ€" iiii-iit, only those at :i. distance from the Prairie Province (.‘Hll be deceived by any such story. Mr. (ii'cciiwziy was iicvcr stiongcr than he today in tlic liczii-ts and (‘fillillillltill of 11w pcopln. \Vhilc iiiifoiliiiizitcly hi: licziltli has not hi-cii as good as friend :lllll foe :ilikc “'Ulllll “1.511. and consulted his personal f(‘t‘llllgS lic might pi-r‘fcr to l,l('\'(ll'l‘ lllllh‘i‘lf Piitii-iu 13: to those agricultural pursuits which have proved so :«llliL‘l‘SSflll in his liziiid ‘. tif yci zit (he pix-sent time it is not zi vi-i'y -‘ hard giicss to \‘L’llllll‘P tiic zi>§cl‘tl<:!1 that iicilbci' Lhc Province iioi' party dcsii-cs 1101‘ coiii‘ciiiiilziics‘ :iiiy ;lli“llcllallg9 as has been cvolvcd in tlic active mind of Eastern politiciziii;~. Agent-G. “ “'lir with Spain." The most (‘Ulll- pli-tc history published ; about 700 pugcs, 200 illustrations. and is so clieiip it sells on sight. Agwnt coining monuy. BRADLEY-GARâ€" HHTSON (30.. Lilliilvd 'l'oi'uiitu. o- Maple The Epworth Lcuguc llt‘lll :i. Sociul iii the Vestry of the church on Monday evening. Tbc room was bczuiLil’ully decorated with flowers and prcsciited quite :i home-like :ipi'icumiicc. A pleasant time was spent by all. A ohm-t prugramiiic was given aiftcr which I'efl‘i-‘Slllill‘llts \\'('l‘l’ scrvcd. A Collection of llL‘ill‘ly $5 wus taken llp' for missions. Dr. Sisley is having :i fish-pond 115 ft. long by 50 ft. wide, made on his premises, and plll'pusPS putting in :i large iiuiiiberof trout this full. The water from J. Oliver's wcll is being used. ‘ Mr. E. Bishop of Tumulo preziclie-(l iii the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Owing to the rel-Opening services at Hope there was no St‘l‘vlljl.‘ ill the evening. Rev. J. \V. Stewart. was preaching,r anniversary sci-iiions llHll' Alliston last Sunday, and llt'V. Li‘r. \Vllllgll pi-cziclicd in Aurora. on Sunday evening. Miss M. Morrison spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss M. Hzill of Put- ter in. 1‘ ss Mills. tc‘zlk‘hvl‘ in Aurora High Schoolspcntlast Saturday here, the guest of Mrs. (Din) Sislcy. Miss L. Curran of Toronto is visiting - at Mrs. J. '1‘. Sai coii's. Mr. Gross 2mg Miss 1.. Cross Barrie are spending it few days Lit the parsonage. Mr. J. T. Shiiiik ziiid family left. for Hastings where he lin's obtuiiicd :i sitâ€" uation as cui-pciitcr also :is blind» muster. â€"-â€"â€"<booâ€"â€"- Wanted. Old established wholesale house wants one or two honest and indus- trious i-cpi-cSciitativ'cs. Cain pay a. hustler about $10 11, week to start with. “Advertiser,” Room 1 Medical Building, Toronto. 7 Tlic' «ll-mils ol‘tlu- stoi-v :m- nicely :ll'l‘illlg-' Opposition? Manitoba’s - if he" coiitzLiiis‘ of VVest York Vote. 'l‘li" following is llic i-cuilt of the Prohibition I’ll-bi. ' -iii \‘fcst York. of which this villugi, 15;: pull :7-7 V i'uinx TUVVNSHIP. For. Thol'iihill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Putts-rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 l‘lalgi-le-y . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . , . . ~l‘i Muplc . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 71 Pine Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Pill‘pli‘VlllL‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Kit-iiibiii'g . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 32 lildci’s Mills , . . . . . . . . . . . . . (37 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HIV) E’IUBICUKE Towxsuii'. New Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . l‘i Huiiibci' Buy . . . . , . . . . . . _ . ll lflllllll’lill Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ‘ [\llllg‘lilil . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 iiig‘lilirlil . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , 17 Siliilhl’iclil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~i1 Totlil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 2U‘E§ 31:6 YURK 'l‘mvxsmi'. lllmi' Pm" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 l \Vychiviwl , . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ill ‘31: DHVi'l‘QUIlI‘E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1‘. [li‘lllllt(ll1i11)‘1s‘\‘:111§(‘il.».1 11-1 LT Mount [lciinis 11 ll Hui-bunk ll 11.1 l‘luir-i-y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 42! 15 Lansing; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll; 7 York Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 1.2’. Total . . . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . 267 2 '3 Tonoxro J CEIL‘TIUN. \Vui'il 1. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 13 ~16 \l'ui'tl 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 2“ \Vni‘d 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 6‘). SET \Vziiil l . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. .93 79 \Vu’ill 5 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $17 69 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 3-13 VILLAUES AND Tonox'ro. “‘cston . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 55 59 {icliiiiiiiid Hill . . . . . . , . . . . . 71 2'2 North Toronto . . . . . , . . . . . . 5’“) 31 \Vmilllll‘lllge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 32 '1 Toronto-~13 divisions in parts of \Vurds 4, 5 and U. \Yi'5t of Redford-road north of Blnor-sti'ect and West of Dul‘fci-iii-sircet. .1203 1215 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-120 15,633 Total vote . . . . . . . . . . . . -595 2:317 Majority for prohibition 78‘ Agents. Book 1; lSllleSS is lit-:tcr than for yum-s nus; : also have better and 11w; 1 l l ‘ first, Diiiiicrniid Siippwr.“ bum- sclling books. Agents clearing from $10 to $540 \vcckly. A 'fcw leadâ€" Pl‘i are :«~" QUHL‘I‘. Victoria,“ “ Life of Mr. (ilmlstuuc.w "31}: Mother‘s Bible Hiox-ic-a.“ " Pi-ogi-muvc Spcakci'.‘ “ Klondike Gold Fields.“ " \Voniziii.” “ Gliiiipsé-s of tlic Viisccii.“ " Brazil;- Bonks on time. BRADLEY-GARRETSONCO. LIMITED, TORONTO. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"Qo Plebisuite Majority 11,636. According to the latest figures, whic me still incomplete. the total iiizijority in favor of prohibition is 11,» 036, as follows :â€"â€" Mujorities. F0 Against Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.102 Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,290 Nova Scotizi . . . . . . . . . . 17.810 Ncw Brunswick . . . . . . 13,715 Prince Edward Island 0,160 Manitoba. . . _ . . . . . . .. 5,099 i\'. \\'. Territories . . . . 1,992 British Columbia. . . . . 538 82.926 51.290 Tutfll Dominion majority for pro: hibit‘ion, 11,536. â€"~â€"â€"~QO-~â€"â€"â€"â€" Willow Vale Items were sent the press two week: ago but have been informed they did ( not much their destination. The rec-cut rains lizivc rciidcrcd ploughing sin chsici- task. Flumiigan Bros. have completed ilic foundation under Mr. Hui-man‘s burn. Mr. Julius Luiiny is having a. stom- foundzition erected under his ham 2 he- is very anxious, because he cannot [illl‘k’sll his grain until completed. Cutting Bros. have had their well dccpt‘ned. One day last week while driving to Aurora. Mr. \Vni. C-niii. 6th coii., hap- pi-ucd with ziii accident which might have provcd serious. The horse he was driving switched its tziil ovci- the wins and in trying to extricate them they becuiiic crossed in some way pulling the horse on the edge of an ciiibaukiiiciit ; the earth gave way preciptatiiig horse. buggy and occu- pzmt into tlic ditch. Fortunately no daiiizigc was done. Fivc candidates rode the Forester-'4‘ goat on “'cdiiesduy night of last work in Kettlehy. Several of our young people spi-ri‘. :i VL‘l‘)’ plciisniit evening zit Mr A iidrmv liai-iiuiii‘s‘ 1:11 Friday tripping: 'lzi: light termini}: 'l‘m- until the \.'Li- .1 :i' lioiuazi.

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