The charges against llon. Wm. Harty of Kingston, Minister of Pal} lie Works, have fallen to the ground, and Mr. Harty holds his seat. When the public learned that there were nzarly 300 charges against the mem-- her for Kingston they were almost prepared to believe that bribery had been carried on in that constituency t.) a considerable extent, and that in all probability the member would lose his seat. One of the charges was that the Premier of this Prev- ince, aided by his colleagues in the Cabinet, had raised a fund of $10,- 000 which was sent to Kingston by relative of Mr. Harty, and was ‘nsed corruptly on behalf of the Lib- eral candidate. This serious charge was published in many of the Con- szrvative papers, and no doubt a gmd many people were inclined to believe the statement. But what do we ï¬nd when the case was called ? The counsel for the prosecution simply stated that they had no evi- ‘dence to offer. Is it any wonder that ChancellorBoyd who tried the ease saidzâ€"“It never should have 'been 'put in the record. tis dis- ;‘graceful to dose if there is nothing ‘to justify it.†The charge: Harty of King: lie Works, hav and Mr. Harty the public lea n 2ar1y 300 cha The World this morning says that freeve Savage complains of the neces- sity for a yearly J udge’s Court of iRsvision, on the ground of economy. It says, “ The reeve’s idea is that in- terested parties purposely withhold 1 ames for these courts that could just as easily be appended to the roll be- fore the assessor finally hands it over to the Council." If the reeve is so anxious to save (xpense he should see that the roll is 0 meet before he passes it. Every municipality is entitled to a Court of Revision before the County Judge. The fact of the matter is, Reeve Savage never was anxious to have grit names placed on the Votcrs’ RICHMONI MR. HAR @119 The prohibition plebiscite has been taken, and as nearly as can 'be ascer- tained the prohibitionists have a ma~ jority in the whole of the Dominion of about 11,000. All the provinces with the 0f excertion Quebec gave a majority in favor of the proposed law, but the total majority is so small that no Government would be justi- ï¬ed in changing the system, when probably only about half the total. vote was polled altogether. Sir ‘Vilfrid Laurier has not yet given his answer, nor will he likely do so until the returns are complete, and it is shown what relation the vote polled bears to the total number of votes in the Dominion. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL DEAR SIR.,â€"â€"The next interesting. )lace we visited was the Tomb of apoleon which is placed in the church of the Invalids in the centre of whichisa lofty dome built in 1706. Beneath this dome is a circular crypt 3'3 ft. in diameter and 20 ft. deep, the walls'of which are of polished marble and the floor mosaic pavement. and from it rises the sarcophagus of. 11:1 oleon which cost millions. The to y had to remain in another portion of the church for twenty years while the tomb {was being completed. Jerome Bonaparte and Joseph Bona- _[nu‘te are also buried in the same rhnrch. The Foreign ofï¬ce. Palace of ‘Bauz-bon. oi the Legion of Honor were next visitedmach a magniï¬cent struct- ~nre. and costing immense sums of money. The Cemetery of Piere Luchaise was next Visited. and covet-Si 110 acres. lt is estimated there are 13000 monuments in this burial ground and is laid out liken Village all the avenues being paved. This (semen-1y vOntnlus the tomb of the lovers‘Alwlurd and ]{e.loise the story of whom is so well known and isvvisit- ed by thousands of the sentimental wholiring ('uStl)’ flowers and scatter ou the tomb at regular intervals. People h-iving relatives buried here are .‘lllli‘ to tell hon many friends the rim-n. sud hurl as each one visiting a ground amt all the rave cemetm') =<' lovex-s‘yxhcl of whom is rd by thol who bring); I Letter from Mr. Nicholls. (It tomb know ï¬st ' Lhn unt tomh at roguln having relatives to (tell how many 1 had as each 01: ans a pebble. thm‘ my hu'd not been f King; the stones at HILI RETAINS HIS SEAT {ï¬g}; Oct - to u'gt leb thn )ttml, so zulur iu- gage nude ( Course XIV tln-o St. Clout contains Rhine. 'Eh‘ grand c0]1_e( commeman by the FI-e £600.000. 'J Napoleon III in L, ,, ments with their furni they “’el'P in former t‘ the style of architect n: which was more massi able than it is no game most made during the 1 ilnpOSSibIO to (198 these gardens ; th be realized. One features in these fountains which n we pa fountains which 1mm! and play the lst and each month, two of th £400 each per hour to they play only for time. In the palace v carriages, harness Napoleon‘s carriage w cost some 4.000.000 frn turn to Paris we stores where the noun and later on the ft rounded by dry moat thd old Paris were 1 entrance into Pin-is, t< as is the case with em brought into the City millions of francs zu coffers each (lay. vault m Tl“ On our nr‘x‘; excursiu Veudnuie column wh high and 13 feet in dim out of 12.00 guns (rap Russians and Austria garden of the Tuilm-h and soon after we pas: Joan of Arc who is St back. Next in order and then passed thx-ou; Justice where the cl session and then Chapelle. A Very fin Gothic architecture. visited Tribunal do 1 'ax'is hul ‘l'i nc um attempt but wit (:hnntf! (_ Military Hotel Diew. dates ‘850 pa‘ by Clovis I Hotel. rInt theatre Mu) CarHiI from t me in :L day. 2le Panthm d Gardens (if Lnxolhlmm-g aoyn‘x 'Residence, the 'Mm en comes- the famous '(‘m )tre‘Dame founded in 1163 -1d- standing some 20,‘9(K)1w( ve is 110 ft. high and on c 9 aisles crossed by a tram: uduws around am of ancir d verv beautiful. AL Lh In ad MU. 'I'iN I Antoine Queen V Us in front 01' beautiful in Ln the world during; the 1; Il] Sid XIII Ilhe hist Paris we mssed mm the 110195 china 1‘ on the fmvtflvut,‘ by dry moat which Paris were reached into Paris, toll \ as case with everything 11" e cit: 30 t1" then Pulu 1nd XV :ti [If beautiful. Hun in 1871 station and vus made 1 ‘ati tt( Ml Austrians Tuilcnva th Ol‘la in 1871 it was used as a m and afterwards an made to burn it down success. The. centre Is the hat. Worn by (xliou and is suspended 11g. “'9 then came. to lmspitul that accommo- ntswud founded in 660 and from 1101'? to our «Awning we attend the g and next day book a f I II (1 u )111'1; 174 th< hi so, tlm'Morguvx and I Folk famous Cuthl'edal of Public uhul in 1103 and will ust a n<ri2(;‘,'t«)()()1wnple. The appeal :11 and on citlwr side F0111 .by a u'nnsept. The , Beam-L an: of ancivnt design ' Charla iful. At the time of’ Annie th HUW “ll tim ion we passed hich is 142 zlmetm- and n ptm-c-d fwm 'izms. Then 9 tapestries is a. ram from father t a, square inch is Pantheon Palace Mimurg formerly Musk tli HI iml pictures 2 Imules V\'I)n mle costing )m‘tmentrs of 3 audit) this receive-d by The appurt- 1* remain as ~s and show d jewels. :4 tons and On 'mu- re- ‘(1 through m1 is made. :ninns sur- h surrnund m1. 0110m- as collect/9d ing that is :n this way st into the (I Pax‘k 1 illes \Vhit 1 Garan ' built l :10, in where The family the tomb 1 (-omfm-t- \_\'S. The ‘0 are th( principal is the 000 in all undays in 351: m usting them and them 0111's the X’IHS and made fmm the F119!) the 5 reached statue of on home- the Mint ‘ l’ulais (10 n horse- mm the ssed tlu 'tll In m try DH Next by .nuis now at U r hot, and : LIBERAL cmnpani Hing. I nml-ning 119m sot north. 5 Lil up The ('00! m the last two I orahle x-ejoici “'9, were beg of the long CI 13' anything ground in its \viLl) light he land can go f This has be est and one that (In 1 majority i from the many live that owin much. has 1m r, , The town has boon favored by the presence of some distinguished visitors this \vvek. Mr. Herbert Lewis, who has been smmnoring at \Vinter Har- bor, Maine, surprised his friends by calling on bhom lust ’l‘upsday. He was ucvmnpanied by his friend, Mr. A. E. Robinson, of New York, who was de- lighted with the autumn scenery, upon which so many have feasted their 6yes. r__. -... ‘7 VIIK'IL x J ‘ a. Mr. and Mrs. “'ak: ï¬eld have been visiting their Children in Thedfm-d during the last, two wveks. They are expected home about the end of this wevk. .. ..., A, Our school teacher paid a Visit to tm~ Queen City last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. David James spent a few (1e lightful days in Toronto 1.1M week. Mrs. F. Clogg of Newton Brook and Mrs. F. BL)_\‘I1L()U of Toronto hm e visit» ed friends during the Week. Miss Nicholson of Algoma and her aunt. Mrs. Bales of Toronto, paid a de- lightqu Visit to friends at Observatory Farm last week. 7 /. .. I“ .- Tbe Misses and (Whariie (‘vluhine spent a, few days “ith their sister at White Ruse: uisu Sunday and Mon» day with Rev. ‘L. 1’. Bruce uf Immunâ€" \‘ i 11 e. Visiting with Mrs. R. )nny 01 place. “’9 are glad to hear that, wux‘k be commenced on the new Well at, school this week. \Vu hope it, The-r1; iï¬ilrb‘ï¬ibedln Hui futility in our vicinity this week. A fine goose suc- Cumhed to the merciless wheels of the trolley last, Tuesday. _ â€" n. 71;. “’0 are glad to hrul' that, work will be commenced on the new We“ at, tho school this week. \Ve hnpe it, will soon be completed and that the child- ren will againfnjny pure fresh _Water A 'V‘Lu n“ Inc 1(lov .Lu W'heelman saw, “ Yonge St. could be worse, but not lIlll(‘ll." By the 1-e-‘ moval of the loose stones into the ruts this nu rde of travelling would be much encouragvd. The Sons of Temperance spvntun enjoyable time in tlwir hall lust Tuos- 1 day night by celvln‘uting the Jubilee Rally. About 55 inviuhers turned out, and after .a. awry interesting pro- gramme they pnrtook of u very handâ€" some lunch' which, it is needless to say, was much enjoyed by all. The prohibition meeting in the S. of T. hall on \Vednosdziy evening was a decided success. as the hall was crowdâ€" ed‘ by a large crowd of prohibitionists. Mr. G. A. qulden. photographer, is making a. boom in the photo line around here. As Mr. Hudden is u ï¬rst/«:lass artist and is doing all work 'in an' honest and businesslike manner, he is getting all lllu work he cam do. Any persons wishing to get their family groups, i'vsiilencos. or single )hotos taken, will (lo VVH‘LtA) give Mr.‘ ladden a trial. and he will'be suw to please then). 'l‘liroshing. [full plowing and pro- hibition tall; urv all the go around :hcre at. present. . and t ner by wther 1W Fullmvivng is u report of 'Veilore Public School fur thwmonths of ‘Aug- ‘ n ust and bcptmuber. [he names appear inâ€"ordz-r of mom, : Fouth -(“,lass-\\'illiu Camel-(m, Beatrice \ViLty. Jim Brownlve, Charles Farr. name monauguwn, Annie Fenwiok. Seuior’l‘hii-d Classâ€"~Lornie Snider, Alex. (Hum-mu, Annie McDonald. I‘llla‘O'Cmnmlg Katie Calm-mu, Dave Julian. Ada Darker, Ollie Snider. Junior Third Glassâ€"Sam McDonald, Edgar Dal‘kPl', Hugh McFau‘hme. Minnie Bishop, Immie Leece. Senior Second ClasstlossieCamâ€" m-on, Finssiv Snider, Lillie -Coupor, \Villin Bislmi‘. Tvua McFm-lalle, Aver 11:0 “He-11mins» 40. 035 \V. MCDUNALD, Tenchvr. uf in Senior Set pron, Flussi: \\ 'Hiv Bishu ]()\V ( din it j. . me tune th icmember 921th still G. Drury (pf Richmond Hill jn The gm 1 11th a the \V in g to tho indifle not cast tlwi m a mimn-lty Ll) Ill favor of f1 ursv that Lh \Ye ) tht L askay ‘Vellore. fall plowing and proâ€" zu-c all t-he g0 uroqu 1H rth prnhil HI 0111's H. Katie n :u‘nl‘e'd by the linguisth visitors thort Lewis, who r at \Vinter Har- flu Laï¬ mmww V0111 l-i .3111: y «11' glad to say v, has been a ing our land biighting so my. however, '0, of many n}; With U used consid- ub the. town. ‘1 the eï¬cct who till th pluughing. great intex h deponde Lion quostio OK'H~ m-ive 1mg. it votes in )1] sent gout NICHom hnwex ; rain ac- >md light )apor this will leave for the but, now to sisu of ll] hivh he int de astion 1 say \V 1 Lh iâ€"s M( ll] this Lanterns, 35c Guns. from $ Revolvers, $1 Ground Makes the hens lay truly wonderful eff 24 hours after bein Twenty pounds for Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()1? GALT. Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming CL pauy for the farmers of York 00. Business Solicittd. The undersigned has mesale a large number of Steers and heifers, from one to three years 01d. Also fresh milch cow; TEE S-U N Life Assurance Co. Assul'es on all the modem plans, and is 9:19 of the .imost vrosperops . and prowess-we companies in existence. New life applications in 1894 ............ 31029030“ Assets..3lst Dec., 1691 . . , . 4.616.419,63 Life assuranm in force. lst Jan.;-’95., 31.628.569.74 Premiums 10w. policies unconditional and nonfuizfeimble. Take a policy wibt the district agent, 166 and 168 King Street East, 3 doox LI BERAL OFFICE For good upto-date Harness at low ] Nickel-)m:unted Sing'zu Harness from $10 up ; Genu 1‘ icke‘l-mmmted from $18 up ; all hand made Dusters, Knee . T. SAIGEON, Agent for the billowing stuck Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUT U AL élï¬ï¬‚ï¬pflée ’ $1.06 IN ADVANCE. OF TORONTO, CAN ADA â€"â€"ALSO-â€"â€"- A First class Cash Mutual. 2-tf FOR SALE 3‘ I I/kljflJEC . Oyster ine Earness A. Sp OF CANADA ALSO IN STOCK , Knee Rugs, \Vhips. Trunks, Vaiiscs and other supplies as low as can be had anywhere. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Rates and full infon McMA HON. WEL KENS 84 CG†Insurance Sum-eude H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill I AND NADA ay. It has a fleet on fowl to $0.00. £1 :30 to 2.50 0 TO THE RIC} RICH MOND Ely] SAVIN YO} A1 :‘r E () . E10 HASPN ‘ALD )T A. Great Combinatien. THE FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR OF MONTREAL, WANDâ€" 3M} 13% {EE‘NTS ! {MOND HIL This is the best short tion rate over offered. of The Family Herzlh Stal- have been inducec otfer, in order that flu in that wonderful 1) more generally known of cheapness. .- v_u“r,_«u_ THE LIBERAL will‘mpply you with all the. local news and The Family Herald and \Veekly SL211“ will ‘ supply you with lepuges every \\'eek.of the most valuable and instructive reading mattpr, including the general news of the Whnlu world. A marvel of excel- lence, and to say that. its subscription price is lmv does not do it justice, for it is of such extraordinary value that it looks us if it, were given away. The Family Herald and \Ve<-kly Star is the World‘s great umvbpuper success of the age. SUESEEEEBE RUW. and Tfl NE‘é‘i SUESGRIBEBS. THE LIBERAL ss at low price This (flex For the balance of 1898 for 3 west of George St. ienmn H ux- subscription to r is good until October 10th, .‘IE\V subscribers only. 9,018.2 3 Rubber 01‘ Solid no shoddy. ï¬rgans -t term subscrip- The publishems 111 and \Veekly «1 to make this w improvements duper might, be 1. It is a marvel m, 15 Riclnnond Hill] MCMAHON. LONDON memes-v \4 h E: