I - i iii ‘ it THE VERY LATEST PROF ALL THE WORLD OVER. ii i Tr iii: ’ ‘le interesting Items About Our Own Conner; Great Britain. the United States. :.11‘ All Parts of the Globe. Condensed 3...} 1.590rted for Easy Reading. w CANADA. Typhoid fever is prevalent. through- out Manitoba. lrantford’s flood will cost 810,000. Th»- Earl of Ava. son of Lord Duf- ferin is at Rossland. prevention works The population of Victoiii. ll. (‘., is now estimated to be 29,0312. Brantford’s population is now 18,000. It. increased more in the last: year than in any previous year. John DIcCru‘mick. formerly of Cornâ€" wall. was srnolh-red to death in a mine at, Greenwood. B. C. It is expected that the. Quebec Legâ€" islature will meet for the (i(‘\‘|l'lit'h of business early in November. The Cassiar Central Railway Corry parry will build tlrir line fmm tilenâ€" ora. B.C., to Dense Lake in the spring. The Schooner Delphine was seized at Port Gilbert. N. S., with over $2,000 worth of smuggled liquor on board. The recent order forbidding the‘ wearing of foreign decorations by sub- facts of her hhrjesty is highly unpopu» or in Montreal. lIr. W. \V. Ogilvie is about, to con- struct a twoâ€"million bushel grain eleâ€"l vator on his property on Mill street. Montreal. I Stratford city 20~year debentures} carrying only 3 1-2 per cent}. hive been sold at par to Thompson & Com- pany, of Sherbrooke. Que. The Department of Agriculture. is; experimenting at Ottawa to determrnc the cause of what is known as soft. pork and soft bacon. The St. John. NIL. Common Council‘ has granted an annual subsidy of $2.- 500 for 40 years towards the maintenâ€" ance of a dry dock at that port. It. is reported that there are 3,000 men on the "terrible" Edmonton trail between Edmonton and Sylvester Landing. en route to the Klondike. Two Chicago Presbyterian churches are endeavoring to secure the ser- vioes of Rev. \V. J. McCaughan. of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto. ; [Plans have been prepared: for a fire-‘ proof building which it is proposed to erect at Ottawa for the use of the GeO- 1 logical Survey of Canada. The. construction of the Robson liï¬d- ‘ way Railway in British Columbia is being pushed forward. \Vork will not 1 be suspended during the, winter. ‘ The Hull City Council has instruct-, ed its solicitor to begin suit against the. Toronto Rubber Company for 330.- 000 for breach of contract to locate in that city. M'innipeg's total assessment for the year is slightly over $23,000,000. The exemptions are nearly $5,000,000. the agroth to be raised by taxation $606,- 7 1. I John Franklin, 3 pickpocket, who was crught plying his trade at the Toâ€"i ronto Exhibition, has been sentenced to two years and a half in the Kings.- on penitentiary. His Excellency the Governor-General has consented to receive a farewell address from the city of Ottawa. A date, probably in the last week of Oc-, tober, will be fixed for the presenta- tion. Montreal revenue officers seizedl 1,000 packages of American cigarettes, . 500 pounds of tuba/coo, 300 bottles of beer. and 200 bottles of wine, at the. Chinese store of Quond \Vah Long. The will of the late Robert Hamil- ton of Quebec disposes of an estate of over two million dollars. Mrs. “'alrer Cassils of Toronto, a daughter, is left $250,000, and the Bishop of Niagara is down for $50,000. Frank Kinds, formerly acustoms' agent has returned to Victoria from Lake Bennett. He says there is no foundation for the charges preferred against the officials. The biggest kick is against the royalty. A movement is on foot in British Co- lumbia. to tranship the Chinese lepers now on Darcy Island to the lazaretto at Tracadie, N.S., on the ground that they do not receive proper treatment at the former place. Hamilton’s assessment is $877,450 in excess of last year. Mr. .E. B. Osler. M.I’., and Mr. \Vm. Hendrie of Hamilton are the President and Vice-President respectively of the new company that has taken possession of the Manitoba & Northwestern Rail- vmy. GREAT BRITAIN. Lieut.-Col. Sir Henry McCallum has been appointed by the British Govern- ment Governor of Nenfoundland. A trooper with a large draft of men for the. regiment and companies in the garrison at Halifax, will leave Eng- land early next month. Sir Arthur Forwood, the noted ship- owner and former Parliamentary and Financial Secretary of the Admiralty, is dead at London. English bondholders have. refused to accept, the offer of \Vinnipeg City Councrl to buy the waterworks pro- pe rt y for £10,000. The Common Council of London has resolved to confer the freedom of the city upon General Kitchener, and al- so to present him with a sword of honour. Sir John Vocc Moore, alderman. was on Friday elected Lord Mayor of Lonâ€" don. to succeed Lieut.-Col. Horatio D. Daviev. -Mrs. Nancy G uilford, the Bridgeport. Conn, midwife, wanted in connec- tion with the, murder of Emma Gill. was arrested by the London police. Her identity with the woman who sailed on theisteanicr Vancouver from Monâ€" treal has been fully established. The London Times says that sooner or later the American shipbuilding trade will find itself independent Vuf foreign aid, and warns British shipâ€" owners and shipbuildvrs that the .-\m- erican n'ivig'uion laws, \xlilrlr really act as rprotemion to British rather than n‘ilive industry, will inevitably be repealed ere long. I'Nl'l'lil) STATES. have t rr \Vashiuglon Stare. will hop crop of 30,000 biles. Col. '0'. 1". Cody. “ hrff'rlo llill,†has been taken Very ill in Kansas City, It is denied that any reduction of wages is conierupl‘iled on the Toronto. ilimilton and lluffsilo Railway. About 200,000 men fool: part big ()titif“lit‘\‘»S‘ [WI id†at Boston. forming a procession five miles long .l’orcst fires in \\ iS‘l‘OIir‘ili enormous damage airing the \Visv’uhiil (“villi ll Hallways. it is cstiinwtcd the lot'il hop crop of \Vnshinplon Slate this season will be between 27,0110 and 30.000 bales. .‘ladit‘ Brown. the onwlr-gm-d tramp who, it is lwlieved. shut ind killed Policeman Tulip-y Lit London. llllSlll‘t’ll‘ :\lillt‘llll-. Minn, a town of 300, and I’oskin, a town of ‘100, built on the Soo line are said to have. been wiped out by bux'b fiI‘i'S. Bliss Marie. Churchill and Harold Daring, of the filIlitIU.\ English bunk- iug family, will be marrind at New York. October ï¬lth. A Joplin, l\lo,. despzitt'h says 7inr' ore has taken another jump, advancâ€" ing from $30 to 5533 par ton. coming within 231 of the highest price on .câ€" cord. Hotel and restaurant keepers of St. Albans. Vix. inti-nl clmim.r permam ently on Saturday. Thry can do no business because of the enforcement of th- prohibitory law. The railway nmn upon the roads en- teringl‘iilsburg-Pâ€~‘11n~minninslrilznj for a 10â€"hour day and an increase in wages. Train robbers “held up" a Missouri Pacific express seven miles from hanâ€" ‘sns City on Friday night. and ‘tt‘lf‘ everything in the express car's sites, The yellow fever outbreaks in Ken-‘ lucky are not yet under control. To date, the total number of cases reâ€" ported is 360, Eighteen deaths are roâ€" DOi‘iI‘tl. President McKinley has sent a per- cruptory message to the Cuban Com- mission that the, Spanish evacuation of the island must be begun by October 15. and completed by December 31. arrested in \Vasliington Territory. Fire starting in a pile of rubbish at the freight depot did damage to the extent of $1,000,000 at Colorado Springs. Saturday. Four miners were burned to death; in the Midvale slope of the belrigh Valley Coal Company at Midvale Sat- urday. At that time there were 150 men in the mine. All were got out but four. Samuel Greenwood. president of the Coatesville National Bank of Contes- ville. Pennsylvania, was on Saturday robbed of a. valise containing bonds amounting to $10,000. The body of Daniel 0. Esbbaugh. president of the defunct New England Loan and Trust Company. was found on Saturday in the river at Hobokcn. ‘Business worries are supposed to have caused him to suicide. Many people have been burned to death in the. Rice Lake, district of \Vis- consin. Bodies have been found in wells, where the victims had jumped for safety. Disastrous forest fires are also reported from “'estern Co- lorado. Captain Sam Beets, who is journeying around the world in a canoe, has arâ€" rived at Toledo, OhiO. having covered fully 171?2 miles on the Great Lakes. He will now make. his way down the Mis- sissippi. Charles Hecking, is under arrest. at Newark, N..T. He is wanted in New York for fraud. He is sixty years (dd. and has made a living by swindling wo- men. He says his wives would fill a trolley car and some would have to stand up. Several planters in Eastern Arkan- sas, who mortgaged their crops in ord- er to obtain supplies for this year, have notified the holders of the. mortgages that they will not haVe the cotton ga- lhered on account of the low price. Governor Brady, of Alaska, has just: returned to Skagway from a visit to the, Pribyloff Islands and other points. He says the, Aleutian Islands are des- tined to become the home of countless herds of cattle and sheep. He found the seal herds dying off rapidly. GEN ERAL. Continued riots between Cubans and Spaniards are reported from Havana. The. population of the Island of Cuba according to the latest estimate is 745,- 000, of which 320,000 are whites. The Transvaal press law, requiring articles of a personal and political naâ€" ture to be signed by the real writer, has been proclaimed. An agreement between Chili and Argentina to submit the boundary disputes between the two countries to arbitration has been signed. The Italian Government formal invitations to the chist congress to be held and place. to be named. The, Rothschilds will loan Spain £4,- 000,000 or £5,000,000 on the security of the Alrnaden quicksilver mines, when the treaty of peace shall have been signed. ' From some districts in Cuba comes the report that the people have not turned their attention to the sowing of the crops and therefore they will be in want. King Leopold, of Belgium, has fid- dressed an autograph letter to the Czar urging the designation of Brus- has issued antiâ€"anarâ€" at a date in the l up diving. Sun and. sels as the meeting place of the Peace Congress. The lives and property of American missionaries in Nodnn, China, are en- dangered and the American Consul at (‘auton has been requested to send them protection. The Queen Regent of Spain has signâ€" ed the decree suspending: Admiral Montojo. and granting pardon to con« victs who fought as volunteers in the war with the. lnited States. The Zanzibar correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung records the Le- lief existing there Ihit i‘illlfi'liltl will cede Zanzibar to (ieiminy in return for (wrrunriy’s concessrons regarding Ih-iagoti Bay. The (‘ubans are still dissatisfied, and are threatening to take the field 115010“ the Am 'i‘icllns and wage gucril- la warfare. if any government short of absolute, (‘ubau independence is es- tzildished on the island. 1 Ten liltlll\‘illll Spaniards residing' in the. island of l‘orto lli ll have refused to live in the island under the .\ruc:iA 'r'an flap; and have derriaudcd that lhi-y .tlu- Government. ' ltcports of the ,relclliun in llaiunu. China. indicate: the ricqu slum-sa- of the. 'l'ii id Flocbly. :i band of il.li'\‘i‘.\' and I‘cbels. who have been increased and strengthened by a hungry horde ‘Dll‘llic'K from 1114 sea coast. l‘owcrs have. de- a. conference Sv-vcr‘il l‘:l}l(v])t‘.ll] child to hold in October for thc purpose of considering and adopting lllt‘nstlrcs for the 900‘ pix-sxions of arriicliy. it is Iiitquwll; to prevent not only the commission of lcrinr-x' lint. also the propagation of anarchist dol‘tlincs in barracks and \Vhl'lixllnpfl. l"Tlul; l’. hij‘cis shot and kill-d John l.errl..irl 4. constable. ‘Mil-liicl Kerns. a bystander. at l‘i‘ti lid, lug ciiction from a houw, which the subject of n family dispute. \\'hc.n he “as being taken to gsxol he \\‘lf~l iSllnl (ti and fell dead in the sheriff's aims. At the l"c‘\sl of the Seven Celestial ‘Sisters, or (it‘llii. on the seventh day instantly and Car» “"134 |of the seventh month. it is the ‘custom in Canton. f‘bina. and elseâ€" where. for single. girls to worship (ieuii. On the occasion of the feast this year four girls made martyrs of themselves. They tied themselves toâ€" tether by their hair, jumped into the river, and wore, drowned. ___q,»_._ sâ€"EMPERUR. DEAD. ONE REPORT SAYS HE WAS CRUEL- i UHINA' (‘lilnese Allnt'll lluropcnnsâ€"Olliclnl Report of the “Hush MIulslerâ€"J'ln. the New Emperor. A despatch from London, sayszâ€"Des- patches from Shanghai say that it has been semi-officially announced there that the Emperor of China committed :suicide on September let, after sign- ing the decrees which placed the Dow- ager Empress at the head of affairs in China. This is understood to mean that the Emperor 'was assassinated. As confirmation of this a local news agency publishes a telegram from Shanghai stating that the. very lat- est news received there the alleged death of the Emperor com- prises three reports. was poisoned, another that he was put to death by strangulation, and the third that be subjected to torture, a redâ€"hot iron having been frightful torture, 3. redâ€"hot iron hav- ing been thrust into his bowels. I The despatcli also says it is report- ed that certain of the powers contem- W’ if S plate a counter coup to depose the DoWchr Empress and arrest and ty Dowager Empress and arrest and try Li h‘uug Lu for the murder of the , Emperor. ; All the Ix‘nglish~speakingg secretar- ies and the pmoipril members of the Chinese Foreign Offices, it is further linnounced, have been seized and banished. .E U ltOI’EANS A'I‘TACKED ‘ Sir Claude Macdonald, British Min- ister to China, has informed the For- eign Office in a despatch from Pekin lll'Lt l\l,r. Mordmore, an attache of the British chation, while on his way home from the, railroid station, eu- corting a lady, was insulted, and firi- ally attacked by a Chinese. mob, which pelted Mortlmore and his Cutupunioll with stones and covered them with mud. Later some American missionâ€" ar'ies were similarly treated, and Chi- nese Secretary of the American Lega- tiou was set upon and beaten so vio-‘ lentl The that one. of his ribs wasiiroken, mister says that there is a very ill dangerous feeling abroad against for-‘ eigners. - Another despair-h from l’ekin receiv- ed on Sunday says that duringr the celâ€" ebration on Saturday of the. festival of the moon, the drunken crowds which had gathered upon the streets threw mud upon all Europeans who made their appearance. As a precautionary measure. the Russian Legzition order- ed an escort of Cossacks, from Port Arthur. The British Minister 21180 orâ€" dered a guard of 2:3 marines from Weiâ€" Halâ€"\Vei. The I’ekin correspondent of the Times says the imperial decree issued Friday, dismissing from office and banâ€" ishing to iii. Chinese Turkestan, Chang- Yinâ€"Hou‘in. Liâ€"liung-Chang's opponent in the Foreign Office and former Chinâ€" ese. Minister at \\'ashingtun, ncquits the dismissed official of complicity wth Kang-Yuwei, the Cantonese reformer, but convicts vaguely as “craft and treacherous," the true reason for his dismissal and banishment, the Times correspondent asserts. is that Chang- Yin-Houan was a powerful supporter of the Emperor's party. bi- rel urncd to Spain wt the expense of. of ' on Vl'ednesdiy. while [It‘liiï¬it‘ concerning . One is that he.‘ Prices of Grain, Cattle. Cheese. &c.. in the Leading Marts. Toronto. Oct. 1â€"le receipts of grain on the street market here illâ€"(lily were large, “heat, barley and cats were lower and peas We‘re firmer. \\'l1c'iiâ€"â€"\\'as ]»2c. to 3c. lower, 500 bushcls of white sclliru: at 00c to 67C» 200 bushels of red 03c to 00c, one load of spring at 01c, and 1,200 bushels 0f goose, :11 03c. to 0;! 1â€"16. Ilarlcy--\\';is lo“ er, 23,000 bushels sell- l '11 ing at tic. 10 17c. Oatsâ€"Were eisler, 1.:‘00 bushels sell- ing at L‘ti lslc, lo 27c. l’c-is~â€"\'\'crn firmer, 1:30 bushels Sell- ing at 71:: Liv. lo 50c. li‘iy and Strawâ€"Ville receipts were, sin til, there “as :i f‘lir demand and the market has steady, 13 loads of hay sellingr .‘ll .557 to 558,50 for timothy, :ind‘ $71.50 1030.30 for chin-r, andfivc loads of straw :il 3,50 to 557. inn-Wu llugsw'l'hcic were nan of- {I‘ld‘ti and prices were nominal at 33 118 i. 2 cash. 67 1-40; December, 05 Belle Cornâ€"NO. :3 mixed, .‘50e. Owlsâ€"No, 2, mixed. L’Zc. .ltye Dull; steady; No. 2, Cash, At‘c’ Clove-[seed â€"- I’rinie cash, $3.70; October, $4.15. -â€"â€"-â€"â€".â€"--â€"- WASUNDLR BRITISH ESCORT. Rang-"lurch the (‘hluew Refugee, Reaches Ho :3 lining. of the London Globe at Tiling Kong says:â€"“K:ingâ€"Yu- The correspondent wei, the ('zrntnneso reformer, in in'erâ€" views since his escape from Pekin, has said he fled because the Emperor in- fornud him of a plot to depose him and kill the. lenders. His Ma- jesty, the reform leader added, want- Kangâ€"Yuwei to escape \\ hile there was [‘4- forâ€) time for him to do so. and t‘tiliilili\>i0nâ€" ed him to endeavor to obtain protecâ€" tron fur the lirupernr and for the lim- pil'e.†l 1.1 III'NG CHANG'S TRIUMPH. A (lespatch from Hong Kong, sa ‘ . hung-i uuei has ariiicd here on board l 111* Ml: liner lullar'at, which was es- (‘ivrluli by the lriiish second-class crurwr, l‘ouarcnturc. lie was landed ,and lwlvrcd (ii iii“ [urlii‘u barracks. I'pâ€" in 83,50, iiulti-râ€"Tlic receipts of d iii‘y tubai‘e (bull \ery (it‘llltil'i for lilo. it) 100. for the lll'fl and inferior is quoted at fair, but is [MUF- Th To and lilt' a great is a better marker is firm at lllc to lite, lldir) pound rolls are sicady at 17c, (“redrou if. in good demand and firm zit ;_’0v-. to ;_’,ll‘. for prints and 17 1â€"20. In lr’ i :t', for packed. ‘. idâ€"‘krsfllhc supply is not large and the tit'ill‘lllti is good and the market is firm at ifw to 10c for strictly fresh ‘gzilhwil-i and liic to llc for held fresh. l‘nl itnwsil'he demand for cars is slow, II\\lll\,.’ In the large offering.» here by fwiinvis’ \\'.i,L't,!t)n\‘. and the market is iowm‘. this till iilt‘ ll'mt'k llt‘lb‘, are quoted at 1‘01: to him bid. i'lii‘dllit‘s‘ out of More ’Ile easier at 73c to Hit). l’uuliiyevl'h“ receipts are fair, there is n Hood deni'iu-t and the market is ‘stwidy at 40:- to .300 for chickens, 50c to 00c for ducks, Tc for geese, and 100 to ltllâ€"Zc for turkeys. Hated Il.-y~ls dull and unchanged and the rnalket is quiet. Cars on the track here .irp quoted at $7.50. liaied Strawm'lhere is scarcely any inquiry, and cars on the track here are nominal at 51. An active Vielll'lnfi continues for hog products, and prices are firm. If the weather is cool local packers expect to begin act.ch fall operations about the middle of this month. I’orkâ€"â€"Can:ida mess. $10 to 816.50; short cut, 317: clear mess, $15.50. Dry Salted )lOllLS!LHIIg clear bacon. car lots, 81â€"20 to 83min, ton and case lots, 83â€"40 to 00; breakfast bacon. 11 I-Zc; hams, large, 11c; medium, 11c to Ill-2c; rolls, 90; green merits out of pickle are quoted 1c less than smoked. Montreal, Oct. ket is active. and steady. Oats sold at 29c afloat. In peas business was done at 61 lâ€"‘Zc to (lie afloat. and rye was quoted at 49 1-2c to 50c in store. and barley at 53c to Sta for N0. 1 afloat. Flourâ€"There is a good demand at steady prices. \Ve quotezâ€"VVinter wheat patents. $3.85 to $4.10; straight rollers. $3.50 to $3.00; in bags. 81.05 to $1.75: Manitoba patents. $1.80 to 84.90; strong bakers' best. 84.40 to $4.50. Feedâ€"There is an active demand and prices are unchanged. \Ve quote: â€"Onlarin red winter wheat bran. 312. land shorts, $11.50 to $15 per ton in bulk: Manitoba bran. $11 to $11.50; l Shorts. $15. Mealâ€"There is a fair jobbing trade land prices are about steady at $3.00 per barrel and $1.70 per bag for roll- ed oats. Chaimâ€"The, market is very firm. A sale of 10,10.) boxes western Septembers at the equivalent of 97-80 over the cable is reported. Finest western Sep- tembers, {ill-Bu to 95-80; finest east- ern Septerrrbers, 91â€"8c, to 91-40, finest western Augusts, til-tic to Ell-to; fin- est eastern Augusts, 90 to 91â€"8c. Butterâ€"The market is active and firm at, 191â€"11 to 2201â€"40, for finest Sep- tember creamery. figure there is a better demand for 15 1â€"20. Eggsâ€"There is a good demand with no change in prices. We quote: â€" Strictly newl aid, 171-2 to 180; No. 1, candied, 14c; No. :3, do. 12 to 130; P. h‘. 1., 12 to 13c, and culls, ‘Jc per doz; Provisionsâ€"The market is active and unchanged. \Ve quotczâ€"Canadian pork in barrels, $16 to $516.50; pure Canad- ian laid, in pulls, 81â€"10 to Bl-Zc per pound, and compound refined, 5 to 51-20 per pound; barns, 101â€"2 to 13c; and bacon. 10 to 131' per pound. lBuffalo, Oct. 4.â€"Spring wheatâ€"Dull and lower; No. 1 Northern, spot, 060; No 2 Northern, titic; No. 1 hard. c.i.f., 70 3-10. No. 2 red, nominally 700; N0. 1 while, ,tiUc. Cornâ€" Fair demand; feeling Ifirm; No. 2 yellow, 33 3â€"40; No. 3 yel- ‘low, 33 1-20; No, 3 corn, 331â€"40, No. 3 t'UIIl, 13! 3â€"4 to 33c. Oats â€"â€" Demand liglrt;' No. 2 white, 20 3-1 to 27c; No, 3 while, 2251-11 to Ztic‘. No. 4 white. :21 1â€"2 to it 3-lc; No. 2 mixed, ‘1: 13-40; No. 3 mixed, 23c. Iiarley~Held very strongâ€" ly; prices advancing; active demand, Ryeâ€"Dull; No. :1 on tracks, 5'30. Canal heightsâ€"Steady. Flour â€" Steady. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 4.â€"â€"\\'heat closed; â€"No. 1 white, cash, Utic; No. 2 red. cash, till l-tc; October, 600; December, 61 l'iâ€"Rc; May, 05 3â€"»tc. Milwaukee, Oct. 4.â€"\\'heat â€" No. 1 Northern. (Etc; No. 2 Northern, 02c. liyc â€"â€" No. l, 45 1â€"2c; Barley â€" No. Rye. â€" No. 1. ~15 1â€"2c; Barley â€" No. 41c; sample, 311-2 to 44c.' Duluth, l\linn.. Oct. 4.â€"â€"\\'1re:1t â€" No. 1 Northern, cash, 02 l-Zc; Decernberr, 1 Northern, cash, 0'2 Iâ€"Zc; December, to $23.80. Minneapolis, Oct. 4.â€" \Vheat â€" Dec- ember, SH 3-1 to 58 7â€"30; I\Iay, (it) 7â€"8c; No. 1 hard. fill l-‘ic; No. 1 Northern, 61 lâ€"«tc; N0. 51 Northern, 50 1â€"4. Flour â€"â€"l7irst patents, 83,95 to $4.05; second patents, $3.75 to $3.85; first clear, $13.70 0 33.80, Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 4.â€" \tht â€" No. 2 '3 choice,i 4â€"Grainâ€"The mar-. Owing to this highi western dairy, which sells at 150 t0‘ \Vinter wheatâ€"No offerings;. on siph‘ iuu lwr. ('hinese cruiwrs on her way here the Bonaventure promptly ('Iiwr‘v‘il fHI‘ Jir‘iitlil. An Imperial decree was published on Friday; dismisdnn (‘hanurYiuâ€"llouan, the, opponent in the ('hinr‘se Foreign Offices of Id Hung Chang. and former Minister of China at \Yashinglon, and special envoy of (‘hinzr f'o Queen Vic- toria's Jubilee. He is dismissed from all his offices, and is banished to Illg a district of Chinese Turkestan. y THE ASSASSIN LUCHENI. l’xtrimrdlnzn-Ily lax ‘ll'rcalmcnt .lnarclilsl in I’rlmn. or the A despatt-h from London says zâ€"Tira Pth‘Hfil‘Iiin’H‘ily lax treatment of the Anarchist assassin of the Empress of Austri-i, Luccheni. in the prison of St. Antoine, Geneva. Switzerland, is caus- ing much remark. He is allowed wine, cigars. letters, and newspapers. spends money and gives newspaper interviews. In fact, he is treated like the. lion of the prison. The assassiu's trial has been fixed for the first week in Novern-I her. He will be, condemned to soliâ€" tary confinement: for life. Only one man has hitherto undergone this pun- ishment. which has more terrors than capital punishment. The prisoner is confined in an underground cell. into which no sunshine ever penetrates.l He is not allowed a bed, must sleep out the ground, and is only permitted to take exercise once a week in the prison yard. BERESFORD ON THE EAST. .â€" Wntcrways Should he Developed linder. "Hilary l'rotectlon. ; .‘ A despatch from Singapore says 2â€"1 Rearâ€"Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who is en route to China as the repre- sentative of the British Associated Chambers of Commerce. has arrived here. In a. speech made by him on Monday before the Chamber of Com- merce and the Straits Settlement As- tion. he urged that commercial treaties between Great Britain. Ger- many. the I'nited States and Japan. would insure peace. He declared that the waterways of China should be developed under the ‘protection of military police. andthen 1railroads would follow. In conclusion, Lord Charles urged Great Britain to take a firmer and more definite atti- tude in regard to China. WILL LOSE HIS ARM. Surprise For a Man Who Twisted n “on Tall. A despatch from St. Louis, Mo, says: lâ€"\Vm. RoclkerxaGerman iron-worker, :twisted a lion's tail on Tuesday at ‘East St. Louis, and will lose his left arm. ,Hummel's circus was to give an ‘exhibition. The animal waggons were ,llined up, preparatory to the parade. lAmong the animals were a pair of lAfrican lions. The male was lying at lthe flout of the cage with one of his paws and his tail hanging outside the ‘iiars. liloelker began stroking the paw lwith his left hand. The lion watched ‘Roelker‘s prouedure. Then the iron- ,worker grabbed the tail with his right ‘hund, giving it aslrarp twist. There was a roar. and one of the. lion's paws caught lioelker by the left shoulder land stripped off the flesh of the {arm down to the hand. two fingers of which were torn off. SHARP SWORDS AND BULLETS. Orders [0 l'ollre In Germany Regarding Rlolcrs. I A despair-l] from Berlin sayszâ€"The Vorwaerts publishes an order issued by the Prussian Ilunre Minister to the Governor of Erfurt, complaining of the leniency shown by the police in the recent election disturbances. and en- joining the police in future to reso- lutely use the edge. and not the flat of their swords if riuters refuse to dis- perse. This order is believed to be directed against the Socialists. and is likely to produce a. sensation. The order also enjoined the energetic use of firearms, and prohibits the firing of blank shots. An Imperial edict has been issued at l’ekin expressrng regret at the l'lmâ€" peror’s increasing ill~healtlr and com- manding the Governors of all the I’rov- int-es to send their best physicians to I’eklun