Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1898, p. 3

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ii ” THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Hâ€" lnteresting Items About Our Own Country, (.lrent Brltain. the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. Ottawa claims a population of SGJ‘OJ. There. are 40 cases of typhoid fever In the hospitals at Ottawa. Mrs. \\'eist of \Veissenberg drown- pd herself in the soft water barrel. Iron ore. is being shipped from Marâ€" quette, Mich, to Deseronto. Canada. Kingston‘s population has incruascd 208, according to the assessors‘ rcturns. A scheme is on the tapis for the cs- tabllshrnerit. of large cotton mills at Chicoutimi. Fort William merchants almost to a man will adopt a strictly c-isli system with customers this month. Centenary Church congregation 'of Hamilton has decided in favor of inâ€" dividual communion cups. Mr. Justice Robertson Crown's application for a venue in the Ponton case. An orderâ€"inâ€"(‘ouncil has been passed appointing Thursday, Nov. 24th, the last Thursday in the month, Thanksâ€" giving Day. Mr. Archibald Bloc, of the Ontario refused the change of Bureau of Mines. reports that the, corâ€"t undum deposits in Hastings and Ilenâ€" frew counties are very rich. W. A. Parks, B.A., and \V. E. II. Far- ter returned to Toronto on Saturday from a trip to Moose Factory, Hudson Bay. They travelled over 1,500 miles in a fifteen foot canoe. Mr. A. E. Forget, Indian Commisâ€" sioner at “'innipeg, has been appointed- Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest Territories. Mr. Forget will be sticâ€" oeeded as Indian Commissioner by Hon. David Laird of Prince. Edward Island. Mr. \V. M. Davis, Town Engineer of \Voodstock, has been appointed to a similar position in Berlin. Nothing has yet been heard of the whereabouts of Rev, John Smith, of Halifax, who left. for Pembroke 8- month ago. A farmer's son, about eighteen years of age, named Ellert, employed at a cider mill at St. Agathi, was struck by the bursting of the flywheel and instantly killed. For stealing three, cigars a boy nam- ed Thomas was sentenced by Police Magistrate Spencer of Owen Sound to the Reformatory at Penetanguisheno for three years. Mr. \V. H. P. Clement, barrister, of Toronto. has been appointed member of the Yukon Council and legal a'd- visor to the Commissioner, in succes- sion to Mr. F. C. \Vridc. John C. Kaar, a lad of about fifteen years, was instantly killed at Brownsâ€" ville, by being caught in a belt and wonnd round the. shaft, which severed his head from the body. Mrs. Boomer, the lady member of the. London School Board, has succeed- ed in having aresolution passed en- dorsing the proposal to teach domes- tic science in the Public Schools, Mr. P. Ryan, of New York. has been in Ottawa instructing the Tammany Protective Society of that: city in the government and methods of the famous organization ihrl controls New York. Mr. E. H. Mor. ' of Blenheim, was «examining.r :in averya-an it .~. generator with ulighted match when an explosâ€" ion took place. He w:t~‘ terriva burriâ€" ed. and it is feared m'iy lose his eyeâ€" sight, or even his life. School CUIJJIDTSEIOHEI‘S of ()urrenront, near Montreal, have caused the arâ€" rest of Domiiiiwn Vet: r‘iriar‘y Inspector Dr. McFut‘hran, alleging that the doc- tor's establishment for treating aniâ€" mals for tuberculosis is a menice to the. health of the scho ll. GREAT BRITAIN. A ruffian under arrest stabbml a policeman to death in London, Iingqt yest erday. The steamship Milwaukte which ran on the rocks near Liverpool, his been cut in two and one hrlf of the ve:~sel towed to tint port, [Nl'l'i'ii‘t 2' l' 'i'l'ES. Hiram Maxim, thc inventor of rapid fire guns. is under arrest at New York on a charge of biganiy. At Adrien. Mich, Mary Service, a widow, 87 ycnrrs old, committed suicide Saturday rather than die of cancer. Gigantic frauds, ii is said, lllt'.'t' been discovered in New York’s asphalt pavâ€" ing contracts. civic scandal committee. Samuel Green \Vood. prcsidcnt ofthol Coatsvrlle, I’a., National flank, was robâ€"l bed of a viilise on Sunday at I’hilavlclâ€"I phia which coiituinel $10,0th in bonds. Snow and rain liavo checked the pro- gress of the forest fires in Colorado. audit is nowthough' struction of the timber will be prevent- ed Captain Brady, of the I‘iiited States Signal Service. has l‘t‘ell ordered to be,â€" gin the construction of an Overland telegraph llnc from Quantariamo. Cuba, to Santiago and Mrinztiriillo. Senator liitlln’l. believed by many to be President McKinli-y‘s chief advisâ€" er, declares for the I'iiited States holdâ€" lng the. Philippines. lie is decidedly opposed to any proposition to pay Sp‘iin $-lt.t).00'l,()tit) for them. John Ilollingworth and his friends fired on ti party of fivc men who went to his place in Cannon County. Kansas, on Saturday to execute a judgment. Four of in»- men were killed outright and the fifth cannot recover. Four miners were burncd to death in the Midvale slope of the Ireliinh Val» ley (‘oiil (‘t rnpliiiy at {\lirlialc. I’:i.. or There will be another“ that further deâ€". Saturday. slope -ibout noon. .\I were 430 men in thc mine. gotten out but four. A great d-al of damage has been dour: in lllt‘, State of \Visconsin by forâ€" est fires. In the city of (furnbi-rl'ind the. loss amounts to $315,0l0. The fires in the northern part of the State have been quenched by a heavy downfall of rain. Several deaths are reported. On Saturday at Pittsburg Bertha nt‘ilSlciri killcd her mother Hull 1“” four bullets into her body. from tho t‘ff‘fils of which she cannot recover- the time there All were Frederick Ilcilsiein. the father of illf‘.‘ lf'llliily. was 0110 tif the bust known 1‘9-l ,sirleriis of Allegheny. He died sud- denly in December last from :ipoplmy. ‘Hnrl since then the daughter has been. ltb‘spontlent. brought suit against the Grand (‘Uml of Washington. Ancient Order of For- (‘stvrs for $15,000 (lillll‘lgt'fl for irijurii-S nlb‘gcd to have been rccz-it'cd While being lIlIlI'llt‘tl into IIt'ltlUIl alleges that he was compelâ€" led to ride an electric goat. resulting ‘in injuries to his spine. from which lIlS DhY>ici<tn says he will never recover. Arrangements are being made to bring to the. United States for iutcrâ€" incur the bodies of. all the soldiers of the American army who died in Cuba. ‘Pnrto Rico or the Philippines. ‘L'rvswnade an appropriation of SS‘TOII‘IO for this purpose, and the execution of the law has been placed in the hands of the quarterrn‘istcr-general of the armv with instructions to spare no ef- fort or expense. ‘. Illeports from the flooded districts of Ct‘mtIiH State that a hundred lives have been lost. . Senitor Quay and his son are being tried at Philadelphia on a charge of rising Stale funds in the Peoplc'sllttnk for their own speculations. .\ brittle took place between I’nilcd States regulars under lien. llacon til Rt‘tlr Isl-ind, Minn. Indians. in which four soldiers were killed and nine wounded. How many Indians killed is not at present known. GENERAL There are. 210,0“) Spaniards in Porto Him who desire to be returned to Spain. Smallpox and typhoid .it‘c reported to be afflicting the American force at Manilla. It is the opinion of lhl‘ medical staff of the American army in I‘orto Rico The lritish steamer Ganges, \Vllltll sailed from Montreal a few days ago. is reported ashore. in Ferrole, on Ihn French shire of Newfoundland. She is S'lltl to be full of water and wilLbe a total wreck. Three laborers, namel Mussik. Hart:- nian and Koracks, of Budapest, conâ€" victed of plotting against the Emper- nr's life. were sentenced, Mussik to five years penal servitude for conspirâ€" ing to commit high treason, ant IIarl- mann anti Kor‘acks to two years each. Senor Sagasta, the Sp-inisli Premier. believes that Ilussiri is working for the formation of a new triple alliance. hp“.~ Shim”. funvy‘ 1W7“, 15 to 160; comprising Russia, France anil Ger- many, which Would leave Japan as England’s only ally in the far east. 2an Edition Admiral Cervcra has accepted the imitation of the constituency of Ferâ€" rol to represent thcrn in the Cortes, and that he has promised his supâ€" porters that he will r'c\'e‘il the whole truth about the IlIl‘Tll‘llllil't'lllt‘lll of nival .‘tff‘tlTS by the Madrid Governâ€" ment. which resulted in the disaster to his squadron at Stintiago. The Bri‘ish Iloy-il C(rllllllii.§itiil anâ€" pointcd to investigrte the l'run'h treaty rights iii \i‘tt'f”llll<li”ri'i. his cornplvted its tour of Ill“ tre‘iiy coast, anl will return to St. ."*lln'\' to corn- plctc the evident-c r-onc “or: 'h- dif- fir'iilliw' between l“l't‘I’1‘ll nl li'lli\ll subjects over the lobster, cod ’lIltl herâ€" ring fi\h~ries by studying the colonial archives, This is expected to occupy a couple of weeks, after which the corrirnissioncrs will negotiate with the (‘oloniil Ministry for a. basis of setâ€" tlenient with l“I“tn(‘9. â€"<.=>- PREVENTED A oiSAerR. lrirolcli s‘cctloii “an Low-i In: life In Fun» In: (Miner . 1 news of wonderful heroism on the part of a workman, who gave his life to save a passenger ll‘dill on the Wick tlll'l ,Inver'ricss line Tuesday afternoon. A I‘O'ul gang was repairing a part of the railway Ilt‘r’l r Altnabreac, when a train was heard approaching. A huge tool box lay across the rails, tlllll the gang of eight st r‘upgloel to remove it. .\s the train drew near all biil min of thcm .ct-ased tlicir‘ efforts and fled, panicâ€" stiicken. The hero, John Morrison, ,a giant in strength, remained laborâ€" ing with superhuman effort. and firiâ€" ally shoved the Ilcfore he Could straighten up the locoâ€" : motive struck hint, and be was ground ‘to pieces. The embankriicnt at l point is very steep, and had the train lstruck the. box, death would have re- ‘sulted for scores of passcngcrs. l l .â€"_â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"_â€" RUFFIANS IN OLD LONDON. ‘l'ollcciuuu Stabbed l0 "('IIIII by Ill Prisoner. A despatch from London says:â€" IIarmwing accounts of street, ism. which from the l or of one of the worst. gangs has now been christened "Hooliganism." cori- tinue to adorn eachdriy’s papers. The latest brutality is the murder of a policeman. who, in the presence of a. vast crowd looking unconcernedly on, was stabbed to death by a ruffian whom he had arrested for disorderly conduct. standcrs So indifferent were the by- thai‘ the murderer would i-rxrrainly haw wowed lllll‘lk‘llllflt‘d “.14 it “w. lawn for the opportune ar- -j~.= .-,f :v. i o ll'l‘ l.:tll('t‘lll‘ln. A fire broke out in the' l Hugh Hcldon, of Tacoma, \\'a.~ili., liHS: the or der'., (‘ouâ€" i were , lhflt the condition of the volunticr forces necessitates their removal ‘ north. A desp'itch from Edinburgh brings. box from the track.1 this, name of the knob. Milwaukee, Oct. 11.â€"â€"wiimtâ€"No. 1 it J. ‘ r Northern. (35c; N0. '1, U3 lâ€"-tc. Rye.â€" No. 1. Ric. Kirbyâ€"No.15, 4-1 Iâ€"Zc. sample 35 t0 45c. Minneapolis. Oct. 11.-\\'licatâ€"Octo- bi-r. 010; December. 59 3â€"l to St) T-Fc; , ,. May, til 3-t to til Tâ€"Rc; N0. 1 hard, ti’.’ Toronto, Oct. 11,â€"“ lie-.itâ€"lliere was $16; No 1 Xnmhmnl m 3%“ NW 2 Norlhcrn. fill lâ€"lc. l"lOut‘â€"l"irst pat- t-nts, 83.510 to 554; second intents, $3.90; first clears. Still) to $3.80. Prices of Grain. Cattle. Cheese. 5L0. in the Leading Marts. to change in local prices (0â€"day. l)e- liveries outside are. larger, and milb-rs are getting filled up. .1 Tannin, ()ct. Il.â€"\\'\'o. 'J (‘Zl.\ll. soon have. to get to an export blls‘e' 07¢; Detembi-r, till 1â€"»tc bid. Cornâ€"No. “94 amt whitc. north and west. 801d :3 mixed, 31) 1-2i». Oatsâ€"No. :1 mixed. at (iiiâ€"Ll to llflc. Manitoba, No. 1 hard, '33 1'13“- lll'Pâ€"l‘llbh-‘ntâ€"W‘li 510- 3 (“q-"h spot. continued firm on scarcity, at. ‘1' 1’80" t‘lover semiâ€"Prime, cash. .. .410; October. -f.t'tl, Oilâ€"Lnr-hangcrl. Il't‘. Toronto and west, and Tie afloat. ’3 $ ) tifort “'illiam; No. 2 hard, and No. 1 w Northern, Toronto and west, firm at Prices will WELCOME TO THE GUARDS. 77c on small offerings Flourâ€"Quiet and steady. troller, middle freiglits, $3.10. Oatmealâ€"Car lots of rolled oats, in l bugs. on track here, $3.23 per bbl.; DWI in bbls. $3.35. l, Millfecdâ€"Stearly; bran sells hero at. l$1ll in too lots, and shorts at $15. llran lis quoted at $13 to $8.30, and shorts at ‘313 it) $313.50, middle freights. I‘easâ€"Qiiict but ()rld cars Since Not So .‘lluch l-lntlnu n Shown IIH‘ (‘i-lnica. Straight A despatch from London, saystâ€"The enthusiasm displayed in welcoming First: Battalion of the Grenadier Gu'irds from the. Sou- rlan exoccded any previous demon- st rition of a like. nature since the reâ€" rturn of the lr'itish troops from the Crimean war. The, streets from home the steady. i if new ports sold today 'it' r31c north “Vl‘tm‘l‘m Station m “"‘Hm‘gon but- and west. and 530 east: |l‘t‘lf‘lm were black with [It‘llplev There was a brilliant gathering of military cliicfs and relative. of officers at the Station; but Orilsfifitmidyn (far lots. of new white sold at L’.c, north and west, to-day. Bailcy#l“irm. No. l is quoted at 43» .to He. according to location, inii‘rl0r tpoints, and 451â€"2 to Attic, lake, ports. Ryeficm, lots at 4W, middie‘cornc seemed r-old, "How are you. old freighls, and llc, east. Chill)?” ('ornâ€"R‘ither twith Chicago. American ‘39c, Toronto freights, liggsâ€"llemand is was such an evi- ariytliing like there ilcnl dcsire to repress sold generally the most af- iri sympathy ,f"Cll‘ln"l" aneling' heard. One. lady offered at, ,"m UP to an officer as he emerged from the train, threw her armsriround his neck, and kissed lilln, He sub- bci ng firirrcr llbtlrly. act it e for bf‘Sf stock, Price; Show”, J)l\alpls horn are lml‘lcd, but rather sbarnefacedly, as now offering limod at It to H l-‘lc.llh"”t-'h l' W‘l-‘l llllOt-It‘lllt‘l‘ i‘ (0‘) de’ (‘old stored sell in the ordinary way at mmlSlrfllch proceeding for a Brit- 13 to 14c. and new laid at lt'w. ,ish soldier , to be guilty of. I‘otattwsâ€"Stearly and unchanged. t art ” I ‘ It was when the battalion emei‘ged llots sell at lit! to tnc [it'l' lull-Iv IN“ m? from tho, i,0|ic.»_gu;irrled station lllfif lsell out of store, at, 7.3 to Kw. Farmers ‘ _ lloarls 50 to 75c. per bag on the street. ‘11" enthusiasm broke out in the dense Polllll'yâ€"llt‘t‘t‘iptn are showing some mist-s of people gathered to welcome ‘incrcase. Ilcrriand is also irit'lf‘flmngv the soldiers home, and their march iris weather gets cool. (‘hickcns sell at Ifroin tho sizitiuu to [hr-ir bair‘irks was l 40 to 50c. per pair, ducks, St] to tltlc.;tnr- in II“, n Mu” Hf u 'Iiumphul progresy' ‘keys III to 11c per 1b.; and 39959» 6 0n arrivingr at ill" b-iri‘acks, the to Tc, li’v'f!l‘â€"Slririit-il (ironidicrs leansâ€"Jun] and prices urichanflmlv splendid wolcrmu from the other bal- t'hoice lirlnllâ€"pit‘ki-d beans sell ‘ll fill to izilionsi of (;u.r,1.,, who... unasmi band. 95c, and common at 5!) to titlc. pcr‘ bll‘lb pl'iyerl “ [1. piiish Ureiiadiers,“ and Ilried applesâ€"«Dealers [my 3 1-3" fl'r ,"l'hc Return of the Uuirds.” dried stock. delivered here, and Hildll‘ 'ihs-ro were many pathetic scenes. lots resell here at 4 to 4 I-‘lc. Evapor‘l’l‘hi- Illt'n lriiiki-il guint IIXI’l weary. in- nted are firrri at fl to El lâ€"flc. lstearl of the strapping fellows. who Hont‘yâ€"Qlliet‘. WW“; lm“”“""‘lrl left London, .zn'l lllt'ft’ were. hundreds Round lots of choice, rlclivcr‘ctl b“"":‘of touching reunion-y of the {lll'n with will bring about It It) tic. Dealere Gum“ : their wivus or swmcthoii'ts. The Sec- frorn ti it) 70 per lb. for 10 to tillâ€"lb 0nd Battalion of urnnrdier Guards tins; and in cnrnh at around $1.25 ‘0 entertainmr their comrades at dinncr. and, as may be expet‘lel. there were 8],,30 per doyen sections. I It‘llt‘ll ll")""l)llll- Flrlf‘ly (‘hmm’v (“I lively Scerics about the b'irracks uU‘ll late lil‘ll night, )I-rny of the return- lots, are quotcd fit, around $6.50 to 3m“ per ton, and No. 2 at around $0.50. ing 51,1, p.” plougm with (hpm inforâ€" E'Rling relics of the c'impaign, in the t Strawâ€"Quiet and easy. Car lots are quoted at $1 to $1.50 on track. Shlpp (,f denish swords. Spears. or Hopsâ€"New hops. No. l, are held. at shining, IRC, and 14c, is bid. Toronto prices Th“ WW,“ Blpigh mimer Opp“- for old aretâ€"llound lots, delivered ilUIIa have had a rno<r satisfactory inâ€" . v .fluv-nce lately upon the recruitingr Of chorce, 14 to 1-1 1â€"20; INo. 1. I30. Ethi- ariny. (‘sper'iilly in the. case of the DRESSED HOG; AND PROVISIONS. Guards. and the 'I’wt-ntyâ€"first Lancers. Offerings are i1](‘l‘t‘21‘lll‘.‘,'.lrul demand , :‘Vh" ‘il"llil£'l1i‘ht‘tl tllvlnst‘l‘ie‘s by llldk‘ here is active. Select weights, in car I”? ," l’I'lllb‘lll Ch-‘t-l'! [lll‘l'u‘fn'll ll)“ lots. track, Toronto. brine; $555 to ‘1““1‘11 army ill the battle of 0m- SSAO. ‘Street offerings fair. Ilealers. durm‘m- arc Paying 85,23 to $5.5!) for desirable NWT] mime“ 1‘“ MW“ “‘mkpll l’y weights in firmers‘ loads. Market the German military attache's report for provisions‘ st" ‘y and unchanged. "f “1" MEN" “f (llll'lllrlll’m‘ H" “3'5 Quotations are as follows: â€" Dry he wHR D’Ullt‘lllll'ly “lubk l‘y all the operations ch-‘pr the charge of the Lanccrs. \\lll‘ll he cl‘irny was absurd. .In the rilllt‘l‘ ‘er Fitys‘ thi- li'iiiling of the artillery nlt'tlllllll llc: li.:ht. ll lâ€"flc'. breakfast W‘” “l'TH‘lm‘lly unmmllllu‘l’ and “135' lr:t(‘.iin, it it) 12:: IOllS. Slc: bricks, ii to “9"” til” “1‘ "Il‘lu'rln‘vt‘ "nil scum ll 1.:- picnic. hams, a 1â€": m R 3-4. “f ,lh'é trows were beyond all All Ill'J'lltx' out of picklu lc, less than Dr‘u‘u’e‘ pilir'cs quoted for smo‘rcd meats. *- .rirdâ€"Ticrccs, 7c; tubs, 7 1â€"2 to 7 , 3-1“ [Him 7 34 m on wuwoumi‘ 5 AFTER THE SIRDAR S HONOURS. to t‘. 1â€"20. __ hiruitre-il Oct. IIâ€"Thc grain market _ ,. l5 molcristcly active Hritl rtcarlv, Outs .‘liqor Wacdolirilil Aswrtcd Io Bc the ii'ue sum At any “float and In“; at “lot \Ictor (Rel-2min ,leiclic s‘i'lticlscs llii- “flout. Conduct of "[N‘I‘flllillls. I“ ‘,_'l‘ w '» ,. . r . . p lirll‘l .li Ill is a Q (Hi (it mind. for A,1l.\.put.»h(ntlie Lori lt'I] D.11‘.t,‘ jtilp- .irvrrue rr‘ite wants at unchanged prices, ‘ salted shoulders, Rc: bin: clear bacon. ctr lots, R 1â€"2"; ton lots and cise lots, 9 3â€"1 to 9c: backs. ll to 91â€"2c. Hriiokerl I)l~‘:i!Sâ€"â€"II‘:II‘i-‘.. heavy IO l-‘Zc', \l'iritnr‘ \ilic'tt' p-rtcnts Hi???» to 8110' graph from Cairo s'tvs thir sickness st r‘i' .lit rolbzrg, SR”).th tr. Sflfili‘ in bags, ‘ and death are incrc‘ningr rim-wig: the l‘jl “It in I'll]: lit) $1.7” film. bectlâ€"Jl lr' rlcmrnvl is gm -d for sni‘tll ltilrf. \"iz tlll’lltzm-t‘litllilltflltl bran, Rll’; T‘irilllilllll‘l patents, $1.63 strcng: baker's' best, " 3‘) to troops who have i‘etur‘iii-d from the South ii. says he hears that Mrjoi‘ Von 'l‘icde- f‘htrlrti, SH}: and riiouillc 55m l’"I ll’lb riianii, the Gt'l’llt’lll attache Illl' u III" was, . 2‘. . . ,corn ranted Ilie )I~-rl#ili~ Liarkct IH Iiiiicl, trade llt'-l ,1 _ . _ V my [thigh [,f Mini,th ..h.,I-,,..r,.r‘ "r ‘ :iritmadver‘ts lll lllw‘ l't'piii‘i to his trov- 7‘35‘) per barrel fllill at $1.70 per bag upon the conduct of the fogirollcrl [oats _ _ I H operations. [In describes the twst‘iifiusinusa is quiet (in: in . .. as lad, :iril R‘l 's lll‘ll ‘Ill‘tllC"l his :in canivr tendency. l'iiii-st, ' l " wcs‘terri Hcpteinbcis, lll-‘l to Illâ€"1c; firi- <.rdinary do, tuls, [R to lHl-tc; wi-s- tcrri .\ugusts, R‘ t to tlT-Ro‘. finest eastâ€" ierri Augusts, r“ so lit'!er;’l‘h'-re is not much business and :11” lll‘ll'k"l has a lower tone lfixt in who ticâ€" <-.\pel‘=.ii ion, severely erriuicrit tilt'li.S the Charge of the Twentyâ€"first Lancers on the der- Visllefi was folly. A desperati- effort is being made he re to rob Geri. Kitchener of much of the credit for the Victory of thn-lurman. fi;-,..r t'lt‘lllnfll‘y 1.05m, 191-1 1.. 191.3“; The St. James” Gazette publishes an outspoken leader asserting; that the true victor was Major Macdvvnald, who repulsed the second onslaught of the dervishcs, which was ni'idx- when the I Eggs_'iharc is (1 mm] (it-“11nd (m- Sirdar considered the battle over and small lots of new laid. \\'e quote: â€"â€" 111“ “(Tory .“(m- Sll‘llflly new laid, 171â€"2 to 18c: No. 1 H““"»"""‘: m ‘11“ 93'93 UI f"‘ml‘t‘tl‘llt minim}, no; N... g, div, 1-3 in 13p; p_ authorities, as well as of lllt‘ people III, '2 to 13c: and culls, 9c. per dozen, at large, Kitcliencr was the true hero Provisitirisâ€"-'l'hcr'e is a fair trade at Of 1119' dily- It “'4” 11.15 {lurk "f I'm”. ‘sterirly figures, \Ve qu..ig;_ mm]- his genius for" organization, tliii :i-n- li'tri pork, in iiui‘l'i‘ls. $18 in filfifrti' pure delved Vlmurl" l‘U-‘f‘ll’l'b I“ W‘llIlPCllml l(‘,.u:.«ii;.n lnrrr iu pails, RM to 981.2(â€" with this subject It may be. remarked liter pound, and compound rcfinetl at 5'; “1"” “Teddy l’lll’lll' IllUlL‘SIH 11?”? llct‘ ‘to 5 l-Zo per pound: bums. 101.3 in {39; m'ide. against the want of taste ills- and bacon It) to lilc pilr pound, played by the _nephew of “Chinese” (1113ng \[XRKFTQ Gordon in bringing home the Mahdi's l | l I l l l 1 ' l iead as a giast y trop 1y. 1 is, rowâ€" l I‘Unllon' Olit' 11‘_‘U H)” “nrkfil him over. Considered that blame more here to-day, 3,29ll boxes of August . _, pecially attaches to those other offi- “wk” were hmrded' Buls’ 8 I‘d (0 8 cers \\ ho secured fingers and other 5â€"8d. No sales. ‘2 'r J is f the \[ethdi'fl ‘llilIlllI 1 Detroit. Mich, Oct. ii. a \Vheatâ€" “Wm” ” ‘ ‘ ‘ " “ Closedâ€"No. 1 white. cash, (it; lâ€"tc: No. corp” as reth' 2 red, cash. titlc; December, 05 latc,’ May. (ill lâ€"flc. Duluth. Oct. ll.â€"\\'he.'itâ€"No. 1, Push 6i 1â€"4c bid; October, lite bid; Drown], lil‘ lexlri do., tubs, It‘l7-‘l to lllc; ordirirry lflllt’n‘l ci'crtmer'y, bouts, 18 1-3 to 1834c; torilirnry. din, tubs, IR to ISL-1c; wes- tern dairy, tubs, I’rc. _.__.â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _. .NO‘I‘ .X JOKE. up and doing it‘ you would not Ilber, 60 7-8c; May. 63 5-8. be it mu nil Gnu. 1“\llbcrzlncc of feeling that their wel-t received a . hind, the German offic-, The [hiin Telegraph's correspondent.t MARIIES PRUTEUO THE LEGATIUNS. FOREIGN TROOPS NOW STATIONED A'I‘ PEKIN. Hiliiese l‘orelgn fillicc at I-‘lrsl Diricclctl to ’Illcil‘ “mung. llut 'I'hcy liziil In Give Way. A (lt‘Sp'ltCh from I‘ckin says:~â€"A dc- tachinent of (ll; Russian soldiers with two seven-poiintlers, ‘35 British marâ€" incs, and 30 German marines, arrived here. to-d'iy and marched through the (‘ill' to the quarters assigned to them. They will protect tho Legitions of Bus- sia, Great Britain and Germany. Large crowds witnessed the arrival. reinforcements, but. there. was no extraordinary incident. The Chinese appeared to be cowed. PERMANENT RIYSSIAN ESCORT. The Pckin correspondent of the Times saySIâ€"There is good reason to tear that the Russian Cossacks who have arrived here to protect the Russian Legation will be retained as a perm- anent eScort. “Cheriâ€"l’aoâ€"Chen, Governor of the Province of Huâ€"Nrin, who is the most enlightened Governor in China, and has been active in introducing foreign iniprDVcrnents, has just been cashierfi ed.“ of the European TS ITNGâ€"LIâ€"Y A )LEN OBJECTS. The Russian Cossacks and British marines which were summoned to pro- tect their respective Legations arriv- ed at: 'I'ienâ€"Tsin yesterday, but Vice< roy Yuen refused to allow them to pro- .Oeed to I‘ekin without orders from the Tsungâ€"liâ€"Yamon. The British and Rus- sian officer's. acting under instructions from their Ministers, did not attempt; to force their way to their destination. but awaited further orders. Meanwhile a to ly oftlerman marinES arrived. During the day three prom- ‘inent memlmrs of the Tsung-liâ€"Yamen ’Viain the Iiegritions and tried to inâ€" duce. the Ministers to cancel their or- rlcrs for troops. The. foreign repre- sentatives met in the evening and reâ€" solved to demand the withdrawal of ,the difficulties placed in the way of the troops, und also to demand that every facility be furnished for their journey, including special trains. Simi- lar facilities must be. provided for the other contingents when they arrive. Further opposition is not expected. but unless the Tsungâ€"liâ€"Yamen moves promptly the troops will probably be moved without: its consent. The Tsungeli-Yamen's appeal to the Legitions took the form of an entreaty ‘to sp'ire (‘hina the humiliation of ‘briiiging foreign escorts to the capiâ€" tal. Finding the appeal in vain, the Tsung-li-Yamon has acquiesced and lpromised a specialvtrain for to-mor- row. APPLE SHIPMENTS. 1,0ulni'lo Exporters Are, l Forward. l A despatch from Montreal says:â€" ‘hfont reil is just now shipping more apples to Europe than all the other ici'ies on the Atlantic coast put togeth- er. Ontario exporters are rushing ‘Illelll forward, and every effort Is be- ing made to take advantage of the fav- ‘|<rr:il)le markets on the other side. The izipple shippers are looking forward to Hi Iii-uriiziiiie full this year, for there is not likely to be any surplus on hand. The shipments from points east of Tor- :uslilng Them onto have. been and will continue to be light, but and north ship- ments have been fully up to the averâ€" age. From Kcrit. Essex, Grey, and Bruce l‘irgt- consignments have gone ‘forw'ird. Some shippers in Ontario are not content with the crop but are making enquiries in Nova Scotia to pick up some of the friiil in the Annapolis vulâ€" ley, )Ir. h'. N tilt, of Brighton, reâ€" cently secured '_t|.tllltl barrels in the neighborhood of Canning" .riil Kempâ€" iille, in Nova Scottiu. The apples from Nova Scotia will be exported via. Montreal, for it is said that during the summer .vcasrn no :.uitable steamer ] lil iroriil if:i.‘:.\\hile railroad rates froiiiNova Scori'i to Montreal are just about the same as from Weston Om tario to Montreal. the transactions in tNova Sonia. of course, much extend the operations of Ontario shippers. ‘lhe sleziriiship companies, on zic‘ count of the tub of business. have in- lt‘l'G’lS‘Hl the Ircigli? ratcori apples from Montreal to Lth‘l‘DitOl from is. 9d,, to and it i: anticipitcd that". another ’ advance will be made. we st .__.â€"â€"4'â€"â€" FRUIT ON BOARD SHIP. lcauich liciiig I-‘lttctl In “1th Special Venturiiioii EM-vlccs. A (ti-spatcli from Ottawa, says: â€"â€" I‘rof, lirr'wrtsiin today rcccivcd :i cableâ€" .gr:im stating tliii the lle shipment inf t'avi‘idiaii pears in cold storage had l sold at five shillings 1 pence per case of about it} D"Llll(l.\‘. The nteamships Sailing from Montreal are being:~ fitted up with special ventila- tion devices ilc.:igiierl under Prof. Roâ€" bertson's direction, with a view to the traiisporiatioii of ('aiitiliari apples. in l ‘pl‘llllt’ condition. ’l'ht device (n11;ng of bccii and sixâ€" a ventilator from the in till (la-“k, which c.irries pure dry air into ilic comp-in- merit, from which the \itiritut air is (“irrit-d off by lllt"lll.\.‘ of an electric. fan \ll the Steamship people approve of hit: plan, and will have thrir vossum iltru1illll‘tl iii tirnc for 1llc fall exports of apples. ~..

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