from 1899 f th) month 17th of N Terms 10 dispose 0' Mr. Lun \Voodhri {I'll} Mr. N Jction uildin '(Hll Mr KAI III 111] u'k All t} misite' it Atk lll 1111 {ll itz II M ui WV“)? rkh 1m Tl‘ lI‘S‘ 11 th ml W 1‘1' I( ntert A I )l‘ld {S( JI [If ill AI 11 :11 th h the local news and ‘ for the balance of ' :onts. Subscribe now L Ofï¬ce and receive “ in M )R Iini md Weekly Star "i u' the small sum of :LSt 61151111] h( in] :w 511 .911 Leon Proctor Olive Switzer. or Ka r1 Storey. Pear-l Barker : tor Frank Store 18-194 FAIR Ht 1* Bermtl 1mie Redditt. an on Friday after on. A full attend ; dipl< able 1 Schr from few c] cal news in THE the news of the “Family Herald f Montreal. You ives evidence of L] ability for so We recommend -scriptive poetry 1 L‘th-a-Iy Fun purgiculars soo OUR ttleby menfl Ill AGUI ï¬ction should story entitled which will ‘5 Globe. The II [lSl 1t ill 1d mas will already 01 talent ' 0nd»~ leton the Junior rear are as llir ll} McM author The Ra ,’_’ etc. Ham m sn _the m g RAI Hooyolla e Ceylon value of ' it. «At- )lII] b York Juinber 5 ï¬ne! {ml the of 1898 now at, mrt 1 Mon ; Wen II] in the Globe n the s 19th III} 1K held 1t th( rid th l‘h :th 1'11 lll (m of ‘11] ah the 1'01 blw hue Ill VV( prev Sun the thix with 'h \Vik 11,1111 Ml L \‘ Ml M1 MI lll’ them 1n Inst? 6011 styk m 1‘0 110‘ h in th meml :ontri IIS ans Tabu “Ct udin At l t] 1112 of Mrs Downs of Toron with M 1". and M 1's h 1‘1 11 _,,_.15. . ... J RSONALS. um w i II] Kean) 'ksoy of Tax-onto spent iLh Mr. and Mrs. J. M. mnle )moth much if) th ll] 1H ’l-dI'ess of vocabula ough to can only artistic t< \Vhen yt Lt the u better we a c away disu; A see What yt M1: Switzer ‘I eth odi 0nd Hill Iinnie Du th AR 1r 1‘1 {I H )1131011 ity 111 ut 111 »v1tze1.‘ as pro- is Milliner on played in the 2 arrangement important; deâ€" ko institution. xzziness you spex t0 I‘h 11' I‘hm-nhill will st church on .u'onto, t1) MI hn pl ï¬ ,liz' plumage ouvfashionâ€" ry does not describe all recommend ) go and see )u go do not shepherdoss in black and green and returned to \Vill is a, IN( LI] II h t Miss Kyl mtovspepï¬ is visitin VV are sure ppointed ou want. white. mt and HUN 1 liCh am purple shades m, ti vill ;eh nnne 1n sombre at‘tl Lidit H PI M whi ,erli lttl'm 3ndin of MI HOW ; \V£‘( hlu black nil tl'in cmv trib'e littl )ar the )od 1nd rent M Shims; am %IARDWARE -. STORE i1 Glothgg Flam; Sometimes whe it feels uncomï¬ cost too much. cause V011 With our suit style and com mind and pm Not Is on hand with the latest and be ISAAC CROSBY. SON. - RICHMi 72 inch, 20 cents per yard Richlnond Elill Camfmta Hammwaw RHAK rtable Decau 31. 8mg“? table ATKINSGN 15a, grace, e1 311 intermingle feel comforta av’s worth. Also othe And every Stove SWITZER cents eac ‘H a. suit of 6 he bel KIHCIS JUN .U TIC 35 01 {HQ