Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1898, p. 6

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THE “'EE KLY WASHING. \Vhen I learned to do housework, l was taught that the proper way to wash was to rub the white clothes through two waters, boil them. rub again. then rinse. starch and dry. I followed this tedious, backâ€"breaking method until a, year or two ago, when I found an easier way. which I will describe for the benefit of those who have neither tigne nor strengih to waste on the old one. You will find a good washing machine and wringer great labor savâ€" ers. All machines are not good ones. but it is not a difficult matter after examining the various kinds offered for sale at any firstvolass hardware store to find one that will prove sat- isfactory. Get everything ready the night be- fore the washing is to be done, and put the white clothes to soak. rubbing soap on the most soiled places. Rub these places a Little next morning. pass them through the wringer. and putl them in the boiler containing water in which a little borax has been dissolved. with enough soap to make 1* EOOd Sludls. The amount of UOJ‘lmX' needed varies with the kind of water you have to use; it will not injure the finest fabric, and is a great help in removing the dirt. 'VVlash the coarse white clothes through one water while the first lot is boiling, and when they are taken out. put the second lot in the boiler. ,VVash the colored clothes through two warm. not hot, suds, which should al- 50 contain a little borax. rinse thor- Oughly. then dip them in a thin. boil- ed starch, and they are ready for the Ime- ‘Vhile clothes should be dried in the sunshine, but colored clothes Should be hung in the shadeâ€"E. J. C. GOOD RECIPES. Fruit Jumblesâ€"One cup butter. two CUPS Sugar. three cups flour, one half cup milk, three eggs. one half nutmeg. onecup currents, three teaspoonfuls baking powder. Tomato ‘Cuts‘upâ€"One half bushel tomatoes, one half gallon vinegar. one pound salt, tw10. pounds brown sugar. one quarter pound black pepper, one. half ournoo red pepper. ltwo ouncten‘ esch allspioe, cloves and mustard seed. 8111 small onions. Boil three hours.v strain and bottle. Pepper Sauceâ€"Four gallons cut cab- bage. one gallon green peppers cut fine, one half pound each mustard load. ground mustard. brown sugar, one half pint salt. one quarter pound turmeric. one gallon vinegar. Boil vinegar and spices together.. pour cold. l over vegetables. lCoffee Cakeâ€"One cup each clear; strong coffee, sugar and molasses, one half cup butter, two eggs, three cups flour. one nutmeg, one teaspoonful etalC‘h. Cinlnalmon, cloves, allspilce. one half pound seeded and chopped raisins one quarter pound cilion sliced, lwo‘ teaspoonfuls baking powder. 3 Cinnamon Rolls â€"JOne cup sweet milk lukewarm. one cup sugar. one yeast cake. dissolve in one cup “'lliel‘,‘ one scant cup butter and lard mixed. three eggs. little salt, flour sufficient to roll. Let rise over night in winâ€" ter. knead down. roll out about onel inch thick. spread with butter,l sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.l Make in a roll. out down in slices, pub. In a pan and when lighi bzlk‘e. . Curried Eggsâ€"{Peel and two! goodâ€"sized onions, and brown iht‘lu slowly in two tablespoonfuls of but-‘ ter. Add one teaspoonful of curry: powder and heaping tablespoonful of‘ flour. and stir unlil smooth and lhick, Simmer for 10 minutes; add six hard-l boiled eggs. cut in quarters or thickl slices and stand over but water for 10 minutes; then serve. l Rice Custardâ€"Boil one teacupful of; rice; when soft drain off the water; l and add one ilablespoonful of cold. butter. .l’l'hen cool mix in one and one half cupfuls of sugar, :i lezlsro.:n~ fui each of grated nutmeg and t'inll'l-l mon. Add four eggs. the whites and} yolks beaten separately; stir in graduâ€"f ally one quart of swecl milk and pourl in slowly, stirring all the while: add. half a tenspoonful of lemon or vanilla‘ extract. Bake in u buttered pudding dish for one hour. i Fruit Cake. â€" One cup each buffer, sugar and molusses, two eggs, fourl cups flour, one tubiespoonful each} cinnamon and ginger. four tubiespoon- Luls brandy, oim half nu'tancg, one iculspoonful soda dissolved in two tablespoonfuls milk. one cup each curâ€" slice rants, raisins, ginger. preserved. cut fine and mixed together. Put a loy- er of cake batter im vlhe plan to the depth of two inches, thcn a sprinkling of fruit, again cake baller and fruit: until all used; cake butter for top layer. Bzike two hours in a moderate oven. HISTORY Oi“ COOKERY. lCookery is eminently an experimen- tal and a. practical art. while it adds to our experience in- creases also our knowledge; and as we have come long after the Greeks and Romans, and have had the benefit of their experience. it is no marvel that we thould have greatly surpassed them. In the fifth century. all trace of the Each day, Roman cookery had already disupâ€"' peered. The Eternal City was invest.- . tin. ed. and her kitchen destroyed by bar- barians. The consecutive incursions of hordes of barbarous tribes and ne- tions had put out at once the light of science and the fire of cookery. But the darkness of the world was not of long duration. The monksâ€" the muchâ€"abused and much mistaken monksâ€"fanned the embers of a naScent. literature, and cherished the flame of a. new cookery. The free cities of Italy; Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence. the com- mon mothers of poetry. painting, sculp- ture, and architecture, contemporane- ously revived the gastronomic taste. The Mediterranean and the Adriatic offered their dish. and the taste for table luxuries extended itself to the maritime towns and other cities of the peninsula. to Cadiz, BarCclona. St. Se- bastian, and Seville. Spain had the high honor of having furnished the first cookery hook in any modern ton- gue. It is entitled “Libro de Cozino, compuesto por Ruberto de Nola." This work is exceedingly rare. The cookery professed at this epoch was no longer an imitation of the Greek or Roman kitchen, or of the insipid dishes and thick sauces of the Byzantine cooks. It was a. new and improved and extend- ed science. It recognized the palate. stomach. and digestion of man. The opulent nobles of Italy, the rich mer- chant princes. charged with the afâ€" fairs and commissions of Europe and Asia, the heads of the churchâ€"bishops. cardinals, and popesâ€"now cultivated and encouraged the. culinary art. \Vhile Italy had made this progress. France. the nurse of modern cooks. was in estate of barbarism. from which she was raised by the Italian wars un- der Charles VIII. and Louis XII. The Gauis learned a more refined cook- ery at the seige of Naples. as the Cosâ€" sacks did. some hundreds of years lat- er. in the Champs Elysees of Paris. It was under Henry 111., about 1580. that the delicacies of the Italian table were introduced at Paris. The sister arts of design and drawing were now called into requisition to decorate dishes and dinner-hrbles. How great was the Progress in the short. space of 150 years may be inferred from an edict of Char- les VI.. which forbade to his liege sub- ,ioots a dinner consisting of more than two dishes with the soup; "Ncmo audâ€" eet dare praeter duo f roula cum pot- agio." At this period. the. dinner hour was ten o’clock in the morning. while the supper was served at four. The first regular cookery book pubâ€" lished in France was. we believe. print- ed at Rouen in 169:2. It was the pro- duction of the Sieur de la Varranner. esquire of the kitchen of M. d'Uxelles. 1 It is dedicated to MM. Louis Chalon du Bled. Marquis d'Uxelles and of Cormar- ' He expatiates on the thousand- andâ€"one vegetables and other “vio- tual" which people know not how to dress with honor and contentment: and he then exclaims that, as France .has borne off the bell from all other nations in courtesy and bienseance. it is only right” and proper that she shoull be no less esteemed for her p0- lite and delicate. manner of living. The first edition of that remarkable cook- ery book, the "Dons dc Comus," appear- ‘ ed about 1740. and is in every respect a superior work to the droll production just mentioned. It was composed by M. Marin. cook of the Duchesse de (Thnulncs. The cookâ€"cry of France at this epoch. and indeed from the time of Louis XIV.. was distinguished by luxury and sumptuousness. but ao- curding to Carcnie, was wanting in de- licate svnsualir‘ln. They ale Well inâ€" deed, at the Couvl, says the professor of the culinary art: but the rich citiâ€" zens. the men of letters, the artists. "were only in the. course of learning lo dine. drink, and laugh with conven- once." The regency and reign of Louis. XV. were anion, 'the grand epovhs of iflt‘llt'll cookery. FA book called “The Quccn's Closet Opened." published in 1003. is the first English cookery book. Some of the (li>.lll“<l in this book maintain their popularity in lhe present (lilyâ€"dis. for instance, chicken and pigeon pie. imiicd llllllp of led and potted veniâ€". 3011; but others have wliollv passed awayâ€"«ls. for example, a baked red deer. u. cupon lui‘llell with lemons. it steak pie with a French pudding in it. a S‘liel of smells. floundcrs. or plaice. with garlic and mustard, an olive pie. and dressed snails. Some insight inâ€" to the cookery of 17:71 may be obtained from the pages of the "Connoisseur." In London. at I'Doily's” and “Iiorsâ€" . man's" becfstczrks wl-re eaten with gill ale: and behind the ‘t‘hange. a man worth a. plum used to order it iwopenny mess of broth with a boiled chop in it. Placing the chop between the two crusts of a half~penny roll, he would wrap it up in his check haudherchicf. and carry it away for the morrow’s dinner. c#.4 _W _ SPANISH \Y ORDS. Many English words are taken di« rectly from the Spanish. \Vlien you speak of a Piccadilly collar you are not using slung. The "piccadalio" is :1 colâ€" lar which at one time was \V‘l: n by all men of position in Spain. without Caraway seeds wouldn’t be. lye brcad at llll. Curuwuy is a purely Spanish word, derived from “All-um, Hucyn." The hzlinlnocl; on your rep. aulia got its nuin~0 from the Spanish “hamaca.” although that is not purvly a Spanish word. Columbus got it from Indians 400 yciirs ago. There are many othur examples: “ll-inane." “:lpricot," “Canada.” “duel.” and pnlui'ei‘” are all directly from the Spanish. l Iiye bread. THE EMPRUR 0F lulu A “In: “'Im “an chcr Sccn Ills 0W1! Country Nor Rcvlcwcll Ills own Troop~ â€"“'i-l-ckcll llllnsclf “'llli l'lensurr. The Emperor of China has been the most secluded monarch in the world. He is surrounded by officials whose chief duty seems to be to keep him from coming into lunch with the outâ€" world. Before reaching the building in which he is practically conâ€" fined one has to pass through three sets of walls, each set being guarded by a small army of eunuchs. First there are the great GUâ€"footâ€"lhick walls of the Tartar cily, then the walls of he Imperial city, which are six miles in length, and then a third set. inâ€" ciosing what is known as the Purple Forbidden City. Inside of the latter lives the Emperor and his family, the ladies of the royal harem and the (houâ€" sands of eunuchs who make up the staff or royal servants. The Emperor himself lives in the northâ€"western part of the inciosure. and the Empress Dowager has a palace near by. In another part of the inâ€" closure is the hall of literary abyss. or the imperile library. and in this the Cabinet officers hold their sessions, and it, contains also a department of the royal treasury. No one outside of the foreign legalions ever get into the palaces of the Emperor of China, and no foreigner is permitted to ace him. Even the Chinese of l,’ekin do not know how the Emperor looks; There are not 5,000 men outside of his eunuchs who have ever set eyes on him. He knows. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the actual condition of his people. thn he goes out into the city inat- ting is hung up in front of all the houses, and strips of cloth are stretched across the. alleys and side streels through which the imperile procession lnust pass. Upon these occasions Europeans are warned not to go out at their peril. for the Emperior is always accompanied by soldiers, and the man who peeps around the corner or has his cye fastâ€" ened to a hole in the inalting is liable to be blinded with a bullet or arrowâ€" The streets are fixed up for lhe occaâ€" sions. All the booths and squatters are driven away, and the roads are covered with bright yellow clay. Yellow is the imperial colour. The young Emperor is a decidedly weak character, and doesn’t even do his own thinking. The Empress Dowâ€" ager attends to that for him. It is said that he occasionally goes into fits of rage when he iscrossed. but it is lilo rag-o of a child, and is over us soon as he has exhausted himself. He has been under the thumb of the Empress Dowv agei‘ since he was it baby. b‘he superâ€" side vised his education, and picked oul illn‘ “'9.”me the famous medical missionâ€" wives for him. She has him so hemmed in wiih olt'lciuls and wives, who are her' sworn allies, that there has never been a chance for the young Emperor to ex- tricate himself from his subservient condition. even if he wanted to, which he apparently doesn’t. "I he, Emperor Was 17 years old (it the time of his marriage. ten years ago. and the Empress Dowager gave him three wives to start with. The selecâ€" tion was curious. All the pretly l‘nrâ€" tai‘ girls of the empire. nuniocring many thousands. were gathered to- gcther and sorted. and the best oil them were sent on to I‘ekin. The se« lection was first made by the Govcin~ 015 of the: provinces, and no girl was pi'c.~cnted who was over id nor under I: yvul’S (if H‘ i‘ '1 be choice J-nls were dressed in the lllll'fil of chillies, and were curled from all p‘li‘ts' of the empire into l’ckin. Tin-y were. here submitted to the in- spection of the old I‘Iinpress Dowager. beingr broughl into her presence in iUlS of five. I‘iilL‘. passed upon them as [Elsi as shc could and wooded out the poorâ€" est and dullcst. 'l‘lrose who remained wci‘e [llkt‘ll out for iliv. time and brought in in new lots. and so the sortâ€" ing went on, until the. lhlvuszlnds lizld dwindled to the hundreds. the llrcris to scams, and the scores at last down to fifteen. Those fifteen girls were put into training. ’l‘hcir paces wore tcsled and all sorts of experiments were made no lo illril‘ tempers and traits. After some. months the Ulli Empress picked out the thice girls she liked, and the eldest of these, who was ill years old, became Iiinprcss. The two others beâ€" 011111? what are culled Slcondltry wives. or chief concubines, and these twll latâ€" ter were sisters, one of whom was I?) and lhe other 171 years old. lhc inurâ€" ri:lgc of the Emperor was celebrated in clzlborute style, and the magnificence of the occasion may be imagined from lhe f‘lct lhrt it cost the Govern- ment $l(l,(lll:).ll(lll. Every three years new batches of wives are picked out for the Emperor. 'Ilie piellicsl girls in the empire are chosen and the Emperor doesn't allow affairs of state to interfere with him in his amusement. lie is It sort of a holy figurclieali, and his officials keep making him more SilClPll every day. in return for which they get unlimited opplirillnilia’s to carry on their plots and peculalions. The whole. l‘iiinlrsc court is made up of inllizzlles and inâ€" lrigucrs, and lbe nobles are glad in get their (lnuglllers in tho ruy-ll hurl n; for (he lllllliil"ll prestige it gives. I’lil‘INl'Y (W l..\ “'33. Everything connected with the Em- bun? l l i l i I . and some of them. us Dr. \Venyon says, peror is regulated by law. He has imâ€" perini physicians who watch over his health. The law even provides just what he shall eat. According to the old (‘hincse books, there must be placed daily before himlhiiiy pounds of meat in a basin and seven pounds boiled in- to soup. He has :lriuily allowance of. about a pound of bug's int and bulter. and he has liie right in order two. sheep. two fowls. and two ducks, while. his drink for the day is restricted to lhc milk of eighly cows and the steep- ing of seventyâ€"five parcels of lea. Tile Emperor is lean and unhcltilliy.‘ lie sleeps most of the day and docs what work he has to at night. and» his life of pleasure has made a. physiâ€" cal wreck of him. It is doubtful wheâ€". lhcr he, understannds his real sil ual ion. It is said that he has never reviewed. his own army and that he knows abso-. lutely nothing about military tactics. The Emperor knows nothing of modâ€"I crn Civilization. He doesn't even know his own country. His eunuchs are said to have really more influence with him 1 than any one else. They have been‘. his closest associates all his life, and the he.qu eunuch. I’i Tsiau Li, the ally of the Empress Dowager. is one of his confidcntial advisers. . ‘ The Emperor wasborn in 187]. isthe son of Prince ('hun. seventh brother. of the Emperor Iiien Feng, and sucâ€" coerled tothe throne by proclamation, at the death of Emperor Tungâ€"Chi. in; 1875. He is the ninth Emperor of‘ ('hina. of the Manchu dynasty of Tsing,. which overthrew the nalivc dynasty of‘ Ming in 1644. There exists in China. no law of hereditary succession to lhe= throne. It is left to each sovereign‘ to appoint his successor from among: the members of his family of a younger . generation. The late Emperor died‘ suddenly, and the Enipl‘f-SS Dowager. his widow. appointed the present Em- peror. A STRONG CHARACTER. The Empress Dowager will be 64 years obi next month. She is said to be a most remarkable woman. and shel has been practically the ruler of (‘hina for the past generation. She was the? secondary wife or the first concubine of the Emperor llien Fung. who died along about the time of the beginning‘ of our civil war. and she has been pracâ€" tically the boss of the harem and that empire since then. She was at the head of the empire duringr :1 greater part of. the Kaiping rebellion. She. manage-i its affairs during its war with France. and she bid a liftic. taste of Russian diplomacy in lit-r fuss withlhe Czar of some years ago. She is said to have a mind of her own. and all the Chinese respect and fear her. She is a stickler as to form, and she insists that all business| shall be done through the young limâ€" pc-rnr. filmth she really directs what lic is to do. Sin: is very vain. and she hurl con- sented to the spending of about twenty million dollars on the celebration of. her lirlhdziy. and lhis money was be-l in;r Cullcl'tell for the purpose when the} war with Japan broke out. i The, Empress Dowager is even more secluded than the. Emperor. and when' she, receives her officiils she sits be~l hing a screen, and the Cabinet Minâ€"l isters get down on their knees and talk‘ through it at her. ENGLISH DOCTOR'S EXPERIENCE. Queer llh‘nd In the Slcdirnl Line are not Tim Among the (hint-He. wiih Dr. Charles In an interview ary in China, we are told that medical science in China is not as advanced as it was in Rome 2,000 years ago. The so-oalled doctors cannot tie. an artery, open an abscess, or reduce a dislocat- ed limb. Every (‘hinaman has got something. real or imaginary the matter withl him, and there was great curiosity to. see lhe methods of the f.u~eiguers;. Ilierefore, when Dr. \Venyon al‘l‘ivedi Iligre was no lack of patients They! ('illllt‘ llzlily by 1he hundred from far; and nearâ€"from an area three or four limes that of England. In seventeenv years they numbered many thousands,l became the centre of an influence more ‘ or less favourable to western thought men. Dr. \Venyon has many curious stories to tell in connec- tinil with the medical work. The lileizili. who are the great in- stigzilors of riot and murder in China, I declzlrcll lint they ought to open a rival hospital, and they did open one. .\ sizlff of native “doctors” was found and the building was caller "The Hall I of Ten Thousand Virtues." It was a splendid building, but somehow that did not asxist the curcs. Tle afflicted friends came to Falsh'ln, and they deâ€" cided one to go to Dr. \\'c11y01i’s hos- pital and the. other to the. rival place. In three weeks Dr. \Venyou's patient was well, and on going for his friend to the other hospital found that he was dead. The doctor tried to console him by saying that lhcy had buried him in asplendid coffin. 'In fact, coffins. were ugreut necesâ€" sity at that hospital," says Dr. \Ven- you. "When I\\'cnt there I found that lhey llriti laid in a good stock. So the pcop'w mine. to us. it was :lquestiou of coming to our hospital for acui‘e or going to the “Hull of Ten Thousand Virtues" for a Coffin. One day there came a stately gentleman, a learned man belonging to the upper classes, having a painful disorder needing surgical treatment. He hired a priâ€" vate room and Inpcraled on him, and in aforinight he was well. He had not told me who he was, but. beforel he went away he said, ‘You might like to know “ho Iain. and [want to 1911’ you. became lam so grateful for beâ€" ing curwl of this terrible disease. I. win the bend doctor of the. Hall of Ten Thousand Virtues.’ " and western lscltled many ‘ freezing point » SUD ‘bvnlity of character. FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER. __ Thc Inventor Was Born In (acrmnny unll lbicd In ill-Ilium. In September. 1736, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit died in Holland. probably at Amsterdam, in which city he had years previously. and where he found more suitable scope for his scienlific. researches than at Danlzig. the great seaport in north- east. Germany, where he was born on May It, 1656. 'I‘ill just before the rev- enlecnlh century men could estimate the temperature by their personal feelings only. but several attempts were then made to measure the de- gree of heat or cold by tubes Contain- ing spirits of wine, oil and other sub- stances. lnstead of the first and all of these, Fahrenheit in 17H substilut- ed mercury or quicksilver, which is a. metal natumlly fluid. He selected for his scale as zero. if name derived from the same Arabic word as “cipher.” and signifying “nothing.” the lowest tem- perature observed by hlin at Dantzig during the winter of 1709. Whirl]. _he found was that produced by mixing equal quantities of snow and sal-am- moniac, or common salt, and the space -between this point and that to which the mercury rose when expanded by the heat equal to thut of boiling water or plunging the thermometer inlo boiling water. he divided about the year 1720 into 2b.). parts. Doubtless the selection of the freezing point of water as zero, which was made about 1730 by Rune Antoine Ferchault Reaumur, who lived from Feb. 28. 1.683 till Oct. 27, 1757, was simpler. readier. more familar. and natural. The sys- tem was adopted also in 17:12 by An- ders, Celsius, the. Swedish astronomer and physicist. who lived from 1701‘ till 1756, and whose lhermometer is divid- ed into 100 degrees between the uni boiling point» of walcr, as ie‘iumur's is divided into eighty. It is thcrcfore generally dis- tinguishcd as the “centigrade” or of a “hundred steps," and is the one emâ€" ployed in other parts of the European continent, and for international pur- poses. ._____«.,__â€"â€"â€" DANGEROUS HEADACHE POWDERS. It Is Necessary to Handle 'l‘hem With Great (are. A few weeks ago Dr. J. A. Harris. the Medical Officer of Chorley, Eng- hzid the police of that city pro- cure some two down samples of "headache powders" from different chvln‘ists in that city. and had them submitted to a thorough analysis. The results of the analysis, publish- ed in the last number of the British Medical Journal, show that in every case the quantity of the active ingred- ient was largely in excess of the maxi- mum dose of the drug permitted by the British Pharmacopoeia. These remedies belong to the class of the analgesics. the members of the group in common use for the purpose being acetanulid or phenylacetanide, pht‘n'llt‘ne and phenziceline or para.- acelâ€"phs-nelidin. The "headache pow- ders" sold in this country are exactly similar to llilisl' sold in England.‘ _ Now, all these are drugs that it is land. - nvcessary to handle wilh g'eit care. A slight error of judgment “'ilh regard to doing; on the part of the'clcrk who mixes them or lhe consumplion of 100 large a. quantity of the ‘powders" by the person with a headache is sure to result in disastrous consequences. These sub<t inces depress lhe action of thc hean and hive a tendency to dim- inish lll'.‘ force. of respiration. The per- will likely f'iil to detect himself thc injury the drug causes him. for in ‘gclling iii of hi‘ headache he. is apt fatigue which is sure to come upon him after taking the powder. ‘I‘hii he may attribute to "the last kick of the headache," when 1.. overlook the lit is really lhe greater injury of his system by the deadly poison. Legislation In necessary to put. an end in this praclice of selling porscns tolhc public under fancifubnrlinels. If nothing else can be done about it at presunl. a regulation should be made that no druggist should be allowed to sell "headache powders" unless hr- has previously labelled them "pliison."just as c-arbolic acid is labelled. . .__.â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" G 0L D DUST. \Vc are not in this world merely to do the pieces of work, large or small, that are set over against our hand. \Vcare here to grow in strength and. And it is not hard to see how this growth may go v on continually amid life's daily toil and cares. If we are diligent. careful, faithful, prompt, accurate, energetic in the doing of a thousand liltle things of common life. we are building these qualities meanwhile into our soul’s fa- bric. Thus we are over learning by doing and growing by doing. There is an unseen spiritual building rising within us continually as we plod on in our unending lzlsks. Negligence in common duties mars our character. Faithfulness in all work builds beauty into the soul. on ...... _ A QUEER VERDlCT. Upon the Isle of Man, where sheep- stealing is evidently a serious offense. John Dixon was recently sentenced to three years' impri~aonmvnl for it. The exact. words of the jury were: "Not ‘having satisfactorily accounted ill the minds of lhc jury for the [)I‘F"S:Ill\l) of llic shin-p, w“ find the l‘l‘lsl-llb‘l‘ s“lii- fy." \l'lizil puzzles ill“ l'l\\'}‘“l‘i is this”: (an :1 man be lcgally jzlii'wl on \ll 'n :i verdith der

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