Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1898, p. 7

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LECTURE ON "Sulkiness among women has driven more men to perdition 'than all of the lying, cheating, and stealing that. has ever been recorded," s'iid awoman of the world to two young wives recenth “To be sulky means to be so many things that are thoroughly disagrcfi- able. It means that you are amonllily silent, sullen sour, obstinate. mor- ose person all rolled in one." "But you’ve just said that I have a sulky disposition, and that. that Mr counts for my having so many little tiffs with Dick," protested one of the young matrons," "and I know I'm not all of those things." "And you hinted that I have occas- ional fits of sulks," remarked the othâ€" er newly married, girl in an objecting tons. "True enough,” answered the woman of the world with aknowing laugh. "I did say and hint those things and I meant thlem. W'e’ve been here togeth- er, in this hotel for six weeks now, and I do not make my charges with- out good reasons. How I’ve pitied your husbands and do pity them and shall continue to pity them unless you rid yourself of the sulking habit." "But everybody says that Dick and I are thle most devoted couple here," in- terrupted one of the matrons. “No, they say that Ned and Iare," insisted this other. "Of course, you are both‘ devoted couples," went on the elderly woman hastily, "but. all the same you two women sulk, and so do nine-tenths of the women in this hotel, and the world over, for that matter. If I were a man, engaged to ayoung‘ woman, and discovered that she had a sulky dis- position, I should first try to break her of the tendency, and if I couldn’t. do that I’d break the engagement, Men aren’t justified in breaking a betrothal (neither are women, mind you). but they’d be in that case. Sulky women cause more friction in home life than any other kind of disagreeable wives. Sulkiness grows on one. It’s such an insidious trait, or, as I believe, dis- ease. It takes possession of the mind Defone one is aware of its presence and :an only be cured by the exercise of itrong will power and reason.” "What makes you think that Isulk," asked Dick’s wifle. "\Vhy, I’ve seen you have forty fits of sulks since I’ve been here. You never sulk with anyone but you’re hus- band, and how you can sulk with him is beyond me. But that is a peculiar- ity of one afflicted with sulkiness. The patient often makes the one she loves best,the victim of her attacks. Perhaps it is because the sulks render one a bit cruel, and she enjoys seeking him suffer." "Soon after you married Dick you made up your mind not to like his family. He had always been a de- voted son, and had almost taken a husband‘s and father's place in his fa- therless house. Instead of your en- couraging him to keep on in the same way you conceived an intense imagin- ary dislike for his family, and every time he goes to see them, does any- thing for them, even mentions them, you have afit of sulks. You shut up like a clam; you frown; you will not speak, smile, or in anyway show any intenest in what your husband says or does for hours. I’ve watched it all over and over. He is always so gentle and patient, but I warn you that one of these sulky fits of yours wears him out, "frazzles" him completely, and if you keep them up they will drive him from you. How would you feel if Dick acted towards your family as you do toward his? Put the shoe on the othâ€" er foot and see if it; doesn’t pinch. ,How would you feel if he went apart from you, set his face in astony stare, and showed about as much sympathy and interest as aChinese god when you mentioned your family? “Now, Dorothy, here," turning to the other young matron, "sulks in adifâ€" ferent: way, and makes Ned miser- able no less than six times aday. “'0- men should remember that men have moods as well as women, and we should indulge them. Unconscioust man deâ€" pends on woman‘s love to forgive his whimsicalities, and she should never withold it. livery Lime Ned comes down from business a bit moody, inâ€" stead of you loving him and petting him and telling him a lot of funny things in your own bright. way. Doro- thy, to make him forget, you get sulky and won’t have anythingr to do with him. If he doesn’t pet you just as much as you think he should, you sulk; if he makes some remark you don’t quite understand, you sulk; if you want to go sailing and he thinks it looks abit squally, off you go into a fit. of sulks. I just know Ned some- times wishes a squall would catch him. A squall, you know, is soon over. It isn‘t like these heavy black clouds that hang about for hours and kceps one from doing anything that one wants to do for fear of an outburst, A woman who lets her temper loose is bad en- ough, but she isn’t a circumstance to the one who bottles her’s up, and threatens to let it go every minute," “You say that sulkiness grows on one?" asked Ned’s wife in a. subdued voice," "It most assuredly does," answered the “Drum of the world. "Run over your acquaintances of middle-aged and elderly women and think how many of them indulge in sulks. Over half? Yes I thought you’d find it so, I used to be agreat sulker myself, but I was SULKS. ' i ll Your Health Should be Carefully Guarded. Keep the Bloc-:1 Pure. There is danger of malaria, fevers, sudden colds and pneumonia. Make your blood rich and pure by taking Hood's Sal‘suparilln, and you need not fear these dangers, Hood's Sar- sriparilla Il‘IS wonderful power to stren- gthen and fortify the system. It. is unequalled for purifying, enriching and vitalizing tho blmd. It. gently tones the stomach, creates a good ap- petite and invigorates every organ. It is just what is needed at this season. a Sarsa- parilla In Canada's Greatest Medicine. 61 ; six for 85 Prepared ( n‘yliLQ-J. Hood & (Jon‘Lowielthass fl. . __).-V i Hood’s Pills fi?,,,‘,;f" B}K§§;.l‘;’f "252' completely cured by my husband (lur- innr the first year of our married life. At first when I had. a fit. of sulks he‘d pet and coddle and humor and be;r for forgiveness when he hadn‘t done anyâ€" thing, and all this only made me more sulky,m:ule me love to exhibit. my powâ€" er over him more vigorously, Suddcnly he tried anew plan. If he left mc sulky in the morning he came home to luncheon in astate of sulkiness that out-matched mine. If I sulked in the ._.. ' THE NEW GIBRALTAR. I The Stl'unzhold Illzlflfih l'oiunlhln Ii: 5 Ludofiia Ceylon Tea. flea-n (‘ullctl ’I’hls Name. The town of Esquimault, B. C., is to u are not one of the many who enjoy this Tea. be razed and wiped out of existence. says the San Francisco Call. 80 the British government has ordered. Up. on its site will arise one of the great- est fortresscs of the world. ’1 his point is of: particular intcrost to Californâ€" ians, because this magnificently designâ€" ed stronghold will be next door to us, in British Columbia, right above the \Vashington state. line. Some idea of its proposed strength may be gained when it is known that the British enâ€" gineers have already dubbed it "The You are missing a great pleasure ifyo LEAD PACKAGES - - 25, 4o. 50 and 60c. BEND FOR PRICE LIST. New Gibraltar." The plan contemplates the equipâ€" lncnt of a store, lrpair, and supply station second to none in the empire; the building and manning of forts capâ€" :iblc of defending this depot against . ..,,.,<.» ,0.» H so?» i >07 7 WV 7 i ' g t. '2 It, by sca or land: the provullng of Hg .' (locks large enough to lcct-ivo the best ls pre-eminentiythe Maga- ., o and biggest examples of marine archi- Zineof Fashion, Culture, tcctural skill, and the establishment v, , of barracks. a. service prison, and other : womar,‘ 5 work and necessary buildings for the use and Recreatlon.tthanadian benefit of the _numurou:~l soldiers and edition being identical with that published by the Butterick Publishing Co. “1106's. {Vlm’wm “9 T‘f'li‘l'Ti'lf 1“ 1mm 1% (Limited), New York and London. it contains upwards of 125 PAGEs A a?“ 0‘“ an“ m3” “‘9 511‘1‘5 0 the 5”" 5.x. MONTH, including a number of Colored and Lithographic Plates. ' __ Of all Family Magazines it is the Great Caterer to Domestic Needs. and can NOT A NEW DISCOVERY. be recommended tor its cheapness, usefulness, beauty, freshness and utility. Breech Loading snot Guns $4.0 upwards. Revolvers, $1.28. $1.50 to 82.00. \V e post-pay revolvers at. this price. Brace and Six Best Auger Bits only Mooâ€"postman anywhere in the Dominion for $2.00. WILKINS & 00., - 160 and 168 Km: St. In“, Toronto. afternoon he sulked all evening. and the msult was that there wasn‘t a minute when one or the other of us wasn‘t. sullenly silent, sour or obstin- atel. At. this end of aweek I‘d cried myself sick, thought of getting a divorce, of returning home, even of suiâ€" cide, when it suddenly flashed over mr- that half of the. trouble was my fault, and I went to him and told him 80. die folded me in his arms and said that" it had nearly killed him to be sulky, but that he had to do it to bring me to my senses. The. plan worked. I have never sulked a minute from that. day to this.” "For heaven’s sake, don't ever tell Dick that story," pleaded Dick‘s wife. "I’ll stop of my own accord." “And so will I," declared llIrs. Ned. "Come to think of it, sulkiness is the hardest of all states to put up with, and my only wonder is that men stand sulky women as well as they do." â€".â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"_â€"â€" T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Toke Laxative Promo Quininw Tablets, All Dr“!- :his relusd the mane: if it fail. iotllire. 25¢. â€"â€"+ "DON'T \VORRY" It ULES. "Children," said a good man to the family gathered around his deathbed, “during my long life I have had a great many troubles, most of which never happened." In the. spirit of this wise remark are these "Seward Don‘t \‘Vorry” rules: 1. Consider what must be involved in the truth that God is infinite, and that you are a part of His plan. 2. Memorize some of the Scripture promises and recall them when the temptation to worry returns. 3. Cultivate a spirit of gratitude for daily mercies. _ 4. Realize Worry as an enemy which destroys your happiness. 5. Realize that it can be cured by persistent effort. ' 6. Attack it definitely as something to be overCome. 7. Realize that it never has done and never can do the least good. It wastes vitality and impairs the mental faculties. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢'â€"â€" BOOK OF MARBLE. At the Strozzi Palace, in Rome. there is a book made of marble. the leaves beâ€" ing of marvelous thinness. . The chief ingredients in the composu- tion of those qualities that gain es- teem and praise are good nature, truth, good sense and good breedingâ€"Addi- SOD. A BID MOVE. Don’t you speak to Miss Sharply any more, Miss Elderly? Indeed I do not, and what's more. I never will again. She had the impue deuce to send me thirtyâ€"six roses on my thirty-fifth birthday. CANDOR. Vi'hat is your opinion of the popuâ€" lar songs of the present time‘.’ asked the young woman. 0h, replied \Villie \Vishington, I guess I‘m like most, people on that point. I enjoy ‘em, but I don't like to own up to the fact in the presence of my musical friends. HELPING THEM OUT. The. Thompsons can‘t decide what to name their twins. \Vell, if the twins resemble their othercllildren lhcy should call one. Vesuvius and the other Terror. A MATTER Oi" iCONOAIY. Business hIan. furiouslyâ€"“dint. do you mean by kissing my daughter '1 Underpaill L‘leIk, weeklyâ€"I desired to show my appreciation of your dangliâ€" ter's loveliness, and kisses are the only things I could afford to give her. A BIG BOILED: DINNER. Cooks in large hotels and boarding- houses may think they get up meals on a big scale, but when it comes to wholesale cookery the little village. Mrs. Rudyard Kipling is spoken of generally as a nice, quiet little woman, just the one to make Such an ener- getio, odd sort of a. man as the novelist happy. TACT. Nearpassâ€"I hope the minister didn't refer to the creditors the deceased left. lBennetâ€"He merely said that his loss would be felt wherever he was known. A member of the French Academy says that the growth of hair can be: stimulated by music, remarked hirs. Darley. \Vell, he needn't. think that is anew discovery, replied Mr. llarlcy. I've. heard many a hair-raising song my- self. “5533:?” $I°â€"° a Year 15c. each the December number '5 Early winter number and comprises 9. variety of matter of unmrpnssed freshness and charm The present and pros- pective Fashions are exhaustively dz swribml, and the Literary and Household features are of the usual high degree of merit. Maxie on Ear-i1, 11. story by Cornelia Atwood Pratt, t. ides the love that. Women cherish for a home they can LILII their own. The Calieue Stories, by 'ancy Vincent McClellanll, the scenes of which are laid at Vassar, reveal much of the significance of college â€"..â€"â€" WARTS I I WARTS I WARTS I I I in. spirit and student ties. In the} series on The Common Ills of Life, by Ib‘. Grace Peckham Th” “.0049 are full of ppovle' who 1* S hullr y, appears a paper on Obcsl‘l‘y that will ptrova o: ger’i‘erzlhas 1\Ivell‘lns 1i?f§1i4"lilnr ilntereatm The I Y V, . , . v , - . _ 7 or in l- lliv w popu ar SPI‘iE’S on ma eur ’no (Y’I‘Rpiy, v . srot i . a , ens spec call 11‘” 0 “ i‘d I5 and “ h“ {00' lhhly b‘ h" ‘ 0 \villr’i‘ol_lllll;. l‘lleanor Georg-m contributes another scholarly chapter of practical exercises for tbs; dial a remedy cannot be found \V'hll'll gum (Initlratlon ofille Vmwe. A Homl Hunting I‘arty, by Katherine E. Maxwell, outlinesadeiigblful Will [wrigllurbly remove tIuini, Such a,” indoor entertainment, The Woman's I‘ress 1\:H0CIBU()IIS of the country furnish materiel tor the 1390i”? ill) not know what 1hpy a”, n-gnlnr Al'lll'le on (‘lub “omen and f‘illb Lite, by iicicn .\i Winslow. In Ciris‘ intercdc and t v, r I ‘ 0 ‘ l I 1 ' ,Vv, (It'l‘llpi‘ll'ill‘i, by Lafayette .‘icimws. will bu found a lllllilll('i‘ of attral live alight-(lions. .\:~ twel‘ idIleI‘lL II it)“ . III‘I lf‘iltif‘rfl may W icnt Lmlllp of limpet-bold Subjer is (with-Ilich in limits and Fancy Ifirearl. A‘Tlllillk‘u‘lVlli; Menu Si] N“ lll it ii]: (’0 :liiillit‘nl lllnx‘ HI I’lll- {is lirt;l«~!~.lll.:inli ‘.\'.i VP in the liltl'llv'll; and III" regular departments: S . lttlrseriallI-es conducted nrun‘s l‘nrn IC\t rum (yr, “ 1|] .1; “(wk by .‘irs. (“hint llil‘l' r .lcues, l‘ile- Tyrrabln byers. \i'littile{silr;on, Farricy Shula-lies am} Emlfioilziery . . | _ t A . I v n In kmx \. _~s<c»» - ’\,'\.’\‘\/\/\ I, .lnma llywom, le realms. er, l lnery, Are a i lh‘ In 1“th lh'ln ‘1 kIH- \\ p h 'H l“ ‘ ( ('rv l'iwlinL', Knittl- Li, Tinting. The Latest ilw L's, etc, arengs' 3 Save Cents; ('l'lillllt‘le and \aricd as the nlust tastl lions vmlitl desire. tested it and know what we me talkâ€" I k v ing about. 2 __â€" "‘ Sle nf the Pallerna which , Ninil rrg'ularll‘ for} 20¢. Tm: Duran-ma may be ordered through the Newsdealerox L ),' A I\ 2;" ’* mr'h, can be all 07‘] ch 1 in t -. p . , FIIII \II. I Y COlI. II N I . b can“ apiece by “Mam, _ b e 3:3 iut CHLII attem Agency, or may be obmmed due“ TICâ€"Yves. he called me a. blooming Ill'ul;lflllfllflt magkAgrnr-Z Y5 “595 nfl' ldllliâ€" j for In rue q nttenc . . 2* I' ll . C 1 :1?“- lillnâ€"â€"As if any one could not see téiuflagé‘k $33,211,” co, 0‘ “3‘” you hi‘d gime ‘0 Si’C‘I- September, October 017 T030511) (Limited), or November DELINEATOR 33 Richmond St. West, TORONTO, ONT, Mills. MI". & Halos ' SAUSAGE GAOINGSâ€"New importation: finestEngliah Barrister-send. remove l Sheep and American Ho Cuain lAroliable goods .5 to Wesley Bldga., Rich- its“ IMO“- PARKa BLA WE i 00.. Toronto. mond St. W.. Toronto. AN ATTRACTIVE \YOMAN. ill 5qu THE TRIUMPH ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES. , Easy put up and taken down. Can ‘ be cleaned, nested, and put away in I. I small space. Alt your dealers for them. Manufactured by G. B. BARCLAY. v ‘ I68 Adelaide St.W.. Toronto. Mrs. Slimdietâ€"I can’t see what Mr. Bullion wanted to marry that shabby - widow for. anyhow. anti-3| She isn't young and she isn't pretty _ j and sheâ€" / r / fl New Boarderâ€"You just ought to see how thick she makes her pumpkin pies. _ STRATFQRDv ""73, Best Commercxel Schowl m the Prlmnce; enter now: catalogue tree, W. J ELLIOTT, Printipal. There is more Cutarrh in this notion of the countrythan all other diseases put. together. and until theimt few years was supposed to WAN l E D. be incurable. For a great many yvaru doctors prnul‘unced it; a. local disease. and preucrfibed VVOmNJ in 6"”? town. to (10 house to house “‘6‘” “Infill”. and by constantly failing to canvassing for a well established medicine, cure with ideal treatment, pronounced it in- . . - V - . . . curable. Science hm proveu catarrh to be 3. Easy 901“ 1“ le “1 commlsm‘m' Node‘mnw constitutional dimam and therefore requires or invest ment. required. Address. constitutional treatments. Hull’sCsturrh Cure. E. A. SPRONG, Hamilton Ont. manufrcllured by F. J. Cheney k. (30.. Toledo, ' Ohio]; I: thy onlyk constitutional v‘lll'O 0"! [he “I, W “â€" mar e . is to on internally in do>es rom ' it) drops too teaspoonful. It acts directly on w G lheblood and mucous surfaces of the syrtem. I ' ’ They ol‘t’er one hundred dollars for any 0839 it Pa 5 the ‘ fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi- y lnonlsls. Address. BeSt ‘ F.J. CHENEY 8L CO, Toledo. 0. Sold'hy Drug bits, 750. Hallglifilmily ills are the best. W P l} 94! The BI'OS- co" anui’ccturen ‘ 1 -of BILLIAR {A IiLLS and BC!“ LING ALLEYS. Phone 1303. 88013 [or Catalytic. 257 King SE. W010. TORONTO. Price for sonar, - Do You Want to Save Fuel ? LEAD. Su perior 3:.illlpta‘s‘é‘aal. Four Dollars C implete. To be had only from III. limit)“ rs. 31 Queen St. E., Toron'oi. Bend Maine for Circular and sample EAIi’i‘II RES'i‘Olt hill \VITIIOU'I’ MEDI- , (IINEHH EXPENSE to<ln.-..\il)"l‘ l)IS~ UIHH‘IKICI) SI‘UMAUII, LUNGS, NERVES, LIVER. BLOOD, BLADDER, KIDNEYS. BRAIN and “HEATH by i' lliltIl'i’S ItEVAiiiCNTA ARABICA , Fool), which SAVES INVALID: and liriildchN, and also Itl'a's sumo sfuliy In- . 7 rants whose Ailments and chillLy have re- >i-Lud all other heallnenls. IL digests when of cloth befoxe buying elsewhire. ’Ill other Food is rejected. saves 5') times its lost in medicine. Ell 5 YI‘JAIlS' INVARIABIJG SUCCESS, ‘ -’ 100,000 ANNUAL (iUItluS of Commit). Everybody Needs 'i‘heln. We Have them foil anon, Flatuancy, Dyspfip ritullndigesltin‘n, C in. RV -rybody. FilliipllOil. iabelus, rouc litis, ul lion/.a. (luilglih Asthma, C’rtarrh, l‘hlcgln, Diarrhoea, The office SPECIALTY MFE' 9°" (lened) Nervous Debilily, Slooplcesnoss, Desponduuoy: 'IOIWNTO AND LEW-“ARKth ONT- ] U BARRY and Co. (Lilnilodl. 77 Regent- street, London, “C, ulsn ill Paris, 11 Rue de Caeliglione, and at 2111 Grocers, Chemists, and Stores everywhere, in line 23., 3:1,, 611., (is: pm, III. Sent. carriage free, Also llU liAltltY'S ItEVAbEN’I‘A BISCUITS, in tine, 33. (id. and (is. If 30, Use Jubilee Shaking Grates- Thlc tralneolr: one of my orig na align. '1‘ All ilescriptionaof Wood ORONTO’ January 8th, 1898 Llrlller,Trunsom5,LMt [UBH‘EE GRATE BAR Con LIMITED, tics and Decorative r Wood Work. fORONTO. E. LIMONV,_1aa Yong. 19;,“ Dear Shyâ€"Answering your enquiry Ailorlalnaldemu ‘ Mei" Pm“ “W 9 as to our opinion of the Jubilee Grates. Bust Trusses made by Doronwcnd E. II. & '71. m" 275 Queen M. “" Emmmned 1845., “Vomd 333' th't We have had then) in T°r""i°' Boohoulhum‘iwWIQPQE’U‘INYFQ' Lu & co" ’â€"_"' use for over a month and have found TOIIOEACUI‘TINO SCHOOL offen special GRAIN AND cGMM'SSION MERCHANTS, inducements mFyoung men desirous of Ii“ka up Cutting; ull particulars on app]! nouon. II; YONGE ST.. TORONTO. . llooms 409-12 Board of Trade Building, AGENTS CAN MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING lour special books: loin; prllf‘c“: good value, TORONTO. ONT. ant largo commissions. ' ‘ to UW Kid. 8001; $0., Saturday Night. Building, Toronto. .WW I. lflflflfllofl,l.fl.. I... W TORONTO. Ont. & EYE, EAR! NOSE spacuus'r them very satisfactory. \Ve are sav~ ing over 2.00 in our coal bill per day for ten hours' work. \Vith the old grates we could not get steam withwut using screened lump soft coal; now we ’05“ 1‘00"!“- use soft coal screenings and we are developing about ‘24 H. P. more than we could with the old grates. You have already taken a memorandum of the tests that were made of the old and new grates, we have checked ()Vl-r the figures to-duy and find them quite cor- ' Headache, Face-ache, I e“ all Revere lnusculsr pains, ’ instantly N'IiCVt‘l’I by Urea- oeut. NeurclgiaCure. Price 260. Enclose 3 37¢. stumps for his] package. The Hutchings Medicine 00., Toronto. IF you want to either buy or sell Apples in car lots, writeus. The Dawson Commission 00., Limited, nomimon Line Steamsm 9. met- Montrenl and Quebec to Liver not in summer. and first twin car I l ‘L b 1 a1 Yours trUiy' e‘V Gila“) 5 “ [ad 0' 1 ¢ "AA ~~ » ~ ~ â€"» couver.’ ‘Dominiont’ ‘buotngTU ‘ Yorkshire. THE TORON r0 RADIA FOR MFG. Shunhand, Typewrltin , Superior accommodation for First Cabin. Sec: V , r ~ ‘ IEELFSchAfpfivl ‘ Bookllxevpinlr and all Cor:- 0nd CabinFaud Séegraggoréibssengoro. grates in: CO" Ln” 1 P‘D' , m u Jeanareproperytallgitinthe plumage-â€" irs a in, . \I; Secon she no. . TAYLOR Se" '-.\ ' . omrmu BUSINESS course, 335; Steers 6 922.60 and upwards acoordiugfd J J ’ L 3 13>" gloronlo. Yonge and Gm-m-d scs. Fall Term now open, steamer an berth. For all iflgformution up embers admitted at no time. Ei It r l “mam equ‘pmem‘ g) egu “teachers. 1,0 Local Agents, or DAVID 033A 12:68:83.. »â€"A» 'Also Sole Manufacturers of Ellis‘ Patent Automatic Smoke Consumer,antl all kind! ER 0 9 H N a and ghost Metal Works. H d n I R00 IN SLATE in Black. 0 urnaoe an on er su ies. ma or Green. sun: BLACKBOARDS (w. surply “D I bi and High Schools TOE‘tinbO). Rooting Pole. 1’ tch, Tax-onto. ._.â€"â€"â€"o rite for catalogue. w. H. QHAw' Principe". GonlAqents. 17 Si). Sacrament o hose of web detect. lucan a. cream, done by ourflrm). etal Ceilln a, or. ganglia. 1890. Gnu w! , techno. Flatmates furnished for work oomple e or for Only imitation in Gama. let an. «as “in u, m. noornyo LE Sec New any Bu- .3, __ lllllee Glllellll ll, llllllstl, mil 0 8 AUTO-V003 _ a his hip ed to any an of the country. Phoneim umbrella It'- tom-u. m , II III Ions, Ado n1dothdmcr8ta.,Toronto. t l.

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