I for /-J’ "' THE VERY LATEST PROD: ALL THE WORLD OVER. gun..â€" Interesting Items About Our Own Country. ï¬reat Britain. the Unlted States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed an! Assorted for Easy Reading. ,â€" CANADA. Typhoid fever_ is still Dawson City. Mr. Thomas Cowan, Galt, is dead. Nova Scotia gave a majority of 29,- 199 for prohibition. Over 150 gamblers were arrested reâ€" cently in Dawson City. The Yukon river is now reported to be closed to navigation. The Province of Manitoba gave amaâ€" jority of 9,291 in favor of prohibition. The assessors‘ returns at London show an increase this year in the city‘s Population of 466. London‘s city hospital treated 874 persons during the year. The total ex- penses were $15,341. Twelve Pinkerton‘ detectives are em- Ployed on the Molsons Bank robbery case at Winnipeg. Twelve Pinkerton detectives are on- gaged in the Molsons Bank robbery case at Winnipeg. It is reported at Victoria, 80.. that gold quartz has been found near Ska- guay, going $1,000 to the ton. John S. Douglas, a \Vinnipeg insol- vent, has been sentenced to jail in Montreal for three months for defraud- ing his creditors. Thomas Kent has donated to the epidemic in post master of 1 Penn, Royal, works Crected covering the ap- proach to the city by the river, and a. line of forts covering the strategical points on the frontier. The regulations for the disposition of quartz mining claims on Dominion lands in Manitoba, the Territories and the Yukon have been amended to pro- vide that the Minister of the Interior may grant locations for mining cop- per in the Yukon, each location to con- sist of an area not exceeding One hundred and sixty acres in a square block, the boundaries lying east, west, north and south, and not. more than one. block to be granted to the same party within ten miles. The grant litains no rights to any other min- erals. The royalty to be paid to the Government on the gross output of copper shall not exceed. five per cent., and the Minister of the Interior is em- powered to make regulations for en- suring the. development of such areas and for the payment of the royalty :is he sees fit. GREAT BRITAIN. Mme. Albani “ill visit. the Queen at Balmoral, October 29. The. Duchess of Marlborough, former- MARS or HE worn. Prices of Grain, Cattle. Cheese, 850.. in the Leading Marts. Toronto, Oct. 18.â€"\Vheat â€" Market‘ here strong. Exporters are paying 64c for red, and 650 for white, north and West. Goose is in demand for export to Italy, where goose wheat flour is uSed for macaroni, It is quoted at 630, north and west. Manitobas continue firm and scarce. The wet weather has delayed threshing in élanitoba. Flourâ€"Tone firm. Straight roller is quoted at $3.15 per l)l)l.,DlIlldlB freights. Oatmealâ€"Car lots of rolled cats, in bags, on track here, $3.25 ,per bbl., and in bbls. $3.35. Millfecdâ€"Steady. Bran sells here. at $10 in ton lots, and shorts at $15. Bran is quoted at. $8 to $8.50 and shorts at $13 to $13.50, middle freights. Peasâ€"Firmcr. Car lots are in deâ€" ly Miss Consuela Vanderbilt, of New York, gave birth to a son in London yesterday. It is reported in London that Mayor Andrews, of \l’innipeg. has gone to Edinburgh to try to induce capitalists there to invest in \Vinnipcg bonds, be having failed in London. The man W'oodward, who was arrest- ed in London last week on suspicion of having desecrated the grave of Win. at Jordana, Buckinghamshire. has been liberated upon amcdical cer- tificate. showing that he is irrespon- sible for his actions. UNITED STATES. Michigan raised. the greatest crop of wheat in its history this year, over thirty million bushels. The United States will collect ton- London Hospital Trust $1,000 worth of paid-up stock in the Dominion Sayings .& Investment Society. There was a big volume of traffic at. Sault Ste. Marie in September, oyer three million tons of freight passtng t rough the canals. Mr. F. R. Lingham, the well known cattle king and speculator, of Belle- ville, Ont., has left for Delagoa Bay, Africa, where he has large interests. The liqqidator of the Commercial Bank at Winnipeg has declared afurâ€" ther dividend of $5 per share to the shareholders, making $11 per share so far paid. There has been a decided improve- ment in the ex ort lumber trade of Ot- tawa during t e past few weeks, and large quantities are being sent to the American market. Mr. J. R. Booth, president of the Can- ada Atlantic Railway has informed a deputation of employes that the com- pany is not in a position at present to increase the wages rates. Ottawa's total assessment this year Is $23,713,725, an increase of $825,700 over the previous twelve months. The population has increased 1,659, the city now having a total population of 55.086. Marion Brown. the one-legged tramp arrested in Washington Territory on the charge of shooting P. C. Toohey‘ at London in June last, was returned to London on Sunday in charge oil detectives. The Licensed Viotuallers‘ Association in Montreal claim that Quebec‘s ma- jority against prohibition will exceed 90,000, more than cancelling the vote in 90,000, more than cancelling the vote in all the other Provinces. The Government has decided to com- mute tho sentence of death passed up- 0 an Indian boy named Samien at ï¬mloops for the murder of a trader named Elkins. There are many mitiâ€" gating circumstances in the case. Of a arty of five French Canadians who leg St. Boniface, Man, for Daw- son City last spring, three are dead. and two were lying dangerously ill with typhoid fever in Dawson hospital when last heard from. Mrs. Niles and her son were driving from Merritton to St. Catharines when their horse backed the buggy over that high bridge at the Lincoln Paper Mills. The horse was drowned, but the oc- cupants escaped by jumping. Masons of Dawson City have petitionâ€" ed the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba for a dispensation the organization of a Masonic The Grand Master has recom- lodge. . _ that the diSpensation be is- mended sued: Miss Mary Allan of Hamilton made a wonderfully plucky attack on a bur- glar who entered her room in the night. The intruder knocked the.l young girl down once and struck her! again with a stick, but she managed to drive him off. The Royal Canadian Humane Society at Hamilton has made awards to Fred- ‘ IX“ erick Belyea, Blue Rock, N.B.', Theo« dorc Flatt, of Drayton; G. Glenton, Sydney, C.l3., and to John G. Edwards. of Township of Walpole, for oomph-ml ous heroism in saving lives. An immense tract of country has been burned over by fire in the Eye Hill district, Saskatchewan. The stables and cattle sheds of Thomas Folds and P. Paynter were destroyed, as well as the stables on the ranching tract of the Indian Department. .’\\'innipeg offici'tls have requested the Hon. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, to asaist them in tests for tuberculosis in cattle. in connection with the city’s milk :upply, the. danger in that connect ion liavim,r been urged upon the Ottawa. authorities. Jake Gaudaur. the champion oars- man figu 'ed. in a caso at Osgoodetflall, Toronto. His former partner in a hotel business at Rat Portage applied for an injunction restraining Gaud- daur. from continuing the business, also a~king that a receiver be appoint- ed. The. application was refused. The Imperial Defence Board are ex- amining the strategiczil points in and around Montreal. Range batteries. it nege tax on British yachts visiting American ports after April lst next. Several of the largest United States railroads are planning to move for a reduction in sleeping car and chair car rates. Policeman Mikkelson. of Chicago. shot_and killed himself on the grave of his wife in Mount Olive Cemetery there, on Tuesday. The People's Telephone Co., of New York, has been incorporated with a. Capital stock of $5,000,000. It will ogerate in the United States and Can- a a. The Eldridge geological survey par- ty reports at Séhttle the discovery of a mountain peak in Alaska, which is the highest in America, being 20,000 feet, far higher thanl Mount St. Elias. seventeen sailors killed and 84 cos- ualities all told. was the total loss of the United States navy during the re- cent war. The figures have just been compiled at the Navy Department at \Vashington. Miss Shade was accidentally shot by a young man named Corcoran, at Car- lyle, [1].. on Monday. Corcoran thought he had killed the girl. and then put therevolver to his head and blew his brains out. The. girl will live. The Rev. Dr. Alexander Connell. chosen as the successor of the late Rev. John Hall in New York city. is a brilliant pulpit orator, 31 years old, a Scotchman by birth. and is nowfill- ing the pulpit of the Regent Square Presbyterian Church, London. l The private bank of Jacob Denhudâ€"l er, at Zeland. Mich, was broken into on Tuesday morning and the safe rob- bed of ten thousand dollars. The safe was blown to pieces by dynamite. A' storm was on at the time. and the reâ€"l port was taken for a pool of thunder.‘. The yellow fever situation through-1 out. the State of Mississippi is assum-‘ ing grave proportions. Three inter- state railroads have practically susâ€" pended business, and several short lines are on the verge of a temporary‘ shut. down due to the lack of trade.‘ Twenty thousand or more people have hurriedly left the State. and are now refugees in northern cities. GENERAL. Calcutta has been officially declared free of the plague. The German Arctic expedition has returned to Norway. They report no‘ trace of Andree. Russian newspapers suggest arbitraâ€" tion between England and France in the. Fashoda affair. The Swedish Nova! Board will ask the Government for $3,752,000 for ex- penses of the next two years. Admiml Sampson is extremely ill in Havana. He has been constantly fail- ing. and is unable to do any work. Reports from Yokohama say that three Chinainen.sairl to have been en- gaged in the conspiracy to poison the Emperor. were hanged October 10. A rising of natives in the New Hebrides has been reported. The zip- ,a.rance of a warship, however. put an! end to their warlike manner. ‘ The bodies of two victims of the Bourgogne disaster were washed ashore on Sable Island two weeks ago. There is no means of identifying the men. It is reported at Madrid that of the 700 Sisters of Mercy Sent to the war 100 perished. 300 remaim-d in lltispllt’ll service, and 300 returned with the sick soldiers. Exâ€"Queen Liliukaland, of Honolulu. is about to visit Washington to seek percuniary redress for the loss of reâ€" venues from her crown lands. owing to the annexation of the Sandwich Is- lands to the United States. General satisfaction is expressed at peror William‘s journey lo the East peror “'illiam's journey to the East‘ by nearly a month, through the omisâ€" sion of Egypt from his itinerary. It. is semiâ€"officially announced that he de-i sires to get back to Berlin to open the] Reichstag in person. 3 The Austrian war Office has been‘ experimenting with automobile trans-l port wagons and gun carriages. The experiments proved highly successful,l and it is said that wagons and gun carâ€"l riages of this character will be adopted' In said, are to be constructed on Mount by the military authorities. munrl to-day at 53c, north and west, {1nd 550 east. Oatsâ€"Strong on export demand. Car lots of White sold at 25c. north and west, to-day; and 260 is bid east. Barleyâ€"Firm. No. 1 is quoted at 44 barrels, $16 to $16.50; pure Canadian lard, in pails, 8 1.40, to 8 1-20; pert lb. and compound refined at 5c, to 5 1-20: per lb; hams 10 1~2c, to 130, and bacon 100, to 13c, per 11). Bullalo, Oct. 18.â€"Spring wheatâ€"â€"Low. er and weak; No. 1 hard, spot, 76 3â€"8c; No. 1 Northern, spot, 713-80; No. 2 Northern, c.i.f., 67 3â€"4c. Winter wheat â€"Strong; No. 2 red, 71 to 711-40; No. 1 white, 701â€"2c. Cornâ€"Higher; No. 2 yellow, 350; No. 3 yellow, 34 3â€"40; No 2 corn,341-‘.).c; No. 3corn. 34 to 34 1â€"40. Oatsâ€"Strong; light supply; No. 2 white, 286; No. 3 white, 27c; No. 4 white, 251â€"2 to 20c; No. 2 mixed. 25 1-2c; No. 3 mixed, 241â€"20. Barley-Strong. Rye~Dull; No. 2 on track, 530 asked. Canal freighterâ€"Steady; little freight offered at present quotations. Flourâ€" Steady. Toledo. Oct. 18.â€"\\‘heatâ€"-December, 681â€"40. Corn sold light: No. 2 mixed, 311â€"‘Zc. Oatsâ€"No. 2 mixed, 23c. Rye â€"â€"iligber; No. 2, 501-20. Cloverseedâ€" Prime, cash, $4.40. Milwaukee, Oct. 18.â€"\Vheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, 601-20. Ryeâ€"No. 1, 500. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 450; sample, 36 to 450. Minneapolis, Oct. 18.â€"Wheetâ€"Weakâ€" er; December. 63 5â€"8c; May. 63 1-20: No. 1 hard, 613â€"40; No. 1 Northern, 63 3-40; “ BRING [IKE RATS." AN ATLANTIC LINER WRECKED OFF THE LIZARD. The Steamer Mohegan. With l’lrty Passen- gers and a trew of One Hundred and l‘lfly. Goes Ashore In a Galeâ€"Terrlhle Loss of Life Reported. A despatch from London says:-â€"The Atlantic Transport Company’s steamer Mohegan, formerly the Cleopatra, of the “'ilson and Furness-Leyland line, which left London for New York on Thursday, with 50paSSengers and a crew of 150. is ashore off the Lizard, between the Manacles and the Low- lands. It is rumoured that there has been a. great loss of life. A coastguard mes- sage reports that the passengers are "drowning like rats." BODIES \VASHLNG ASHORE. Another report says bodies are washing ashore, one being that' of a lady with both legs severed, and lash- No. 2 Northern. 613-4c. Flourâ€"Un- changed. Duluth, Oct. 18.â€"â€"\\'heatâ€"No. 1 Northern, cash, 051-4c; October, 650; December, 621~Zc; May, 64 7-80. to 441-2c at interior points. and at 46 to 461â€"2c, lake ports. Cornâ€"Firm. Holders ask 40c., track Toronto, for American. Sales are made at that figure. Rye â€"â€" Firmcr. Car lots, middle freights, west, are wanted at 450., and at 46c east. Ontario distillcrs are now buying. Buckwheatâ€"Higher. In demand at 350. middle freights, and 360 east. Eggsâ€"Choice fresh gathered sell readily at 15 to 15 1â€"2; timed and cold stored are slow. Quotations are: â€"Fresh gathered. 15 to 15 l-Zc; new laid. 17c; cold stored. 13 to 140; and lime-d. 14 to 14 1-2. Potatoesâ€"Four cars were in to-day. Sales of cars on track are being made at 55 to 63c. according to quality. (.‘ar lots, on track, sold toâ€"day at 57 to 63c; choice, clean, large sizes, free of scabs, bring the top price. Dealers sell out of store at 75c; farniers' loads 60 to 70c per bag. on street. Poultryâ€"Owing to the mild weath- er recvipts were light toâ€"day; demand was slow for the same reason. Quota- tions arezâ€"Chickensfll per pair, :5 to 50c; ducks, 50 to 60c; geese. per 1b., 0 to 70‘, turkeys. per 1b.. 10 to 11c. Beansâ€"Dull, and prires unchanged. Choice hand-picked beans sell at 80 to 95c; and common at 50 to 60c. per bush. Dried applesâ€"Quiet. Dealers pay 3 1-2 for dried stork, delivered here. and small lots resell here at 4 to 4 l-Zc. Evaporated. 9 1â€"2c for small lots. Honey â€"â€" Quiet. Prices unaltered. Round lots of choice, delivered here, will bring about. 5 1-2 to (Sc. Dealers quote from 6 to 7c per lb; for 10 to 00- lb. tins; and in comb at around $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen sections. Baled layâ€"Dull. Strictly choice car lots are quoted at $0.50 to $7.50 per ton; and No. 2 at $5.50. Strawâ€"Quiet and easy. Car lots are quoted at $4 to $4.50. on track. Hopsâ€"Dull; new hops, No. 1, are held at; 18c, and 14c is paid. Toronto prices for old armâ€"Round lots. deliv- ered here. strictly fancy. 1897’s, 14 to 15c; choice, 13 to 14c; No. 1, 120. The dressed hog market continues quiet. Receipts by rail, owing to the mild weather, continue light. Prices re- main steady, and there is a good deâ€" mand for all offerings. Packers pay $5.40 to $5.50 for Choice clean light . weights of 100 to 140 lbs., off the street; heavy weights are in demand at $5.30 to $5.40; mixed weights, in car lots, on track, are taken at. $5.25 to $5.30. Provisions are in fair to good demand. Quotations are as followszâ€"Dry salted shoulders, So; long clear bacon, car lots, 8 1-2c', ton lots and case lots, 8 3-4 to 9c; backs, 9 to 9 1-20. Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, heavy, 10 1~20.; medium llc; light, 11 1â€"20; breakfast bacon, 11 to 12c; rolls 9c; backs. 11 to 11 1-2c.; picnic hams, 8 1-2 to 83â€"40. All meats out of pickle, lc less than prices quoted for smoked meats. inrdâ€"Tierces, 7c; tubs, 7 1-2 to 7 3-40; pails, 73-4 to 80; compound. 6 to (i l~20. - MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. 18.â€"-Grainâ€"Business is quiet, but prices are firm. Oats sold at 28 1-20. to 2190. afloat and peas at 620 to 02 1â€"2c afloat. Rye was held at 51 1-20. afloat. Flourâ€"There was some inquiry from abroad for buckwheat flour. There is a fair trade on both local and foreign account. “'e quotozâ€"Vt'inter wheat patents $3.35 to $4.10; straight roller. $3.50 to $3.60, in bags, $1.65 to $1.75; Manitoba patents, $4.50 to $4.70; strong bakers’ best, $4.20 to $4.40. Feedâ€"The demand is good and trade active. We quote 2â€"Manitoba bran 31'}, shorts $14 and niouille $10 per ton, including bags. Mealâ€"The market is moderately acâ€" tive at $3.50 per barrel and at $1.75 per bag for rolled oats. Cheeseâ€"The market is rather quiet. Some sales of eastern make. took place at 8 Sâ€"Rc, to 8 3--1c. “'estern makes are held too high for buyers. Quotaâ€" tions ni'iy be placed altâ€"Finest westâ€" ern September. 9c. to 0 1-80: finest western Auguits 9 3-46, to 8 7~8c; fin- r-Sl eastern September 8 5-80. to 8 3-4c; finest eastern August. 55 3-80 to 8 1â€"20. Butterâ€"~Thore is considerableinouiry for under grade goods obtainable .nround 180. Extra finest creaiiici‘y, boxes, 18 7â€"Rc, to 19c: extra. finest (ire/untier tubs. IR l<2(‘. if) 18 3-42 ordin- ary finest Creamery, boxes, 1H 1.41; lo 19 Pâ€"Sc: ordinary finest r-roainery, tubs. 18 1â€"8c; western dain tubs, 15c. Eggsâ€"Jilicre is a good demand for strictly new laid and prices are very firm. \Ve qul'itczâ€"Striclly new laid, 18 1â€"20. to 10c; No. 1 candied, 14c; No. ‘2 candlcd. 12c, to 130: Pill, 120. to 13c. and culls 0c. per dozen. Previsionsâ€"Jl‘liuro is a fair local trade, with no change in prices to note. \Ve quote: â€"â€" Canadian pork, in PLOT TO KILL THE KAISER. Nine llallnn Anarrlilsls Arn‘stcd of Alex- nndrln and Bombs of Great. Strength Discovered. A despatch from Alexandria. Egypt, says:-'Fhe Alexandria police have arrested nine Italian anarchists since Thursday evening, and have thereby frustrated a plot against Emperor \Villinm. now on his way to the Holy Land. to be present at the consecra- tion at the Church of the Saviour at Jerusalem. The first to be arrested was a cafe- keeper, 9. well~known anarchist, in whose house the police discovered two wire-wound bombs of great strength. full of bullets. This arrest was made in conceâ€" quence of n notification from the Italian Consul-General at Cairo that two anarchists had left Cairo for Port Said. The police investigation showed that the arrested cafe-keeper had bribed the steward of a steamer sailing on Fri- day from Alexandria to Port Said and Syria to take on board a box of bombs. ASSASSINS' PLANS CHANGED. Apparently the anarChists originally intended to use the bombs at the Palais Abidin at. Cairo, while Emperor William and the Khedive were there. When the Kaiser decided not to visit Egypt, the anarchists changed their plans, and decided to attack him in Palestine. The liveliest satisfaction is felt over the smart captures; and the German Consulate has expressed its warmest thanks. The Cairo anarchists who left for Port Said have not yet been arrested. ____*â€"â€"v KILLED BY EATING SPIDERS. â€" Suicide of a “'oman Serving a Life Scri- lelicc for Her l-‘nlher‘s Murder. A despatch from Des Moines. Ia., sayszâ€"Cora Smith, who was serving a life sentence for the murder of her father, killed herself on Monday by eating live spiders. She had been trying for weeks to find a way to take her life, and seeing one day the spid- ers crawling on the walls of the pri- son yard. it occurred to her that they would serve. Sunday night she ate the spiders, and on Monday morning was found dead in her cell. The hand- kercliief with the remaining spiders was found by her side. Michael Smith, the father. was a prosperous railway engineer. Because he reâ€" monstrated with his wife and daugh- ter about the life they led, they made several attempts to kill him. His‘ Wife was convicted of his murder and sent to penitentiary for life. Shortly afterward the daughter con- fessed that she, and not her mother, killed her father, and this sent her to the penitentiary for life. The mother obtained :ienw trial, and was again convicted ii few months ago. NEW WARS-Eli’s FOR TEE U. s. FIi'iy-l-‘lvc Vessels are Now llllder Conn-ac for IIR Government. A despatch from \Vashington, D. C., sliy:::â€"'l'he remarkable rapidity with which the naval power of the United States is being increased at the pre- sent lilllr‘ may be realized when it is Slzll'WI th ll 55 Mi r vessels are now und- mntruct for the Government, and lll‘ll lh-ir aggregate tonnage for ex- t‘ucils lllil of the vessels building at any one tiinn in the civil war. This vast coiistrut-ti in programme h'lS been au- thorized gradually by Congress, until the vessels sown to be completed will place the United States third in rank among sea. powers. In addition to the fleet, includingr auxiliaries actually in (*oinmissi in :1! tb0 present time :30 vcs~ sols It?" in various stages of readiness, and th» Esllil>â€"l-tlll<l»r>: ire hurriedly oa- lht‘l'lllg tb‘ mall :iil for 33 IlllL‘l‘S. Of the 55 vessels, 32 f‘l't‘ l‘ll'Slil‘l ' as Il“:\Vll_V armoured. i-g. i'ig b-i‘. l twilight CH are torpedo lion“, 4 MY“ moni 01’s, and line is :i pmvt-rl‘ul cruiser. ,_V. Wanna... TH E LA HT ll ' .0\\'_ You say he (lied from :i single blow administered by himself? Yes; he blew out the gas! a r ed to a. plank. Particulars as to the disaster are difï¬cult to obtain. It appears that when the Mohegan struck a. gale was blowing, and the sea was running high. Lifeboats put off from the Lizard and from Falmouth, one returning fill- ed with passengers. Several were drowned, however, it is reported, on the passage of the lifeboat to the shore. Another lifeboat saved six per- sons. . The coast at this point is extremely dangerous, and has been the scene of numerous wrecks. Some years ago there was a movement set on foot to get a lightship placed there. but it failed. FOUNDERED AND BLOWN ASHORE. A later despatch from Falmouth says the Mohegan foundered and was probably blown ashore by the heavy east. wind after her machinery was disabled. All the Falmouth tugs went out, but none was able to approach the vessel. ONLY 31 PEOPLE SAVED. According to a despatch just re- ceived at 330 a.m., from Falmouth, out of the 200 persons constituting the passengers and crew of the Mohegan, only 31 have been saved. ’l‘his intelligence. was forwarded, from the coastguard by telephone to Eat- mouth. The coastguards are watching for bodies and wreckage. The lifeboats have gone into Port Houstock. LIFEBOATS AT WORK. Laterâ€"A lifeboat has landed 30 of the Mohegan's passengers. and return- ed for more. One lady died after she was brought ashore. The Lizard head, Cornwall.-is the most southern point of Great Britain, '23 miles east of Land's end. It has two lighthouses. with fixed light, ele- vated 200 feet above the sea. The coast at this point is one of the most dangerous in the British isles. LATER. The latest information from the scene of the wreck of the Atlantic Trans- port: Co.'s steamer Mohegan shows that eleven passengers and 39 of the crew and cattlemen have been saved, mak- ing 50 in all, while 43 passengers and 65 of the crew probably were drowned. Accounts are conflicting. but it would appear that 33 bodies have been recov- ered, of which at least 12 are those of passengers. One of the victims was Mr. James Blackey, buyer for the firm of John Macdonald & C0,, of Toronto, Miss Fraser, 9. Montreal lady, and Miss Shepherd, of Woodstock, are, also reâ€" ported to be among the lost. The. officers and crew of the steamer are stated to have shown great hero- ism, and all the surviving passengers appear to have nothing but praise for the ship‘s company. There are sinister rumors that the Mohegan was not sound, although a new ship, her boilers and engines be- ing asserted to have proved very weak. The ship’s owners deny these state- ments. The cause of the disaster so far is a mystery. WHEAT RUINED BY RAIN. ._._ of the lllnnltolm lie spoilt. A despatch from Winnipeg. Man, sayszâ€"It is estimated that oneâ€"fourth of the wheat crop in Manitoba has been ruined by the prolonged wet weather. Some men say that this es- timate is Very small. Threshing is at a standstill, and dealers are taking second buyers off the market, owing to paucity of deliveries. is clear and suitable for the present; condition of outstanding grain. and if it continues for ti fortnight the bal- ance of the crops should be saved. Prices have channg considerably during the last few days. Seventy- one cents and over is now bid at Fort William. Dealers who have good wheat are inclined to hold. Quarter ('rop Said It: . GALICIAN FAMILY TRAGEDY. A Hun and Four l'lithi-cu Murdered III (in- \Vcsl. A di'f‘ll‘lll'h from \l'ii‘inipeg says:â€" \‘.'ord is li'h“(‘l the cin on Saturday ev- vn'ng cf the murder of a Galiciun and his four children in Stuartburn colony .300 miles exist of Dominion City. His is missing, and it is supposed .‘llt! committed the crime, as she and her husband tllll not live happily to. gctln-r. An :ixe was llll‘ weapon used, Details have not yet been received, \\’ i to The weal her -