Ulure. Daniel: puliet, v. Juv: Daniel pullet, J03. cockeral, lsb and 59d cap, Buggy, .l’eirson. lnduu: J. Daniels, “'11 game, pullet, C. Ulure. Black J: Daniels, Benj. 1 pullet, G. J. D2111 v. juvas, cuckel R. J. Wth wyando‘utes, Muir, J. Pei pullet, J. A Muir; a. 0. Six swede turnips, Uriah Young, Charles Plunkett; six white turnips. Uriah Young, Chris Scott: six ï¬eld carrots, Simpson Ronnie, Jas. Dan- dridge; six mangel wurtzel, (long red) Jas. Dandridge, S. Rennie; six inang'el wurtzel, (long yellow), S. Rennie, Uriah Young; half bush. gear] of savoy potatoes, R. Guthrey, as. Dundridge; half bush. Maggie Muzphy potatoes. Jays. Dandridge, R. Guthrey ; half hush. American wonder potatoes, Jas. Dandridge, R. Guthrey ; half bush. potatoes, great divide, J as. Dandridge, R. Guthrey; half bush. crown jewel potatoes, Jas. Dandridge, R. Guthrey; half hush. thorturn potatoes, Jas. Dzmdridge, R. Guthrey ; half bush. Bur-pee potatoes, les. Dandridge, RvGuthrc-y; half lmsl‘. any other sort, Jas. Dandridgo, R. Gutln‘ey;'twelve winter radislies, C. Scott. R. Guthrey; 2 ï¬eld squashes, T. \V. Stephens, Chas. Plunkett; 2 ï¬eld pumpkins, Uriah Young, R. Guthrey; 1 mammoth pumpkin, T. XV. Stephens; 6 sugar beets. S. (Rennie, Uriah Young. Bennett cock era] andulusi Capner. Twelve long blood bouts, C. Scott, R. Gubhx‘ey; Jas. M. Devins ; twelve Egyptian beets, C. Plunkett, G. Syme, G. Huntley ; 3 cauliflnwex-s, gilt-edged. G. Syme, G. Huntley, R. Guthrey; 3 cauliflowers, erfurtr, Geo. Syme, R. Gutlu'ey. Wm. Fox ; 3 cauliflowel‘s, snowball, Jas. Dandridge, Geo. Syme, R. Gllthrey : 3 cauliflowers, demi-dur, G. Syme, R. Gutln‘ey, G. Huntley; 3 cauliflowers, early white head, G00. Huntley, G. Syme, Jas. Daudridge; 3 Brunswick cabbage, G. Symo, R. Guthrcy, G. Huntley ; 3 Henderson’s cabbage. G. Syme, R. Guthrey, Geo. Huntley: 3 premium flat Dutch cabbage, R. Guthrey, Geo. Syme, Jas. Dandridge; 3 Winningstndt cabbage, 'G. Syme, “R. A Gutlugy; 3 savoy bant: Wall Dandridge; 3 Winningstndt cabbage, G. Syme, R. Gutlu-ey; 3 savoy cabbage, G. Syme, Wm. Fox, R. Guthrey; 3 red cabbage, “1'. Fox, W. Burgiss, G. Syme; 12 Southport onions, R. Guthrie, G. Symc, \V. Fox ; 12 yellow dcuver onions, “7111. Fox, R. Guthrey. G. Syme ; 12 red wethers- ï¬eld or soutbport Globe, onions, Chas. Scott, R. Gutln‘cy, Geo. Syme; 12 Italian white onions. R. G11tlu~cy, G: Syme, W. Fox; 12 Italian yellow onions, G. Syme, XV. Fox, R. Gunth- rey; 12 Italian red onions, not rocca 'of Naples, R. Guthrcy, G. Syme; 12 rocca of Naples onions, R. Gutln'ey, G. Syme; best; peck prize taker onions, G. Syme. W. FOX, R. Guthrey; best, rope of yellow onions, W. Fox, G. Syme, R. GuthI-ey; best collection of muons, 6 each. R. Guthx-ey, G. Syme. J. Duudridge; 12 chantenay cam-obs, R. Guthrcy, VV. Fox, T. \V. Stephens; 12 oxhcart carrots, R. Guthx-cy, T. W. Stephens, Jas. Dan- dridge: 3 largest citI'ons, for preserv- ing. S. Ronnie, R. Gutln'cy Jus. Dau- dx'idge; collection of herbs, R. Gutlu-cy. G. Plunkvtt, G. Symc; 2 vegetable. 111:11'1‘0W5, “’11:. Burgess, J. Dandridgc, R. GuthL-ey; 15 mots salsity, G. Symc, ll. Guthrie. “’m. ’Bul‘gess; _12 red pvppu‘s, R. Guthrie, and 2nd, ~ ulletr, 1: oudans mullet, - ls't, and pull minorca RICHMOND and Muil pullet, J. Muir; bu‘ soékeml. and Muil P13â€), w) one each Syme, W hollow ('1' G. Syqu Dundridg Syme, G‘ dwarf wh Syme. Ry. anic anie xllot hibe Minm-( A. Peix-son : and 2nd, Hand bouquet, F. C. Milleruud Son, ‘nnet Syn auley am ; buff pl and 2nd touth roc (Continuc ac‘u of Hubbard ‘nd 1-11] E blnt ms, pull S. 01’ G. XV. Indium :, \Vn‘ W. Fox VEGETABLES FOX, l’u wnedip‘ m-cas, cocketral, lst )n ; white mmox‘c; d. J. A. Peirson l‘SOll mid 2nd, J. A DCkCl'ill, J. A nsifl‘bozhpsml LORICULTURE ‘ynu Wliit mgshans irov Z win Jutley mm ROOT 211d 11161 mouth R. I Danit H ix L. H. pullet Jlands irson n-sm p, :une HE Laced \Vya-udottes, Alexander, Barker laced wyaudottes, win Lawrie ; White :n‘al, Barker and white wyaindottes. [‘son. Barker and 1'; White plyinout m. Ellerby, Barke plymgutp rock 'd aï¬ld 1 Guthrey ndotté 11 eirson iil’ in f J as. Fostex k. Ruï¬ey, R Bro w C0( Eat divide, Jés ey; half bu‘sh Jas. Dandridge u'kel \V m. Yat: d W y 12 golden pari; Guthrey, Jas green celery, G {. Guthrie; 1‘, '. Bul'geSs, Geo table corn, W Clure tirs COC 1nd Brow 3. J. Daniel . R. bzmtam: ker and Muil [st and 2nd, ( bantams, I Bennett pulletv, J ‘ Andalusi black Barker R'ed 2nd 'eil' “corn, VV Langstafl" lll COC houdans tsun. 3 ml C. J. ral, C. J. indebtes 1 Cup Peirson 1.] polan Peirs' llusiams Qapner ;. \V m indian m. Mc- md 2nd , pullet, black ll roots \Vm. uthI-ie, quash, on , G. Albert 1, lst roots hrey. lIl] 1113 "11 1‘18 00min Co-Operanive Experimen No. 15. l’if Long Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evans Mammoth Sawlog Carters Champion Yellow Intern‘lodiate. ‘ Carters \Varden Yellow Globe l . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . Danish Improved Sugar Beet . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . I would like, Mr. editc port, of anybody else w up co-opemtlve nity that the Agricu! would not. Hoping tha t report any experiments tried, as there were some experiments last year, I an] ness in their own mainlv on'zce work straight $900 a y‘ bounï¬de. no more, References. Enclo gmjelupe. Herbert nection with the mental Farm at lunns of your p2 arouse a local in RETSDN The funeral of little Johnnie Van- dcx-burg. who was killed by being run over by a. hay wagon, while returning from school at Concord last Friday, took place here on Sunday. ‘VANTED permu- {05. F. (J. Kean) (If Thornhill. ex- changedgmlpits with Rev. G. \Vaugh last Sun my Miss 'M. Hall 5f Patterson, was visit- ing with her friend, Miss M. Morrison Thursday till Sunday. Rev. Dr. Smith, of Queen‘s Univers- ity, Kiwrsmn, will give a lecture in the Pres yteriun Church here next ijday eveqing. Rev. Mr. Sinvclair of Toronto, gave an address on the Students" Volunteer Movement, to the Epworth League on medayï¬VHï¬ng. Dr. Sisley put over two thousand trout into his tish poud last; week. Miss Allie Stanton of Sparrow Lake. “[45 visi_ting with Mrs. J. McDonald was visitl this Week. Our memorial edition, “Life and ‘Vork of Mr. Gladstone," brings kind words 01’ appreciatimi from H. R. H. the Prince of “M105, His Excellency Lord Aberdeen, The Marquis [of Duff- erin and Ava, the Marquis of Lorne, Right, Hon. J. Chamhm-lin, Sir Oliver Mowat. Sir Charles H. Tuppei’, Hon. David Mills, Rev. Prim. VGm‘en. Rev. Prof Clan-k, Rev. Prin. Burwash, Rt. Rev. \V. B. Bond. Rev. Dr. Potts. Archbishop O’Brien, Sir J. ‘Vm. Dawson, the late Archbisth \Vulsh. andnthcrs. This will convince the must sceptical that ours is the *unuine “ Life" of the G. O. M. 89nd 01- out- ï¬t. BRAULEY-GATTETSON, 00., '11 The Markham Township Council met at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Tuesday the 18th inst. ‘Membprs all present except, Mr. Quanta. The reeve in the chair. Minutesof last meeting read and conï¬rmed. i-eeve in the ’cha-ir. Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. A communication was ‘Ieceived from Mr. J. Lumu‘n‘e obstructions on unused road at Uniouville. Dimmaâ€"Steeleâ€"thatv the treasurer ay the following gravel accounts :â€" .(Ater Burkholder, 10 yds. gravel$ 1 00 A. F. Dimma, 77 “ “ .7 70 imm 3th Sherwood. Oct. 20111, ’OW War with :9. history ut 700 pug )-operut,ive exporh: m with the Agricul 11.1 Farm at Guelph, of your paper, as e a local interest in that the Agx'icu Iflal-Kham Council. DUS Improved Man 1110? CO ()ro nto‘ SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY in this state 2.0 manage our husk M1 and nouxby counties. It is urk conductud at home. Snlnrv A year and expensesâ€"deï¬nite, are, no less. salary. Mouzhvy >75. nclose belï¬afldrrssed stamped .vert E. Hess. Fresh. Dept. 11. it E TEE I of the Agents Spain.†Th publisth 28. 200 illustx Agents. M apie CONTINI mired BR 0111" J AS w h u Wu! The 111 ‘lll nt i1 nt Experi- bhe col- ;eems to commu- :1 report was will by have d ii‘ferent KEFFE ‘ cont 130 L00 ban, is rnduct- muted inch D‘VSZ mug plot com- ta,an a k ‘idal has. m carried on :1 and grocery is. afterwal‘ mund Hill bl until six 01': sold out and retired to his farm, "Dntferin Grove,“ where hc resided until within the past year. Mr. Brown always took 2!. deep interest in affairs bendin to the prosperity of our village. He ï¬rst acted as councillor and afterwards became roove of the municipality. For several yeals he was chairman of the Board of Educaâ€" tion. In politics he was a Conserv- ative. At public meetings of the As- sociation heldherc be generally pre- sided, and no political opponent could ever say he did not receive fail-play when Mr. Brown was in the chair. He was a. member of the Church of England, and was a. charter member of My Lodge, A. O. U. W. Eckeu-dt» council adj until Nov. of ï¬n had be but 11 aï¬d f1 thong he wa hoped Unglzuu this can most of vicinity ing for im-nf but he around ï¬ve “‘0 Harri n T. II( Ol'vil RETSON R! )NTO _-_.o‘, __. ,, ,, The very large funeral to St. John‘s cemetery, Oak Ridges, on Sunday. was another proof of the estemn in which deceased was held in the Hm)- munity. Among the mum-nexus 2311-:- his three brothers, Rev. Alfred Brown of Owen Sound; \‘Villium Brown 0‘. Newmarkeb; and Joseph Brown uf munity. Among the mourners ll"- iiis three brothers. Rev. Alfred Brown of Owen Sound; \Villium Brown (:1 Newmarket; and Joseph Brown of Bradford ; his three sisters. Mrs. Mc- Gee of Newmarket; Mrs. Horsley of White Rose; and Mrs. Pattenden of Minessing ; his three sons, J. T.Brown of Toronto; B. R. Brown, postmaster, Lansing; and O. J. Brown of this village; his two daughters of this village; also Mr. H. B. Newbery of Toronto ; Robert N ewbery of Aurora ; and others. The only absent member of the immediate relatives Was a sister, Mrs. R. Dewshury of Virginia. The pan-bearers were Hon. N. C. \Vallare. R. Elliott, John Coulter, Wm. Furey, M. McNair and J. H. Sanderson. Before leaving the resi- denceashort and impressive service was held by Rev. B. H. Steacy, after which the funeral took place to St. John‘s Church. A large number of the members otithel‘local A. O. U. W. lodge were present to pay the last tribute of respect to .their departed brother. as well as many of the breth- ren from Thornhill lodge. In the church annble and touching sermon was preached by Rev. E. H. Mussen, M..A., from Job xvi., 122 :~â€"“ \Vhen a few yeals are come then I shall go the way whence I shall not return." The sermon contained many feeling refer- ences to the quiet, unassuming manner and the sterling qualities of the de- ceased as a man of honor and a Christ- ian,van.d was asolemnWarning to the livin to prepare for the day of death whic awaits us all. After the usual church ceremony at the grave, Bro. Isaac Crosby, assisted by Bro. J. E. Francis, read the funeral ceremony prescribed hy the A. O. U. W. Diml pay the Mennu I The family have the sincerest sym- pathy of». large circle of friends, es- pecially the two daughters who were faithful guardians day and night by their father’s bedside. The bereave- ment will now be more keenly felt in their lonely home as six years ago they mourned the lass 0f their-mother. THURSDAY. Nuv. I7Lhâ€"-1\\ICM011 sale or stock, im- plameuts, &c. at the Golden Lion Hotel. Lansing. Terms 10 months. Sale at 1 o'clock. Evkwnlt & Prentice. auctioneers. Sl’aities getting tlmir bills printed at this Ofï¬ce will receive n. notice simiiar to the above mm); DF'CHAfli-GE HIM ion-son lSSE )ped for to shock Industrious m we] and app! «1 expepsogp; 'd 11't Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Sllddvnly md, Com :ouutry 211 of his iifE II‘XHS 1\/Ir. Brow b h 3.11 his Sale Register. M 1 hi 15th tim sue sto i311 Wanted. ltA IUPII an early in this V Brown 1 e, for 1 :cessful : re when he ‘lll xt for many years ;sfu1flour and fr. where Mr. 112111 In hought the Rh which he conduct Joan-s ago, when Aired to his fzu- Kent, but emu Credit sale of farm ~.,ou lot 3 and .4. 23:1 Thornhill Terms 1‘.’ 2 o'munk. ’Eukmdt & ion 5010 of veml able folk mt unts Death. , which when t1] rt an illn n‘s hea his farm, he reside ear. Mr. HY 1ft L1H y of farm prupel‘bv 0f ‘owa on dav mckardt & pm itizc KT madt until n he 11 nin ll} ed he ) \V 1t (Any si J. T. SAIGEGN, Manchester, of Londonï¬ng, BRITISH AMERICA, OF TQRON TO, CANADA. -â€"â€"A’LSOâ€"â€"- GORE, ()F GALT. 0f Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming pany for the farmers of York C Business Solicited. The: undersigned has for sale a large number of Steers and heifers, from one to three years old. Also fresh milch cows. FOR FIRST-GLASS H HARNE$S 0F ine Harness J: THE SUN Life Assurance 00. -OF CANADA. Assures on all the modem plans, and is qne of the must DrOSHBI‘OpS and progressxve companies in existence. New life applicacious in 1894 ............ 310.290.2041 Assets-31% Dec., 1894. . . {616,419.63 Life-assurance in fore . Jan, ‘95.. 31.026.569.74 Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonforfeimble. Take a. policy with the district agent, LIBERAL OFFIC ‘ mg ' $1.90 IN AWiéPEEE. 166 and 168 King Street East, T. F. MUMAHON, ww in 5th ll] Agent for the fnllowing stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: WWW Gm Sflvmï¬ GE YORK MITT UAL 2-tf A First-class Cash Mutual 'xze), FOR SALE 1‘1 AI’LE . raga-13:va HARNESS SHOP and make and trim robes. to order (lining and trimming in stock}7 all at right prices. Repairing promptly attended to. Si'fl'aii' ‘l'm-th \Ve ,1‘ LE H. F. HOPPER. Richmond Hill RICHMONDHIAJ LKENS &. (38.. SAVINGS CO ranks imd THE RICHMOND HIL‘I -Lud uskut Mitts com- llfl' .‘rEO. BICE)OI\'ALD Oil Flow, Cracked Wheat, Wheaï¬; Grits, Whole Meal (Sr auntie-ts Flam E5111 Patronize your own mill by buying your And other mill products at our mill, Where you will get a good article at a reasonable price. L. inn-es 8:: Sons. Book business is better years .past; also have ' faster selling books. Agen from $10 to $40 weekly. A ers are. :â€"“ Queen Victoria. Mr. Gladstone,†“My Mot Stories,†“ Progressive “ Klondike Gold Fields,†“Glimpses of the Unseen fast, Dinner and S11 er.†time. BRADLEY- RRl "Glimpses of the Unséen,†“Break- fast, DiuneI-zmd Su per." Books on time. BRADLEY- ‘ARRETSQN CO LIMITED, TORONTO. wan 11] k (irritating and @1109ng RICH iiv Promptly attended to 1C RCH unp nfl’a MADE 5 west of George St. i. KENSS‘ 3peoia1ty. ‘oather 058 is better than for also have better and books. Agents clearing 10 weekly. A few lend- Jeen Victoria,†“Life of a,†“My Mother’s Bible Progressive S eaker,’ old Fields," “‘goman,’ Agents in Wm“ Horse Blankets TITT 1F 6E5)?