Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1898, p. 7

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SPA] IN TH” “strains ‘IER EXTORTIONS AND CRUELTIES DESCRIBED BY A SPANIARD. _â€" 8 uni-cost or “‘cylcv'n Fortuneâ€"Elie Tux-Bur- llenel Nullvesâ€"Blnnco's Punishment of .1 Wholesale Murder-tr 7’l‘rngcdy of In. llllal Dncks' ling! Illllt'lll'll iiy Millvcs. Dr. Pinto do Guimares, a Spaniard and resident of Manila, prints in the Revue des Revues of Paris an article 011 "The Spanish Reign of Terror in the Philippines." In it he says: "No stranger can form any idea of vexations. formalities and I‘t'QUlklllODS‘ so ruinous to private and public in- terests as those which the Spanish of- ficials have invented and put in force in the Philippines. These gentlemen have but one object in life, to make as large a fortune as possible during their terms of three or six years in the archipelago and then return to .Spain to escape the curses of the un- ihfippy natives. The notorious Gen. lWeyler was Governorâ€"General of the 'Philippines for three years and was a 'shining model of well-regulited econâ€" lomY- His annual pay was $40,000. Out of this custom compelled him to (disburse large sums for his personal expenses and to subscribe generously to various public weiks and charities. Notwithstanding all these demands upon his purse this prudent General contrived to economize and deposited in bank, at London and Paris. an amount which his own compatriots es- timated at from $2,500,000, to $3,000.- 000. The conduct of his successor, Des- lpajol, gives a. clue to the mystery of the General's economics. On the day ’of the arrival of this new Governor- 'iGeneral at Manila one of the richest Chinese merchants of the city offered him a present of $10,000 AS A TRIBUTE of respect and esteem and was struck in the face for his pains. “The officers composing the central Government at Manila are many and well paid. The islands are divided into military, civil and mixed provmâ€" Di'il Governments. Each is composed of a Governor and at numerous Staff, all paid, from the revenues of their Governorships. This system gives ample opportunity for fi<cal m'tlver- Bion and oppression which fall upon the unhappy natives. Under Spanish law every inhabitant of the colony is compelled to carry a personal card which answers the purpose of a passâ€" port. No one can travel without one. Its cost varies from $2.50 to $15 and lit must be renewed annually. Those iWho pay less than $3.50 are compelled ito give their personal lul or to tl.e [Government for fifteen days or pay an . additional tax of $7.50. As the daily‘ wages of workers ranges from 5 to 50 cents, the severity with which thisl ltax weighs upon the masses can be imagined. "Throughout all the islands the tax- es are uniform and innumerable. ‘Every native who heaps and fastens an lanimai for food is taxed; if he has a horse or some cocoanut trees he is taxed for each. If he wishes to make ‘ Cocouaut oil he is again taxed for the jprivilege. There are taxes on weights 'and measures, on stores and shops; a tax on land. on all kinds of manufac- ilures and on alcoholic spirits. Native ’tax collectors are made responsible for the colletcion of the total taxes in ’thrir districts. At Siquijor forty-four. of theSe native functionaries were exiled to Bohol after their houses, land and cattle had been confiscated. because they had not been able to; make good the arrears due by their fellow countrymen. 111161 15 THE PRICE which the natives of the Philippines .pay for their Government on ‘Chrisâ€" tian principles.’ "And yet, owing to the marvellous fertility of their soil, the oppressed, tortured, ruined islanders manage to exist. A primitive system of cultiva- ltion has proluced, in one year, eight lmillions of dollars‘ worth of hemp, six of sugar and four of tobacco! Gold, iron, copper and coal are found on the islands. The exactions of Sprinishl functionaries and the vexations of the fiscal agents so hamper all foreign merchants and those who come to en- gage in business that they finally give up the attempt to do any profitable trading and leave the. country. “Such was the state of the colony when as l-uddenly as ifl ish of lightn- ing, the insurrection of 1896 came. It was the result of speeches made by Spanish officers at an army rcunion and banquet, who then and there. pro- posed to 'cxterminate the savage na- tives in their lairs,’ and declared that 'they would give no quarter,‘ but slaughter these rascals to the last niiii.’ At first the insurgents were checked by want of arms and supplies, but the first detachment of SpaniAh troops which opposed them were so few and behaved in so cowardly a fashion that they were easily cut to pieces, and the rebels secured several hund- red rifles and thousands of cartridges. "The memory of the Death Hole at Manila will never be effaced while the present generation of natives and their children live. The Death Hole was a noisesome dungeon, built in the foundations of the rampart, on the River Pasig side of Manila, This prison had been unused for more than 1011 years. It was half full of foul 'water. the home of rats. snakes ani all kinds of vermin. One hundred natives were shut in it. During the was Very Weak Blood Was P00" and Thinvflood'o Saree. :rl : 1 have Strength. "After being in the hospital for a long time I was very weak and hardly able to walk. My blood was thin and I was as pale as death. \Vhen I reachâ€" ed home I was told alout Hood‘s Sarsaâ€" palllI-it. and procured five bottles and began taking It. In a. few months after I began its use Ifound I had gained twenty pounds in weighl. and I felt. so much better that I continued the use of the mei‘icino until I was as well as ever. I believe llood's S'Irsa- parilla saved my life." Arthur Mills, Dresden, Ont. Remember head’s aerosparilla Canivda‘a Creates! Medicine. s1; six for $5. icents. Hood 5 Pine t'lll“ Indlazi't' nighl they were heard shrieking and begging lo be knocked on the bend or taken out. The Spanish Lieulen‘int in charge. annoyed by their groans and Complaints, stopped up the only openâ€" ing by which fresh air could roach them. ' ALI. “'ERJE FOUND DEAD in the morning. Gen. Illunco, was then Governor-General of the Philip pines. W hen he heard of this~ iiii‘ocily be summoned the butcher Lieutenant lefore him. and. after upbrziiding him for his cruelty, kicked him downstairsl The General knew that if he. hdtl court-martialled this officer the latter would have been acquitted. "As shocking was the. fate of Ilr Rizal. This enlhudustic patriot was an intelligent, learned man. who had been educxled in Spain and France. For writing a book against Spanish opâ€" pression he was exiled to the island of Dapitan. There he met a young woâ€" nrin of Irish parentage. “uh whom he fell in love. They were engagâ€" ed to be married when. on some preâ€" text. the doctor was brought back to Manila, sent to Madrid to be tried. and from Madrid sent back to Manila. The ulinrippy lgirl to whom lil‘ was bel'Oiliâ€" ed tells the rest of the slory; _ "'Every one knew that Dr. lil’tll was innocent. All that could _ b" brought. against him was the public-\â€" tion of his look. and the Spanish ofv ficials who llll‘il him had never even read it. Nm‘oi'lhelom. he was con- lemned to death. I llwn asked perâ€" mission to he inirried to bini. and they granted my request. thinking; 10 add to the horror of his iuai’lyitllllll The marriage was celebralcd by 1‘ flldl’ the sum.- <luy on which he was sentenced. I passed that whole mg“ on my knees in pruyci‘ leforc. the llrl- sou door which shut my husband {mm Inc. \‘Clir-n morning dawned the (locâ€" lov' cure on ruirounrled by roblicl‘s bis Illln!l\ lllltl behind his bank. 'llb‘y took «1 to the Lunet't. the fasliiona‘ln l'llimr‘niirll‘ of the city. "3111‘" all milizary executions take I‘lrce. 'llu- I.ivu cnant in command of my Iiuslw nd 11.. “Imâ€" lhc filing p;in asked “but he woul ' prefer to be shot.. n‘l‘llcil. “'I‘liiou-i‘b the heart." possible." swirl \lll Lit-utenanl. "Such :i flint is granted only to men of rank. you will br- shot in the back." A 1110- .menl after my husband was dead. The :solrliers shouted "HUlerAH FOR SPAIN." and 1. “Hurrah for the I’hilippines and death to Spain." I asked for the boy. I; was refused me. ’l'hen I swore to avenge his death. I secured a revolver and dagger and jOined the rebels. They gave me a Man-er rifle, and the Philippines will be free." “An execution at the Luneta was considered in the light of a xpeclacle. It usually took place in the cool of the early morning. Hundreds of women of lhe upper clashes were present. The spectators stood up in their car- nagi‘s and drank champagne while waiting for the appointed hour. When the officer in command of the. firing Dilrly lowered his sword and the shals “ills; out the women waved their «hanrlkerchiefs and i-unshades joyously. The firing squads for these barbarous executions were each made up of fine men placed about ten paces from the condemned and were at first comâ€" posed of native liaips. It was found, however, that their sympathies were with the insurgents: not Wishing to inflict mortal wounds on their fellow countrymen they aimed at the arms or legs of the victims, thus adding to the horror of these scenes. On one Occa- szon lliirteen men were led out to be ‘shot (ll the same time, all members of a Sl‘CI‘Ql revolutionary :ociely called the Catapanan. Not one. of these. un- fortunales was killed at the first fire. Most of them did nol die until the third or fourth round. \thn all was over a military band played lively airs. ‘ _"Af'ier learning these facts no onv will be surpriHed at the manner in winch ill-3 nrtives have. welcomed the success of the Americans. For cenâ€" lu'lt‘S Sp.:iii has treated the natives of lhose unfortunate islands with such ferocin that she. can never make ad‘quulc atonement. The United States may not annex Cuba, but she will find ainva compensation in tak- ing possession of the. Philippines." 'In Dr. Guimares's description of the city of Manila one of ils industries is worth nothing. "Ducks are very industrious in all the islands, especially in that of Luâ€" zon. where thousands of them are to be. seen disporting themselves in the river Pasig. The eggs of these ducks are. not hatched by female ducks, but by Tagal Indians, many of the males making it their sole occupation. The eggs are placed In large nests of wood ashes and the Tagals sit on them for hours. The banks of the river are lined with these queer human incubaâ€" tors. who cat. drink, smoke and play cards. but always hatch out their set- tings successfully without breaking an egg. .l‘ruring the last few years arti- ficial incubators have been introduced nd are now rimilling the picturesque Indians in ‘ lu' in the interior of the lSlIlll '.’,1‘lI\' are preferred because they to t less." PEEPS INTO THE FUTURE. Forecasts of Noted “I'll and “’lml Became of Thom. Just previous to the assassination of the Empress of Austria the. emperor repeatedly to remark. "I fear something awful is about to trans. I wish the jubilee year were Sill-(‘â€" ly over." This brings to llllnll other inseilnces of forecasts fulfilled. says liic London Mail. Just over thirty years ago a \isitir Edinburgh being milr Iliin t'ourl of -lu.\'lll'lllly. II»- mmlc Still’lu remark concerning the (lot-l; was heard pire. to was 5114!“ n llic and its (Iulios, and in rcply llio oi'fici..l jokingly said the visilor might oni- (lay be sentenced to be hanged in that veiy room. ilhe Sightseer was lhz- noâ€" lorious IJr. I’rilcbard; two years. hid barely passed when in the dock he had so closely inspecled he was doomed to death for poisoning his wife and molly erâ€"inâ€"law. To many weal In-rcock watchers of lhl' political lllt‘. tif I‘II‘. Asquith to renown us a statesman “be little Hlillll of miraculous; to lhe Into home secretary himself. however, it the natural outcome of his resolve. \Vlien lb“ cin of London school he informed all and sundry that he meant to take bigb honors at Oxford. enter the house of and become. influential member of the cabinet. 'l‘ho Earl of Rosebery. so it is historâ€" it‘illy reclirdcd, while passing his boy~ 15h yoai‘sul Elon,i’orctnltl lhsil in the coining years he would win the Uorâ€" by. and more important still. be prime minister. lloth Lord Itosi-bory and Mr. Asqullh prophesied the things whereof they know. A gentleman concoivvd the idea that he would only live act-1min limo. s“ he made a nice CIIICUIlllIHIl of his forâ€" Iuno, which he so :ipporlionml as 10 last jurl tho same period as In- gut-wed 1113 life would evlcnd to. f‘ll‘unpcly cnougli his calculations cumo ('Dll‘l-l'l to tilt: letter, for he (lied rapid rise was but own a youth at (‘lllllmtlllS, an puncluiilly at the time It“ had prev- Iously iockoued; ho had so far ex- hausied his «sniti- lliit. :1ftcl his ilcbls hud Ill'f‘ll dischaigod. a solitary pair of slippers represented the entire properly be left. llii: rcl'ilchs buried liiui. :1nd 3 ref [)Iosi-ntal ion of tho slippers “as cflirvwl on the tomb; loâ€"duy in a churchyard :lt ‘.lll\'lt‘l'll:llll his grave tiny lo sen-n. llll‘ only inscription on the stops» being tun Flemmisli words: "I‘Iffcn nyl," i.e., “lixaclly.” 'lliu late George Moore came to Lonâ€" don from (‘uniberlzind a pmir, friend: loss boy. He entered a great commerâ€" cial house. and from lhc beginning tltu clured he would eventually marry his employer’s daughter and become his employer's partner. Ile it('(‘l\lll|)]l.\llv e-l both ambitions, bccziine very wcnl~ [by and p man of whom his genera-- lion might well be proud. \Vhon \Vill‘l‘t‘ll IIIlSl-lllg": was a lad his great grief was that his femin had lost, their paternal estate at Daylesford, and he was consé'inlly heard to say: "I will buy it back.“ He grew up to make bolh history and a famous name. and he died at llaylesford. Among the many records of Harrow school is that of a boy. the son of a poor local ti‘utlesmun in a very small way of businws Ilis schoolfv‘llows ofâ€" leii iziiinted him about. his family povâ€" erty; their thoughtless ,iecrs. although hurting his feelings, drew from the. lad the iviorl: "I intend before I (lie to ride in a couch and four.” 'l‘he years slid by and lo and behold! lho poverty-stricken youngster of Harrow had developed inlo Ilr. l’arr. the greatest sCIi-ilzir of his time, whose customary and favorile means of lo. comolion was a couch and four. ’l'he Seventh child of the German emperor and empress is :i daugliler. their six boinl.r Slrl’lS. 'l‘he. house of Hohenxollcrn has a tradition that in one year three emperors of that house will reign in Germany the third will have seven sons and will bring ruin lo the nation as \Vl‘ll as the empire to an end. 'iIiis (Iireful prophecy has seen the fulfillment of its first part; wlielher the arrival of a seventh son will bring the calamities plvdlcletl the future will SIJUVV. ' -__.__.~___â€"â€"â€"- POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Money is 1h.“ root of the manufac- turing plnnl. llul {cw women have time like lhvll‘ porlmils. Gossip is always short lived unless it is properly verililaitetl. Wise is l be famous man who doesn't overwork his popularity. The presenl is the child of the past and the father of the future. When illl‘ king loses be always comes within :in ace of winning. It's never loo hot in summer or loo cold in winter for the ice man. The more vanity some people pow-s3 ill“ easier it is to make them happy. to look Satan nmer gets tired of jollyiuir people who imagine they are prime. beauties. Time may be a success as a wounib healer. but it seldom removes the scars. An old bachelor says the average wail of women is unlil they are asked lo marry. Money brings happiness to some men because of the. interest they derive therefrom. \Ve never heard of husbands and wives quarreling about which loved the other most. The bigger the bore a man is lhc smaller the hole he leaves when his (1-:in are numbered. Beauty may be only skin deep. bul il invariably manages to get a seat in a crowded car. lPOPULARITY w the result) of quality and flavor. LUDELLA :5, 4o, 50 and 600. One trial and you \Vlll use no other. It's always tough on lhe light rope wa ’ker when he. st eps from the st raight and narrow path. Some actors are. like some eggsâ€" lli"y go upon the stage when they .vm- [In good for anything else. It is sui-l lll‘ll sunlight is of less bn-ni-fit to o growing crop of Wildcats fir-n thi- eloclric light. 'lh» i-ourling of :in hi-iress is a busi- ncss :uzil. but the courtintr of a flirt is meron a masquerade snit. Probably the IlcippiPSl (try in the average farmer’s life is when his best. pig takes a $3 prize at the county fair. A Scientist has discovered that! thirst drives 90 per rent of mankind lo drink. Science is a wonderful thing. \l'lirnever n girl begins to lecture a ynunsz man on finanriil economy, he can safely ask her to name the happy day. .‘vI-‘ll’iy a man who wouldn't think of; moi-ting a wife of his cock has no; scruples about making a cook of his wife. ______oâ€"-â€"- T0 CUPF. A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Ilromvr Quinin Tablets, All Dru.~ _‘-'.~ refund the money .1 n. fails to Cure 2M. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-°â€"â€"'â€"' Now hing disconwrl s a girl more I | than to brace herself to meet the shock of a marriage proposal and the shock fails to materialize. TO THE EDITOR. “tiny readers have Catarrh, irritable llil'Oll bronchitis~ i-tc. \"v'e desire to send them a free sample of a remedy wbnolutvly sure lo cure. It is neither :1 snuff, nor a. wash, nor an ointment. lul a pleas-iii rs-moily whichiscarricd by atmospr ric. air to every part of the throat. lungm and nasal passages. For, :1 short liur we shall gladly send lOl “Hy addriw- :i lrizil outfit of this fain- ous preparalion pir-Imld. Address N. C I’olson & ('0. Kingston Ont. UNABLE TO SAY. \l'liirh side dce< that speaker belong to.‘ asked a latecomor at a political debate. I don't know yet. I've. only been Ili'l‘t‘ fitter-n or twenty minutes, and I Il‘lVl'n'l b all him mwnrimn any names. I'in woi'ing till he gets through tell ing what good people his Dime ls mom ('aiarrli i‘ this aeotion of th' country than all fiber disease» put loge-the:- vnd until the he! few year-i was supposed to l 1‘ ‘hcbrwble. For :: great many years doctor- ornnouncod Itn local discrue. and pre'cr'bc it‘u' remedies and by constanfly {zillion t: ‘1”: with 10's] treatment pronounc d It lr .urublc. Science ha‘ ITt-Ve'l c«tori-h to be coustztutfousl (Iii-care uni therefore require :‘onstitutEonaI (reunion: H ll'. Cate rrh t‘un ‘uanuf cturod by F. J. Cheney k (‘0., Toledo. Ohio. In the only constiluéi’onnl cure on tho ii'nrhot. Itl< takun inrvrnnliy n 'losca from directly on i 0 drops to a test! oonfu‘r. II nu. I'ehlood and mucous sinfqu of the system. They offer one hundred dol' :rs for any rte-e it ’ Hi; to cure. Send for cii' ultirs [\L‘d testi- ‘nonials. Address. F.J. t‘llEN‘n‘X & 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold ‘5 Drugglds. 75c. Hall’s gully Pills are the heat. A curious incixlcn: Occurred during a game of goat which was being play- ed on the Si. Du'hus course, 'l'uin. the E.minisn “n. other day, a ball sl ruck by one of the players. coming in:o ccnlacl with a bird perched on .’I lock. and killing it instantly. W .m.’. n P [Hill COMPOSI’IOR desires situaan on a muniry ucw'qui 'r. Good reference. Apply X. Bul‘e‘ in ()lllce. Orinstown, Que. sAusAcI claimsâ€"Ne} suQEnTmium finest English sheep and American Hog Casingswrellable 50min at right. prices. PARK, BLACKWELL IL 00., Toronto. Hoauaohc, Face-ache, a all severe muscular pslul. instantly relieved by Ornâ€" eent Neurnlgia Cure. Przco 250. Enclose 3 3-0. stumps to! trial package. The Butohlnzs Medlclue (10.. Toronto. ~AGENTS CAN MAKE BIG MONEY SELLING , our special books: law pricos- ood value and large commissions. The HOW ‘lrlr B00]: (30.. Saturday NIKIIE Building. Toronto. ONTO CUTTING sCHDOL oflen spoclal lldnoomenu tolyolllang men desirous of u out n Cutting. particulars on app“ cutie): p u; YBNOE $11. TORONTO. PEIDH IMPEDIMENTS of any nature sucros- fully treated. Consult a qualified practi- tiono ‘, who was for years a painful staliimerer. ind has cured many who illllfild elsewhere. \Vilicto W. .I. A N i'l‘l‘,1\l 1).. Berlin. Ont. Wm. Millar& 60. Manufacturers of Show \, (Insert. Office. Store, Raul-l " and Hotel Fixtures, Jaw ell-is, Druggists' and all kinds of Interior I7.ttings, l’riti b l’lzile \lirrors, he. 19 to 23 Alice St , Toronto. (@Zfimg STRATPBRD, ONT. host Commercial Sclio ll In the Province ' enter now; catalogue free. W. J ELLIOTT, rint‘ipal. Bookkeepln and all Com- mercial Bub‘ la rue pro or] taught In t o R THAI. Mfsnflss COLLEGE, ’fiorogto, Yam :‘Igdslfflll’ll Sta. )sll Turin now open. ‘em or a or c o i time. Right n- ular tench-r1 bole-til equip-ant. AéVIrite for ontolcxuflc. W. N. SHAW. Prlnolpnl. Btu-r eter<,ctc.. remover: to shy Bldga, Riob IF you want to either buy or sell Apples in car lots, writeus. mond L‘V..Toponzo, The Damon Commission 00., Limited, Toronto. shorthand, Typewritiug, Lead packages. r The Hold Bros. Mfg. 00., neighboring hil-‘ Geylon Tea. Only lnnnntlon In Go all fov lb. CHI every phase of defect In Tutoring?“ Eh! ’ OEUMFB A 0V I Pembroke It. fun-to. Oun- and Sheet Metal Won-kc. B00 fiHLAT‘E inBlAa, Rod or Green. SLATE BLA BOARDS ( o r,’ Publln and High School! Thane). Roofing Poly-g n can 1'". etc. so rum LE Bu New on, up . lugs. Toronto, done y our-firm). Ital Oeillii a, mandate. Estimates furnished for work sample 0 OH 2 . P R‘ifil‘r‘i‘u'iit‘fli‘id‘? ififafifii‘vlmfi Si... 3.95.}... I. I. mmou. I." I.- O W TORONTOz Ont. llll SINGS. tOll Pnce The onus: snout" um. co.. leltcd. Toronto and Newmarkct. Ont. Thlatran oneofnv origin designs. ‘ LII desoriitious of Woo Guile“, rangga. tioe a Wood ork. Eu 160V”;- All original designs. Write for prions. 1.30m: & ca, GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, looms 409-12 Board of Trade Building. TORONTO. ONT. 'l'uolu- Fivsu. Jame L Conn. M "#A Ti; allfotlierra._ Superior Germ-proof 0101)! Four Dollars Complete. To be had only from M ROIIRIITS. 31 Queen St. E., 'I'orcn'o Send 3 motor circular and sample of cloth efore buying elsewhere. THE TRIUMPH~ i ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIT‘ES. . Easy put up and taken down. Can ' be cleaned, nested.m1d put away II I. small I use Ask y-ru'r doctors for them. anufacturcd by G. B. BARCLAY, I68 Adelaide 5t.W.. Toronto. Its/mo ULOHID, To sent-.200 Acres-- Stock and Grain Farm, rich soilâ€"Township or Hurlord, Co Brant, near Bur-ford Village, on .. :mlon Roadâ€"Brink barns, rambling for 24 wattle 12 horses; windmill, root houses. large roaring orchard ; cheede factory close to farms; ll ployvod 4’: acres“ i05~esslon lat March.1399. AL) y o ": HMAN E. 1'0“ NSan. 63 Yonge St., Toronto, or S. U.ltasn,1z9c‘olbornc 3L, anttord. M a nu nature I B . TABLES and BOWLING A EYS. Phgnc 11ng Bond [or flats ogue. 257 King St. est. TORONTO. 8 Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool i Hammer. and fast twin icrew steamship: ‘ fibffldhr,’ . codver.‘ ‘Domlnron ' '"oflam n. ‘ ‘ Superior nocon modnt on ror lrst in, ‘ and Cabin and Stuemgo pmson Ol'fl. Rate usageâ€"First Cabin, 860.50; casual Out! 3:); Sieengti’sl‘lw and n words ac mung steamer an erth. For a [inform-at on a to Local Agents. or DAVID To iuNCE Gen‘l Agents. [7 Sb. Sacrament t.. Men Q L 7., THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATI’. F ULâ€"COM FORTING. CGCOA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. r ‘- “rwvw’cw EAL'I‘H RES'I‘OILED WITHOUT MED]. CINE tilt EXPENSE to the MO T 013- UltllEltED SI'OMACH, LUNGS, NERVES, LIVER. BLOOD. BLADDER, KIDNEYS. BRAIN and HRE 5TH by U B \RRY'S ltEVALEN'l‘A ARABIOA FOUH, which SAVES lNVALIlis and CHILDREN, and also Rra‘s Fume sl'ully In- fants whose Ailments and Debility have re- sl~ted all other treatments. It, digests when all other Food Is rejected, saves 50 times its cost in medicine. ~ YEARS’ lNVARIABiE SUCCESS, 100.000 ANNUAL CUltES of Constip- ation, Flatulouty, Dyspepsia. Indigestlon, Own. numption. Diu )eves, Bronchitis. Influenza." Coughs. Asthma. Catarrh, Phlegm, Diarrhma. Nervous Ucbilii y, Sleeplessnesa, Despondeacfi ‘ U BARRY and Co. (Limited), 77 Regent- strei-t. London, W., also l‘l Paris. 14 Rue de Castigliune, and at all Grocers. Chemists, and Stores everywhere, in tin! 25., 33.. 6d. 6!: lb. 14:. Soul; carriage free. Also I‘: ARRY'S REVAIJENT‘. BISCUITS, In ulna, 88. 6d. and 6s. M nufacturers GOMING T0 TORONTO AND W'ANTING PREMISES, Can be accommodated with almost .AN‘! SIZE FLAT with elevator, heated, water â€"al' conveniences and any amount of STEAM POWER by applying to IHIE WILSON PUBlISHlNG COMPANY. llll‘lltll 13 ADELAIDE W., TORONTO. .-

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