Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1898, p. 1

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VOL. XXI. 'E‘HU D R. L ANGJE Best fitting te lowest, pr DR. W. emanate of the Out: with diploma. from Dental Schoo), will vis Friday of each week, 1mm x to 3 p: m. Call. Until April. 1899, will . the following last. Oct. mu. Nov.30lh. r 22nd, RICEMON‘D IiILL,( VETERIN _ biseases 6f horses, cuL‘cle ed animals treated by the proved methods. ‘8, m [0.3 m: and it Remodelled. and newly One of the must cnnve hotels on Yuugze Sbree venieuce. Sample m travellers. Au iuoal am or driving parties, bicyc to orrezurning from 1. trains. Elect." ' curs pa fie PALMER, HOUSE, Room 12, 124 Funeral Furnishings Alwayson “and M’ALTE R HULSE, Proprietor. MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. very accommodation Ofice O!‘ 2i BLOGR ST L CALL - SOLICITED. ID. RIQHTLVIOND HILI Undertakers a: Embalmcrs. 8w “Dam: Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans H. LEMQM @fla‘fi’fifi wfififi‘k’gfla, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, WW 158 KING s'mmc'r 1c RICH er an RSI) OFFIVE I“ necesmw to Dr. W OFFICE H833! ALP WRIGHT BROS, J. H. Em’ron Next door south of I \V'm. Rains TERMS $1.00 PER DAY I) 9 Tabules: for sour stomach Tabules cure nausea. Tabules cure biliousness. Tabules cure dyspepsia. ARY SURGEON Be rtcri NI Em: are pass th xxfi isfi ictoria St lktifi‘é t ‘ ' i"! 1120355315151. 1303’, EROBINSI')N,LENNGX& MACLiOD ion to guests. Board, $1 Derday riuarg II {L TROT'PER,I 6E0 Good ’1‘ \K J. W AET. TORONTO to 8 D m Hi vance T0 ALFRED M A A 18. impro teresb Or at f MONEY SALEM 68 Win Licenseu Salew LicensedAuctioneers for the Country 01 York Spectfully solicit your patronage and trier ufluence. sales attended on the sLortest no em“! a reusanahemtes. P. 0.1Ldt1ress King Licensed Auctioneer for the County 01 York. Gonerulanles n! impiements. furniture «funding timber. etchuttennled on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Ontarlo. Au ques of farm stock, &c., M- tsnded to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgagqpngg bgilifl sales attended to. iiééiaence. deufi'vflle. Out )R )0 MONEY TO LOAN AT rut Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabulee: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure liver tronbles‘ Ripans Tabuies: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabuiesi assist digestion. Banish-2‘s. Solicitors, du- . Saigeon Maple. B < L1 )01; will I afternot tor (a )1 ed Auctioneertor the County of York )3 moderate. Patronage sohcited. Adâ€" White Rose P. 0. Erknrdt a: PICIHif/e ":nigeon & Mcqu-n. CKARDT. ester St. Twouto TORONTO AND AURORA B arriators, S Auctioneers for the County of York. a on cuneignmenc. Geuaral sales of nromptly attended to at reasonable Ituouldmg, Newton Brook. agent Swch 1R Blough. nount ofprivate funds to lean on n-m property. Five per cent. in- yterme for repnvment. No comâ€" ‘rgad 03103,",3; .ARPIYIQ _____ J. D. Readlnan, ‘I’IzIWicEfiC'E & ‘o'u'MmTON, 15 Toronto St" Toronto H: S. T. Brooklrs. alic, Convey 1misskmer in {1 Hill on Satur N. E. Smith. We .1 we FH ALL 8: M Yl [- ltOl'S mi ACDDNALD wle on Thursday MONEY! rom um and Savings B.R TOBON'N cunt/y of York,re- age and friendly ‘6 shortest notice UCPI' J. H. PRENTICE Carmine SKE ibii A. K. McEw Weston. JQNFQ 10 to] D BLOUGE ne 47 1P} corn, bund Edwi Ix lst and 2nd J. \V. Franks ; gang plow, 2nd J. \V. Franks; road cart, J. J. Cameron, J. (.‘ruiukshank and Son. DAIRY PRODUCE. Thirty lb. crock or firkin butter, Mrs. John S. Holdon; 10 lb. crock butter, Mrs. Wm. Willis; 10 lb. crock butter, Mrs. Wm. Young, sr.; 5 1b. roll butter, Mrs. \Vm. Young, sr. ; 2') lb crock butter, Mrs. Wm. “'illis; 10 ll) roll butter; Mrs. John S. Holden ; 5 1b. crock butts-1, Mrs. \Vm. Doberty; 51b. roll butter, Miss Nettie Young; 10 lb. crock butter, Mrs. J. S. Holden : 10 lb. decorated butter, Mrs. \Vm. \Villis; 10 lb crack butter. Mrs. Wm. \Villis; 5 lb. butter, best arranged, Mrs. John S. Holden ; 101b,. butter, ‘ Mrs. R. Crawford. ! DOMESTIC M ANUFACTURES. hm-se, H.’ l sleigh, J. C. I \V. LilWl't‘HCé DOMESTIC M ANITFACTURES. Ten lbs honey, rendered, McCauley and Thompson, D. Humor; 6 lbs. honey in comb, McCauley and Thomp- son, D. Runner; 2 loaves home-made bread, Mrs. R. Crawford, Miss Bell, Mrs. M. Harrison ; 12 home-made buns, Mrs. R. Crawford, Mrs. McLaughlin ; 12 home-made buns with fruit, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Wm. Young, sin; fruit cake, Mrs. Uriah Ynuntr, Mrs. H. Peters; sponge (rake, Craw- fnrd, Mrs. J E. Brown; assortment canned fruit, Mrs. A. A. Gage; ussnrtuwnt of jellies, Mrs. H. Peters, Mrs. Uriah Young; assortment; of pickles, Mrs. A. A. Gage; rag carpet, Mrs. Uriah Ynung, Miss Bell; bottle homeâ€"made wine, Mrs. Gen. Johnston, Mrs. M. Harrison; bottle. homeâ€"made Wine, not grape, Mrs. Jim. Thompson, Mrs. J. T. Bruwn ; 2 bars home-made soap, Mrs. M. Harrison, Mrs. J. E. Brown. - 1H I'll] Ton yds. factory made flannel, Wallace Bx-os., Albert Harris; 10 yds. full cloth, Albert Harris, Wallace Bros. ; 10 yds. canadian tweed, lstand 20d Albert qu-x'is ; pair blankets, Miss Bell. Mrs. Uriah Young; suit men’s clothing, Canadian TWeed, Albert Han-is, \Vailucv 131-05.; suit men‘s clothing, worsted, \Vallace Bros, A. Harris. Brudd)’, J. work ~quilt Mrs. A. N. I silk. crazy M. Col-dingl other kim Brnddy: i Cox-dingiy, mks, tfm-m n. Tn ite I pher lillio am plough wi , and 2nd J 1155119, .1. L‘rmckshzmk 9.1 or wrought beam pl< Lawton Fran ks in HOME MANUFACTURES Alexa utt d n t w on-l lgun, L and LADI llf-l horse Er, silk, Broddy ; irown \\ it 1011 Pl RAL IMPLE J. C. Brown .lll( Cllt Mrs. th home- pmver, J utter, hand puwk r sulky horse rakz riving‘ cutter, 3i K BM ()VEXT 1hr)! th i m m tee h-Jm qu 'ar er 3m) cotton, Mrs. A. M ording'ly ; _ ngtgll Elliott I Brag umng mill, 1 Wilson ; chm: W Hme EDS Lt. Lchwoxk qullt, Miss Bell, J. m'k quilt, any res, Miss Hill”. )RK h SIX )1] 9 : wagon, hunk and two-horse skoin, J. . Brown; I. Cruick- ;gy. Thus. 1nd Son; liss Blanchard ,l \V 1’? Y] C E whEut pheus_ n-z mght for Sud, ‘ . imn NOVEMBER l)11 )kin single bush hurn‘ p10“; fall \V M r‘ MI Cl‘( Mrs. G. cloth, T. Hunter : Bmugh, hood. M Roman embl Miss‘ Bell ; em] white cotton, Hughes, silk Roman embroidery, Mrs. Miss‘ Bell ; embroidery on 0 white cotton, Miss McVez Hughes, silk rope embI-L ’i'ulloch, Inez McPherson ; e on bolting cloth, Miss McPherson; embroidery cloth, MN. ’I‘. Smyth, MiSs ln-oidery in silk or flannel, . Graham. M. C. Brough; embroid on silk orsatiu, M. U. Brough, I A. Haist; embroidery on plush, 1 J. D. Graham, Inez ~McPherson; broidery (m felt, B. Tulloch, M. Brough; Berlin won! wm-k, flat. 3 McPherson, L. M. McGutché Applique work, B. Tulloch, M. Brough; lace, boniton, Mrs. J. Graham; lace, point, B. Tulloch McUuLcheon; bathing in silk, L. Graham ; lace, McUutcheon ; t; Cutcheou, J. N work in co‘utnn Creighton ; colh in wool, Mary : Vanznnt ; toilet Mrs. \V. E. Hm Bell, .J. Cordingly ; oil painting, amateur, flowers or fruit, Mrs. J. D. Graham, E. Forbes; oil painting. anmtour, portrait, Mrs. \V. E. Hunter, Libbie Duncan ; oil paintin , amateur, landscape or marine, Miss ell, Mrs. J. P. Tolton; water-colors, amateur, animals, Miss Bell, E. Forbes; water- colors, amateur, flowers or fruit, S. Merier, Mrs. A. Hoist; water-colors. amateur, landscape or marine, Miss Bell, S. Merier; painting on china, L. Duncan, Mrs. J. P. Tol‘mn; drawing from objects, outline, Lihhie Duncan, H. M. Harrington ; drawn from objects, shaded-crayon or charcoal, E. Forbes, F. M. Harrington; portraits in crayon, F. M. Annington, F. Forbes ; portraits in pastel, Mrs. J. P. Tolton, Mrs. Boustead; collection of hotographs. A. G. Hamilton ; pencil ( ruwing, landscude or marine, Mrs. H. I C. Hughes, B. Brown. o’clock t9: Cordingly Mrs. J. P. Thomas, 32 work Mrs‘ Tolton ; p: m all L. McUuLcheun; tv Cutchcon. Mrs. J. drape, Miss MCX photo frame, H ’[ulloch ; lamp mu McCyutchoon ; hzu C. Hughes, S. A. ’J A. Taylor, A. N. I Burnside, Lmlip ' L. McC/utcheun. M 1m myth Oil paintin ell, J. Co \VRITING AND DRAVCING Drawingâ€"2nd class, \V. Thom} ADIES’ “’ORKâ€"FANCY ayon, F. M. Arming’ton, s ;_Qm'tr§its in pgstel, Alrs._J \II h. Miss McVean ; Miss B. Tulloch : ~. worked, L. M i. Vanzant; tray )uie Thomas. Mr ladies’ night gm Inez McPherson try Edwards, M. .C ‘3. Tulloch, Mrs. W 'npe in wubl, L. M things, Charifi M . Cm'dil '1 knit, n \T ‘ckin R, 3. 1898 FINE A RTS .‘hu um 1nd ies McCutche :Gutche( len mits 3oustead; collection 0 k. G. Hamilton ; penci scade or marina Mrs. H Brown. ; tvukle d‘nylt-s‘ L. J. D. Graham; t IcVezm, B. Tullt H. 0. Hughes, mat. M. C. Bl'ollgh handkerchief case, \. Taylor ; veil case J. Broddy; tie case 9 Thomas: noveli , \lrs. Bunssead. m i ts uuateur, animals, Miss lam McUutcheon embroidered hand ut‘ Smyth hoppinj M 1 , Mrs. Th ipper 110151- )1] Mas. G. McGutch cushion Bell: em- Mrs, J. D, embroidery nugh, Mrs. plush, Mx-s‘ lerson; em och. M. R MEV mp SM woollen Brough : Hunter ; utcheon, i'iluumson \V ‘ M I‘ullnch case, J‘ welities Haistv, heon I'vim die M1 Mi MI Inez ' hound hound pointe Englis Bn W11'e Pugs unde the yeomam‘y of Vaughan Visited the match, while noafly two hundred fair ladies viewed the plow-boys at their work. The following are the prize, winners ; First Class (5 entries)â€"lst. James McLean, Vaughan'; 2nd, Neil A. Jimlt e twarded by sa‘tisfactipn Ross, King; 2nd, Ne] Richard Bayes, W004 Sanderson, Vaughan Fourth Classâ€"ISL, ChingnacouSy; 2nd, Toronto Gore; 3rd Vaughan. Fifth Classâ€"45L f Vaughan; 14nd, Nt )6dles )hn 'I King. Sixth Classâ€"Ru SPECIALSâ€"Best I‘v’Im-gan, W'm Simon Shunk Mitchel. Prominent Hon. N. C. \W Smeisvr, T. Isaac Devius, M trho asm t‘al'y, Mr cheers \V 1nd bod néas in ‘t1 mainly of Chicuk H W mnty. Second C :ston, Ki aughan ; i ,h, Robb, E 11h ,11‘ Aft€ vins b1 ,he hospit 7 who wis ‘nt \‘iands vus spreu ANTED 1iI'( Spill] szx Single copies, 3 cts. TyVafigfi’au; 3rd, Geo. Little r0; 4th, \Vm. Bennett, Simco‘ $1? the G. O. .ADLEY-G MCEIL wnt am 0. VValla I‘Ill Nairn, M. Bulmer; map Newfoundland, F. Pat~ m, \V. Judd. flingâ€"2nd class, Gertie man Nattress, L. Peters ; 1 Plowing Match. lilSS 1th am 121, ‘ tiveI \V Agents DOGS :, Harry 0 ‘Lillim-d, “7 101'. Devin reading of 1t , fin bovs \Vul \V’ Marquis of Lorne, mmberlin. Sir Oliver les H. Tupper, Hon! ’. Prin. Caven, Rev. Prin. Burwash, Rt, nd, Rev. Dr. Potts, 1-ien, Sir J. Wm. Archbishop \Valsh, s will convince the. at ours is the genuine O. M. Send for out- '-GATTETSON, 00., flowing match held es of Vaughan Plow- on, on Tuesday last. Mr. Wm. Thompson, .ughan, \t'asadecidegl ty-tln‘ee competitors 1 and only one little The competition in x1y keen. The prizes judges gave genera! bout one thousand of E Vaughan visited the 10 Hick s ‘i'udef; McNeil n for I 11' u 1n ms an wn fun- sh. Joh )Pl't entries)â€"lst, John 1, James Cameron, Rennie, Scarboro: Jan-khan). entries)â€"â€"lst, Ben, yne." brings chl n from H. R. H. , His Excellency Marquis of_ Dufli \V Samuel McOlu Korman McClL‘ Me ,in engrossm Zalmer, Arth‘ m ‘th ( )11 m :lhill 5011 L112 C Dr. M( Hf H. Albert \Vm. ii; son I‘qu Tulk iros. Lu-ke Haustr Jdlzmd Smith, TRUSTWORTRY ght 111 His t ml 3.11. Szunue ,11, M to all mange put cnunbma‘ n W ‘. Mr \Vatson )E 15H, H ll] )Vs' C18 'e and s kind axllpbeu.‘ and J m van, Dr M cLean n. J mne raus Smi 400p 1rd Kin id \V 11: \V' 9'

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