mush; ... .45.: h. * .r-v.f.. a;;-;tr’-.r.ui=â€".1_;M..t.u,.- 4â€".‘2'h‘JRI-kuA. “anâ€; »..-:5.»_-_.J. . . A : .__ drunk . - ~ .41.) his l'alllvi ..l‘,' \I r- l.‘ .r it t l'l l ’ l ‘ ’ A I ' 'i' ' vu.‘ .I‘ "'l ',,, l: '. ‘ I? .4 {W‘s ‘i' i . i ,. 13‘ i. a“, g Q .9 w. sillllt‘tll. an; trope: \\'i!|. the, i It V ,l‘urn :v'i- tin .. n. s: lli.‘ll _'.t iiui.:yl “ ‘~ ‘ ,‘ __ï¬ lanil'l‘inuula;tor~1io.u,, I" " f“ ‘ AV 7 . it .., H, u. 1e.“ ill‘. i1, -:.itl li'wwithll \\:is ill 1 . ", i‘ ). liv1"â€3~f“-\†"11w- "“ " ‘ ‘ ' ,ii... \ any. 1...: ~ ii 41.... .t I r - " 7 ‘llil'illuli ‘flllllll‘ L'illll .\il\-'l. .iiili I ‘ liveâ€"eit-etii-ns have been lit-til dur- . tulip-i ow. In» 1:...1 .l‘i. .-i minim.- oi I‘ ~ I 7 IV .‘ I ()y _ ‘. ‘ll.1lr"lll\t'\'l'l.ll illlll‘\ iiii‘ sun. b.2‘. ‘ , ‘ l “U; Hâ€. l’lhr “7‘ “A H' “l†‘ll‘llln . \\t‘ ll..\'t‘ lllll lll“li“i tI airy - M“ ii. '1 â€i‘ ‘ l 'l l". “I! . ‘ ' l 1 it constituent-a ‘ and both have rtturrr ; tour-rinsing not. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ K } if] 7 .7 , . V , ‘ H lil‘\. and .\;l~‘. .i. \\ . fsleu 'l‘l ate i‘ ' ‘ C31 Sulll"'1il9li'\ 1Ԡ[ml llllldl ("WM ‘1'" stwn.l.i1j." the \‘tl'l k \isitlli: ‘ll ilull'l-"~ ‘III t rncnt. ln ii. i \\ ellingti-n \vl en- :1 {lb 1i» .i wlw-n. .l. mu»). A. i“ ‘5' llll' ll‘t ir :4 .u .'i\\;.\ iu‘nt- 5‘ Viwillwy “it†"liu‘wl l’y ill“ ‘llilll‘l "l yin: in lllt‘ units of Mu‘kolm. ‘|‘ " ’- _'j the l'lit‘ Ml‘ (i‘l‘liH‘ lloii .l M.i .lli“ I‘lllllr'V \‘v'illis of .\u1vir;! \xasi “ii A “ . t l A. l r. -> ' ‘ t . . ‘ r-~ . . _ , \‘isilinu‘ at Mr. J. I. hurt I on . t“.('l' -'- *A Wilson was nun-rial by a Tlltl‘,ill'il_\' , thlppv' †i Ir, of over oil“ and in South tln‘ario “"11" "I lil‘Vlrl‘m\"1"l“'l‘l l“ l" “'| . , l ‘ ' ' Tuesday. .ludee Morgan. \lr. X. (Z, “ ‘ where Mr. t‘alder‘ Was unseatt'tl - “tutu-L amt fin. .l. funk-ism. \xui-i- l ""“, i ‘ . i ‘ A i. - i' .~ v -v :ru \- 7' ].ll‘l"‘\l'lll. Willie .I tiutiiln-i ii: l:,lllll“ *“V’TWM- '_" ' ‘l ‘ thellgll bribtry by awn“ nor “kuml‘ymHUIWWBHW {Vka m M p“ I“ W I lohn Dryden was mi ',lI’J‘“‘l~'l,\' t‘lt‘t'i‘ *7 4.... . l\,i Eitl‘ i-i' i1 \, in. la . .irix. v , .V . H, ‘. :i ‘ ‘rï¬,'.,.,v‘ ,,‘ lthi-rnhnmlii‘il- ml'li‘ii l"‘1‘ i“ "l Cd 1U" 1110 (“T‘l‘lnnH'hL “Hli V“ (MU LL 1. illo‘ intuit ‘i ‘.\iv!\.lil-1\t'\l| \\ ‘l 1‘. link. ."rOW lth‘ ll ll‘."i"l‘liy Mi ll)‘ . lialudrions nien mt ig‘l'upbii-al i-.~ti llt ». ‘yi‘llfil‘ l "My 'll; .. . itrmel and Jilliinilll ice ‘ i_ i\.l\\l‘l’.\. ‘ Vllll.\|‘vl.l‘.\ -:i.\l<lil‘il-‘\‘r‘Aw; 1 “Hi “X'H'ilra'wiuiil. lHLHHJu‘i JUAN. ; t‘ti.‘\ll’.\.\\. Liam-i». l auxin. obnrs' n-1'i'..,:\' t'ojill‘ANY. lax-ii. 1', '1‘.» â€"~ ~~~~~ «o»~~~ “ \\ as xviili Spain." The most eomâ€" “My, 1,. rEIQSOINI’LL. :5, rilete history published: contains * .__.._...-l.w._-- .. . :Ll)(111i.7tlll1l: -_ .3 Zoo lllllsll'ul mm. and Lauu‘shfl, may H‘ Amy!) :1†1 A†3' N: “1.,†f 1‘ is so rheap it sells on sight. Agent t r m \LINAHH m 1],“ W‘, H†\H 1,, );. . . V x r j 2 ‘ V‘ , . . . A ' ' i‘ "ill‘ll‘lll‘r? ' “Vâ€;'“'l.‘: _l'l{‘;l\,lâ€â€˜l“\ (TAR , Halloween or the \'.;;il (‘l all land \lrs. .l. \‘,. l'.'i.‘. . a i . ., . RhlbUh ( ~ .. .Hlllttl Hit .11 i. llallou‘s, passed on quietly in our Hi“ \H‘“. by†\ E‘ “Uprhmt «1,3; i. I u ‘ _h:i|nlet. Home spent tizw tanning at “."Wk {’2' :M \\ ,IM.‘ 3“ pm. ,tmimwiw our Ottaw a Let‘tel- lthe «'iistmnaiy not (marking: some “.1â€th In“ pump, Vim,†I ~ I] - r . ‘ "‘*“’ ' illn‘lt'wl tor appb s ill a tub ot mater. yi . ‘ I ‘ Alliwnly H†"l" Humor“. “1 ll“ “lull. tillli'l's liwiiiivlllg‘ ill ll’_\’iilj.; ltl lll‘llt‘\'4‘ :‘ll‘i‘ .i-“itlm' lolu‘ppuhl Hi l «:‘Hlilii. ssssinn of par merit and it is stated that the .‘tlinisters are even now busy drafting new legislation. \\'hether this rumor is literally true or not, i‘ is certainly not surprising that the idea should have g: »t abroad. even in the 'opposition pr . that the government i»; ready and even impatient to met-t parliament. that they may give an ac- L'Ollllt of their stewardship. Their record so far is a remarkable one. and Substantial addiitons are made each session. \Vlien the time comes for-the -‘"'ount.r-y to pa. .1 upon that record. it ‘will be, one unparalleled in the history “of the Dominion. FRUl'rs or? Two YEARS‘ LABOR. Since July, 180d. the. Manitoba fichool Question has been peaceably and per‘nrairently settled, though “hi-n ‘iaken hold of by the government it was threatening to smash Confedera- iion. The tariff has been re\ised and adjusted, and reductions have been unade as far 41>. the existing conditions «if commerce \Von for the time perâ€" rnt: a substant ial pre‘i‘crent‘e has been given to British trade, which will of necessity not only operate to the mutual advantage of the old country producer and Canadian consumer. but will also develop and strengthen those imperial ties that are today so much better appreciattfl than they were ill); lent, ago. Those ties have been iut'ther tightened by the inauguration of lmperr-ia-l penny postage at. the di- rect instigation of the Canadian Gov- ernment. VVHER-E MONEY HAS BEEN SAVED As repeatedly promised during.r the campaign, the Franchise Act has been abolished, and a saving of $200.1)th a year effected on the voters' list revis- ion ; while in its place has been enact- ed an economical and etfective law, which prior to 1896 had always proved just. and satisfactory. The introducâ€" tion of up-to-datc and economical busi» ness methods have been introduced in- to the various dt’par‘ririenis of govern- ment, whereby large savings are be. irrg effected; as for instance in the Post. Olï¬ce department, where the deï¬cit. of two years ago of 37004100 has been practically extinguished, while at, the same time the operation of the department has been improved and ampliï¬ed in every direction. The civil service superannuation scheme has been reorganized and hundreds of thousands of dollars arrved to the country. IMPROVED TRANSPORTATIOZ‘L The rcrrrarkablc revival of trade and the general wave of prosperity that the. country is enjoying. called special attention to the necessities of improv- ed transportation facilities, and recog- nizing this the Goverrunent inaugurat- ed rrrany public works upon cogent, practical and connected lines, for the furtherance of rapid and economical transportation, and the, opening up of new territories and connecting them with the older settled portions of the country. Foremost under this head in the important work of deepening the canals of the bit. Lawrence system which will be completed next. spring according to anti-election promises at the cost of over $lt),l)tlo,llt;t). Supple- mentary to this, extensive improve- ments have, been undertaken, with t.l.rc...,is‘;anceof the Government. in the harbor at Montreal, and when these are Completed the largest orean vessels will be accommodated, and the headot ocean navigation in Canada made equal to all possible require- ments for many years to crane. The luterrolonial railway has been brought. into Montreal by the utilization of existing: faxilities'. and through freight, rates have been re- duced awarding the ca '2'} ing contract to the lowest. bidder. Greatly irri- lSeen etl'eeted between Prince. Edward island and the 11‘ in landand better transportation fa 1'. ies put into oper- ation at Halifax and St. John. *4.»â€" Maple The lecture in the Presbyterian church last. Friday night was very in- teresting but on account of other at- trartions the :2 tendanee was not as large as it might have been. There were not many tricks played here on llalliwve'en, T. Chatbur-n was appointed as special watchman but his duties were lip‘ht. The Public School Inspector made roved steamboat eormrumination has ' in the old superstition. tried to (ll-v cover their future partnwr for lile. , V Last Monday evening ,‘«lr. l). .l'iines ‘ti-eiltntl :4 ll‘u‘illlllt‘l'ni youâ€); pimple inf this \‘ii-inity to an old time pariiu: bee. Alter the apple». \v ~p-ti'eil :Hul luruheondisposmlo1tho} llidlllgvil in games and llallotve‘v-n triele until a late hour when all ilepai-tzd to their various homes after spending a may eililiyulrli-evening. Last 'l‘hursday Miss tiirm‘e t'. llrrrn line; celebrated her birthday by enter» taininu a number of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. \V. ll. ('lubini- “y .‘p rallim,r on friends at Nmi market last Sunday and Monday MIN. .l:'1lli':~‘ nil ’l‘lil'ttlllt) :Illtl .Ml\~’ \Vade of I’ort- llopt- were guests of) Mrs. 1). James last Week. Mrs. .l. Hoyntorr oi Mtnut .loy called an friends on Tuesday. Mr. ll. llati-s‘ and Mrs. P. Heager of Toronto tool; tea with Mr. R. llr'ury on Monday evening. Mr. J. \Vaketield from the Eastern States is home \‘isitint.r his parents. Miss M. Arrnstrongot‘ 'I'oronto is a guest of Mrs. \Vrighl of this place. \Ye are sorry to lose one if our ï¬ne young ladies. Miss l.. ’l‘hompson was married last \Vednestlay to Mr. ll. Hendrie of Toronto. ’l‘ltey wall res' ‘ - in llundas. Their many friends \thi-nr every Mlt'ct-ss. Louie pill rrrissed in this place. â€"â€"â€"â€"~‘l°-â€"â€"r‘â€"â€"â€"< TANTl‘ll‘WSlIYl-iKAI. ’l‘l.l.'.sT\\'t ill I‘liX' sons in this st wto man or I usi- ar own and nearby «- xi ll. 15 ht $1M) a year no more. no less saui. y Enclose s .ail-ll'e Herbert E. Iless. Refer envelope, Chicago. â€"â€"â€"4-- King Township ()0 uncil King Council met at. Noble‘u n, Cut. 2911i. The folltm'ing bills were paid : A. Kelly repair to 7th con . . . . . $19 77 .ltrs'. \‘i‘ilson, grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 25 John Rae, railing . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 16 ï¬t) Jas'. Ballard, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Alex. Hurst, repairs . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 F. C. VValton, gravel . . . . . . . . . . 3 70 Jos. Billings, 1 month, salary. .. 23 00 Geo. Gillham, repair . . . . . . 5 25 James \‘Veils. railing .. . . . . . . . . 4 50 Zenas Black, labor and board. .. 1.3 70 Jun. “hitson, attending Court . 1 $0 (‘. Patterson, “ " lo 90 Job. \‘i'ells, “ "’ 17 7t) Hart and Riddell, Marriage rej. 1 11 film}. \Vorld blanks . . . . . . . _ . . 5-1 t‘. Patterson, postage, etc . . . . . . 15 5'? S. \‘t'. Arinitage, ('cdars . . . . . . . . 30‘ ~10 Bell Tel., rcnt.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 St) \N'. li. Proctor. -edar . , . . . . . . . . 3's in R. Dunning, railing . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 75 Robert Boake, reairs . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 'l‘. K. Ferguson, culvert . . . . . . . . 2 5t) 1’. 8. Gibson, survey . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 00 A. J. Nicol, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 36 E. \Vatson, Wood . . _ . . . . . . . . . . 2 79 Myron Donn, grading . . . . . . . . 151 (53 E. Sullivan, work . . . . . . 1 ._:'r I). Rumble work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ()0 A. Campbell, culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . U 35 Cahel Brown, grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . Milton \Vood, sheep claim . . . . . . 7 33 John Deacon, “‘ . . . . . . 4 ()0 .las. Ireland, “ 1’. 33 The clerk was instructed to write the commissioners of King; City, Nolilei.()ll. and Schomberg‘ to have. a plan of their respectiVe villages p11“ pared and registered as under t‘ap. 136 sec. 111, R. S. t). 1397. James Sloan was appointed pound keeper for Schonrberg and vicinity for balance of terl‘a. Mt-xt. i‘neeting will be held at Bond‘s Lake, Nov. 26th, 183:4. U. PATTERSON. J. t‘nimny i Clerk. Reeve. ___v._<...,_v._ \Vanted. Uld established \vhilesaln house J wants one or two honest and indus- trious- representatires. t‘an pay a hustler about $10 2‘ Week to start with. " Advertiser," Room 1 Medical Building, Toronto. â€"â€"~4. Concord. The iii-lii it ing is the October report for the t‘oncor-d Public schoonâ€" Sr. -tth class 7 ('ei‘il Keys. lloss Rowes. .lr. lth~Ernest llowes, Edgar Bou'es. Hr. 3rd~Ada M iles, l‘has. Golland. Lizzie. Cooper, Alonza \Yatson. .lr. 3r‘tlwlï¬lrri()1'e Reaman, Miles. George ,Ri-o .31. ets.: i..-, l l ‘l’"l|l a iii-w ii.i‘.‘~ 'niih he! ziainlnuiin- er lll‘ll‘, :iluli llll lll‘ll mi Miss 'l‘itlin illlil lilollt'llillVl of Tillirlriii.:.1'i‘iii|I:v:'HlI'1llr}'llli‘i illl'l‘tl. .iilnluln) .- "Ji - Miss Maui'lerk. spy in ~win'lay in the. \‘illri‘ Mr. ('harl s .\" n sp. 1.! a fur: days “ith lli:~ \i'lli‘il l.l\\ and iliuu‘hter, '. and Mrs. ,\. .l. l‘aul. in \\ niniiir , and returned 'l‘uwsvlay 4'\t'lllll:_’. it s. ."lls. [Cm-oh of l.l)l‘-'li‘ll. aw'oiu‘p :ni ‘tl inirl l‘is'WI’l 'l‘oriuito. by her daughter. it who is attending I'lil in .i w» spent from Haturd'iy to 'l‘ui \ll.l)' \\'ltlllr. and. Mrs. llutrhisun. l _â€"â€"¢.°.,_.._.â€"â€"â€" News Notes. lvpitrmlute and rlov. n in pr ire. At- kinsnlr tK' Switzi r. Full returns of the plebiscite [give a total majority for prohibition of 13,â€" 5‘5". Good (lors‘ets' forZS eis.: our regular 5ilt'l.(‘()1'.\l‘illlil'l7t'l.‘.: our 73 ('t, one for 70 cts. Atkinson & Switzer. “Var between lb-itain and Franev seemed imminent but hopes are lllr'\\' entertained that it may yet. be avertâ€" ed. Bevt Pit-Him: vinegar, 9c. quart: Hon -y syrup, 135 es. :1. qt. : Amber syrup, S) cts. a (1L, int cash. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. Hannah Thu-kholiler, widow of thelateJames liurkliohlt-l‘ of litigley was seized with a paralytic stroke on Friday night and died in a short time. Dereased was t's‘i years of age. Best B. liit'e t'ts.: Best l‘l)I ll :t-‘lli'l‘l ‘c., net .lapan best pure lard. & Switz-Ler. The Orillia laerossn team are senior- champions of the U. L. A. for the season of 1:493. The decisive match way played in the Rosedale Grounds on Thursday when they won as they liked from Urangeville by a score of 11 to 1. 5 bars Richards Pure Soap for 23c. : Ric rds 5 lb. Jubilee bar soap for 2.2 :1 cts. : 3 large bars, Weigh 81bs., for 24 cents, net cash. Atkinson 8: Hwitzer. Mr. Hunter, Registrar of Friendly Societies, has given judgment r-cfusing the. application of the Manitoba Society of the A. O. U. \V. for regis- teringr in Ontario. Madwa, Tea lï¬i‘. ('tv. package to 1‘4 t-ts, ; tea. is now 27 (ts, ; 25 ct. is 23 etc. kinson & Switzer. \Vest York hotel-keepers were fined last, week as follows :er-s. Lysaglrt, $30 and costs; Dan ,lSlea and costs ; Peter Iraing $20 and costs, and alike ï¬ne was imposed in a. second similar charge against the last narnud Laing. Royal Hafet y t gal. : the best. \Vhite Oil, 33c. per gal. Switzer. Hon. N. C. “'allaee has been ap- pointed by the Canadian Manufactur- ers’ Association to represent the as- sociation in “'aslrington when the. [n- ternational (‘omrnission meets there. His duties will be to look after the in" terests of the rnanufa<ture.-. and op- pose, as far: ' pos».ible, any legislation of a t-hara :er to injure Canadian manufactures in any treaty that may he made between Canada and the Uri-- ited States. our own package (leylon package reduced to 13$; 20 our 30 ct. Japan At- ‘anadian Oil, lGe. per- American \Vater Atkinson 8: .00? Oak Ridges Ilev. Yiir. Dymond of King Will preaeha Preparatory Sermon to the (‘ontirmatiotr candidates in Ht. John’s (‘huri-h on Sunday, at 3.3†p. or. On the followirrhr Monday. Nov. Tth, the Bishop of Toronto will hold (‘iontirma~ lion services at. 7.30 p. ll). Mr. [Larry Legge has sold his hotel property to the Metropolitan Railway Company. Mess s. (‘harles and Nelson Legge who are attending brisiness college in Toronto Were up over Sunday. ____._____.___â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"- Riparrs Tabulea cure dizziness. Ripans ’I‘abnles cure tor‘pid liver. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. ’._' i ‘3: " .‘i «r- .» -." .: a‘.~nh £1, Lâ€. t .1 want in prim! «a. l t t l lloi‘se blankets it), m7 “Tow in. Elli) l{l.'\'1ill}1ï¬â€˜,(iltl\t‘>itlltl Mitt i r l 'l'ruaks and \i Fri-rake Edgar and make and trim robes to (Any size), ' all at right prret-s. ' 9‘ s A; 3 9"? 6"“ Hid ammonia Q?“ . W Free mart: . â€"7Niir'tlr \szt and I‘iasiuLtt-l’iewan lhii ill-pairingr promptly . - 3 ;v ‘ . r a J 1.1: -w ’§‘l; 3 ‘ " . LL n h i. ,v .4, ,l' ‘ « l .i. .;\.r‘i i rll \l‘lll .l' l' i. in? l i .. . . ~. . x ., ‘:i .l A; I‘l. 5 i‘ i .-~ ‘i\, \\|i A; . 11.; _~"l‘ l'l _\ J. U\X‘r gun“. 5‘35 ‘ 2’ r ‘3 “"5" {Fug a up}. .mxmmrcl ,suiur mun.“ p rpm rE 3. ' it ’7- ‘ “leg ’5 w A ’2. t 4'" 5t) and .1 1M.) each. W’lMéiNS iii. $33.. 166 and 168 King Street rest, 3 doors west of George S‘s. 703T) llll.l. “SS SHOE? FOP. FIRS’XXL‘IHXEH HAND MA DE ï¬lm. léiNDEé. 833 A. Specialty. l-«o .u‘. Talo llizbi-s. Horse Blar: Leather Braces, of all kini alirres'. 1 also {at artnrtlets and trinnning in stock‘, order (lining attended to. {£713 (1â€. 31 CI) ONAIJD T. Mariana, REALIFEJEQ. Agent. for the following stock Fire Insurance Coinparrita, Viz.: Manchester, of Londonï¬ng, BRITISH AMERICA, OF TORONTO, CANADA. I â€"â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" _ lGORE, ()F GALT. A First class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coining ciim- parry for the farnmrs of York ()0. Business Solicitrd. J. The undersigned has for sale a large number of Steers and heifers. from one to three years old. Also fresh milch cows. ll. F. HOPPER. 2â€"tf Richmond llill. "i‘rï¬iwiistj‘ iii Life Asaarance {30. OF CANADA Assurea on all the lll‘rilJll pains. and is one of the most prosperous and Pl‘wll’dbhl‘d CULLIlltllllt‘?‘ lll UXlSlULhJ. New life applications In rwt . .>}iii.~goi\,204,1 Assets. Hlst Dec,1h{lt 41’. ', €111.13 Life assuranm in force. 1st. Jarr, ’95. ill,tl_’*."~tlll.7l Premiums low. ptillt'lus llllt onilitninal and nonhu-fertablu. Take a policy with the district. agent, T. F. MCMAHON. gimrE $1.00 it! l E! H “.5 VANEE. La 9 ! RICHMOND HILL Eilcur ox' ., jour own mill by buying your Flour, Cracked Wheat, Wheat Grits, Whole Meal And other mill products at our mill, where you will Patroniz get a good article at a reasonable price. Gristing axial Clapping Promptly attended to __._,_ l times its sons. Agents. Book business is better than for I years past; also have better and l faster selling books. Agents clearing i from $1†to $10 weekly. A. few lead~ ers are :77!" Queen Victoria,†“Life of Mr. Gladstone," "My Mother‘s Bible Stories," “ Progressive. Speaker,’ “ Klondike Gold Fields,†“ \Vornan,‘ “Glimpses of the Unseen," “Break- fast, llinner and Supper." Books on time. liltAl)l.EY-(lARRETHON(‘0 I t i , LmrrEri, 'l‘ortox'ro. l