Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1898, p. 5

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:1 .1»i<."â€"r€41' iiiâ€"1.1.»: Ma. .. «car; an: T.2‘;.>.;..xz .~.:.';Li.‘.". vg . . . .. ' '3’ t c e. Willi THE Plfl’jllit‘ LillllARY. ‘ iii 3?. "¢ 3'", The Public Lil/i“. [in ‘!l have :2" {‘9 3v R; Q kmade ill‘l'illlh m “.13 . M it t \ imoria "L: ‘Biiiistrels. i‘or Mil". In I ‘tli enter»- , 7 a'élii'llilt‘lll lll lilo ' lilic lull. on Birthday“ 1; ,i, r'.,‘,,.m':,,.r,_l 1;. 5593, laiiksqiting er 11...“. inure '. r-__..--. .7" .s ... fl 'A-o'c. Zli‘n. TIL: til i"\' (Hilliltl‘.ll i‘lliil‘el‘; lll‘ 'l'ui'nilto (' ii-l" given ~' : s. ‘i .J 1.4 iihfij 4.9. “45‘”, at. the Epâ€" i-y‘Jz-rlainzna-ui> for :\' oi the city churclu ~ and oi iii-r oi; v.ll'/.';tlllllS, mm the press is loud ;'i pi rising; illl'll' per- il' limit Fl ill-1y is liollwall Vol-1h lwaguc. Subject. “Tt‘lllpl'rt- t'oriiimlv-as. lliil~ ‘K'lll wont ill a low lion.” Read Aiatt. ir. ,days givrng on: 'nu-‘wi-s The coinâ€" . ' , puny numbers turn: 3' pr: i'o: mors. Htovc pipes 5 rig-u at (‘. Mason s. , . ‘ Two de’. wide il’l"l (iilut'lntl‘. that 'l‘iiic Lila-1:: '1, and ‘».".'.r-cl;ly Mail & X.) Wm‘nt 4;, pt. mm L nth]... nil. Empire to new r«l‘.ll.~"‘1‘il)I-l’ one _\'('.tl‘1l"ll' mm. iLC(..; 110m!) $1.310, or thice months for $53 tents. now up. (“HIP As our Cross lilo: .> correspoiulz-utI V" V _ would say, Principal “Connian now. 1;“,th “Hr-,5, Hm, M p ifi “Hugh. Wears a broad «.m e! ‘ “3-, h. ,j , 5.. m”. “was '7" 7 d l school 'owo‘a \Ve sell for l Grocer-iv that . ‘:::;il)‘ lrnlhiut‘lth oil into i: thy him an tissue at Atkinâ€" sou LR: Switzer. haughtoii Bros, lllgin Mills. LA DIES HUN 1'} .ll ii'ltNAL. The Thanksgiving: I.:ulies' Home. Journal ni-zrks the tiftwiitii anniverâ€" sarv (it that \vitlc'rj.‘ road magazine. which now sell»; tliiilflifliv copies each month, and its editor rerimvs its past under the unique heading “Fifteen Years of Mistakva.” ll W'Hilllt: his plans for its iinprow-ment and for its great.- ei- usefulness in the l‘lli‘ illustrations typiii~~s “Thanksgiving in the (Tountrv. " and another of photo- graphs is filled v.ith s (gt-st ions for decorations etc” for “Thanksgiving in the Church." “The Anecdotal Side of Mr. . ioody" reveals the chief charac- teristics of the great- evangclist in a succession of llli’t‘l‘l‘SlllltI; stories. and “My first Fight in the Jungle" is Hen- ry M. Stanley‘s narrative of the first of his journeys into Africa. (3. Mason s lit: the Imperial Oxford range below city prices. 'I‘o-inorrow thriday) at the, Junior League, Rt v. Mr. Laige will address the. members on the subject. “ Me and llim.” A full attendance is requt sted. I-‘lanueietts that were lilo, now 9c. : that were 7c., now (inn, net cash. Ab kinson .8; SWll’Zer. t . For Christmas numbers of The Mail- Empire and The. Globe. leaVc youi 0r- ders at Tun LIBERAL othce. A Court for the revision of Vaughan townships votcrs’ list was held at Maple on Tuesday, and at Pine Grove yesterday v, hen number of names were added and some struck otl'. Sarnia \Vater \‘Chiie Oil. We. per gal. ; Telephone inatclu a tie. per box ; Dominion matches be, per box, net cash. Atkinson t\' Suit/er. POPULAR Ill£.~XDlNG. ‘Ve, have receivvd from The. Poole Printing Company, Limited. Toronto, {1 copy of “ llis Biotin-1’s Keeper,” by Charles M, Sheldon, the well known author of "In His Steps.“ This is not only a delightfal story. told in an in- teresting manner. but is full of help- fulness. One of the great est problems of the day is ably dealt. with. The scenes in the Iiiinilig region are based upon events which occurred during the. great strike among the iron ini- ners in the summer of 1.905, and which were witnessed by the author. Every- one should read it. The above named company have already published seven of Slicldon’s books. and every one is having a very large sale. The titles of the others are : “ Overcoming the. \Vorld," “The Crucifixion of Philip You can buy everything in the stove and hardware line as cheap or cheaper than in the city. 0. Mason. Highest price alloWed for good Butter and Eggs in exchange for goods. Atkinson 8; SWitzen Quarterly services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday morning commencing at10.30. Rev. Geo. Brown of Toronto, will assist the pastors. Lining we?reely sold for 15c. now 13.3; for 13c., now 12; for 10c., now 9; for Sc. now 7. Atkinson & Swit- zer. You can get the \Veekly Globe or Weekly Mail and Empire from the present. date until the end of the 19th century for fifty cents by taking them in connection with THE LIBERAL. \‘Vhat is known as the “ Forward Movement ” in Evangelistic Work and Bible study, in connection with the Stl‘ongynn “_R“h5‘1‘t Hardy’s S‘cven Epworth League, will he inaugurated Daysv . 111011311}, Bl‘llfft‘. and The hyasermon by Rev. G. Mcculioch on Twentieth Door. For sale by all the morning of Sunday, November dealers. Or, if your dealer cannot supply them, any one book will he sent. postpaid for 25 cents. or any six for $1.00, by sending; to The. Poole Printing Company. Limited, 28 and 30 Melinda Street, Toronto, 3,:.,;;‘r},0‘ 13th. The Imperial Oxford Range has all the latest improvements and sells for less than any other make the same size. C. Mason. Factory cottons we sold for 6c., are i each 7c. a. can: Red Salmon, now at ; for S cts., are. now 7c. : for 9 cts., are now S cts, cash. AtlilllSOIl 6: Switzer. Fresh I'Cippered Chickens. 9c. per can, net cash. Atkinson it: Switzcr. There is quite a rush for new books at the Public Library. The first iii- stallment has been catalogued and placed on the shelves, and the balance of a $100 order is expected in a few weeks. Ladies’ Black Cashmere Hose, that were good value at 25 cts., now 23c. ; Ladies’ Vests for 240. were 25c. At- :‘kinson & Switzcr. IT IS INDEED A BEAUTY. We have receivr-d a copy of the pre- mium picture given to subscribers of the “FAMILY HERALD dz \VEEK- LY STAR,” of Montreal. It is the fa- mous battle scene picture. by the cele- brated artist, Robert Gibb, entitled “THE THIN RED LIN I.” It is, iii- deed, a beautiful picture. “Family Herald and Vile-clin Star" pictures are. always superior to those given by oth- er weekly papers. They are not out of place in the best art galleries of the world. The publishers of the “Family Herald and “’eekly Star” have cer- tainly sui'paSScd all previous efforts this year, both in regard to the picture and paper. “The Family Herald and \Veekly Star” and the, picture, “THE THIN RED LINE” is certainlya great combination for One Dollar. The rush of subscriptions, renewal and new, has .begun two months earlier than usual this year, so great is the anxiety for Canadians to be in possession of one. of the pictures and to have their names entered on the “Family Herald" Sub- scription list. '0. Mason wil lsell you any make of .stove you are struck on at. bottom QI'ICCS. King Plowing Match is being held on the farm of Mr. T. H. Legge, secâ€" .ond lot below Temperanceville to-day. 'The ladies of the Methodist church .will furnish supper for the plowmen. ~judges, and the public generally. and later in the evening Rev. J. E. Lancely of Toronto, will deliver a. lecture in the church on the subject One Another. ~ Tun LIBERAL and The Weekly Globe-Will be given to new subscribers from the present. date to the end of 1899 for $1.50. As a trial trip both of these papers will be given to the end of the present year for 35 cts. Green coffee reduced to 9 cts ; the 00d coffee that we sold freely at 20c, resh ground is now 18c. Atkinson & Switzer. The meanest and most dangerous of the so-callcd jokes on Hallowc’en, that we have heard of, was perpetrated op- osite Mr. Thcs. Palmer’s house at the , out of the hill, where some person or persons placed a gate on the track of- the Metropoliton Railway. The 9 o’clock car coming up was within a yard of the gate befiore motorman Prichard was able to stop it. Evi- dence which will lead to the discovery of the perpetrators will ensure the latter to a free trip to Kingston. Full cream cheese, 10!; cts. new cleaned currants, 70. per lb, ; the best selected new Raisins, 7% cts. per lb. Atkinson & Switzer. Commencement Exercises at the High School. Friday, Oct. 28th, was the day set apart by our Board of Education for the holding of the annual commence- ment exercises. The general pro- gramme consisted of an afternoon of sports and an entertainment in the evening at which the certificates and diplomas were presented to the suc- cessful pupils. In the afternoon there were two football matches in the park, which created no small amount of enthus- iasm. The first match was between a junior team of the High School and a Sugarâ€"35les sugar, $1.00; 3 cans good salmon, 25 cts; 6 lbs. Corn junior team from \Voodbridgc-Acadâ€" S‘ta-rch, 20 cts. ; 0' lbs. Tapioca, 25c. ; emy, while the second match was be- 25 cts. tween senior teams from the .sainc iii- stitutions. The juniors averaged about 125 lbs. in weight, and, although young, played good ball. The match lasted for nearly an hour, and at the, . 2 lbs Tea, black and green, Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. NO MORE TICK ! Several of the merchants of this section of country have made up their minds that to do business by the Cash System is the better and safer way. Those who have made announcements .during the past week are Messrs. At- kinson a Switzer of this village, and Mr. R. S. Thomson and H. C. Bailey of Maple. No doubt, the move is a good one, and in the end will be better for 'both buyer and seller. team had scored a goal. The seniors then took the field and played for one hour, when darkness stopped the game. The result in this match was the same as in the former, for neither side suc- ceeded in scoring. Both teams in both matches acquitted themselves well. and the. best of it all “as that l there Was not the slightest unpleasant- .\..pageof " The best corn. peas and tomatoes, I 9c. : ‘; mmkys pork ,md Rams. 5c_ 1,”. can. ; l and bring pictures made to represent .1. shrubs-1" / ‘ close the result was a tie, as neither vJuSdIV‘A-Lf'.»:u vA . ness or display of temper to roar the sport. The whole pl-iy was (-ntirelv free from roughness. and was the best We have seen here, for a long time. The referee in the junior match Was Mr. Laiigztlon of \Voeilbl‘idg‘l‘. and Ml“. (‘oombs of Richmond liill (lid that duty in the senior match. The names of the play l‘s‘ are: .ll' in: El. ’l‘t‘ll. \\‘tllll1lii'l‘ iii :41. (i. liajcstead; backs. ll. ' llm-e. il. \Vhit‘more; half-barks. (3. Jim Ire. T. Sawdoii. A. llarris: forward 5). McClure, (i. Mela-an. il. .‘ucl‘lrilie. N. .iflmeler. J. TlHIillthll. 'ilt'lllll'ltlll Hill rtroa backs. i". ii :ves, ti. 1 Jackson; E. l’ei'i-yiiian ; halfâ€" lmcks. (l. (Tl‘io‘loi'tl, ti. Lane. R. Kors- ‘ r will: lorwarzis. .l. iiadWeii, (l. Klinck, “1 Lindsay. if. Humble, l1. Heifer. Hr‘VloR MATCH. “'oodl‘ridfzer- Goal. G. Elder: backs. Art. \‘i'allis. .\li. \Vallis; half-backs K. l'aiiigdon, T. “'aliace. H. Royal forwards. (E Peters, F. llowntrcc, L. \Vallaec. \E'. McClure. (l. \Vliitiuore. Richmond Hill (load, A. Savage;‘ ' backs. (l. 'l‘t‘asliale, J. ’l‘royer: half- backs. (‘. Teawlalc, J. U, :‘dcllonald, It. Kerswiil: forwards, .l, Teasdale. (l. Malloy. \‘C. Trench. \V. Atkinson. \Vyc. Trench. The exercises closed with an enjoyâ€" able entertainment giVen in the even- in}.r in the Masonic Hall, which was packed to the doors. M. Naughtou. Esq. chairman of the Board, presided and in his opening remarks expressed his pleasure in seeing such a large audience before him. Rev. Dr. .I. ll. Tecfy. Principal of St. Michael‘s Colâ€" lege, foimerly a Richmond Hill High School boy, presented the Certificates and diplomas to successful pupils at the Summer examinations. congratulated teachers. pupils and trustees on the efiiciency of the liigh School. The following presentation: were. made : CERTIFICATES. Form I.â€"â€"Agnes Boyle, Maurice Botliain, \Vilfrid Ball, Oliver Crawâ€" ford, Ethel Jefferson, Roy Kirby. Garrie Lane, Frank Storey, John Troycr. Form II.â€"Frank BoWeS, Ewart. Ball (honors). Emma Byam, Cecil Klinck, Hattie. Risebrough, lariic Shunk. Louie Liindy. Form 111. Gertrude Grant, David Hewitt, Harold Kcfier, Percy Kcll‘cr, Etta. Richardson. MATRICULATION PART 1. Alex. Boyle, Rich. Knight, Malloy, N. Naughton. MATRICULATION. Lorne Morris, Gertrude Grant, Har- old Keller. Percy Kelfcr. LEAVING DIPLOMAS. Gertrude Grant, David Hewitt, Har- Jld Kctl'er, Percy Kett’or, Etta Rich- ardson. Miss Ethel Switzer and Mr. A. J. Hume sang solos, and the Mendelssohn Choristers, and the pupils of the school under the direction of Mr, J. H. Sandâ€" ersuu, gave a number of lively and ap~ propriate choruses during the evening. Mr. F. J. Johnston, B. A., gave some physical and chemical experiments, Chas. Shakespeare and Bacon who answered a large number of difficult (P) questions put to them by Principal Coomhs; cre- ated a great deal of amusement. But the most interesting part of the pro- gramme was the presentation of sev- eral scc nes from “ Macbeth,” which was given with good effect with the following cast of characters : Macbeth . . . . . . Mr. F. J. J ohnston.B.A. Lady Macbeth . . ..Miss Emma Byam Banquo . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. J. G.McDonald Fleaucc . . . . . . . . . . Mr. F. M. Johnston Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Alex. Boyle Gciitlcwoman . . . . . . . . Miss Ella Marsh Messengers. . . .Messrs. C. Teasdale and H. Proctor The parts were all well taken, but of course the leading characters were. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The former was the. picture of remorse as he faltered in perpetrating the terrible tragedy of murdering Duncan, the Scottish king, but little wonder is it that. he finally yielded to the over- iiiastering persuasions of the latter, whosc ruling motive was an ambition to be queen of Scotland. The young actress showed a power of intellect, a determination of purpose, and a. strength of nerve seldom seen among amateurs. The costumes and scenery although not expensive answered every purpose, and everybody seemed more than pleased with the evening’s programme. The proceeds after paying expenses netted about $40, which will be used in the purchase of books for the High School Library. The teachers, Messrs. and after- I wards gave, an address in which he' “:3 fimmmwwmnc >> mm” Sn 1;.â€" r MW“ - a . f"). K». . tfl it‘d-L. M}; cur“ Up to the present, time, we have done partly a credit business. li‘tii‘tunately the credit part has got down to small dimensions, and now in justice. to the cash principle we feel we. must make a change. After full considcra» lion we. have decided that, on and after November 1st. ‘ next; we will strictly ent‘orcc the Cash System in connec- 'i tion with our business. 1 It is needless to call attention to the losses incurred i in running a credit business, such as interest, bad debts, l 810., as the great majority of people are fully aware of its l disadvantages, and recognize the " Cash System " as the ‘ coi‘rcct business principle, beneficial alike to buyer and seller. w. marry}! . mmmvnwâ€"mwmâ€" mm" w .L l _ . ‘ gt. 3 Standing as we do directly between the world 5 pro- ducers of our different. lines of goods, and the consumers " of Richmond Hill and surrounding townships, we realize i‘ our position to be one of public service, and hesitate not to declare it to be our ambition to make this service the most efficient. to be found in Canada. This ideal position we fccl can only be reached through the “ Cash Systt'u." with the worry and leaks of the credit system cut oil", and the energy heretofore ex- pended in entering, rendering and collecting accounts turned into the channel of widcnwake business manage- ment, we believe we will occupy a vantage ground far in advance of our present position. We have no intention by this action to reflect on any. In obedience to our convictions we adopt a rule of business which we are firmly convinced will be ad« vantagcous to our customers, as well as to ourselves, and task for the hearty ccâ€"opcration of all in the mutual i interest. .m.‘ I V,” L?“ ' l {35% mwwwowmww 1898* it FIRE PROOF 5 Jâ€" i (Joombs and Johnston, are to be con-- gratulated not only on the success of the entertainment but on the good feeling which pervades the school and school. section. DEATHS Pownr.Lâ€"At-Richmond Hill. on Tuesday, Nov. lat. Levin. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Powell, aged 3 years. 11 months. ‘25 days. KELLYâ€"At Headford, on Thursday morning, Nov. 3rd, John Kelly, aged 43 yearn. Funeral from his late residence on Sunday, Nov. 6th, at 1 o'clock p. in. Sale Register. WnoNxsnAv.Nov.9â€"Cmdih sale of stock. im- plements, Sic... noar Woodbridge, the prop- err-v of Win. A stewai't. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch pmVided. Terms 11 Suigcon & McEwen, auctioneers. SATURDAY, Nov. 12â€"Auction mile of Sherwood store and dwelling, the property of E. Chapman. Sale at‘lo’clockp Lu. Eckardb dz Prentice. auctioneers. THURSDAY. Nov.17thâ€"~Auctiou sale of stock, im- plements, 650. at the Golden Lion Hotel, Lansing, Terms 10 months. Eckartlt & Prentice. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Nov. QSâ€"Ul'ellib sale of [arm stock, implements, &c., on lot. 17. 2nd con. 01' Vaughan. the property of GM). Deudmmi. Salon.“ o'clOi-k shaip. Term! 12 months. Eclmrdb 61 Pmntimns. liil’arties getting their bills printed at this Oflice will receive a. notice similar to the above FREE on CHARGE months. ’ Sale at 1 o'clock. - Floor Oilcloth, GOOD QUALITY, 2 Yards Square, 85 cents ISAAC-CROSBY} Richn‘iond Hill HARDWARE - STORE. Is on hand with the latestand'best makes of com. Also other makes of.ranges;. Stove Pipes, _ Elbows, And everything in the stove. and heatinglinc. All kinds of Tin & Hardware at bottom prices. Repairing Promp'tly Done :0. MASON, - RICHM no BILL

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